Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    Till -OMAHA SUNDAY 11F.K: JANITAKV 24, lf1.".
Ure Asks for Two
More Tax Collectors
fore for the purpose of aiding In the
collection of taxes. The board ban been
looking with disfavor upon increases of
Commissioner John C. Lynch declared
that he would prefer to use the. amounts
named for tha purpose of assisting rer
nna who have not enough to eat. rather
than ray salaries to more tax collet-tori.
Grain Exchange to
Amend Constitution
MemNri of the Omaha Grain exchange
are voting on two changes to the consti
tution and by-laws of the organisation
and it Is apparent thit both HmendmchtG
are going t be adopted, as tnere Is no
One amendment to tho exchange? consti
tution and by-lawa provides that tho
board of dlrectora shall have the power
to levy annual duea In such aunt as In
tholr Judgment Is for the best ln'.erts
of the rxrtmngc. Heretofore they hato
had no such power. The other amend
ment provides that In the future members
t vote tn person, either at a special j railroad switch nt Thirteenth and Ohio , py E'YEAR-OLD RESISTS
regular meeting. The old rulo was , gtIwtt, causing two freight .are to be! rrmonrDO mn .... riTUrn
not clear on tho mutter of voting.
derailed. Af'er a lecture from the court
be waa released on his promise nut t
cause any more wrecks.
Clarence Barrett. 13 years old. In Juve
nile court admitted that he had thrown
Jio Fraiigcio, M.iii street, was
given thirty days In the county Jul on r
charge of nnnaupporl l-'rcn a h'a 5-yehT-old
boy lustily fought l'n p. Ileemen I'i
an attempt In keep them fim-i locking the
parent I p.
County Treaaurer Ure has ashed the
Hoard of County Commtastoncrs to add
two more men at $90 each to Ma office
Apartment, flats, houses snd cottages
can ho rented quickly and cheaply hy a
Ure "For Rent'1 ad.
Sunday, Jan. 24, 191S-
-Douglas 137.
mup Ptest JIAMUAMY CLEARING SALE Starts Mmdlay Mrafiinig
25c Corset Corcr Embroidery at 15c
I QPETI A 1 I Corset cover embroidery and
-3 Ol LABIAL., fioundngs is inches I
wide, pretty, new and neat de- I
signs, regular
25c, at, yard.
10c Embroidery edge and insertions at, per yard . . . ,5c
20c Embroidery edge and insertions at, per yard . . .10c
50c Flouncings and AlloTcrs, IS and 27 in. wide, yard . 25c
Vals, torchon, cluny, etc. laces, were to 15c yard, for, ,5c
Shadow lace flouncingg, camisole lace, the 25c value. .10c
c t : -!- n ... .. 7t. . . e.
a suivy ncviweoi , giumpca, iiat couaura, eic, to c, m .
Neckwear, all styles, collars, guunpes, etc, to 25c, at. .10c
nt I a. . mm m a a a asa a
luppong, gating, moire ana rarctas, ouc values, ror. . xoc
Women' handkerchiefg, lawn and linen lawn, each. .5c
BitrgeM-Naas) Ce -Mala Fleer.
Women's 50c Lisle Hose, for 25c
CppriAl I Women's black imported lisle
ot inL.(hrCJd hose cm. npj
broidered insteps, strictly fast, were
y fast
50c; clearing sale price, pair
Women's 25c black gilk lialo hoae, Monday, pair. . .15c
Pure thread ailk hose, mill run, $1.00 quality, pair. .49c
January Clearing of Underwear
Women' cotton Teat, low neck, sleeveless, 25c val'.17c
Women' cotton vesta, high neck, ahort sleeves, for. .17c
Women's cotton vest, low neck, sleeveless, 17c val's.lOc
Women' cotton vest, low neck, 'sleeveless, to 12Vtc .7c
Women' union suits, low neck, sleeveless, to 50c. .29c
Bara;eee-Naak Ce Mala Fiver.
