I i i : t i f SENATE ENDORSES HITCHCOCK BILL Mr. Richmond Also Succeedi in Mustering- Majority for Hit Shipping Bill Resolution. REPRESENTATIVE FOLTS SEATED rroni a St Bit Correspondent.) LISCVUN, Ncli.. Jan. 3. (Ppeelal Trle mam The Hitchcock resolution made its final appearnnc in the senate thla morning and was passed by a vote of 1 10 13. Senator Howell made a warm speech, hotly attacking the press, which, h said, had charged him with f actions 1 lm and 'cactlng reflections upon hla democracy, lie Mid ho had stayed hy the present secretary of state In Omaha since 1S!C which was the date of hla democracy birth. In a test vote on. the Kirhmond rcsolu lion memorialising' congress to paaa the administration ahip purchase bHl, with three republicans. Full. Hostettler and Nutzman. voting with them, the demo- rata were able to muatcr a majority of cloven votea for the measure. Democrat voting against It were Greenwelt, llynelt, Koch, Mattson. Scott, Fmlth anil Trum hU. The vote waa M for to 43 against. By an unanimous vote thla morning the house agreed to accept the report of the election committee allowing J. F. Kolta to keep his seat aa a represeutstive from Nemaha county. Ho addressed the house for a few momenta, thanking tt for Jti action. Some Democrats Growing Tired of Political Play 1 From a Staff Correspondent.) JNCOI.N, Jan. (Speclal.)-Whether the vote on the ship purchase memorial a the houin this morning may lie taken any Indication of what will happen to tho Hitchcock resolution when it gets over to the house is hard to tell. Friend of the Hitchcock resolution say that while there will be some changes from the Vote ot the ship purchase, they expect that the ten democrats who may vote against the revolution may be made up hy enough rtpubllrana favorable, to It to put the thing across. One of tho republican leaders said that he deemod It purely a democratic matter and thought the democrats should, settle It smoitg themselves. To show how some of the majority are Jenling In the matter might be shown by the explanation of his vote by TVumble on tho ship purchase bill. Mr. Triimble said: "Having been elected to mako laws and not to build political fences, I vote yea on the motion to Indefinitely "pU pone, The motion to Indefinitely postpone Inst by a vote of M to 43. Electric Light Rates Are Required by Bill (From a Kaff Correspondent.) lASCOUi, Js. 28.-8peclHl Telegram.) While Douglas county people were con testing ever annexation In the senate chamber thla afternoon. Representative TJrueeedow.' of the same county, was buay Introducing tome measures In the house rerouting the rates of municipal light and po"er concerns and forcing them to file with the city clerk of their city schedule of rates within thirty days after the passage of the bill. In addition to this a sample contract shall also be filed, The other bill provides that In cities where companies) have more than 1.000 customers, the maximum rate ah all not h more than M cents a month plus tents per kllowat hour for light current or I cents per hour for power current. A ete charge of $1 Is slowed. I AUDIT FOR WATER BOARD Hunter Introduces. Measure' that Will Provide Check Upon All Transaction. MUST SHOW THE AVERAGE COST HOUSE SEATS FULTS FOR REST OF SESSION 1 From a Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) By a unanimous vote the house thla morning seated J. F. Fults of Beaver City as th duly elected representative from Furnas county, - Without discussion It adopted the report of the privilege and elections. finding that a recount of ballots was nut Justified by any proof of fraud or rror and that Fults ws elected by five votes over J. W. Ketley, hla democratic opponent Nqw Bills at Lincoln New Warehouse Bill -Put Before Senators (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. W.-Spclal.)