Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1915, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily
BY ADVERTISING you can hold
teat to the trade yo har aB
win yoar share of the trade you
still lark,
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XUV-XO. 193.
0 Trata end at
Total STsw Stand. 5
single copy two cents.
Delegation from Omaha and Its
Suburbs Presents Both Sides of
Annexation Problem to
Upper House.
Insists that Arguments in Favor of
Plan Will Offset Demonstra
tion Made.
i, (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, aJn.' 28. (Special.)
'We come not with the waving of
flags, or the beating of drums or the
shouts of peaple," said John Paul
Breen, In opening the argument for
a Greater Omaha in the hearing be
fore the committee on municipal
corporations In the senate this after
noon, "but with facts to present to
this committee of men who will not
be swayed by demonstrations of this
kind, but will look Into the matter
from the broad etand of lawmakers."
The senate chamber waa crowded to
the doora when, after theopenlng cere
monies of the senate the body adjourned
Rand Chairman Howell of the committee
on municipalities took the chair. He an
nounced that speakers against annexa
tlen would speak first and would be
i given one hour in which ten minute
I speeches could be given. The opposition
I were given an hour also, after which the
! antt-ennexatlonista closed their argument
I la a half hour speech and the other clde
' closed In the same way.
' The committee took' the bill under ad
' vlsetnent, arriving at no decision. .
Before the hearing- began James Waten
' All Gl-ren Chance.'
of - Benson asked that officeholder be
deprived of the right to speak, but he
" waa ruled out while the crowd in the
gallery applauded loudly; '
Charles Ilaffke, deputy county attor
ney, speaking for Benson and against
annexation, said Benson waa unanimous
against the bill. "Benson is five miles
from the Omaha postoffice and has noth
ing In common with the large city," said
he. Iarge meetings of Benson citiiens
had met and protested against annexa
tion. A crowd ef fifteen Benson men had
declared that they were for annexation
and that tbey represented the Benson
Commercial club, but not one of them
had paid their dues. .''We have many
thing that Omaha haa. We have saloons
mod we propose to koep them," said be ia
Closing-. '
l On Behalf of Dundee.
1 J. J. todJs of the Dodda Lamtber com
pany of Dundee aald that Dundee was
la a position where every dollar 'paid Jo
waa. apentin. Dundee.. Ha. said , ..that
Omaha already had additions on the
north and south which, had been clamor
ing for recognition In the way of walks,
paving,' fir protection,' etc, but could
not get it,, and he .thought-they batter1
take care of what they already had in
stead of taking In more territory.
"Annexation has not been asked' for
by either Omaha or South Omaha," 'said
ID. Jj. Johnson, an attorney of Dundee,
"but a few self-constituted patriots have
taken up the matter."
The galleries, which bad become radtt
(vociferous - In their applause, were - ad
tnonlshed by Chairman Howell that time
waa limited and thai applause would cut
so figure la the deliberations of the com
mittee, j
f A Johnson, a Dundee attorney; K.
M. Morgan, city attorney of Florence; C.
J. Bothers, a South Omaha attorney; 8.
A. Irwia of Dundee, W. H. Thompson of
Florence and one or two ethers spoke
: against' annexation along the lines of
' other speaker and County Commissioner
' A. C. Harte, who said he lived on a strip
of land between soutn Omaha and Dun
dee, said he did not want to farm In the
city. .
Breea Explalas Bill,
''For God'a aake, gentlemen." aald he.
''don't drive the farmer out of business."
John. Paul .Breea, an' attorney of
Omaha, opened the argument for the an
nexationists. He said that this city cam
to the hearing with the friendliest of
Dlrlts. with no drum beatlna or no f laas '
flying and with no bluster. hTe bill I
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column Four.)
The Weather
Foreeast till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Falr; slowly rising temperature.
Teaaperatarea at Omaha Yesterday.
5 a. ni
6 a. in
7 a. m. ......
8 a. m
a. in
10 a. m ,.
. -13
.. 12
. 12
. 10
ji a. iu -
tim 1
1 p. m 1
2p.m S
S p. m 8
4 p. m.t 14
i p. m
p. m 8
7 P. m 8
id. m 't
Local Record.
IflS. M14. 13i3. 1J12.
