Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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ITeasurs Belating to Conduct of
Omaha Gove nrcer.t Fails to
Get o First Ease in Senate. .
(From a Ktaff CorresnnwlenO
LINCOLN, Jn. (Special -The
anM-nrpotlpm bill of tiortge-' or-Vnwrlss,
prohibiting; the employment by the city of '.
any relatives of cl!y cpmrnlsloni'ra . li .
Omaha. mt n wrir death thin morning 1
vhen the committee oa municipal affair .
recommended ,Jt. for rrrflnlto postpone
ment. Senator IxxIrs carried the flsjit to the
floor of the senate, but as defeated
there alio, teini ab'.e to muatcr but eleven
votes. -
Attack Made, on lltnxh. ,
The Incident eras made the occasion for
an attack on the Omaha Nty -commissioners
and the commission flan of gov
ernment at tt worked out there. '
"Scandal" and "absolute failure' were
terma applied to Ue city administration
tn Omaha by Senator Dodae. Among oilier
thins he said that ne;)otlim wu i revel
ent He aald that one commissioner had
and a borther-ln-law In the city's orn
ploy, and that In many Instances rtlatlvrs
had been given positions to which sal
aries but o dutlea attached.
Howell for (Seaeral Rill.
Senator Howell, chairman of the com
mittee on municipal affairs, objected to
the fact that the bill applied only to
Omaha. He told hla Douclae county col
league that aa far a he was concerned
It would be .all. rlaht If he would make
the bill Irene rai. but that it would never
have hia aupport aa loni aa It bore the
earmarks of .an, attempt .to wash In the
open eenata the dirty lUieo of one par
ticular district or city. ( , '
Mar-Draft A aether.
Senator randa)l .of York took up this
phase of the argument and made strenu
ous objection to the Idea that Omnha
could not bjn considered separately, from
the remarka made by several of th sen
ator It la very likely that another .bill,
applying to the. state generally. will' be
Introduced within the renilnln live diys.
Panama Commission
Sending Money Back
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
tilKrtlJ. Jnh. 24-Ppecla.)The state
commsnlon' that had In -charge' raising
funds for a Nebraska building at the
ranama-raclflo exposition, an attempt
which was abandoncl. Is returning to the
arhoot children, every cent subscribed by
them. Mr. Mellor, who wan In charge of
this particular branch of the work, malted
out checks this morning. '
Money raised later by the sale of
medals in a popular campaign, amount'
Ing to S3.R7.Ki, after the expense of that
undertaking have been deducted, will
either be pro rated back to the pur
chasers of medals' or elite will be turned
over to the Belgian relict fund, according
tn the respective wlhc of tho purchasers
of medals. .
The expenses amounted to ll.lC.V2t, leav
ing a cash balance 6f Sl.sa2.-6. ,
The commirwrtm was ag. follows: rettr
Jansen. president; John JdoCague, W,
H. Mellor. Ueorse. YplfcMrV rM.
1U1I and 8. H, McKelvle.
(Trcm a Staff Correspondent.) ' ' '
LINCOLN, .Jan. M. fperai.i The va
nous warehouse bills before the leg-Mature
weie considered at a public hearing
held this afternoon In the state trena
il rer's office before a Joint meeting of
the committees of the house and senate
having the till In charge.
The billa uruler particulad connldeiation
were E. V. No. I by Peal of Custer and
8. F. No. 30 by Wilson of.Frontler Among
Interested parties' appearing before the
committee were Q.' F. DrtgKS of Cole
r!dg, manager of the Karm.iri' Klevator
company ol that plaoet J. W. Bliorllilll of
llamptou and William Uruuber of flyron,
both representing the Farmers" Co
operative Live fstock and Grain associa
tion. - '' ' ". '
(Kfnii a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. (Special. )-8enator
Jack Gmre lit lUrlart Is laboring under
the pressure of too much advertising and
since Monday has been receiving enongti
letters from his friends over the stall),
Mn his constituents In hia district to
bankrupt the postal appropriation of the
senate If all the lottera are nsw.ered.
The flood c-f corremporidence Is due to
rhe mlurg up of. thiMn by nomebudv
connecteij wltu an Omar.a paper whlcn
under a caption "Efficiency In the Legis
lature," the word "women" wes need In
tho place of "moiy" In an Interview hal
with the senator.
