Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 10-B, Image 20

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    10 B
Wonderful soprano and violinist who will give concert at
the Brandeis theater Monday afternoon. ' .
Alma Calizch and HFrcza. Zimhliatf
.e i i
D YOU ever read the "Auto-
Di moyrapny or Benjamin rT&nit
I HnT" Do you remember how
I hit Tndsl Ait Um a I.
Virtues,! and thought by prac
ticing; them until hrii celled
In hk ii iio would eventually arrive at
perfection? How instead of trying to gain
the whole, at once he made a little book
Tor dally examination ana centered hit
attention upon one especial . one eaoh
week, auccpsalvely coins . through the
list complete In thirteen weeha. (Then be
ing thirteen vlrtuna upon hlf Hat, and
four courses of It In a year 7 He did
' not try It only for one course, nor for
Juat one year, but with more or lea
frequent Interruption he continued the
acheme all through hla life, tie alwaya
carried the little book with him, and
writing from in hla seventy-ninth year,
he aald: "But on the whole, thourh 1
never arrived at that perfection, I bad
been ao ambltioua of obtaining, yet 1
vjr iiiv vnuFkvur e puller anq a
happier man thai Iotberwlae would
have been, if I had iot attempted if
Then he goea on In dedL.ll and telle where
the practice, of each virtue helped him
In bla lone and remarkable lire. How
uiany of ua if ,we would enake out a
' lift of the virtue of tbe tort of rausio In
the order In which they evvtm tbe moat
Important to each and wou.'d practice a
ia much more Joy In getting out of It."
Then the aforeaald average atudent will
take a nickel anil, epend an hour or more
of hla valuable time at the moviea. Some
other day perhapa he may wake up and
wonder why be la "a deacendent Inatead
of an ancestor," aa Diaraell aald In the
play of that name. . , .
fitgmund Landiiherg, waa again choaen
aa examiner of mualc In the Lincoln High
school, where aome twenty-two atudenta
are availing themselves of the privilege
of credit for mualo In their, high echool
course, providing they can ahow that
their work' warrant It ', Mr. , Landaberg
went to Lincoln last week to conduct tho
midterm examination. He apeak en
tbu!atlcaly of the work being done In
our wide-awake and more progreaalve. ala
ter city, where the value of mualo e an
art, aclence and intensive study 1 recog
la4. '
Mm. Alma Oluck, aoprano. and Mr.
Efrem Zimballat, vlollnlat,. who will be
heard la Joint reolUl at . the Brandeis
theater tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.
are even bow aaaured of a rousing wel
come, and many partlq have been ar.
ranged from out-of-town; because thla
will be their dnly appearance In Nebraska,
and Iowa will not have the honor at all.
Critical report of this combination In
aatara eltle have called forth the moat
lavtah braise ami Nr., t n.
or without a teacher, would not by the
endeavor be hotter and happier musician i
virtuoso In a little different aenae than
la usually meant. , . .
' !
IHd you read the stcry ef Madaroa
eohumann-lielnk In the Saturday Evening
Post, the other day? She told of the
many obstacles, which beset her In her
choeott oateer and how ahe tucceaafuily
overcame them, and aald: "I have ar
rived where I am today la apU of or
I might aay. because of the most dla
couraglng condition at the start." Which
lead one to meditate upon the question
of whether we donot make It too eeay
for the younger generation to become
educated. We all know the truth of the
"laying, that what Isn't worth, working
for, lan't worth having, that what la
Ufc-htly gained la soon foi gotten? If more
of tbe talented onea bad to work for
their leaaona in aome way they might
appreciate them the more. If only there
were more incentive for work. It la that
which I lacking rather than opportunity.
. A .
George Ilu&ry Howard, a proirlnent
educator In mualo of Washington, D. C,
la writing a aerlee of article upon "Miss
ing I4aka In American M utile Training,"
the first of which appeared Musical
America laat week. It take up' the de
ficiencies upon the part of the American
atudent, and tbe first deficiency he give
la lack of thoroughness In theoretical
training, I. e., harmony and counterpoint.
