Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
Tllh OMAHA NtMi.h .Ja.
(Toms Fuse Amy Appropriation
Mnuure Carrying Hng-e Sum
! Without Boll Call.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 23-Aftor two
Pays of o.-bete on the general date of
th nation) defenses, the house Inst nlsht
Aam4 without a roll call the army np
eraprtatlon bill, carrying H01.iwo.0i.
Advocates of Immertlste etrenKthenlns;
rf the national defenses fought to the last
for additional appropriations, but met
frith no encouragement. The lat roil rail,
frn motion ot Kepresentstiv Gardner of
Cjsachusetts, to commit the bill with
truction to report hack an amendment
Crrylng tl.0Qft.90O for aviation, wss do
ited, 2SJ to 34. The bill, which csrrles
fm6 for all branches of the army dur
jug the coming year, Includes $300,000 for
he purpose of twenty-five slrshtps and
fBO.OnJ for aa armored motor ear. The ap
propriation for the purchase of field ar-
iillerT material wss Increased from $2',O00
(o tlTO.009.
An amendment offered by Represents
' hv. Deltrlck of Massftchueetts and
Adopted without opposition, would pro-
btblt the uiie of etop-watchca and other
A 'speeding-up" device In connection with
.so-called eclentlflo management systems
; tn anr army arsenals and ahopa. Repra-
kentatlves of union labor have been fight
tg for thJa prohibition for eeveral yeara.
'. The house alao adnpt'd an amendment
fcjr Representative Tavenner of IMinola. to
require that all of the munitions of war
Corlded for In the bill ahail be manufac
red In government plants.
American Cook Army
, Will Invade Europe
CHICAGO, Jsn. M. Invasion of Europe
ty an army of American cooks to Intro
iic com bread, corn cakea and fried
push to a peasantry, now familiar with
rleckwheat bread, la the plan advocated
tre today at the sixth annual meeting
f the Council of drain exchanges, aa a
deans of avoiding a wheat shortage In
tie United States.
The plan to feed Europe com and
(eep the wheat for home consumption
sa broached by John W. Bnydcr, treas
urer of the Baltimore Chamber of Com
twos. Mr. Snyder pointed out that other
countries can compete with the United
ttatee la raising wheat, but not In the
traduction of corn.
IT'. S. Fourth Instead
of Third Naval Nation
XVA-SHINGTOJf, Jan. .-The Unite! j
Itatea will drop from third to fourth i
lace among the world's sea powers with ,
ihe completion of all ships under cun-
Itruction up to July 1, 1M4. according to
u calculations la tho navy year book,
sued today by the senate navol commit
tee. France will move from fourth to
hlrd place, according to the official
JeWei- '. ' ,
With the outbreak of the European war.
Information aa to the naval programs of
(he belligerents was no longer available,
tnd the book contains only a list -of the
resaels .lost in action during tho war up
la January 1, 191S, to supplement? figures
(or construction prior to last July.
! i i
lONDOKi Jan. ' -8lr Frederick
rraves, the widely known surgeon, in
ppeaklng before the Royal Society of
arts tonight, said the results achieved
y Inoculation against typhoid fu . In
Vie British expeditionary force have been
positively astounding." He said that
flnca the war begsn there had been only
(II cases, of which 173 were person who
sad not been Inoculsied. There had been
raly twenty-two deains and none of those
sho died had been Inoculated. Not a
tingle death from typhoid had occurred
ynong those inoculated.
rfcresi Haare4 tmr Wife's Affection
FORT DODGE, la,, Jan. 21 Bpclal.)
-M. G. Cox, who sued C. O. Anderson
9G.Q0& for alleged alienation of Mrs.
c's affections, was given a verdict for
in district court. The case was one
the most salacious ever tried In this
Eelp Your
luntant Relief from Gaa, Inlixliun
Mid Paina Quickly Coinew trout
Uw I'm of Mtuart'a Dye. .
) prjaU Tablets. .
rxza Axcrx.a vacxaoi to axa.