Senator (Irate. save he will never stand
for an Interview with a, tiewHpaper re
Ioi?rr aaln a long ae lie lives.
, U-'ii'in a nituff Cur respondent.)
Ll.Wol.'N," Jan. ?.-(3i ( lul ) The leg-i.-lKiivo
ruluriea bill, II. It. No. 61. camo
k to (tie bnuxa m mi mej n as to pro-
I'ie a lump sum of l-S io for It'sUUttve j
mp,oye. Iulil of $10,iK. each tor Jhe,
i.uie and the senate riniiluVt'. The
bonne puitiely tfitlUed tha appropriation
tu limit lh' rciiblc on the number of it 4
eniplox', but the upir t humbcr rcfuaod
j.j eland foi tliin pro lelun.
On motion h Mr. Taylor, mull of.
tho hum'- committee on eiii!!o en, tha
liouee dei "lined to concur tn tho Mnato
amendm'Titi. i:ntl a ;'fnf"i einc cimmiite
cotmiMtng i Nuiton. Taj tor tind
Meiiijcici v. a in iKii iU'J.
7f . :i S3 O (Inn ' " ' - ;
alsMuB MaagsnsasMSB t .
t v
.... 4 mt m mmt m, ml mw m mt mt
K .
2a Ct n :ia cr.V.V.V.T, CaJI ro rhm ruU Km
1 V r "r , 0m,m,F P X-
i -m w. m J LmJ U mr mt at IL a mi 4t m i a -J
Vie J 11. u V.,r!J Cvs ta Ovr a OolJIn Cnm Day
.'l.siitver you f. el a told coming on ''
e 6 cf tU I., i .--..e LAXAliVK jtf i
WAR-LIRE Head Dress
for Ladies of Fashion
Upper photograph shows
most modern hairdress of
women who are pro
nounced peace advocates.
The other depicts a woman
, with hair arranged in
' European war style; all
the pins used have heads
. of soldiers, flags of the bel
ligerent nations, and even
Senate Confirms
Judge Holcomb
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 3 (Spe lsl)-Opposl-Uon
to 8, A. llulcomh's ponftrnistioit aa a
memlwr of the Board of Contnd to suc
ciei'. MivsoTf did nut develop et the en
uutlve serslon held th(s afternoon Imme
diately alter the ena(e reconvened and
his a'rolntment for six years was unani
mously confirmed. . . ,
The oppo4lilvn to JudKo Hulcoiub did j
Tiui cime iroiit nny incung ohiiimi mrs
Judgo persvuHllv, but In tho belief that a
younger man nml one with commercial
experience would lie better on the board.
Aa the boaed stam'e at th pr'ent time
there Is one farmer, with two Judges. The
Idea seemed to prevail ' that ono legal
light wi enough for the hoard and that
a man who had hud actual expurlonce
alone mercantile ' lines could Kivo the
state better service.
Kelley-Fultz Votes
Must Be Recounted
(From a Staff Correspondent,) -LINCOLN.
Jan. M.-(Hpoc1al.)-ny a
Vote of W to JO, the houite this afternoon
Uecldtd to send tlis Kelley-FulU election
aae back to the committee oneleclUma
ta have the vote recounted. ' ' wan done over the protest of eight
democrats h vutel v,itli iiie repub
licans and againut making the matter a
Parly affair. These . democrats were
Kir ml u ml. Cormley, llowarth. llynek,
I-uUouiity, Meredith, 11 y son burg and
Nrrf. .
Uuth the majority and minority reports
agreed that the county clerk had acted
properly in putting Fulta name on the
Fallot the ( nominee of the progressive
laity, ho being also the republican
McAllister Voted
S100 forHis Trouble
(From n Staff CorrepunWnt )
LINCOLN, Jan. K. tcpeciel.l J. J, Mc-
All'rter was voted $10i) for hla work on
tli uprclal water ponev committee. The
t til wnit cm frtiiii $,. Thle is en nuise
rrent lor the lour other menihera of tht
committee who sUo served without cony
pc ntutlon.
P.-aJ the lu-cs -JiusTness i nanccs" and
gel Into your on bulnes.
, I
A ' L
Repretentativa Dalby, Head of
State Association, Has Rill to
Core Kew By item of Fees.
