Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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    -4 a
fou rent
Famished lloaaekeeplaa; Rnnmi.
FURNISH KD housekeeping mom; walk
ing distance; stsm heate-1. D. 7K.
Hotels ana HMNariu,
OUroHNIA Hotel. 14th and CeHrala.
Weekly rates V and up lru(iti Tii
DODGE HOTKl, Modern Reasonabla
Ilooeee ana Cottaa-ea.
ALL s'ses. $8 per month up. W7 Part on.
Hanscom Park
Six rooms, alt modern, nioa lot,
hade trees, paved street, near car.
American Security Cq
Douglas 6013, Walnut 3037 or
Harney 2616.
STRICTLY modern 5-room rottage, hot
water heat; close In, walking distance,
408 Lincoln Blvd.. $25. Apply W. ii.
I o trance. Doug, 62ft, or Harney 315L
$20 6-roora and laundry, all mod. except
furnace. ZK.T Chicago. Call II, 25.
KLBOANT 8-roora modern brick apart
ment, newly decorated, $o0 per month;
146 & 28th St.
Frame flat. 1129 8. 9th St., rooma
raw plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor,
large yard, tree a, ahrubbarjr; MO par
months a bargain.
T03 8. list Ava Phone Harney 143.
' S-r. bungalow. Dundee $46.00
4)-r. atone bungalow, modern 30. 0)
8-r. modern, except heat: near car.. 2o
7-r. Large living room 30.00
S-r. Never occupied ...... 23.60
a-r. Modern. Paved Btreot- a. 00
Douglas 5013. Wal. 3167 or Har. 2845. o.
8-R. BRICK, part mod , extra good. $13.
No children. 8038 & tfth. Red 4902. o
$3u.0o- rooma. 8412 N. 24th. Web. 1671.
WALKING distance to the city, 8-room
modern home. 2716 Dewey Ave.; price,
30. F. J. Fltsgersld. 827 Board ot Trade,
IX. 4318.
-r.. modern. Tl 8. S7th St. 7-r., modern.
8614 Lav. St, good location. Web. 2590.
MODERN 8-atory house, 1 rooma; never
occupied: new furnace; 8-X). Doug. 8068.
!fU Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, mod., M.
2iil6 Beward, 8 rooms, bam, $16.
MB f. 2sth. 6 rooms. $10.
!70f Farnam, 8 rooma, mod.. M.
410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, mod., 8 baths. $46.
1716 Howard, 6 rooms, mod., $20. Othera.
RINOWALT, Brandwla Theater Bldg.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packa. ships; 8-tiorso van
and S men. $1.25 per nr.; storage $3 per
mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4S3S A Ty. 230.
We have) a complete list of all nouses,
apartments and fats that are for rent.
This list can bo seen free of charge at
Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. 806 So. 16th St.
11$ N. nth Bt.
Phone i' or Web. 1383.
nn,,COI1m ail parta of the city.
UOUSea creigh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg.
Van and Stor
age Co., Large
vim, 2 men, $1.60
$L2o per br. 1218
per nr.. y..y, a men,
Webster. Doug. 14.
7 rooma, modern, hot water heat. 8519
Hawthorne Ave.. $15. Benson &. Myers
Co... 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. o
a J. C. Reed
Exp. n., moving,
packing & storage
1207 Farnam. D. 6148.
A LL MOD. 6-r. house, $20. Web. 2&19.
616 8. 13TH ST., room 22x 40, $15.
423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633.
HI! N. 19th St., 8 rail., all modern.. 8.oO
2514 Jones St., 6 .rms., all modern... 30.00
1HOM1SV4 S. 22J St., rms., all mod.. 30.00
1773 8. 9th St., 6 rms., all modern.. 20.00
8404 Military Ave., i rma, part mod.. 16.00
8331 Fowler Ava, 6 rms., part mod.. 13. SO
2014 Charles St., 6 rms., part mod... 12.60
617 8. 26th St., 8 rms., part mod 9.00
423 Bee Hldg. Dougloa
7-R. mod. house, 2204 Burdett. H. 1149.
Storea and Office.
Good Locations and
Reasonable Prices
For Offices in the First-Class,
"The building that Ifl always new."
150.00 709 S. 16th St., very desirable
storeroom, opposite New castle
Hotel, 20x60, Hteam heat. Suitable
ror rixture store, tailor snop, etc.
rhoneP.736. "lty Nat l Hank Bldg.
flowntown stores. U H. Hill, 2M Bran. Th.
' .'WO modern stores near postotflce; low
4.600 aq. ft., $30, one-story brick, on
trackage. 1019 N. 17th St.
Tyler 118. State Bank Bldg.
PET Kaplan's prices for d hanaV fvrn.,
shoes, clothes, before selling. Wtb. 7603.
L'SED laundry machinery. Would not
consider machinery not up to date. Ad
dress K 653, Bee.
OFF1CH lurnltuie bought, and sold, J.
C Heed. VM Far nam. Doug. 6144.
HAMILTON CO., tue only gentile second
hand stole In OnuU-a. 1719 Cuming. D.
Vvij BUY 2d-hand clothea. ua N. MltT.
iuiJHt-bT prloea for furniture. Web. soL
xala buy every thing 2d nand. Tyler lils.
California. fi
HAVE an attractive California propoul.
tion for Omaha income. Addreaa J 617,
care Be o
Dream of
An Ideal Home
Situated in the famous Sacramento
valley, close to the capital of California
and only a few hours' ride from San
Francisco; served by twenty-two passen
ger trains dally on two main lines of
railway, and ample freight service to
carry your products to the market over
night. Good schools, churches, telephones,
electric light and mall delivery.
Dairying in
Live Oak Colonies
Dairying la a most profitable buslneas
In the Sacramento valley. A dairy cow
produces from $4 to $lu per month when
pastured on alfalfa. One acre will sup
port one cow. The creamery buvlness In
the valley la well organized and great
competition prevails. The creameries call
and collect dally. Thla keen competition
insures lair treatment and the highest
market prices. We can give you names
ot dairymen In our vicinity whose cut
average $iuu each per year,
drl A reserves you 10 acres or more of
PAv our net, Colony land. Inspection
can be made any time within six months.