-The much heralded substitute publlo ware hmiso' biU 'm Introduced In the senate thla morning by Orace.of Harlan, taking tienate Tile No. 117. ' The tiew bill makes it optional with the c Hove tor Vr' warrehoiie man-whether, hla warehouse shall become a publlo one. It spactfl the rate that are te he received for th atoring of grain and provides that the warehoasa proprietor Insure the seme and take eut a bona. . 1 ; -The ;twd otiter ' till, representing the original administration measure, make ATI warehouse and elevator publlo ware house. Mr', 1" ' .' ' ' . 'Another Sterilization I loas mils. II. It. 27, Stebhlns Provides for the In spection of private hosplials, convents, sejnlnoitcs by ine county IxiurJ. Com pulsory once in four months. H. It. k, I,arsen Limits the commis sion of Insurance ononis and orders tiling of schedules of commissions with the In surance board. H. It. 2t. Van Dusen-Olves villages ajid cities rl-ht to levy spcclul assessments lor oiling of mails. - H. It 2Wi. Kimeliind-I.iiiulilatlng state banks lo pay over to banking board all of guarunUe tund held by them. H. It l, Drueaedow, I'almer, Howard, Lundgrcn and Miner Increases the sal ary ot tho Omaha probation officer to 11. 0. II. K. XC. Revenue, and Taxation Cora niltte j."ortld deduction f morlgHge iuvestments from capital slock of banks and trust companies when listing for tax ation. H. R. 293. Hunter Provides for audit ing of accounts of the water district of Omaha hy the state auditor. II. K. 2u4. Horenson imposes a tax of t'J to 15 On doge to Ui Paid In cash to the assessor, tines Into dog fund to he used In paying for damages dona to live stock by dogs. II. It. 2!. Trurnbull-Trust company n rurltles shall be deposited with the Utatn banking board In place of the officers and examinations shall be by the tttate Banking board. 1 II. It 2M, Hunter Permits Harry Conns man to hold more than two terms us coiHitv assessor In Douglas county. II. R. 297, Ktearns Amandment to the tsle irrigation law, , . H. It. JiW. Matteson Renenls sections providing for the filing of vacancies In Judicial offices,- - 1 ' . M, It. W.i. liynok-rhlef deputy. -ganu warden may aipolnt six (lvmtls lnnteail Of three, at not more then tluo a month. Instead nf 76. LVputy instoad of governor Ui appoint, - - . IL u. nJ laliy or uage i.uios 01 nrrn (From a btaif Correspondent-) LINCOLN, Jan. 3.-(t3)eclal ) A bill for the purpose ot giving the state auditor power to audit the ac-counta of the board of directors and general manager of the Metropolitan Water aistrict of Omaha Wag introduced In the houne of repre sentatives this morning by lUchard C. Hunter, representative from the Douglas county district. t The bill provisos Uist In inaklng the ex amination the Krom Income from all sources for the previous year shall be shown; the gross amount of water sup plied In sa 1.1 district; amount expended during the previous year for repairs and for new machinery; amount expended the P rev Ion year for properly purchased; de prMlntlrm .of plant for that year; cost per 1,000 gallons fir supplying water; amount mllected from the sale and rental of meters; total assessment made against property for the extension of mains; dc tailed statement of all Items of expense number of employes, salaries of same and their political affiliation,, and also at whose suggestion or recommendation they were engogd; total amount of di rect taxes' levied by such district upon the property within the district, and all other facts necessary to give an accurate and rojnprehenMive view of the cost of maintaining and operating the plant The bill Is known us H-' R. No. 2M. The bill also provides that tlie auditing and report shull be mado In the month of January of each year by the state audftor or hla Hgmit, and the fh-st examination shall show ths average cost tier 1.000 gal lona for supplying water in said districts where the water works In such districts have been acquired by. purchase or con' dcninatlnn from a water company for merly supplying ws.ter In any portion of said district, and If such data la not found tn the office of the water district the auditor Is authorised to gather the In formation from- any source available MERGER OF CITIES IS THEME OF TALK BEFORE SENATORS Continued, from Page One.) House and Senate Come to Agreement On Employes' Wages iFrom a Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. E8. (p'pec!al.