Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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House Chamber Filled with Per.
sons Interested in Healers'
MTom a Staff Corif ?ponilent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 27. (Speclat Telegram.)
-If chiropractors aceompHshod nothing
clue in the hearing before a Joint com
mittee on medical societies this evening;
they succeeded in advertising themselves
very v successfully.
The house' chamber as well filled,
when the hearing began. Speeches were
limited to ten minutes, and there were
enough speakers so that three hours were
taken In the hearing. Ohlropractcrs, os
teopaths, allopaths and homeopatns took
a hand In the speeches and tho crowd
was well entertained with many dra
r.'Rtic stunts.
Kdserton on Hand.
' Frank K. Kdgerton, former assistant
attorney general, who had successfully
convicted chiropractors in the supremo
Court, appeared for the chiropractors and
was ably assisted by P. S. George of
Lincoln, Dr. Purviance of Omaha and
others, while the other side was repre
sented by Dr. C. B. At?n and Dr. Young
of Fremont, osteopaths; Drs. May hew
and Orr of IJncoln. Tegular physicians,
find Dr. V. H, Wilson of the State Board
of Health.
Dr. l'urviance of Omaha thought the
presence of such a big crowd evidence
that the chlropractoo were making head
way. He gave the osteopaths a dig for
joinins the drug healers and doubted
whether either could make the require
ments of their professions.
Living? Example.
Mr. Eclgerto'i produced a living example
of the success of the chiropractors' art,
being a man who can now see, who once
was blind. In closing his argument, Mr.
Kdgcrton eaid that 10,000 people were
willlnff tA tesHfv In fnvnr of the chiro
practors and half of them had been given
up by the drug healers.
Dr. Lord of Omaha told of one success
ful case of chlropracty upon a horse.
Tho operator laid a block against a
horse's neck and hit it with a sledge
hammer and the horse got well. He told
of another case of where a former do
mestic that had worked In his honre who
had no education had attended chiroprac
tic school a few months and became so
proficient that she tried to convert him
away from the tlrug profession.
Hydrographic Report
of Price Off Press
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 27. 8pecial.)-The hy
drographic report of State Engineer Price,
which Is just off the press, la the 'most
complete and -comprehensive survey of
the water power resource of the state
ever published. '
In the report are compiled all the stream
measurements ever taken In Nebraska.
The measurements weer made at thirty
nine different stations. The volume also
includes an article by Prof. Stout of the
state university on the theoretical power
value of the Loup river. There are
twenty-four full page cuts. .
Copies will be furnished free, 2,000 vol
umes having been -printed -The balance
of the state engineer1 report will not be
ready until the middle of February. ,
NEBRASKA C1TT. Neb., Jan. 27.
(Speclal) At a mass meeting held at the
onuntv court room . an organisation to
be known a the Associated Charities of
Nebraska City, was organised, taking
over the entire charity work of the city
and using a card Index ystem to keep
tab on all applicant and all who receive
charity. The officer elect are Rev. 8. P.
Crcsap, president; first vice president,
Mr. W. Y. Dowe; second vice president,
Mr. C. M. Hubner; secretary. Rev. W.
W. Barnes, and treasurer, A. P. Stafford.
The organisation will raise a large sum
with which to work and care, for the real
deserving needy. Prior to thU several
organisation liave handled this work,
among them the "Big Brother" move
ment It i now all merged Into one or
ganization. Henrly Itoimer.and Mr. Ottilia. Coffey,
both of Fremont, Neb., came to thi city
last evening and were united In marriage
by County Judge A. A. Dischpf.
C. G. Marshall, who ha been secretary
of the Central Nebraska Fruit Growers'
association, has resigned and will go with
the Arlington Nursery company, and
Charles W.' Andrew has been elected
secretary of the company in hi stead.
The latter has been with the association
for some time.
The Otoe Bar association members
were entertained by Attorney L. F. Jack-
ton and wife, at their annual meeting at
their home Tuesday evening and a three
course supper was served, after which a
flow of wit and a feast of knowledge
flowed, with Hon. E. F. Warren actl
as toastmaster. All of the member were
present and at the conclusion of the
feast Hi. L. F. Jackson waa made an
honorary member of the association and
presented with a handsome souvenir.