Prices $l5 per acre and up. TERMS 10
Excursion Feb. 9. BOUND TRIP, $oO,
good to all California points. Purchaser's
railroad far credited on their purchase.
J11; City Nat. Bank BMg ,
Omaha, NtU
( ole-ratlo,
found' another momkstkap-jsi
aeres In settled country; rich farmland,
not ssnri; only J00. riling fees and all.
J. A. Tracy. Fort Morian, Colo.
"l planted 10 acres of Irish w
tatoea today. No more Ice, unow
and rheumatism for me." This Is
the last sentence of letter Just re
ceived from one of our Rivervlew
Farms, Florida, customer. While
the northern farmer is planting coal
In the stove and corn and hay In
hi stock, our Florida farmers are
planting potatoes that the northern
reople will be buying In April at
from 8 to JO centa a Pound. These
potatoes a 111' bo gathered In time
for a corn crop and this corn crop
will be followed by a third crop.
By proper rotation the land la Im
proved. If this sounds good to you. Join
our excursion on February Id or
mth. Call or write for fuil infor
M2 Paxton Block,
Omaha. Neb,
acres of alfalfa, 3 mllea from Pacific
Junction. Price. $100 per acre; $4,009 cash,
balance terms. J. E. Downing, owner.
Pacific Junction, la
FOR SALE 2.240 acres fine wheat laal
near Richfield, Morton Co., Kansas.
Price, 87 per acre. Will sell part or all
to suit purchaser. Terms cash. Addrvis
owner, li J. McAnarney, Farxneravll.e,
111.. K. F. D. No. 2
160 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du
lutti, on the Sbo Hue, 4 inliea from rail
road town; 70 acres under cultivation,
balance wooded pasture and some good
meadow; no waste land; fair set build
ings; near school; land borders on beauti
ful lake; complete set machinery; 12$
chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy
and everything on the placa goes at i)
per acre; one-half caah. Schwab Broa.,
Iu28 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
240-ACRJ3 Improved farm near town In
corn belt of Minnesota. Has a good
S-roora house and other buildings. auO
acroa under cultivation, balance timber
and pasture with running water. $40 per
acre, easy terms. Farmers I,and Co.,
Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Mlrn. o.
Your Last Chance For This
It is nearly the first ot February and
time you were getting busy If you are
going to get on your new home this
spring You only have one month the
month of February, the shortest month
In ail the year, with which to make your
choice and get moved and located during
the first part of March. If you let this
slip by through procrastination, you
will bo Just one year behind and there
is no excuse for letting this slip by there
in no time like the present and. If you
let this spring slip by without getting
located on a home or your own, then,
when wheat Is selling at from 11. ro in
82 a bushel next fail, and you are still
grinding away at your Job In town or
still grinding away on your rented farm,
where you have to give the landlord
from one-third to two-fifths of every
bunhel you raise, you will wish that you
had acted. You can come here with
your eyes shut and choo place: that
will mako you good money '. Vs utterly
Impossible to get beat by taking any
thing from my Hat, for I have been very
careful with my llstmenta and have
chosen only those that are bargains.
Therefore, Just because there may lie a
little cold spell on or perhaps a little
snow on the ground or some other little
thine that Is not Just so plcaaant as it
might be, 'Is no excuse for delaying an
other year, or no excuse for delaying
until ao late in the spring that you will
be . away behind with all your work.
I will mako you any reasonable terms
that you esk; I. will even fit you out
with horses and machinery If you want
them and, if necessary, I will even give
you terms on these If you will pay from
one-third to one-half caah. Read the
following descriptions and then don't let
littlo things enter In to keep you from
coming and taking advantage of an op
portunity that will make you and your
family well fixed fur all future times.
Here is an abbreviated Hat of offoringa
you can shut your eyes and choose a
bargain by placing your finger on either
one of them. Come at once and get lo
cated and get In a good, big crop for
1916 market take advantage of oppor
tunity: H. No. 1. 160 a., 4 m. Belmont; 8 m.
Marsland; laya fine, some timber, 145
A. can be farmed. Per A $14.00
II. N. S. 160 A., m. Glen upon the
Big Pine Ridge tabic. All well grassed.
Per A $14.00
H. No. 12.-240 A. J14 m. Crawford, 30 A.
cultivated, 2U0 A. can be cultivated. All
well grassed. Per A $24.0u
H. ,No. 13.-160 A. 4 M. Crawford; all
under cultivation, nearly all susceptible
to farm. Good dark soil with clay sub
soil. Per A $50
II. No. 14 1H0 A. 6 M. Crawford, 150 A.
under cultivation; 100 A. into winter
wheat; good dark soli with olay sub
soil. Per A $48
II. No. 15. 10 A. 4 M. Crawford, unim
proved; well grassed; all can be farmed.
Per A $30
II. No. 17.-M0 A. 4 M. Marsland, email
house in poor repair; 30 A. under cul
tivation; all can be cultivated. Per
A $J4
H. No. IS. 318 A. Joins townslte of Craw
ford, well Improved; 116 A. under cul
tivation, 30 A. Alfalfa; running water;
nice lake. A good buy at per A $16
H. No. 30 3iD A. 7 M. Crawford, 70 A.
under cultivation: nice house, good
bam, sheds and corrals. Nearly all of
place can be farmed. You never had a
bigger bargain offered you than this
at per A US
II. No. 31. -ISO A. 3 M. Wliltney, all under
cultivation; all lays good. Per A $-8
H. No. i2. 1.HS0 A. fi M. Crawford; Im
proved; has running water, hmall lake
and some timber, per A $19
H. No. 83 10 A. 1 M. Crawford: 60 A.
under cultivation; luo A. can be culti
vated; fine place for a home. Per A. $33
K. No. 34.-16o A. 2 M. Whitney; unim
proved; 130 A. can be farmed; has run
ning water; will make nice close to
town hnme. Per A g
H. No. 85-83) A, 2 M. Whitney; all under
cultivation; lays nice and ia excellent
soli. Per A
H. No. 41. 6W A. 8 M. Crawford; 150 A.
cultivated; some Improvements; smnll
house, frame barn, aheds, etc: OiiO
acres can be farmed; running water
and aome timber. Per A $27.50
11. No. 44-lfiO A. 1 it. Crawford,- house,
small bam. aheds and corrals; running
water: aome timber; J20 A. under cul
tivation. Per A $3
H. No. 63. 3.500 A., some alfalfa and 200
or 300 A. under cultivation; 1 good set
improtemenU; 2 other smaller sets. A
world of timber; some 'saw timber.