(Front Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 2. (Special.) A bill by
Representative Ualby of fJage county
drals with the registration of automobiles
und the conversion of the ta upon them
Into channels for the upkeep of the roads
of the state. Mr. Dalby 5 president of
the Nebraska Good Ttoada association.
The bill will be Introduced Jointly :y him
and several other members of the legisla
ture Interested In the same metier. The
proposition really covers two different
hills, the first providing as follows:
Irrtaja lea Doard Aria.
Th first bill takes from the secretary
of state the registration of automobiles
and transfers that work to the State
Board of Irrigation, Highways and Draln
ag) In the state house. It amends the
prerent law and requires hat all owners
of motor vehicles shall file with the state
board a receipt lsued by the treasurer of
the rounty In which the applicant reside,
showing a payment of a registration fee
of il for each motorcycle, S3 for each
automobile and SS for each taxlcab. truck
or car used for commercial purposes and
aUo a fee of S5 for each manufacturer or
dealer In motor vehicles.
For Dracalas Reals.
The bill also provides that II SO of the
fee on motorcycles, S3 on automobiles, St
on taxlcabs and other commercial vehi
cle and that some amount of the fee for
manufacturers and dealers shall go to
tho road dragging fund of each county
and shall be used by the county board
for the dragging of roads and the remain
ing of the several registration fees shall
be transmitted ta the state treasurer to
be rleed in a special state road fund
to be -used by the State Board of irriga
tion. Hlahways and Drainage In supply
ing number plates knd for the expeneee
or the hoard, the advisory board con
nected with the state board, whlrh la pro
vided for In tha other bill and the pay
ment of d I urtes of both the advisory
board and the Rate Board of Irrigation.
Ta Reveal Payment.
A different colored plate shall be used
each year on each vehicle, which will
show at a glance whether the owner has
pahl his fee or aot.
To companion bill provides that the
Ute Board of Irrigation shall appulnt
an advisory committee of threo to serve
without pay, but who shall receive nee
esxary expenses of travel. The chairman
shall have hla nffire with the State
Hv.rd of Irrigation and the secretary
shall be a civil engineer and practical
road tul'-der, to be known aa tha state
hlg tway engineer.
Convention Bill
Has Good Majority
in House Committee
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. M.-(Spclai Telegram.)
After a long discussion this morning
thu house by an apparently good ma
jority "by viva voce vote recommended
the constitutional convention bill for
pasaga In committee of the whole, nnp
rtuentative Norton led the fight for the
bill,' while Greenwalt opposed H In a
speech which was loudly applauded.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. M. (Special. )-L. B.
Nelson of Omaha ha registered a a
lobbyist, representing the Nebraska Tele
phone company. Frank I. Ringer of Lin
coln has registered a a representative
before the legislature of the Nebraska
Manufacturers' association.
New Bills at Lincoln
Senate BUI.
8. F. 117, Hediord of Dougia Telephone
lommnki ooi.m b..slness la Oamna muy
caaiuu oir exilinge servKe not exeveutng
hi nr emit o. Ino rate aa snun la Mueu
ui tiled wlln rail commWslon.
N. F. Ll. Krumbau.n oi folk Fartles
KUllty oi making laiee statements In toe
makln ot a toun suall be duemuu guilty
of a fulny.
8. F. lr, Bedford or IVuglaa Owner
ot any sioraae or warehouse aoall nisKa'
a hat or ail aooUs In lit cant with the
W. F. LD, Iludea of Knox County
boania may settle any claim or Judg
ment, provided no member of the board
ia personally Interested.
S. K. 1.1. Wilson of Dodge Amending
ronatitutton and rovxling iat chief Jus
tice o( tlie supreme court shall be elected
ly the slate ai La r tie, and one arsociute
Juilice from each M.mrrilonil dixtrlct.
St. F. Ua, W.n of I)o)e Hequirea
nonresident exmutor and adinintstrators
to aptmitit kit attorney In fact Uyun wnoni
protiiucii, notices and oiders of court
Vn be served.
. F. l-l. liualtee of Kimball Im reaac
election tiardH to olx Judy a and tour
lrks; the counting to be In whenever
the counting dlvlntun deems sut In-lent
vi tc have been cavt to warrant starting.
h. F. 124, Kubertson of lloll-Auitii(r-Ues
the employment of counal by private
parties to axilttt in the prosecution of
criminal caies.