II. C. Greene yesterday sold out hi ice
cream factory to Chapln & Met. Th
r new firm, took over the plant at once and
Mr. Greene will go to Louisiana, where
he has a sugar plantation of 2.S00 acre
which he will look after.
A son of Mr. and Mr. Karspeck died
at the home of hi parents, near Dunbar,
Judt night after a brief Illness.
The U. A. Duff garage, which was de
stroyed soino time since and the brick
walls of the same fell a few day ince
during a high windstorm, I to be rebuilt
as soon a the weather will permit.
fsi Votes f Hastings.
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 27. (Special Tel
egram.) More than fifty soda "water
manufacturers met here today In the an
nual convention of the Nebraska Bot
tlers' association, which wa called to
order, with welcoming addresses by Pres
ident George Koon and Mayor Ingraham
of Hastings. At a banquet tonight they
were addressed by National Secretary
Phillip of New Tork and State Food
Commissioner Harraan. - -
, Dr. C. H. Holden, formerly of Zanes
ville, O.. today accepted the call to the
pastorate of the First Baptist church,
yhlch he baa ueen supplying for two
, months.
Hans Hansen of this city ba pur
chased the Lelnlnger lumber yard at
Loup City. The business will be con
ducted by his son snd daughter, Perle
ud Mia Mabel Hansen.
Richmond Memorial J
from Now on Will
Take Regular Course
(From a Staff t-errrspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.)-.
After putting In an hour yesterday on
the Kiehmond jnlnt memorial to concress
urging pasdHgo of the ship purchase Mil.
the house discovered this morning that
It hail not gono through the official and
prescribed channels lnid down by the
rules 'of the house. Now the bill will
takes It regular course.
House roll No. 5.1, a companion to the
Firemaiis' bill which was on the rack
yesterday, was recommended for paxsHKe.
House, roll No. '1 by Palmer of Doug
las went to an untimely death. The bill
would prevent anyone receiving a non
partisan Judicial nomination through
writing his name on the primary ballot.
Hunter Insisted that any voter had the
right to cast his ballot for anyone he
wanted to and If he could not find the
name ho wanted printed on tho ballot.
ho outfit to be allowed to write It In.
Taylor Joined In tho attack saying it
was an attempt to abridge tho rights of
the voter. Consideration of the bill was
Indefinitely postponed.
frotes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 27.-Spocial.)
Tho annual meeting of the Oage County
Meilcal society was held in Beatrice
Tuesday evening. Tapers were read by
Dr. L. V. Buckley and Dr. L. E, Pennrr.
The following officers wore elected:
President, Dr. E. P. Bachle of Barnes
ton; vice president. Dr. S. E. Yoder of
Wymore; secretary-treasurer. Dr. F. W.
Buckley of Beatrice; board of censors.
Dr. A. Lee of Plckrell, Dr. C. C. GafCord
and Dr. 1 P. Ul'.laspie of Wymore.
K. Hainmett, an employe of tho
Dempster company, had his right cheek
punctured Tuesday , by a ploeo of steel
which broke In two while ho was remov
ing it from a machine and struck him in
the face. '
Mrs. Rankin Lcnera, lor forty years a
resident of Gage county, living in Han
over township, northeast of Beatrice,
tileil Tuesday afternoon at the age of 0."
years. Sho is survived by her husband
and five children,
Mrs. Ethel May Brown of this city
Tuesday was granted a decree of dlvorco
from Charles A. Brown on the grounds
of. non-support In district court. Mr.
Brown Is at present living at Falrbury.
Kllpatrlck Bros, of this city sent a
force of laborers to Guernsey, Wyo.,
Tuesday to work on the Guernsey tunnel
line, which the firm hopes to finish thc
coming season. They will resumo work
on the Job February 1.
John B. Plrle, for the last twenty-six
years master mechanic of the Burlington
shops at Wymore, died Sunday of Bright's
disease. He was a native of Aberdeen,
Scotland, and came to Wymore in 1SSS.
NEBRASKA, CITY. Jan. 27.-(Speclal.)
