TIIE OM.UIA U -l-J 1 ij " SUNDAY BEK: .lAXtJARY 24, 1915. SOCIETY HEARING LECTURES More TW Usual Quiet Freraih for This Time of the Year, at JLent Approaches. INTEREST IN ENGAGEMENTS Mortal Calendar. SUXrrAT Mr. and Mra. Ciithlwrt Vin cent, dinner prtv for iTof. and Mra. ;rrrft K. Chatlmrn of tjncoln. WON DAT Alma Olurk-Kfrem Klmhnlim. ronryrt part Ira nt Prand'ls thstr; Cr. tor I.flke tlwtmmlna; end Hnllnj rlub, luncheon nt Commercial club; Tr-am Auction Bridge club, Mrs. Rufus Harris. he-Mrs. Tl KSDAT-Mra. TCrtjsur A. U!rt nd Mrn Raynmnd Haywaru, hnsiesca at hrle luner.oon at homo of Wri. Halrd; Trttilant HrdlB lub, Mle Plolla Thummrl. lioMcsw; Mr. J. M. Metcalle, dinner arty: Amifiir Mu.-lral rlub, Mi. T. J. iah ric, hostess: KurtnlahUy UrMan rlnh. H'fn Oljja for. IiofIcpb; Oiplioom lhrnr "rty for Mr. and Mr. Mill Hindy. Mrn Kllzaheth Mruce, hoct rs: All Kalnls' rVlnr ttullrt, Mra. W. t. Fuller. he-Mess; Tm-wlav I!rilto rlub, MIm . EHrslwtrt hK1in, linatce): THimbV rlub; A"rvi)r Crafty Kulld of l'ranV Pat, at f lie rlub house. V'K.li.NKSliA subscription rnl danco at Tmi'liir academy; prripuinn tne ilHBic dinners ill be alvrn by Mr. and Mra. John A. MuShane, Mr. and Mra. Kiank ll.imiltn. Mr. and Mis. Joaaph Hwkrr, Mr. and Mm. K. A. VroRtn. Mr. and Mra. M. A. Halt and Mra. Dan Wheeler and MIks Ida iharp: Vdn- I ! Mrldne cluli. Mira Ixuiaa Dlnulna, ntcss. Mr. and Mrs. Hartou Millard, dinner for Itev. an'! Mra. I.loyd Hnle wj.plv. cinoKHtn rlub dancing party, h'.-olttsh KHr cathedral. Till RSDAY Mr. and Mra. Arthur Ke iine. d.nncr and dance for inmbra of Tuesday UrMso club: Mr. I'etrr Klved. lun hen and Orplieum theater party for Mr. ana Mm. E. L. ft. John of New Voi It city; PsshIco rlub danulng party, Metropoii'an ball. f'lllAY Ulstr-ais rlnh dunrinc party, t hmlirra' academy: Fan dancing club, Koinn hotel; ul'inilu -danro rlub, liet rofio.llan hall: 11-of. L H. Htoujrhton Mulboin. lectun-e at Kacred Heart ntademv and Ihnshs foclety of Fine Arts, Voiiiiu Woman Christian aM . 1st .on, I! p. in.; MHKInlry party, Urn. 'barle O. Everson, hoetesa; Brandele tlieater parties. 8Art'rtDAV-Hrtla Kwett. tnstlnoe dan innti", Turpln'a ecadvmy; Wadnaaday iirldao flub, rvenlna. party. Mica Oladya and Ddi.l.ne r-t-i. hnta: Mr. and Mr. Ualtr i'ace, 1'iaiidcla theater party. With th advrnt oi lnt the eorlal pace, lumead of looming v ia flw1n down perceptibly, pna.-lbl- becauao Ient do not have (be ram atgnlfk-anca now aa In bygone dav and llttl arfecta , th corlul ralondar. foi lcty at prraent la enjoylnf .let-turea in lliU Intrrval between aoaBona. The lec turcii being Klven by I'rof. I. U. ttouBh ton llullorn undrr the .management of the line Arta aotlety are of keen Inter , ret t. all. )u.lln from th enthualaain of pis ai'dlences. TI-o. mnovini-errn.nt that, he la to Blvc an extra lucture at the Sacred Heart academy Krlilay afternoon la delight Ina: tlie many who liave'laken aurh pleaaure in Ida lildir evening talka. Thla lecture fit th convent It open to everyona on payment of A email adtrdaelon fea and 1'rof. Ftoughtnn Xoiborn will talk on The Greek