Ileaae Bills.
II. II 2..1, Re ner of Thoma-. Fixes
aiarkw of county attorneys at present
mini, cutting out opUotml reduction by
coaiilv toeru.
tt. n. SC. Moseley of lncamer An-
propriatea .1,00 tor teller of Hert L. Tal
n, an cmpiovo ui the state (arm. who
was thrown frvm a wagon and severely,
il. U. til. Chambers of Thurston Gives
n embers of county board i 5t) per aay
lit time aetuuiiy put lu diiccting road
v ork tn dikii i t.
H. It. Chamlcrs of Thurston Abol- i
lt,lies elective t4t overaeera.
It IL il Thiirstiin '
I Gives county coiumi'Hlnners alt authority '.
over road ork In tlctr districts und .
pav each IJ.5U per lay.
Iteqiilrva loci Tumi to be spent lit die- i
tiict In whi It co hvted. J
H. It. S'lK, Koreni of Vstley AboTlnhes ;
district eli i ks of i.Utrli ts of luuo to Ij.oio '
H. H. StJ. 8nren.ton of Valley S,eclal .
rommiMioners am itaiuttlt.iml aa at- '
rals. ri in roHd dninaye t I
H K. Trunil'lu of llelan Pro- '
hlblts nae of state alt funds in coiiKtruci
InK biliix within lifieen miles of some '
other Lititc
II. It. XA 1 abounty of Frontier Ap
propriilen $50 ue for a i-Mttle barn at the
l.tnUi Arl-ulturnl school.
II. It. Ile'sner of Thomas C.ives '
rnuMim tn rlnht to pun tmae lorty (
a-res or leas v( school lands as fair
ground. , , - . . '
rl. K 24'. rteianer oi i nomay -ona
fine and tiiipri-xniiierit for violators of
the pool and billiard liall In.
II. It Anleion cf Hhelps Appro
priate II ",') tor t no relief of t'aaie
liver f I'helrs count) . who had an arm
lorn elf io tiie laundry at the bchool fvr
the laf In Cimah. '
H M. IH1. Ftevera of Dvlg All I wo
ve r count r of fleers to hae four year
Ar-artraenta. flats, houraa and cetta
ran be rnntrd qulraly aa4 ehraply If
Uaa mUmtf fA
London Post Objects
to Food Shipments (
to Kaiser's Domain
LONDON. Jan. 2fi.-The Morning Toat
published today an editorial article on
the case of the steamer Wllhelmlna, the
American vessel which left New Tork
January 23 for Germany carrying a cargo
of American foodstuffa consigned to the
representative In Oermany of an Ameri
can concern. It aaya that this la a more
plausible and more Insidious . test case
than la the experiment with the steamer
!ac!a, the cotton laden vessel of changed
registry, still at Galventon, and that If It
la allowed it will bo Injurious to the cause
of the allies.
The Post contends that neutrality la an
i affale Af tka Innil mm Wf.ll mm tit the aea
and says that In spite of the fact that
Belgium la a neutral country. American
would find It Impossible to send food Into
this country through such Belgian port
as are In German hands.
"America ta asking us to abrogate the
power we gained upon the sea at vast
expense." the Ppet continue, "so that
American trade may flourish and aupport
an enemy who Is destroying the subject
and tha wealth of our allies and our own
wealth wherever he can do so."
German Red Cross
Sends Thanks to
American Donors
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.-Thsnks to the
T'nlted Stales from the German Red
Cross was expressed In a statement given
out by Count Remstorff, the German
'The centra committee of the German
Red Cross In Berlin begs to express It
most heartfelt thank to all donor for
the extremely liberal glta which the Ger
man Red Cross ha deceived from all
America, especially from tha United
States and from all the American c til
lers of German origin," he said.
"The Central committee will always
remember that this high-minded and
generous spirit ha largely contributed
toward enabling the German Red Cross
to accomplish Its enormous taak of earing
for the Kick and wounded and relieving
the suffering caused by the present War."
Austro-Germah Army
Takes City of Kielce
' BERLIN, Jan. S8.-(Vla London)-A dis
patch received '.today from , Cracow,
Gadicla, says that Austro-German foroee
have occupied Kielce, Russian Poland.