Charles W. Stahlhut died Tuesday
morning at 8 o'clock from apoplexy. He
was born in Wpstphalen, Germany, No
vember 28, 1S41. and came to Nebraska
City in 1869. By trade he was a carpen
ter, but soon drifted into the mercantile
business. At ope time he was one of the
leading business men ot this clty; He
was quite prominent In republican poll
tics in this city, serving as councilman
and one term as mayor. Ho leaves a
wife, brother and ten children.
Mr. Martha E. Slttlcr, who has been
a resident of this county sinco 1859, died
at her home yesterday morning. Sho has
lived here for the last twenty years.
She leaves three daughters and one son.
Her husband died last year in an Omaha
' The funeral of Mrs1. Conrad Mullls,
who has been a resident of this county
for almost sixty years, was held Monday
at tho Methodist Episcopal church In
Wyoming rreeinct. She came here With
her husband in 1837. She was the mother
of ex-Commissioner MuHis.
Kalrbnrr News Votes. I
FAIRBURY, Neb.. Jan. 27. (Special.)
Owing to the large volume of freight bus
iness on the Nebraska division, the local
officials have Increased the freight crews
to ten. Every day as high as three sec
tion of the fast Red Ball freight trains
are run over the--r3lvlBion. A great d ul
of grain is moving from Illinois and Iowa
points to thesouthwest. ,
C. E. Elsham of this city went to
Council Bluff Monday to. take Al Brln
dle's turn as conductor on the Denver
express run, Council Bluffs to Phillips
burg, Kan.
Miss Bessie Goff, assistant in the ren la
ter of deed office, ha been laid off on
account of 'slack business and not war-
ranting the service of a depXity..
I -
TTTmZT. ' . ,
Baby of Future
is Considered
Much thought ha been given In lat
year to the subject of maternity. In
the cities there are maternity hospital
equipped with modern methods. But
most women prefer their own home and
In the town and village must prefer
them. And sine this la true w know
from the great many splendid letter
written on the subject that our "Mother'
Friend" is a great help to expectant
mother. They write of the wonderful
relief, how It seemed to allow the
muscle to expand without undue strain
and what a splendid (influence it waa on
th nervou system. Such help a
"Mother's Friend" and the broader
knowledge of them should have a helpful
Influence upon babies of the future.
Scienca aaya that an Infant derive It
sens and builds It character from
cutaneoua Impression. And a tranquil
mother certainly will transmit a mora
healthful Influence than if she ia ex
tremely nervou from undue pain. Thi
I what a host of Women believe who
used "Mother' Friend."
These points are mora thoroughly x
plslned In a little booa mailed free.
"Mother' Friend'' la sold In all drug
tores. Writs for book. Bradfleli) BeguUv
tut Col. 411 Laictr tilde.. Atlanta, lis.
Live Stock Sanitary
Board Meets Today
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. Jan. 27. (Speeial.V-The IJve
Stock Sanitary board Is scheduled for an
other meeting Thursday, when the matter
of the resignation of Dr. L. C. Klgln as
state veterinarian la exptcted to come up
ln; : I
At last week s meeting the board ac
copied tho resignation, although not
unanimously, and recommended Dr. An-
derson,of Seward to the governor for ap-
pointment to fill the flace. The gov .
ernor-has not yet acted.
.It Is understood that friends of Dr.
Kigin have been working in his behalf!
with the governor.
Tries Suicide, Fails;
Asks Cop to Kill Him
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. J7. (Spe
cial Telegram.) After John Klmrough.
aged Si, tried to kill himself by shooting
and failed he' handed the gun to a police
man who found him lying in the ante
room of the Moose hall with a bullet hole
through his body, and bogged him to fin
ish tho job by blowing out his brain.
Klmrough was despondent over 111
health and financial troubles. It Is be
lieved he will live. He ha relatives at
Shelton, Neb. He came here yesterday
from Evansvllle. Ind. ' '
Laymen's Christian t'ntnn.
I'LATTSMOl'TH, Neb.. Jan. I7.-(Spe-
clal.) Sunday afternoon in this city In
the First Methodist church was formed a
new organization to be known as . the
Laynr.en s Christian union, and Its pur
pose Is to create and (Ureot.the Influ
ence and activities of the laymen of the
different evungelical churches as relative
to the special campaign service proposed
by the pastors for thc last four 'weeks
of Lent. The membership is Intended to
embrace all the men In this town affil
iated with the evangelical churches. The
following nnmed officers were elected:
President, Dr. T. P. Livingston; secre
tary, Postmaster D. C. Morgan; treasurer.
