THE BKK: OMAHA. TIll'HSDAV, JAXUAKY -J, 1!J.'. GIVE JERRY BIG SURPRISE Ilonsa JUcommcnds Minimum Wtje Bill for Fassafe When Re Ix ' pected Heavy Opposition. DOUGLAS MAN IS PERTLEXED (FVom Marr Com pjnimiO MNCOI.N. Jan. 17. rSfw!al --Thf Joke (tn Jiry Howard Hun murnlnK hn th ho'JM roommcnited hla minimum M Mil lor par Nfurc Jutv rould Ret the ryr of th "p akrr." How aril and Rairan Qf TUlt hrvc hal ivral artTumtnta ovw th bill, and aa iraull tlm former cum tip la th Hat house (lila morning loaded for th flatto county man. Trmte rr dncumonta a. I arminJ Mm, whlrh he oropw1 to turn hear on the rnrbr, hut Ragaii ant In atart and moved that th Mil I rcorn nndol for passafe. ,Cnn?a a ararlM. Thia sudden act on the part of lloiv f.rd'a fellow countryman rather U.ok th wind out of the toua;l roun'y man' aa.Ua, but he aoon rccuverpfl, an I It i not known whk-h way h voted, npr ti he bl to telt hlinwtf whether tin voted or not. Howard vu In a nitirh perplexed mood all the morning. Hnt nomeone atole the original coty of hla bill, while Jirry war holding forth with a bunch of suffra gette yesterday afternoon, and the hast ily prepared copy by a aenate Monogra pher had not the proper certlflratlon to how that it had gone the proper route Wlad Oat af BaUla. After the home, had had conaldeiabte fun at Jerry' expense, Ilenan got hla motion arroas to recommend the bill for passage and the fun waa over. Among the bill reported out by Und Ing committee waa: 1 (. Ft. 14 For a DoURlaa county work houpe. Amended an that any county may proceed under Ita urovUiona. Ueneral tile. Warehouse Bills , to Be Qiyen Chance, for White Alley From a Ptaff CorreapondeBL) UNCOIL. Jan. 77. - (Speoial.) The democratic' majority in the aenate a.r not satisfied with the action taken o far on the public warehouse bllla. Con-equanUy- wben the matter cam up In the aenate thla rooming and a motion waa made not to concur In the report of the standing committee which recom mended the bUla for Indefinite paetpone mM, on motion of Byiland of Uoona It waa decided to give the hill another chance and a hearing will be had next Wednesday afternoon at 3. o'clock In the aenate chamber. Aerator Howell ' of Douglass spoke strongly- for the meaaure - aa a party pledge. Tim two Mil, 8. F. 1 and . F. a, the furmer by Beai of Custer and the latter by Willi Wilson ' of Frontier, are prac tically parallel. ' Pults is Likely 1 ' to Retain Seat LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. J7.-8pclat Taio gittin) J. F.' Fultit,' rtpresn.itatlv from Nemaha, county, will retain hla scat In the teigtalature If the report if the com i;ilUe on elenllona, la coacurrad I14 bi the In uc. , ;" v, Tv "J I'ndcr th Norton motion adopted by the house eaterday, the committee waa Instructed to Inveatlgate the rhargca made by J. V. Kelly, the conteetant, and If it found evidence of fraud to recount th ballota., '.' AC'jordlng to the finding of the com mittee no evidence of fraud wa ub mtted, and aa the Committee had already eettltsd th propoltlon of whether Mr, Fula had a right to the bull moo vote cast for him In hla favor, thcro waa 01. ly ore thing to do and that w to report In favor of Fula retaining hla neat REPRESENTATIVE SCOTT IS BACK AT HIS DESK (From a. Staff Corerapondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 2J. HpeclaU-Repr. entatlve T. M. Bcott of Hamilton county, who haa been abecnt for ten day awhile at home will) hl aon, whoa akull i iracturcd III a fall, returned to Lincoln Wedneaday. . When he appeared In the house chamber he