Drama." Here'i a Chance to Guess. Society la gueealna; thaaa daya or ahaJl I ray alwaya? but. any way, aocioty la (.teaxlnf a littl atrenuoualy Juat iod. and poaalbly wilt tomorrow. One of the debutante la golnc to an nounce her onajacement in two woeka. Aa a llUJe hint I will tell you tho maid eaat, but until very recently waa a weal- ernex. s Off for Warmer Climes Mra. Thorn oa llayea and email coa eft "V,!.y for ,t)aJvBton, Texaa to Join lieutenant ILayea. titer ependtnf aeveral T. U Klna-wait Lieutenant Hayea la hulldina; bungalow which face the era wall at GeJveaton and they will occupy it during the remainder of their atay In the Koutb. Mra. O. K. Johannea left Chureday (or I oa Angalee and after a weak there, will go to La JulK to join Mra Clark ColL Mra. Johannes expect to be gone tor bout Uirea roontha. c.'olenel and lira. 8. B. Curtla and M8 4urtla reached Havana laat week' on their way to Fejiania, and upon their mum there will atop at the Hotel Ingl lerra for awhile before going on to Florida. i Mra. W. R. Mathewa,' who want to 1M Angelee ahortly after ChrUtmaa, will ha gone aaother week or two. . Mr. W. Farnain Pmlth and Mr. B. '. Pmith expect to go south about the firm of rbruary. land their coatumea are the quaint' ones of th early Victorian period. Thin will he tho flnt appearance, of tho Fuller alutera wet of Chlraeo. They will com direct from tho Utile theater In Chlraao for thla prrfonnanie and will leave the Fame evenlnu for tbe coaat. Mra L. r Liofoot, preel dent of thn 8acred ltenrt Aluninae, la eager to Interest the fhlldren In thla ballad proaram and or that rea-on a rpeclal price haa been made for child, ren. Ticket may lc aecured from acrrd Heart alumnae. Solons' Wives Meet. Tha Leplglntlve Ladles' league, which waa founded two yeara ago at the be ginning of the legislature and made a permanent organisation at the cloae of the acaalon. met In the parlor of the ten dril hotel, Lincoln, Wedneaday afternoon for a huMneee meotlnB. Mra. John II. Morehend, wlfo of the governor, la the honorary president and very active In the league. Mra. M. A. Hontctler of Hhelion waa re-elcoted prealdent; Mra. l'hillp H. Kohl of Wayne, vice prinld-nt; Mra Walter Klerhel of Johnaon, recording secretary; Mrs. A. K. fheldon of Lincoln, tieasurer. 'About forty women were preaent, and the Indlcutlona are that the leagua will tie, very active In a aoclal way this winter. Mra. Morehead enter tained th wtvea of the leglalatore and Mothers and Children Go a-Visiting (tf i i r:: fit ' ' If lry Ay r vt t ' t t y I ,0). . - - 1 t t ' 1 It A )f:2), V' 1 r V ' -- V JtowiD.M'Cormidk. . f .."v. 'i - I -"rrtouioe.na . .... 