-The fiuarrcl between the senate and house over the appropriation for the payment of employes of both bodies ha ended. the joint committee of both houses having agreed to divide up the extra ".fl00 recom mended by tho senate to S2.0U0 for the house ami S4,000 for the senate. This makes the appropriation for the house 112.000 and for the senate $14,009. needed calm consideration, he hclleved, and In appearing for the bill lie had no financial feelings In the matter. He had drafted the Mil for Senator Howell out of friendfhlp and apiieared at till time In the same' manner. Mr Hreen cited many cases of forcible snnexallon which bnd been a success to all parties concerned. I'.rnniirair Waste -ot?. J. A. Hundoi land, an Omaha coal dealer and member of the Commercial club of that city, ssid that scpurato sets yf city officials were not needed and a consoli dation under ono head ond oiie set would be along economical lines. It. H. Olmstead of Florence, an attor ney, said that his town was already a part of Omaha us far as the water dis trict wua concerned and might Just as well bo taken In completely. John L. SloCngue, president of tho Omaha Commercial tlub, said that the Commercial clirt, of Omaha would not Join In any proposition which was not good for all part leu concerned. 8. L. Wlntyrs, assistant city attorney of South Omaha, and Henry C. Murphy, city attorney of the same town, closed the argument lor tho tntl-annexstloalut.. the tatter In a fiery nddress, in which he repeatedly threw the galleries Into rounds of applause. He demanded that the com mittee render a decision In the matter be fore the crowd loft for home, but the matter was taken under advisement. Arrives a Special. The delegation came down on a special train of nine coartiee and marched all the way from the Burlington to the state house with tho band playing and stream ers flying. However, not all were South Omaha people. Dundee had a representation of seventy-flvn and Denson one of twqnty- flve. Among the visitors were .Mayor Thomas Hoctor. City Attorney Henry C. Murphy, Tax Commissioner Jerry Fitzgerald, Fire and Police Cntnmuwioner W. ,T. Donahue, Commissioner J. II. iJcvlne. City Treas urer fat J. Martin and Ciy Clerk Perry Wboeler, Chief ot Police John Brlggs and Chief of Detectives James Shealian. The Dundee delegation wore long badges Inscribed, "Dundee Against Force." wore badges with '-Lot tho People Rule." I .! ,. .m a 1. l -ua-tti.., t b nil iM twinda (T5il1 A4- t riArY.w; 4-sw cover .si of curbing and guttering '. (From a Staff Carre spondenW) .LINCOLN, Jan. Rpeclal.)-tfenaUr Khumwty'i sterilization bill waa reported out of the committee this morning and rectimmeadad for passage. - Th bill pro vides -for the sterilisation of defectives and create a medical board for the pur pose of determining upon hearings1 who shall come within the scope of the law. 8. F. 20 waa reported for Indefinite post ponement' it Is'. Benator Bedford's bill for a supreovo court commission to be drawn ' from . the' district judges of the slate. .' PUBLIC DEFENDER PROVIDED BY BILL FILED BY HOWELL , t From V-Btaff Oorresiondent.) Li.NCOL.V, Jan. 'A ffpeclal.) A . hill introduced In th senate this morning by He tin lor Howell of Douglas provide tor "a puUle defender In eountles of HU.O19 or more population. -, . The defender is to act as counsel for any person so desiring, who has been charged with a crime, tbe penalty for which Involves Imprisonment In the pen! tentlary. The salary is to be il.jwo a year. . , l'H,n the pasaake of the act the gov ernor is to appoint the first holder of th office. In the 101 election the office eeoniea elective. Th only requirement Is that the defender be a lawyer In good standing. HORSEMEN ARE URGING . LESS STRINGENT LAW AjMllinn. lo IMtvemellL If it ma NoUnn Uruulres the owners of lots to mow weeds on the lot and on