waa applauded, and a Ilva-mlnute receaa waa taken wVll mem txra crowdod around to extend their, aym nathy and ak about the boy'a condition, .Mr. 8cott eald that th cae la very ae tloua, but there new rf.xnt hope of the patient' re-overy. ltepreeentatl- Jacob Maa of Karpy county, who waa called away aeveral day ago to attend th funeral of f relative, I alto back at hla duties. fclrBrwe4r Active, , (From a Staff C'orreepondeut.) LINCOLN. Neh., Jan. IT. H pedal. ) Petition for IctUUtlona reL-ogulklng chtropracter were flic) in the eenal mate Wedneeduy nwrnlng from the counties of York. Oage. Heuttilcr and Webster. The clilroprpcteis he filed upward of f'fty . petitions from nearly every aclon of Ihe einle. It yU liavn a "Punatilny Hoom" let pcorl know about It lu thla column of lie Want Ad. taaipU raekags of tb ramouc Pyrtmld PU T-'-jiedy How 0' t red I re t5 Trcva TUat x; T7UIPof-lVcu. . Pyraiuld rilo lUuixdy give Q'lli k rallef, top llubiutf, Meeditig or ptotriivjiig pile. bfiiHiri- '" b 'lds and all re.v tl troulr. In tl a frlny r l yuurcvn botue. iwilkjIO I ( rlrt, Alula tox rt a eiir.-. tVeuvfU fe artel wita lxklt mmlfU In 11 illu wrapper, II yil en4 i. ffuixi.i helnw. rncc CAcrt coupon FTRW It) ITt'O COMPANY, li J-yraauJ Li- 1h HarskaU. Mich. Kindly wM rn a Kre sample of iTy : aau4 PUo KaJy, tu plain wrapper. Kem street City...'. !-ate V, ',i COMPTROLLER FOR DOUGLAS Miner Hat Bill Providing for New County Office Faying 8.000 to Two Men Yearly. FOR A TERM 01 FOUR YEARS From a Staff Correspor.dent) l.lXtOLN. Jan. ;.-(fieclal.)-Hepre-aenlatlve Miner, with eight other mem ber of Ihe tmgls county delegation, Inies low. Buraeee. t,undgren, I'almer, Howard, Hunter. TUclimonil and Cham berii. ha lntroiuced In the lower houea a bill, which. If It ln-oma a law, will give Douglas county a new officer to be known th rourtty comptroller. The ofrhe will pay Mlary of $3,00 for the chief comptroller and tl.Va for the d'-p.ity. Tlie af ointment la mad by the county, Judfe, county Clerk and coiinty trcaauYer and will he tint II the next elec tion when the office will he filled for a four-year term. ' ' The companion Mil provirlea that at the end of the final year thi expenea of the new officer, uhlh th- city haa to pay. shall be Mdrt between the city, the Hoard of Fduoiilrn and the Metropolitan Water Oirr:t, the two latter being ap portioned uae-ihlid each of the amount nccesaaiv, I i . : New Bills at Lincoln Meaate Rtlta. ' S. F. 124. Samlall of Tork-ProhlWU prl vte school and bualnera rollegee from ( --.iiiiTiH eTiie 10 reu conrraoia for tui tion or acholarehlp without obtaining 'r- irum si le superiniciinent. 1. F. I3i, Ihe Judlilary I'nmirilttea Flva thousand eeealon Isa and each .if th house and aenate Journals, distributed by secretary of state. . F. Is, Kushe of Kimball No person who ha been a randldula at a pilmsrv hall be a candidate by petition or cer tiilrate of nomination at the next general election. .4 I I'T CI..... -, m w "i inniin rpi;Hi,B (ne comnsnlea linlr Ik, .. . " n . , iu 11,11 inn , ilr or tornado companies. o. r. im, ricncer of liaae In case any county seat has been loceled tor twenty suoceaMv yr In anv one place it csn b changed only by threa-fout iha of all the. votes cast, at the last general elec tion, j B. F. 1, Comlttee on Munic ipal Affair -The mayor ami oouncll may include Ihe cost of curbing or curbing and guttering with the cost of paving for combined cost of all In Issuing bond. 8. K. 1), Robertson of Holt Relates to employment of private counsel to assist oounly attorneys. F. k rumba eh of Polk A legal other ofnolat notices shall have a bona weehlw nnhiii.1. . 