1 Ml , , n L' -J- - VI Arthur Hawon In two weeks. Those present Thursday were: Meedamee Medamea A. '. Hlrbee. Vlctnr Juhneon, y. M. ' lark. 1 1. M. fochran. TVMiclae. llort Alesander. Arthur Hanron, O. M. I'ochran. Nnl Haxr, ' Mina lyOryno TioiiKla.". luncheon Wednesday. Mr. C. Y. Wnller gave a luncheon Wednenday at the Commercial rlub, fol lowed by brlilKc at her apartments at the New Hamilton. Mm. Wcller enter tallied: Meadamr-n .Tnhn L. Wnhatrr, John F. Flack. It W. BrecKcn- rhise, A T. AiiKtln. V.. A. Ben on. MNaea Alexufidcr. Mehdainew K. t. M'lilllon. W. 11. Hhodex, Krank W. liaeon. Leonora Diets ,N clami. mentn war In red and whit. Covrra srjjgj were lnM fnr: 1 1 Maadnmea Allre Coulter, Mlpea Murilla Cae, arrle Tlonteile, MrHret MrFIt hany, Nellie McDonald, lalllan Wilbur, Nellie rntchard. Meodamea C. M. Martin. .Mlnsea Buth Tempaett. Kliznbeth tanilrn- burg, Dora Olen. Ijoretta llurna. Katheryn Walah, Nellie O'Connor, I! ill Entertains Teachers. Mloa Dora Harney. prlprlpH of Taclflc school, entertained her teacher at lunch fori Friday. Tho decorations and refreah- Best'Yet Club. The Beat-Yet club waa entertained Thuraday r.y Mra. Horace Holmes at a 1 o'clock luncheon, after which auction whlet waa played. Mrs. Wilkinson woo tho club prize and Mra. R. W. Dewey gueet prize. The members preaent were: Meadames Meadamee Howard KIMr. Phuman B. Dietrich Florence Miller, of Nr York, H. r. Keatlnn. R. W Dewey, diaries A. frherwoodL. A. Smith. A. J Kettler of Kdwln W. Hurst. Ttipcka. Kan.; W. It. Woodward. Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bmlth entertained DIAMONDS WHAT'S BEHIND THE PRICE? 00 (continued on Fag Three, Column Four.) jMrA Austin Collett urllh ca.Jc WeTi 1211 stata officers at th governor' mansion January U. ' i Sinner Dance Last Night. Th Dinner Dane club, which baa been maetlng at th Country club heretofore, gav both their dinner and dance at tha Roma hotel. Th dinner waa served from small table arranged in th ball room, and later It waa clard far th denc This is th third of a series ot dinner dances this . club has given thla winter and plana one more affair before Lent. Th guests last avenlnf ware: Maura, and Maedamee V. Ktnaler.' Arthur Keeilna. 1 F. Kennedy, L Davis. W. D. ilneford, Walter Roberta. Louie Clarke, onn fUaiick, Walter Mccormick, W, T. Burns, ohn Madden. I red Hamilton, Mean am as Urn Cottoa. , Mlasea y.llaabeth Conation, iisbeth L'avia. Meni Pavla. Loulae DloalDg, Messrs John Caldwell, Hobart burne, tawreno Hi Inker, C. J. Lord. Hen QeJ:a4tnr, Lluxr Cope, '' Witt the Wayfarers Mia Auet'n Collet t and children will lev this evening fr New York City, where tbry wilt join Mr. Collett and sail Friday, January 3. for San Doming !lh Harriet Copley accompanies Mr. and 3! i a. ColleU and will be a fvtert at their i ' , Mrs. Walter B. MoCormick leavaa today to vilt hw mother at Morrlatown, K. J., ind aiao Mr. MuCormlrk'a family In Bal timer. Mra. MoCormick takes her hil- dren with her and will be (on two or three months. Mr. McCormlck wlU h at the Omaha club, -Mr. sua Mra l.daon Rich and son. jviaon. jr., leit Monday In a prlvat car lor J'as ChrisUan, Mi.. to be gun about two month. Mr. Rich baa bean otdvred by hi physUian to take com plete vacation and rect from bualneaa Mrs. Fred Lake and daughter Kathar ine l(t laat Saturday for Los Aafcle "t uy miu Tian relative lor month or mure. Before returning they will visit' Mr. and Mra Jey Morton of Chicago, who are in their raaadssa horn lor tha UU'. With thg VUitorsT Mi. . C. Locper and daughter. Mil