-i TIIK HKK: OMAHA. AVDXKSDAY, JAXUAUY 27. 1915. 11 1 V J y FOR KENT tleinaeo unit nflaaea. AMERICAN SEC1RITY roMPAXY. t r hun.Blnw. Iiundie $4", ' ?io( -r. stone hunaMlow. modern f-r. modern. xccpt heat; near car.. 2 ' . II. iilfViT IIIIIK HHIIH in IVr. Never occupied 22 60 S-r. Modern. Pnved street 2...( Douglas mi, Wal. :n7 or Hnr 246 . RENT FREE TO FEU. 1. S11 N Ktd 51 . 8-r.. modern, j:. ?4tr. Capitol Ave., 7-r.. mod. ex. brut. $23. E.V..1 Spencer. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $'-. N. 2Pth Ft., 4-r., ir.vxl. x hcat. $12. 27n; Camden Ave., t.-r.. well, $1.1. 4S:s N. 4nh 81., 6-r, rtty water, $10. ""2 l.lndav Ave, 4-r.. well, $7. 1723 Ohio, 8-r.. well, $7. l!15 N. 4"th St., 4-r, wM, $7. CRE1GH. SUNS & COMPANY, iHinrlaa 2'X. fiS Hp I'ldi;. ELEGANT -room modern brink apart ment, newly decorated. $00 per month; $4C K. 2tb st Frame flat. 1129 S. 2Sth Pt., 9 rooms. raw plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, lare yard, trees, shrubbery; $30 month; a bargain. J. C. ISII, EXECUTOR. TU B. 31st Ava Phone Harney jQf mm l AM- ARE MODERN. rSf2 Casn, 8-r., square. $40. 1813 Chicago. 8-r. brick. ROOM KHS, 8th near Dodge. 8-r. brick, $.''.2 60. 2816 N. S6th, 6-r. and hall, square, J O'KEKKB REAL ESTATE CO.. $so. r.so. 5-R, mcd.. 4M'8 No. 2Mb Ave., $19.0". $.o. 8 rooms. Mil' N. 241 h. Web. 1 WALKING distance to the city, -room modern house, 271S lVwpy Ave.; price, $). F. J. Fitzgerald. 327 Hoard of Trade. 11. 4313. -r.. modern. 719 S. 37th St. 7-r.. modern. 814 Ieav. St., Rood location. Web. 2,lf MODERN occupied $-atory houae, 1 pmim; never new furnace; $30 Dour. W13. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 206 8. Jflth Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Ilenshaw Hotel. Har. 1094. Douglas 1216. Globe Van&Storage 6 tores, moves, packa. ships; 3-ndrso van and 2 men. $1.26 per hr.; storage $2 per rno. Satisfaction guar. D, 43T.8 & Ty. 230. Foil KEN1 We hfte a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can bo Been froe of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. gOti So. 16th St. Fidelity Storage Co Ptorage, D'.oving, packing ana Hhlpplng. J th ft Jackson 8ts. Phone Doug lag E. LlOUbea Cregn cjona & Co.. Bee Bldg. MaggarcTs per iti.. u..y. into, Webster. Doug. 14W. Van aud Stor age Co., Larg van, 2 men, $l.otl $L2o per hr. 1713 J.C.Keed t.xp. 00., moving, packing & storage. 107 Farnoin. O. 6146. FIVE-ROOM nouue. with barn for six horses; Urge wagon ahed and yard; located at Uil a. Mtri St., Phone Red 7784. Jttorea and Office. TWO modern stores near postofflce; low rent. U. P. Stebblns. WANTED TO BUY OET Kaplan's prices for 2d hand turn., shoes, ciothes, beloro selling. Web. idu3. OttiVL, turniture bought and sold. C. Keed, IMl Farnum. Doug. 6146. J. iiAAliLTON CO., tne oniy gentile second hand stole In omui.a. liln Cuiiuiig.Lt. oivii Wt, Jni, i .'U-liauU clothes. 14J1 N. Utti. lllijJ-i.oi prices lor furniture. YYeu. oil. Yaie buys every tiling 2d, nand. Tyler 1416. KEAL ESTATE FARM A HA Mil LAAU FOR SALE. California. attractive California propoal- HAVE an lion fur Oiuaha ta.e 14e incoine. Aauress J 617, CALIFORNIA What have you to ex i liai.fco lor a Calllornla home? Aaorcas K oli, cam Bee. o Colorado. . , FOUND ANOTHER HOMESTEAD B 24 acres in settled country; rich farm laud, 101 sand; oniy i-M), fil.ng fees and ail. J. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan. Colo. Iowa. IMPROVED 80, '; BOTTOM LAND, J acres of alfalfa, S milea from Pacific Junction. Price $100 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance terms. J. E. Uownlog, owner, l'aciilc Junction, la. Kanaaa. FOR BALE 2,240 acres fine wheat laal near Kichfleid, Morton Co., Kanaaa. Price, $7 per acre. Will sell part or ail to ault purchaser. Terms cash. Addrws owner, iO. J. McAnarney, Farmcrtsvll.e, 111., K. F. L. No. 2 Missouri. FARM FOR SALE One of the beat 160-acre farms in northwest Missouri for sale; well Improved, deep black soil, well fenced and well watered, close to achool and church. Owner, Joseph Burns, Bogard, Mo... R. It. No. S. o Minnesota. 160 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du luth, on the Boo line, 4 miles from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and some good meadow; no waste land; fair set bulld IngBi near senco 1; land borders on beauti ful lako; complete set machinery; 126 chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on tho place goes at $J4 per acre; one-half caah. bchwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bide. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska. FOR SALE 3,2oo-a. alfalfa and cattle ranch In western Neb. Write Meirose Ranch, Harnsburg, Neb. 13U-A0RE FARM NEAR SPRINGFIELD, NEB. 11.0 ACRES IN WHEAT NOW AT $110.00 PER ACRE AVill take some Omaha property for u part. W. U. GATES, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1294. THE ROSEBl'l) LA NO CO., 414 Barker Blk., Omaha. Sells, exchanges Neb. farnai and ranches. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Eeki . ,.y and general ciuo aiaiu ui the union: settlers wanted. Lands lor sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 un Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands fur stock raising. It interested in fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addreas Land and Industrial Department, Sou Line Hallway, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlscellane. FARM for sate: must, sell my Fellsmers farm. IW acres, muck prairU land. L'tihoff. 4c Times Bldg. 61. Louis, Mo. ABSTRACTS Or TITUt, Rfc.ED fie in Abstract Co., Nebraska. al oldest abstract of I' -ndeia Theater. Kfc.UK Title uuaruoiee and Aoairact Co a modern a-atrsri office. at. litb bt, Puona UougUa M7. REAL ESTATE LOANS CiT antl farm loans. 64. 6 Pr cent. J. H. Duiuont Co..l6ia Karnain, Omiiha WANTED City loana and warianta. W. Faiuain Smith ft Co., 132u Karoam. $it tu klO.uuu luade promptly. F. D. Wead Bldg., loth and Farnam Weed, Bts. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska farms. O KEt FE REAL ESTATE CO., . 