TJ1K Hliti: OMAHA, WKUNKSHAVi .lANUAI.' '. I!15. Brinping Up Father Corrrtcfct. vn. Interaatloual New StrrlM. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus YTjObE. A PICTURE OFAGr?L I MET AT AFFNETt BALL LT NlHTi vou tt.n' to fie A REGULAR CHAVNt.tT OILCLOTH with thc CHlCKV LOOK DlrrTf. LOOKA THtM EtEr- HE bATt 5HEb AN ACTRE-t OUT SH 5LNIN4 EJCUlTS AT J(XSOeANfY AT PRCE.NT Should tink, HE'D CATCH COLD ITS A COSTUME. LIKE J MR.JICGiiHMiD ME WHAT XOU HAVE IN XOOR HAND.' I KIN HERRTHE AMBULAMCE MOW! DOtiT HELLO ME. WHERE DIDVOU THIS RtOYO? AtVER ME!! uh:huh:-i40t it with a pack OF CHEW IN TOBACCO . ' ' . - '.. . ' ; : L - ' . : : " : . i i i i i Il'SHANE TO A. A. A. CHICAGO COHFLUX Will AiK for Sanction for Race July ,-. ' 5 in Behalf of Omaha ' Spedwy. tGrSEEiS KEASUEE TEACK Bherlff Felix McHhan left for Cltleago lat night to bet In attendance at a ban quet givenlhere tonight for Richard Kennerdell, chairman of th conteat boart of the American Automobile association. McShane departed equipped with one per fectly good certified checK for tl.OOO, said check to be guarantee of good faith and for deposit with the Three- A. Aeeorn. panylng the check will be Omaha's re quest tor sanction to hold a 300-mlla raoa on the loc al boardi July B, thta year. Officers In the local speedway company believe they will be granted a sanrtlnn On the ohoaen date, but elenplte tho confl 5nre are prepared to hold the Inaugural race it another date If disappointed, - Track Over l.rtmih. The track i measured by engineer! the Dfher day and It was dlarovered that the track la ten foet 'over (tyatante along the pole. Thla mram that any records which may be broken here will be purely recognlied. -.' . , . V Immediately It la ; learned whether Omaha can or, cannot have a rata July i, tho loci rtffli eia will ret down to active buslm and prepare fof the first vht. If they f e-ot July 4, they will apply for 'i,fmi"tlfn' fin' another doto! In rlo arf iit1.jn to tin holiday.. .. , I'-ni iu'vo rsnrtlfin which KennerUnil rtv.Jiiir.i trrvj,'iucitloiably liiiued hat btrn snnrti-d for a rc next fall, lome. I' y . Uovrcif Si-fember 15 and October 11, r r, i'l rare will probably be held during (ua-.k-Soft-Hen "fall festival. Prairie Park Mblit Clab. Kollowlntf were, the acorea made Mon day evcnlna ut the Tralrlo Park Wblnl -,l" ' ' . w 4..'... .' Kaet and Weft Plnycrw . WINNKItS. ' Tlinton and, Beynolda. Nelnon and M.-i'iinn l.iui'!;e and I3utk IjOSKHS.', ftcwart and Abbott Hcki-r and Uvut Iml. . .. . . . . ... t'oriley unU Iin cannrll and 1 'reyf u. .. ; J j-7 North and South l'luyera ' WINNKItS. Bine end Mhawcroea -Mori la anl 8tvhhii Iiiin mid Krfll. i-ook and Jeffries. .'....!..., lilirttllS. ilnir and Morpiih , , s I rtun and HUtliiRur 6 4-f i'llc and flow land..!.. 7 4J ....1 4-T ...l -7 .v. -7 ...'1 -t ....I -T 7 -T 7 -T 1 S-T -T Prominent Characters in "The Whip" --I v JOHN 1 BHINK AND AUCB'ESDiMWHO APFEAR IK "TUB WhIP" AT TUB BKANDE18 THEATER. BEOINNINO MONDAY. FKBRUART V 1 HEAD STUFFED FBOf.1 1 CATARRH CH A COLD 2 E.-jr Crcawi Applied In Nostrllg 4. Opent Air JWajres Right l p. Ifivlant itHtf iio waiting. Tour ctotiutd no.-tiils oprn right up; the air pinar of your head (War and you ran brrathe tr-iy. fo mora hhlng, (nutting, llowmtr. hradaihe, drynna. No etrug. gling t'Jr brrath at nlKht; yeut cold or latarrb. duupp" r. Get a aiimtl uotil- f Kly'a t'rrain Palm from your drtiualft now. Apply a little of thla fragrant, ariUm-pltc, healing cream in your nontrUs. It penotralea through every ulr paRsage of the head, aoothee tha In fU 1 ne J or rwollr'ii niucdu mem. btane and relief cmr Jnntantly. It's juht.flne. iJon't aiay atutrad-up vith a titld or iaaty catarrh. Minor League Seeks . Federal Protection CHICAGO, Jan. M.