J. M. Roberts, cashier of the Plattsmouth
State bank. .
Promotion for Cunningham.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 27.-(Spe-
cial.) Roy H. Cunningham.' who has been
manager of the Nebraska City Gas com- 1
pany, has been promoted to the manager- '
ship of a plant at Madison, Ind. It is '
probable that B. P. Epan, manager of the
water and light company ; at NebrasV
City, will take the place of Mr. Cunning
ham handling tho work in addition to his
present duties. ......
Bun sJraonl Bonds. --
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 27. -(Special.) State
Treasurer Hall ha purchased the bondu
of two Nebraska school districts- In the
total sum of $40,000. The bonds bear" S
per, cent The districts selling the bonds
were No. S3 of Platte county (Crcston).
and No. 26 of Fillmore (Exeter). Each
district sold 120,000 worth. " .
Woman Fatally Bnrned.
WEEPING WATER. Neb... Jan; .27.-(SpectaU-
Friends at Nebraska City have
received the new of theacctdcntal death
at Watonga, Okl., of Mr. Caroline. New
burn, who has resided In Nebraska .City
for some twenty years. Her death ,wa
caused by burn received from her cloth
ing Catching fire.
Katon Assistant Librarian.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 27. (Special.)
Paul H. Eaton, formerly employed in the
state auditor' office, , ha been appointed
bailiff to the supreme, court. He succeeds
to tho place occupied by the late Even T.
Roberts. He will be ait assistant librarian.'
Measles at Klmnood,, '
ELMWOOD.. Neb., Jan.. 2l (Special.)
The public schools at Kim wood are seri
ously" infested with ' the. contagion of
measles. A large number of pupils and
one teat' lie r havo taken the disease dur
ing the last few 'days." ' . , '
The Frisco has on sale daily, winter tourist tickets to all of the
Florida and Cuban resorts. Good (or return passage until June
1st; 1915. Liberal stopover privileges.
Kansas City to: ". . . Miami and return. $ 64.60
Jacksonville and rarara, $ 42.80 ' Kay West aad return, 7S.60
St. August! a and return. ; 44.80 Tampa and ratura, . .' 84.10
Palm Beacb aad ratura, : 61.00 , Havana and return, 79.00 '
Good return log sis moath from dst of sals.
' Correspondingly low fares to other resorts in Florida, Cuba artel the
Isle of Pine. '
The Kansas City
Florida Special
An all-tl train,-through from Kansas City to Jacksonville over the Frisco Lines
and Southern Railway. Steel coaches, dining car (Fred Harvey meals) and sleepers.
It take you through the UzarK
Detailed information and profusely illustrated
descriptive literature may pe had by addressing
J, C Lovrlen, Division Passenger Agent, '
. 60 Waldheim Bldg, Kansas City
tJT'-tW 77" -.. ' " 1 juppi in i r ii hi.-; I rf t i yrwmpMMm i hwhim mmtm w i
: -- - - ..- . , - . - . ry. f at , (, i W '" - - '
Mrs. Grace KcysQ,r
of Nebraska City
Sues for Divorce
-Mrs. Grace t. Keyser.
IT. (Special.)
through an
Omaha attorner. filed . u-iit fnr . .iK-nr.-.
the district court of this city last
evening against her husband. Val Ktjsor,
1n whlrh nn m,Hs onM Px,.e0(1ln,,y
sensational charges, naming two women
ot Ltnct,,n ,a1 on pt 0milh(,, sh8 ,sK,
thc court to Hk,(r,ln blm from dllpoiimf
of h !ntercpt , f nar F,.b
.. ...... . ... . .
v. uir Bitiin on ma mrm near
fondant is president of the Central Ne
braska Fruit Growers' association and
Is known as being an extensive fruit
grower, both here and near Falrbury.
The couple wss married in Cass county,
Nebraska, In 1900, and she wants the cus
tody of their 5-year-old son. The re
straining order wss Issued and the case
win come on for hearing at the term of
tho district court next month.