.... 10 67 37 35
... 111 21 a 17
..-3 3S SO 21
T T .00 .01
Cobb pa retire
Highest yesterday.
lowebt yesterday.,
.vlean temperature.
Temperature and
turea from the normal
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the day
Total excess since Maruh
Normal precipitation
ltefictency for the day
Total rainfall since March 1
Jffklency since Marcb 1...
lefUienty ecu" period, 191H
0i nch
.0i Inch
r 12 Inches
z n inches
6.5s inches
4.21 inches
Petkiency, cor. period, liill
Reports trvmx Station, at T t,
Station and Slate
Temp. High
of weather.
Oieyenne, . cloudy....
Davenport, clear
lenver. clear
i . - VI... . nu.
i p. m. eat
..i. 40
.. 0
.... 40
.... S
.... 34
.... 20
.... 14
46 .M
J .00
10 .00
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32 .)
2S .W
M .(
12 .XJ
2 .00
A-T-m iuviiic, t.icar...,
lodK City, clear....
Kort;i PUUe, clear..
Omaha, rleur
1U ill City, clear....
Slieridan. cluudy
Moux ity, clr.
Valentine, clear 16
Indicates below aero.
I A. AVIOJSH. Local Forecaster.
pushing heavy car along
French guards,
II r
j ' ,'8. ,' t ' '
f-TZ : a' v 'i
11 S'V ' 1"'
fr ; . M )
aaaaal. - ::-' ':-- . - ..
r ' J- .JSW H .',1 . .
Attorney Reports Improvement in
Patronage Squabble Since
Sprague's Futile Efforts.
( Prom a Staff Correspondent. )
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Colonel H. B. Fleharty
and wife of Omaha7 who have been
visiting relatives here for several
days, -will leave for Nebraska tomor
row. v Colonel fleharty came east
wRh-Ahur - Sprog-ne;--secretary-'of
the democratic state committee, for
the ostensible purpose of doing a bit
of lauderlng by ironing out the very
complicated patronage situation as
it concerns the Prime state.
. Other unselfish persons have attempted
the same thing with the same measure
of success. Arthur Sprague returned to
Nebraska last Saturday, considerably
crestfallen over the apparent failure of
his mission to bring the two distinguished
democrats of thla administration. Secre
tary Bryan and Senator Hitchcock, to
gether on a compromise slate that would
be satisfactory to the "boys back home."
Reports Improvement.
Colonel Fleharty said today that condi
tions are much more roseate than when
Mr. Sprague struck the trail for Lincoln.
He believed that a compromise would be
, reached in the near future, as the heads
oi mg. xreaaury ana iepiinmeni ui .fus
tic were insisting that something should
be done quickly in order that certain ad
ministration measures might be carried
out by the friends of the administration.
While Colonel Fleharty refused to give
even a ' suggestion as to tho probable
I make-up of 'the new slate, it being gen
erally understood that some of the Httch-
.-v. muiiiiuciiuauuiiB Will , u iw gu IV
insure peace and tranquility, it Is believed
that the positions of Internal revenue col
lector, United States attorney and mar
shal will be selected finally from tho fol-
lowing list of , the faithful:
Gruenther. Sprague, Swain. Dahlraan.
jiynn, uooa oi uncoin, xnomas or cow
ard and Loomls of Fremont.
Tw0 Eliminated.
This list eliminates two of Hitchcock's
recommendations, Byrne and Corey, but
retains Swain, who stands a good chance
of being collector In view of Secretary Mc
Adoo'e decision that' he must have a
lawyer In that place, because of the many
troublesome questions growing out of the
income tax and 'war tax measures.
Colonel Fleharty 1 enamored of Wash
ington, and it is just possible a place may
be found for him in the Department of
New Type of Shell
Is Used by Germans
LONDON. Jan. J8. (8:48 p. m. ) A re
cital of recent developments in the war
by the official observer "attached to Brit
ish military headquarters given out here
today includes a description pf new pro-'
Jectllcs employed by the Germans.
"In some, part of our front the Ger
mans are firing a new type of high ex
plosive shell, detonating with a cloud of
thick while smoke," ' the report says.
"Ther mine thrower also occasionally
throws a very large gray bomb, or aerial
torpedo, three feet, nine inches long and
nearly ten 'niches wide. It weighs more
than 300 pounds.
