Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Former Kearney Sheriff Convicted
of Robbing Postoffice Unable
to Perfect Appeal Bond.
i .
KEARNEY. Neb., Jnn. 23.-SpeelHl
Telegram) Walter F. Summon. ex
Buffalo county sheriff, who was con
victed for robbery of the Kearney post
office, together with Pelliert Smith, post
office clerk, now nerving jientence In
the Buffalo county Jnll, has Iwen unable
to raise funds to prosecute his appeal
to the supreme court, and toduy left for
Omaha, from which point he will tie
taken to Iieavenworth on Sunday.
In submitting to Judgment of the trial
court and taking upon himself burden
of hla sentence, Mr. Sammons declares
that he is doing so greatly wronged, lie
declared today that he waa Innocent of
the crime and that thut he would return
to Kearney upon expiration of hla sen
tence and believed that the truth of the
robbery would aomo day be so revealed
as to right hla wrongs.
CITADRON. Neb.. Jan. 21 (Special.)
The Chadron Commercial club la com
pleting the preliminaries of Its organiza
tion this week, getting ready for tha work
of the year. The business men of the
city have rallied most enthusiastically to
the work. The secretary will be a sal
aried man and business offices have been
opened In the Owens block. The follow
ing Is the list of officers: Tresldent. J.
V. Stanton: vice president. Pari Hyde;
treasurer. Max Loe wen thai; secretary, J.
V. Lawrence.
J. I Foil of Sheridan, Wyo., has been
in the city for a couple of days visiting
old friends.
C. S. Hawk, farm demonstrator for
Dawes county, is spending the weak in
1lncoln in work of interest to the de
partment. The Dawes County Fair association
held Its annual meeting and elected the
following officers for the coming year:
President. William Donohue; vice presi
dent, William Chlaholm; treasurer, Ben
Ioewenthal; secretary, J. F. Iwrcnce.
The financial report for the lust year
shows that the association has a prop
erty fairly valued at $15,000.
V. II. DcRhodes, the Chadron merchant
hu has attained a national reputation
for the style of window dressing that
ho has originated, will attend the meet
ing of retailers in Houx City next week'.
Tho pew city reservoir is surprising
the people who were most lmff "mental
in getting the work started. The fine,
weather in the full gave plenty of time
to do the work, and now that the water
has been shut In it is filling very rapidly.
At the present rate of filling there will
be no need to wait fur spring freshets.
Scott's Bluff Stands
Fourth in Railway
Business in State
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. ZS.-8eela!.-Aceord-ing
to figures furnished by A. K. Hon
nold. district counsel foT the Vnlted
States reclamation service. Scotts Bluff
stands forth In tl.e amount of railway
business done In Nebraska. This Is prob
ably due to the large amount of sugar
manufactured at the beet sugar fac
tory at that place. The flRures given
are as follows, Omaha leading the list,
with Lincoln second, and 8outh Omaha
Omaha $l.MS.2J!
Lincoln 2,3.". 4Ci
South Omaha '. ". '." 2's ai
Sott Bluff i. 'inn'tu
trand Island 4.tS 40
Nebraska City Zii,&
Alliance '.!I.4J
Hatrlce t 2.W411O
Crawford ?40 117
Hulilreue 212.7W
McCook 17:1001
Fremont 15JM"..
Train Service Up
To Rail Commission
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 23.-Speclal.l-The Bur
lington railroad has been given ten days
by the State Hallway commisHion to de
cide whether it wants to put on a special
train between Lincoln and Hastings. Fail
ing to do so, the commission will proceed
with the hearing on the complaints filed
by numerous parties following the taking
off of trains No. 1 and No. -10 about two
months ago. This Is the decision reached
by the commission following the confer-
Station Filled With E
Russians Blown Up
Treasurer's Office
Has Bars Around it;
No Money on Checks
iKn m a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOIA-, Jan. a. (Special.) If any
body carries off the state house some of
these days it yili mt be the fault of State
Treasurer Hall, who at least Is fixing up
things so that they can't get the treas
urer's office unless thy take the whole
Treasurer I InU. so it U wild. Is putting
In these Innovations under advice of his
brother, Thomas, who appears not to I
have troubles enough of his own as rail-1
way commissioner, and is willing to put I
across a few things for his brother, tho
state treasurer.