01 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2713. GARVIN BROS &r& :." CITV LOANS. C. G. Carlberr Co., u -jpl-312 llrandeis Theater Bidg. CJ'fV property. Lirge loaita a speciu'ty. IV. il Tiiontas. -IS State Bank Bldtf. JlnNFV on hand 'or cltv and farm loais. H. W. Hinder. City Natl Hank Bldg. (KK ua first if 'u want farm loan. I'nlted States tr ' ffin'c. Vr WANTED City loan. pt-u-rs iruet co GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whft Reaches Highest Poiat in Years on the May Future, at $1.46 1-2. ORDERS ABSORB OFFERINGS OMAHA. Jan. X 191.1. Wheat reached another high mark again today. This advance pint ed the Mav on the $1.4(i' level, which is the highest In i many years' for that future. j There was no speculative pleasure to he seen because of the fact that orders were held In the market to absorb the (offerings as rapidly vt. thev were avall- table. s j Day liy day the wheat situation become , more bullish. Stocks are now down to "j'tl.Oofl. which la abnormally small. There were 4onno bu. taken for export at the rt - Hiniirfl CPU rtm . t'orn anil oats are both hldlier. ti. I sirenctlienlng factor In those grains was mainly the lakinn l.y exploiter of 2.0 t".n nii.i .-f.i-i. mi. UHIS at lue nci.- . rinnrn Th.r u . i.. .mn. ,.f : oats . "ic i J -c. 1 no Tinisn in pro w ".a,.h-r-r frp.p.:rJ".n" '-'M-lona ranged from 7Wc delclne to an hoKM and the nmrknl vt u irlflo Inwer In consequence. Omaha spot Market Wheat win un changed to V hinher; corn, unchanaed to higher; oats. unrhanteil to ,c hlKlier. i len ranees were: Wheat ami flour equal to K,'i bushels; corn, 24, 0"0 bushels; oats. In,'" bushels. Uverponl rinsed: Wheat, not quoted; corn, unchanired. Primary wheat receipts were fw.ono bushels and shipments !.(Tff Voshela, against receipts of 17.V) bushels nnd shipments of D2i.00ft bushels laat year. Primary corn receipts were l,M.neo bushela and shipments 1.OS4.000 buahels. against receipts of i.miO.Oixi bushels and shipments of i2,ii bushela last year. i j-riniary oris receiits were liMi.Kio iiurn ela and shlrmenta 72.'.o bushels, ak'ainst receipts of B70.00( bushels and shipments of 1173,000 bushela lest year. CAHLOT ltKCKIIT S. Wheal. Corn. Oat Chiciigo Minneapolis ... Duluth Omaha Kansas t'ltv... St. Louis IDft 9i oiS .. .120 .. 121 . 27 .. 4! 1 KM 41, Inuipeg 17i I heso sales were reported tot av : Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $1.40. No. .1 hard winter: 1 car. $1.3R'I; 2-B car. $1.39. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.36. No. 3 spring: 2 ears, fl.3S4. No. 3 durum: 1 car, xi.fil. No. ;t durum: 3-5 car. $1.60. No. durum, mixed: 3-6 car. $1.3K. Samole: 2-5 ear durum. $1.31. Hvo No. 2: 1 ear. $1.17. No. 4: 1 car, $1.16. Corn No. 3 white: 1 car. 75c. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars. 714c No. S yellow: 10 cars. 7Uo; 6 rars. do. No. 4 yellow: 3 cars. 70Ve, No. f. yellow: 3 cars, 70c. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars (near white). nr; 1 car, (near white), 74c; 1 cor, 7:iWc; 1 car. TOSc; 5 cars. 70'c. No. I mixed: 3 cars, 70c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 0Vc. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 704c Sample: car (flint). 67'r,c. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car. MVic. No. 3 white: 13 cars, 63c. No. white: U cars. 52tc: 4 cars. 62'4c. Sum. pie: 11 cars, 62c; 1 car. Me. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat No 1 hard 11.39(01.41: No. 3 hard, $1.3Srl.40; No. 4 nard, l.S2ifi'1.3S; No. 3 spring, $1.374Ji 1.3M; No. 2 durum- Sl.BOWa 1.61 : No. 3 durum, $1.494Sfl.D0. Corn: No. 1 whit. KEAL ESTATE FOR EXClIANCiL FOR EXCHANGE 170 acres Texas farm, $2,000 Improvements, excellent condi tion, 30 miles Galveston and Houston, 1 mile from station, $10,000; want land. 132 No. 11th St.. Lincoln. Neb. FRONTIER CO. HAHUAIN. Highly Improved farm of ibtt acres. Land ail lays fine and is excellent soli. VI 111 exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMBS. 615 Brandels Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 391& FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for Colum bus. O., property, two lots Thornhurg addition, one lot Burlington addition. Omaha; all freo of Incumbrance. Address owner, J. A. Hartley, 84 N. High St,, Columbus, O. HOME8TEAt for sale or trade; 480 A., 14 miles south of Thcdford, Thomas Co., Neb.; loins river; $600 cash, or will trade for young atock; 160 A. government land i11nlnlnir In fill .-tlnn William Lyons, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEJ Listings, lots. cottages, houses to sell on payments. Phone l. 3607. REAIi ESTATE ACREAGE TWO AND ONE HALF to 10 acre tracts In city. $400 up. Phone Doug. 2947. SMALL FARMS FOR SALE. We have 6, 10, 30 and 31-acre tracts, well Improved, near Council Bluffs, possession March 1, at low figures and on easy pay ments. DAY ft HESS COMPANY. 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. la 10-ACKE BARGAIN It is hard to Imagine a man paying $300 to $500 an acre for land for truck farm ing or poultry raising, when he can buy 10 acres of the best land he ever saw, right on an interurban car line, 18 miles from a city of 20,000 and 7 miles from a town of 6,sa) and one-half mile from a town of 1.000, for $60 an acre. See us today. Write tor our llet. The Vbgel Realty Agency, 101J-16 W. O. V. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE XORTH SIDE Why Pay Rent? When, for $100 cash and $20 per r.ionth you can buy a 6-rooin muder;i, except heat, house In good repair. Houae is at 2635 N. 19th St Better see this. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200 608 Bee Bldg. Fine Bemis Park Home 1.120 N. 3.1th St.. only 2 blockt from Har ney car line. East front lot, 7, rooms, all modern, hut water heat; oak finish and floors first floor. Owner will nhow you through. leaving city reason for selling. See this at once. Price, $,,:iu0. George & Company Phone D. 766. 902 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. 