The reasons he give for thla poor
theoretical training on the part of the
etudent are: (1) The prevalent American
conceit of smartness, producing a laai
nes of intellect fatal to study; (2) the
eommt.n spirit of unrest, a thing begun
arlJam finished; (J) tbe writing done In
the theoretical work atudled. seldom con
sidered from a mi' steal viewpoint; (4) the
study of theoretical music begun too late:
(i) poor quality of textbook often used;
( lack of ear training discipline, . and
too raurh hurry. It la well worth a read
ins nnd furnishes much food for the
thought. "There ia so much truth la the
'laying. "You ran lead a horse to water,
tut you can not make him drink," which
I. as b.-. n aptly paraphrased by aomebody
to "You ptny arnd a boy to college, but
you can not make fclm think." Mean
while the ateraye American mualo atu-
duut, wutild define his attitude In aome
il'lng of lb la uianuer: "it la not ao bad
to have to learn to play or aing; maybe
sonwtime I may want to teach or hold
uowb a church position, or go on the
luai wnb it. Theory ahow on how to
cuSipoxe the nit nee of ahord and such
uiait. but if a iran can play, I can't
but that la all that la necessary.
t-vcryijoiiy knurts u ia Jot amartrr to
be a good gutaer than to ral!y know
a tl.inK and tnre ia alaa) a cbaric
that ycu may tut it hn you iiueia any.
ay. au why ovm1o? I'-.i.le ai-c so hard
-' aiudtiita nuMadays, lh y want tlnsin
to auik all the lima. 1 aun t, do any
more thn 1 have to. I iiitu,t lovk after
.. i.'iilth. 'fhfy tlk alout the plraaurc
ii knowlrdtfM for lis oa sake, and the
1" --'J i-a'd ori, but for me there
sopranos' of Efrem KlmbalUt. who haa
been la America' but a ahort time, they
aay; "Zimballet made It clear enough
that he la richly endorsed, perhapa even
more ao than any other vlollnlat of recent
year." Their program for Monday fol
low: Concerto, A minor.'. ..Vivaldi
, Efrera ZlnibalUt.
Aria Depuls 1 jour, from "Loulae"..
Alma, fllnok
(a) Menuette
(b) Gavotte '.
c Tambourla ,
, . r ' tfrem Zimballat
(a) Der Neugleriae
b) Haldea Uoealela
(c) Honnlag ,
(d) UebUch Wahge ,
Alma Oiunk
1 If xTtlt $rT . Bebusay
(b) huasUn Danue Zimballat
(t) Maaurka Wienlawskv
Efrem Zimballat.
Duote '
(a) Klnr ...; V. Masaenet
tb) Angels' . 8erenade Brega
;"rm "'uca anu urrem z.lmOullst
... Mosart
... Ueclalr
. Schubert
.. Brahma
.. Brahms
(a) Hebrew
b Italian ...
() Spanish ,
(d) Krench ..
(r) Footch ...
(f) German
(g) American
.Kolk 8on
..... Folk Hon
Folk Hong Hong
Fnlk Sod
......Folk Song
.ruia bong
Alma Oluck
Mr. Wllhelm liiKHir rcnmnulii fn
Mlsa Oluuk. Mr. Samuel Chotxlnoff ao
coinpaniat for Mr. 7.imballst. .
Kaatral Note.
Ulsa Avllda Moore.' diiiiII of Mr W n
Greharn, waa recently, heard In song re
cital at Orchard, Neb, ..
Mlsa Ruth ' Qanaon haa -moved har
eludio from the Arlington b(ldliig and
la now at Karbacb hundln. Wednes
day and Paturday of each week.
Tora Prhwarta. fopranoi Mra. Verne W.