"The anticipations of the enemy as to
the poss'ble duration, of the war," the
statement continues, "are shown by the
measure they are taking for any short
age in certain classes of food.- In some
towns orders have been issued that all
kitchen- rcfuaa not required by the in
habitants to fed to their own animals,
shall b saved and handed over to the
authorities. Kf farts have been made also
to gauge the public taate In the matter
of preserved meat by selling aalted
beef, mutton and pork at cost price."
WORKS German prisoners
railway track with help of
j Latest Provisional Chieftain of Mex-
Falls Into Hands
Southern Bandit.
WASHINGTON, Jan: 28H-Roque Gon
sales Garsa, acting head of the govern
ment at Mexico City, whoso flight from
the capital waa officially reported to the
State department today by American
Consul Sllllman, has been taken a pris
oner to Morelos by Zapata forces, accord
ing to advices to, the Carransa agency to
day from San Antonio.
"t?tHte"aepiJTttllrif ad vlCcs said a number
of other officials accompanied Oarxa in
hi flight and that it was the Intention
of the acting head of the government to
establish a temporary seat at Cuemavaca,
a short distance south of the capital.
Carransa Forces Near.
A dispatch to the Carranza - agency
from Mexico City said, the Carranza
troops were four, miles outside the city,
ond that the Zapata forces were evacuat
ing, going toward Cuernavaca.
Another reports said Monterey was oc
cupied last night by Carranza forces. Kl
Paso informed tho agency that Villa
forces admitted the loss of fourteen
cannon and field pieces at the fall of
MEXICO CITr, Jan, S8.-A telephone
meesage Just received here (U:30 a. m.)
announces that the advance guard ef the
Carransa army la entering Guadalupe, a
suburb four miles north of the capital.
The forces of General Zapata have re
treated without fighting.
The main body of the Invading army
it at Tlxapan, eevea miloa south of
Mexico City.
The indications are that the caplta'l will
be evacuated without resistance.
Call Rule Favored . '
. Western Shippers
CHICAGO, Jan, 28.-More . testimony
favorablo to the call rule of tho Board
of Trade waa presented today. In the
hearing of the government's suit against
the Chicago Board of Trade under tho
anti-trust act.
Hiram J. Eager. formerly a ; director
and president of tho board, testified that
the call rule gave a better outlet to the
market. -
'"After the call rule was established In
1906," said tho witness, "there was a
broadening of the market to the advan
tage of the western shippers."
David H. Harris, a Board of Trade
member, testified that the net result of
the call rule was to raise the prices paid
to shipper at least one-half cent a bushel,
by reason of enabling the broker to
handle the graip under a small margin
of profit.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Jan. JS.-Prof.
W. F. Allen of the anatomy department.
University of Minnesota, was taken In
custody by the police today pending an
Investigation by the grand jury Into the
death of Eerl Nyrall, who was shot and
fatally wounded In an alleged attempt to
enter the Allen home early today,
Nyrall died four hours after the shoot
ing .at a hospital, where, attendants aald,
he had explained that he believed It waa
his own home he was entering.
Prof. Allen devoted his time In his cell
today to making examination papers. He
asserted he had ordered Nyall to "lialt"
J a the latter started from the house, and
fl'ed only
when Nyall Increased hi
Coming An answer ' to the article of
oy ,ur. ucrnhara
diplomatic service
President Declares Not Sure Amer
icans Want to Reverse Policy
of Generations of Countrymen.
Friends of Measure Will Attempt to
Pass Ity but Opponents Say Two
Thirds Vote Impossible.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Presi
dent Wllfton vetoed the immigration
bill today and sent a special message
to coiigres saying be disapproved
the measure because of the literacy
tent and other restrictive tests whtc'u
Mt proposed as a condition of admis
sion of Immigrants to the united
Tresldent Wilson's mrsxage delivered to
the house says In part:
"It Is with unaffected regret that I find
myself constrained by clear conviction to
return this bill (It. R. 6000, an set to
regulate the Immigration of aliens to and
the residence of aliens in the United
States), without my signature.
Cloaca Right of Asylam.