it,, Mta mi Hiinvs aoiacem. H. H. Mil. Jeury proniuua noiiiing vi Coursing meets. II. It. Sua, Brant-Marriage statistics of r.t h ..xmlarv of htl liosrd of Health shall l e paid Jor at me raie 01 .a ccius per married couple. - panics must properly house live siocg ntniatad to their rare. v . siir. Hunter ttets forth a system ef beginning actions by orUlnat : notice in rnurta below the supreme 1 court. H.. n. W, Hunter ef Douglaa-I'royldeij for recount of ballots on consiuunooai emsndmenis of V, by a commute of ..n.i.wa anil three reKrrsuntstrvefl', xpensos to be paid out of ltgUlatlJt Kr rense aceaini. i I. K. Xi. Begad of Platte and Ander- .a til.vri 4ratS a Stat 11V StOCg eoininlssloner who may name, a deputy at !, a year ami wiii day to watch over me snipoers inmresis siocg yams, rrrw v f . Suffrage Attitude s Is Visible in House . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 28.-Fpecial.) py a vot of 42 to 37, the house this morning leaned toward woman suffrage. Tho thing waa brought Into the discussion when a bill by lirooma was up amending the law so that only taxpayers could vote at municipal and bond elections. - Jerry Howard sent up an amendment changing the words "taxpayers" to "per sons," and before the house knew tt they had passed the thing. Homebody then discovered something wrong In the word ing and the bill was laid over. Twice-a-Month Pay Day is Being Urged tFrom a Stuff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. 18. (Speclal.)-Fred iCutblrth and K4 It. Moller, both of Fair bury, registered today In the lobbyists' book aa representatives ot organised labor. , It - Is undcrtyoJ that they are inter ested In tlie bill that makes corporations pay employes twice a month. Both men. It is understood.- are railroad men. Th railroads pay but once a month, and, It Is rlatjned, the pay checks are' from ten to twenty day behind time at that, ex cepf on tome roads In Omaha proper. (From a Btuff OorreepondontJ LINCOLN, Jan. . thiolai:)-The live stock sanitary Board, meeting this morn ing, listened to the argxmenta of nien Interested In horse breeding for a less vtrliigrnt stallion Inspection law. The law now recvUirea an Inspection, once every eai The horse breeders want lnHtlon every three years. .The board took up the eonaldei Alou of thi pioi-oiH'il law that will enable the university farm authorities to, sell hog cholera scrum only to hog raisers, PUTS CLUBS DISPENSING LIQUOR ON SALOON BASIS (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) 14NCOLN. Jan. ZS.-peua)-Senalur Marshall of Lancaster sek to hav a law enacted prohibiting the uss of liquor of any kind in. any club by any pretext wli&tever, .without th management theiuof having fiiot seeured a iicens therefor, according to Uw. Mag (alas Dslelnr Broke I'p. sir. Martha Wilcox Oowaada, N. T., writre: "1 first used Chamberlain' Cmiga Remedy about eight years ago. At that time I bad a hard cold and coughed iikjsI of th time. It proved to bs Just a I at I needed. It broke up th rold la a few days, and the coug h .entirely dis- HiH'f-aied. 1 hsve tuld many of my filttid of Hie soim! 1 received thiouglf tiH!K this medicine, and till who hsv iwd it n k o it In t) iilghot terms.' ool.iuj! 'c nfr) lit t e. Ad, ei tiaeiuoiit. fnM.i.k Ik, MiillAV. t 11. )C . lruesedw ot IVuglas l.le, trio lUhtlng companies must file sche.iuliS of all rates In fore with the elty elerk of the town, penalty nH0 to Ifi.Oa. . II It. Kcott Of llSjinlltan Cities of tha second class mayby' a three-fourths vote of the city council levy a tax of 11 bUO per year or less for tlie maintttnaiiue of municipal banJ. emergency. . H K 510.' Hynek ot haline Appro priate '.'4a for the fisli end gam d. pai'tment. soJartca and expenae only- H,ItB,3?.'iruesdoW of Douglas Klectrlo lighting companies witll l.