Place Is all fenced and cross-fenced.
One of the best ranches in the west and
only T M. from Crawford. Per A $n
H. No. 57427 A. 3 M. Crawford: good
house, barns, sheds, corrals; 1U0 A. ciU
tivalted; 36u A. can be cultivated; Mg
bargain at per A $30
t ome at once today If you please, and
get in on the ground floor.
Arah h. Hungerford,
Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska.
I have two central Nebraska ranches
that for good reasons must be sold, and
can now be boutiht at a small fraction of
their actual worth.
One la a 1,120-arr combined grain and
fctock ranch, with excellent Improvements
and all well fenced, 3u0 acrea good val
ley farm land, luo acres now In wheat;
owner's home for 30 years; In good neigh
borhood and only 8 miica to Ii. R. ton.
Price $.-0.uiX); part terms.
3.720-acre sto k rsnrh. has plenty farm
land on it: cuts hay for all the stock It
will carry; entire ranch well grassed anj
watered by a stream. Lots of improve
ments and all well fenced. Only 7 mi'es
from l. R. town. Price. $17.50i; will carry
ba.-k W.OXI to $0u0. Get busy If yu want
either ot these bersains.
W. W. Ml TCI I ELI ,
lo Spencer t., Ouiaiia. Neb.
Bargain for Cash
Will accept best rash offer received
within next two weeks for eiulty In 80
acres 2V miles from Long I'tne. Neb.
W rite owner, G. L Isirson. 1911 Norton
Ave., Kansas I'ltv, Mo. o
FOR SALE Hy owner, one of the best
' of land In southeastern Neb., well
Improved, close to town, church , and
school: easy tvm. Address Y J4!, pee.
414 Barker lilk.. Omaha.
Pells, exchanges Neb. farms and ranches
SECTION Kimball Co. Gross. ilOl Paul'
Mew Vera.
MAN of misfortune, beie. ia chance for a
happy change: 76-acre farm, t-room
house, 2 barns, $ henneries; price, with 10
cons, $2.i; $MX cash. $100 yearly.
Don't give up In dismay because ham
mers are thrown Instead of bouqueta
v-acr rivervlew farm in R. R. Vlllaae,
new basement burn, new 8-room house,
10 cows; price. $3.5no; $so cash. tiC yearly.
It. R. fare to-Turchaer. Write for photos.
24? R Paltna St., Syracuse. N. Y.
Upper Wisconsin
Best uairy and general crop etnte In the
union: settlers wanted. Ijindn for sale at
low prices on easy terms. Ask for book
let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land
Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising.
It Interested In fruit lands ask for book
let on Apple Orchards. Address Land and
Industrial Dupartraent, Boo Line Railway,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Safe Investments
While all other business ami other pur
suits were suffering from financial em
barrassments, the farmera ot Neuraska,
according to the Deartment Statistics,
received $3!.000,0o) mere for the 1914 crop
than for the 1913 crop. The Increase In
profits of stock raising also advanced
The increased Immigration following
the European war will enhance values,
making the Investment more profitable.
Here are some prime lands:
Wa have two ranches In the Niobrara
Val!ev, Northern Box Butte Co.. Neb.,
2.040 acres snd 2.0N0 acres. No sand, black
Inam. 90 per cent can be farmed. This
locality Is successful at both stock raising
and fanning.
1,209 acres Improved Sioux Co., Neb.,
three springs, soma alfalfa.
4S0 acres prairie land northwest of
Winnipeg, Canada.
160-eere well Improved farm, 90 acres
tinder cultivation, In Emmons Co., Da
kota 40 acres, four miles north of Florence,
Neb. I
ALL PRICED RldltT. Might consider
some exchange If property Is priced right.
Traver Bros.,
705 Omaha National Rsnk Bldg.
FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmera
farm, 80 acres, muck prairie land.
Uphoff. 4o9 Times Bldg.. at. Louis. Mo.
KJlKD Abstract Co., oiaeat abstract ot
tics in Nebiaaka. w E -adeis Theater.
KaitH Title uuaraoiee and A ua tract cot,
a modern abstract ultice. M sV. 1U Bt
Phone Douglas &47.
CITY and farm loans, s ofe, ' per cent.
J. H. Dumont & Co.,l)-3 Farnam, Omalia
WANTED City louna and warrants. W,
Fa l nam Smith e Co., 13M Farnam.
Iluo to liu.vuu made promptly. F. D. Weed,
Wead Bldg., Wth and Farnam Bts.
OMAHA home. East Nebraska tarma
1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715.
0 810-812 Brandela Theator ttidg.
ClTY property. Large loans a epeclwlty,
W, 11. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg.
MONEY on band for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg.
SEE us first If you Want farm loan.
United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb.
WANTED City loans. . Patera Trust Co.
Highly Improved farm of ito aoraa
Land ad laya fine and ia excellent soli.
Will exchange lor good Omaaa residence.
$15 Brandela Theater, Omaha, Neb.
Dougiaa 391C
bua, O., property, two lots Thornburg
addition, one lot Burlington addition,
Omaha; all free of Incumbrance. Address
owner, J. A. Hartley, bt N. High St.,
Columbus. O.
WILL exchange well located, productive
Calltornla land, for good tarm. Address
L 619, care Bee. o
' Acreage or
City Lots
Which is the nest to Invest In, a city
lot or suburban acreage for the same
amount aa an Investment for the future?
Some reasons why acreage Is the best
to buy:
First You have no city taxes.
Second No special sewerage taxes.
Third No special boulevard taxea.
Fourth No special grading taxea
Fifth No apeclal sidewalk taxes.
Sixth No special paving taxes.
Seventh No special water taxes.