1 . . 1 . . . " "iinin me county seventy.eight successive weeks prior to . .. , , , gntice. ana be nrlnterl elihr in .t...i- . " ..rri . . , vi in yuri in an offl- maintained at the place of public- H. V lij n..n. .t 11..1..' n . llnVwuL If i4 romPl operating a .:r -n proviue ampi platform aocomtrKMlatlona and waltuiK room on both nldia of the track. of Kducatlon of Omaha shall consist of twelv member, to be ohnsen by the 'V vt tli el,,,, v Plurality u i..,.U iu . " """lucre aim 11 tm . . ,uur esrs. aim tne ei. ISIS, general election and blennl ly JnTl'A'I """" hall ba elected anq aeive foi r ears. , .,F. i, Maunders of lougla-Amends Ikmefe.1" mto- mvlh' ot Womlnii tn Omaha " f flo""1 ot K,Ull-n H. V. 1IA Bii,,.l.. r. .. it? .i ,lW.ot M"'" in Omaha nt iV7iM,.. i " ,rnn in ilea ol (Chooi 8 F 7m pub,l mble. 1 , vi iuugiaa Aggre- gte hool tat in Omaha shall InntVmi J' fjf l WHU on the Jllrl"5 - viue. ih.i .11 ...L:";-.r.L""',mmrram shei7 hi, h7i ' '"ona in Omaha election u"wd " r"v I", nerai fi,.i.,.r...'. . ' "cniuoiy cirou ttmi thS ti!. rVrneXsT"9U,lM Ina 'n,l f'trnl.h- .h -.J. " y non-residents) a H. F. Ml. Velnh.i . v l .. the' J:ii A,K"' 'r1 ,of aha-Ilgulate Jim . Mrluultural aeeiia aud oro" vliiea 1 for their Inspection., W 1, iU B,,,rk ot Saline A Joint reac- ot two. '""r year instead N. if. iu r,,.i. r . . ltv or Vu'i... . ' ""-' county, Hons? t J .11. h to piulr a.l.lU " Bills. Vlles 1 J;VV UmL?' 8""''' --Pro. n.,m. on ataVTS.aS tS'b unii- J?:1:.n,!i?. t'low-E H. R v', Diiiesdow of tkimUi-V. S Hlrtln'l 'r'kl! r -?p''nt:o,o";err?, ! . . T h'J .,,t Persons furnMh- a, ."u1 ' J,"f purposes. M.- H. !.. r.i,r ,nn l.Ht-Hoduces le?I; ,Mm ,l to aw H. R. rt. Fui'vr if Beward-Provldce teutly assxaaore and .iile B.ard o? 1-.iijniIs4 ,1 ,. ,lts i triinaicr of real v;:u;r;erM:hre,ro" -rsr nd v8r" ll. K Tt lielnnor af ThoMiaa-Pro idea Ihat no KUon who .as ben a candl aie at a prlnui-v -hull Le a candtdite b pi. !i "ll!?.! " 'l th utxt ' "rl , J.'i " a'"'?; 'f11:- f"1'"-- Hel.n.r.' Llg- Jquliem m t iraivttj velertnsrv ur S Iu .aiai sUer.e.t ooa Into iii e t ... .' L '. '.Mitir o' B)t ei-1,va Mete WoHt-t Intgetlon auicrvUlm over lni. ukistinK or te be censtrut id and t.o Idei , m,p .icallon Ly lounlioi fjr k'.e'D Id. . tr. It. It. lit. lYtnkley o- Antelope-Allowa ' "" " ""'i.- iiiKs 11 cities ui d vil asv of lies ilmn i.uuv inl.ali.uuta i!ir,n I lie re . I H M. Ju, l'rvieivlovi of DoueU kFteia I ra.s uf v tiil aa I ll iu Uruskx nl.sll b .ctni'el I 1 d-iw n 'si). I II U st iwrni of ti(v fa Murf 1 Aiiihoiuis trrl etl. n or dralee dietrlcts ire .a d u Cer Ncbrnrke lima t . .... tia t w h I i.l e.l et;a for purchase, e M- v .-.j . aim!a resnrwlrs, tc a H to p-vvld; for t-nalin or linar.clai vrvdl I y I; ledvral go.ernioetit. II. It. 2" H!j-r of JclK-riLU -'it 111 ral . I Hi. al ( a a 1 be pilnte ' In ,h e 1 toiuim a In l ce tne Ion e luuin, puts til siu,rea rn the l't nan, .it.. I I . . li hu er of Je'fer u I lir.lts n tin .. ve it er of decdi af'-r t-Hlo c Mimics oer ivtul. now IJ,"0. 1 U ?' I d i ' oji.ty 1 -rg,itl in. lil'j. N,j,l' mil Larcp-Crtt a if I f t- lilt,' c. ni. r.,1 r 111 I Hu V I n I , ssmrv I II a. . uhiUs "ountv a'!eliiin ?'k th- .o it't' -o ui tr'b r x o'fu-lo I 1 y 'op-tMivl er end frovHe division of IC U liio) l'-e v-,us d -nii'Bin j H U -M. T'bbcls-Aonr-ii itilea il's I'aikl-m rmltiant trulls across tte. I I He- -t . '. ft. ,M-n of H"d-Money in. t ... :.. ..4 r..- . t ....... - . . 1 . ivr . -.