(W0 custoiiiei or m.Me aliall not charge moi than 7 cent per K. 4 W. hour for iisnt abd 3 cnt for iower end a W vent jier nonth serv ice charge. . . H It. aiJ, Relsner of Thomaa No child under i shall be kept In a charitable unrl ml iirtnus or sectarian Inailtution where It la required to labor unless by order of a court of record. -ii t rti Mniansi. of Thomas Rrllinous in. let Irs may sell or encur.ibar real estate of which they are trustees without an order of court. 11. K. 314, Pmlth of Cumlngs Double the number of l,H.'tlon off iters and pro vides for a counting an I suirrintiling division to work at tho same time. II K. SI V Anderson of Phelps Black smiths and other Ileus for repair work must t rued limit law asys in piaco of sixty days. .,.'. II. It. .11. .yr vi i 'a wr . boards may eatabltsh mads parallel and diai-ent to railway rights-of-way alth out a petition of the Interested property owners. . II. K sIT. feterson oi iniMiir-n-pewls the law forbidding the sale of t'txaiett, to anyone an. I makes mor siilngent tha prohibition upon th sal or use of cigarettes or looaino ny a jwroii unUr 1 years or age senate Hills. M V. 1C Mattes of Oloe The gross as- -h.h1 value of property shsll tie used in lasiiane of a IHJlu'y invieaa ci ine (air s. y. 14. Mane or mw-aijje or prop erly destroyed by lightning. lir or tortisao snail ine sr-oas oaaisMH-u tuinktinn liaie.l with assessor. , H F. 147. Uracs of Harlun Provides for frptional publlo waretiouae; fixe rates to be allow ea, ano reipuraat mat iiinoiancv and bund t furnished by .warehouse rnea. ' H. F. 14. BiHey of Clay Ad Is the college of pharmacy t the college of tbe stat unlvrralty. 8. F, 149. Howell of Uouglas For public defenders In counties of oxer lUU.UUt) po Wlalion, salary tl.DuO per annum. 8. F. ljil. Bedford of I'ousl Iteclar hig that rllrMia ilght-of-way for pur pose of taxation shall Incluiio a strip of Sand 1" ft-t on each 11 of th center f msla tiack. ft. K 1M, Itudea of Knox To permit money raised (of th Use of county fair r -Inliun to be used for payment of premiums In see,l rteMirtmnt. H. F l.'i Marnbsll of lncaater Pro 1 1 , 1 r a thai all nodal organ laa linns or bib sellitui or giving away lliioor muet take til llceuae. H. F. I.vt. HcHonl of iMHiglas Makes annual col Xrailoii tax of oi noratlons Kllll tSitl aliM-k exi-ee1lirg !.) I'.- for each s.l.lilional million ir fruclion instead of . WOULD PERMIT ISSUE OF ' : BIG BLOCKS OF STOCK i From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN Jun. J8.-(Boclttl.) Bulldin and loan associations with assets- In x teaa.of ll.tfti.Om) are given power to Issue stock to single Individuals In tha amount of tS.OOu, according to a bill Introduced by Itepresentatri'e Negley of Douglas county. k This Is an. lucrease of about 4m per cent over t,hc present amount allowed by law and I expected , to increase the business , of building and loan associations. GIYE AD T0WATER USERS House Members Seek to Hare At torney General Defend Irriga tion Rights in the West. GO AFTER THE TAX DODGERS iKroii! a Ktaff ConcMiMindent.) LINCOLN. .Ian, !S. (8p ial.)-La- bounty, Wonrlhiiret. Reynolds, lliites. Stebhiiin an. I Stearns, representing dls Irlcts in the western port of the state Jolnel toduy in a resolvition Introduced In the licr house calling upon the attor ney hi neriil to take action In federal court to defend tte prior rights of water uers In thi state attains! the diversion of writer from the upper channels of the North Hnd fioutli Platte and Republican rivers In Colorado and Wyoming. The resolution also endorses the Xorris bill In congress empowering the state of Ncbiufka to bring appropriate proceed ings be I ore the federal reclamation bu reau wilh the same object. Mortgages and Capital Stock. I'lidcr title of H. R. 2M, the committee on taxation and revenue has introduced a bill to eliminate tho practice of some state banks and trust companies in evad ing Dayment of taxe by' deduction of real estate mortgages from capital stock. The bill Is an amendment to the general revenue. law forbidding bank ad truet companies to offset mortgages against capital itock. This will, it Is thought, remedy the evil arid It was with this Idea that the committee recently turned down a Mil repealing the Smith mortgage tax law. Omaha Commercial Club Objects to Rates on Liquors WAMIINQTON, Jan. J8.