Miliar, alto: Justin T. K. McCarl and
Kdaln K. Oroy, basx, aulatfd n chorus
.! forty-five volcea'under the direction
if Dr. J. T. Jones, In the presentation
f he oratorio "h'trimanuH by Trow
jrMae. were heard at the First Conrre
Kntlovejil chunh. Council muffs, Thursday
evenlugr January tL
Sllaa Alice Virginia Davis, at her piano
recital Tueaday, February . at the Young
Wonwn's Christian association audi
torium will play a Beethoven sonata, a
Chopin group cnmpneltlons bv L,lt
Schumann, Faderewskl, Ktajowskl, 'The
Girl with the Flaxen Hair," Iebueay, and
"The Ruler of the Spirits." by Erlck
Wolfgang Korngold, written when he
waa but 13.
Mia Loretta Delione. well known In
muaical circles In New York, ha re
turned to Omaha to make her home on
account of the advanced age of her
father. Mlae Delione plana to give a re-
i."J .'Tr!oon' ph h"" n harpist
with the Minneapolis Symphony orohea
tr n" h the Plttburh Symphony
orchestra, and had charge of harp
'" at Manhsttanvllle. , N. T., and
Aeolian hall In FhlUdelphla.
-AJ,.,ano..,?r'", wll rln by pupil
of Ml .ien Mackln In the Arlington
block on Thursdsy evening, January 2.
7hoetaklng part are: Gwendolyn Ald-
rlrh. FthM Orund. Dorothy Pandberg.
Josle Ilalverson, Ixuise Kmmett. Ieion
Hchellberg, Louresta Uvlcn, Msrjorie
Nye and Miriam Mosher. Mlsa Mildred
Stepp. soprano, of the Dlrkerman school,
will rive a solo. Friends ere cordially
Invited. i
Henry Cox ajnncxincss'an Informal re
cital of chamber musie and violin and
cello solo, to be riven In the raciial hall
of the Omaha School of Orchestral In-J
....rci.i,, . nRvrnirriioi Riiu rarnftm,
r.n Monday evening. January , at 8:15.
Claude Coyle will give the third of his
series of short talk, on musical subjects,
and the following wlH perform: Mrs. T.
J. Mahoney,' the Mioses Madar Weat,
Frlda I'austlsn, June llrown, Julia
Stenlcka, Florence Woolley, Msrea Meyer
and Sophia Welnstrln; Messra. Hetherlng
tor, t;0yle Krlckson. Stirling Clrk,
Wldenor. Parks and Welnsteln.
Mlsa Edith Martin of the International
agency has secured the Louise I Baron
Walter Wheatley Joint operatic recital
for the evening of February 4 at Young
Women' Chriatlan association audito
rium. Miss Le Baron, prima donna con
tralto. Is from the Boston Opera house,
and Walter Wheatley haa been one of the
leading tenors 'at the Royal Opera. Co
vnt Garden. London, for four seasons.
These singers present -operatic acenee
hitherto not riven off the grand opera
stage. A fnature of the concert will be
the contrast afforded by the well chosen
sonra In the Urhtar parts of the pro
gram. These artists, realizing the field
Omaha Colony Will Gire Concert
' and Ball on 156th Anniversary of
Birth of Scot Poet.
Monday night Is tbe one hundred a'nd
fifty-sixth anniversary of the birth of
Robert Bum, and aa such it will hava
fitting observance by the loyal member
of the Omaha Scot colony. The cele
bration will be the twantv-alzth annual
concert and. ball under the auspice of
wan uordon, Ordr or Scottish Clans,
which 1 enough of a guaranty for Ita
quality. '
A. W. Jeffert la to be the orator of
the evening, and .will deliver a tribute
to the ' "Immortal memory" of Burna. .
Chief Kenneth Fln'ayson will preside
in America' wnffh la II ...
... - ' , . 1 U.UHUJ 1.11 Ull
gariixationa. have Joined force-for -the
-aeon in a manner noi xo pe neara Oil
the Metropolitan atage.
at the meeting, and will pronounce the
address of welcome before the beginning
of the program, which. In addition to the
address by Mr. Jefferla. will consist of
songs, recitation and dance.
Those who will take part la the pro
gram are: Mr. II. W. F1U. Mrs. J. Mc
Taggart, Lynn Sackett, W. E. Shafer,
Miss Mattle Britton and "Billy" Law
rence, with Edward DeVwar Challoner a
accompanist, and George McDougall on
the pipe. Mualo for the dancer will
be furnished by Lanyon' orchestra, and
the entire company will atag, "Auld
Lang yne.'