Feeling In the stomacn Is not natural.
tVhrn you know you have a stomach it
b time to help U. Una, fermentation,
fwl hreath, etc, Indicate thin. Accept
U" warning and act at once.
There is no uccaiuon to aui fer from In
ligation or any similar stomach trouble
a-hen oy can so caal.y get Smart's Dye
Kltois Tablets.
Jm is scarcely a well storked drug
Kr general store to the I lilted Htatea but
hat oomaders thse tablets part t( their
tkpl alock.
1 'a not etiffer In silence. Try Ftnart's
fypiia Tablets and do ao quickly so
hi. you iiimv become your old self as
Soon as powihle.
Tne reaaous why Smart's Dyspepsia
tablets are such a widely used remedy
fue very easy to understand. These tab
eta contain almost the aaine elemenU as
the gkatrio Juicaa of the alomach. And
hn your tom&ch is fc-ik and not woik-
uis )ut rixht, it due nut give out enough
tr tl.e autturai dlgeatlve JuUes to properly
ke care or the food you eat. 8o II you
Will eixy give the atumach a little help
y taking a Btuurt a lyprale .Tab. el
after Uieals you lll relleva (lie klumach
fit its chief duty and allow It the rest II
heu to reiuiwratt. One gram of the
active principle In a Ktuart a Dyaoepai
l.lii.t diitewta I.UV grains of loud, ativlhsr
x place It tn a ! Jar with cooKed
oud or tit your sloiuavu after you have
fcaten the food.
All druKH.l sell Hluart Dyspt-piila
Tablets '"i vnce you try them you will
tiever atmln wonder wnat to do 'for a
(iKndrivd. weak, nujr and Ky atoiiwi h.
buuft a Iymepa.a Tableta are for sale
It all drUKkiols at a box.
lld coupon Ix-low to'tity and we will
tt ouce seud you by mail, a sample frve.
FrcoTrial Coupon
T. A. Stuart Co ISO Btaart BaUd
ing kLaribsU, kUva, aend ui at on .
I mum imii. a free trial
pf Kuril's lpepia Tablela.
t'.re.t ....
C.ty Ftate
miliraeter and an ammunition wagon of the French artillery at Ypres. This type of ord
nance has proved to be the most effective used by the French artillery, both in length of
range and in accuracy.
N : Ai T,r'V
More Than Three-Qnarter Million
Emergency Money Called In
by the Banks.
(rrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINK8, Jan. a-(Ppeclal Tele
gram.) Mora than riW,000 of emergency
currency Issued to Iowa banks had been
retired since January 1, aocordlng to rec
ords In the office of the secretary of the
Iowa Bankers' association. Iooal banks
assert that the retirement of the emer
gency currency can mean only one thing:
"Constantly better business conditions In
all lines In Iowa, and the consequent pay
ment of debts and easier money."
The Iowa banks had received about
fS.DOO.Ono of the currency, which they
placed In circulation.
thlldrea Caac Heveraed.
The supreme court today reversed the
declnion In the case of W. C. Children,
appellant, against Prank Hhlnn, from
Pottawattamie county. Involving an action
for libel In publishing an article about
- hnM. tll. .hoiild have aone
to the jury to decide whether the matter
was libelous.
The court also, sustained tho esse of
Ransom against Bybee, from Pottawat
tamie county, an action to quiot title.
Plan to Halse ! Hatra.
A plan of the railroads to raise passen
ger rates In the state has-been d vised.
The first step will be to ssk the legisla
ture for a change In the law authorising
charging t cents fare for passengers in
stead of I cents on first class roads. The
legislature will refuse this. Then the In
terstate Commerce commission is to be
aaked to made an order to remove the
discrimination caused by the Intrastate
rate being lower than the Interstate rate.
I'nder the recent decision of the supreme
court the commission has the power to
do this despite the state rates may be
fixed by law. The railroads have started
In to make a determined fight for this
Increase In rates and will engage In an
extensive campaign of publicity.