' "Tn two particular of vital conse
quence this bill embodies a radical de
parture from the traditional and long
established policy of this country, a pol
icy in which our people have conceived
the very character ef their government
to be expressed, the very mission and
spirit of the nation In, respect of Its re
lations to the peoples of the world out
side their borders. It seeks to ail but
close entirely the gates of asylum which
have always been open to those who
could find nowhere else the right and
opportunity of constitutional agitation
for what thew conceived to be tho nat
ural and inalienable rights of men, and
it excludes those to whom the opportuni
ties of elementary education havo been
denied without regard to their character,
their purposes or their natural capacity.
"Restrictions like these adopted earlier
In our history as a nation would very
materially1 have altered the course and
cooled the humane ardors of our politics.
The right of pnlltlcat asylum has brought
to this country many a man of noble
character and elevated purpose, who was
marked as an outlaw In his own less for
tunate land, and wno haa yet become an
ornament to our cltlaenshtp and to our
cltisenshlp and to our public councils.
Restriction Instead ef Select lan.
"The literacy test and the test',anA re
striction which, aooempany It constitute
an even more radical change In the policy
of- the'aaUoa'llilhertb'weiTr'lleTreTS'
ously kepi our door open to all . who
were not unfitted by reason of disease or
incapacity for self-support r uch per
sonal record anil antecedent as were
likely to make them a- menace to our
peace and order or to the wholesome and
essential relationships of life.1 In this bill
it la proposed to turn away from tests
of character and of quality and to impose
tests which exclude and restrict; for the
new tests here embodied are not test of
quality or of character or of personal
f.'tr.oBS. but tests of opportunity. Those
who come seeking opportunity are not to
be admitted unless they have already liad
one of the chief of the opportunities they
seek, the opportunity of education. The
object of such provisions Is restriction,
not section.
People Ifayre Not Spoken. ,
"If the people ot this country have
made up their mind to limit the number
of immigrants by arbitrary tests and so
reverse the policy of generations of Amer
icans who have gone before them it Is
their right to do so. I am their servant
and have no license to stand In their
way. But I do not believe that they have.
I respectfully submit that no one can
quota their mandate to that effect. Ha
any political party ever avowed a
policy of restriction In thla fundamental
matter, gone to the country on It and
been commissioned to control Its legisla
tion? Doe this bill -rest upon the con
scious and universal assent and desire of
the American people? I doubt It. It Is
because I doubt it that I make bold to
dissent from It. I am willing to abide
by the verdict, but not until it ha been
rendered, until the platform of parties
speak out upon this policy and the people
pronounce their wish. The matter is too
fundamental to be settled otherwise."
Will Come Up In One Week.
The reading of the message evoked ap
plause on the democratic side and from
Mint republicans.
"At the proper time," said Representa
tive Burnett, chairman of the immigra
tion committee, "I shall move a recon
sideraion of the vote by which the bill
passed the house and that It bo passed
over the president' veto. I do not de
sire snsp judgment on anybody. No one
who favors this bill has had any tips
when this meesage would come iu. Tho
message In itself. In It four corners,
give good reason why the bill should
become law."
The veto message was referred to the
Immigration . committee from which
Chairman Burnett said he would ask. to
have a report to the house one week
from today. The veto will not come be
fore, tho senate until It haa been acted
upon In the house.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-8peclaJ Tele
gram.) Judge Klnkald today presented
to President WUson visitor from his dis
trict, Fred A. Wright of Scott' Bluff
and A. M. Hand and James Westcrvelt
of Gering.
Uernburg, formerly in the Germ
Read it in the Sunday Bce.(
Germans Report Two Important
Victories on the Western Front
ru-.ltU.V. Jan. LX-( Py Wlreloss to
liondon) Vlrtoi y for tJerman troops In
lo Important cntagemctits along the
western fn.nt Is anm.tinccd In an official
communication from the war office today.
In the region of t'raonne another sec
lion of, the. trenches of tho allies was
captured, the. report states, nml Ir. upper
Alsaco.lhe French retreated In disorder
after suffcrinir hesvy losses In attacks
on tho Herman positions. In flic canteen
campaign two small defeats of the Rus
sians arc rr ported. The statement says:
"Western theater of war: The villages
of Mlddlokerko and Klvpe, on the coast
of Flanders, were bombarded by the
eimniy's artillery.
"In the heights of Craonne another fnX)
metres of trenches aljolnlng- on the east
of tho position we captured on the day
before yesterday, were taken from the
enemy. French attacks were repulsed
Without difficulty.