Kielce is the capital of the Russian
province of that name and He In south
ern Foland about. fifty mile north of
the border of the Austrian province of
Gallrla. In thla region ha ' occurred
some of the heaviest fighting of tho
eastern campaign. Kielce has bean' a
Russian base and - la of considerable
strategic Value because It Is the most
Important railroad junction northeast of
Cracow, lta capture. If effected, follow
the Initiation of the new offensive move
ment by the German and Austrian armies
all along the eastern battle front
Wison Signs First";
. Appropriation' Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. W.-Prealdent Wil
son today ' signed the emergency de
ficiency bill, carrying - approximately
13,000,000, the first of the general ap
propriation of the present congress to
come before him. Fifteen othsrs must
follow before March 4. '
The president also signed the bill creat
ing the Rocky Mountain National park tn
Colorado, with approximately 200,000 acre
of public, lands.
The National Capital
Tuesday, Jaasary U8, 1815.
The Senate,
Met at 11 a. m.
The administration shipping bill aa re
vised by the senate caucus was reported
by the commerce committee and debate
on the measure proceeded.
The Hoase.
House met at 11 a. m. '
Debate was renuined on the agricul
tural appropriation bill.
The commerce committee favorably re
pouted a bill for a iifesavlng station on
luixbury reef, outside the Golden Gate, at
Ban Francisco.
Do You Suffer
from Backache?
( - -
When your kidney are weak and
torpid they do not properly perform
their functions; your back ache)' and
you do not feel like doing much of any
thing. You are likely to be despondent
and to borrow trouble. Just aa if you
hadn't enough already. Don't ba a vic
tim any longer. '
The old reliable medicine. HoodTa Bar
aaparilN, gives strength and tone ta the
kidneys; builds up the whole system. Oet
It today. Advertisement.
stcc:i nsDudn:a
Our Entire Stock of Fine Jewelry
Auction starts Today, Tuesday at 3 p. in., January 2Gtli.
VIROLE MARSH, Auctioneer. . '
Formerly LINDSAY, the Jeweler. 221V, So. 16th Street.
State Treasurer Would Sell Outside
Bonds and Reforest in State
Local Securities.
(From a Rtaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. . (Speclal.)-State
Treasurer Hall la trying to secure legis
lation that will enable him to reinvest the
school funds. He plan to sell securities
of other states, beating a low rate of In
terest, and Invest them In the many. bonds
offered by Nebraeka school districts
munlctpaltle and counties.
The reinvestment wll mean no direct
financial gain for the educational funds.
Inasmuch as the state bonds will of
necessity be sold at a discount that will
offset the higher rate of interest borne
by the local bonds that tt la proposed
to purchase.
Tha mitlons of dollar worth of the
bonds of other state held by Nebraska
In some I nt lances, notably that of Ten
nessee, bear Interest a low aa S per cent.
Local bonds bear interest aa high aa I
per cent.
The object of the state treasurer l to
encourage In this way local Improve
ment, many or which ara now halted by
reason of Inability to market the bonds.
British Artillery .
Destroys Enormous
German Cannon
8 TOMER, France. Jan. 23. (Via Paris.
Jan. .) The heavy artillery of the Brit
ish ha destroyed an enormous gun which
the German were placing on a hill about
a mile behind their first line of trenches
and about two miles from Festubert, with
the object of silencing the English
howltaer and bombarding Bethune.
The position of the big gun was marked
by a British aviator and the fourth ehell
from the British guns demolished It
Tha British gunners then directed their
fire on a group of German artillerymen
engaged In placing m similar gun a mile
farther behind, scattering them with a
few well-timed shells. They also smashed
three pump brought up by the German
to empty water out of their trenches.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, dan. 26. Special.) Bx-At-tomey
General Grant Martin ha formed
a partnership with ex-Attorney eGneral
W. T. Thompson, former solicitor of the
United State treasury and ha opened)
up an office In. the Gantner building in
Deparlmeat Orders.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Joseph A. Steward has been ap
pointed postmaster at Farson. Bweet
water county, Wyoming, vice V. I.
Wrla-ht. removed ,
Bida were opened today at the Treas
ury department for the construction of
the public huldltng at McCook. Neb. The
lowest bidders: C. E. Goodhand of Ord.
Neb., SS9.S00; Voley B. Taylor of HuntirfV
ton. W. Va., Sm.OOQ; Bailey & Marsh (of
Minneanolls. Minn.. S,7S.