Prospective Piano Purchasers
should not fall to take advantage ef
Schmoller A Mueller's Great Remodel
ing Sale You can save $100 to $200
en the purchase of at New High Grade
Piano or Player Piano.
Free Pianola and 1 Vlctrola Concert
every Friday afternoon from t to - 4
o'clock. The public 1 cordially Invited.
icuoun a acvxz.z.i riAjro oo.
mi-lSlt Farnam Street,
Too many men have been unpleasantly
surprised to find that their wire' hair
which they had o greatly admired waa)'
only a twitch or transformation. W
now know that poor hair Is a confession
of either laislneaa or lack of knowledge
and that fair Car with sensible mean
will Insure scalp health and hair eut.y.
In washing the hair It Is not advisable
to use a makeshift, but alway use a
preparation made for shampoolnjg only.
You can enjoy the best that la known for
about three cent a shampoo by getting;
a package of eanthrox from your drug
gist; dissolve a teaspoonful la a cup ef
hot water and your shampoo la ready.
After Ita use the hair drle rapidly with
uniform color. Dandruff, excess ell and
dirt ar dissolved and entirely disappear.
Tour hair will e so fluffy that It will
look much heavier than it Is. Ita luster
and softness- will also delight you, while
the stimulated scalp gain the, health,
which Insures hair growth-Advertisement.
Last of the Season Price Cuts, That Mean Big Savings to Monday Shoppers
: : : - : : :
Few Fdlks Have
Gray Hair Now
Well-known loraj ; druggist aay
everybody la uMug old-U me, recipe
of Har Tr and Sulphur.
Hair that lose it coWr-aad luatar, or
when It fadea, turn gray, dull and lite
leas, la caused by, a lack of aulphur In
the hair. ' Our grandmother made up a
mlxtuie ol Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep
her lock dark and beautiful, and thou
sand of women and men who value thai
even color, that beautiful dark ahade of
hair which Is ao attractive, us only thla
uld-tlme recipe.
No wad jo s we get this -famous mlxtuie
by aaklng at any drug store for a to-cent
bottle of "Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur
Compound,'1 which darkens the hair so
naturally, so evenly, that nobody can pos
sibly tell It baa been applied. - Bealdee, It
lakra off dandruff, atop acatp tuning
and falling hair. You Just dampen a
sponge or soft bmsh with It snd draw
thla through your hair, taking one small
strand at a tints. By morning the gray
hair dutappears; but what ddlghts the
lariivs lia. Wyalh' Kage and Sulphur
la that, beatdua beautifully darkening Ui
half aftet ' a few applications, it also
brtnga back the gloss and luster and!
gives It aa appearance of abundance. Ad-1
a- MHI.V wuiu UAtl uui UIIIUIJT
V Some remarkable values of
C feretl for Monday in Staple and
J Novelty Traces ' of all kinds.
Val. Torchon, Zion City and
Elyria Laces Regular 5c a
yard qualities, yard. . . .2M:
Point de Paris, Cluny, Venice,
Shadow, Torchon and Plat
Val. Laces 10c a yard qual
ities, at, yard . 5
Shadow, Quaker,' Camisole and
Point de Paris Laces Up 'to
'"ic a yard values, at, yd., 9
Oriental, Chantilly and Novelty
Laces To 50c yard values, on
3 aie, nt, yarjt 25f
f ' :
Clearance Silk and Vool Gqod$ Remnants
At Prices Whi h Will .Average" Scarcely Half of Retail Worth
In An Immense Assortment' of '
Popular Weaves and Colorings
in Lengths From 1 up to 7 Yards.
Jamestown Hultlngs; 50c qualltiee...'! Or.
Including All Most Wanted Weaves
in Nearly Every Desirable Color.
40-ln. Crrp de Chine; 92.00 quality. .'
40-ln. Matin t'harmeus; $0 quality. .