-.iir" utiles lllliy uo lit M,t K,,1,I1. H. R. t tTilcv nt Kee-ii-y-Oo the i . , . . . , . crs iHels o that suldr Islan may vole r lew irfk . a,,.pili i M. u. .M. ia"isn of Greelcr-Repeal , I' e iew (oncernlng tk removal cf uiv. el'n rniv-s . II Hi Neff of Knolvn(t )ena IT furnl'uie and sarl-oltumt lmlements f r cue r mftrr (be sooda sn suld, I ne - fell f"- onrr. t H. n s. Rl nn l of rtomlna For. r'sn lis"ia"e conranb-a may do busl- Ilicss In the sta'.e alter having eautted one sr In i'taoe it lour yaars, as now r Mitrnl . TURKISH ARMY IS i INVADING EGYPT Three Corpa Are Etported in the Immediate Vicinity of FoinU on the Suez Canal. SKIRMISHINO AT EL KANT ABA m i.i.FTiv LONDON, Jan. 27. Dispatches from rnlro stale thet great military activity prevail at the rsnsl. and warshlfa are liclng asecmbled .tnd all civilians are leaving the vlclnly of the canal. Important reconnaissance are be ing made. ATHrcNM, Jan. Zi.-H I reported hera that three Turkish army corps ( about 13P.iO men) are marching on Fgpt, un er command of UJemM I'nslia. Fighting at ;l Kaalara . t'AIRO, Egypt. Jan. X. (Via London.) An engagement occurred yesterday to the eastward of Elkantara In Kgypl. rre sumably with the advance guard of a Turkish army, atthougn details ar lack ing. The Egyptian Iodhi a ere one of ficer and four men subtly wounded. Only a comparatively small number of men wene engaged In the ftglitliix. which wa In th nature of skirmishes. Detachment of Turkish troop have been sighted at three other' point to th east of the Sue canal, but no fighting has resulted oxcept that In the vicinity of El Kantara. In thl engagement the Turk opened fire at long range with mountain gune. Th British replied with machine guns and rifle. A Hrltlih aea plane dropped bomb upon th Turkish force near Blrmurhadad, In flicting losses. Fighting In this locality Indicates that not only haa a Turkish Invasion of F.gypt been begun, aa was reported In an earlier dispatch from Athena, but that Turkish forces here penetrated a considerable dis tance Into Egypt. El Kantara Is twenty eight mile ao'ith of Port Hald and la on the Hues canal, which. It la assumed. Is the Immediate objective of the Turkish advance. The territory to th east of Kl Kantara referred to In th foregoing dis patch, I the northern part of Slana penlnauli), which extend to the Turkish f pontic. One-Seventeenth of. Hogs of United States . Are in Nebraska ( Kroin a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. !fi.-(peclal.)-Nebraska had one-seventeenth of th wins In th Vnlted State on January L 1S1R, according to flgurea received by th Stale Board .of Agriculture from the federal authorities a few day ago. Ac cording to the government flgurea there were 2.808, Ouo hoga In Nebraska on Jan uary 1, and In the United .states. 64,618.000. Th value In Nebraaka was fixed at $10.90 a head and In th L'nlted Status 0.S7. The boss In Nebraska, figured on this basis, were worth W.Sia.OuO on Ne Year's day. Tlie swine of the L'nlted States were worth 011 tne ssmo day ltiJi,?7ft,K0. While Nebraska had one-seventeenth of the hog as to .number, the farmers of thla state had ona-rifteenth of the hog Industry on the tisi of cash value. Death Penalty jStayjr by Vote pf the Senate) .(From, a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. J7.-(e"Feclal.)