71 REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Hanscom Park Six rooms, all modern, nice lot, shade trees, paved street, near car. American Security Co Douglas C013, Walnut 3037 or Harney 264o. Across from Field Club Bungalow OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA Telephone Walnut .'XIT. KK.lIi ESTATE SI III KUAN lil.'NOEE, $l,tj". Brand new up-to-date, 6-rooin rottajte, beam iei:uiK. window seat, slet pirn porch and other nice features. Verv cheap onlv $. dou, tj-ilanie monthly. PAY N E I N VESTMJiNT CO.IUM Y, Doug. 17M. ..are Elk. HEAL ESTATEWEST 61 DE V ES TV A R N AM liunie. tinly liJW. N. ih Ave. 323 ItEALi INSTATE MISCEI.INEOl K LOTS near car $-') and .up. lay mints. Phone Uoug. JHI. LOT 1 'J- l-cnox Add.. $l.Vi: wur-n $.'i. t hai' tilie. Cull W1I1 1,13', iiwi.er. 7T',t7r.'v: (V while. TVirTSV; N- 3 while, T'.i;.; No. 4 white. ;4Vt74V-; 'No. 6 while, ;l,t ,'4'c; No. H white. 74e 74'4c; No. 1 yellow. 71iMi71e: No. $ yd ' low, 71itiilVte; No. Z vellum, 7ld7lc; No ,4 ellt.. V7ivr; vellow, 70V""1 !?lc: No. a yellow, 7"' 11 Tic ; No. t I mixed, ToVn n V' : No. 2 mlxetl. 7"t"i1c: j No. i mlxetl, T11'. tTO-V' : No. 4 mixed, ht' iTO'c; No. e mixed. t370c; No. i mixed. !V-. Ost: No. 2 white, &l(tVi 'standard. M;M'4c; No. 3 white, f..'4t...V; No 4 white, M'V'rf:4e. Har.cv: MaltlnK, , 7i74c: No. 1 feed, Vit1V. Rye; No. 3, 1.16'rl.l7; No. a, $1 lHil.lti. lilt AGO .HI A1 lROVIIO4 Feature of the Tradlna and 4 loatna Prices on Hoard k( Trade. C1I1CWK). .Tan. M. -First slrns that ex port buvlnn 01 wheat had outrun the s"i p;y already ptoduced and was -ruh-hliia at next summers crop hrouaht at'out touay the highest war prices yet, i.ot onl tor wheat, but for all other kinds of grain. July wheat, the first de ll, cry of the yield of l!ln. made a sudden U wind leap of nearly no a bushel. I The wheat market ns a whole closed greatly unsettled at No to 4h'4V above lust night, t'orn gained So to S"No net udvnnce of a shade. Short fellers of wheat appeared as If stunned today when word was passed aro'.md that the sale of a cargo of the ISlft crop hud been made at the seaboard, ti translation so forehanded that there wa doubt as to any January parallel. Stampeile covering on the part of ahorta In Ju y whtat whs at the htiheat point -list before the close of business. The May tlellvery.wh ich has heretofore been the chief speculative month, took a sec ondary placetoday in regard to the vol ume of trading, but in the last half hour of the session reached a new top level, $'.fi7l as ngalit $1 46H yesterday, the previous war apex. Before the flurry be pan today as to July wheat, the market was a see-saw prospect of more ships f'U Argentina acting as an offset for a big decrease of the European visible sup- ; ;y- Waves of buying curried com upward with wheat. The corn market waa also Influenced by reports that I'tiui'a was taking large amounts of corn from northwest of here. ats as well as corn whs said to he in active demand by Can nda. In addition expnrtxra at the sea board .were credited with buying snn.ono bushels and there were sales of 2011. Con bushels here to the seaboard. Quarantine dif 'Icultles made provisions average lower. The market was steadied, however, bv aborts covering as a result of the bulge In grain. Tieadlng grain quotations were: Artlclel Open. High. I Uw. I Close. ITes'y. Wheal I May. 1 4S 1 4fi', 1 4S4 1 44 1 Mi July. 1 2641 1 31l 1 a4l 1 30T 1 26v, Corn II May. 7SI 80- T9S1 804) 79 July. 8041 &1V W 80S Oats l May. ri7 f& 674 5SM r,74 July. 64:i M bii u64l M4 Pork I I Mav. 18 90 IS 90 18 774 IS 874 18 90 July. 19 10 19 16 19 OS I 19 15 I 13 174 Lard til Mav. 10 774 10 85 10 5241 10 824 10 85 July 10 974 10 90 1 10 974 U 00 Ribs I I I May. 10 20 10 30 10 20 10 T4 10 WH July. 10 424 10 60 10 40 j 10 474'. I .-"1. l l- 111 t'l X- 1. 1 $14o4'lJ 1.464; No. 2 hard. $1.464'l-464. Corn: No. 4 yellow, 71V-ti73c; No. 4 white. 71'o"i2c. Oats: No. 3 white, 644(&f54c: No. 4 white, 644hwo. Rye: No. 2. $..-3. Barley: 74'i8 c Seu: Timothy. $ii.O0$f7.6o; clover, $12.iai5 00. Provisions: Pork. $16,874 18.274: lard, $10,674; ribs, $9.2cirl0.124. Bl'TTfcR Firm; creamery, 23 ti 304c EGGS Lower: receipts, 6.880 cases; at mark, cases included, 2Mr31o; ordinary firsts. 29'ft;loc; firsts. 30HW31C POTATOES I'nsettled; receipts, Is cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red. 37'ff 40e; Michigan and Wisconsin white, SS l43o. POt'LTRY Alive, unsettled; springs. 124Hc; fowls, 144c New York General Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. SCO AR Market for futur e opened from 1 point higher to 6 points lower; near months were firm in sm,atty with the strength of the srot situation, but later c'ellverlen fere eashr under moderate realizing. At noo'i prices were around tho opening level, with 1 ,of 1M toii iSBIBS Ol 1,(HW lOtlS. soot market waa iirtn: centrifugal, 3 98(ft'4.01c; molasses, 3.21 Si3.24c; refined, steady; cut loaf, 6.96c crushed, 6.85c; mould A, 6.60c; cubes, XXXX powdered, 6.20c: powdered, fin granulated, 5.0fe; diamond A, con:ectloners" A. 4 5c: No. 1. 4.80c 6.30c; 6.16c; 5.16c; BCTTER Steady; receipts. 13,159 tubs; creamery extras, 92 scoring, 3232 2c; creamery, htgrer scoring, 33f:C4c; cream ery firsts. tomiWc: seconds. 27ffl3)c; lad es. current make, firsts, 244&'254e.; seconds, 221j224c: packing stock, current make, No. 2. 20VfS21e. CHEESE Strong; receipts, 6,703 boxes; state whole mlik held specials, 161415,164c; average fancy, held, lfiflflfc; fresh spe cialM, IS'ViHUio; average fancy, Hcppl&o. EfiGS I'nsettled: receipts. Ift.tHO cases; fre h B thrcd extra fine. 3!487o; extra fi sts, 35'(t35 ;c: firsts. 34iai,4Hc; seconds. 32113 c: state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 39foiOc; gathered whites, 36ifi39r; hennery browns, 374J8c: fathered browns and mixed col ors, F4S'3i1e. POl'LTRY Dressed, firm; western roasting chicken-. 