40-ln. Ilorde-red Hllk Poplin; $.ro"rriial.
40-ln. Printed Crepe de Chine; $2 qual.
40-ln. Crepe Meteor; $1.75 quality...
36-1 n. 8atln Mescalines $1.00 quality..
lO-ln. Hilk PoUii $1.23 quality
40-ln. llrocaded French Crepe; 91.35
HO-in. Klmona Hilks; $1.00 quality...
.10-1 n. Black Dress Taffeta; 1 quality.
36-ln. Silk Poplins; 1.00 quality , . .
20-tn. Novelty Dress Silk; 91.23 qual.
24-ln. Silk Crepe de Chine; 91 "qual...
32-ln. Fine Tub 811 ks; 91.00 quality..
27-In. Satin Messafllne; 91.00 quality..
Shepherd Plaid Suitings; BOc qualities
Wool Serjre Hulunjr;; 59c qualities
Air' Wool Crepe ; 75c qualities. . t. .
Novelty French Serge; f 1.0O quality
All Wool Srgefl, sponged and shrunk;
n. !
All Wool Poplins; 75c qualities ?
54-in. Fancy Suitings; 91JB5 quality..
French Herges; 91. DO qualities......
5-Id. Plaid Suitings; 91.0O qualUies.
All Wool French Crepe; 91.00 quality.
54-lri. Black Poplins; 91.23 qualities.
Several other Special Ix)ts.
In the" Daylight Silk and Dress Goods Section Monday
Iff .'T?er4AaLt--isTa?E:' .''! -(fc
gMasiialMiiiiiniiiTiiiiii Biiiiiri ii'ihiin iiiiiiwfti grirstui
75c Embroideries, 49c
A Splendid New Line of '
27-In. Embroidered Flouncings
Dainty new patterns, on very
fine lawn; regular 75c a, yard
values; Monday, yd.. . . 49
Fancy Veilings, 5c Yd. S
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx
Suits & Overcoats
$26.00 and $28.00 1 C 7C
values, choice . . . J 1 D D
$20.00 and $2260 A n sr
values, choice . . . . "P 1 aas e O
OtRer Well Known ' Brands of
Resdy-to-wear Clothes, $12.60
and $16.00 values, t o ry r"
choice .... DOa O
i vt., li
I 711 ll
" Cottons and Bedding
Monday Values Offer Important Savings
Bleached yard-wide Muslin,
soft finish, excellent
goods, at, yard
Outing Flannel, In pink and
blue stripes, soft, fleecy, C
8o goods, yard OC
Short lengths Zephyr Gingham,
mill ends of 7 Me to
16c grades, yard
White Dress, Cross Bar Dim
ity, Dotted Swiss, Fancy
Pique and Corded Fabrics;
Ideal (or children's wash
dresses; now, at
Fancy shirting and walstlng
Madras Cloth, white grounds,
printed figures and qo
stripes, yard 2 C
N'ovelty Curtain Scrim, assort
. ment of hundreds of pieces to
choose from, at, Q
the yard aC
Sheets, 72x90 size, of - good
quality, regular value, COc;
bleached or un- OQ
bleached, each ...... 37C
Pillow Cases, 42x45x36, hem
raed, good qual
ity, each
Housekeeping Linens
Towels, Sheets and Cdses
75 Dofen Novelty Border Turk
ish Towels, full bleached, ex
tra ' quality, absorbent, color
borders, blue, green or pink
extra values each .... .20i
25 Pieces Fine. Thread, Irish
Ltnen, Satin Finish Table Da
mask, 70-inch width, new de
signs; this quality, at the
yard 81.00
With 22-inch Napkins to match,
dozen $3.00
150 Dozen Extra Quality Sheets
81x90 . size, heavy round
thread,' made s for . extreme
hard service; 85c goods, for,
each 69J
100 Dozen Pillow Cases; choose
(from 45 or 42x30-lnch sizes;
torn and hemmed, fine val
ues,, each, at 15
A big lot of fancy veilings,
pretty patterns, desirable col
ors, at, yard ..5
35c Ribbons, 9c
A bier line of plain and fancv
Silk Ribbons, 25c to 35c yard k
i i- -r i a
values; on sale
Men who usually pay $7.50 to
$12.00 for trousers will find a
very pleasant surprise in this
Trousers usually sold at $6.00
and $7.00 which we cCfer Mon
day, choice of all.
