TUB REE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. .JANUARY 'JS. 1015. (1 K WAITER'S OOM'MX I'lAMt In good shape; swap for an i (.ui-oi-ueie ruio. u engine and trucx are food; I don't i arc lor ht, but must avc Boo.) tires; mill trade the ritno even up fur something on wheels. Wlni hne you not? 1 tumbler rrcterred. Ad drees S. C. Ml, Ree. REVOLVEK Ivers-Johneon .Ss, fur cam era; revolver Is In good order; w, ttda even with some one. Bring your camera ylth you. Address S, C. H!, Pee. Kl'HHtR BOOTS Have good pair of rubber boot nlmost new will sell or trsda for something I ran use; In good condition: eixe 9. 8. C. 4.1. Bee. STOCK-"Vill ari3.80 shares Wvomlng Coal Mlno stock. jr value $1 at good tilscount, or trade for land, city prop erty or autoa. Address S, C. 61.7. Ree. t PET printed dice InTtTuiMtnnT with photographs ahowmK manipulation, to trade for Jewelry, etc. Add. S. C. fvtn. Roe. PKiNS, ehowcards. Dark r Hon. I). 1379. TVPF,WRITER-Ollver Stanaard Visible A'rlter, only slightly used and as good as new Cheap for cash or will trade. What have you? Afldres. p. c. r.:. Bee. TWENTY sttcs rich truck land. near Otilf. 3 miles from Robstown. Tex. Address, 8. r. 1S22, Bee. VIOLIN Wanted to trade a violin, val ued at tT'i, for diamond, or what have you;.' Address S. r. ;'-3X. Pee, WHAT will you Iriide for a new Meno tyie machine; this machine ha only boen heed 8 month and la In perfect londitlon. Will taku an) thing of equal v alue. Address 8. C. 624. care Bee. FOB KENT Apartments and "Fists. $-r.. modern flat, 230S P. 24h. H. 4711. VBRV choice G-room steam-heated apart- ........ - l " . L'. . ii I I .iivui VII "rpi initial!, . JOHN W. ROBP1NS. 102 KARXAM ST. FOR RETNT Moat beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 and 5-room apartmciitH In city. Building Jimt fin ished. Flora Apartments, 3561 Jones St. Gordon VanCo. uv:ng, cktng, StoraKe. 111 N. 11th St Phone 1 394 or Web. 1383. OOUKN ANNEX, Council Hlufs, -torn. with kitchenette, steam beat. Phone tH fc EVEN rooms, best residence district, lliirt Davenport, close to Farnam lines. Phone Walnut av. VKKV fine. 6-room. all modern brick flat. beautifully decorated, walking distance; baraaln. 110 per month. CA LK INS & 'O. .t"ji Bins 1313. MA KWOOI Apt., living room, wllh dis appearing bed. kitchenette and bath, t'holce location. 2511 Harney St., $ sum mer, $34.50 winter. Vacant February 1. ERNEST SWEET. ' Office 2511 Harney St. Douglas 1471 $:2.50 Four rooms and bath. Heated sec- onrj Iioor. i-none tva-tntu YOl'R COMFORT IN THESE DESIRABLE STEAM-HEATED HOMES STANDARD FLATS. Six pood rooms, fine finish, decorntions, private hall, bath, pantry, range. FREE) HOT WATER Janitor, flood location, close In, AT SPECIAL. PRICES. Far less thHn equal quality elsewhere. T. J. HOOK. 1101' N." 18th St. unshin Kooms FCRNlSIIKi) ROOM, healed. 4614 Nortb 31 s Ave. . . ROOM in private family for gentleman; very reasonable; West Harney. i jo. Bee. Si ADISON 21st and Chicago: steam heat; $10 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.&Hfl. ROOM ami-board for two young gentle men preferred, priv. n:od. home, well located; references exeh. Wal. OOjDEN IldTBL. Council Bluffs, steait heated rooms. U per week. Phone CIS. FARNAM. 2022, nice steam heated room. TWO 'south front rooms. West Fat nam district, strictly hiodern. Har. taas. WEST FARNAM Four strictly modern, unfurnished rooms to refined young com, le. H. M.gt. nOOAIS 23 cenu and up. 11 Farnam. . Housekeeping llooma. FL'RNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. .H14 t) 2Wlv St, ' Unfurnished Hvuras. Ill S. 'lBTIl, for men, steam heat. Hotels Aparfanrsita. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 18th and CallTornla.' Weekly ratea $? and up. Dnucias luM. DODGE HOTEL-Modern Reasonable, . Houses stud Cuttma;e. ALL sites. $3 per month up. 507 Pax ton. STRICTLY modern 5-room cottage, hot water heat; close in, walking distance, 103 Lincoln Blvd.. $25. Apply W. H. liorrance. Dorg. K2t. or Harney 3151. Hanscom Park Six rooms, all modern, nice lot, ishade trees, paved street, near car. American Security Co Douglas S013, Walnut 3037 or Harney 2645. ' - o $20 5-room and laundry, till mod. except furnace. 227 Chicago. ' Call H. SWS. I-R. vBRICK, part mud., extra good. $12. No children. ao?JS S. 18th. Red 4W2. o , AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. s-r. bungalow, Dundee $15.00 t-r. atone bungalow, modern 20.00 6- r. modern, except heat; near car.. 2ii.iK) 7- r. Iarge living room 30.n0 6-r.' Never occupied 22. 5 5-r. Modern. Paved street 25.00 Douglas 6013. Wal. 3oJ7 or Har. 215. o. ELEXilANT s-room modern brick apart'. ment. newly oecoiated, $50 per month; 140 8. 2th St. Frame flat. 1121 B. 28th SL. 9 rooms, new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, large yard, trees, shrubbery; $30 per uiotith; a bargain. J. C. ISH, EXECUTOR. T0 B. 81st Ave. Phone Harney 244 $!. Oo H rooms. $412 N. 241 h, Web. lh7. WALKING distance to the city, It-room moiern houie, 2716 Dewey Ave.; price, $:io. F. J. Fitzgerald, 327 Board of Trade, p. mx l-r., modern. 719 B. 37th St. 7-r.. modern. 3'.14 Leav. St., good location.- Web. 25W. MODERN 2 -story bouse, 1 rooms; nevef occupied; new furnace; $-U Doug. 69fJ. I'Oh itiiNT-Modern e-ioom house. 20i 8. irtli Ave. Inquiro T. J. O'Brien, Kenshaw HoteL Har. 1004. L-'ouwlus U'itt. Globe Van&Storage dunes, moves, pucks, btius: 3-hora au anil i men. $1.6 per hr.; storage i pr mo. tM.tufactlun guar. D. 4i 4k Ty. iM. FOR BEN1 We have a complete list of all houses. aartMionts and flats that are for rent. Ur.U list can bo seen tree of charge at OTiaha Van to Storage Co., SOS So. ltith St. Fidelity Storage Co .u.ao'c, iiM.v.u, pj.cKiog a. shipping. ! .in Jai'kson Sts. Phone . Douglas Ho. i i a.i paits of tho city. I lOUaca Creign Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. Maggard's Van aud titor- Largs er m . - . - niru, $l.2j pr hr. 171$ i, cbbicr. Liug. HJi. J. 0. Reed ?1mx Vo . Tlti 1 itxn. vo.. muvinir torage. lt. ALL MOD. li-r. house, $u. "Vb. i13. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan's prices for 2d hand turn., shoes, ciuthes. bt-lore selling. W b. i5u3. n'i'il'h ('iii.iiure bought and sold. J. . C Reed, lAii amain. Doug. 6ii. tiAMlLTC'N CO.. ti.u only geulile sound Imnd stoie in un.sLa- i.l'J Cuining D. isji t E BUY 2d-hand cli.ihes. 14-'; N. 4th. lliatlh.sT prKvs fur funuturs. uu, ale bu s eveo thiruc 2d uiuid. Xlr iiii. c REAL ESTATE 'ARM A na.lt Ltq FOR A t.H. Cavil torn I a. Have You Ever Dreamed of a place Where the Sun Loves to Shine? That's California. Who has not dreamed ot llfo In beautiful, balmy, prosperoua California? How many have given up ever realising such a lirram for lack of sufficient money? If you will tako ad vantage of our liberal offer, a ainall pay ment down will enable you to own a home In the Live Oak Colonies jklO reserve- you ten acres or more t-v of our rich colony land. Inspection can be made any time within Ma months. Think of theso prices and terms and re alUo your dreams: 1 1. 'A per acre and up. Terms 10 per cent CASH, BALANCE; IN NINE YEARS and your land will meet vour payments. ONLY 300 ACRES for sale; it will not last Ion, so act today. Our land Is situated convenient to the capital city of SACRAMENTO, and a tew hours' ride from SAN FRANCISCO. It ia Ideally located midst beautiful sur roundings. Best of railroad service, rich in aoll. Oood Improvements aurroundlng It and good neighbors. Schools, churches, telephones, electric lights, mail delivery, tc. I Excursion Feb. tth ROl'ND TRIP If. Oood to all California po.nts. Purchaser's railroad fare credited on their purchase. W, T. SMITH CO., I. IS19. 1112 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. o liO.N'T come to California until you have received our varuatue rhaoie iniorma tlon service. Absolutely ho land to sell. Adilress with stamp. California Homs-sepkers- Protective liureau, Long Beach, Cai. o HAVE an attractive California proposi tion for Omaha Income. Address J 61?, care Be o tli.Zo PER acre for Caliiornia Irrigated land; lw to ij) acres; nothing smaller; "0 years' time to make payments. Address M f.3i. ere Bee. o Colorado. FOVND ANOTHER HOMESTBAD-M1 acres In settled country; rich farm land, not sand; only I'JOO, filing feea and all. J. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan. Colo. Florida. GRAPEFRUIT AND TRUCK FARMS. Go to Peace River 1,'lstrlct, Florida. Own a grove that will yie.d tM to $-00 1-er acre yearly. Wo sell small tracts In tne midst of developed groves and truck farm.- on easy payments. Reasonable hrlcerf. Good schools and churches. Con genial neighbors. Close to railroad. Rich -11. Plenty of ralolall. Excellent cli inHte. Wo deed the land to the heirs without additional payment, If purchaser dies . before completing payment. Buy now whilo you can. Two excursions monthly. Write today for circulars and Information. Agents wanted. PEACE RIVER GROVES COMPANY. Filth Floor State Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. o Iowa. IMPROVED 80, BOTTOM LAND, 2o acres of airalfa, 2 miles from Pacific Junction. Price $100 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance terms. J. E. Downing, owner. Pacific Junction. Ia. Kaaeaa. FOR BALE 2.240 acrea fine wheal lam I near Rlchflel'l. Morton Co., Kansas. Price, $7 per acre. Will soil part or ail to ault purchaser. Terms cash. Addrus owner. K, J. McAuaruey, FarmersvlLa. 111.. R, V. D. No. 2 Mtsmeaotau 160 ACRES, betweea Minneapolis and Du luth, on the Soo line, 4 miles from rail road town; TO acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and some good meadow; no waste land; fair set bulld liiKti; near school; land borders on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; IS chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on the (lace goes at $20 per acre; one-half cash. Schwab Bros., 1U28 - Plymouth Bldg.. Mlnnetipoiia. Minn. 2 40-AC RE Improved farm near town in corn belt of Minnesota. Has a aood 8-room house and other buildings. 200 acrea under cultivation, balance timber and pasture with running water. $00 per acre, easy terms. Farmers Land Co., Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. o. Xebraskta. Small Ranch For Sale or Trade f. seres In Hooke- county, four miles from raiirnad town. Has a 4-room house, barn, cattl-j shed, wrll and windmill. One-half of this ranch good farm land, balance good pasture. Will take one-half or more In good city property. Price $15 per acre. , O 'Neil's K. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Fnrnam St. TELEPHONE TYLE8 lft;4. FOR SALE-3,200-a. alfalfa and cattle ranch In western Neb. Write Melrose Ranch, llarrishurg. Neb. FOR. SALE By owner, ono of thu best V of land In southeastern Neb., well improved, close to town, chtircu and school: easy terms. Address Y 349. Bee. o Bargain for Casn Will .front hual r.ah r. Pf - I ... m'itliln next two M.ba fnr In ui acres t'.i miles from Long Pine. Neb. Write nwnr tl 1 . T r 111 n 1019 vAMnH Ave., Kansas City, Mo. o FOR BaLE Best large body high-grade medlum-prlcea laod Ju Nebraska; vory little money rsnilrad, C. Bradle., Vol bach. Neb. a THE ROSEBUD UND CO.. IU llul-kM. fdU Omul.. Sells, exenanges Neb, farms and' ranches. Wleeousla. Upper Wisconsin Best u..y and general :tou sislo in the union: settlers wanted. Ijnds tor salo at low prices en easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. 11 inieresicn in rruit tanas ask tor book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land and industrial Department, Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlsocllaaooo. FARil for sale; must bull ri.y Fellsmers farm, 20 acres, muck prairie land, L'Ehoff. 4u Times Bldg, Bt. Louis. Mo. THREE farms. Two lio a. each; good iiuuwp ..u ) . v.. i c in rjuuiovii county, Kansas, 110 a. plowed. Owned by heirs; selling to settle estate. Rented. viu pay i vrr vt-iii uu .i ivw.. jw, it'i plowed; 240, 175 plowed; southwest Mis souri; wilt take part hardware on Hi). J. A. Wlllctt. El liorado Springs, Mo. AB8TRACTH ( TITlJt. RS.S.U Abstract, Co.. oiueal abstract of flea in Nebiussa. V -odeis Theater. svKRK Title Uuaraoiee anc aiMiuaet cs. a modern a.stisci olfice. a. Htsi ob pnoi.e Douglas 547. T. 1 wr ' " REAL ESTATE LOAN a CITY and farm loans, i a per cent. J, J 1 . AJUIIIUII. y.. , . w... .. WANTED City loans and wanaiits. W. Fa ilium Smith et Co., 1320 Farnam. J, tl, Liumoni at raowiu. viii.i'. $iuu to l,u0 maiMi prvtnptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Blug., idin ano r ai nam oi. OMAHA holms. East Nebraska taauv O KEL.r ii REAL EtbTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 71i Ur CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carlber- Co.. u 31U-312 Brandela Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. 