Very booh after assuming control of
the treasurer's office Mr. Hall locked
tight the door leading Into the Inner of
fice, keaitig out the public, who, hereto
fore had been at liberty to come In and
make themselves at home as long as they
behaved themselves and did not walk off
with the money. Thl morning the stocks
and bonds were made more secure by
placing a double back-action combination
Yale reversible lock on the door and no
one can enter now unless he wears a
halo above his dead or has received the
The new treasurer hss declined to cash
checks for people In the state house or
others who, heretofore, had the privilege
of getting money in his office.
Federal Aid Given
For Soldiers' Home
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 21 (Special.) Resolu
tions asking the state legislature to an-
ence held yesterday between the railroad j P"opi late lunds for the erection of
officials, representatives of traveling
men's associations and the Lincoln Com
mercial club.
Nos. 1 and 10 were Interstate trains.
The commission cannot compel the Bur
lington to reinstate them, but It can order
the railroad company to put on a local
train such as the proposed test train.
HUOKEN BOW. Neb.. Jan. 23.-(Spe-cial.
Custer county's new Jail is now
flniuhed and tho architect, after a thor
ough inspection, turned over bis report
this week to the county board of super
visors. The heating and plumbing were
given a clean bill, but some, exceptions
were made to the construction of the
cells Installed by the Stewart Iron com
pany. The work of Contractor Usboruu
waa found to b generally satisfactory
with a few smull exceptions, such as
cleaning and trimming up the Job. Tho
jail, which is strictly modern, la one
of the best equipped J the state and
represents a cost of over $L1,000.
Tho official printing of Custer county
hs been awarded by the board of super
iors to the Chief and Republican, both
Broken Bow paixrs. Kach paper will
publish the board proceedings, while the
other legal matter will be divided le
tween them. The contract for furnish
ing books, blanks and stationery was
Kiven to the W. U. Purcell 1'rlntlng com
pany of this city.
Mrs. A. E. Anderson of this city is the
first to receive word from the presents
rent out by the people of Broken Bow
and taken abroad by the "Christmas"
ship Jason. From County Cork, Ireland,
a grateful woman, the mother of four
children, writea her thanks tin a homely
and touching letter. She said her hus
band was serving on a battleship, de
picted the Joy of the children when thoy
received the presents and signed her
self "Hannah Stack."
GRAND ISLAND, Net)., Jan. 23. (Sp
uial.) A mass meeting of all citizens
desiring this country to be neutral with
reference toJthe Kuropean war and pro
touting against the alleged weakened
politics f the secretary or state wioi
reference to British rule of shipping, has
been called by the Oierman-American
Alliance in this city for next Tuesday
evening. A prominent German speaker
has been secured.
Moorhead Proposes
Election Law Changes
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 21 (Special.)-Harley
G. Moorhead. Omaha electric commis
sioner, has several amendments to the
election laws that he proposes to put
before the legislature. One of them is a
provision requiring hotel and lodging
house keepers to furnish descriptive lists
of voters resident In their various houses
prior to all elections.
The bills will be Introduced In the house
some time next week.
Grand Army Asks
For State Building
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 23. (Special.) The
state treasurer has received from the
national government Its remittances for
the quarter In aid of the Soldiers' and
Sailors' home at Milford and the Soldiers'
home at Grand Island. Federal aid for
the former place amounts to W.C6: for
the latter, $2,025. The tnited Statea pays
the state $1 a quarter for each Inmate of
the two Institutions.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 21-(SneclaI
Telegram.) Major A. II. Ilolllngworth
this evening received word from Adjutant
General Hall announcing his election as
lieutenant colonel of the Fifth regiment.