( is th Primary Law.
An Importsnt chsnge Is contemplated
by the members In the presidential pre
ference primary law. Aa at present made
It contemplates that a preference shall he
exproaaed by the voters of the various
parties for preildent and vlue president
In the primary election of next year. It
Is Intended to eliminate the preference
for vice prvnident aa it la recognised by
all that at the lime ot this special pri
mary It la not likely there will be any
well defined opinion aa to who ought iJ
be nominated for vice president.
geparate lades.
It has been decided that there will be
printed and bound separately from the
coOs and the code supplement the Index
thereto on which the code commission
has been laboring for some time. The I
Index will cover both the code and tho
supplement and it will , make a book I
nearly as ian;e 4s either one of the two. I
It has not yet been finished.' Beoause of
the desire to l.ava it completed as the
first real. Index ever -made to an Iowa
code the lawyers of the legislature will
favor a bill to have It printed separately.
Legislative Proceedings.
The expected bill to repeal tho law
regarding a mlllage lax to pay for the
purchaae of ground around the Capi
tol, appeared today. It , was pre
sented by Henator Whit more wh repre
sents Ottumwa In the seuat. It la
very short and merelv repeals every
thing re'atlng to it. Thla wouij leave
the holders of the certificates with which
the ground waa bought without lecouraa
and the account repudiated entirely, It
would also prevent any Improvement of
any part of the cupitol grounds exten
sion and lewve it lor all time In its
present condition.
The senate received n Joint rewuliitlon
by Senator Boe. louking to ha'ing made
a classified Index of 'ho billa and have
it kept up during tho . aeaxlon.
In the house there ass a prauoial
made by Jamison ot Des Motms to
amend the constitution to hu-3 sessions
of the legialature only In sis yeara.
Cample! Hvfaraa Camaaltl.
Speaker Atkinson announced appoint
ment ot Kane and Miller to be demo
cratic members of the retrenchment
and reform rotuniltlee This completes
the committee as President Harding had
named S hrup and Voorheee n tl.e com
mittee. . This committee Is now ready
to consider the hills which in being
prepared for the icvolutlonlxiiig of the
government of the klatu.
rwr Senat Bills.
VYIiUmore, to repeal all the Ua for
Uie lu.lia, tax to pay fur cau.iol ground.
Francia, to make telephone linea com
mon can li ra and give the tallioad com
mission authority over them.
Jackson, requiring phurmachits to keep
the original prescriptions on file.
Ken in. to I'ermlt trot lines ibar across
a river instead of only half way.
While of loaa. Imposing tax on dogs
for Utuefit of ail live stock.
Chase, to settle certain claims on ac
count of school land aalea.
Fo.kett. to glv Ueorge D. Bhaw tVOUO
for Injuries received at Oartuda hospital,
i Francis, to provide for Ilea on the pro.
V""1 - . - t, ., .,..,, , . jrrj? ,
'V, ,Z'-;M?a.'f s
w in II I II M II u I. .ui... i. . I mi
,mmmm ) Intannniml. CKMvaco
Great Corporations
to Workers, Says
NEW YORK. Jan. ia.-Ixuls D. Bran
liela of Boston and Charles P. Neill,
former United States coromlseioner of
labor, were the witnesses called today
to testify In the Inquiry being conducted
here by the federal commission on In
dustrial relations Into the causes of In
dustrial unrest.
: Mr. Brandeis Is expected to advocate
the minimum wage aa a cure for Indus
trial unrest, the theory and practice of
which he explained jrseterday to the New
York rtate factory Investigating com
mission. Louis D. Brandeis of Boston was the
first witness. He did not believe the
directors of large corporations had knowl
edge of facts sufficient to permit them
to Improve effectively the condition of
Great corpoi Atlons were dangerous to
the workers, Mr. Brandeia asserted, be
Jeny of stallions.
White of Benton, to Increase the exemp
tions on live stock.
Francis, pension to Abble Gardner
Blew Home Rills.