Fashion's Last Word in Apparel for Women at Most
Attractive Pricings in Monday's Sale. See Them.
A remarkable advance showing of the ndw modes in Spring Suits,
Dresses,"Skirts, Waists. Values we're confident you can't duplicate.
Spring Styles, the Most Varied and Beautiful Shown in Years
Hundreds of Beautiful Dresses Good assortment
and superior qualities at each price 10.00,
$12.75, $15.00, $10.50 up to $35.00
New spring Skirts
A broad assortment of most desir
able and practical new styles, in
all popular colors and materials
$3.95, $5, $6.50 to $12.50
Sets, Scarfs and Muffs market!
at Half and jEven Less Than
Half the Regular Retail Prices.
Handsome Spring Tailored Suits A splendid
showing of the newest style ideas at attractive
early pricings', $25, $29.75, $35, $45 to $65
' a
Beautiful New Waists
Dress waists, negligee' waists, all
choicest new style ideas, mater
ials, colorings; splendid values
$2.95 $3.95 $5 $7.50 $10
Pricings on Winter Shocks That Mean Quick Clearance A compleje disposal of all left-overs. ' Our
winter is practically over yours but just beginning. Save largely on garments you need right now,
Hundreds of Pretty Dresses for
street and afternoon. wear, includ
ing a choice lot of dancing dresses
- to $T0.00 values ...... .$7.95
75 Handsome . Tailored -Siits )
Fall and v inter styles, made to
sell up to $35.00, in one lot to. close
Monday, choice
Nobby Styles in Women's and
Misses' Winter Coats $20.00 to
$29.75 values; most popular-fabrics
and materials.
eo oc if
. iPJiOiJ i
if'f IV. -
rim fit
I I lr Ui V
Long Silk Kimonos and Bath
Robes A splendid assort
ment' of values to $G; on sale
to close at one price, JJ52.95
1 Gas Ranges
We s41 "Garland" and "Radiant Home."
Small Gas Ranges $10.50
Full sU4-burner Gas Ranges, with 18-ln.
OTen. up from $14.00
Full all 4 -burner
' oven and broiler
Gaa Ranges,
lUSh ovea cabinet ranges, a variety - of y
lies and styles, from ..$29.60 to $00 jt
Largest sise Ct Aluminum Te
Kr-ttles, warranted best quaUty
and the best" Alumhtnra ware
. bai-gaiii ever offereUj special
Monday, at, , . , ... 82.49
Alurulnuin Roasters, large enough
toe rhlckrn ur largo beef or
iwrk roast w .. x -81.40
"Cltaui" rood Choprra aToa
sr, fsw a roea. ur cut,
sot crush, all K-.sds f fkssh, -tablaa
or ant, UaTtng- au ta joioa.
Nor 9 alas, apaciaJ Morulay TSc
No. 1 als, beat i4s for family
use. special
No. t al rKlucod to 81.8S
No. t sls rriut.-el to
bttusas stuffers (or "Climax" chop
pers, (or
Glassware pedals
On 4lh Floor Thursday
$5.00 dozen quality on sale,'!
Monday, each 15?
Etched Water Glasses
$5.00 dozen quality, each,
for -.-.v.- 15
Etched Water Glasses
$1.00 dozen quality, Mon
day, dozen" .60
rialn Sherbet Glasses Worth $2
a dosen, aach .10
Plalu Water GUstws-Thln blown,
60c doien quality, dosen. .30?
25 Earthen Cuspidor. . 10s
Great Sale of Beds
and v
Mattresses This Week $
Vernis Martih Bed, like cut,
2-in. continu6us post, regu
lar $5.50 value, Monday,
at .$3.95
$15.00 Brass Bed with 2-inch continuous or square post
large heavy fillers, best grade lacquered; on sale, $10.00
Fifty Other Patterns in Brass Beds C
At urryajjouauigiy ajow rnces juonaay.