"The rpemy has suffered heavy losses
In the bntt'ca I. .'tween the and the
STth of January. Over l.&no doad French
men were found on the battlefields. In
cluding those reported on the 27th, 1,100
Paris War Office Says Attempts to
Celebrate Kaiser's Birthday Dis
astrous to Germans.
PARIS, Jan. 28. The French War office
this afternoon gave out an official ac
count or the hostilities a follows:
"January 27 was the anniversary Of the
birthday of Kniperor William of Ger
many. Our adversaries announced for
this day a very particular effort, but If
It were niado by them It ,dld not result
to their advantage.
"Tho day was a good one for us along
all the front. Kvery Oerman attack was
repulsed, while every French attack made
"In Belgium tho poattlnn of the enemy
were shelled and several of his trenches
were demolished. To the south of the
Lys the British artillery shelled the roads
J over which tho German troops were mov.
Ing, as well as tho point where they
were assembling.'
"In the sectors tof Arras, Albert Roye,
Noyon and Rotssons there waa lnlermlt
ent cannonading and rlflo firing aft va
rious point. The infantry of the enemy
endeavored to come out of ita trenches
to attack but It was at once driven back
by severe fire. ,
"In the region of Craonne the total
losse suffered by the Germans on the
23th and the 28th of January undoubtedly
reached the equal of one brigade (a bri
gade In the German army total 8,000
men). The Of tmnn Drlanncta lUjflUSAftPj)
an are under lho iinire3alun tiiat they
have been strongly checked. Our losses
In dead, wounded and missing for these
two day are about 800 men, and they
can be explained by two things first, the
severity of tho fighting, and second by
a partial landslide in an old, quarry In
which two companies of French soldiers
had taken shelter during tho bombard
Bunny Hug Must Go
From South Dakota;
Debate Nepotism
PIERRE, 8., D., Jan. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) That lho "bunny hug" ha out
lived Its usefulness and must go is the
opinion of Ruckman, a bachelor member
of the legislature from Brown county.
There are so many new dances since two
years ago that all covered by that bill
are forgotten. And Ruckman want the
law out of the way.
The house committee has also reported;
In favor of the senate bli, to discard an
other act of Xwo year ago in tho Rich
ardson 'swapping" bill, which was passed
through under threat of the referendum
if not enacted.
That the Milwaukee Railroad company
should be compelled to build a aafo
bridge acroea the Missouri at Chamber
lain la also the expression of the house
In the resolution adopted requesting con
gress to compel such octlon on the part
of that railway company.
State aid for common schools took up a
lot of house time before it waa disposed
of, and then only ou a second vote, and
after the annual amount wa reduced
from 8100,000 to 815.000.
In tli senate nepotism came up on the
Urdahl bill. In the same debate in which
Hie act was passed prohibiting state of
ficers from employing relatives. This wa
a twin bill wtili the house measure
killed almost unanimously yesterday.
Moat of th esenatti session waa taken
up la the bill attempting to fix a 10 per
cent Interest maximum In the state, which
finally went down by a decisive vote on
the senate measures to that effect.
The senalo accepted the house joint
resolution for a committee to Investigate
tho chrges of extravagance in state ac
counting and business systems and the
committee will soon bs at work to find
what can be dona In tho way of reduction
of state expenditures.
IjOSDOX, Jun. 28. An Exchange Tele
graph dispatch from Copenhagen gtves
a report that an attempt was made sev
eral days ago to assassinate King Con
stantino of Greece. This reports la con
veyed to Copenhagen In a dispatch from
Constantinople, which says that the
authority for the report I the statements
of traveler arriving at Constantinople.
The attempt on the life of the king, ac
cording to the rumor, was made at
Patra. Grocce.
Andrew Carncei
prl.muers fell into, the hands of our
"In the Vongea several French attacks
lit the nelKhhorhood of Bennnge and Ban
Ie Sapt were repulsed with considerable
losses to the enemy. One officer and
fifty Frenchmen were taken prisoners.
Our losses were quite small.
