Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Sixty-Fonr Stndenti of Central High
and High School of Commerce
' Are Graduated.
Twenty-erven BTH1iiat"s of the Central
Iih school and thlrty-stvn s-raduates
rf the High School of Commrroc received
thlr diplomas at the inid-wintr com
jncnrrmpnt last evening In the hlsh school
Superintendent Uraff complimented the
jrotina men and women (or thrlr work and
President C. J. Krnst of ttie Hoard of Kcl
u oat ton presented the diplomas.
nv. J. Frank Young. ptor of West
niniter rrrshytcrlan church, offered
prayer. Dr. D. E. Jenklna, chairman of
the committee -on teachers and tnstrtic
tlon. and Jiresldmt of tha fnlverslty of
WBha. presented cadet certificate to
Joel Jackaon as first lieutenant and adju
tant. Third battalion, and to Fred U N'lel
eta ai second lieutenant. Company D.
Ir. Dber the Speaker.
Tha address nu delivered by Ir.
Charles W. rabney, president of the Uni
versity of Cincinnati, and father of tha
"Cincinnati plan." which plan ha eluci
dated briefly In hi address.
There was a time," aald Pf. Parmer.
.1 i r....,mAri utterly uaiust to
1" ono man In order to give "th.r J "LV Br, yOe-
man a children an eoucai'.on. i ....
we 'FOt free elementary arhools, wa e
cifred frea nlh school In every city and
town of this land. Than cornea free nor
mat schools: then frea agricultural and
mechanical tolletre and finally free tat
' ' For Rick aad Tr Alike.
"All these frea Institution ara founded
upon tha principal of equality of oppor
timlt for rich ar4 poor alia. But when
It coraes to tha atata unlveralty tha rich'
and poor do not bava an equal oppor
tunity, for tha poorer young men nd
women cannot afford tha ezpen of go
lrm there.
Tha Isrne la coming,: and It la not far
school. Va can Justify oiir pitiful little
strivings here on earth only on the
ground that they ara to develop strong
men and women.
in tho Vnlverslty of Cincinnati we use
real schools to give our graduating
teachers their practice; wo use real shops
and factories for tha apprenticeship of
our young men, instead of building and
maintaining shops of our own, and our
young doctors get practical training
rlKht in the city hospital. The whole
great enterprise Is carried nlonij at an
exponso far below: Its Importance and In
fluence." The graduates were: 1
Central Illah Debnnl.
Vsrv I. Hrewer .mrk Austin
Mtlurefl Ca risen William M. Horry
Kllsaljeth Carr Wnrren K. Klt-li
Cii'l'e l;. I'hrletrnsen Howard V. flrtmlcn
.Mildred M. lnuaon JuH Jav Jackson
Herman F. Krelle
Jacob N. Laurie
Mayer II. Mmisky
r rd Ia Nielsen
Senate Hai Few More Employe, bat
the Work li Banning' Smoothly
All Along the Line.
Helen M. Cixik
Jiillsheli I. Uuth
Mildred A. 1I"SK
MalK-l K. H-.lniisren
T. K. M. Johnnson
Marie nli-en
Rese M: Holiinson
Kbtia J. Sereneen
Ulady M Taylor
Illah School
Rose AfWelson
Marrtnret Klder
Laura 0')ehrlng
Mildred Hansen
Mildred Hartwell
l.uella Jncobsen
Mildred Jensen
Kdlth Johnson
Josephine Johnson
Hannah Hooper
Kdna It. Letovsky
Margaret Mcrgen
Ruby N.irgard
Clara Olsen
Helen C. Peterson
Isador n. Hips
Iavid Shall h
Olenn A. Ptromberg
Alph.jnsoC. Wilson
of Commrrrf.
Jennie Kp'gln
Keslnn Tau 'hen
I.aciamlr ('. Uartos
Olenn Child
William Co '
1 'oll H. Onienlg
Thomas t.urnett
norebl llarr'nftton
James H. Healy
1 deal Jackson
Julius Krsgh
Klmcr Lnplriske
1ennart Milliters;
lien Novltsky
ArihcirW. I'etonenn
Arthur J. Ronengren
Irvlpg !oreiisen
William Turner
Interesting Legal
. Point is Raised by
Will of a Priest
ROMB, Jan. 21. An Interesting legal
point haa been raised by a contest over a
legacy of XZ3.0W left by the Rev. Cesar
Salvl. The priest will provided that tho
money waslo go to Cardinal Svampa, then
archbishop of Bologna, or to his successor
In office In ease of the death of the car
dinal occurred before that of the testator,
-. i ine money waa 10 do usea ior aucn cnar-
duilent. when every city In th ' United , )ubu p,,, t th might
State will have Its own university, free , elftCt v ,
for all Its youth who want U atlena.