-Th Com mercial club of Omaha today filed a Com plaint with the interstate Commerce com mission, charging the Atchison, Tepeka s Hanta F and other raitroaJs with dis crimination against Omaha In favor of Louisville, - Peoria, 111., and Clncl tnatl in rates on alcohol, high wines, whisky and brandy shipped to points In Mon tana, Oregon, Washington and California. Delates Kdltor Meat to Jail. AMSTERDAM,' Jan. 28. (Via London.) Several- Belgian newspaper editors hav been sentenced 4o one and two months Imprisonment at the latest session of the Qerroan mllttsry couit at Antwerp. To charges against them aio not etauu. "MOTHER" JONES HEARD FROM SOME MORE NEW YORK. Jan. -Mother" Tones. the aged ttrlko leader and labor organ izer, In a typewritten statement " at tributed at the hearing of tho commis sion on Industrial relations todsy. termed the schems of collective bsrgainlng re-. Cfntlv inaugurated by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company In Colorado e hypo critical and, dishonest pretense." She said, however, that she did not believe that John I. Rockefeller. Jr.. understood this, and hc expressed the hope tliat he would go to Colorado while the ashes of Ludlow are still hot so that he might see for himself and understand the in tire, rituation. . .HYMENEAL. K h le rs-K t n blien dick. AVnCA, Neb.. Jan. 2S.Fred Stubben tlick and1 Minn Kda Khlers, two popular young people, living West of town, were united in marriage today at the gome of the orlde'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlers. They will reside on a farm south west of town. i . . . THOMPSON. BBLBEN S CO. Mathews and Gulick , Welcomed to Japan TOKIO. Jan. 28. Prof. S nailer Mathews f A'.ie University of Chiuago and Rev. yflney L. Oullck of New York, who were authorised at the annual convention of the federal council of the Churches of Christ In America, to go to Japan to "Toster cordial relations between the United State, and Japan," received an enthusiastic welcome from tho Japanese nd tbe delegation of foreigners who met them In Yokohama and escorted them to Toklo. They sloka today at a big wel come meeting arranged for them by the Federation of Churches. The press is of th opinion that . the visit, besides; Its religious object. Is aimed at the promotion of friendly relations of Japan and America. The influential Osaka Malnlchl and the Toklo Nlohl- Nlchl, In referring to Prof. Mathew as a ataupch devotee pt international peace and a great figure In the religious world, thinks the visit will add another link to the chain of cordiality between the two peoples, wlitle stimulating religious senti ment as a source of spiritual happiness. Tha first doso of Ir. Bell'a Pin-Tar Honey will help you. It kills the cold gems. Only iioo. All druggist. Advertise-meat. Great Clean-up Sale of All Odd Dozen Napkins Friday Morning at 8:30 A. M. A T ! OAS a aaw a )! a tt a M dozen napkins that have accumulated during our great January Linen Sale at Almost J Price. $1.75 a dozen Napkins, in lota of 6 for . 50c $3.50 a dozen Napkins, in lots of 6, for . . . . . . . . . $1.00 $4.75 a dozen Napkins,, in lots of 6, for . . .... $1.25 $7.50 John S. Brown's Napkins, in lots of 6, for $5.00 a dozen Napkins, in lots of 6, for $1.50 $6.75 a dozen Napkins, in lots of 6, for . . . . . . . . . . , $1.75 $7.50 a dozen Napkins, in lots of 6, for . . . . . . . . $2.38 $2.38 Final Clean-Up Sale Saturday All Remnants Damask, Crashes, Napkins, Table Cloths and Fancy Pieces. Tomorrow (Friday) Coat Bargains $3.75 Second Floor 55 Coats, all sizes, values to $24.50 . . . 19 Separate Skirts, blacks, blues, plaids, both wool and silk; values Ar to $15.00, Friday .. . ,.pl.7D On account of low "prices, we cannot accept the return of these goods from cash or credit customers. We Have Just Received Our Spring . . line of . House Dresses and Aprons Twenty-five different styles, in percale and gingham. This is the handsomest and most ex tensive showing of aprons ever carried by an Omaha store. . 