HASTINGS, Nob., Jan. I7.-(Spci Tel
egram.) I'nder the' direction of Mayor
Ingraham a committee of , the council
ha begun investigation looking to dollar
gas In Hastings and a reduction of the
price of electric current for rooking pur
poses from to cents per kilowatt
hour. The. city owns thn electric plant
but the gas utility. Is owned by a private
company, whoso franchise exp'res In
February, 1916.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by
Bee "For Rent'' ad.
Cream Matlon at Avnea Bnrned,
AVOCA. Neb., Jab. 27. (Special.) Flro
destroyed the Beatrice cream station
here last uight and only by heroic effort
on the part of tho citizens was the John
son Implement house and the. city gas
plant saved. The cream station was
operated by Gottlelb Kehmaier and tho
building owned by Orlando Tefft. Tim
fire Is supposed to have caught from a
defective chimney or from thc stove.
If you will burn thi proven efficient fuel. It makes dandy
hot fire in very few minute and last a long or longer than
hard coal and that it is cheaper in indicated by tho price we
re offerinn It at.
209 S. 18th St.
,. 60S WaldlMini Bid. Kansas City .WA . X-T3Z1fTS7fT. 7
Will Provides for
Million Dollars for
Charity and Schools
ST. I.Ol lS. Jan. IT. Pro Isional bequests
estimate,! as oggregMting JI,0fo.'H sre
lift to Washington university of tills
city in the !1 of Mrs. F.llsn McMillan,
Moil In the probate .outl hero today.
The will dispose of an estate valued at
between H.'OU.OOo and $" .00000. The be- j
quests are contingent urn Mrs. MoMU- I
lan'a son. William Ni.rthrop McMillan,
leaving no children.
The bequest to the utilvei slty would
Include provision for a hospital and a
1100.009 fund to assist young Brls In
getting an education.
Mrs. McMillan's son has boon married
many years and has rr children. Ho owns
two homes In England mid Was host to
Theodore Roosevelt during h's hunting
trip In Africa.
The will disposes absolutely of the per
sons! estate of Mrs. McMillan and by
contingent bequests of her rhaii of the
estate of her husband, who died In Wl.
Ho was president of the Atiirrl'-in Car
Foundry , company.
To the sou Is given Mrs. McMillan s
home here and JIOAOOO. A summer home
at Magnolln. Mass.. .s willed to Mrs.
L110I0 McMillan, wife of, the son.
Othere bequests contingent up- 11 the
son leaving no child Include. .V.. . each
to the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation, the St. IamiIs Provident associa
tion and the St.. Louis Art museum.
Monthly Incomes for life are provided
Tor the following, among others;
Mrs. Josephlpe Warflelil McMillan, Colo
rado Springs, Colo., tM'; KlUaboth Dyer.
U)S Angeles. Cel.. !); Mabel Dunne.
anil Angeles, and to her mother. If she
urvlves, $100 each.
Keeplna Is iJnsd ondltlon.
Many people suffer from Indigestion
and constipation and do not know ItJ A
feeling of dullness and languldness, bitter
taste in tho mouth, headache, bilious
(ever most of these conditions when you
"are not sick, but don't feel right" can
be traced to Bluggbih bowel and torpid
liver. Foley Cathartla Tablets cleans
the syxtom, arouso the liver, banish in
digestion and make you "feel good all
over" light, enorgetlc anl ambitious.
For tale by all dealer everywhere. Ad
vertisement. '
A "For Sale" Ad will turn aecond-liand
rnlture into cash.
1 Phone Douglas 268
iT . r-j
Do you bos your
business or doe
your business bos
you) It' about tima
you wera asserting
your righttand sett
ling tha question,
by going to Florida.
House Rejects Bill
to Increase Pay of
Health Officers
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2T.-Agninst Hie
united protest of Democratic Lender l'n
derwiKxl and the entire inembersMp of
the Interstate Commerce committee, the
house today rejected the sonnle bill to
eualli:e allowances and Increase too per
sonnel snd compensation of off. ers of
the public health service. The vole on
tho bill was preceded by an nci iii."nlons
discussion in which Kepubttran Loader
Mann accused officers of tho service with
lobbying for the Increases.