Big January Clearing, of Notions
lingerie tape, -a 200-Yanl spool
five-yard bolt, IT mercerised ma- IT
with bodkin, "if chine thread, "if"
Choice Choice
Collar wire, two yard on card, Mack or white, card, ,5c
Cotton tape, 18 yards in bolt, Monday, per bolt, for. ,10c
Machine oil, large bottle Monday, special for only.. 10c
Sanitary aprons, lace trimmed, net top, special Monday. 25c
Ironing wax, three for. .5c Tape measures, each, .lc
Vaasar toilet pins, each. 10c Asbestos iron holders. .5c
Nainsook dress shields, special Monday, per pair, at. .10c
Hair nets, large sixe, all shades, special Monday, 5 for. 10c
Bust forms, all sixes, perfect measurements, Monday, ,89c
Birgm Wash Oe. - Mala Fleer.
$1.25 Flannelette Kimonos. 89c
CpcrA1 I Women's kimonos in empire
jrtUftL. and semi-waistline rA
style, fine flannelette, pretty floral 7&lf
and Persian designs, were $ 1.25, for.V
35c corset covers of nainsook, embroidery trimmed. .19c
50c to 69c cambric petticoats, scalloped edge, for. .25c
$1.00 night gowns, nainsook, lace or embroidery, at. .50c
75c corset covers, fine nainsook, lace trimmed, lor. .50c
69c combinations of nainsook, daintily trimmed, for. .39c
$10.50 quilted silk lounging robes, assorted colors. .$5.23
$2.50 eiderdown dressing sacques, clearing price; .$1.25
Children's gingham or chambray dresses, Monday, y Price
Children's white dresses, variety of styles, at .... y Price
Baraeae-Maah Ce-. SeeeaS Fleer.
$27.50 Axminster Rugs, $18.50
I QPFflAI f Heavy seamless
I l) WSV Al at
splendid selection of new desirns. r I Jk,v
regular prices 27.50, sale price. J
$20.00 Axminater rugs, 9x12 feet, Monday, at. .$12.50
$18 JO seamless Velvet rugs, 9x12 feet, Monday. .$13.50
$4.50 Axminster rugs, size 3x6 feet, Monday, at . . $3.95
$2.50 Axminster rugs, size 27x54 inches, Monday. .$,.93
$2.25 Velvet rugs, sixe 27x54 inches, Monday, at. .$1.10
$1.35 Mats, good assortment of colors, 18x36 in.. .$1.00
$3.75 Axminster rugs, sixe 36x63 in., Monday. .$1.95
Berveee-Naah CW TtklrS Fleer.
npHE state of being cleared." That's the way the Standard
I Dictionary defines the word CLEARING, and that's ex-
actly the condition of this big progressive "Everybody's
Store" "In a state of being cleared." Clearing our shelves and
tables of all odd lots, broken or discontinued lines of winter mer
chandise. Everyone can readily understand that a store of this
sue avoids "carrying over" a past season's merchandise. We go one
better than that and rid ourselves of these desirable ends of lines, odd
leces, short lengths and odds and ends while the season is still at its
jht, giving patrons the benefit of sharply reduced prices at a time
the goods are still seasonable and you have several months in which to
rood out of them. Every section of this store catering to cold
weather needs has entered such goods for leave taking in this clearing
Monday. Come, it's your opportunity. Will you bene-
ftsy III
1 IS -ST
Women's $3.00
Satin Slippers,
Pink, blue, red, gold and
larender, hand turned
aolea, pompon trimmed.
(Main Floor.)
$35 to $55 Tailored Suiti, $17.50
jriiunii. suits in a
variety of styles, all late mod
els, some fur trimmed, to $55.
$2.50 to $3.00 Shoes,
High rut button Rhoea,
patent, gun metal or tan
leathers, welt sewed soles.
(Main Floor.)
Tailored suits, that were $30.00 to $35.00, for. .$15.00
Tailored suits that were $20.00 to $25.00, for. .$10.00
Women's winter coats, were $15.00 to $25.00. .$5.00
Women's winter coats, were $25 to $30, for. .$14.50
Women's afternoon dresses, were $19.50 to $35. .$15
Crochet Cottons,
Crochet cottons, all col
ors, white and ecru, kites
10 to 60. Special, spool,
So. (Third Floor.)
Women's afternoon dresses, were $15 to $25.. $9.75
Women's evening dresses, were $25 to $30. .$10.00
Women's afternoon dresses, were $15 to $25. .$5.00
Women's tailored skirts, were $12.50, Monday. .$8.95
1 " i
Baraeee-Naah Ce. BeeaaS Fleer.