164(&9c; fresh fowls, I3rl8c: turkeys, 12$i22c Live, firm; wesU ern chl'kens, 184c; fowls, 16164c; tur keys, ISfa'Hc. KrniiiM City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jon. 26 WHEAT -No. 2 hard. $1.401.41; No. 3 red, $1.42 ffl.424: May. $1.87': July, $1.24Vu'1.25; Kpritemtier. S1.174ni.l8. CORN No. 2 mixed. i'5c; No. 2 white. Wic; May, 794c; July, s0c; September, 804c OATS No. 2 white, 54',4o; No. 2 mixed, 62Vii(134o. BCTTKR creamery, sac; nrsts, Jivc; seconds, 28e; packing stock. 18c. KGGS Firsts, 2c:; seconds, POL'LTRY Hens, 134c; roosters, 104c; turkeys, luc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 26.-WHKAT May. $1,404; July. $l.38'iJl 38i.' 81.361, asked. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1,444; No. 1 northern, $1.3Vr? 1.44S; No. 2 nut them, $1.86Mn1 42a. FLOI'R Unchanged. BARLEY W55C. H E $1.19fi 1.20, BRAN-$22.30. CORN No. 3 yellow. 7K1T1V OATS No. 3 white, 6JVgS4Uc. FLAX-$1.91'4'aIM'4- Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 26. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 4d; No. 2. 12s Sd; No. 2 hard winter, 12s: futures, nominal. CORN Spot. American mixed, new. 7s x4d; old. 7a U4d; February. 7s 4ld: March, 7s 6Vd at. I.ools Grain Market, ST. 1.01'IS. Jan. 26. WHEAT No. 2 red tl.434(l.44: No. 2 hard. $1.454711.41.4; May. 1 43V; Julv, $1,274- C( 'RN No. 2, 7'Vsc; No. I white, 78c; Mav. 81Vn8t1e; July. 624c. OATS No. 2. 6ie; No. 2 white, 69 164c Coffer Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. OOF F E E T here wuh a further decline ill the market for coffee futures here today under scattered trade felling or a little liquidation In the Hinnee of aiiv Important demand. The decline of 5-o2d in the rate of Brazilian erfTTane on London was followed by rather lower cost and freight offers here during the day. and, after opening at a decline of 4 to 8 Point, the market closed at a net Ions of 8 to 11 points. Hales, 7.W0 bags. January, S.O60; February. 6.12c; March. 6.22c: April, 6.3")c: Mav. 6 4oe; June, 6JiK-: July, 7.38c: August. 7.3e: Septem ber. 7.4c: October. 7.f-4c: November. 7.UV; December, 7.66c. Spot. Irregular: Rio No. 7. 8c: Santos No. 4. 10c. Rio and Sunt OS markets unchanged. Melal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3d. METALS- iiiil, quiet at $",.(.' 3. 71': lndon, fl8 7tl. S lter, stiotiK. $7 ;T24'f7.o74: Indon, I'Xl los. Tin. o.niet: five-tor. !"ts. $Ti.6,V! P6.f1; twenty-five-ton lots. $:tt.26tt -W. upper, firm; electrolvtlo. $14.J; rasiins:, $14 2f(i 14 6'i. Iron, oulet and unchanged. At Iindon: Spot copter. Q6s, fu turer 'J IDs. Spot tin. tl6: futura, fli,7. KT. IvOI'IS, Slo., Jan. 2. METALS Iiend, strong at $1.60; spelter, higher at $7.i- Wool Market. MFLBOntNE. Auatralla. Jan. 2. (VU Ixinilotii VV'OOI. A good demand waa experienced at the won I sales ti 1,1 here today American competition was keen and Merinos advances from 5 to in per tent. 'roxahreiU also gained and reoorts from Adelaide told of higher sHic thcio. ' Annoinicements" Hits ads briiK good re- OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Little Better Feeling and More Act ire Movement in Cattle Sheep and Lambs Higher. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS OFF SOl'TIt OMAHA. Jan. -S, t!l;V Receipts were: Cattle. Hops. Fheep. Official Mondav .17 Vt'!4 9.' Estimate Tuesday 3il 1S.( Two days this week. 9.174 K4M 21.41 fame days last week.. S..V.! 11.6-1 11.341 Same days t wks. ntivll.1121 17. 7X 81. '.'. Same, days 3 wk. nso.lJ.'.il I 22.7;t x.l Same days 4 wka. ago.!;.;!:"" lfi.7"': 17.244 Same days last year...ll,;.i3 ,!:! 31. Tt'.' The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 191 1!'I4 Inc. Ic Cattle ;i 2:1s n77 1.51 .... Hoga 2tW.;3 Je4 4f.4 41 Sheep Itl.72.1 ls,S24 1.901 .... The following table shows the. average price for hogs at the Sooth Omaha "mi stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I 191.1. ;iau. istU. iHii i;ii1'-i. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. ..l aO-1 8 16' 7 161 0!" 10.1 I Obi 7 24, 4 idl 11.) n 7 U I $ 10 11 I 4 111 1 8 (Ml It 17, I 6 S2 8 H 8 1 J 74 821 8 AV 5 83 13. 1 W 7 3 7 02 Ob 7 71 8 4s 0 W 14. .1 ;t; ( 8 01 7 t-9 I 7 641 $ W, f- 674, 694 13 7 11: IS' I 8 42 6 M I 071 7 M 6 n! 7 9l 1 a ) 8 14 7 2 6 0S 7 72 S 47) ' I 7 26 fc 7 "81 S 44 6 3 74K. 06 6 "2-Sti 8 20 ( u ir 1 st I 6 Mil 7 69 7 27 I 7 67 7 23 6 89! 7 84i 8 Ml 6 1 I 62 118 6 f' 8 21 6 67 8 18, 6 61 8 2l' I 8 69 8 31 1 M II ail ri 8 S3 02 7 2. 6 Ml 7 Ml 6 W 7 M 5 94 7 t.'l 8 20 j 7 30, 5 Ml 7 601 8 0 6 Of. I 5 Pal 7 4f; 7 921 6 6! 26 ! 6 82 8 271 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the l ulon stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-lour hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: KKCEIPTS-CA1CS. Cat tie. 1 log. Sheen Hsrs. t . .u. a; at. i'...t.. 111 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific .... 1 t'nlon Pacific 30 17 it 41 2 1 16 1 60 6 1 U 8 1 43 14 1 i :: a 2 264 51 4 C. N. VV., east.. 27 T. & N. W . west.. 3.1 St. P.. M. & O.. 20 C, B. A Q., east... 12 C, . & Q., west... 19 C, H. I. ft P.. east. 13 C, It. I. ft P.. west. 2 Illluota Central 8 hies go O. V 8 Total receipts ..190 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Morris & Co a.ti 2,614 i,;i9, Swift ft Co 771 821 691 3.014 6. 46 5.9W) 278 112 :t.ni 1 2,6! 4.460 Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour ft Co Schwarts & Co J. W. Murphy Morsell Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. 11 3K .17 82 101 47 107 91 19 77 120 41 81 16 67 10.1 162 1:1 10 A 1.1 100 77 206 61 116 4S W. B. Vansftiit Co Benton, Vsnsant ft L. . Hill ft Son F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hubs Rosenstotik Bros F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer Dcgen... 11. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros. Rothschild Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlggins Huifman Roth Meyers Baker, Jones & Smith. Tanner Bros John Harvey Klein Dennis ft Francis Other buyers 1,0.13 Totals CAT 11. K Receipts ...4.8.10 17.244 12,626 were very ialr lor being roitoricd In. a Tuesday, I'M ears This makes too tutal lor the two days being larger tnan this week 9,li4 head. last Week, but sina.ler than most recent weeks, and smaller ihan a year ago. W hllM most market points were iteponlng the tr.n,u as upei.iug slow and dull wltu no lineroveineiit In prices, tuere was a goou denial. d at this point and the mar ket here opened out mora acilve than on a good many davs ot late. The leeing. in I t, waa quite a lit tie better than yesterday morning. The trade finallv settled into a steady market with a littlo more activity than yesterday, but without any material change In prlcesj. This was true of kill ing cattle and of feeders as well. A con siderable proportion ot tha receipts changed hands In good season in the. morning. , quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed beeves. $. '. 26; fair to good corn-fed beeves, S7.6O4fS.00; common to fair corn-fed beeves. $6.60r(r7.50; good to choice cows, $.1.7d6.tO; fair to good rows, $1.0ottt1.60; common to fair cows, $4.0u 5.00; good to choice Blockers and feeders, $7.25!K.3.ci: fair to good stockers and feed ers, $6.60'ff,yi .26; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5,764)6.60; stock heifers, lo.dO Jiti. 60; stock cows, $4.7&y6.36; stock calves, $6.0'(i8.00; veal calves, S7.60OM.6u; bulls, laj4ti, etc., $ri.OOtfb.75. Representative sales: BKI1,J Bicbno. Xo. 9 2! II a 14 it 1 ! I 4 T 1 2 t 2 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 4 4 S 4 I I U i 82 At, .1004 .. Ml .. T'JO ..10JJ .. :tl .. ; ..llil ..YJM ft. Pr. 7 4,1 7 Ml 7 M 7 U 7 70 7 hi 7 i H 7 ti I 00 I0 7 (O 1 0j 1 10 1 30 7 21 7 U It... !.r 10... 20... 10... ... )0... ..lli ..1110 .. WW ..lini ..I2; . ,H., .. t,J 7 4'l m... . .1 . 3i . SWt . 842 . ht2 . f76 . SUi . Si6 . 711. .1I1M1 . bOl .UiO 0U III '.not 1113 :. 7 00 COWb. 4 ii 4 4.1 4 Ml 4 HO 4 It 4 4 HI & (10 t 2i 17.. 3.. 10-. 6.. 1.. 11.. .. 14.. ...1"44 ... IM ...lhx) ...1110 ... W0 ...10,0 ... I5 ... Sni I .Tfi t 411 6 Ml t tiii I IHI (III 1.1 20 iliJIFEPSI r, to i 75 ( t 00 is 6 ii U f uO 7 i t ii i o O'l t I li V :u ., !: 3,4 . tM 1... . 4 441 . twu . hTl .1430 . 411 . 40 . . 41 . 2tAI j . V4 . .. .. . ,. 7:t2 ;i'Li.. 6 00 i IU (Ml IU 7 00 T 30 7 W .1'0 .IwO . 170 . I . 170 . Mi .... VL i.e. 1.... I.... 1.... I.... .4 A ELEI'El- 6 40 4 1 14. 13. I. 14. 17. Il 98 7 Oil 7 to 7 30 7 .0 tl l.i n . .ton ..inn . 7. (11 HOGS Receipts today were tho lamest since Oeceinln-r I, tho estimate calling for m carH. or alxitit 1 s.(l" heati. Tim two days' total of 2M4 head l M.'OI larger than 11 week ago, antl 1 gain of aiioiit 60O head over laxt year. t'nder the Influence of a large run and sharply lowrr prices at other points tho local trad'! opened out very cl 1 1 1 1 .it fig urea that tviT't generally a dime lower than yesterday. Sliipra were not doing a great ileal and audi hogs as they did buy were purchased on the same basis as the killers, that is. a dime lower than Monday's average. Movement continued very dull throughout, and ns several trains were late In arriving the forvtinos wga well advanced lie (ore any sort of a clearance hail been made. Huk of the aalea wus made at 16 ,1'io.i .ii. with a few scattering loads a high as $ii.M. Values are now the lowest they Itavo been since early in 1hl2, the average today being fully a nickel lower than ut any previous time this year. Kor the two days prices are a dime off. Repnrcentatlve talc No. At. sti. Pr. No. Av. . .2.1 ,.-M .34 ..Ui ,.4V.i Pr 1:4 124 !-, M S b7 4 W 40 40 46 il e4 -. . . .... M... 4.... 4(1... .. .. J... ..in ..t ,.14 .,:.. ,.241 . ..is 414 Ul PIGrl. t ( tHEEP A continuation of moderate recclpta at Buffalo, bicago and on ttva lot al market still had a atinml ting ln linence 011 the geneial ti.nt lie s.ie. p and lambs. The local reeil Is were put at II, Jul head. U-iox ,1 IH'le largrr than a week UVo, but short of the same iluy two Hecks ago and u year ago Chicago was ri per. cd as hating onl 12.' t" head this lUnrnlng. A IU feature of the timrket In to waa t!ie tii)pro cnii nt in the tpiallty tit tho otfrtiiiks. 'I he pat Ktts were out early and It did net take long Itiore the bulk of the 11. rp Mini iHiuba w.ia t-k'itu. 'l up en a I as tu ly la.,i 2. . Iikkn, lih a great in. my ol the ofieiinns showing a 3c ad Nance Some Colorado- Mevltan lamb wen- good enougli to acll up to l.bo and fed westerns ninde a lop of $ iO. The hulk of the fed westerns moved at $s 8 4.1, S.im.- liiml s that were worth $ 40 this morning were rxactlv the same as a bu, h tuat sold at $ '( 1.1st Frluay. i he advaiu e tor the two days on both sheep and mini's amounts to lully 40,i'o over the close o! last week. quotation- on sheep and lambs: Lambs. Mexican, biti Mt; lambs, fed westi rns. $-;ii..o. i.tmlis. fair to good. $sl.is:ii. lambs. s'eaiiiig. $7.R."vti; earlins, HkIii, $7 :tii ,'.6o. yearlings. hiav. $'.11iS 7.;0; wethers, g.od to choice. IH.Jtifv'; ti.'tiit rr. mir to k r. - -. sood to cl nice. $...7fxjr6 1', ev.es, fair to fcood, V -iu1 7,Y l;l reset uitive sales: Si fed lambs "2 7 7,1 110 fed laintis 8 ;tS 27 native ewes V3 T. .) M fed ewes s !" 27 cull lambs " W 219 fed lambs 87 8 ;) S9 Colorado ewes 1" 6 Colorado ewes 102 10 lt;6 Wvomlng ewea lot R 7.1 122 led ewes h 10 culls 8 4 W li'si fed rwes I'll 6 "H 94 fed ewes 1 5 16 culls M ' 112 fed lambs 76 8 2ft 26 led lambs 9.i 8 00 3 Colorado ewes 8:1 6 ft 4W Colorado Mexican lambs 79 8 60 MS Colorado lambs 74 8 ro 30j ftd lambs 63 8 Z 4III(A. I.IVH STOCK MAHKKT t atle rak lloaa Mek sheep tend) . CHICAGO, Jan. 26. CATTLE -Receipts, ,0W head; market weak; native steers, $.10?i910: western, $,S.U4r7.40: eowa anil hunters, $1.hi 7.90; calves, $7.?.'iiO.M. IllKiS Receipts, 4..,Ki head, market weak, 20c to 2ne lower; bulk of sales. $6 60 f 70: IlKht. $6 4Ki6.7r.; mixed. $; STi 76. heavy. $; ixiugh, ti. LKUtV Ji); pigs, $j.2.".1l.7i. SHEEP AND I.AM11S-Uetlpls. I2.0W head; market steady; sheep, $ Vnnitl .8.1; J rai lings, $U.:)ittis.OJ; lambs, $7.2it 9t. Kanaaa tily Live stock. Market. KANSAS CITV, JiilL 16 "ATTLE Recelpls, n,i.0i head. market lilgiier: prime fed steers, $.60(!f90u; tlressed beef sleeis, 7.itKa-v2j; western steers. $7.00jj, 8 40; Mockers and foeders.