tred. of bilvia, 1U., ar vuitlng Mra Leeper'a mother, Mri. it W. Christie, at B-vi Boy street.' Miaa Mary Burkly ex peel a M'aa Ellsa bitu Fkmlrig of Burltocton, la., to b bar Keat axt wcth. Miaa riemlng waa bare two years ago when Miss Burkiey mad lwr dtbut and is remembered a a mast charming and attractive girl. Mr. IS. M. Martin of De Moinoa, for merly of Omaha, spent th last week-end aa the guest of Mrs. Mabel Of den at th . oloalal. Mr. Oickey of Dayton, O.. Las a rived t- b th guest of Mix d Mr. J. d ureal jucharda . Eng-liih BaUaduts Here. vnaec th auspfca of the acrd Sleait Alumna association, th Tuller amter tve baea engaged to gjv leclial Is Omaha on th afvernooa i b retry . at tha Lord theaur. at P- ni. Tb ruller SMterg of whja there I tine, ail young and pretty, civ i rirentiy aniaiic cnwrUUnmrnl od W(! iumu In ib at, wher tbey have onjeyed treat vogue. Their tnnta are Lugltch, rieotrs, aud IrUh Ivtk aonas, two of thtn artagtng title V. third plays a harp acximpaiUment, Harold 7r1tchett. Barton Millard, Harry Tukey, JohnT. ltewart.d; Joaeph Barker. Ward Burgess, Samuel Burns, Moshier Coipetser, W. J. Foye. ixmia Naan. Meadaraea Eva Wallace, Mlaaee Mildred Butler. Oladya Petera, Mary Burkiey. paphne feters, Mesars. Paul Ushhagher, t'ieraJd Whsrton, Mtockton lleth, Cvithbert Fotter, Wllmrd Butlel. C W,"Hult Grand Patron Here. f Prof. Oeorg R. Cbatburn of tb Uni versity of Nebraska and Mra Chatburn, ar th week-end gueeU of Mr. and the T. W. C. A. board of directors yes terdsy coo a. Mrs. Byers arrived In th morning tt tak oharg of th ftnaaolal campaign to b opened Tuesday morning for th benefit of th assoelatloa. At the Brandeis Theater. Th following parties bar mad reser vations for th Friday evening perfoiv mano of David Warflaid at that Bran, del theater: K. P. Fills, 4 A. Allen. 4 M. L. Evan. present she is teaching at the Clifton Hill school. 1 Mr. Bradford la th only son of Mr. Loul Bradford jand since his graduation from Harvard four or flv year ago n and bis mother hav spent such tint abroad traveling. Ills Inclinations have been towird study and travel, rathtr than society. Cosmog Club Party. Th Cosmos club cav It second danc Friday evening at th Metropolitan hall Thoes present were: Misses- Misses- M?f"onnolly' ? M- Petersen. Mamie O'Mearn, Marin Hlovank. Horenco Agor, Agne Lewis. Elvera Lindston, Margaret Matthlra Margaret Gallagher. Helen Bechtold. tHr.'", nilchuh, Kthel Jorgensen. 11lh ?h"y. Margaret Xoganl Marie Klm.lff i t.v.i- Cecil Taylor, Mad" Tobln. (Ha4ys Kills, Bess Fhe.an, Ludi Dennis, Anna Ma her, MyrtU Mloholson, Carrl Edwards, Pearl Davlee, Helen Drummond, jiaage Atotumoy, 1 1 . I.n. L.II. LucU Parrlsb, Elsie Probst. MaybsUe Blaven, Mary MoOrath, Flora Bengele, Frances Watt, Florenc Welch, Alpha Fields. Hasal Johnson. Florence Mohier, Lillian Johnson, Loretta Hlrtes. Clara Good. Marie Oabler, Mary frenclj, rtuin ixreea . . Bae Davis, Catherine Carew, D. Arnold, w. j. roi A. Baum. 1 Mrs. A. Flck ,i . " a " Mrs. D. IL W. Blnder.4 M. F. Banow, S John N. Baldwin, 3 Dr. W, J, Bradbury. 