-Tli bill of Senator Qulnby of Dcugla pre posing th abolition of the death pengity met Ita fate thl morning In th commutes of th whol of th upver house, which Indefinitely postponed It by a vet of 21 to U' Tho vet em ne 1,111, which went through last session only to receivo the governor's veto, was preceded by a lpng appeal on tho part of the senator who sponsors it. Th. vote on th- motion to' postpone was aa follows: For tha motion and aaslnst the bill: fed ford. Hiookley. Buhrman. ttuahe. elates. Orace, Henry, Hoaglaad, Kohl. hrumbsch, Mitllery, Alarshall, Italics. Itller. Saunders, tihumway, Spencer. Splrk, Wtlm.n of Hodge. Wilson of Fron. tier and VYInk-21. Against th motion and for tne .bill: Peal. Hj gland. Hodge. Houthett. Howell S!-''!?. WZL "2,erUon' Ruden, Saodall and Weesner. IS, Quinby Against , : . Barding Out Fines (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 3T.-t8peclal.- Senator Qulnby of Douglas county. In the senate thl afternoon, strenuously ob jected to aay statute provisions for serv ing out In jail a fine that th prisoner was unable to pay. Th senator defined "th laying out of fine" aa nothing leas than Imprison ment for debt, ''a relic of barbarism that went out of fashion over 100 years ago." Coyoto House Beats Anti-Nepotism Bill TIERRK. 8. V.. Jsn. I7.-KSrclsl Tele gram.) Thu houMe defeated the Hwsnson anti nepotism bill, tl to 1. Many speeches were mada agulnst it as an Infringement or personal right of state officials and not warrantee!. In trW of aalariea naid them bae on living expenses thirty year ago. Bible Teaching Bill WiUBe Offered riKRHK. l.. Jun 27. Sueill T1. grsm. tn,e bill the house by Malm will start something. Its requirement bo'nu mat at esl one chapter of the Hible shall be read In each of Ihe rjubll, iM,ni. of the alate every day, but any seciarl i.i cummenl upon the tearhlngs le prohibited. BELGIAN REUeTfUND REPORTED AT LINCOLN Following la the list of subscriptions to the Belgian relief fund reported at Lincoln: Amount previously reported I7.&UH.', Mrs. Allien Johnatoa. iKtudaa 1 uO aira Kdward Harp. lx,ii(la 1 Si v oinan'a club. Wood River 5 M Woman club, Fremout 10 vw lloaard county, Ietuka 1 ui Mrs. John Milhken, Bualton SOU Ulisabelh . Tbackara. Lincoln.... S.uu Uverybwdy read b W eat Ada. official report'rusS BLOCK BOTH Germans Are Checked Near La Basiee and Lose 1,600 Men Near Yprei. . REPULSE FIVE GERMAN ATTACKS TAnift. Jan. 27. Tb French report given out by the war office this after noon eaja the customary artillery ex changes took place yesterday, nnd that on January 23 the Herman lost near Yprrs a hat amounted to a battalion and a half of men (one German battalion con talna 1,000 men). The French claim also that a check wa administered to the German near I.a Bee yesterday. Here the losses of the Hermans are placed at two battalions. The statement says: "In the section of Nleuport nnd of Tpres there were artillery engagements yesterday. A German aeroplane wa brought down between the line of the Pelglan army. Statement made by prla onera establish the fs t that it was not a battalion, hut a brigade which on Jan uary Zi attacked our trenches to the est of Tpres. The enemy lout Id thla affair what amounted to a battalion and a half of men. "If haa been confirmed today that ne at I.a Bassee, Qlvenchy and Guinchy th. Germane yesterday suffered a great check. On the rod from La Baaaee to Hcthune the bodies of six officer and men were found. The losses of th Ger mane consequently must represent at least two full battalions. "From Lena to Solssons yesterday saw artillery fighting. In the region of Craonne we maintained ourselves in th trenche rec ptured by us during ur counter attacks of January 25. "1ft the region of Perthes. Hill No. 200, four