Geerge A. Cummins of Dubuque. Ia.,
was appointed a. copyist In the Interior
Announces an
opening sale of ".
600 paint of high grade Silk
Hone, made by one of the best
knitting mills in the country.
They are worth from $1.25
to $4.60 "per pair. They ara
from the regular line that we
will carry when our stock is
complete. Of course some of
them do not pass the rigid in
spection that will allow them
to enter our regular stocks.
All colors, also
fancy embroid
ered e t f e t a.
Your choice
"Tb Store fog OeBttsworaam."
1613 Farnam Street
F.lmer It. WooinV freight traffic mansger
of the Union FWlflc, who was stricken
with paralysis mily evening whlie on
hi war home from hi office. Is aald
to be conelderably better, and his friends
re feeling hopeful of his ultimate re
covery, although tbey think It may be
scmewhat slow.
83v Fine Bleached Turkish Wash Cloths ... 5c each
85c, Snow White Turkish Towels . . . . . .50c each
$1.50, Bleached 72-inch Table Damask . . $1.00 a yard
$3.50, Fine Bleached Napkins ...... $2.38 a dozen
50c, H. S. Guest Huck Towels . . . . ... 39c each
$10.00, Fine Irish Bleached Table Cloths . . $6.89 each
65c, Roller Made Crash Towels . . . . ... .50c each
50c,' Roller Made Crash Towels . . . . . . . 35c each
$5.00, Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases . . $3.89 a pair
20c, Bleached Crash Toweling . . . , .
15c, Bleached Crash Toweling . . . .
19c, Hemmed Huck Towels .... . . .
25c, Guest Turkish Towels ......
$2.00, 72-inch Bleached Satin Damask
$1.75, 72-inch Bleached Satin Damask
$1.75, Scalloped Sideboard Scarfs . .
$4.50, Hand Embroidered Lunch Cloths
$4.00, Hand Embroidered Lunch Cloths
Great Clearing up
Cloths and . Napkins
Wednesday's Papers.
Gearaway of Yomen's
and Children's Win
ter Underwear
Women's Wool Vests, regu
lar prices 85c and $1.00,
special 65c
Women's Vests and Pants,
heavy mercerized cotton,
also some in silk
All ...... . 2-Price
Children's Separate Gar
ments, both cotton and
wool ....... Va-Price
$4 td; $7 Values
$2 : $3!!,: $4!
New Stylish Models
Hotel Urcsim
MAa Hotel Wbar) Guests ara Mada
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value i at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
SO Rms Moitrott Jtutasrssf Ckr$t
Slatts Roems wits r'BIW,"S..
Slal Sao sis with Teh ee She-er
tl.SOteSt.OOpwasr -
Docble Roam, with Russins Viler
f2.00 to 4.00 per dr
Deetie Rooms with Tub or Shower
S3.00 le $.00 per dy .
COWARD C. FOGG. MusWsf Dirwcmr
ROT t- AKUWn, timMamnt nMiv
I Will Stnd Frei to All Readers Secret 6j
Which I Cestropd U) Of a Growth
Marreions SiscOTery Banishes TJnslrhtly
XUti ea face, Anna. Keck or Elsewber
I aar ht you a. lone, pay .at yaar
mw f worthlM oVpllaurliM. but that 1 oa
rid yoa ot your iprfluoua oatr with a lairla
iiwiMni. wurtsut alMtrtcity. iwMc.ra. or
ottxa- tartoie and painful 4vlc. of tha baauty
I Soetor. . .. .
l.n't ahut rr aya. aad aay Imoalble. But
1 pat mm U tha Uat.
Toa have trle w.thlaa y haar mt.
. and have apant y.r sod aiy nht aai Wit
iM mm Hra aa.... I aay wll and ; lot aa.
pru. lu, rlatia. tt you byood .uatai. It ma
I arau ,au litul iharaa tha le luatruHlona
whlrh mviltM la Bi ui aliar wtauy tWnsa
liail failed. I am wlllls l W "uia aaioi
vr. ao to prove thai 1 apeak ta. truth.