That la what we now have In Cincinnati.
Cincinnati. J have made Inveetigauon
snowing teat. at least 1,900 of those 1.600
could not have secured a university edu
cation at all if they had been compelled
to go to some other place to attend the
unlveralty. At a cost of only about 1180,000
a year we have provided the higher edu
cation' tor them,
"ruch a university In every city la
needed for the sake of the clUcs them
Cardinal flvampa'a death occurred be
fore that of Father Balvt and be waa sue-
Out of eur SJ00 etu4ept..1.6X are Iron dsJ b Cardinal Dekla Chiesa. who Is
now Pope Benedict Kather ' Balvl' will
tis contested by Ma relative on the
ground that Cardinal Svampa had died
and that hi successor, having become
pope could not receive the legacy unless
authorised by a special royal decree. Con
sequently it was held, neither of tha
persons designated In the will could re
ceive the money.
The court decided today that the pre-
elves. . Vfe need to educate our young ent archbishop of Bologna, Monslgnor
men and' women In order to root out uoh
condition a eilst in New Tork and
Philadelphia and a did exlt In Clnctn
tiaU up to a fow year ago.
Keep, Moaey at Home.
vBuch an Institution In a city serve to
keep tha money at home which would be
spent In Come other city If studenlo went
away to achool. Moreover It give a cer
tain rnora. and spiritual force to the body
It find .Kiitlflcallon, alo, In'th fact
tjhat ;.th whole -world 1 really tmly a
Qubmanl, wna the only person entitled
to claim the Inheritance.
McCormick Says He
is Still a Mooscr
For:about a year 1 suffered with pain
in the beak and would be very tired when
ajislng.ln the .morning, with burning1
Bcnsuttoa. I. dropped In weight to 110
pounds. I read one of your advertise-'
menu and commenced taking "Pr. Kil
mer' Swamp-Root and gained from 110
to lto pound. l have been feeling good
ever since. I tovk four bottles of Vt. Kil
mer' Bwamp-Root altogether and I high
ly recommend It to my friends as a good
rmedy. fur any one suffering a I did.
I ara employed in, a store, and have to
bo on mjr feet all the time. 1 am thirty,
four year old.
' Tour very truly,
' . T. H. MORGAN.'
ElUabcth City, N. C.
' reraonalfy' appeared before mn this 10th
day of April, V.'U, T. H. Moran, who sub-
ecrlbed the above statement and made
oath that the same 1 true In substance
and In fact.
, , J. KENYON WiLfc-ON.
Notary' lubllu.
CHICAGO, Jan. M.-MedlU McCormick,
former ' Illlnolg National committeeman
of the progressiva party and progressive
member of the Illinois legislature' today
Issued a statement explaining hi accept-
anca - of th . Invitation to attend tb
eauou of ,. republican legislators at
Bpiitigfleld and Ma effort t aid n
organising the lower house of tha 111!
ool general assembly. Hs aald:..
'The treat number of letter WWoh 1
have received from republican, a well
a from tha progressive all over the
country - show . that undue tmportanra
ha been given to my participation In
the republican caucus of the IlllngU
house of representatives, because of the
unintentional misquotation : of my state
ment to the caucus, on the part of
correspondents who of course -were not
present, -
"A purely personal reference to the
pleasure of association wltn old frien.1
belonging to the party of nfy father has
been made to Imply that we gave obli
gation regarding our future party
actuations, W gave none and none
wa asked of us." i
"Mr. McCormick then aald ha and Mr.