11. Thomas. 22 State Bank Bids. MONEY on hand for city ajid farm loaaa. H. VV. binder. City Natl Bank Bldg. EKE us first If you want a farm loan. United Statea Trust Co . O'naha Nee. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. IIK.U. fcSTATK lAlANS FAHMK.KS. do you need money? We ne gotiate for .arm loans, S or 10 years, at prr cent, dealing direct with hot wr: 2l er cent slralgh commission; eerresnnn.lence solicited. Security Farm Ioan Ass a, 30 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ul. o HEAL E8TATK FOR EXCJIANGK FRONTIER 0. HAHUAIN. Highly improved farm of Ibo acrea Land nil lays fine a ad ia excellent soli. Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C H. COMBS. lis Brandels Theater. Omaha. Nek. Douglas OIC WILL exoriange well located, prodiietlve California land, for good farm. Address L M9. care He. o FtR SALE OR KXCHAStlK fer Colum bus O., property, two lots Thnmhurg addition, nno lot Burlington addition. omaha; ell free of Incumbrance. Addrees owner. J. A. Hartley, M N. High BU, coiumous, o. HOMESTEAD for sale or trs.le: 4 A., 14 miles south of Thedford, Thomas Co., Neb.; Joins river; $506 cah. or will trade for young stock; ln A. government land adjoining to fill section. William Kayton, Lyons, Neb, 11KAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Listings, lots. cottages, houses to sell on payments. Phone D. 307. REAL E8TATF ACREAGE LOOK FOR YOUR ACRE TRACTS NOW. Don't wait till spring is here, when you'll he In such a hurry that you won't have the opportunity to look around for the best place DO IT NOW. I have several fine one-acre tracts that I will sell on very easy payments. Each tract has a brand new house and a good well. One tract has a fine vineyard, which produced a big grape crop last fall. See me about this today or telephone me tonight Bt 6:30 p. m. . 1 E. P. WRIGHT, Call Walnut $ after g: p. in. Call Daoglae 29'.' daytime TWO AND ONE HALF to 10 acre tracts In city, $400 up. Phone Doug. t47. SMALL FARMS FOR SALE. We have 5. 10, 10 and 3t-acre tracts, well lnrproved, nesr Council Bluffs, possession March 1, at low figures and on easy pay ments. DAY HEPS COMPANY, 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. 10-ACRE BARGAIN It Is hard to Imagine a man paying 1300 to $600 an acre for land for truck farm ing or poultry raising, when he can buy 10 acres of the best land he ever saw. right on at) lnterurhan car line. IS mfleg from a city of 20.000 and 7 miles from a town of 6.ono and one-half mile from a town of 1 ., lor $." an acre. See ug today. Write lor, our list. The Vogcl Kealty Agency, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE A BEAUTIFUL NEW SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, $200 CASH AND $30 PER MONTH This house is located Hi blocks from car line In beautiful, new, well improvlde sec tion of city. The principal rooms are finished In oak. the balance In edge-sawed hard pine. The house i.i all modern furnace heat, full cement basement oe ment walk al) around. If you want a house of good quality on easy terms, you'll never find a better one at this price and on these terms. If you will phone me about this today I will arrange to take you to' Inspect this house ss soon as con venient. E. P. WRIGHT Call Douglas 2926 today. Call Walnut 62 after. 6:30 p. m.. FOR THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS $3250---' Buys S-room bungalow, every modsra soavenlenee and several built-in features. Owner Is really sacrificing at this prloa; ISA down; balance like rent; near Kountse GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. tm. 44 Brandels BMg e FOR SALE By owner, 5-room bungalow; modern In every respect: In first-class cond'tlon; will sell cheap for cash. 1818 Manderson St. Tel. Webster 6D1H. "Announcements" ads bring good re sults. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE In Creighton's First $3,750 On South Slat St.. in a fine district, where all the Improvements are new. Six large rooms and bath. All modern. Splendid lot. Paving paid. This Is a quick sale price. Armstrong-Wiilsh Co. Tyler 1636. state Bank Bldg. HANS(.JM PARK SNAP Just think of a fine s-room house, all modern hut furnace, paved street, largo HitHie trets, lot nuximu. one block rrom East Side car and only $2,300. It's your ensure to p.ca up a real uargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 17M.. Ware Nik. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 12) Investment $4,000 to $5,000 Home as Part Payment 3 new brick stores located on eorner lot, rented for $1,210 per year, prhred at $10,000. Owner will take good 6-room houso as first payment and carr" the balance, or would take some good vacant property where a home could be bul.t. These stores have full basements with pressed brick fronts and constructed so that there will lie no depreciation, expense or upkeep. The tenants aiv all well satisfied and doing a good business. Call us up and we will be glad to show you this property at any time. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omuna Nat. hang oig. Dong. 4K. Desirable Income Investments We have gome particularly desirable investments In income property from $1000 and uy. Close In U,00 Income Per Annum Tbls property la withta walking distance, on car Hue, well located. A splendid proposition for anyone wish ing a conservative invest merit. . Might consider tome ex change in case property is priced right. WE HAVE OTHER GOOD INCOME INVESTMENTS THA.VER BROS., 705 Omaha Natl Bank. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Show Little or No Change and Feeden Lower Lambi - and Sheep Lower. HOGS BIG FIVE CENTS LOWER SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 27. l"l'-. Receipts ere: Cattle. Hon". Sheen. Oftlolal Mondav ti l, 4 K !.M1 Official Tuesday 4.S 17.733 12. Ml Eetlmate W ednesday .. 