-8urplua ball play ers of the Federal league will be taken care -of In two minor leaguea, U wa an nounce i today by I'rineldcnt Oilmora. One will be organlaed. It Is plapnod, at A meeting In New Haven prst Saturday, which Ullmora will attend, and the other la an organiaatlon already e&iating and operating under Organised Bail. The nam cf the latter Oilmora would not give-, but aald It had propoand . coming under the' Jurisdiction of the Federal!. New competition for the International leaipi la likely, accorJlcgto - the plana, tor tha make-up of the new circuit. It wll Include Provtrtcni1, Hartford, New Haven and poaclbly Trenton, N. J-, auiung Ita olght citlva. I RflPFR HP PRIWrFTfiM w at t wi iiiiw vn t TO COACH SWARTHMOrtE PHILADELPHIA. Jan. J.-Wlllltiro W, Ropr. former athletic director f Prince ton iiiilvvratty and head roach of the ; ehamplonahlp Princeton eleven In Wit. ! haa been appointed coach f th Bwarth- irore foot ball teuina. It waa annuunced today. Ilopt-r la appraiser of cuatom at Philadelphia. Are You Addicted , to Drags ? ri!io EUREKA DRUG TREATMENT h a gunr antcftl, Umils imJ jki'iU' k'.ss j t nicJy, rt muvins per. rr.ancr.tly all desire and raving for opium, inor ! -Mil'., fui-iiiiti uiui pll othor Ip.icm in live t'.ays' time. y r ttnns, t-tc, fall or write-. Addrroa G orcham i'hi'uo llalticjr U.'.Utl. betterment. In buslneag cocdltlone., . B aJd there waa no clepreaalon In th west and that tha situation In th south and aat was Improving. Germans Planting. Mines at Entrance, to Gulf of Bothnia 1 LONTXMf, Jam. HTb German ar mored crulaer mdrich Carl and a. nv- nitrous group of torpedo boat war seen today off tha Aland Islands, at tha en trance to tha Oulf of Bothnia, gtaarlng aouth Later they passed Gotland, elosa to th shore. It Is believed they hav again bean active In th aytpar of mines In th Quit of Bothnia. All shipping In th gulf haa now bean stopped. tTh foregolpc dlapatch. If corract. dls provea a story from Prtrograd ovr a month ago to th efte-.-t that'th PYleoV rlvh Carl had been sunk In th Baltic during a naval aortla from oo of th Oermtin baaea, ' It is a cruiser of t.C4 tons and was launched In 1MB. Da Vaa gaffer wit Celdsf Tak Pr. King's New Discovery, th best cough, old, throat and lung med! cine mads. Th f'ret doa helps. fOo. All drugglut. Advertisement. President Wilson Says Reports of Men Idle Exaggerated WASHINGTON, - 111- St The caua of unemployed begun In New York i nder the direction of the Orpartmrnt 0 Labor will be extended to all other rltlea If arrangenionts ran b made,' Preaident Wlleon today tuld rallcra that as tar aa poKflMtt the Ot-tHll work of the ccnaua would hav to Im carried on by local inuiiicipal authorttira becauaa the gov ernment has no special appropriation for the work and he did not expect to ask congress for one. The president expreal the opluloa that th number ot unemployed was de creasing because ot new avenues ot em. ployment were tx-lng orened. Kattmates of th numlxrs of unemployed In th country wre largely guesswork, he thought, snd In many iiuitanves Very extravagant. Municipal lougittg houses In New York are not full, the preeldcnt said he had bevn lufunnrd, and the eia tlun at tills UUnd, which has beets opened to unemployfi, is not being Ud lor the purpua cxtrunlvcly. Tlie preel drut Said today tltoao facia convinced him that there wss Dot as tnuoli tlitlrrea frt'iu um-mtilo nwnt aa bad been pk-tureX TUs rresid. ut tUtk,s thrr Is general A "For Sale" Ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cah. Grand Jury to Probe The Acts of Strikers NEW BRUNSWICK. W. J.. Jan. 28. In charging th county grand jury that assembled her today t tak testimony regarding th shooting of nineteen