Some ot these taxes are sure to come
against your city lots, while you are pay
ing for them, and none while you are
Saying for your auburban acreage. We
ave tha beat list of suburban acreage
property, oui xsenson way, at the lowest
prices, that can be sold on essy payment
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney Street. o
TWO AND ONE HAL? to 10 acre tracts
In city, $409 up. Phone Doug. 2847.
lion i wait till spring is here, when
you'll be in such a hurry that you won't
have the opportunity to look around for
the best place DO IT NOW. .
1 have aeveral fine one-acre tracts that
I will sell on very easy payment. Each
tract has a brand new house and a good
One tract lias a fine vineyard, which
produced a big grape c-rop last fall.
See me about this today or telephone
me tonight at 4 80 p. m
. Call Walnut 6S2 after 30 p. nx.
' Call Dauglae 2K26 daytime.
Wa have i, 10, 20 and 31-acre tracts, well
improved, near Council Bluffs, possession
March L at low flgurea and on easy pay
IS Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia
It is hard to imagine a man paying $300
to $6u0 an acre for land for truck farm
ing or poultry raising, when b can buy
10 acres of the beat land ha ever aaw.
right on an Interurban car line, 18 mllea
from a city of 20.0U0 and 7 miles from
a town of 6.00 and one-half mile from
a town of l.uuo, for $oo an acre. See ua
today. Write (or our list.
The Vogel Realty Agency,
W15-1 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Corner Only $650
Two blocks north of Farnam. Little
bolow grade, but close to best of Omaha
$10 now, $1 per week; $ per cent iff for
O'Kecfe Real Estate' Co.,
liMC Omaha Nat'l. Dmig. 2715.
WEST FARNAM boms, only $k.70a 823
K. 1Mb Ava
What Street?
in Omaha offers the most con
venient outlet for business expansion?
What Street?
in Omaha is destined to become
the leader in real estate values?
The Answer
to these questions will appear in the real estate
columns of The Bee next Sunday. Vc shall have
an offer to make of timely interest to everyone
and of particular interest to those seeking
an investment showing the greatest promise.
Do Not Miss Reading It
Payne & Slater Co.
Douglas 1010.
When You
Invest With Us
Yon ate entitled to your share of th
profits as to the proportionate ahares of
stock yen hold. In this way you share
alike with everyone Interested, and you
are vtibranteed semi-annual dividend
earnings of the business on the first days
of January and July ot each year,
amounting to not less than
rjqfc on Your
y Money
q Invested
and an additional share of the profits
after the 7 per cent is paid. Tills Is a
good proposition. Think It over, call and
ree us, or write us about it. You can
Invest In amounts of $!! or more. Your
money is secured by mortgages, contracts
of sale and real estate, which Is one ot
the safest securities to be had.
Authorised capital, fSuO.OOO.OO.
Hastings & Heyden
Two-story brick building and lot. (10x132;
trackage avallubie; very easily converted
for who.erale purpoeca or for downtown
garage. Price only $16,00u A email pay
ment will handle It.
313 Brandcls Theater Building.
Why Pay Rent?
When, for $100 cash and f-'O per month,
you can buy a 6-room modern, except
heat, house in good lepatr. Houho Is at
2535 N. 19th St. Better see this.
Creigh,- Sons & Co.,
Douglss 200.
Ert! Bee Bldg.
Here is a
A fine level lot In a restricted neigh
borhood near car line and school for $X!6.
This lot will make you a fine place to
build and an excellent Investment as well.
Terms, $5 down and $5 per month. Call
Doug. 259S.
Earl W. Kenworthy
1013-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Buys 8-room bungalow, every modem
eoavenlenoe and several built-in features.
Owner is really sacrificing at this price;
K40 down; balance Ilka rent; near Kouatss
D. 8888. 844 Brandats BMg e
Brand new a-room house, frame and
stucco, with beam ceilings, panelled walla
built-in book cases. Complete and right
up-to-date. Only $1,600.
Doug. 1781. Ware Block.
FOR BALK By owner, 5-room bungalow;
modern, In every respect; In first-class
condition; will sell cheap for cash. 1818
Manderaon St. Tel. Webster 18.
South Eleventh St.
t Near Arbor
We have a flue lot facing on Boulevard,
Just south of Arbor St, with special
taxes all paid, which we will soli on rea
sonable terms or build you a home to
oider on a payment of $400 to (500 In cash,
balance monthly. This Is an excellent
opportunity to get a home In this lo
cality. Very convenient to Farnam car
line; also schools and churches. See us
for further Information.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 4W.
A Bargain in
Eight-room modern house, with oak
finish and all conveniences; cistern with
pump In laundry; garage, paved street
and paved alley. Price only $4,150. Sub
ject to paving, not delinquent.
Thla property Is located on the street
car ltrte In a fine neighborhood, and is
very cheap at the price.
J. H. Dumont & Co.
1603 Farnam St. Phone Douglas ton.
Future Happy
Hollow Values
Are bound to bring profit to men or
won)" who Invent torlay. Will you be
low prioea and easy terms on which this
. . .. M k. i n i I , .1.1.
he solving of this Important problem
I.TI ua IIIUW iuu wine VI 111 UCHlllIIUI
building locations we have in Happy
Hollow and Dundee. One of these lots
bt sure to suit you. Don't delay.
George & Company
tot City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 74.
151 Omaha Nat'l Bank.
$28.50 CASH AND
You w ill hav to take advantage of this
offer promptly If you expect to a,et a
house on thea terms. I have threo flve
rooin, all modern bungslowa that are lo
cated close to car lines, schools and
churches, that I will sell on these terms.
They aro well built and beautifully fin
ished. I also have a seven-romn house
and a large five-room house that I ill,
sell on similar terms if taken quickly.
Call me up by phone today and arrange
to have me take you out to aee them.
Call Douglas mi today. Call Walnut
(S3 after 6:30 p. m.
LOTS near car $:'() and up. $1 pay
monta Phone Doug. 8947.
Cattle Firm Hogs trooa Sheep
CHICAGO. Jan. 29. CATTLE Receipts,
5,0i head; market firm: native steers,
$")..'',fi9.10; western, $4.Wu7.3iV; cows and
heifers. $3 Ouw7.Kli; calves. $7.:'j10..'H.