Grason, to provide for teachers' pen
sions and a mlllage tax In support thereof.
Bauman, fixing maximum speed limit ot
automobiles In country at twentv-flvn
Horehem, for a permanent code editor
at V,0W a year.
( onrt Declalena.
re-estate of John Peterson.
in re-estate 0r John Peterson, Ply
mouth county. Judge Hutchlnnon: in
heritance tax case; affirmed, opinion by
feemsr. ,
Merchants Transfer and Storage com
Peruna the
Mr. Louis Pfau
Trust Co.
Had an
With Nasal
How He
Got Rid
of It
Nasal Otarrh, No. 1
"I have been uslns; Peruna for catarrh,
so bad that It clogged the nasal orsana."
8o says Mrs. Victoria M. Picket, No. 110
E. Mound Bt . Columbus, Ohio. "I have
been using Peruna for catarrh, hsvlng
had a very aggravatea ease, se aa that
It aloggsd the aasal ergaaa. When I did
get the nasal organs opened, the mucin
would drop into my throat and make me
very st.-K. A friend advised me to take
Peruna, and after using four bottles I
waa cured. I have no trouble now, and
am happy to say that I am enjoying the
best of health and attending to my lodge
dutlea, being a member of the Kebecca
Lodge or Odd r'eUowa. I would rscom
mend Peruna to those suffering with
the same trouble."
Viul IVtarrli V., 1
"l have been taking Peruna for nasal
catarrh. Often I could not breathe j
through my nose, and had pains on both i
sides of lt.M Bo aays Mra Jasrhob, im i
Palmwood Ave.. Toledo. O. "When I ;
wrote you for advice I had been slcli ,
for three years, and had been treated by
three doctors, but did not get well. I
was very nervous, and had trouble with :
my throat. Oftea I eoald ot breathe
through, say aoae, and had paina on both :
allies of It. I also had pains In th;
chest, and a short cough. 1 had paliil- i
tatlon of the heart and Internal catarrh.
My appetite was poor. 1 waa always cold
and had gurgllug la the bowels. I took'
Peruna according to directions, and now I
feel that I am cured. Peruna has cured
me. I hare never been as fleshy as I
am now. and I do all my work. The
pain In the shoulder and chest la all
gone. The medicine has don. me much
good. I shall sJwajs keep It In the
tm r
I ej kt
Are Dangerous
Louis D. Brandeis
cause they had endeavored to develop
an absolutism, benevolent, ' but an abso
lutism nevertheless. He believed a cer
tain amount of unrest was desirable. In
dustrial democracy, he thought, should
be attained.
Mr. Ilrandels believed the absentee
owner of corporations should be held ab
solutely responsible for conditions among
his employes.
"There la no such thing as aa tnnooent
stockholder." he said.
He said he doubted if much could be
accomplished for the worker try legisla
tion unless It waa to regulate unions.
Philanthropic foundattona, Mr. Bran
dels thought, were formed with an hon
est plan of aiding humanity. He said he
had grave apprehension as to what would
happen when the foundations should pass
from the control of the men who at pre
ent are directing them.
pany, appellant, against Chicago, Rock
island ft Pacific railway. Polk county.
Judge lieOraff: action for damages to
property, reversed, opinion by Gaynor.
Commercial National bank of Council
Hlurr against Pottawattamie County
Hoard of Supervisors, appellants, Judge
Arthur; action to collect tax; affirmed,
opinion ry t-ana.
John Hal mo n against Farm Property
Mutual Insurance Association of Iowa,
appellant;, Fremont county. Judge Thor-
neu; action to recover qn lire loss; re-
versea, opinion by Ueemer.
' John lrVine against' city of Oleweln.
appellantc Fayette county. Judge Hob
son: action for damages on account of
nuisance; reversed, opinion by Deemer.
. Nellie H. Hannan - against W. J. Mes-
S enter, appellant; Oelweln superior court,
udge O'Conner; on motion to transfer
i en calendar; reversed, opinion by Gaynor.