Hick, a associate progressive, . we-
confronted with the duty of breaking a
deadlock Over the speakership In the
(From a fitaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. 23. Sr?c ial.)-That ef
ficiency Is being sac rificed In the Interests
of economy In one branch of the legle-
ilnture is ihown by the first two weks'
record, ns shown by the book In the
he use, n:i1 rnmriarei! with a similar period
In the senate. '
Tho senato in the first two weks had
on Hie pay roll forty-three employes,
although but fifteen were at work the
first week. On the other band, the house
haa had on Its psy roll for the aoino
period, seventeen employes.
Hooks of the sensto show that the
forty-three employes havo cost the state
f'jr the two weeks ending January 17,
What lloase Xpenl.
The house employes, numbering seven
teen, cost tho state HM for the same
period with an allowance fur overtime of
Il.i3, making a total cost of $4.M.
The bookkeeper estimates that $.T5 to $.7)
will cover the senate overtime. Taking
the higher amount for it the. first two
weks" work of tbe senate coat for forty
three employee, pair In the house eeven
ten employee cost the elate for the same
time, $r,lrt, a difference In cost of StT.
Atito Kfflrlenry.
Tlls gives the economy side of tha
ledger the better ide of the argument,
but It efficiency aid follows:
Today there ha been printed and de
livered to the house bill room bills num
bered up to M of the 199 Introduced
In the house. Of these 96, there are sev
eral missing, the files showing 20 which
have not ben delivered, among them
those a early as No. J. I, 13, IS, 19, 20
and 2L This show that but li of the
bill, or about one-half, have not ap
In tho senate there are TO bill In the
bl'l room without a break In the number
out of the 100 Introduced, apparent!'-
ahowing greater efficiency in the senate
end of the legislature than in the house.
What Grace Think.
In the worda of Senator Grace, chair
man of the committee on employe In the
senate, "I believe that economy ceases
to be economy when efficiency suffers.
I live In a farming community, but I
believe the farmer are not so interested
In how cheap the legislature can b run
a to what the legislature doe along
effective legislation. They want to see
th'nga accomplished and are willing to
pay for It. I shall not be afraid to go
baqk to my people with the record wa
have made o far. "Wa have cut down
the list of employes from seventy-one to
little over forty. That la. enough a a
tarter. I believe In dividing up the
women we may have to spend among
number rather than giving It all to Just
a few.
flhonta at Economy.
"Those fellow over In tha house who
havebeen shouting economy and critlcli
lng us, have been unable to get their
work done, but they were not above
ooming over her and using our atenog
rapher until I discovered th tact and
told them we hired our Help and needed
them, and If they wanted someone over
there , to do their work, to go and hire
theat a tha senate did."
During the seoond two week the em
ploye of tha house hava been Increased
to twenty-als, two of them being stenog
rapher for the use of 100 members. Over
In th senate there are eleven- atenog.
rapher. counting the engrossing room
employes, and they appear to have plenty
to do most of the time.
Demos Make Ship
Bill Party Measure
WASHINGTON, Jan. . B-nate demo
crat In caucus today reached final agree
ment on the adm nlstration ship pur
chase bill, and adopted a resolution mak
ing It a party meaaure. Three democrat
voted against th resolution, Ixit It was
later made unanimous on motion of Sen
ator Rankhead, who had originally voted
against It.
President Wilson
.Visits Art Exhibit
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S.-Presldat
Wilson spent more than two hours today
lewlng an exhibition of oil painting by
contemporary American artisfs at the
"orcoran Gallery of Art. The president
mingled freely with group of art stu
dents nnd achool girls and although he
wa frequently recognized thecrowd al
lowed him to walk about unattended.
Australian Cruiser
Sinks German Ship
LONDON. Jan. 21 A Melbourne dis
patch to Itcuter's Telegram company
atatea that an Australian orulaer on Jan
uary 6 captured and sank a supply ship
which had been acting as an auxiliary
for German cruisers. The officers and
men of the German ship are prisoner
aboard tho cruiser.
Iowa New Note -
1XS AN After being out an hour and
thirty minutes, the jury found Fred
Loeffel guilty, Thursday afternoon, in the
matter of paening a worthless 11 check
on the First National bank of Dunlap,
nd JudKe Arthur, later, sentenced Loef
fel to fifteen years In the Anamoaa re
formatory, unless sooner paroled.
BHENANDOAH John Nye. a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nye of- Hhenanhoah,
as been appointed vice consul to the
aland of Ceylon. He ha been teaching
at Grand llaplds. Mich., this w'nter and
will leave about February 1 for hVs post.