HOGS Receipts. 9,000 head; market
strong; 15c to higher: bulk of enles.; light. $'... VHni. 90; mtxo I. .."Jtil
6.5; heavy, H.Kt;.W(; rough, $is.4iHjU.r.;
pigs, 85.506.65.
SHEEP AND LAMB. Receipts. $ M
head; market strong; sheen, $";.omi6.Hft;
yearlings, $7.20tj;.00; lambs. $7.rliS90.
St. Louis Lire Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 29. CATTLE
Receipts, 2,1110 head;, market steady; na
tive beef steer, 8S.'AVft0.26: cows and hvlf
ers, $u.00fi.DO; stockers end feeders, $n.2S
ti7.26; southern steers, $fi.26uv7.Kfc; cows
snd heifers, $4.004141.00; native calves, $0.00
till. 00.
Hon Receipts. ,eno head; market
lower; pigs and lights. $6.O0tn7.30; mixed
and butchers, $6.767.10; good hesvy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. l.tdo
head;, market higher: native muttons,
$4.7.Vn6.50; lambs, $8.298.110; yearling,
Slonz City Live Stork Market.
Receipts, fino head; market steady; native
steers, $6.&oW7.0; butchers, fc.lVu.7.00;
cows and heifers, $4.8fji.00; canners. $4.00
tjS.vO; stockers and fenders, $il.wij7.i";
calvits, $3.60tj8.ri0: bulls, stags, etc., $o.00
IIOOS Receipts, -11,500 hesd; market 1M
80c higher: heavy, $fi.7WW.S0; mixed, $fi.7o;
light. $x.7C24l.7r: bulk of sales. $ii.?5.
MHEEP AND LA M RH Receipts, 1,0
head; market lOo higher; ewes, $5.50;
lambs. $7.7618.60
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, l.ano head: market lower;
prime fed steers, $S.uib9.2u; dressed beef
steers, $7.Sff &0; western steers, tT.&'Kit
8.6(1; stockers and feeders, K2oiS.00; bulls,
$8.2MA..75; calves, $6 WKeTlO.eO.
HOUft-necelpts, lO.Ouo head:, bulk of
sales, $H.7tV,l0; heavy. $H.7Uf(i4. SO ; packers
and butchers. $6.7i((ji.isJ; light, $fl.7iiJ7,00;
pigs, $4.l!6(jj0.7o.
KHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1.400
head; market higher; lambs, $s.2fVn 60;
yearlings, $6.75j7.ti0; wethers, .0o&.t.
Coffee Market.
market for futures was steadier today,
and after opening at unchanged prloes
to an advance ot two points, closed at a
net gain of from three to five points.
There appeared to be aome covering by
March shorts, while the trade In these
were moderate, buyers of the later de
liveries and the advance reflected a com
paratively small business in a narrow
market, with no apparent change In the
general character of tha news, (isles were
reported of 11,500 bags: January. H.OIk-;
February.; March. 6.19c; April. 6 2ic;
May, 87c; June. 87qi July, Au
gust, 7.4:ic; September. 7.61c; October,
7.67r; November. 7.62c; December. 7 fixe.
Spot coffee, steady; Rio, No.- 7 8Uc
Santos. No. 4. 4.10c. The Braslllan ca
bles reported no change In milerlea prices,
Although Rio exchsnga on London wss
6.32d lower
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Jan. . WOOL The Com
mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow: "The
wool market has been fairly active and
stronger this week. Demand has cov
ered about every grade and class of wool
to be obtained In the market and both
fine and medium wools are. higher Ad
vices from the foreign primary markets
and from London tell of higher prices
both on fine and medium won', with
American buyers operating1 keenly, both
in Australia and London."
Wool Market.
LONDON. Jan. 28. WtXLj-Tlie offer
ings at tha wool auction Bales today
amounted to 8.5u0 bales, which were
uulckly absorbed by the home trade.
France and America. America took a fair
supply of greasy merinos. The market
was firm and against buyer and faulty
greasy merinos, which were unduly de
pressed In December, are now JO per cent
over December rates.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. t.-4 VT1TN Spot
iiulft; middling uplands, 8.k0u; sales, l.lui
bales I
NEW YORK. Jan. 28 The cotton mar
ket closed steady at a net decline ot sis
to ten points.
Cotton futures closed steady; February
8.1c: March, 8.4''; May, 8.74o; July, 8U4c
August, .00c; October, $.14c; December,
Dry Goods Market.
Potton goods war steady and yarns
higher; wool rose fast on active demasd.
Cheap silks ware sold freely for areas
and walls wear.
Evaporated Apples and Drleal Frails
iRIED FHl'ITK-Prunea. firm. Apri
cot., steady. Peaches, firm. Raialn.,
Moat of Thuraday'a Advance on Kill
inn' Cattle Wiped Out Fit
Sheep and Lambs Steady.
Receipts aere: rattle. Hogs gheei
Official Mondav u?4 S.4M .M1
Official Tuesday 4.WW J7.7.ia 1IS4.1
tfflclal Wednesday.... 1H..-4W Ifl.") T,... I- A . m o TJ A Ol7
' l ii'iiniin .... I 4 11 .
Estimate Friday l.M) lt.ono 7.
Five dny this week..l9.7:7 87.1W 51.901
Same days last week..!7!l63 41!, W.2M
Same days J wks aso. . J1.4JS 4.rv ia.TM
Jame days 8 wks aan..21.4.'l f.,21.1
.anm rig ye 4 wks Rg...1H.S'l M.tM
Same dava Inst year..lM.'7 64.4a 86.114
The following table shows the receipts
of cult's hoga and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date as compared with lat year:
l!lf 1914. De-'.
'sttle nn.wl HJ.ilM 1.2.t1
Hogs '.'44 704 '" .fit
fheep S1MS6 !C!,t4 (08
Tha following table shorn s the average
price for hoas at the South Omaha Hvn
stock market for the last few days, with
Date! l!l. 1 1 4 . , lil.. , 1U18. tliTiV j 1S1 1 W".
Jan. U
Jan. 18
Jan, 14..