Crochet Cottons,
Crochet cottons, all col
ors, white snd ecru, slsea
60 to 100. Special, spool.
13c. (Third Floor.)
$2.00 and $2.25 Shoes
High cut button ghoes,
patent, gunmetal snd tan
leatherg, all sizes. (Main
Entire Fur Stock at Half Price
tion Monday. Our entire stock
of fine quality furs to go at
way we clean house
50c to 75c Gloves,
Boys' leather gloves and
gaunUets, all slges, rare
values. (Fourth Floor.)
Tiger cat auto coat, was $135, Monday, at. .$67.50
Marmot coat, shawl collar, was $59.50, Monday . $29.75
Nearseal coat, fitch collar, was $95.00, Monday . $47.50
25c Slippes Cottons,
Slipper cottons, all col
ors, and white and ecru,
25c values. Special, Mon
day, at, ball, 19c. (Third
Hudson seal coats, shawl collar, were $195, for. $97.50
Russian pony coats, civet collar, were $49.50. .$29.78 rur seta. .&t.z: sim.i
50c Silk Hose,
Men's silk hose, black,
tan, gray, etc., all sizes.
(Main Floor.)
$12.50 fur sets. .$6.2b
$25.00 fur sets.. $12.50
$7.50 muffs,spec . $3.75
$12.50 muffs, spec. $6.25
$10 fur scarfs at. $5.00 $15.00 fur scarfs at. $7.50
arg;eeNaah Ce Set-aa Fleer. ,
$19.50 fur sets for.. $9.75
$50 fur sets for.. $25.00
$1 0 muff, special . . . $5.00
$15 muff, special ... $7.50
$10.00 Corsets,
All standard makes, to
brocades or fine coutll In
models suited for every
style figure, Monday, $2.88.
(Second Floor.)
Women's Silk Waists at $1.00
5PFriAI f Several big tables of waists
la liVKlU, r,iiirsi rrnH aSkl
chine, voile, lawn,
etc. Were $2.95
chiffon, lace,
to $4.50, at.
Men's $2.50 to $5
Fur Caps,
Men'g fur caps, coney
fur, Hudson, pieced seal,
mushrat, etc., all sizes.
(Main Floor.)
Women's voile and lawn waists, were $1.50, at. .$1.19
Women's French flannel waists, $2.25 to $3.50. .$1.50
Women's crepe de chine or silk waists, to $2.95. .$1.95
Women's crepe de chine or silk waists, to $4.50 . . $2.45
Women's crepe de chine or silk waists, to $4.50 . . $3.95
Women's crepe de chine or lace waists, to $7.50 . . $5.00
Women's fine blouses, reduced to V Regular Price
Baraeee-Naah CeSeeeaS Fleer. .
$3.00 to $5.00
Broken assortments of
Nemo snd self-reducing
corsets in discontinued
numbers, Monday, 11.98.
(Second Floor.)
aavi4 m
$1.50 and $2 Gloves,
Sample gloves. Include
tuto, dress, fur back, warm
lined, etc. $1.50 to $2.00
kind. 98c. (Main Floor.)
Colonial Water Sets for 29c
cpcpiAl 7-piece colonial glass water
Ol LVinii.sttS) consisting of t
and 6 glasses, rood clear W
special Monday, set.
Special, at
Dainty effects, very de
sirable and the values are
most unusual Monday,
(Second Floor.)
Crochet Cottons,
Crochet cotton, all col
ors, white and ecru, sizes
1 to 10. Special, spool, 7c.
(Third Floor.)
39c and 50c cut glass salt and pepper shakers, for. .10c
" r - 1 ' - 1 -- -
19c thin cups and saucers, white German china, for. 10c
Dinnerware plates, decorated, were to 15c, choice. .Sc
$25.00 dinner sets, 100 pieces, German china. .$16.50
$40.00 dinner sets, 100 pieces French china, for. $27.00
39c brown earthenware decorated teapots, for. . . 29c
English rock crystal silver depositware, at . . . V Price
Sandwich trays, baskets, etc., wicker edge, at . Va Price
Boudoir and reading lamps, choice Mon. at . . V Price
Bargau-.Naak Oe. Feerth Fleer.