violent attacks on the part of th enemy have been repulsed. ' In th Ar gonne. In the vicinity of St. Hubert, a Jermn attack was repulsed with the bayonet. At St. Mlhlel wa destroyed new foot brldpe. thrown over the Meuse by the enemy. . "Yesterday passed quietly In Lorraine and in the Voege." EMBARGO PUT ON CHICAGO CATTLE Continued from Page One.) market for immediate slaughter under rigid Inspection by state and federal of ficials. No new case of th disease had been found at the yard since the out break last November, according to Dr. Houck, A. O. Leonard, president of the Union Stock Yarde and Tranalt company, said th government's order was Issued be cause of the finding of the disease In cattle shipped from Chicago to Philadel phia byway of Pittsburgh. Federal In spectors now are tracing th shipment to determine whether the infection occurred here- or at some other point. 1 ' Officials of the Union Stock Yards com pany said they hoped to complete the cleaning and disinfecting of th yards, so that the ban against shipping might be lifted Monday. Uv stock dealings at the yards today were confined to the quarantine section. Trial of Roberts on Murder Charge Starts NORTH PLATTR. Neb.. Jan. fli-iSpe. clal Telegram Forty-fire talesmen were examined today and r. jury weai secured late UhiB-recalng t. ry Ray npberts, charBc; .wtlh llrst def res; murder f Ver bon Cornttt. Both state and ' defense used all their, prumptory challengea. Only tao or the regular panel were lert on this Jury. The courtroom was crowded with spectators, one-third of them being; wemcn. Many were unable to gain ad mittance. . .. . . . , Throughout th proceedings tho defend er cooly. eyed -every pr-soetive juror, but makes fek suggestions to his attor ney. The onenlnsr statements of attor ney" ver made tonight and th taking of testimony will bet;tn In th morning. -v - , IS ASKED TO PLAN NEW TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Jan. 27.-(SpecUI.)-J. K. Cradc'ock, an Omaha architect, .has been instructed by the . Board of. Control to draw up plena for the new tube rculoais honpllal at Kearney. Mr. Craddock's pre liminary plans were chosen by the board after several others had been considered. The new building, itself Is to cost $33,Or ' The appropriation la for 10,000. DEATH RECORD V, ' Ml KHsaVr. Mraa... '- ' PKIIU. Neb.. Jan.- r.,MSpcaI.)-Mlas rilia' C, Morgan died January SO at Rocheater." N. T. She was M years, old. Miss Moigsn wss for twenty-six years matron ot the dormitory and teacher of history and Tngllsh in the Peru Plate normal. A reunion was had In her honor at Peru about ten years ago. She leaves a host of friends in Nebraska. Comb Sage Tea Into Gray Hair l.adic! Try this! Darkens banti fully and nobody ran t"U Brings back Us aloe and thickness. . Common garden aage brewed Into a heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beauillully dark and luxuriant; re move every bit of dandruff, stop scalp Itching and falling bair. Mixing th Sag Tta and Sulphur recipe at home, though. Is troublceom. An easier way la to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about SO cents a large bottle, al ding stores, known an "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," thua avoiding a lot of muaa. While wispy, gray, faded hair la not ilnful, w all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. lly darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Pulphur, ao one can tell, because it dors it so naturally, ao evenly. You lust dampen a sponge, or soft brush with it) nnd draw