4. 1W 1"M Three days' totals... 15. s2 o.1"i 3. C n . I . . rto lV. ... , ""'I. U.7I IHPl .TfS.il.Vn'" .,v i u ... a ... a... u r w. 1 J . 1 ,". I hiiiw s WPrKfl ago I.i'-i ,"" nemo weeas ago li.J.t .-w.mj i.'i Same 4 weeks ago 14. 4W 2. 2" Same days last year. ..18.429 3f.SH 45.174 The following taMa shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: ' '914 Inc lec. Cattle Tlt.d: 74.HK2 8.0U Hogs 21.7W IJI.9W 1.2M Sheep AH. HA 2.rt 1.M2 The following table shows the average price for hogs at the South unvir-a live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. lli. ilH. I!i0,l. Sunday. j CATTLE Receipts were liberal again this morning, IN cars being reported In. This brings the total for the three days up to lfc.sttf head. While this Is larger than for the corresponding days last week, It l smaller than for most recent weeks and smaller than a year ago. rat cattle generally sold at gieaay prices, there being III tie change In either direction. This would apply not only to ooer steers, but to desirable Kinds vl cows and hellers. Owing to the snow storm snl to the lack of a good country demand, the feeder trade was slow, with prices lOo or more lower. The break In nrlecs at Chicago reported early as amounting to 20ia on account ul ine quarantine at this point did not have any appreciable Influence r.pcn tho cattle, market here. It Is well under wood that the Increased restrictions nt Chicago are not due to any change In the foot and mouth disease situation In Illinois, where the aovernment has failed to stamp out the disease. It Is due simply to the finding of the disease cmong cattle shipped to Philadelphia from Chicago which necessitates the closing of Chicago against further ship ments until tne yards can again be thor oughly disinfected. This means that while Chicago can continue to receive stock of all kinds for Immediate slaughter st- local packing licses, no stock of any Kino can be smpix-d out or the Chicago vsrds fur Anv mimosa whatever Tt.la leaves the sellers of stock on the Chicago market entirely at the mervy of local pai.'Kore. outside packers and shlpiters being unable to compete for the reason that they cannot ship out their purchases. Uuotatlons on cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed beeves, $S.a"it4.25; fslr to good corn-fed beeves, $7.biji.tO: common to fair corn-ted beeves. 86.60iii7.s0; good to choice oows. $5.7;r6.W); fair to good cows, $j.O0iS.60; common to fair cows. $4.0 e 00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.2oH.3o; fair to good stockers and feed ers, J8.rori7.2o: common to fair stockers and feeders, $A.7i8.f0; stork heifers. $6.50 ftt.fiO; stock cows. $4.7fr$tf.3&; stock calves, $tU&8.00: veal calves, $7.W((jtJ.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.00(.76. nous Another very liberal run'howed up tbls morning, something Ilka 25 cars, or lH.UK) head, being reported in. The aupply for three days totals 42,196 head, being almost 20.000 larger than a week ago, and more than 3,000 heavier than last year. Reports of a very bad break at Chi cago this morning caused the local trade to open sharply lower, . and a very few early sales were made at a 10&lfrn Re cline. Not much or anything sold at this time, however, and when the big bulk of the supply began to move values were no more than Mi UK: lower. As the morn ing advanced these prices were raised gradually, so that at the best time, a good many sales were made which were not over $c lower, and some hose sold at almost steady figures. Towards the close values eased off again. The late arrival of many trains made the trade dreggy throughout, and what otherwise might have been a fairly lively market was turned Into a very dull af fair. The general market was anywhere from weak to as much as 10c lower, tho average cost showing a decline of n big nickel, Most of the hogs moved at tAtnp .M, with a sprinkling at $6 36 and K40. The longest string sold at tl.4f, with a top of $6.65. only a nickel below yester day's best figures. BHKEP-A liberal run of sheep and lambs this morning had the expected re sult in that trade was draggv and prices took a downward course. The receipts were estimated at . lfi.OUO head enmnared with 1.784 a week ago and U4C& a year ago. A to quality the offerings were not matinaiiy dirrerent rrom yesterday. It was late In the forenoon before the market got started and the first business transacted included some fed western lamhs l$iat sold on shipping account at not tar rrom steady prices. Aside rrom that, however, most everything whs hard to move at a lwCSc decline. The top price on lamhs paid by the packer buyers was $8.35. with the bulk of the fed west ern lambs selling at $8.2tVnK.30. In the rase of a god sheep trade wns even slower than In lamhs and some of these were the last offerings to change hands. A bunch of handy Mexican ewes sold up to $6.10, with the moste the fed westerns being picked up aT":.Kij6 ). Few wethers or yearlings were at the disposal of buyers. The clearance was late, Quotations on sheep and lamhs: Lambs, Mexicans, $s.4uriS.M); lambs, fed westerns, $S.3O4fli.40; lamba. fair to good. lKt 8.3o; lamhs. shearing, $7.6i,r0.u; yearlings. ngni, gi.Bqii.iXj; yearlings, heavn WR.t&it 7.20; wethers, good to choice, $6.1Si6.4i; wethers, fair to good 86.KW6.16, ewes, good to choice, t6.6b6.10; ewes, fair to good, $5.41106. (ft. HORSES The run of horses this week has been good, but the demand waa alow and prices unevenly lower. The bulk of RKAL K8TATE WfcHT SIDE Corner. Only $650 Two blocks north of Farnam. Lit lie below grade, but close to best of Omaha $10 now, II per week; a per cent off for cash. 'O'Keefe Keal Estate Co. 101 Om aha Nat l. I o u g. 2715. WEST FARNAM bouie, only$5.700. $23 N. Sth Ave. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS LOTS near cur $200 and up. $j pay menta Phone Ioug. .