4 Mrs. ierkwlts, S B. W, lrea, X 11. T. Curry, 4 bam Cariyle, 4 Mr, Gllier, 4 F, W, judaon. 4 P. W. llugnea, 3 A. Krtig, 4 Mrs. Herman K on n 8 C. W. Hamilton. 4 F. L. Hal.ar, 6 H. B. Ho well, S 1eater Heyn. 10 W. v. Ourley, 3 C. Z. Gould, S C. W. Ounlher. S O. W. Johnston. 4 Mrs. C Klrsehbrautn, S ' R. F, Kloke, 4 J. B. Ksts, 4 Mr. Charles KounUe, 4 P. Hosgisnd, flenraa MaverMlck. 4i. McCord. 3 Oeorge W. Later. 4 K. McClanahan. 4 J. H. McDonald, 3 Mr. Meuiop, It. D. Miirriaon, t I. Nathan, Mrs. W. A. , Keolrk. 4 ' Mrs. W. M. 1 Jioger. G. tiu.ttrman, 3 Louis oonnnera, s J. buuivan, 4 G. B. Wuod, S ' . Wertheuner, 4 Kwlng Brown, 4 Alhn in.dlry. 4 A. W. Gortion. 4 Mra Cuthbert Vlnoent. Prof. Chatburn. 4f1mo.n', wh to grand patroa ot th Order of tn r 4I. Da.u! 4 Eastern Etar in nsbraaaa, oomca on a.n fflolal visit to South Omaha. Ia their honor, Mr. and Mra Vincent will enter tain at dinner today, when cover will b pUeed for tea guest. Prof. Chat burn and Mr. Vincent were ciaaamatca at Atnea aoUeg. W. L. Maeterman, 4 nan on Mtl.ara, II. E. New branch. 8 B. Rehfleld. 5 Mrs. E. Bmlth. S Jack r-harpo. 4 Mr Dr. Komney, O. !l. Thummel. a V. K. Wadaworth, 4 Hal Brady. . box parly France i'empbell, S Mra. 11. O. Fdwarda, 4 Kdward V. Hart, 4 It, D. Momeon, 6 W. I. Walker. 3 Reservations for Saturday ruaune: J. A. Abbott, 3 11. U AUberry, 3 C. A. Buo. 8 A, L- Blerohelm, 3 Broanell Hall. 110 I I Uromor, e txiren McNamar, Joaephln Carew,' i""' j9iirait tine, t rST.00, Jfn' MeNamara, Margaret Nolan, Theresa Flanagan, irene uaaar, Meer , W. M. Wharton, I John N. Rut her. Max Agor. Andrew Hislop, n. mange. c.llen 1 Arson. Anna Byers, Josephine Mans. Messrs Will Beutel. David Frail, t.hari Verity, Hugh Graham. anner. Herman Handachuh,W, U Berg, Tropin's Pancing Acadeiny 28th and Faraam John Pedersen, 'Tana r rail, Gore Heidkamp, Bert Merkel. Georg Daatman, Clarence Hood, W. C. Melies- Fred Hannegon, , Rav MaWhlnov Hugb Armstrong, Rlohard Kelly. Waldo Dennia, Paul Kelly. Georg Fedden, A. C. Pratt. Laii aurkenread. Clan crate. tep or waits mualu. r b5tBhl'w,,''r JohB Irumrond, Jr.; Robert DoiUrty, Fari Wise. , Fred Wedemeyer, Mark Hughes, Jo Ryan, F. A. O'tJonnell, ram wiiiarn, P. Garnett. I '.iir nan, l WU NovotU.! Phil KeUy. Win Peeeock. Char.ee Powell. For Mrs. Byera. Mr. SCnuna 7. Byar of Minneapolis. executive of the North Contra! field far th Young Womua Christlaa aaaoelatlon. as honor guest at a luachaon s1va by PErsiDnn: tstevt Scottish kits r rv il r 1 1 tian, -w ' 11 W. T. Belt, J boxes. Mlsa Hrldgu, 3 Mra. J. K. Davla, 3 Miss Kate v., t w U'l.h.p 4 Klnlavaun. 3 Mra. A. Krug, 3 Mra. J. H. Jaasen, 4 Mrs. A 1. V- McUllton, Montfomery. 1 H. M. Muller, 4 James Richardson, 3H. i. &hedd. 4 IL Thomas. Mrs Oleaaon. 4 Mra Oeorae O. Btors, 4 Keellne, S ' , . Reservations for Saturday night: H. O. Steele, 4 Mra. T. U. Turner, 3 Mary E Rourke, 3 b. H. Chambers, i A. D- Dunn, 4 Mr. Mlkeleell. 4 F. O. Biooka. 4 Vr, A. F. Condon. 1 box H. O. C,,"'S', 4 P. W. Kuhna. 3 T. W. Klrkaev. 3 F lloftnian. I Mr. Neuergall. 4 F. T, Raneotn, 8 pr. rtn-h, 3 ajlse Roaa Roaluky. 1 . toria, 4 C. D. bturtevent. t Helen Oreen. 