Major Ilolllngworth was captain of
Company C of the old fighting First Ne
braska in the Philippine islands and Is
regarded as one of the most efficient
officers in the National Guard.
suitable edifice to house the state His
torical society, the Grand Army of the
Republic and the slate supreme court
were paused at a recent meeting of the
council of administration and legislative
committee of the Grand Army of the Re
public, comprised of thirty members.
Notes from Uaare t'oaaty.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 21-(8pecial )
R. C Markle of Wymore, who recently
purchased tho Touzalln hotel property at
that place, has leased the property to I'.
C. Moeher & Son of Friend, Neb., who
have taken possession of the place. Tho
building has been remodeled and will be
heated by stam from the city municipal
water plant.
Mrs. Frank Goldstein, aged 32 years,
died at her home near Adams after a
brief Illness of heart trouble. She Is sur
vived by her husband and four small
The farmers' institute will be held at
Wymore February 4 and !.
J. H. PunU, an old resident of Beatrice,
has closed a deal for the purchase of a
ranch of 3,009 acres In Dundy county,
Norfolk's Council
Refuses to Act in
Koenigstein Case
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. 2!-(Spccial Tel
egramsThe mayor and city council to
day declined to pass Judgment on thn
guilt or Innocence of City Attorney Ar
thur J. Koenlgsteon, who was charged
with accepting protection money from
resort keeiers. but requested his resigna
tion on the ground that the charges had
Impaired his usefulness to the city.
Koenigstein Issued a statement declar
ing tho verdict was unfair; that he should
have been indicated or found guilty.
Policemen Dixon and Hodson, who were
charged with accepting hush money from
men caught at a disorderly house, were
found not guilty. Tho council deemed the
evidence Insufficient to convict.
Chief of Police Jolly was given a clean
bill in a special resolution.
(By Wireless to I-on-
jdon)-It Is officially announced here that
'the Russian railway station near Chen
j tn y (about ten mllea southwest of Klelce,
southern Poland), which the Austrlans
I destroyed by a single heavy shell, was
tilled with Russian troops at the time, all
of whom were killed.
Get competent help through The Pee.
Never Again" is
Militarists' Cry
Austrian Premier
Resigns Office
ROM K 'Via london), Jan. U. Count
Karl Stuergkh, tho Austrian premier, has
resigned, according to a dispatch to the
MesMgero, from Vienna, The count prob
ably will be succeeded, the dispatch adds,
by Dr. I von Billnskl. the Austro-lTun-garian
minister of finance.
If you have a "Sunshiny Room" let
people know alMiut It In this column of
Bee Want Ada
Says Cream Applied lit Nostrils
Kctievts Head-Colds at Once.
NEW XORK, Jan. Ill-Alfred Noyes.
English poet and peace advocate and
visiting professor of English at Prince
ton, reached here today aboard the Lust-
,Bn m- If your nostrils are clogged and your
"The watchword of even the most pro- ll(,Ha ls) Btllff(H, Bml )mj tU.t ,.eMtnA
nounred militarists among the allies.' . frrrl. ,,. ,)f a ,. ,.atllrrnt jnl
Bald Mr. Noyes. "is 'Never again.' When ! (l u 1( U1b of .. mm
the settlement finally corneal there will I Bt nny (r Moro Aii,y a mt,B of ,m(l
certainly bo a grim attempt to establish j frKIHI ,,,.,,,. ,.r).am ,nto vm. ,.
some sort of collective responsibility ,,. ,ot ,t prnrlnito lhrUKl, Very
among nations so that treaties cannot, ,,,, voll. ,,,, BIM,thlng and
......I.. I. ..n u-ttt !,.ntltit( V Tilt .
nnuiu I'tr ivr, .,. " hcamiftC the itifljmitMt- HWolletl mucous
membrane ami you get Instant relief.
Ah! how good it feels. Your nostrils
1 ar open, your head Is clear, no more
hawking, muffling, blowing; no more
7 2f-A I'ia WA
Ban 1 v a? ,T all ST iw-r .ssT
itnnroTr; arm
with lmpnnitv. The
hole thing reduces Itself to whether we 1
are going to have International wars In
the future. A system of International 1
police Is rather a distant Ideal, but I don't
see why the principle of International al
liance cannot be worked out."