-t7. LOT 105! Lenox Add.. $1M; worth $JU0. CJlear title. Call Web. 6W. Owt.er. PAV $28.00 CASH AND MOVE INTO A HOME OF YOUR OWN You will have to take advantage of this offer promptly If you expect to get a house on these terms. I have thrcu five room, all modern bungalows that are lo cated close to car lines, schools and churches, that I will still on these terms. They are well built and beautifully fin ished. I also have a seven-room house and a largo five-room house that I wli, sell on similar terms if taken quickly. Call me up by phone today and arrange te have me take you out to see them. Call Douglas 2924 today. Csll Walnut 682 after w p. m. K. P, WRIGHT ;1M .1I3.1II.' Jan. 10.1 I 061 7 4 oSI 7 811 I Jan, 11.) 704, e t a loj T 7 I 17 M Jan. 12 s 70 1 I 04 Hi 7 7SI I 2 S Jan. ll. gu M i of) g o TJj $ 4s I Jan. 14.. 87 I 01 7 (t I 1CN $ l MI Jan. 15. STH ft U T 11 15 I 43 Jan. 1. 1(84 I 07 1 15 11 T sU Jan. 17. I 14 7 2 6 0 7 72 I 4Tl Jan. K. 174 7 2 6 041 T 7 I 44"6 W Jan. IS 72 I $0 7 25 8 Oti' 7 Ml 8 33 6 tr Jan. 20. ( 62 1 2$ I I5 7 CM I 1 ' Jan. 21. &6U in 7 1T 7 6.1 S7 e 97 Jan. 22 6 57 8 IS 7 U S 89 8 33 03 Jan. 23. 6 61 8 21 7 23 t HI 7 51 0 "0 Jan. 24. I X 7 !3 6 4 7 0 8 20 Jan. 26. 6 t 7 30$9 7 60I05M Jan. Vi. I 52V 8 17 I 5 W 7 45i 7 2 6 00 Jan. 27 8 111 7 25 S SI 7 49 8 02 8 M the offering was generally front I5.00 lo $lVii a head cheaper than last week, and In rases a much as fl.Vn. The poor in quiry was atti Hulled to the severe weather pievalllng over most of thr tnuntrv, and to the high price of feed. Owing to tho bed weather In the east trade In horses there hes been practically at a stsmlMt I and on that account eastern buvrrs were Poorly rcptcsented on the market, there being few if any buyers here from New York state The outlet m consequence was confined largely to local demand and to foreign artillery purioses. A prominent feature ef the war horse, trade has been the more rigid Inspection. For sign buyers are demanding lietter hoi sea than Ihry have been taking and as a result more horses than usual are dis carded as not la'lng suitable for war purposes. 4 Hit AtiO I.IVH STMt'K MARKET tattle Weak lloaa Inset tied Sheep Weak. CHICAOO, Jan. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. 14.000 head: market weak: extra fancy yearlings. 19 SO, native steers. $6 40 tiH.W; western, $4.i(a cos and heif ers. $3.ovir7 76: calves, $7.0fttf 10 2T. IIOOS Receipts, M.iM head, market unsettled, mostlv IMiJOe lower; bulk, $6.3i (T6.M; light. lONMi.Mt; mixed, liU.Vg- ., heavy, $...rxv1i6.W- rough, $.VU.10; pigs, $6.iiir,,50. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Rcoelpt. 2S.00 head; market ek; sheep, f .".; yearlings, X.;r7.76; lamhs, $7VJH.4i. . ... Kaaeaa I'll) l.lve ntnek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 4.400 head: market higher: prime fed steers, $H.&nfr!,.i'0; dressed beef steers. $7.0Or.2T; western steers.' $7.tArt do; stockers and feeders. $H.:;ris i; bulla, ti.MKii J 00; calves, $.no'IO..ri. HoilS Receipts, ix.ta.it head: market lower; bulk, $.5.60; heavy, $6.StVu.3t; packers and butchers $6.oCQti.6j; light, u MV,ji 70: ulirs. M.UKiiH.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11,000 head: market lower: lambs. x.t.inn : yearlings, $6 7N7.bO; wethers, $6.00.11 6. j0; ewes, $j.00j6.i0. , I. I.eols l.lve gtork Market. ST. IiOVlS. Mo.. Jsrt. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 8,3uo head: market higher; na tive beef steers. 7.SOi(i.25; cows and heif ers. $n.(XV(fM 0; stockers and feeders, I.V25 . - ... . . . ni.ji o . ' (gi.-o; souinem eiefrs, j.i..i, v.. and heifers. $4.0i6.O; native calves, $.W jJll.Ofi HOil S Receipts. 12.W0 head; market lower; plga and lights. $6.ir7.a'i: mixed and butchers, $s.tVtt6 90; good heavy, $6.74 i!0. . .... . - ..... head; market lower; native muttons, $40il 4i.00; lambs, JV.J.hJiH.W, yearlings, li.of 7.76. gloax (Hr Live Stock Market. SIOITX CITY. la.. Jan. n.-CATTt.fJ- Recelpts. I.s) head: market 101l&c lower: I native steers. Jtl.MKrt8.2n: butchers. 5.W I 6.M; cows and heifers. $6.401if..7D: canner". H b(i4.S6; stockers snd feeders. $.0ii6.70: calves, $.0t88.00; nuns, stags, etc., 10. . . . I HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head; market ioe !.. huvv. lii4rWitif: mixed. H.I2Vlt 6.4ft; light, i8MI.12Vi; hulk of sales. M SHEET1 ANO I.Aatltt Jteceipis. i,""' head: market 10W1 lower; ewes, $3.7f. 5.2i; lambs, $.60t8.25. Local Storks and Bonds. Quotations furntiitMHl br Birrm. Prlnlisr CO., Aakad. ta 4t omiha isauonai ixus duiiuiuS' mi Cnn monwrslih LI (a Insurant- it V Htt 4" Ti a K 101 Ml t 104 Iftl'i (41 Mitt at, 9 Iiwrf a- t. o. pro Kslrment mrr 1 pr cent jgd... l.iin-eln Pure Hulter: onalts ft C. B. II. U...i (itnalis S t:. U. St. Ky. ptd I'pitik Ursln pttt t nios giotk Yards. Omsh Hondi Arnnlila Ptrtt. la., Si'hool St. 1M4... I ua.hr Parking Co. , i.4 sn.plwlL Neb , H. hool Vl . .. Bl.l !( lftlll ice, ion ' t; m M 102 loiti toot loa.ae 74 v II lua M'4 lOOt, 11 W'i 101 4 in HH i 100 Japan Gevsrnnianl 4Sa. Ulnraia u., H. a r !-ta Co.. Wash.. Rf. t, l'- Otnalia C. B. St. R.v. . !: Onahs Srhool 4a. IKII Cltr of Omaha Watsr 4a, tl gl Jos It.. I . H. P. 6. 1I7 Ban Kranclaro. Ual., bm. IMI-HNW. . . . Swift Co. as. IK4 grrlbner, Noh., Watar fa, l33 Superior. Nab.. Water t.a, lant llalMnn. aO., I prr imi WMr.wui.. Wichita Union Htock Yarda to. mi.. ' Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jsn 27.-CFFEH-The market showed a steadier tone today on scattered covering and a Utile trade buy ing, which wax probably due to a rally of 8-16d In the ratn ot Braelllan exchange in London and talk of a steadier cost and freight situation. Business was very quiet, but after opening unchanged . to 1 point lower, the market Improved, clos ing at s net advance of 1 to 4 points. Sales, ,5t hags. January, 6.10c; February, .13c; March. 6.23c; April, 6.33c; May, .42c June, .32c: July, 7.84c; August, 7.42c:, Sep tember, 7.81c; October. 7.67c; November, 7.63c: Ieeeinbcr, 7.6so. Spot. Irregular; Rio 7s, hc; Santos 4s. 0c. lxjw grade Rlos are' reported In very small supply here and are belluved to have been heavily purchased in Braill for European ac count Rio and Santos markets were both unchanged. Rio exchange on London, 13 2U-42d. Kaneaa 4,Hy lirala and Previsions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 27. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.4101.424; No. 2 red, $1.43; May. $1.40H; July, 1.27Q'l.2iTs; September, $12IS. P0c; May. 80iitfj80'c; July, nwJl4o; Sep- icmner, onfn-t. OATS-No. 2 whits, 66H0; No. II mixed, 53fc.14o. B OTTER Creamery, 33c; firsts, 31ttc; seconds, 2Sc; parking stock. Ho. EOOS Firsts. 2c; seconds, 20c. POULTHY-llens, 13Vtc; roosters ' 10c; turkeys, 16c. Minneapolis (irala Market, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 27.- WHEAT -May. II 4lSfl-41,,: July, 11.40; No. 1 hard, $1.4i.1; No. l nortnern. 8i.Jm4jiii.4on; o. 2 northern. $1.3i-l'1.43S. FUlCR Unchanged. BARLEY 7i4j 80c. RYE $1.22. BRAN $a.. . CORN No. 8 yellow. 71iW;214c. OATS-No. 3 white, 6iOiuV. FLAX-$i.8lV1ij 1.84U. f - St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 27. CATTLKRe ee'pts. 1,) head. Market higher; steera, 17.004X9.00:. cows and heifers, I.Vtf S..S0; calves. 16.00(1,10.00. HOtiS Receipts, 8. W0 head. Market lower; top, $6..rio; bulk of sales. Sa.Xrj.sO. SHEEP AND UMB8-Kei-eints. 6.&00 head. Market dull; lambs, $7.7Iks.dO. Metal Market. ST. LOCIS. Jan. S7.-METALS-I.ead, strong at $3.6ti; speller, strung at $7.00. Tin, steady; five-ton lots $.iu.46'I 36.00; twenty-five-ton lols, $'fi.66flu.'W.2h. Copper, firm; electrolytic, $14. bo; casting, $14.21 14. ho. Iron, quiet and unchanged. -a At Ixmdon: Spot copjier, 3 7s6d: fu tures, 163 12s 6d. Spot tin, 1187 10s; futures, -Wool Market. I)NDON, Jan. 27.-WOOL The of fnrlngs at the wool auction ssles today . I . .DM '1 ' I . .1.. ........ I ,u- aillOUIIlCU IV V.rv " strong and the recent advance was firmly maintained, ei-i.iii.iiy in mc 1.-11.1 of greasy merinos. Americans bought a .....nl.. ..f It,, lull.r U,.mi.,,.n VI... terian i-ross-breds sold as high as 2s 3d. f ollon Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. COTTON-Spot, quiet; mlddllna; uplunds, 8.Mc. Sales, 400 bales. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 27. COTTON Spot, Jteady; good middling. 5.2id: middling, 9kd; low middling, 4 v.':d. Sales, i.vw bules. The cotton market closed steady, but from 13 to 16 points net lower. Hrflaed I'rtrolenm Is Lower. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. The ' standard Oil romnuny of New York todav reduced the price of lllned petroleum for export ii points, making oil In cases 10 2u cents per gallon: In tanks 4. cents, and standgrd while 7.76. Liverpool (iraln Market. LIVERPOOL, Jsn. 27. WH EAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. Is 4d: No. I, Us ltd; No. 2 hard winter, l.'s; futures, nominal. CORN Spot, American mixed, new. 7s 8Hd; old. is 104d, February, 7s 4d; March, 7s bMi. ft. Ials urala Market. ST. UtVlf. Jn- 27,-WHEAT-No. i red. $1.4wi2.4s:. No. I bard, ll.6'4: May. $1.4i': Jury, $1.30. CORN No. 2. 76c; No. 2 white. 'S'flTXHc; May. K2ic; July, W',,c. OATS No. 2. U.V--; No. 1 white, uote. Everybody reads ties Want Ada. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreigners Purchase New Crop Wheat and Start Stumpede of Shorts in July Future. CORN AND OATsTEAP UPWASD OMAHA. Jan. 27. 111V l ovelsners made their first purchases of hest of the l!Mb cro!. It was esld they bought several cargoes of the new gin in for delivery In July ami Auoiet. The purchssInK ot new crop sthrsl bv for eigners lor July and August delivery started a stampede of shorts In the July future and the buvlng of that month caused an advance from l.2Si to $1.81S On the advance yesterdny new high ptlces were msde for both May and July wheat, the former ranging at $1.4n'l 1.4tT anil the latter $l.26Vi1.l V Corn and oats each reached the high est price, not only on the crop, but In many years. May corn sold as high as St'7c and July i-orn up to 81 o. May oats reachetl WVuf.Wc and July JSc as the best prices. There wss a big expert business In both corn and oats, and the domestic trade waa also fairly active. Provision were lower as the result of a decline In hog prices, coupled with the lemporsry quarantine at the ards. There was some covering by shorts. omaha Spot Market Wheat was W ic higher. t orn was unchanged to So higher. Oats were vm higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to S34.O00 bushels: corn. 4K.000 bushels; oats. 674. Ono bushels. Uvcrpool closed: Wheat, not quo toil; Coin, unchanged to d higher. Primary wheat receipts were 7.nOO bushels and shipments S7.00O bushels, against receipts of fkto.ooo bushels and shipments of 413,000 bushels lsst year. Primary corn receipts wers 1.W0.O10 bu-luls and shipments l.OM.OOO bushels, aga nat receipts of 1.028.WK) bushels and snipments of i3.000 bushels lsst year. Primary oats receipts were H7S.0UO bush els snd shipments 771t,flOO bushels, against receipts of 6.B.000 bushels and shipments of tki2,tt) bushels last year. 1.1HLUT RECEIPTS. . . Wheat. Com. Chicago )04 Ml Minneapolis s Dultith 67 Omaha 2J 127 Oats. 147 18 vt innipeg nn Theso sales were reported tndav: heat-No. 1 hard winter. 4 cars at I1.41W. 6 cars St II. 41: Xn 3 haul wtnl.r I rar al $1 12. 1 cars at $141',. t rat s at $1.41, 4 cars at $I.40H, 1 car at 11.38,; No. 4 hard wln- ter. I ce .i ti anu.. k- 4 .nri. ii st $187; No. 2 durum. 11 cars at 11.51: re - Jecled, 1 car at $1.36. Rve: No. . 1 ear at 81.1. t:orn No. S white, 8 cars at 7iijo; No. 4 white, l car at ToVic. 1 car at "w; io. write, i car at 7DVic. l car al -; No. 2 yellow. 1 car at 71'ac. 1 car t i2c; No. 3 yellow, 3 cars at il'V. 19 ars at 71V,c; No. 4 yellow. 4 tars at He, at ca rto, I, yellow, 1 car at 71 So, 1 car at 71c; mtxeo, s cars at Tllc; rno. s mixed, a cars (near white) at 75c, 1 car (near white) at 744c, ft cars at 71Wc. 8 cara at ilc, 10 cara at 70c; No. 4 mixed. 1 car at 7fl'e. Oats Standard, 1 car at Mc; No. 8 white, 1 car at Me; No. 4 white, 4 cars at 63c; sample, 1 car at I.24c. Omaha lash Pr.ces Wheat: No. 3 hard. $l.4oVK1.42f! No. 1 hard. It .YI.42;' No. 4 hard. $1.341.40t: No. a spring, "I.414 1.4:i; No. 2 durum, ll.fclHftfl.M; No. 8 durum. $1.4!H,Sll.D0. Corn: Ho. 1 while, 7M,H76c; No. 3 white. 7f.m76V: No. 8 white. 7tiW(u76V,c: No. 4 white. 76fl7iM4C: No. 5 while. 74'H76c- No. white. 74-i& 74lic; No. 1 yellow, 72',ti721c; No. 2 yel low, 72'(t7214c; No. 8 yellow, 71nTimc; No. 4 yellow. 7l4ifi 71 ,0 ; No. 6 yellow, 7uf 71',c: No. 6 yellow. 