"In upper Alaace, along the front line,
the French attacked our position at Aa
pach. Ileldweller, Ammeriwelller and on
the Wuribacher forest. Their attacks
were repulsed everywhere with heavy
losses to tho enemy. Thislr losses were
especially large south of Ileldweller and
AmmcrIwcllW. where tho French re
treated In disorder. Five French machlno
guna were (captured.
"Kastern theater of war: Unimportant
attempts of tho enemy to make an at
tack northeast of Oumblnnen were re
pelled. "Near Blesum, to the northeast ef Sler
peo, (near the west Prussian border In
Poland), a Russian division waa repulsed.
Otherwise there are no changes in Poland."
Czar's War Office Also Reports Re
pulse of German Offensive
Movements in Poland.
rETROGRAD. Jan. 2.-Th general
staff of the Russian army today gave out
a communication on the progress of tho
fighting with the Teutonto allies. It la
dated January 27 and reada a follows:
"In east Prussia fighting ha continued
In the region of Matwlschken and Ias
dolmen. "On the right bank ot the lower Vis
tula there took place again an artillery
engagement and encounter with advanced
parties of the 'enemy. In front of thla
river, In the neighborhood of Skcmpe, we
were successful In forcing bark several
German battalions?
"The night of January 28 and tho day
following saw no Important change on
tho left bank of the Vistula. The Ger
mans, however, delivered reiterated at
tacks against our front In the vicinity of
Bollmow, but In every case they were
driven back. During one ot the engage
ment some ot the detachment of the
enemy who have been successful In
gaining our trenches were dispatched at
the point of tho bayonet.
"Attacks by the enemy In the vicinity
of the village ot Rabskebudy and Ka
tnlon have resulted In failure. .
"InMhe course ot January 28 our artil
lery bombarded with success the line of
the enemy and reduced to alienee a Ger
many batUry leoaiod the village ef
4 Huai si, aiwliviaBatiew ,
In Oallcl
the engagements are devef-
oping on a large scale
Tha front ex-
tends from Mount Duklarto Mount Wyai
kow. On the right wing of this front we
have captured 109 prisoners and two ma
chine gun. ,
. "In Bukowlna , on January 25 n. the
vicinity of Waleputna, to the outhwest
of Kimpolung, thore wa an artillery en
Fire Ilaadrcd Germans Killed.
PETROGRAD. Jan. .-(Vla tendon.)
-In a stubbord fight In the vicinity ot
Soehacaew, on the Rxura river, the Gor
man on Tuesday broke through Into the
Russian trenches, from which they were
repulsed only after bayonet charges. At
Atlanka, two miles north of Soehacaew,
In a battle lasting thirty minutes, the
Gorman lost 00 killed.
A Russian officer commanding a bat
and the battery masked. We lay all night
waiting for the attack. Before u wa
a clear spec of 2,000 yards to a hill on
which there Were tree. , . v
"With the coming of daynlgliC we be
came Impatient and began to fear that
the German did not Intend to attack.
Suddenly, at the end of the field, we
noticed a detachment of cavalry. They
rode toward our position and to a point
within 800 yard of it and then. stopped,
evidently suspecting that something wa
wrong. We were In despair when they
turned to move away, since we were with
out firing order.
"Suddenly the crackling of our machine
guna, twenty yard to the left, gave the
signal for a general play of the battery.
Part of the dtaehmenl waa killed and
the rest of the cavalrymen fled. They
were caught, however, by shrapnel from
our artillery battery further back and
scarcely one escaped.
"Half an hour passed. From the direc
tion of the village there appealed ex
pected long line of . German columns,
not less than three- regiments .Ajpaln we
held our fire for a time, knowing what
was expected ot us.
"The Oerman gathered on the hill and
began entrenching. They did not work
long. With three -volleys we swept the
whole of the German left flank and In
the spaoe of thirty minute the whole
ground within reach of cur guna waa
cleared. The ' German left CiOO, killed.
"Later the German tried to get around
our left, but here our Hlbertana met them
and within a tew minutes had them on
the run again. Meanwhile two Gormann
guns, hli were covering the movement,
were silenced by our artillery, thank to
which we lost scarcely a man."
Commission Will
, Investigate All
Transport Issues
NEW YORK, Jan. 2S.-Frank P. Walsh,
chairman, of the federal commission on
industrial relation, announced today that
the commission would conduct in Chicago
an Investigation into the entire trans
portaton condition of the country, the
relation between railroad and their em
ploye and condition among the workers.