thla through your hair, taking' one small strand at a time; by morning i a gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair be- j come beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger, j Advertisement. I (r a II V I Jk I q arnCCS IRoisenblott GERMAN EFFORTS Attempts to Take Offemire in Both Poland and Galicia Are Be pulsed the Russians. . ZEPPELIN BALLOON DESTROYED PETROvlRAP. Jan. :7. The general staff of the Russian army today gave out a report on the progress of the fight ing, which reads aa follow v. "In the Pilkalen res;lon our troops took the offensive January 23 and drove all the detachments of the enemy who opposed them back toward the line from Malvlsohken to Ladenen. During this operation we dislodged them from many of their positions after fighting at tha point of the bayonet. On the right bank of tlV river Vistula there have been ad vaneo guard engagements of minor Im portance. A fusillade was reported Jan uary in this locality and In the vicin ity of Yyechprov tha fire of our artillery has demolished a lookout poet on the left bank of the liver. "To the left of tho Vistula tha Germans had made some fresh efforts to assume the offensive, particularly near the vil tsts of Borjlmow and Goumine. during the evening of January 24 and the after noon of January 25. but each time they wer driven back with aertou losses. In the vicinity of tho villages of Grabskie boudy and Rouda. to the northeast of Sklernlewtce, our fir reduced two Ger man batteries to silence. "In Galicia the activity ot the enemy has Increaaed on the front between Qaa dlk, Oujck, Nljneveretsk and Maldanka, where the enemy. In addition to hi artil lery fire, made other endeavors to. oper ate on the offensive. He was, however, everywhere driven bark. We took pris oners three officers and about 300 sol diers. "There have been no important changes in Bukowlna. "On January 25 a German Zeppelin flew over Llbau and threw down nine bombs. These missiles, however, did not do any serious dsmase. Tpe Zeppelin then reJ turned toward the frontier. At a point near Vlrghen our artillery men succeeded In hitting thl alrahip and It fell into the water. Light gunboat went out from Llbau and finished it destruction. Its crew of seven men was captured." 1 Never Absent Never Incapacitated ' There are many good reasons why it is advis able to appoint the Peters Trust Company as your Executor. It is never absent nor inca pacitated and is al ways prepared to trans act business during bus iness hours with the ut most care and prompt ness. ! Call or write us for .further information, which we will be glad to furnish. Capital Surplus ..$200,000.00 ..$275,000.00 'i- if.ip1 l62aHAMSTn COMMERCIAL' ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS All UNDER-ONE ROOr OMAHA DEE ENGRAVING DEPT. OMAHANEDR. Ilili'jiiMlhlilillllji!,! ...l.-iJ,,,.,,,. ,,l,lu. l.,i. ,MI,il :., 111,:. ,,,1.7- AMl lEMKSiTS. Bally Btat., 1S-S5-B0 Kvgs. lS-aft-60-TS Thai Uoratii. galatlllatlss 8Bctaca. THE GOLDEN CkUOK g?,".. it's west lb good l Black crook j adalr BILLT AKLIlSfOX ei.UlS?c'hi I rar Bake La Tour (we ut g.aa Ets 1u iur) u a raplg tire k arras aaew. Tha theater liarkatl at evry berforaia.noa, I.dle' Plane ggatlaeo Week Bays. rnoaa Boog. 4M. ABTaJTOXO TATrSXTTLri. Dally Matinee. 1:14 Nights. McIWTTBJ'h '. Acta: TIKI Beudix. 