50c, 65c, 89c, 98c, $1.19 and $1.25 ; , While the line is complete come and select the color and pattern best suited to your needs, and get your correct size. Basement Ready-to-Wear Section The National Capital TBI as, 191.1. Th "eaate. Vet at 11 a. m. Discussion of the administration bill continued. ship Mel1 i The House. Metf at U a. m. 1'resident Wilson veto of the IiiiiiiIei- tlon bill waa icelvert. read and referred to tli Immigration committee. Debate continued on the agricultural bill. Passed agricultural appropriation bill carry I ii jJ,M).tm Ailtotirnad at 7:16 p. rn. until 11 a. ni. Friday. DRUESEO0W SEEKS TO CUT BIRTH REGISTRATION FEES .(Krm a Staff Correspondent.) UNCOUi, Jan. JS. (Special.) In an ef fort to save th man who has an adds tion to hi family some of th axtra ex pna Incident thereto. KeprcoentUv Drursedow of lkuia"! has a bill which floes away allb th fe charKed Cor re eord'nf births In the city, of Omaha, and will save, aroordln to th, gentleman frora lott-las. about $3.uia annually to the tsapayers. Pain Gone! Rub Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Htop "dosing" Itheumatlum. It's pain only; not one case In fifty re quire Internal treatment. Rub soothing-, penetrating "t. Jacob Oil" right on the tender spot." and by tha time you say Jack Robinson out come th rheumatic pain and distress. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rhsuntastism liniment which never disappoint and doesn't burn th ! akin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness front aching Joints, muscle and bone; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Umber up! Get a small trial bottle of Old-time, honeat "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and tn a moment, you'll be free from pulna, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Hub rheumatism awuy. Advertisement NEBRASKA Military Academy ' YOUR BOY is worth more ' than .WHEAT If he la not gettlnr what b needs in education now la a good time to start him in at the Nebraska Military Aeademy, th school that understands beva arwt develop them .properly, for information, visit, writ or phone B. 9. XATWASS, upsrtntsadant. . Itlncola, Ifsbraaka. , The Want Ad Columns of Tha Bee Are Read Daily by People in Search of Advertising Opportunities. Special Rental Bargain In Apartment Must rent a vacant G-room apartment. New and best lo-f cated in city. Large conces sions to right party. Address M-555, Bee. NINTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. tn th next few days THK MIDWEST LIFE wljl fil tt ninth annual statement with the lnsuranc department of the stats. Ita total In coma for th year Utti waa $218,681.97. and It total disbursements were S106.7M.96, leaving an excess of In come over disbursements of SUdlO.01. Of this excess $106,937.13 waa required to take care ef the Increase in the reserve on it policies. The com pan v mads a gain during the year of bm policies carrying $877,900 of in surance. It now ha fi,5M),w4 of Insurance in force and Its assta amount to iniil, K71.67. Whin you ai ready to tske that pulley you have long Intended to buy, call or writ . TheMidwestLife N. Z. SNELL. PlItlOKMT. A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY SOVK H0K-rAima?ATIH UTt DBlTUlia on.1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK UIUINC, LINCFX ! OMAHA AOCNCY CITY NATIONAL. BANK aUILDIN cinirsi scsnrs: ciocitip. i A.riiRir ami.,iiici.TiiM Broadway at 29 St. . $Jrrh "Aa Hotel Where CuasU are Mad to Fl at Horn)' - Not too large, yet larce enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible 560 Rtomu Modml Retfunmt Cssrrcs Sintla Rooms with Runnlns Water $1.00te2.00prday Sts(l Room vitb Tab or Showvr $I.S0io$5.00 ptrday Daubk) Rooms with Ronntnt Wtter . $2.00 es $4.05scrUy Dout Rooms with Tub r Shower -$3.00 to $6.00 per day EDWARD C. FOGG. Managing Director ROT 1 BROWN, Hidant Manmgmr NERVES TREATED FREE psV riAHIUI MZX.SS. ta Ort ip. v etaliat, Oivss sTw Book aad a . . ta.M