Walter Leonard, formerly of Essex, la,.
1 the United State consul at Ceylon.
LOGAN A dispatch haa been received
here announcing tha death of Mlsa Helen
Dega at Tucson. Aria., where she had
sone with the hope of benefiting her
health. .
MAGNOLIA At a meeting of the direc
tors of the Magnolia Savings bank the
capital was Increased to SZd.OOQ, to meet
the demands of tbe buatneaa of the bank.
The deposits of tha bank have Increased
to tl50,0ii0 In the last five year.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer ft Co.,
Bingham ton. M, V.
frw What Swasjt-taat Will 0 tor Tea
bend ten cent to Or. Kilmer & Co.,
litnghajouin, N. Y., for a cmmpla
bottle, it will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable In
formation, telling about tha kidney and
bladder. When writing be sura and men
tion tti Omaha Sunday Bee. Regular
ftfty-cent'and one-dollar le bottle for
ale at all drug store.
('A Stitch in Time
"Saves Nine" :
.'YOU -will Bare and insure
more hapi'y hour by giving
vour teeth attention at this
Urn.- You 1U bve tbe hard
ship and Iokb of sleep that
decayed teth faue. You will
ijav real teeth that need not
lie. replaced by others. 'You
will eave a tooth which at this
time requires ooly u small fill--lng.-'
Yon will save a quantity
of dollar. You will save many
Iileasaut words to tell friends
what my derations and prices
are like.
Your action now will save
many, nines.
Tail's Denial Rooms
Deputy Sheriffs
Spend Night in Jail
NBW URUKSW1CIC N. 3.. Jan. B.-
Thtrty-two deputy sheriffs of Middlesex
oounty. employed by a private detective
agency to guard the fertiliser plant of
the American Agricultural company at
Roosevelt, . N. J., spent the night In the
county Jail her and faced arraignment
today on charges of murder. Tha dep
uties. It Is alleged, all participated In the
shooting at Roosevelt last Tuesday In
which nineteen strlksrs war woundad.
two of them dying of their wound.
Member of th grand jury were noti
fied by rroaecutor Flora noe to reassert
ble In extraordinary aeaalon her next
Tuesday to consider tb charge against
th deputies.
General-Davis Will
Command on Border
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2a. - Brigadier
General Tasker II. Biles, commanding the
American troops on the Texas border.
today wa ordered to report to th War
department for duty as assistant chief
of staff. Brigadier General T. F. ' Davis,
now at, Douglas, Aria, will assums com
mand of th troops on th border for th
Major General Frederick Funston
the expiration of his leave of absence
will relieve Major General J. Franklin
Bell of th command of the Second cav
alry division at Texas City, and General
Bell will proceed to San Francisco, where
he will relieve Major General Arthur
Murray of th command of th western
division. General M array will 'retire on
April .
IRVINE, Ky Jan. . A charge of
dynamite exploded last night under the
Estill county court house here, prac
tlcally destroying th structure. ' Th
explosion shook the town and broke
number of windows. Nobody waa In
Jured. A previous attempt to destroy
the building wa made in December, 1913.
when ' dynamlt was exploded In the
corridor, causing alight damage
Gompen Say Any Findings by Or
ganization Carrie No Weight
with Worker.
NEW TORK, Jan. 21 famuel Coro
ners, president of th American Federa
tion of Labor, does not believe that any
conclusion the Rockefeller foundation
might reach as to Industrial conditions
would carry conviction to the workers of
the country or greatly Influence the em
ployers of labor. lie said so today In
testifying before the inquiry being con
ducted here by the United States commis
sion on Industrial relation Into the ad
ministration of th great philanthropic)
foundation of the country and the cause
of Industrial unrest.
The Rockefeller foundation recently ap
pointed William Won Mackensle King,
former Canadian minister of labor to
make a study of Industrial delations.
"The effort of the Rockefeller founda
tion to undertake to be an, all-pervading
machinery for the moulding of the mind
of the people In their constant human
struggle," said Mr. Gompers, "should be
curbed by law or regulajlon."
While ho wa testifying he wa indi
rectly questioned by Walter Drew, at
torney for the Merchant' and Manufac
turers' association and counsel for the
National Erectors' association at the ttm
of tho McNamara dynamite ease. Mr.