Remedy for Nasal Catarrh.
Mr, J. kouis Pfau. Jr.. Ii07 The Temple, 184 La Salle St.. thl
csro. III., writes: VFor th. past twenty-eight years I have suffered
Irom hay fever, caused by catarrh. The hay fever comes on every
year about the middle of August and lasts six weeks or more. It Is
a chronic catarrh of the nasal organs, and in people like myself, who
have a very sensitive membrane, It is affected by the pollen In the
sir and Ik difficult to eradicate.
I have used almost every medicine that Is prescribed for tho
allmeut, but I have had more benefit from the use of Peruna than
from all others, as Peruna Is a stimulant and helps nature to throw
off the attacks. 1 now have no bother from catarrh, and I have been
able to shorten the annual attack of bay fever to a few days of dis
comfort." Catarrh does not always produce hay fever. The most common
form of catarrh Is nasal catarrh. Kead carefully) the four cases pre
sented by this article.
. - - - - - ...
I , , . ,
t ,wi in, a
'wn I began Peruna my noae was
PP1 fP half of the time. It was sore
na scabby." So writes Mr. Arthur
Thompson. R. B. Z. Lcesburg Ind.. 'tWhen
1 ban your treatment my eyea were
'"flamed, noae was stopped up half of
t . a4 w aad scabby. I
lou,d nut rcat at night on account of
continual hawking and spitting. ' I had
tried several remediea and waa about; to
' but thought I would try Peruna.
After I had taken about one-third of a
bottle I noticed a difference. I am now
completely cured, after suffering wl!h
catarrh for eighteen years I think if
tius.i who are afflicted with catarrh
would try Peruna they would never re
gret It."
Those wh. .bjeot t. Uld medietas.
Ma aew preeare Pesa Teal eta, 'The
"Ills ef life" seat free by the Perms.
Cn Colaatbus, Ohio.
Six Perioni Are Killed and Twenty
Injured by Bombi Dropped
Into French City.
PARIS, Jan. 22. A semi-official nole
Issued tonight says that a number of
German aviators attacked Dunkirk to
day, throwing eighty bombs. The victims
numbered twenty, six ot whom are dead.
A large warehouse waa set afire by one
of the bombs.
French and English aviators, who
chased the German aeroplanes, brought
down one at Bray-Dunes on the Belgian
frontier. Its two occupants were made
German Aeroplane RroaaM Dowi.
IjONIKW., Jsn. 2S. The correspondent
of the Dally Mall at Havre In his report
on the aeroplane attack on Dunkirk yes
terday, says: ,
"Several German aeroplanes dropped
bombs on Dunkirk Friday afternoon.
One of them was brought down at Great
Dunes, between Dunkirk and Furnes, tnd
the two German airmen this machine
contained were killed. Ten unexploded
bombs were still attached to ths aero
Rrltnna Drop Komha oi Braare.
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 23.-A British air-
man today dropped bombs on the Import
ant Bruges, Belgium, dorkg, according to
news which has reached here. The result
of the attack Is not yet known. The
aviator escapod unhurt, although he was
attacked by the Germane.
7.epplln Keen In Oaten.
DOVER, Jan. 23.-Vla London. )-lt
waa reported tonight that a Zeppciln was
seen over Ostend today.
Dispatches from Cromer. Eng., Friday
night contained reports that aircraft had
passed over that place and that prepara
tions had been made to resist an aerial
attack. Preparations were made in the
surrounding towns, but no attack devel
oped, so that it appeared that the re
ports about the Invading aircraft were
Wootan Is Resigning;
Black Joins Bee Force
James B. Wootan has resigned from
The Be after thirteen yoars In different
capacities as a member ot the editorial
staff. "Please say for me, that I Intend
to remain a resident of Omaha, and for
a few months will devote my time to
certain literary pursuits, which will In
volve considerable travel in western
states," says Mr. Wootan. With Mr.
Wootan's withdrawal, Kdward Black,
with many years' experience on various
Omaha dallies, is resuming a place on
The Bee.