Jan. IT,.
Jan. is
Jan. 17.
Jan. 18.
I 4 70 18 tm
7 71
T 78
7 89
T 72
7 631
7 801
7 461
7 49
7 48
$ 2S
8 4X
8 M
5 '2
6 88
f. 87
8 87
I 8 mhu 7 88
I 07 , 8 Oil
T 021 8 08
7 -
7V 8 IX
filWi 8 07
7 11
8 43
8 131
7 IS 18 0S1
8 74V
a 7-ja,
$ tt
8 57 I
7 21 04
7 $61 8 0'
8 44
8 881
8 2
$ 811
8 Ik!
$ 311 8 01
i ri -7
2-1! S 89
8 87 i 91
8 Ml 4 02
1 14)
8 10
0T $ OR
7 82 00
8 02 88
8 OSI i 91
8 04( 6 as
Jan. 72
Jan. 23.
Jan. 24
Jan. .
Jan. N.
Jan. 87.
Jan. US.
Jan. IN.
(1 61
8 21
8 27
7 ZX 6 01
7 2JI
7 SO
6 94
8 6.'
a 5T'M
s r
$ 91
8 JW
7 fx.
7 K
7 itl
8 w!
8 071
S 9.11
CATTLE Receipts were very light this
morning, but there was an absence of
shipping orders, which was responsible
for advancing the market yesterday bta
16c. As a result buyera today .took off
what they put on yesterdsy. As most
of the advance for the week took place
yesterday the market Is n-'w v r '
different from what It was at the Cloaa of
last week. This appiK ...
heifers as well as beef steers.
Stockers and feeders, which hsve leen
easing off during the weeek, and which
were generally quoted lowl6e lower yes
terday than the close of the previous
week, were not materially changed today.
Quotations on rattle: Good to choice
corn-fed beeves. 8"."fe6: fair to good
corn-fed beeves, $7.6Oii.00: common to
fair corn-ted beeves. 60517.60; good to
choice eowa, $f.7.Vjf6.60; fair to good cows,
$A.oniQS.0; common to fair cows, $4 tuty
6.0"; good to choice Blockers and feeders,
r7.2.v(i8 SA; fair to good stockers snd feed
ers, $(t.WVjr7.2i,; common to fair stockers
and feeder, (u.76ua.60: stock heifers, $u.M
til,. 60; stock cows. $4 76tP 26; stock calves,
$tlC4u8.00; veal calves, 7.lojx.6o; bulla,
bihkh. etc., 86.004)6. 76.
Representative sales:
No. A. Tr. No. at. rr.
4 tl IM Z7 ll 7 40
a 14 4 IS 14 Ml 1 4q
Ii Wl t H 1 117S 7 1
1U I4 1 18 8 1M 7 m
H T r II 1 7 !
si t L :i im a it
f ..ii.- a ,iu I,,,
T T7 40 4 7 It
1 V.D 4 til M 4:14 1 M
4 :t, 1 ( 1. .a 1 iuj
Mil 7 ill 31 IUU 7 M
CO ,
1 ISO 4 1 13 1101 8 M
J,-..... M 4 40 ill PKU 6 Ml
J m 4 k 1 WTO S tit
X l 4 16 t IM (
5 10.14 4 as t iv ai
1 VJi I 00 1'.'47 M
j 111 tun 11 iif) a on
i ...110 ;t a i 4 at
1 lam 1 It 1 liw 8 Ik
1 1110 I 44
1 IM) I SO I 403 4 9
I it. a 7. a 7411 t ;i
I Ma a an 1 wa 4 v.
t Kill 4 44 1 KM 7
1 W0 4 M 1 400 1 tO
1 124 4 1 '
a t4 a :i 1 J' on
1 too 1 54 1 ISO I lb
1 4'l 7 hO I 1 110 I 86
a 413 7 Ii
II s m 7 7l 4 14
it tvo 4 ta It 400 7 u
4 auo t wi
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
5 steers.. ..14.HI 7 26 39 steers.. ..137 7 2J
38 steers.. ..I2K6 7 26 21 steers.. ..1334' 7 D
I IOO S Receipts were fair for a Friday,
sstlmatea calling for 1M cars, or 11,000
head. The total tor the live daya la
something like 67,1 head, being nearly
26.000 larger than a week ago and almost
ia.m.0 heavier than last year. Receipts
for the week to date are the heaviest for
any almllrtr period since the second week
ot June. 1U12, when more than 70,ou0 were
All other polnta were moderately sup
plied thla morning, and, under the Influ
ence ot sharp advances elsewhere, and a
good local buying demand from both
snippets and packers, the trade opened
out 14o higher than yesterday's average.
Tha number ot sales made on this basis
wss comparatively small, however, snd
before the bulk of tho offerings started
to move sharp competition had put values
on a 80c higher basis. In some spots
prices were even better than this, and
some sales made before the close were
quoted as right close to 26c higher. Move
ment was active from the outset, and
practically everything had been sold by
10 o'clock or shortly after.
The general trade was from 16c to as
much aa 26c higher, or fully 20c better
than Thursday's average. This puts the
bulk at 84.7oii6.Wl, with tha long strings at
$tU5ra.80. A number of loads sold aa
h gh aa 88.86. Today'a advance puts prices
fully a dime above the elose ot last week
and current values are the highest since
a week ago Monday.
Representative sales:
NO. Av. Bb. Pr. No. At. 8b. IT.
i ... 4 4 , ; 314 ... 4 ni
K 840 8 1o 4 tH 46 4 SO
10 40 a to it i4 in 4 m
5M 10 4 7H 10 174 ... a list
lil 40 4 T TO ! ... 4 llS
7 a ... 4 71 44 144 ... Si
88 811 40 a nit at im ... aa
SHEEP With a good run of T.800 head
of sheep and lambs hers for a Friday
trade waa fairly active and the general
market would average up about steady
with Thursday. There were cases where
sales did nut look quite aa good, but on
the other hand aome offerings sold a
littlo better than the day before. In point
of quality both sheep and lambs were
much the same, though nothing on tha
Mexican order was included in the re.
relpta. It waa a fed western run, with
the bulk of the stuff from Nebraska and
Iowa, tha bulk of the lambs moving at
lis OXcil.&O, with one shipment good enough
to bring $8.60. Aged sheep again con
sisted for the moat Part of fat ewes,
which found an outlet at $6.764i.i.