strik ers last Tuesday at the Llebig plant of the American Agricultural Chemical com pany at Kooeevelt, Suprem Court Justice Bergen said that strikers could bo held responsible for any ' act ot their that damaged property or endangered life. Tha Justice sail also he had ' been In formed that Mayor Hermann ot Roose velt was In open sympathy with the strikers and had hot curbed their unlaw ful assemblages, and that tho jury should Investigate thla feature. Twenty-eevcn deputies alleged to have taken part In th shooting are In Jail under charges of first-degree murder. Two of the nineteen strikers shot died. In his charge Justice Bergen said the court had heard that In this case th strikers had assembled In a riotous man ner. It was reported, he said, that the so-called deputies) had shot to kill. If so, he Mid, tha killing of the two men was murder. If you have a "Sunshiny Boom" let people know about It in this column of Bee Want Ada GERMAN CRUISER IS DAMAGED BY TORPEDO MAlAfOB, Sweden. Jan. 26. (Vis Lon don.) It is persistently asserted her that the German protected ' chulser Gi selle Was torpedoed yesterday by a sub marine of unknown nationality, at a point in the Baltic near the Island of Ruegen. which is off the coast of Prussia. Although the Gaxelle was damaged. It waa able to return to the port of ease- . nita. .. .. .- r , , 1 - r m- if . - , Si.1 '.i i r PeA.'.Mafce3' m?m vnh hit the ; smoke 'trail via the Prince Albert uV vn sire off to the iov lands, traveling first class, all in the banlt. Quicker vou make vour. UWUlw UMau v-w j . " for th&real tning, tne sooner you 11 nna xnercai joy oiea-xing.: If .... 1 n Ian I rn r thnatianaljaymoha - r cssft tnhs your tongue, nor any other man's, becauso tho patented process .a - m - m a J n At t ? J -1 1 ...s -j-a , sma controlled exclusively try us clkos out mo una ana xoavess pure picuio. r svr.Vw Ua e-nnf o tin rlr Kn xxrh pmfWRT VOU feel that WUVA? JUU VU LPwVl VJ4 WW 4wlkVj JVM - f " - J inside longing ior a pun at tne oia caiaDasa, urar,corao w uioa wmuni. Princa Albert u aoldwfortvr tobacco U on tho colli in tho tidy red tint, 10c; mm II I r t I - - f II. . . K -i toppv red oagt, ac: pouna ana nair-pouna un numiagn an pound f. A., cryttal-giatM numiaor wnat cerianiy om skd wonderfully fretn and delicious, um tot m or new ana m ivr homo i$ votir gait! TL J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston Salem, N. C ale I STARTS HERE TOMORROW 1 !W E'O N E SB A Y ANY WORTHMORE WVK and a few Florohcim Shoes $4.00 TO $6.00 VALUES AT ... ..... J STARR-KINGMAN SHOE CO. 315 South lGth Strc:t THE FLORSHEIM SHOE STORE i I Wa fl ttist tha tro haa 1 1 in te davl . Z : mwloAftorttmm l) sow tnia i .J ntftr racuivl I or ttu pitf. 0tnoucrgtb Tar liivmr it AnatHet, 1s "tttt Ui (n ptupsjituoua BUg ( aU.(AAJ jtp i. fur iwni and t'.at r a f vmpu4 &-6r w ftiMtT ft ag,y IfvaU U bCiss.i. anjrwhu M, W Uttcwd loeotxflDc &0,tM TA fllg tKks Ajnhr fa fUt.n"l',-."1J rd Ml Ociicioua IS la MHrdun.. . . Uttdartekaais UM aialwT SI Urn aii.. lLJ, . You Tilust Act At Once . k ?, " th rocket ek l;.tJ'lr 'aa four t.i,oa Cr.. a. ... t Tor aot ifotr a ta) raft tianakiniiiiia kiluid ami ,uV vountoap. ti, ijy'i iJut o matter what uwTih tlwk quart Utl!oi. if .u; tb-autl vmmk.ji Miavcrlwa.r.iiarali.ofDrl( C HAjK.t d t i.i t'ALJ. i'iUIQikuoI our Uilbu Vi aai t ru.y, atwlij S-a it'a vuura, aiii juMraturninaetgi DMtMa at aur Uixinaa. and aou'U at Foul uu... t...tT "-'a fraa a&rritartiaa Bm ta f or a llaiitel tiw.. tT-.l .,, tor f.. Wrpa u o u Sia aw oirr. 1 a.i.aitawa o it iiiia it U;a au -,1 Tra ith w .. i . ggU DISTILUNQ CO, U fata a, KanMS CHv -Ma. J The Waut Atl Columns of Tho Boo Are lUad Daily by lVuiirj in Search of Advertising Opportunities.