3 J. C RHilsback, 3 Tom Kelly, lr. Imier, M. Rubeiiateln, 4 v Mra. T. U. liahm. i O. W. Ralney. 4 W. Kelmee, C B. fitebbina, 3 . C Hiuith. 4 Mlsa Clara - (Southard. 6 Mr. Tyree, 3 Rlph Kitchen, 3 R. L lUpp, 3 t-d Jorgenaan, yvhiard MeNamara, a. C. Btlnrlcha, Harold Wallace. Loula I Murphy, John A. Swanaon, t-a Keniy. C J. McDonald, H. T. Petersen, Frank Movack. Thornton Weat. Jam Buttle. narry unite, Jr. Saunders, ohn McAosma, Arthur Jaokaoa, John Richter, , M, Rani, F. Conkllns?. Jam O'Connor. Messrs. and Maadama ". H. O. ChurchlU , It. H. Koran, K. . H0uy ' J. K. O'Nell. " y Et-A-Virp Club Dance. na ct-virp club gav its regular monthly danc at Chamber' Thursday evening. Those preaent were Misses Floience Tucker, Gladys Kills, Incs Latry. Martha Kwlng, F.velyn Wtlsou. Jennie Carey, Ekter Frlck Dagoa Hanaen. My K. Grimes, Burba r eharpe, Mabel Rnechor, lutta Biirenatan, athel Condon. Adeline t-uecht, Ixiulee Elbert. I Mclva MacAuley,. Helen () Brlen, Txiulse Lewis. Mildred Hsuth, Olrde, Bragg. Messrs W. Knight. C. 1 &tCUlt. Otto Nle.leii T B. Haag. O. O Kee(. Harly Deems, A. J. Jackson. H. Hulaiaer, W, J. Palmer, C A. Fartun. La u rice llanaon. A. Weaterlag, Out-oMown Bnrement Aaaouneemont ha been mad la Chi cago, of th engagement f Mist Cora Prtndevtu of that city t Mr. Edwin A. Potter, jr., of Naw York, th wedding to ik nlaaa varv autetly. February a, Miss , Far C Powell. Prtndevill. ha. vuitsd in Omaha .vjral M..m. times, when she was th guoe of Mra t t B. AMUiams, Georg li. rauner, in last urn oemg i w, a. nortnn. last winter. Mr. Potter Is a broker and owner of th Chicago Beach hotel and panda" large part of his tlm ta Chicago. 71ra John . 3iziif&on. Engagement Announced. ; Mr. and Mra John It. lUarwaU (tnnouaceg ths ngagemnt of their nlooa. MU Franos Millard Todd, to I Mr. Robert Ransom Bradford. Th 1 wadding will take plao la th near I future. Miss Todd was formally Intro duoed to society three winters ago by ' th lata Mra W. B. Millard, wia whom sue mad hr horn at that time- Dur ing that aUtrr Mis Todd woa for fe er st, f a reputation as an amatsur actrtaa, taking ths Ingenue parts In th Players' elub produi-Uoiis. ttnee then her time haa been more seriously occupied study ing to fit herself for teaching, and at Mlsa Eva Brass. Blanche Bpr lager, Stelia Loach Mill Rohlff. -Haael Tusch. .Madeline Bock, Mary Prichard, Margaret Hermann, Allen. Hilda Tudor. Ieota fiwlnney, Orai-e Barber, Flhel Foye. tlrace Walsh, Margaret Giwenough May Jacobaea, Dora Hsarmana, Berth Tiber, i Iran Higbv. flua bchicbel. Varonea 6exton. nasi i.i ii G L. Creenfltld. A. 6, Nurse. A. U Llerk. O. . W hitlock, H Niisson, Claronc Hall. A, L. Reynold, J. T. Beags, H. A. Ml.Ier. Tbor Andreeen. A, E. fiwsnson, Loyd Jensen, C. M. Tex. O. Bennett, C. N. r'ouilne. Dr. N. H. Attwood. r, H. Rck. C. T. Maarmann, W. H. Dana. FTemn Bradford, ' ' I. K. liodeberc. Charles Nelson. Charlea Assman. WVter lioyle. J. T M"a. . W, 8tele. K. G. Harwood. Messrs. and kiaadamea Wsde Hamilton. C, if Rock. Hayes Geentner. W. R. Pratt. Kensinarton Thursday. Thursday afterwaon Mia