Among the lamb sales ware some siiorn
lambs that brought $7.75. The clearance
was seasonable.
Today'a receipts bring the week's total
to date tip to 61,111 head, compared with
tn.2 last week and Cu.llt for the same
time a year ago. The quality aa a rule
haa been good and most everything la
now snillng fully 26&4ic better than the
close of last week. Offerings that have
old on feeding and shearing account
nhuw little If any difference as to prices
from last week. Must of the sheering
lambs moved at $7.7i(I.0O. and ewsa
around $4.75$8.0O.
Uouiatlons on aheep and lambs: Lambs,
Mexicans, aa.&uidtf.Tt; Ismbs, fed westerns,
lt. 411. 60; lambs, fair to good, 8Ii.UumS.4j.
lambs, shearing, 87.86Cui,; yearlings,
11 tit. $7.4ur..66; yearliugs, heavy, $6.76'
7.40; wethers, good to choice, 8e.s0tnl.6i;
wethers, fair to good. 8o.uua4.40; awea,
good to chob-e, $5.itVtj4 10; awes, fair to
good, V.ui.V.
N Av. Pr.
68 fed lambs 70 $ 45
107 fed lamba 72 8 4a
2o4 fed lain be 78 8 43
31 culls 81 7 75
11 fed wethers 130 to
W fed ewes , 120 $ 60
800 Idaho feeder lambs 76 $ l
' Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2B.-METALH lad:
Steady at $J. i'Wu 3 ab ; Ixmdon. f IS 7s bd
Speller: Strong at $7.6oa7.tiO: lxmdon, 37.
Tin. firm; five-ton lota, $3.76fa7.i5; 86.
ton lots, $ .0437.ei; at I-ondon, aot, 4:172;
luture. tl7j I'is. Corper. firm; electro
lytic, $14 74; casting. $14.jc4j 14 SL'V; at Lon
don, spot. 3 o; futures. LUi J 2a kd.
SI". lyil'IS, Jsn. 28 METALS Lead
tilyhrr; 3.i. Spelter, easier, $7.1.'H7.ii.
Wheat Shoota Up to $1.50 Level,
with rienty of Buyers
in Sight.
OMAHA, Jsn. S. lir,.
Julius H. Rnrnes. one of the largest
exporters of wheat In this country, pre
dicted when May was around $l.:t that It
WOllld sell 1 1 i I'll mm tl RA nn t.A
I Rarnea was in the mnrket a short time
nn, i no men sain isy wneat would
Sell at $1.7S before another crop was
available. It reached the $1.fV level yes
terday, an1 the market showed It wss
chock full of -buying orders on the small
est price reoessione from outside figures
made during the dav. There was no
abatement in the buying: In fact. It was
stronger than anv day of the week.
Corn and oats both presented a strong .
sppearance tinder good buying snd mod
erate olfertngs. 4e sellng of the cash
srtli-le by fBrmersA-ns smaller than the -nsy
previous, slthough both of these
grnins were higher.
Provisions were higher, li'.-Iped by the
strong position of the grsln markets.
Houses with stock yards clients, as well
js the small and large packers, sold
freely at the opening and there waa eon
slileisble selling by local packers around
outside prices.
Omaha Spot Market Wheat was un
changed to 2e higher.
Corn wss iinelinnged to e lower.
fHt were 4tj,c higher.
Clearances of wheat .and ffnttr wera
equal to 1.07S. 010 bushels', corn, t2,0!0 bush
els; onts. 1.1,000 bushels.
At Liverpool corn was "4d higher.
Primary wheat receipts were TH.ftOO
bushels and shipments 572,000 bushels,
ssslnst receipt of e-'O.OnO bushels and
sbi ments of 64",Ono bushels Inst year.
Primary corn reeeii ts were l.H.15,000
bushels snd shipments 79200 bushels. I
asainst receipts r W9.000 bushels .and
shipments of 6JS.000 aKhels last year.
iTtmary oats recerpts were 742.000 bush
els and shipments bushels against
recet"ia of 6.19,000 bushels and shipments 1
Of (k'O.OOO bushels last veer.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ,s aot in
Minneapolis , 267 ...
Dtilutii .14 ... ...
.Omaha 21 9S 24
Kansas City 29 1:S ' '
I St. Louis '. 7,", lift an '
Winnipeg 116 ...
alea reported Train y: Wheat No. 1
hard winter: 4 curs, $1.44. No. 8 hard "
winter: 1 car. dark Turkey, $l.4; i ears.
$1.4.",: 3 cars, $1.44: 2 cars, $1.4.1. No. 8
durum: 1 car, $1.61. No. 8 spring! 1 .
car, $1.43. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.40. No.
4 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.46. Rejected: '
1 car. $1.40. Rye No. 4: 1 car. $1.17:
Sample: 1 car, $1.17. Corn No. 8 whit:
8 cars. 764o. No. 8 ycllowt 1 oar, 7lc.
No. 8 yellow: 4 cars, 71Hc; S cars, 71 c.
No. 8 mixed: 1 car. near white. 4c;
3 cars, near white, 74c; 1 car, 71 He; 1 car,
71V; 1 car, 71c. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear,
70te. No. 5 mixed: 8 cars, near white.
74c. No. 8 mixed:- 1 car, 71c. Oats
Standard: 2 cars. b6c. No. 3 white: 11 t-srs.
choice, 66c; 13 cars. fc4Vi No, 8 mixed:
1 csr, 64 '4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, Uhie.
Sample: 1 car. 54c; 1 car, 63Hci
Omnha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
$1.4:mH.46.', No. 3 hard, $1.421.44: No.
4 hard. $1. Soul. 44; No. 8 spring. $1.4:L4;i;
No. 2 durum. $1 oOMrffl.M; No. 8 durum.
$1.48wal.50. Corn: No. 1 white, 7r4i076c;
No. 8 whlto. 76'.0754ie: No. 3 white. 76'
7ut4e; No. 4 white, J imf'ftc ; No. 6 white.