$ 6.utnu.i0; bulla, $,..2,u-i.7.i, c.il ca. $6.n0i 10.60. 1KM1S Reccli is. I,flii.' head; market, lower; bulk of sales, St-60,!-6; heavy, 6 6. 4t'i. ,0, packers and butchers, $6.6044 6 .:; light, $6. Strati. 70; pigs, t6.2Mr6.iW. SHEEP AMI I aA M liS Receipts, 9.VO h.tnl; mark.t higher; lambs, StHiH6rt; yearlings, 17.(1017611; walltcrs, $ti.0tu.UU; ewes, $o.i0ii'6.20 Ht. I.onla live "look Market. ST. LOl'lS, Jan. 26. CATATLE Re crl,,ts. 3.4.AI head; market steady; native bi ef steers, ,7 r.0,i9.oo cows and heifers, ' Sn.UKh8.6ti. slockera and feodera, $ri 2ir(r7.2o; I southern aieers. Si.764i7.sn; cows and hell ers, M.UKjHi.lKi; native calves, ss.uwu.w. HOGS-Receipts. 13.100 head; market lower; pigs and lights. (6. ,.10; mixed and butchers, $6.!Kf7.0&; good heavy, $6.yu ft! SHFF.P AND LAMHS Receipts, 30ij beau; market hl-her; native muttons, $4 7; rrj. .1X1, iambs, Mi. 26(186; yearlings, $7.00ijr 7.7.1. Ions Cltv Live Htork Market. SIOI'X CITY. Ia,, Jan. 26.-CATTLE Receipts, 3,rnM head; market, steady; na tne steers, $6, It o 7.60; butchers, J6.0,'ii6.7n; cows and hciiers, $4.rvfr,1.9(); canners. $;1 75 M4 .86; sloeker.. and feeders, S6.6OA1 i.Ol; calves. ttrtHiH.'.IO; built of snf-sry4: calves, $i;.00'ii87iO; bulls, slags, etc., $4.60 5tH.oi. MOOS Keceipts, i.wj nean; maraei, wtr 10c lower; heavy, $ii.ti74(n6.ik; mlxral, $6 J A6674: II ht, $6.6miiu.S6; bulk of salca, $1.62 ifiiS.674. I SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head. 7 Hi. Joseph Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Jan. 26.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 1,1.00 head; market stronger; steers, irotMitMP; euws and heifers, $4.3.,4js.6J; ca.ves, iti.tuKftv.ii). HOGS Re elpts. 11.60) head; market, lower; top, $6 60; hulk, $6.M'ft.6u. SHEEP1 AND LAM RS Receipts, 6.CO0 head; market higher ; lambs, 7.2,nii8.60. OMAHA GEKHAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1. 1-1. cartons. Sic; No. t, 60-lb tubs. 29c. CHEESE Imported. Swhis, Sflc: Amer ican Swiss. 28c; block Swiss, io; twins. 16c; daisies, 17c; triplets. 17c; Young Americas. 184c: blue label brick. 17o; llm burger. S-lb.. 20c; 1-lb . 20o; Nsw York white, lie; imported French Koquelort, Bl-USF CUTS-Rlbs- No. 1. 18c; No. 2, IEac; No. 3, H4''- Loins: No, 1, 194c; s I6ap: No. 3. 124c. Chucks: No. 1, ini,.e: No. 2. 9'c: No. 3. Slic. Rounds: No 1, I-V4C: No. 2, llVic: No. 3, 11o. M 1 frtto: No. 2. 8c: No. 3. 74c, liates: FIHH Trout. 14c; large crapplts, 16c; salmon, 11c; halibut. 12c: channel cat tish. 12c; plko, 14c: pickerel, 10c. POULTRY Broilers. 144o; spring chick ens. Ho; hens. Sialic; cocks. So; ducks, 10c: geese, he; turkeys, 16o nlguons, per dot., 90c; ducks, full feathered, 10c; geeae, full feathered. So; squabs. No. L $160; No. 2, 60c. Market quotations furnished by Glllnskl Fru t company: FRl'1'1'8 Oranges, extra fancy Wash ington navels. DOh, 96s, IOus. 112s, $2.75 per i,.,-.- iia. inns 12 76 ttfr box: 176s. 2o0s, 2ltis, 2Wis, $2.76 per box. l.enion fancy Sunklat. 30t. S60s. $4.60 per box: choice Red Hall. $4 00 per box. Grapefruit, 36s, 54s, 4s, nOa. $2&" P" ,ox- Applf". extra fancy White Winter Pearmalnes, $1.7l!i 2 00 per box: extra fancy Washington Winesaps, $1.75 per box; extra fancy Spltinnburgs, $1.60 per box: Oregon Spltx enhurgs, S1.3j per box; extra fancy Colo rado unwrapped Jonathans, $1 60 per box; extra fancy and fancy Washington Hoov ers, $1.40 per box; small Jonathans, $1.21 i.r box: fanev Idaho Grimes tloblen. $l."i tier box: choice Idaho Grimes Golden. $1.25 ner riox: fancy vvaaninston uriiiic, (iolden. 11.60 per box: extra fancy Idaho Jonathans. $1.50 per box; New lork Rus sets, $3d0 per bbl.: Black Twigs. $3.50 er bbl. Grapes, California Emperors, $3.50 per drum; extra fancy Malagas, $ti.(W per bbl. Pears. Anjous, $2.25 per box; Jerseys, $2.25 per box: Sheldon, $2.26 per box: len ience, $...i per nox; uoaco, ;.-o ier uo, lOahter. $2.2j per box. Hlrawlajrrles. 40J per tit Bananas, $l.7.V(ia.50 per bunch. Figs, 12 12-os.. 8it: KT box: K 6-ox. $2.t)l per box. Iiaf s. migsr walnut. $1 40 per box; Hallowl, 8c per lb. Limes, 11.73 per box. Iranherrloe, late Howes, $7.(0 pur bbl. Tangerines $2..'i0 n't- box. VEGETA III.EH Cauliflower. tS.Ot per crate; cucumbers, $2.25 per box; celery. Jumbo, 7,1c per dog.; leaf lettuce, 40c per tlox.; head lettuce, $100 per do- tinhins, vellow, 2c per lb.: red, 2c per I1' ", white, 24t: per lb: SpuniHh, $1 (A per crate. Arti chokes, $11 Pr dog. ; Hi i seel sprouts, Sue per lb.; endive, its: per lb.; beans. $4.jQ per hamper; cabbage, lc per lb.; tod cab bage, 34: per lb., peppers. 60c per basket; iomatoc.n. i.(8 Dt r IihhIuI: onions (shal lots), tele per dox.; garlic, Italian, 2t8- a r lh.; beets, 5rte per dox. ; carrots. :, ht dog ; radishes, Vc per dos. ; turnips, Kit per dos.; spinach, doc per dox.; parsley, 6no per dos. Potatoes. Cnlorado Rurals, 77ie x r bu. ; Red River Ohloa. 71o tier bu.: Minnesota Whites, per bu. Sweet laita toes. Kansas, ii.M per bbl. NCTS No. 1 California walunts. ixc per lb.; filberts, lie per lb.; pecaiiM. 1240 pee lb ; Hriills. 124- pr lb.; iilmon'U, 20. per lb.: black walnuts, ,14c ver lb.; cocoa nuts. VI6' per sack. 7!- per tlox. M ISCELI.A N E( U S Shelled Mipcorn, If per lb. Crackerjaek, $-.7i ler case; 4 case, $175 Checkers. M 6(1 per caw; 4 case. $1.7.1. Mushrooms, per box. Kaum qiiuts, t:c per box. Honey, $'l.7& per face. Ciller. N'CW Yolk. $1.60 "T ken, $ti.0U ier bbl. Cassaba gems, $I.iWi2.ou per crate. Ilr . d Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 2ti lRY GOOHS LoineMlc cotton uonda were firm. There was a slowly Ineitasing demand for ex port. Yarns were steady. Men's wear prices were named price advances being very Irregular. Silk cii'pcs weio In good demand. Kvaporated Apples and Dried Krulla NEW YORK. Jan. 3d.-EVAIORATEI) APPLES 1 mil liRlEU KRl'ITS-Prunes. firm. Ari cots and peaches, steady. Raisins, quiet. Haak 4'lrarl ni, OMAHA, Jan. W.