70i'71c; No. 1 mixed, 7lMi71V: No. 3 mixed. 7Uj71'4c; No. I mixed, 7HVu70'ac; No. 4 mixed, 70i7tfi.tc; No. 5 mixed, t4r70c; No. 6 mixed, n ft!'!-. Oats: No. 2 white, 53tt.Mi4c; standard, 614(j?Mc; No. 8 white, tU'iiftllsc; n.o. 4 white. (..'VTKWk'. Hnrley: .Maitlng. tl7ii'74c: No. 1 feed. 4U68c. Rye: No. i. l.lti'(0l.l7; No. 3, $l.!6t1.16. t HlCAtiO fiBAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of Ike Trading; and 4 losing; rices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Jan. 27.-Increasing diffi culty in obtaining wheat throughout the west resulted today In a broad market on 'i-hango here, and new high record war prices. There was a nervous feeling at the close, which was l'vtio to 3 Ho above last night: Other leaning staples, too, all made net gains corn S'flHC to lc, oats, lu to ljac, and provisions, 7HiV ho to 62Hc. Chicago export houses had no wheat to offer and were oollgod to be content to let foreign bids ge elsewi.ere. Shipments at primary points kept equal pace with rl Is, but were smaller than tne export Clearances, Meanwhile, rural holders gave no sign of loosening their grip on rtBerves. Interior msnufacturera of flour in Nebraska were reported to be obtain ing meager supplies irom farmers at rates which would be euul.aleiit to $1.50 a bushel on the track in Chicago. July wheat here climbed in a remark able manner, finishing about 7c above the lowest point touched yesterday before the flurry began In regard to Europe buying on the 191& domestic crop. Cold weather predictions , that suggcated a chance of danger to ' winter wheat, especially in tne southwest, counted today against the bears. The greatest buying force mani fested Itself To the lust hour of the ses sion, Quarsntlnn orders stopping live stock shl ntents In many Illinois counties had a bullish effect on corn, besides receipts here were much lighter than or late and a eold wave promised to enlarge the lerdt 'g demand. Oats traders were excited over a rumor that the Canadian Import duty would be removed. The market also waa bulllshly affected by heavy export clearances, 874, (00 bushels. , . Notable strength developed In provisions despite wenknese at the start. The bulge In grain was partly responsible for the upturn, hut there was also belief that the ittete quarantine would cause a de cided falling off In the number cf hogs arriving in Chicago. Isdlng grain quotations were: Artlclel Open. I High. I Low. Close.lTes y. a I 1 4H 1 4t 1 4ti' 1 484 1 46 I 312 133!, 1 31U I 831 1 Ju'k MrH 81 '4 S0' 81'4 SOMi fUi 82H Sl'e t"a 81H hSK W, 877s t.S 64, 06S H4 '. tVU, 18 80 10 07 18 80 1108 18 I7H 1 10 10 86 ID 10 1 83 II 16 10 77H H 10 TTVe 1106 I0R."4 11 r 11 te 11 22 10 :, 10 2S 10 424, 10 25 10 JiW 10 27 10 47'. 10 4.l 104IS 10 57! 10 47', Wheat May. July. Corn May. July. Oats MaV. July. Pork May. July. Lard May. July. Ribs May. July. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 8 red, $1.46'4t1.4ra; No. 2 hard. l.46'Jfl.4tiV Corn: No. 4 yellow, 72i&74o; No. 4 white, 72r7JVic. oats: No. 8 white, uow;: , No. 4 white. 64'4tJ''4c. Rye: No. 2. II 23. Barley, 7V'(().c. Seeds: Timothy, $6.0 7 I; clover, $UI.MVij Hi.lO. Provisions: Pork. $l7.0or(il8.47; lard. $10.92; ribs, $9.2a 10.00. BI'TTFR Firm; cresmery, 23930e. EOUS Lower; receipts, 8.760 esses; at mark, rases Included, 26ti3ic; ordinary firsts, 2n2Hu; firsts. 80c. POTATOE-"' Unsettled; rejcelpts, 17 rars; Michigan and Wisconsin red. 17 4c; Michigan and Wisconsin while, 38 li 43c. Pol'LTRY-AlIve. unsettled; springs. 12'14c; fowls. 14c. tw York iieaeral Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27.-SCOAR Futures opened firm and unchanged to S polnta higher on unfavorable weulher In Cuba, Trading was quite active. At noon the market was I to 8 points higher, with sales ot 2,160 tons. The spot market was strong: centrifugal, 4.0It)4.i7c; molasses. I.gvd 3.f. Heflned. film; cut losfs, J.9oc; crushed, d.s-'x-; mould A, i.'M-i cubes, i.c; XXXX iiowdered. a.3.-; powileretl, J.lftc; fine granulated, 6.0Ac; diamond A, o.U6c; confiftloners' A. 4.16c; No. t, 4v-. BCTTER riteady : receipts, 6,6.w tubs: creaiitery extras, 92 points scoiing, Unit (13c; creamery, higher scoring, Jiyy-; creamery first, M31c; seconds. i,($'ixc; ladles, current make, firsts. 24&3uc; sveouds, 22i'22c; .VIng slock, cur rent make, No. 2. JOfil .'io. 13)1 El-SE Firm; receipts, 3.59 boxes; state whole milk held specials, lMUt'.c; aversae fancy, held. ltHfi'e; fresh spe ctal". 7n'S lic; average taucy, U4,ti li'c ExlOS t'naeltled; retrelpts. Irj cases; fresh gathered extra fttx, 53r.(U4c; extra firsts, kac; firsts, HJqXlc; seconds, Sit yiVec; state. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, a'ul7o; gathered whites, Sjyattc; henuery browns, 84c: gathered browns and ptlxel colors, acinic. POl'LTRY IJve. firm; western chick ens. 13yl4c; fowls, 17c; turkeys. 13'al4c; dressed, quiet; western masting chlck ers. lStaj'JOc; freelt fowls, lS'glsc; turkeys, 12'T2.-. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Eitimates TJnderpo Radical Keriiion i Remit of Failing of Steel Trust Dividend. DECLINE IN THE ENTIRE LIST NEW YORK. Jan. J7-AII recant ralco Intlons and estimates dealing with finan cial and Industrial conditions underwent radical revision today as a result of yes terday's pawtlng of the 1'ntted States Steel common dividend. This wss seen, not only In the weakness of the stock market, but In the general attitude of tbn speculative and Investment public, to. whom the action of the United States Sleel directors seemed to carry unex pected Implications. Sleel common opened at Its minimum price of 48 and remained at that figure Ihrouoghniit the feverish and active nea slon. Dealings In that Issue were com paratively light, probably for the reason that It had little or no market at Its ar bitrary low level. In the so-called unof ficial market, which came Into vogno while the stock exchange was closed In the latter months of last year, the stock sold down to 431,. Steel preferred hore the hrtint of the attack on that and allied Issues, falling $ points to within half a point of Its minimum, and rallying fractionally. Even the sinking fund bonds, which normally