Gompers branded aa an Intentional Insult
a question by Mr. Drew as to the use of
dynamite and violence In labor disputes.
Later Mr. Drew persisted In Interrupting
the witness and Chairman Walsh threat
ened to ask him to retire from the hearing
unless he desisted.
Iheae, self-appointed and extremely active
agent to bring peace and "pie" to tho
warring factions In the old common
wealth. Representative Ploan has accepted an
Invitation to speak before the Republican
Tariff league of Pittsburgh. Fa.; on the
evening of January Z7. His subject be
"McKlnley," the meeting being In the
nature of a birthday anniversary of the
martyred president whose birth occurred
January 29, 1843.
(Continued from Page One.)
(From a Staff Crrespondent.)
"WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-8pecni. , Tele
gram.) Arthur Sprague of York and
Colonel Fleharty of Omaha have decided
to remain In Washington until Monday.
Whether this decision comes with the
hope that something tangible In the way
of a solution to the patronage question
in Nebraska may happen Monday Is
problematic. Today, however, there Is
nothing to indicate that either Secretary
Bryan or Senator Hitchcock have con
ceded anything to the Importuning of
plete check to the Germans at Fontaine
Madame, aa waa set forth in our report
last night An attack of the enemy at a
point near St. Hubert resulted in an in
fantry engagement which has not yet
come to sn end. According to the latest
reports we are holding all our positions.
"On the Meuse the fire of our artillery
compelled the enemy to evacuate an am
munition depot and Inflicted serious dam
age on the foot bridge In front of St,
"nl Alsace the infantry fighting in the
region of Itartroann-Wellerkopf continea
We are In close contact with the enemy
and there has been no interruption to the
fighting. Near Cernay, Hill No. 4:5 was
attacked by the enemy, but without suc
cess. Further to the south we made
progress in th direction of Petit Kahl
berg, to tbe north and near the Aspach
Sam Huntley Cops
Off First Coin at
Pinehurst Shoot
Word has heen received In Omaha that
Sam Huntley, Omaha's crack amateur
trap shooter, waltzed off with first
money In the big midwinter trap shoot
at Pinehurst. N. C, yesterday. Huntley
carries off a nice bag of coin for his
prowess. The Pinehurst shoot I one of
the biggest shoots of the year and f hoot
ers from all over the country eompet.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23,-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Rural fetter carrier appointed:
NebraskaCrete, Elward O. Conrad.
South Oaknta Wilmot, rout 2, Fred
erick W. Will.
Pnstmanters appointed:
Nebraska Albany, Sheridan county,
Lucy Stelnhaus, vice W. A. Cutler, re
signed: Cowles. Webster county, Alta T.
Deakln. vice H. H. Wmbaker, resigned;
Grade. Loup county, George W. Zelgler,
vice G. F. Oaley, resigned; Lorettto,
Boone county, Edward J. Mnlle, vice R.
K. btewart, resigned; Saint Mary, John
son county, Herman H. Lechuraann, vice
Henry Hints, removed.
South Dakota Gelnd, Perkins county,
Leanor Lennon, vice C A. Miles, resigned.
Pawnee City Loses.
PAWNEE CITY. Neb.. Jan. 23. (Spe
cial.) The Panee City High school basket
ball team lost the second game of the
season played on the home floor tonight
to the team from the Auburn High school,
83 to 28. The Inability of the local boys
to locate the basket contributed lanrelv
to their defeat, many easy chances being
missed by wide margins. Warren of the
visitors was retired by the referee for two
personal Toms, and uaughertv of Auburn
had one personal foul called on him. The
visitors excelled In tesjn work.
Orleans Man Named
Deputy Game Warden
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 23.-(Speelal.)-John O.
Holmes of Orleans has been appointed
by governor Moruhsad as one of the
three apodal deputies serving under
Game and FJfh Commissioner Ruten
beok. No other appointments have yet
been made, although tho original two
year terms of all three deputies havj
The three deputies serving at present
are Sam Bowers of Columbus, William
Kentopp of Falls City and U. aderson
of Valentine. Nothing has bcon given
out as to which, If sny, of the present
deputies, Mr. Holmes supplants.
TOLEDO, O., Jan. 23. The Toledo
News-Bee was fined $7.5nO and N. P.