8or St Mack, Claude (iolrten, t'arlllo aV ttabito, Orplieum Travel W kly rrteea: Matlsae, sallarr, lc haa( easts laaoval gatur4a and WunSarl. U. Nlllv IS. ti, aj, lo4 'OkugAf rtnr cxsttsb." DRAHDEIS rmiDAT AWO ITDSBat aCATXVXB BAT. David Belaaoo Freeeats David Warflaid to -TsIM APCTIOlTXrm'' Week BeglaaJag Meaday, Tebruarr 1st., mWrllP Th World's nnir Bigg est Mslodrama. Prloea, SOo, Tc ai.OO, 11 6a Wt at l, , H.oo DO YD CoujUs 1919 Toalg-kt, Friday, Satarday. Mas. Bat. cousrgxi, fob BErxsYgB. Mattaeea. gao Mights, , toe, - Xeat Week af agfie reaper. Tueak, Xee- g Saolaty Might. Kiss Xlaaal Silver, Xyrla Sepraa, 1 between act. toa lm buT tram ua. We gnaratitr X.OUO lbs. to the toa. Prompt deU very IVKtl Mcholaa Htreet. Itiune Douglas Sao. THOMPSON. BELDEN ' & CO. THURSDAY-COATS Thirty-Five Stylish Models, Desir able in Every Particular, Sizes 16 to 44 Thursday, $ 3.75 Values to $19.50 Every oth6r Coat in Stock reduced, no approvals, no returns. OUR JANUARY CLEAN-UP SALE OF LINENS Starts Thursday. 8:30 A. M. Thursday we will place on sale all soiled and mussed Table Cloths and Napkins Some at Half Price The Rest at .Almost Half Price As there are but comparatively few of these bargains jrou had best come early. The following few quotations will give you an idea of the values: , There are only a few of each 2.75 Bleached Tabl 3.50 Bleached Table 3.75 Bleached Table 6.00 Bleached Table ' 7.50 Bleached Table 10.00 Bleached Table 12.00 Bleached Table 15.00 Bleached Table 20.00 Bleached Table 25.00 Bleached Table 30.00 Bleached Table $10.00 Bleached Napkins, Half Prioe, $5.00 doz. 12.00 Bleached Napkins, Half Price, 6.00 doz. 15.00 Bleached Napkins, Half Price, 7.50 doz. 8.75 Bleached Napkins, Half Price, 4.38 doz. . 7.50 Bleached Napkins, Half Price, 3.75 doz. $6.00 Fine Bleached Napkins, $3.75 a dozen 5.00 Fine Bleached Napkins, 2.89 a dozen 4.75 Fine Bleached Napkins, . 2.50 a dozen 3.50 Fine Bleached Napkins, 2.00 a dozen I IfRSlI Smaller Coal Bills There is one sure way of keeping your house warm this winter, ' ' There is one sure way to do this at a saving over last year. There is one sure way and one only it is to order and insist upon your dealer supplying you with lEHIGH'VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies This is the coal you should use in yW home. This is the coal you must use to save money this winter. It gives an even, lasting heat It bums clean to the last pound. A tire once started may be forgotten until it needs replenishing. WaSall UKISUVWlfY ANTHRACITE tit.! .faalll-IMJUa , Tfci Slaa ia DaplaTd fcr Daalan wa mU Labia V allay ABtlaracit LEHIGH VALLEY McCormick Building Effigy 1 r 7ESZ?y AMI SEMKXTS. "Too Much For the Money" the only complaint.' nuniTOniUH-l-eHer Carriers' Big Show SPECIAL ADDED FEATURES Thursday night, Jan. 28, Swedish Singing Society; Friday night, Jan. 29, Old Fiddlers Contest; Saturday, Jan. 30, Come With Us On a Trip Through the Rocky Mountains to Cal ifornia in a MAXWELL CAR-7:15 to 8:15 P. M. REGULAR PROGRAM FOLLOWS Three Greens, Pep per Twins, Wilhat Troupe, Bulger's Goats, Mysterious Kings, and Motion Pictures of Omaha School Children. Evening Prices: Adults, 25c; Children, 10c. Reserved Seats, 10c, 15c and 25c extra. Matinee Daily, Any Seat, 25c; Children, 10c. Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, Price, ; 1.38 1.75 1.88 3.00 3.76 5.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15XK) Order your winter supply of coal now, and insist upon getting Lehigh Valley Anthracite. Your regular dealer should supply you. If ne can't, write the COAL SALES CO. Chicago, UL fcaa5Jailal AMIIGHCXTI, Cloths, Half Cloths, Half Cloths. Half Cloths, Half Cloths, Half Cloths. Half Cloths, Half Cloths, Half Cloths, Half Cloths, Half Cloths, Half