' . . & r
STr.mvY A SON'S. Wl'BF.R,
You can save enough money by purchasing now to pay for your
children's entire musical education.
Look at These Bargains-Weigh the Values
Realize the Unheard-of Terras and Act
$600 Decker Sons,
Square 8 25
$500 Hallet Davis
Square 8 15
$1,000 Cblckerlng & Sons.
Grand 8200
$J50 Boston. Upright 8 55
$875 Schrin.o-, Upright ...8100
$460 Cblckerlng & Sons.
Upright 8115
$400 Steser V Sons,
Upright 8J1&U
trtm Stool, Freo Scarf and treo nit insnranc.
We hava had Piano Sales before, but this posllWely ellipses any
thing aver attempted In this or any other city. Do not delay until
the best of these Instruments have been sold, but call at onca an4
make your selection.
Free Pianola and Vlctrola Concert every Friday Afternoon from
S to 4 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited. N
Schmoller&r.lueller Piano Go.
1311-1313 Farnam Street,
This week we will give away Ruth.
SliP is ovor two foot liigh, 1ms very daik liair, blue
eyes that go .to sleep and rosy cheeks. tSho wearlf a white
dresa with blue tritumings aud a blue hat with white trim-
, mings, all tho latest
m X
:7H'-7.'; .
-ii7:'777""" I
" O O )'"
k . a , - 'v.- ',
I" t t ' - ' , ' - K
f ' I . ' - 4
More Skates
for our Busy Bee Boys
r tx?- mjk L r- " -.
Barney A Barry. Amsrlcan Club, Nickel Platad, Tempered.
Welded btsel Blades. SUss to tit, .
This picture ot one of the Skates will be In The Bee
every day this week. - . ; J
Cut tbem all out and ask your friends to save the pie- ;
tures lu their paper for you, too. Bee how many pictures ,
you can get and bring them to The Bee office nest Saturday. '
The Skates will be given Free to the boy that sends u
the most, pictures -before ' 4 P, M. Saturday, January 30. y
Austria Reports
Repulse of Russians
in Upper Hungary
YIKNN.V, .Inn. 27.-ny Wireless t.
lm Ion) Too official Austrian communi
cation Ihsucd today reports successes in
the fighting In the leadlrct Into
northwestern Hungary. The statement
"In the valleys of t'ng. LaTorcru . snd
Nftgy-Ss.imos the enemy has been forced
to evacuate some Important height after
repeated and frtilt loss counter attacks,
which cost the enemy heavy lossj."
A Rare Opportunity to Buy
i Piano at Less Thin
Cot of Produc'ion
In order to remodel our pntlr
building from cellar to garret
we are compelled (o sacrifice),
regardless of profit and terms,
nearly 200 1 new and slightly
used Piano. Player ' Pianos,
KlectrlcR. R e g I n a Sublimas,
- Pianolas and Organ, in order to
make room for Ihe plasterer,
painters und decorators. 'Nearly
every famous make Is Included
In this Rale, and the prices ara
so low that you will hare no
trouble to find a bargain. '
$325 Kimball, Upright 8120
$000 A. B. Chase. Grand. . .8225
S600 Hardman, Upright. . .8315
IS00 Hamilton. Upright... .8138
$750 Stelnway A Sons,
Upright 8500
$300 Davis A Suns, Up
right 8125
$500 Schubert, Player
Piano 8200
$550 Clough & Warren,
Ptaver Piano
to 82.00 Tn Week Will Do.
Omaha, Neb.
ppnug styles. v o
thought it would be
spring when she came
out, but we saw several
ladies out with their
spring suits today, so it
must bo time to wear
Ruth ill le given free to
the little girl under 12 years
of age that brings or mails
us the largest number of
doll's pictures cut out of the
Daily and Sunday Bee be
, fore 4 p. m. Saturday, Jan
uary 30.
Iluth ' v picture ' .will
be in Tho Bee every
day this week. Cut
them out and ask your
friends to save the pic
tures in their paper, for
you, too. See how many
pictures of Ituth you
can get, and bo sure to
turn them in to The Boo
office before 4 p. m.'
Saturday, January 30,
You can see "Ruth"
at The . Bee Office