Ho aeod sa your asm aad ad.lreae, atatloa
Whether aire or Mlaa mnm I wlU wad -u ml erica
waked I. ptata awteiuv. full panieUra of Utm
.rrt hr which 1 a-alnTe ray mn
; that It mrnr reiurnea. eu.-u-r - "
1 i tuia paper to whom I can tell the acret ta uam-
rm. auk. Jxur applliatlaa ek-hly sad ta...
r, advaukae ef ttna oll'r befuM It la lee Uia. Re-
Bieniher Ihl. offrf rvc u aothln. .scevt a
I namp tr retur. puatair. f" th. coupon
I brlew le your rMler and allrea aire. Kathrra
' Jeokiu. Bwt Ml B. W- ("or. fuuimer St. aad l
I MX benoo. Maa.
a m m ertfiTJ Thta Certificate .atlltra
( R t L Vwwrtfl au uiaa or .-u I.
tV-la lrllty to Vrm. Jen nee" K?we Oer.nlentuU
lii-rw. !. for the benMiuu.ul at euneitlutma
Hjtlr. II eut wlih lo atauip l" pii...
lur imuieaiei. IM uolf Aad. Mil KUl)i
jeahiaa, IMS t.i a a. ir. eMwuavwi a, ihm
At4efetk. Ate
isy i niKiu
hlaV right
and he ha the psrtlI use of
hand and arm and can talk o that he
can make himself understood. The at
tending physicians have issued orders
that he must remain absolutely quiet and
not give any thought to business mat
ter. Mr. Wood I on her way horn
from Long Beach, CaL, and will reach
bero. Wednesday night.
Pee Want Ad TToduc Result.
Linen Specials
15c a yard
. 10c a yard
. 124c each
. . 19c each
$1.50 a yard
$1.25 a yard
. $1.25 each
. $3.75 each
. $3.00 each
of all Mussed Table
Thursday. Watch
The January Coat
Ton can most certainly
afford a new coat for the
balance of the season, con
sidering the .low prices.
Stylish models go Wednes
day $4.95 to $10.50
Values to $45. ,
Call Va tax Tour Borne Fortraltnrea.
U. 358. lioom 3. BaJdrldjee Bide.
10th and Farnajn Sta.
Afternoon and evenlnir. Cameront
slide tor life, 12:30 p. m. and S:30 p. m.
i bis; acts of vaudeville, motion pic
turee of Omaha's schools and Indus,
tries, Swedish slnKlna- society Thurs
day evening, January 28. '
. . .23e
. . .10o
. 10c, 15o, 25c extra
TDn4Y -t.i:30;
WorM'a Oreatest Indoor Zntertalajm.nt
rrloeai Mat. Wed. afio-O-l Brra. aoa-Sl.M
rri. aaa Rat.. Jaa. S9-30. aft. Bat.
pavtd Warfleld U "VMM AOCTIOHK
BOYD Ccjglas 1919
Matins Today Tonlrht
ooui. res tbs si.rx.B7 as,
A story of lows aa4 nolltioa.
3ata.ts.. asct Wlrtts. a5o aad BOo.
Mmm wX, Maa-cle Votroer. Tnas., Tea.
9 HocletT Mia at. Mm Xaaol Silver,
Lyrto Suitraae, atotweoa Acts.
lBtb. aad Iumt
Teday and Thursday
Chart. TroUmaa Vreaeata
Marie Doro
Xa Tf r Oreaiest Triumph.
. ' The Morals, of Marcua"
rroaWM. J. lxck.'a Celebrated Flay.
Dally Matinee, :1 iihu, :1S.
Tim k McntTTBH " 1 h . r Acta:
ioacvaT jtrri,Mifli Donlin Mo-
BenJix. or A Hack. Claude Uollesj,
i'axilio A k rablto. Orilieum Travel W'kly
Prtrwa: Matlaea, sallevy. ISe; beat aeala esoep
aalurday sad buudyl. Xau. Niahu. Id, &. e. u
-OMAstA'M m CeTTV -That
Ooeoua. aatiuil.tlaa- fepeutacla.
THE COLDtN CkUOK ?uttr'tt.
It's what Die geo. old Black Owa
Sir kill 8Lmarcji ..tirjs:
t Bab. m Tear .. .ut kea L iZlT-.
mmmif mmm m 'ml aariaa aa. Ik
Indite' D'aus Maitaaa We Days,
Mr. Wood rested w-ell Monday i
asS)i I
' as! I