Special, at
Very pretty style, dainty
effects and very desirable.
Special Monday, at 99c.
(Second Floor.)
Sample Curtains,
at, Pair
Including marquisettes
snd voiles from 1 to 1H
yards long. Very special
Monday. (Third Floor.)
$1.00 Black Silks. Monday, 69c
Qpcrm I a
big clearing movement
silks in the
popular weaves: messanncs,
de sole and taffetas, 36-inch.
most popular
36-inch messalines, peau de sole, taffetas, $1.25 values ,88c
42-inch crepe de chines, Jaejas,were $1.25, for, ,98c
36-inch heavy satin dutchess, werelS, per yard . . . 98c
54-inch messaline silks, jet black, were $1.50, at. .$1.19
42-inch satin charmeuse, rich black, was $1.95, at. .$1.49
36-inch French faille, black only, was $2.25, at. .$1.69
36-inch black chiffon taffetas, were $1.79, for. .$1.39
42-inch black ripple suiting silks, were $2.50, for.
42-inch black crepe de chine, was $1.59, per yard.
llnrgraa-.Vaab Ce. Male Fleer.
69c Serges Monday. Yard. 49c
assortment of colors, to 69c, yard.
lot of dress goods,
eluding senres and J i
crepe granite cloth, 36 inches wide,
42-inch shepherd checks, black and white, 69c values, ,49c
42-inch French serges and batiste, were 89c, for. .75c
42-inch hairline stripe serges, were $1.00, Monday. . . ,89c
42-inch French crepes, assorted colors, were $1.25. .98c
54-inch serges, assorted colors, were $1 .50, for. .98c
46-inch epingles, assorted colors, were $1.25, for. .98c
52-inch gabardines, assorted colors, were $1.75, at. .$1.49
52-inch poplins, good selection, were $1.75, for. .$1.49
54-inch black chudda cloths, were $2.50, per yard. .$1.98
Burseee-Naah C'
-Mala Fleer.
Clearing Drugs snd Toilet Goods
RfciCl Alw I HPBCIAL !
Ivory ' soap, reg- e Sani-Flush, reg-
ular Be cake ulsr 2Gc can If A
special Monday, Q special Monday, I f .
at.., OC per can i s w
Peroxide, 1-lb. boL for 17c 50c Canthrox shampoo. 29c
Jap Rose Soap, cake ... 6c 75c Jad Salts, for 49c
Crepe toilet paper, regular 10c rolls, 4 for only. ...25c
Beef, wine and iron, pt.43c Household ammonia, qt 13c
Dr. Graves' tooth pow.!4c Wil's shav. soap, cake 3c
25c Sal Hepatica, for. 14c Hill's cascara quinine. .12c
1 lb. 20-mule-team borax 9c
50c Pebeco tooth paste. 29c
Borax chips, package, ,8c
25cSanitol tooth pow.l4c
rgreea-Naah Ce." Mela Fleer.
Pattern Table Cloths at Half Price
PPflAl f B selection ot pattern table
LtlrLi. cloths, Austrian snd Irish damask,
discontinued designs and no
napkins to match, 2 '4 to
yards. Regular price $4.25 to
$20.00. Sale price exactly.
42 Price
Austrian damask scalloped table cloths, 48 in. round . $2.25
Madeira luncheon sets, 13-piece, hand emb'd . . . . $4.38
Sample scarfs or centerpieces, were to $1.25, for. .. .59c
Lunch cloths, 32x32, hemstitched, were 75c, at.... 38c
Turkish towels with embroidered initial, were 50c, at. .25c
Sample scarfs or centerpieces, were to 75c, for... 25c
19c to 25c Fancy border Turkish guest towels, for. . .10c
Turkish bath mats, regular price to 59c, choice at. ,38c
Cluny scarfs, reg. price $2.98 to $4.50, for. $1.49 to $2.25
Bara-eee-Naak teMala Fleer.