Wriht of rairaede ntrtaind at a keasingltm tea when the gusste were; Meaflames Mead am aa neom t'ayne Imn perteV J. ii. Kennard William Newton oe Kennard T. J. Nolan ynmnd Hay rd L-ya, Wallace " narlea laywar4 e1hor ri"mnd Hay rd tiea, Wi Miaa Dorothy Wright XWlw-Dill Club, , Mra C. W. Fletcher ntrtamed th members of the Daffy-Dtll club at lunch eon Thuraday. The next meeting of the club will be held at th home t f Mr. Mme. Alma Gluck The Young Prima Donna whose -famsj baa reached from the Metropolitan to all the leading Opera Houses of Europe, appears At BRANDEIS THEATER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 25 The The instrument of her choice, will accompany her To this artistic creation she refers In the following glowing terms: f ' " need not tell yea how pleased cm that I am f have tht attittance of tho Knabo Piano on my tour Yon know in what esteem I hold it and having tried it and ne'er having found ff wanting, I am gore of at least one pteasur daring my artistic exertions, that of listening to its beautiful tone. , With kindest regards, believe me to be,, f Very sincerely yours. ALMA CLUCK. Distributors of Knabe Pi&nos 1 i " in Iowa and Nebraska HAYDEN , BROS. 16th and Dodge Omaha, Neb. That's an Important fact for every one who buy a Diamond to make certain about. Few per sons aro rel labia judges' of Diamond quality. One must depend largely upon the reputation of the firm n from whom the gem la purchased. This store guarantees the exact quality of every Diamond It pells, and be hind that ' guarantee It over 25 years of square dealing right here in Omaha. Tljlnk of it over 25 years ot continu ous prosperous business , at as Lister ' THSSUSV EWEIXRS aa oula r Isa: 3B2 as: HELP MATURE HOLD YOUI HAIR CHARMS Flufflnese, even color, briillanc and softness ar tho attribute of healthy hair. Natur require only sensible cleanliness, especially freedom from dandruff, in exchange for hair beauty. Tou hlp Natur most when you as alat her by th beat method, to safely make and keep a perfectly clean, healthy scalp. In washing th hair It Is not advisable to us a makeshift, but always use a preparation made for shampooing only. Ton can nJoy the beat that is known for about three cents a shampoo by, getting a package Of canthrox from your druggist!- die solve a teaspoonful In a cup of hot water aad your ahampoo 1 ready. After It us the hair drle rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff, exceaa oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Tour hair will be so fluffy that It will look much heavier than It ia It luster and softness will also delight you, while ths stimulated scalp gains th health which Insures hair growth. Advertise ment. 1 To Renew Complexion Wiihout Cosmetics If the axcesalv uaer of cosmetic only Ii naw the impression her artlfld<y real ly make upon others, she would quickly seeks means of gaining a natural complex- , ion. uei ner acquire in mereniizea wax i habit, discarding make-ups entirely, and shs will soon have the kind ot complexion that woman envy and men admire. It's o easy to get sn ounce