74i7bc; . No. white, 74S4fr74V; No, t
yellow, i7USt72c; No. 2 yellow, 71Vk71ic;
No. $ yellow, 71t;h.7lV4c.; No. 4 yellow. 71'
"l.o.; No. 5 yellow. To4,j71e; No. 8 yel
low, 70's1f7iV': No. 1 mixed; 71Vs72c;
No. 2 mixed. 71fr71c; No. 8 mixed. 70V
7!We:, No. 4 mixed, 701tr71'c; No. 6 mixed.
OjiTlc; No. 8 mixed. 7tii71c. Onts: No. 2
white, 6fvJ.V.ic; standard, 6414fif6c; No. S
white. 64tti6oc: No. 4 while, 64fl-ttiMc. Par-1
ley: Malting, T54r!k; No. 1 teed, 74jp7ikt.
Rye: No. 2. $UH4Val.!: No. 8, $l.lWt)1.18V.
Features of tho Trading and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. 19. Rumors of peace,
moves had an unsettling effect today on
the wheat market. As a result there was
a nervous close at lVfco to lc under, last:
night. Other leading staples, too, showed
a net loss corner to H40, oats H
and provisions 1m to 20r. '
Strained coiidltlona in the wheat trade,
owing lo tho absence of late of anv Im
portant reaction from the extraordinary
advance In prices, caused tha market to
day to be more than usually sensitive to
anything resembling newa favorable to
the bear side. Vague talk late In the
session that Russia had been negotiating
with one or another of tho belligerents .
tended to promote free selling. Down
ward swings In the price of wheat bugan
shortly after the opening, but until mid
day were chiefly due to profit-taking bv
longs, nnd were followed by prompt up'-'
turns. The exception came simultaneously
with the peace rumors. A few stop-loss
orders were uncovered on the break.
Corn strength dwindled rapidly when
the peace gomlp attained headway. In--deed,
throughout the day corn kept tag- '
glng alter wheat and gave no algn of
Independent action.
Immense export sales of oats at tha ses
bosrd, said to amount to l,6uu,0H0 bushels,
and an urgent demand here lifted oata 1
well above 60c a bushel. May delivery.
The gains more than disappeared, how
aver, after other cereals turned down
Sharply higher prices for hoga msde .'
provisions at first rsnge higher. Active
selling by peckers, though, and the lata
weakness of grain formed a big- handicap .
in the end.
Leading grain quotattona ware:
Artlclel Open. I Hlgh, Low. Clos.jTes y.
Wheat I
May. 1 48'4 1 60 1 48 1
July. IU 1 341 183.
Corn I I
May. 814 81 a, 80Vi
July. S3 c34 82
Oats ' f
May. 694 ami 69tB
July. 68H tHl 67 I
Pork I I
May. 18 40 18 45 1 19 10 I
July 18 72!4 18 47HI
Lard I I I
May. 11 86 11 85 11 15
July. 11 fc'VW 11 M'-i, 11 36
Ribs I I
May. 11 65 10 60 I 10 40
July. 10 75 10 77HI 10 &iV4,
I 4S4.
1 40
1 S4a
19 $.1
18 65
19 15 1
18 62',il
11 17'4 II 80
11 J7Vil U 474
10 42H 10 55 '
10 24 10 7i
Oilmen lih Mnb.Whul.
tt.48Vtli.(t)S4; No. S hard. 'fl.4Vsii 1.61.' '
1:0m: mo. 4 yellow, 73'i76c; No. 4 white.
74fu74'4o. Oats: No. $ whits, nUftfaiao ;
No. 4 white eWhic. Rye: No. 3. $1.34..
Rarley: 76T.-. Timothy: $;.00sr7..iO,
mover: $12 bor 15.00. Pork: $lloull.ii6.
Lard: $10.95. Ribs: $9.204310.12
H UTTER Firm; creameries, 24frSlc.
EUt Lower; receipts. 3,2o7 cases; at
mark, runes Included, 264i0oc; ordinary -firsts,
2W(iAc: firsts, 30c.
I'OTATOErf Unsettled; reoeipts. 15
ars, iiciiigan anu Wisconsin whits. 33
Kansas City Cirrnla and Provisions
KANbAH CITY, Mo., Jan. 29. WHEAT
-No. 1 hard, 1.43.irtJ-1.46; No. 3 red, $1.4""u
1.4f.H: May. l.40V4'(il.4uH: July. iliaStt.
L26': fw'ptember, l.2uM!il.2u1.
CORN No 2 mixed. 7Vic; No. 3 white
794c; May, 1c; July, &H,c; September. '
OATS No. 3 wliite 6i;flT,7n- N. t
BUTTER-Creamery. 33c; flrsU. 3Hac;
si-condu, 2So; packing, 18c.
F IS Firsts, 2tHc: seconds. tOc.
POCIVTRY Hens, 13'c; roosters. 10Ue;
turkeys, 16c.
Minneapolis tirata Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Jan. 29
WHEAT May, $1.42t. bid; July, $l.wn
uiu, rv. 1 im, fi.iier co. i nort h
fern. l.tlVaLtoTi; No. i northern, $1.3
m i
FLOITR Unchanged.
RYE $1.2211.33.
B RAN 433.60.
CORN No. 3 yellow. 7174c.
OATS No. 3 white. o3VJao'aC.
FLAX-$1.8H&l.iM'4. ,
Liverpool Oral Market.
No. 1 Manitoba, La 7d; No. 2. Ua iVjil
No. I hard winter. 12a 4!d. Futures, noiui-
CORN Snot. American mixed n r.
sta; 01a, is UVJ; reoruary. 7s 4.d
March, 7s 5Sd. . " "
FLOUR Winter patents. !s.
bt. I.onls lirala Market.
ST. J.OC1S. Jan. WHEAT No 1
led. $l.iitil.6.': No. i hard, $1.4ya. .iM.
$l.4.i4: July. $1 2.
fOKN-No. 2. 7if,fl77c; No. lilir. T.V
)lav SiV. July, J .-.
OATS No. 2. i7i ; No ! aim-, js-uj ..,..