$25.00 Velour Portieres. $12.50
portieres, made
Double velour
extra heavv
quality velour; brown, green and
rose, usual $25 kind, Mon., pair
$7.50 to $8.50 marquisette curtains with lace edge . . $4.50
$10.00 to $ 12.50 imported Duchess curtains, for. .$7.50
$12.50 to $15.00 imported Duchess curtains, for. .$8.50
95c and $1.25 loom lace curtains at, the pair 59c
$1.50 to $1.95 lace curtains, many patterns, pair. . . .95c
$2.95 to $3.25 scrim and marquisette curtains, pair. $1.95
1 Kf .nil 1 Rr vrillj. with mYiretAtr A Aam at rl I.
Haracae-Naah Oe Tklrd Flear.
Oot Fniret JfaBmiairy Cflaraug Sal Hun tin EsnMY Bainniinit Stanpte Itaudlay
35c Kitchen Brooms for 19c
ul Lilrlt .well made ot good qual
ity broomcora. Heary brush, regular
3fa ralues. Special in Monday clear.
Ing sale, each, at
25c aluminum sink strainers, special Monday, at.
Heavy wire coat hangers, clearing sale price Monday, .lc
Best Ever metal polish. 15c sixe can, Monday, for. . 8c
25c Mercerized
Striped Poplins,
Lartex mercerized clus
ter striped poplins, all the
desirable shades, 25c qual
ity, yard, 11c. (Basement.)
35c, Silk Cinghamt, Etc., 19c
New silk embroidered Lorraine
tissues. Floral silks
and dainty checked silk ' ginghams,
pretty new designs snd colorings, 35c
quality, yard
$1.00 aluminum Berlin kettles and sauce pans, for. ,50c
10c fibre chair seats, any sixe and shape, Monday.
Folding clothes dryers, regular price 10c, Monday at.
Mounted casseroles, nickel frame, regular price 69c. .49c
Rollman'a food choppers, No. 3 sixe, 75c value, fof . .4 9c
Extra heavy parlor brooms, regular 45c values, for. .29c
Barseee-Naak Ca. Haaaeat.
$2.00 White Blankets, Pair, $ 1.00
QPFflAI ? wo1 fished double size
LVlrtli. wnite blankets, pink tf flf
and Hue borders, made in ai I UU
12.00. clearing sale price, pair A:
29c Corded
Madras Shirtings,
Blue, pink, lavender,
black and tan gtripes, 32
inches wide, 29c quality,
yard, 15c. (Basement.)
12Vgc Scotch chambray ginghams, stripes, checks. 7 Vic
Striped seersucker for children's dresses, at, yard . 1 2 Vs c
Standard dress prints, light and dark styles, yard . .3Vc
Best ginghams, nurse stripes, special, yard, at... 10c
Bleached muslin, yard wide, special, the yard. ,4Vgc
Bleached shaker flannel, 28 Inches wide, 10c kind, ,5c
9-4 bleached sheeting, full standard, sale price, yd. .18c
9-4 unbleached sheeting, full standard, per yard.. 18c
25c Soisette,
- Monday, at
White, cream snd tan, 32
inches wide, perfect full
bolts, 26c quality, yard,
12'2c. (Basement.)
Women's Winter Coats at 98c
SPFTIAI 1 Women's and misses' good
ui L.vtr&j. warm Wjntcr coats --
variety of styles, materials and col- MP
ors; sizes to 36; were 10 to $ 12.50-' vJi
Women's lawn waists, soiled, were to $1.00, for
Flannel, Uwti or linen waists, were to $1.50, for. . . .69c
arscae-ajaah Ce
10c Fancy
Crepes, at
Fancy dress crepes, neat
figured, rosebud snd floral
designs, new styles and
embroidered effects.
I Basement.)
House dresses, fleece lined, medium or dark, .at. ,98c
Children's coats, 6 to 14 years, were to $7.50, for. .$2.9&
Women's coats, late winter styles, were to $18.00
Woi. n's suits, good styles, were to $12.98, choice . .
Children's dresses, ages 6 to 14 years, were $1.25. ,69c
Children's dresses, ages 6 to 14 years, were $2.48. .$1.98
Women's skirts, large selection, were to $7.50.. $279
Bersaea-Naah Caw Haacaacat.
St a
$2.50 Bed Blankets, Pair, $1.39
Extra heavy, wool finished
ble bed else blankets.
checks and plaids, pink, gray, tan,
blue and whits combinations. Were S2.C0
pair. Rale Price