of mereolized wax at any arug store, use nignuy iik com cream and wash It off mornings. And the results are so remarkable. Gradually the lifalsss cuticle peels off. In almost Invis ible flaky particles, In a week or so there's a brand new complexion, clear, vtlvety-ooft, or girlish color and texture. The treatment Is so simple, harmless and marvelously effective! the wonder is that every woman whose 4ktn ,H withered, die colored, rough, chapned, freckled or pim pled, has not already adopted It. Let wrinkled women quit pastes and massage creams which mar the skin still ui for hginner and advanced pupil aeparat evenings, Th latest Cn.?.r tatlS,n dl.r,ct ,ro,m N,w rS canTbe danced to foi trVt. oSi .w riu. osrasr si. rnvat leaaona dally. mors and try this more sensible treat- Sent: Dlseolv 1 os- powdered saxolita H pint witch hazel; use as a face bath. Every lln will quickly disappear. Adver tisement, i . Burgess-Nash Will Open a New Department Monday IEWHN(G MACIH1M ES ST Mi r BY ADDING sewing macMnes we again broaden our usefulness and increase our helpfulness by being able to supply this most neces sary home comfort at the lowest prices and on the easiest and most con venient terms of $1.00 a week without extra charge. la choosing the rarloua kinds ot machines for the new and com plete Department we called in the most' capable sewing machine jeopl and with their expert assistance made our selections. As a machine here. AU at prioe dollars less than you are asked to pay elsewhere. special caciory icepresentauve tomorrow to Demostrate "Standard Rotary . Come hnre tomorrow It possible to see the Standard Rotary with Its lifetime guarantee -without exception the world's most wonderful machine. In the Standard you get two madtinoo at the price of one with its lock and chain stitch device it's equal to two machines. It Is the lightest running, yet the strongest and most beautiful ma chine made. Ask especially to be shown the new SET STRAIGHT central needle feature. This Idea permits one to sit in a perfectly comfortable position when sewing. Special Sale price, $90.00, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY CASH-J2.00 FIRST PAYMENT; $1.09 A WEEK FREE HJTT ii 7HITE NoMattcr What Make Machine You Prefer . There's a Bi? Bargain Here for You Monday No greater machine values are offered than these SING BR, WHITE. STANDARD. FREE and HOWE, at about half or, less b( than hall the usual agency prices The bargains represent an important' Item. Kinger Sewing Machiue Agency prico $00.00, Monday . $-7..V The Free Isewlng Machine Agency price 40.00, Monday. .80.75 MandardXArrow Hewing Maciiine Agwy price fiiO.oo . SI 0.93 The Howe .No. 170 Sewing Machine Agency price $35.00, $10.75 New Home betvlng Machine special ale price, Monday $27,75 White Sewing Machine r pedal sale price, Monday $'8.75 Standard Hiewing Machine Agency price $45.00, Monday 1 20.75 SINGER r, t!??VV Hsvsisl j S27.50 NEW HOME I- r HOWEl iXSlandardl i-. UB fit- r-i tin2 azife to" UR) Uit t Free i . chines ' S28.75 I $19.75 L I $29.75 $27.75 SS-MASH UOMPAWY URGE CVERYBODYb STORE I I.