Thla investigation, Mr. Walsh an
nounced, will begin within a few-days
after the tommlaskn conclude it hear
ing here, probably the latter part of
next week.
He said he could not at this fime make
public the i)amei of witnesses who will
be aununoned to testify la Chicago.
Great Austro-German Force is At
tempting; to Stem Invasion of
Upper Hungary and Prov
ince of Bukowina.
Advance Scouts of Army Advancing:
Over Three Routes Virtually
on Edge of Suet Canal.
The Day War New
are la - sack complete conflict
that the oetcomc sr recent hentll
lllea, particularly la the west, la
left In donht. In t'ppcr Alaace
brisk flahtlnar, been resented.
4 the battle at Crannne contlo
acs with undiminished severity.
8KVKRK FIGHTING la In proarres
In the Trnnacancaans, where)
the Turks, nntvrt thatana Ing- their
reported defeat recently, are ad
milted by the Itnsslan military
authorities to have aaaanted narnlnt
an eneraetlo offensive. An ( f I
rlnl communication from Pet raw
arad sa that the Tarka made n
aerlca of attacks, bat were thrown
hack with heavy Inaars. An offi
cial announcement from Conatan
tlnuple, aowever, any that tho
Turks Inflicted n defeat on tho
Rusalnna In the Caucasian region.
CURAT BATTI.B has developed In
ftallcla alona; n lOO-uille front
klrtln: the tnrpnthlans This
strueele, which I In pursuance of
the new Auatro-Uermau plan of
shlftln; the weight of attack front
central Poland to the south, may
mark turnlns; point In the cam
'Patau In the east, nnd both the
Ruaalnn and Teuton attach tho
hlaheat Importance to the out
come. IIKI'KATKI) CiF.RMA.V attack wero
made alone the Warsaw front and
at one point on the Hsura the at
tackers broke through to tho Rus
sian trenches. 'The Russian state
ment saya that later they wero
eapclled at the point of the bayo
net. GERMANS hare renewed their as
saults la the neighborhood of
Solssona, where recently they won
a decisive victory. In Alaace tho
flehtlns; la lea Intense oa ee
'. Jfcoavr eaawa,. ,.',., ...
"s '
LONDON. Jan. J8. The Carpath-
lan passesIn western. Garicla. Ee-vnr.
and tbe Caucasus, Toy reason of the
a mm -
suuaen oirensive or armies heretofore
defeated, are again to the fore today
sh the chief areas of Interest in' tho
uillikAl VIQiailUUB,
In tbe Carpathians a blr force of
Austro-Germans . have been concen
trated and is fighting not only to
item the invasion of Hungary, but. If
possible to cut off the Russian forces
occupying Bukowlna "to the south.
n Egypt the Turkish advance anoeara
really tn h u V hnrun Tn4h raiLo-H.
the shattered Turks have more or
less reorganized and paused In their
flight toward their own frontier and
resumed the offensive.
Both Vienna and Petrnrrait jmnhi
the Importanco of the Austrian ' AM,..
tlon in the Carpathians. The Auatrlan
claim the recapture of certain mountain
passes and retroarad concede that the
Austrian have 'thrown frh
thla region and are 'evlnclnv aervii
along the entire Gallclan front
, Tarka la Blaal Pealaaula.
'While it I not nrohable that anv rnn.
iderable body of Turk ha yet penc
tratad the Slnal peninsula, their advance
scouts are virtually at the edge of tho
Sues canal, having moved along .the
caravan route near the ateliteerann
It 1 believed that another column plana
to advance through the center of th
iC'vntlnued on I'mko Three, Col. Three )
to you
bqt valuable to someone else.
This means those odd pieces of
furniture, carpets, rugs,-musical
instruments or other ar
ticles that you have lvinis
owuuu w Diwru uwity.
The "some one else" '
are the people who are
reading the For Sale
Columns of The Bee.
Every day they read
. this column looking for
perhaps the very thin,?
you cannot use.
" Offer them for sale, you will
find a ready buyer and be
agreeably surprised to. find
1) fiTlT rtMi rtl-1 xr 4- T ai - am v. I.. 1
ed into cash.
Phono Tyler 1000 about it,
Evrybodf RtaJt Bum JVatf Ad