Cochran, editor, was fined $200 by Judge
Killlts today In the United States district
court on charges of contempt growing
out of comments on Judge Killlts' con
duct of a case Involving a 3-cent all day
street car fare ordinance here. The Judge
said that Mr. Cochran was only the In
strument, although willing, of a big corporation.
Wolkaek Win.
BURWELL, Neb.. Jan. 23.-(8peclaJ.)
Friday night a double-header basket ball
game wa plawed between the burwell
High school and the Wolach H'gh school.
In the s-lrle' game Wolbach won, the
score being 18 to 8. In the boys' game
Wolbach won, 17 to 11.
Tarklo Wins Game.
TARKIO. Mo., Jan. 83. (Special Tele
gram. ) Tarklo college defeated William
Jewell hero tonight in a hard fouuhi
game of foot ball, la to 26. Jewell 1,1
at the first half, 14 to 12. Peterson.
Balrd and Hawthorne starred for Tar
klo. Jeffries for Jewell. Referee, Hoover
Baker university.
: M '
Training Trip of Red
Sox is Announced
BOtyrON. Jan. JS. Arrangements
the spring training trip of tho Boston
Americana were announced by (Secretary
Kdwln Riley today. Th first squad, con
sulting of battery candidates, will report
at Hot Springe, Ark., March T. th other
player appearing a week later. The only
exhibition game officially scheduled
after th team isaves Hot Fprlngs. are:
Memphis, April s. i and S; Louisville.
April U, I and ; Cincinnati. April ft. U
and 11. Oaina with other teams prob
acy win ne piayea on me training camp.
Cferaa I ae-Cod y .
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Jan. ti.-tBpeclal.')
Waalay Carmine and Mis Lenorah Cody
well known young people of Elk Creek
were married In Teoumsch Thursday
evening, th marriag being a surprise
t their friends. The bride has been
stenographer for a Teeumsea building
concern for several y tar. They will llv
on a farm near Elk Creels.
AVBL'RN, Neb.. Jan. 81 -(Special)
Oscar Fisher of Beatrice and M u Maud
6nyder, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Frank
Snyder, were married here Thursday.
NEW YORK. Jan. XL-Two lxteen-inch
guns, fifty-three feet long and weighing
nearly seventy-five ton each were
lashed to tha dck of th Cunanrer Tran
sylvania when it sailed today for Liver
pool. .Behind the guns was placed a
turret for a battleship, giving the liner
warlike appearance. The guns were
niado by the Uethleham ftteel corporation
and were couslgned to a ship building
company at Belfast.
V ... - ,......
Monday Will Be One of the Best Days in the January Linen Sale
The Annual Bedspread Sale
' Starts Tomorrow (Monday)
In conjunction with tho linen sale, we announce for
Monday the sale of our stock of fine bedspreads, con
sisting of Crocheted Quilts, Ripplette and Dimity
Spreads, Domestic and Imported Marcelles Spreads.
We wish you to note particularly that all of the fine
imported spreads offered in this sale CANNOT BE
$ 1.75 Heavy Crocheted Bedspreads . ... $1.39
$ 2.50 Heavy Crocheted Bedspreads . . . . $1.89
$ 2.75 Heavy Crocheted Bedspreads ... . . $2.00
$ 450 Scalloped Satin Spreads . . ... . $3.00
$ 6.00 Imported Marcelles Spreads . . ... . $4.33
$ 8.75 Imported Marcelles Spreads . . . . $6.00
$10.00 Imported Marcelles Spreads . .. . . $7.50
$12.00 Imported Marcelles Spreads . . . .$8.89
$ 1.75 Ripplette Spreads . . . s . .. . ., $1.39
$ 2.00 Ripplette Spreads .,.,. . . . $1.50
$ 2.25 Ripplette Spreads ....... . $1.89
$ 2.25 Colored Striped Ripplette Spreads . . $1.89
Following Is a list of the subscriptions
to th Belgian relief fund reported at
Lincoln; i
Amount of subscriptions previ
ously reported 7,4?J.TS
renont blste bank. Kreiuunt S tut
4!eorre O. Walte. Lincoln 1.0k)
Mr. v. it. h loams, (. owles lo 0
! View club, ttultun 3.M
hlpworth League uf Federated
t-hurchea, I'almyra 4.35
Mrs. t). K. Smith, Tatiadena. Cal. 13. VO
Methodist Entxcopal tiunday schovl, 1
Meadow drove fa RJ
Curtis Mills, collected at Curtis .. 2a.&
'If yon have a 'Sunshiny Room" let
people know about it in this rulumn of
Be Want Ada
OXLf 0!B cBROMO dl'IMti:,
Tt git th genuine, call for full name.