Three Heaths at Anbnra.
AUBl'KN. Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.)
James D. Berkley died Thursday at the
home of O. W. Hopkins In thla city. He
had Just reached hla eightieth year. He
has been a resident of this county for
forty years. His wife died thirty years
ago, since which time he has made his
home with Mr. Hopkins.
Sarah A. Hale, wife of Rusch R. Hale,
died yesterday after a lingering illness.
She was C2 years of age. She Is survived
by a husband and three children.
Thomas C. Dlntz, old resident, ex-postmaster
of Brownvllle, and a veteran of
the war of the rebellion, died at his home
in Brownvllle yesterday. He had been
ill for several years.
(Correspondence of Tho Associated Press.)
PARIS. Jan. 8. The establishment of
rest stations behind the lines, through
the efforts of an American committee
luaded by former Ambassador Robert
Bacon, In connection with the American
ambulance work. Is being greatly appre
ciated by the French soldiers. The Amer
ican committee raised $1W,0V) for the pur
pose, and five stations have been put up
whore the man worn out by his long turn
In the trenches can first get a good bath,
a chsnge of warm, clean underclothing,
and a good, refreshing sleep in a com
fortable bunk.
headache. dryness or strngKllng for
breath. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what
sufferers from head colds and catarrh
need, it's a delight.
neftdliig- Pioneer Woman Dead.
BLOCKTON, la.. Jan. 23. (Specials
Mrs. Susanna Griffith, nee Higglns, is
dead at the farm home of her daughter. I
Mrs. Martha Oliver, near Redding, la,
six miles east of here. She waa born in
Crawford county, Illinois, October 1, 1R30;
married Judsnn Griffith In 1M8. emigrated
to Iowa in 1ST4 and has resided In Ring
gold county ever since that date, a per
iod of over sixty years. Mrs. Griffith
was the mother of eleven children, eight
of whom still survive. She had twentjr-
clght grandchildren, fifty-two great
grandchildren and five great-great-grand
Now on Salt at k-
SchirolIer&Mueller Piar.oCo. 1
1311-13 Farnam St. J
trr..: i
1 a lu icrmrLixinu till titiitutrf ttit
Your Best
Suit and O'coat
Chance our
Here' the way we
save you money:
$10 Suits nnd Overcoats now S7
!$2 Suits and Overcoats now. $Q
3 1 5S u tt and Overcoat s n q w. SSI 1
$18 Suits and Overcoats now....g 1J3
$20 Suits and Overcoats now....$14
$25 Suits and Overcoats now.. ..8 IT
$ 30 Suits and Overcoats now.... 921
$3 5S u its and Overcoats now.. .8 2 4
$40 Suits and Overcoats now.... 828
$50 Quality Overcoats now. 835
ntii " "
owakd m
EVERBURN COAL, Per Ton 56.50
Rut, E tnd Lump. Natnra mide it goad It's friends mida it famous.
McCaffrey bros. co.
Tyler 40. Sola Areata. 190 . 17ta St.
Coldest at Falrbnry.
TAIRBURT, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Falrbury's cold winter record
was again broken this morning when the
temperature dropped to 20 degrees below
sero. being the coldest night since Feb
ruary, 1905. Six inches of snow covers
this county and many drifts make east
and west roads impassable. Steam fail
ures op the roads are reported due to
extreme cold.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Dec. 1. Government plans
fur the development ot the big mams-
factories In England to make the syn
thetic dyes required by tho textile trade
and formerly supplied by Germany, aro
not progressing favorably. Dyers, who
have been asked to lend financial aid to
the project are lukewarm, because they
fear that nfter the establishment of such
plants Germany would cut the price to a,
point where it would be Impossible to
oiate them profitably after the closes
of the war.
I nlqne I'oaltry Show.