6.50 Cotton Felt Mattreswea, 45
lbs. weight, built up, not stuffed,
t 55.00
Best values you'll flnd'to Oiuaha.
6 Patterns of Rockers, golden or
fumed oak and mahogany finish,
genuine leather upholstered.
tlz.&Q. values ........ . rn
; ; ; : 11 j .
Special Sale Prices for Monday in Hay den's Big Grocery Department
S, X las. ks rraalaU Ba-ar. ..1A0 i Lsrce bottle Worcester Sauc. pura I ran OU Sardines as i Th best No. 1 tora Earirs, dos..8Se I alxa Grape Fruit. rer lOe e.h b aV
4-la. aaoks Vssi kiaTh nads Diamond I Tom,to .taup. fUklea, HorieJ 1-lb. can fancy hweet Pusar Tor-i. No. 1 Country Creaunery Butter, per . S4 alia Graoa frultl ;'u7V.Vk
73 K. Flosr. botfila tinar tar br..,l. klu: Jiorriolleh or Idustoxd HV.S Wax. 8trlns. Green or Llnui TeaiiH, lb. SOa r,.r ..iiJM "w" rear. ( each. -
10 bars beat 'Km Alt tuaJry 8ua,ls
the mwu or uuality, not qunt.:v;
I.anioxyjE UjiunJiy Qusea Whit
liinlr rimi ....k&tf
10 lua. t et w hit or Yellow Corniel
.tor 19a
7 lt. beet nolle'l Whit BreaWfi.-t
uiniel for S6i
4 lis. beet baud pkkSt Navy ISenna
fur 4 . . . .
-IU. I'eWe Bmklo C'llotoUlj.
cell! or ria:!illt. pk. ..... .T
Advo Jell fur Ueooert. uotlilnK like it,
per pks. . . . , . , 7'ja
V., C i'i.iii fluked, pkg,
(Irapa Nuts, pks" .....loo
20-ot. )nr purs et rained Htnsv.,..iif
1-oa. tr pur fruit Freeerv., .S
!-. Jar pur fruit Prearye ,.lo
I -lb. pks. Aiai-cai ISinokiua Tobevo-
for ls
Ta.ll cku Alaska Baiiuon. ...... .10
t-lb. can llomluy. Uoblen Pumpkin,
Haked Beans or t4auer Kraut ..7 1
Hereliev'a Hreakfaet I'ufon, lb. ...3u
Mailarens' tVanut Butter, lb., lSo
The beat Tea tsiftinss. 10 ll.a
tillei Santos Coffee.' lb. .... . 30
Th Better. Err sad Cheeee star Set
for the reuvle of OtasJt.
Ths beat Creaiiioiy Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb Zt
The beat strictly fresh E-, do.
O rjtrjTirjrij'irjrjr Pays TRY IIAYDEN'S TIEST It Vzajrrnr
3 lbs. cool Butterlu for Bio
la-aiaoa aTarsjl Oraajr Sal Special.
Tk Oraac of QoaOltr. . Oallfor
aia'a ma. . x
8 siie, res;. S0o do, our price.. 35
sUe. re. 0o ds-. our price. .SO
'-' pixe, rear- 40c dos., our price.. 8ft
17 kite, re. Sua dos., our price. .SO
Z14-io0 site. rear. 2o dos, our price,
l-eroaoa , ...16
. . w o
Tk Taa-taU Market for ta lHopl
VI ViuKDst,
Tlie best Ff-d Klver turiy Ohio Pots
toe. 15 lbs. to peck 20o
The best Wisconsin CabUuse. lb., Hs
Jersey 8weet potatoes, i lba.,.10
t-anry Pape-Cod (Yanberries. ul., 7V.o
l'resb Beets, Carrota. Turnlpa. BliaJ-
lota or BadisheH, biinch 4o
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb, TV,
1 lare Souo Bunches 10
Fancy Head Lettuce, heat) , Ja