Laxative Brome Quinine. Look for signa
ture of ti. W. a rove. Cur a cold lit on
day. M cents. ......
Mveaaras of Urea a Steaaarrs.
ttt Am. fctile.
f .N UOM Mmuelxi.a
rot rNHAOIM. 1 UIU4 iu.. .
Uvi.ttl-uOi... Maua
AY&U - FlaUnd
MW vonit.... Otiicwa kua Crua
VPW Tl'HK.... ujitu
lr w v. iKK..... R.u,a lull.
fcoarOrt. .... Caaur
An Extraordinary Clearing of Silks
Monday $1 lo $1.50 Qualities, Choice 49c a Yard
The greatest values we have ever known. Several
hundred yards of Satins, Stripes, Brocades, Printed
Warps, Novelties. These goods will be arranged on
special counters. Your choice . . . . 49o a yard
These Special Linen Prices
For Monday Are Worthy of Notice
We have never offered better linen than these. .
As to the prices: In our estimation, now, is the
time to purchase because while we have no idea of how
much prices will advance, we know that they are ad
vancing now, and the end is not yet in sight.
Table Cloths
$ 2.50 Bleached, Round
designs . . . $1.89
$ 4.75 Bleached, Bound
- designs . $3.50
$ 6.00 Bleached, Round
designs . . . $100
$ 7.50 Bleached, Round
designs ; $5.00
$10.00 Bleached, Round
designs ... $7.50
Fine Napkins
$4 50 Bleached Nap
kins . $2.75 a dozen
$ 5.00 Bleached Nap
kins . $3.75 a dozen
$ 6.00 Bleached Nap
kins . $4.75 a dozen
$ 7.50 Bleached Nap.
kins . $4.89 a dozen
$15.00 Bleached Nap
kins . $10.00 a dozen
Turkish Towels
45c Snow White Turk
ish Towels . . 25c
25c Show White Turk
ish Towels . .19c
50c Snow White Tur
kish Towels . .29c
Bleached Table
$1.50 72-Inch Bleached
Damask, $1.00 a yard
$1.75 72-Inch Bleached
Damask, $1.25 a yard
$2.00 72-Inch Bleached
Damask, $1.50 a yard
Ready-Made Crash
Roller Towels
50c Ready Made Roller
. Towels . 35c each
. 65o Ready Made Roller
Towels . 50c each
Infants' Dresses,
Skirts, Gowns
At much lower prices
than regular:
Infants' Oottoa tVepe
f towns, alee t and it
yer . ,. , . . 3Q
Hn Nainsook Skirts)
and blip. J?f 69
08cV 81.10.
Hand . Made
(owns and
. SI. 40.
Infanta Bibs, 5, 10,
15, 25.
CiOldron' WnJt Dree.
Uowos, bkirt and
Drawer, alae 2 to 0
year, at gmulj reduced
Eiderdown IVatixrobee,
Utm 0, 10, 1-J year, at
half price.
In Our Ready-to -Wear Section
A $4.95 Sale Starting at 8:30 A. M. Monday
61 Coats of chin
chilla, Scotch mix-
39 Winter Suits, all
sizes, black, blue,
brown, wisteria in
broadcloths, serg
es and gabardines,
worth $12.50 jto
$45.00, $4 QC
Monday. ptl
22 Dresses for street,
afternoon and
danco wear, of
silks, serges and
dainty laces; for
merly $18.50 to
Monday PtWJ
tures and novelty
weaves, all sizes,
worth $15.00 to
The Fur Shop
v Has a few bargains
left in fine furs. If you
wish fine furs cheap, it
will pay you to investigate.
This $4.95 Sale is the Bargain
..Event of the Season
It is a part of our genuine clearance each January.
On account of the values offered we cannot send these
garments on approval or accept their return from cash
or credit customers.