Headlight Case la Continued.
FORT DODGE, la., Jan. 23. (Special.)
The trial of the cane of the state against
tho Inhlnots Central for violation of the
state law requiring electric headlights on
locomotives, has been continued to the
March term of district court. The case
was to have been tried next week. The
Indictment was returned by the January
grand Jury. C. A. Rob bins, assistant at
torney general, assisted In the Investiga
tion here.
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads.
I Had a
Severe Case
Of Nasal
I Wrote
Peruna Co.
For Advice.
By Using
My Symptoms
- - - u -,--in i-i r, ii hi,
aal Catarrh, No. 4.
"Peruna cured me of nasal catarrh. .1
had lost the sense of smell. My nose
and head were continually filled so that
I had to breathe through my mouth." So
says Mrs. William Mann. No. 1111 N.
inn ht. Niles.. Mich. "After havlns
been troubled with catarrh all my life.
Veruaa eared me. I was a. had that I
had lost the aeaae ef small mhen I was
about fifteen years old. . My nose and
head were continually filled, so that I
had to breathe through my mouth. There
was a constant dropping In my throat.
My general health waa miserable. I felt
tired ail the time. About two years ago
I began to take Peruua. and J feel like a
different person. Now 1 can breathe
through my nose without any trouble,
and the soreness tn my throat Is all
gone. Vei una liaa done many wonders
for me. It sUo cured uiy daughter of
1 bronchitis. "
THE Coat Bargain
of tho Year
Choice of any Woman's or
MIswrV Coat ltt too store),
thai gold for SS to M dollar
will bo your Monday for
ritiHh,. Cloth. Velvet, Pur
lined, regular and stout sises.
All the newent atyW to date
the extreme of con ale
jianre. Wonderful bargain.
151t5.18-20 FARNAM STREET.
From Illinois
210 Bo.
Safe Remedy
for th.
Kidneys and Liver
has been a standard medicine
since 1877. It has brought re
lief to many who have suffered
with severe kidney and liver
complaints and were ready to
give up in despair.
Two sizes, 50c and, $1.00, at your
drutrrfst, or direct, postpaid on receipt
of price.
wminr sssstft. til
Werner's Safe Isms! Its Ce.
Dept. na lecbesler. If. T.
Opposite Orphsum -
Phono Tyler 1754.
THFRFro YOU LIKE have a case sent home.
Fred Krug Brewing (Jompany, Brewers and Bottlers.
Let The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations Wanted ads are free
Zeigler U the largpst boIHdk
soft coal in Omaha, simply be
cause) it burns Intensely hot, to
a white ash and leaves no
Zelgler Nut Coal Is the ideal
coal for kitchen ranges, and
Zelgler Lump Is the peer or all
soft coal for furnaces and heat
The popular
priced Illinois
Coal has many
friends in Oma
ha and the cir
cle Is Increasing
Lump or Nut
17th Bt-
Ttrandel Theater lildg.
Hotel Urcslm
Broadvmy ai29hSt
"An Hotel Where Guests are Mad.
to Foel at Home'
Not too large, yet large
. enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense. '
Exceptionally Accessible
500 XeesM JHWeraff Rtstaunnt Chmrgts
Siagls Roemi with Runnlnt Wurr
Si.OOtn J2.00 per day
Siagls Rooms with Tub or Slower
Dot-bls Keens wlih Runnini Vater
$2.00 to J4.00 per dy
Oevble Rooms with Tub or Shower
$3.00 to $S.C0 per dr
EDWARD C FOGO, Manrin, Aiweror
ROT L. 3ROWN. RfUtnt Managtr
im ' "i n c' L'i
Arkansas Semi-Anthracite
Jest what it's cracked up to be
More Hsat for Less Money
Prico Reduced to $7.00 Per Ton
to Prova Value and Make YOU a
Customer Next Season.
Phon Douglas 1221
And you will enjoy it as
much as the sleighride.
Phone Douglas 1889 and