-Hank clearings for Omaha today were $2,8m.:H) 44, and for Dm t:orreMjndlug day lust ytar. $2,43. 372.40. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Hea "Kor Rent' ad. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Prominent Shares Move Within Ex tremely Narrow Limits During Session. TRADING IS SLOW IN LONDON NEW YORK". .Inn. 36. Prominent stocks moved within extremely narrow 1 lltnlls during today's dull an 1 Irregular Hi-s.-oon. Canadlitn shares Erie first pre ferred. Western Maryland and the south ern group of railroads weie up from 1 to almost 2 points, as weie a few specialties like American Sugar, Meet Sugar, West ern I'lilon, Westinghtiuse and Pittsburgh Coal preferred. Sears-Roebuck advanced 6 points. The rise In the sharos of the cotton roads nun the more Inexplicable from the fait that the Southern railway reported unfavorable earnings for I'ecemlier. oper ating revenues falling off over SI.10rt.0iM. with a net loss of $xi4,i. I nlon PacHic. bv reducing Its expenses, showed small net gain, while Atchison, r gnr llesa of increased I'MM'tista. made a net gain of $'!. O"0. I'nlted States Sled was a feature of In terest,, because of the tpiartt rly meeting of tho directors, the icsiilt of whli h wss not made put, lie until after the market's c'ose. The etatement disclosed total earning of only Ho.9l.i,l7o for the Inst three months of 1014. the poorest showing In the history of tho corporation, and was iicrnmpaiilfd by the announcement that It had decided to suspend divider. Is on the common shares. Other news bearing on the financial situation included a sharp rise In for eign exchange, not only on Indon. hut on Paris as well, francs irislng to a new high quotation. The advance waa at li United to purchases of coinnierc al bills on these centers to meet heavy expendi tures In tills country. Trading waa Mow In liondon. where meiiean securities wont again prominent for their easier tendency. Foreign selling of Steel an I the Pa cifies was rciMuied by local banking In terests. The bond tnuikel showed more strength than stock, low prlc -d Issues adding to recent gains Total sales, par value, were $2. 370, ou. I'nlted States and registered 2s ad vanced the contain 3s 4 and Panama reylstei-eil ;is per cnt on cnll. Number of ;lcs and lending quotations on stocks were; Sl. High. 1-ew. C!P. hr""1 MM 19. K.TMUN MifHI'MI VI AlhltKa. Iinll An-tKitmat Vipper .... Anetlran let Susw Amrrlran Cn Antfti-lt-sn a. A H Anwlran 8. It. rid . . Abb Hlifsr Rtlnlnt An rrlran Tl. Tel Anerlran TobaiM-a AiiAi-omia Xllnlttt Atcltlftiin hnltltnnra OHIe HrnoNlyn HitpM Tr California I'rlrnleum .... 1'araitlan Pai-lfto t-entral ljHtlter tiieiiapealta S CHtln t 'hti-atu ilrstt WMtern.. Chicago. M St. P.... rhlt'tn N. W ('Mho (Viper Coloraitrt Knal Iron.... rulorudn ft Stitiihem Itenver ft Itlo Orantts.... lMnvr S It. J. iitd .... liiKtlllars' rVeurlilM .... Kris ()entra Mleelrlct tlrrat Norlhru pfd (treat No. Ore etfn (Itttwnhelm explnrailnn.. Illlniila (Vtitral lntfirltoriHitli Met. pfd.... lii-pltatlon toiir IntprnatinitHl Harteater.. Kansas t'tty amitharn.... I.etiltl' Vallay Iinulavtlli. Naaltvtlls... Mfuliait Pati-nla-uni Miami Oipear MUmiiurl, K. T runs :s zi" Ift 7" ' M 87 4 2S tC4a 1"' in; 1K4 t.10 4 M 74 ' iT 1A 34 44 II 93 ti in 4 fot, s Sl 64 K 124 23 144 11X4 834 r.714 lot r.i. t. '4 IJi, 137 4 l?t iat, tf'4 ll, 134 130 47 U4 Oi'i Mi 103 111,, I04 rn 1074 IMVi ITS lit" SI 4 14 1T4 301 l:tt u m mm ion 'i (U(i 714 a,M ,8tO 3.no m-, 1074 jnn VOOO MoO Ml mil Mo l.ti i ;o SJI 7S Ml 7S 87', 1. 34 4 4S 1:1, 27 ' f.a 73', 7 4 7'a 1!S iit, 4.'a " !4 1.900 4 (t ,au tot Sl't Soft l.r.no 4o 117 31 7H lid', us 'ini I' 14 l,2(io 384 131 ,oon 4l 1,200 6.30 attn l4 11 13 Mlaaourl Viu If lu National Blacult 1 National l.rHil 1 Navaita. Copiier New York ( mitral I N. Y.. N. It. At H NorfnIK Waeiern t!l Hi 4 l4S II M4 M4 Loon 2011 Nnrtltarn Tacifle Parlflr Mall , I'ai-lflc Tel. Tl Pannaylvanla Pullman Palam Car Hay ton. Copper , Heading Knptihltr Iron ft Steal., Itoch lalantl t'n Hock l.luni Co. td ... 1.400 14 10C '4 l.ino' lor 1074 titrt I.PII0 17H lilll "i" 174 1SA4 '"ii 14 'wis 17Vi , l LH 1II 1 r.t IOTi 64 4 t.ono OA '.ri BOO LM0 30(1 (.00 4011 e.mo JltO !.) H) 1,100 1 31V list. 1224 81 4 ftl'a KM 64 '4 :u Kt. L ft S. r. M pla.. MouLharn Paririr Houtltarn Hallway Teiiuaaaoa (Juppnr .-.... Tekait Company ' t'nlon Panlho i'lilon Pdiirio pfd I'nlted glMM Htael II. S. Htael pfd Ptah Copper W alia ah pfd Western t nlnn WVftlnttloUM Rlai-trlo ... Total sales fur the day, 72 V 72U 144,300 aharei. Local Nerudllles. Qtiotatlnna fnnilabed hy Burns. Prlnker ft Co., 4t Omaha. (National bank bulldlni: Htoika Con inonwralth Ufa Inaurant-a Peers Co. pfd Fairmont Creamery 7 par rent pfd... I.lm-oln Pure butter OliHha ft ('. B. It. B. (iroalM a I'. U Ht. Hy. pfd t pdlke drain pfd I nlon Stock Yardi, (Jmaht Bond, Arnolda Park, la., School lie. 1K4 .. ruda.hr Packing Co. ht, 1X24 t'Hn.ibel, Neb., School FiS Knit Co.. Wa.li . (,. 19.tr. .lapatl Uiiverutnant 44 16 Lincoln L. II. P I- liewle Co., Waati . Bf. t. Omaha (". II. Ht. llv. (,. milt (malm Siitiml 4V.a. 19.11 Cltv of Omaha Water 44a, 1341 M J'ie H , I., II. P. 6a 1917 San Franciatn. I'al , ba, 1331-11160..,, Hl(t a Co. 6s, 1B44 nrlbner. Neh., Wutar 6a. ISM iilriir, Neb.. Water lw.t rtalNton. Neb., 7 per tent warrante.. Wiiltlia liilon Stork Yards 4a. mi.. Bid. Aakeil. 1 204 87 Ml 4 1004 100 H4 7.1 77 Hit) til IN) 101 105 W94 1(4 (14 lmn, 104 104 40 73 7 81 II PI14 Pf 44 M4 f4 I004 1004 101 ft 4 474 fW4 101 844 M 49 ion M lm '. 9tl 4 100 rrr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 26.-M ERCANTILE PA PER 3' M per cent. STI RLING KXCH A NGK Pteadv ; 00 (lav hit s 81.8275; lor cab es. $4.8616; for denial (I. 14 8 '6.1. SILVER Bar, 4T.c; Mexican dollars, a:ut t ovjihc . .-.m. 1 llrm MONEY Time loans, steady; 60 days, :'4fi2 per cent; ! dava, $ per cent; t mr.nths,- 8' ,4' 4 per cent. Call money, Hleadv: high. 2 1'er cent; low, 14 per rrnt; ruling rate, 2 per cent; laat loan, I 1 er cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; of fered at 2 per cent. UiNOO.N. Jan. 2.