jTutopat&lo TratmBt Tr a a Trial. ' Xirk ieoplo whose nerve are wvak or Oerancvd no Itav weak: heart, liver. twiiia h, rlue. liada'he, illssinaa or 11 1, Hildas; nervous djiaw-pai, in Uaoility, toll hands and feet, ahurtitt-ss ot breath. palpitation or Irrvmilur heartbeat drowal nea. titiinli.ina, aonderinK Pains, back aehe. Irritable si lite, h aleria would tin Well to aoeei't Ir. Miles' liberal offer. Vou may never hav anutlier opportuulty. W'rut lipw. Uta biHK contains many remark sl'ls fures'after flvo to flftaan phvalojan and SlMo'talual failed, and emio, aiuauta uu,i) Itiahups. ( Ii tsymeii. HtateaiiMii. I'.ditora, iusiua Mau, 'ariu4ra, lc ad for Baaarsabl Care la Toar anat. Ills iiuprXjeJ treuina nU fur tiiesn ni Siaaes uru th reault of i& "tra' Rupert- rote unit are lnuroi'Kl'lv s. I. mifu and rmurkalily sneeeiul. so iiumIi ku that be iloes nl lirsilat to i-ffer 1-Veo Trial 'I'leuiniiila t tl.e eirit 1 1 : t IIh-v uiay tet them at Inn ripeuee. Write at DHt:e Itfat'il.M titir tiw and li will aea.1 -m a lan-rounti Kmi Trtatnwut and I'ook .iitiieaa I ! t riWln Miles. l. pi Nii lu iu ;i Jiiaiii rl.. J-.lk:.arl. iml Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff ''ilY,i'S''ir,:T!:iir!!i!!!iiiHU!r;i,w;;!i:i,H!i::!lir"''li i i a Tin -;J r f A H A "iii if THE ? -EST PRIKTIS'G f UTS trrr.PvrPWP'-r.'nFPT. UL,Utl'Vl ' , i (,r., tiaji tills JvJ'..'vit5i ; ( A AHllEMGKTi. Bally Mat., lS-lt-SO Bvra. 1S-S5-60-7& .. s-lrMnssa Cstl nl IllatlnaT BDfCliCH, THE GOLDEN CkUOK XX It's wkat tha goo o!4 Blank Crook BILLf ARLIXftrOl E.S tiar I Tr (who out va Era T IU,) auj s rapid ttr kurrak saow. Tk tbaaux Zarka al vr u turmanc. XMtal' XMm MtUiH Wk Bay. Sun. Wt: At Reeves' Ileauty how. BOYD Csi'bs 1919 Toaurbt, Bat. mg-bt. Mat. Tomorrow, OOtTaTBXX, TOS TBB DXTZNSK, Matta , 6ci Mlcbta, a. 60a, STat Wak Varrl Foppor. Tum, . BoltT stia-ut. Ml Bsstl Bllv, Iyrlo Sopraao, kitwana act. AXlllEMEaTS. aboa IOD(. aoTsJrcxo TavosTixxja. Dally Matlne, 1:16 Kielit. 1.15. Other Acts: Uonlln t Mc. rClllale, Theodore XYaMB ft MonfTTBB aOBliFH JECFSBBOlf Bendix, or Sc. Mack. Claude Golden, l'arlllo t'rablto, Orpheum Travol W'kly Prlraai Matla, illarr. lo; bast aaata 1mm Eaturdar anil Sunday), sic Nlghu. 10. at, kit, Tku OaUZA'B rXJJT CEsTTSB." BRAHDEIS TOsTIOaTT AITS BATUBOAY MATIVEB BAT. Sawld Belaaee prsaonts David Warflold lu THE AUCTIONEER Wk Beriaalna; Monday, rbraary let muuiii Tb World' nnlr Blrtrsst Melodrama. Fries 6O0 to $1.80; Wd. Mat., 860 te !. Tbere la one aura way that never falls I ti remove dandruff completely and that Is to dissolve it. Tills destroy It en tirely. To do thU. lust set about four ounees of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retirlu-; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It tn gently with the finger tip. . Hy morning must, it not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four mora application will completely dis solve aad entirely .destroy every single sign and trace of It no matter how much dandruff you may have. Yoa wUl find. to, that all 1 tub lug and digging of the scalp will .-Hop Instantly, and your hair will a fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times bettar. You ran get Ihiuld arvoa at any drug slots. It ta Inexpensive, and four oum-es l all you will need. This slinpl remedy has never been known to fall. Ad vrr tl mrlil. "mm LUXUS MERCANTILE 0., . Distributors . ; I'lume Duuglaa 18M9 and hate a casO scut bouie. Too Much For the Money 'the only complaint. fiqPITnnifin-tclter Carrier'Dig Show SPECIAL ADDED FEATURES Thursday night, Jan. 28, Swediah Singing Society; Friday night, Jan. 29, Old Fiddlers' Contest; Saturday, Jan. 30, Come With Ua On a Trip Through the Rocky Mountains to Cal- ifornia in a MAXWELL CAR-7:15 to 8:15 P. M. REGULAR PROGRAM FOLLOWS Three Greens, Pep per Trains, Wilhat Troupe, Bulger's Goats, Mysterious Kings, and Mption Pictures of Omaha School Children. . . .Evening1 Prices: Adults, 25c; Children, 10c Reserved Seats, 10c, 15c and 25c extra. Matinee Daily, Any Seat, 25c; Children, 10c '