show great steadiness, manifested a weskenlng tendency. After the close of the market, official announcement was made that hegmnimc wllh tomorrow's trailing the minimum, price of Steel common would be lowered ti t 43. Denial waa given to reports that other active Issues were to undergo immediate revision. The entire list declined with Meat, In ternational ahnrce. grangers, coalers and Southern roads, as well as Industrials, - utilities and coppers, losing from I to 4 polnta There waa a moderate rally In tho rinal dealings, Cnlon Pacific and Reading' ' reooverln gabout a point, but weakness prevailed at the close.. Failure of the directors of the Pressed ', Steel Car company to declare a dividend on the common stock wga In keeping) with general expectations and served as-, a reminder of the unsatisfactory . condi- lions now prevailing In the equipment In- . Uuntry. Apart from the stock market Itself, the. ', most Interesting feature was the sale by ' the ePnnsylvanla Railroad company of $48.0().OO) of first mortgage bonds, the lsst..' of an Issue of $lAO,flt0,nou authorised man" . i years ago. i he trie road also announce.! 1 " Intention to Issue bonds, subject ft'-' ' I,P'.1- I state Bond followed the course of stocks, with ewe re declines in speculative Issues. Total sales, par value, were MMVOOO. I'nlted States coupon 3s declined , pef cent on call. Number of sales and loading quotations on stocks were; galaa. H'h. Low. CI" a ana "T u - u T7I AlsaVs Oalit An alsantalad tHtppsr ... Ainerliwn Iteat Sugar... Araertnan t'4n Amvrlran S. & R a.fne "4 3714 T1H ' w.Jon a, 7"i It. tea J. IX) aat, 1 gtsa If so iaati rr. , 10J 4s 1(0 Atnartran g. K. pf4.. Am. Sttitar Kahnlns Amarlrsn Tal. s Ttl.... An-.ani-an Toparee AnaconJa Mining Alehlaon halttmnrs ft thlf Bmohlyn Rapid Tr t antral IaalhSr rnaaapeake Oltln . ano ina4 o U0 2;4 H tV r.i4 att, . 73S 7a r f-s 84 il I, 4EK 44 44W 11 88 Nti . II rat '. . i'4 1444 . SJ li 1a 11 112 u m1 tr W 14S 14.1 11 11 II 5'4t H .Jlht W'V 4 t 1074a ta4 tl l ' , l VM, 14 l.ino 7,H l.lml I. ano t.sm 1 nii-aga rt waatafn.. I lllrano. M. ft St. K.... t hli .ait 4) N. Vt' ihlno Cipar 1 oinraijs fun a iron... rnlotsdti aV gout ham no llativer & Rio l.rsnda.... Iient-er ft K. G pfd m.illlara' Seourltles .... Krta tl.n.ral Klaitrlc. l.luo MO tHH 8. ono 1. 100 !t.ara l.ovo Otaat Northara pfd tlraat No Ors rtfa tlusxenhatrn t:.ploratioe.. Illtnota I'aatiwl Inlerr-irouah Mat. pfd... Ina-lrstlon Ooppar Ititamatlonal Harvaater.. Kanraa t'ltr (tout liars .. Lahllh Vallay louiavllla a Kaakvllla.. Vrah-an Patraleum Miami tlbprier Mtsaotirt. K. T MiaaotM-l P.clfto National niaenlt National Navsrta Ooppae New Tork antral N. Y.. N. II. 4k H 4MI n 4.7"t) 1HU 1M nat, ' 4H4 1sVi tia 7 ! H UH 1H4 46 t U . 8tt, V 12.400 1 11H UW 1,(M) m 8,41 1.70D 1!'4 64 4 9014 U14 Norfolk ft Waatara Nan nam Psclllo .. Pai-ltto Mall IVrlllf Tel. Tal. Wi . . I. mo 104 14 lot, 10a . , SOO 21 ,81 . 2 '. .-' ta ' reanarlvsnis 4. aw 10714 i44 ki, Ptillmajt Palace Osr a l4t4 lMk H Har 1 on. loncar UH !' Kaadlng ..- , 1114 147 147 lUptibllc Im, ft Steel... l.lo 814 19 IS Kin k laland re ' "a Rtx-k Uland do. pfd tot) .1 1(4 Ji, SI. L ft S. F. 24 gtd ..... ..... ' gouthern Psrlfio' il.JOO - K414 t4' HouUtarn Itallwar 1 IT im, is Tannaaaas Coppar 7MI II lot, 3Cm Tanas Company nt lit 1X1 m t'nloa selrla 84. e i llt4 Rat, t'ckHt Paelflo pfd ..... av 4 sited Htates Staal t.WO 44 48 44 I. 8. Bii pfd I,U4 1M44 tHH Itnta I'tnh Topper I.nn) M iat,- tt- ' Waliaah pM I,l S4 I 4fc V.a.im t'nlon 'ito tl 4014 83S Waatlnthouaa Elontrla .. 1.100 II lota lit I'snadlsn Paclflo i.ono 1414 11144 Total sales for tbs dar, XjO.aoo aharae. 0 ISr-rr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. PRIME' CANTILE PAPER aS-a percent. STERLlNfl E.XCHANGE-ttteady; Isxty day bills. 14.88; for cables, $4.8660; tor tle tnand, $4.8616. 1 , SILVER-Bar, 481c; Mexican dollars. Itftt. s BoNDS Government, easy; railroad, weak T1MB LOANB-Flrmer; sixty days, 84 per cent; ninety days, I per cent; aix monlhs, 3 per cent, CALL MONEY Steady; highest, I per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 8 per cent; laat loan, I per cent; closing oiu, i'., per veni; oncreu at s per cent. LO. DON. Jan. 1;. SILVER B -Bar. 82d ' per ounce. MONEY 1 percent. ,-i DISCOUNT RATES Short bills. 1 per cent; three months, l-'Val per rent. - Closing quotations en sends today eiw ss follows: - . V. H. raf. is, ret.... Mix Pan. . Is 44(4 do coupon aN. T. r. g. IHa. .. artv, V. S. a. rag Wl4 N.Y. Cltr 4tia rM8.4t, do oottpoa 101 V.N. Y. Plata 4a....l4v V. a 4a. rag to Y.. K. H. ft. B. 4o eaupea o cv. ta 10414 Panama a couaon. .lOlU No. Pscifia 4s lottk Am. emeltara t....li do at ......liteS A T ft T. ov. 4a. MHO. g. L raf. 4a.... Armour ft f. 4S.. "i Hae. T. ft T. Ut...y Atchiaea gen. 4a.... 04vi Paan. con. 4s !', Hal. ft Ohio 4a.... reading gen. 4s 974 t-tiaa. ft Ohio 4ta. tl U ft S. r r .1 ta - , C. n. ft Q. 1. 4s.... MV4Be. Pan. sr. ta. ... . U'i O M ft S T g 414a.. 10144 do raf. 4a ti C. B. I. P. e. 4a. li-H I do r. U M fi. ft 8. raf. 4'4a... 64 flo. Mallear 8a ln' D ft ft. Q. raf. 6a.. 4iitt inlon Piolllo 4s tt.4, Kris son. 4a m4 '4 ' 4a ?ita ns. Klarlrlc ....! II. rt. Uubber da.... 102-14 Ot. No. lit 4Sa.'.. Vi'tV. 8. Steel 5a lolVa III. r raf. 4a 17 Wabaah IM (a.. loo K. C. So. ref. as,,. l Wai.1. tmioa 4'4s..,. M ' U ft N. unl. 4a... S Waal. tloc. cv. 64.. Id , K. ft T. lat ti.. 1 Bid. HAVE YOO the nm TO CO IHTO ou sin ess - aFJkffa ttf Iff fb gk p SB St. It so. Join with me in the ell business ..'a in Tutu I Inn. n ' At? tract of land cen traJly located la the coaat oil belt surrounded by' oil wells of enorm ous production. I also own -x modern rotary well rig. capable of drilling to a depth of 4.009 feet. I have sub-dtvlded this land Intj oil lots and for tie you get a warranty deed to a lot and an in terest in the several co-operative oil wells, which your moiity en ables me to drill, oa It takes com-' bined capital to drill these walla I aak you to Join with me In ex pense and share with me In profits inthla. the Moat Rapid Develop, ng Oil Field In the south. Investor and axeuts wanted. See ma H. J. D LA INE Paxton Hotel, Omaha. Neb. 8 r r u