-SILVER-Bar. :2d per ounce. , MONEY- 1 per cent. OlSCOl'NT HATER Short bills, 1VU 1 per cent; three monthai, lVal -H(l per cent. Treaauury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. M.-Th condition of the l'nlttd Htaten treasury at the closa of biisinesa todav was: Net balance In general fund, $68,Xt.,hl ; total tecelpts, 12 471 2!2: total payments, $2.004 209. The deficit this fiscal year is $'9.64(i,40!i, against a deflc't of $1U. 445,ctm hist veal', exclusive of Panama canal and public debt trans actions. No More Branch Public Libraries Six rciiueets that the public library board establish deposit stations In out l ing (oninitiiiltiea have recently ben re fused by that body, which asserts it has no funds t. spare for more botks. Clll gens and taxpayers in alt parts of Omiiha have voiced their desire for handy collec tions of books In their neighlMii-hoods, but Librarian Edith Tobltt has told them all that further extensions by tho library are Impoaslhlti with the present annual ap propriation. The latitat requests for de posit stations have come from the neigh burliooc's of Thirty-fclghth and Iaven worth, Fortieth and Karnam, Korty-sec-oiul and Dewey, Sherman avenun near Lake. Miller park, and from the Central Park social center. DAVID COLE BUYS LOT AT SIXTH AND JONES David (iile haa purchased the northeast corner of Sixth and Junes streets from Mrs Delia Melvan. according to a deed filed In the office of Harry Pearce, register of deeds. The consideration named in the instrument Is $2. That It waa a $10,000 deal Is Indicated by the presence of a $14 revenue stamp. Mayor Jim to Start His Campaign for Re-Election Tuesday Mayor .lames C. Dahlman has returned to Ms office nfter sn absence, of nearly Uvo weeks, during which time he bathed, and Ui.mk at many cooling and curative fonts nt Excelsior Springs, Mo. 'Never felt letter In my life. Ready. to enter llio spring campaign any time. Yes, it may be a wet and dry lineup. W.iuldn't be surprised. There's my spurs up there on the wall. Haven't had them on for nearly three years, but t guess Ml bo on hand for the roundup," said the mayor. Altuougli It Is rather early to begin the campaign, he nd led. It is the Inten tion of the mayor to formally start his fourth mayoralty campaign next Tues day evening in the Polish school housoi in Shetlytown, under the auspices of thef Polish Independent club. The mayor poinia w.th pride to tho fact that In each of the three former campaigns he opened and dosed his cnmptilgn in Sheclytowtt and won each time. 5811 Make Your Hens Lay When Eggs Are High Anyone can get plenty of eggs when eggs are cheap that's what makes them cheap. The people who make money from poultry get eggs when the others cannot. You can make your hem lay and get your biugest profits when your neighbors' hens aren't earn ing their feed bills. It's all a matter of knowing how. Poultry raiting im't a maffcr of futttwork any mora. 77t brmtdmr who mahtt $3.00 a yar nt profit from ovry fowl has got to know how to raL ; fttd and car for hit flocks. Get the special training that you need to make poultry-keeping pro fitsble. 1 The International Correspondence Schools will give you complete instruc tion in ' every essential of poultry Culture. They will show you the best way to hatch, feed and manage, how to build poultry house, how to etblih and operate money-making poultry farm, and how to breed stock that will win prize. Hundred of tucceuful poultry raiser in every tectlon attribute their aucceu to I. C. S. training! - ' "Formerly I had what I caUtd bad lack wtth my poultry 1 aftor roading I. C. S. inttruction paptrt, I found that it uat mitmanagf mtnt that ailtd my poultry," aym John 5. Barnmr, Vilas, Pa. "For tho latt tight y art I havm betn trying to find out how to Aeep poultry. My fted bill today it only half at much at it wot a ytar ago, and my profits or almost twicm as groat as thty wsrs bsforo Itnrolltd in thm . C. 2j. roultry Courts," says O. VV. Stngsr, 609 E. 11th St., Putblo, Col. Mail the Coupon For Full Particular Fill out and mail the coupon now nd receive, I' RLt, a handiome Illus trated 64-page book, describing the I. C. S. Course in Poultry farming, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Bos 1703 SCRANTON, PA. Ciplala. eriiaoul aay oMlsaUoa a my peel, hww I sea I quality lof the poaltloa before whica I Mark X I Poultry Panning Poultry rtreeolsg General l-armlns Soil Improvement Fruit ang Vegetable Ll.a SUeb aeauelrytae; Civil Servl.e gookkeeplng Stenosraptty eullSlns Contracting U.alt.f TeaUI'a S neat's Merttaa. Easdueaeteg Merhanlcal Iiralltns Aulomoklls fcunalng Gas fc.11 atnea Staftooanr Pjistaooetag tloctrlcal isBlneertns Kleetrle Lleat't SaUesya Civil Eaaiaearlag Salaemanahlg Advertlelns WlaSow I rimanlag I Name I Present Employer . I Street snd No. . Clty. 6tste;j will reduce iallamed, swollen Joints, Sprain. Bruiaea, Soft Bunches: Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Quittor, Fistula, or any unhealthy aore quickly sa II it s poaltitt saaaeytlc sa4 f eratlcula. Pleaaant to aeti does not blister sadcr banaate a fa or tk( balr. sad yos csa vauli UM boras. 11.00 per book, iailt. .,,1 Book 1 K frewe - ABSORBINE, JR., satlirpds Uniaicat lor gukia4, gedurea Painful. Swollen Vcina. Goitre, tVena, (rsla. Bruien, aloft pain ao4 indammauea. Price tl.SOpcf oettle Maealen 01 ciiveieii. VVtll tell jou o;t U yot WTUC Maautw-rtireit only by WJ.fOUNQ. P.D.F..104Ttan3 $L, tpringflsld. Mats. HIDES AND FURS Highest price paid for Hides, Wool. Tallow, TeltB and Furs. Write for prlceg and taga. BEATRICE HIDE CO., . UEATIUCE. NEU. f r a oTiinr -v rfutn tI7TJTrPrV OKI DAD VI iaXJ WJ.Me ff MA aV U LEGHORN HENS, $1. All of best eastern blood aad worth $2 00 to $3.00 each in the spring. Will mate with suitable - cockerels at a proportional rale. Fine catalogue moi o. xvarrnraTOir, omasa. ONLY $1.00 FOR 15 EGGS From my big pure white Plymouth Kocks, by parrel pout, prepaid. V. W. GHEE. NO, Valparaiso, Neb. I