PIERCE. Neb., Jan. 23.-(Speoial.)-The
second annual show of the Pierce County
Poultry association will be held at Pierce
January 27 and 2. This show will at
tract unusual attention among poultry
men, as it is probably the first bhow In
the stato that will be Judged from two
points of view. It will be judged from
the exhibition point of view, the same as
practically all other poultry shows In
America, according to the standard of
pcriection. This judging will be dona
January 27 by E. J. Custer. The show
will be judged from the utility or egg
laying point of view, which means that
there are certain points in the conforma
tion of poultry that count for egg produc
tion or meat production Just the same as
there are points In cattle that point to
ward milk or beef production. The Judg
ing from the utility point of view l!l
be done January M by Gene 11 use of Nor
folk. Neb.
Old Man Found Dead la Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 23.-(Special.)-F.
M. Hare, aged 70 years, was found dead
In a rooming houne on tkuth Seventh
street Thursday morning by his little
granddaughter, who waa staying with
him. Tha body was turned over to Coro
ner Reed, who notified the dead roan's
brother, William Hare, who reside at
Grand Island. lie arrived here today to
take charge ot the body. The little girt
waa turned over to the probation officer,
wuo will find a home for her.
891 Million Bushels
How Much Wasted?
Last year's wheat cro) in the U. S. was a record yield, surpassing all expectations.
All of the nourishment of this enormous crop should go into food for mankind,
but much of it will be wasted.
In making white flour and many foods, the outer, or bran-coat of the wheat is
discarded. This bran-coat contains vital mineral salts, iron for the blood, lime for
the teeth and bones, phosphate of potash for the brain and nerves, etc., etc., all abso
lutely necessary to health.
All of those mineral elements are retained in making
About thre-Miuarters of a million bushels of selected wheat are used by the fac
tories of the Postum Cejeal Company, and none of the nutriment of this wheat is
Grape-Nuts is made from wheat and malted barley. The food comes already to
serve and costs less than a cent a dish. It's mighty good, too.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Duffy's Ellas Kept Us Young, other"
What a pleasing picture is a healthy and happy old couple their eyes bright, brain alert and disposi
tion amiable. It's always a pleasure to enjoy their friendship and u constant delight to be closely asso
ciated with them.
To delay the effects of old age and bring back the vivacity of youth, many medical men prescribe
Uuriy a Pure Malt whiskey as a reliable stimulant, certain It Is that thou
sands who have reached the grand old age willingly extol
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
With lta prescribed advice of a "tableepoonful in water Junt before meals and on
rolnt to bed," Duffy's has earned the unllnputed reputation of an excellent tonic,
tlmulant for temperate use. Helng an absolutely pure distillation of thoroughly
malted Brain, it prompts the stomach to healthy action, promotes digestion and as
similation of tha food, enriches the blood, and brings strength and vigor to the sv- '
tern. It is truly a "Medicine for all Mankind" for medicinal purposes only. Why
not have a bottle In your home to guard against Illness, or In cases of emergency?
Better order It now before you forget.
Greatly reduced fac-stmlla
of bottle and package.
Get Duffy's and Keep Well"
Rewara of imitations.
Get Duffy's from your local drnrtist, g-rooer or dealer
apw per Dome. II as caonet
we will tell you where to get it.
f he caonet supply yon, write u.
neoioai Booklet ire.
The lJuffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. T.
S "SrO- MX' 'o- f..ll ShJl&VZ
Ijrjr need not affect your Sr tsT V'ai I
f for every enjoyment under idyllic y19?
ronrlitinns awaits vour nleasure on theW V ."ll
, - - riiiiii.-Miiu
Golf and Tennis Tournaments.
Surf Bathing, Fishing, Motoring, Sailing, Etc.
ST AiwirsTiNr
LONG KEY . . .
Peace A Leoa sod Aleaur
. Ormaod
Breakers sal Royal Potnoaes
Royal Palra
Tho CUnaial
Flajler Syatcoe
. As Ideal riiliinf Camp
Via. Key Waat sod P. O. S. S. Ce.
Ml PUis Ae N.w Yerk
Iff W. A earn Straat. Csicele
St. AaSMe, Honda
1 2.
Swap Anything in the "Swapper! Column'
f, :