Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    E- Omaha Sunday
VOL. XL1V ls'0.
Governor Accept! Withdrawal
Douglas County Judicial Of
ficer After Long Confer
ence with Him.
Morehead Refuses to Say Whether
He It Being Considered for
High Bench.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. 23. (Special Telegram.)
Governor Morehead has another Judicial
appointment to make. District Judge But
tun of th' Douglas county district court
calling on the executive this afternoon
and presenting his resignation, which was
St.... 1 1. . i Utl (ha 1 1 1 H trm tW mtnrv
has been started that he might be ap
pointed to the vacant chief justiceship of
the supreme court. When asked about It
tills evening Governor Morehead would
neither deny or affirm, but simply said
nothing would be done until Monday.
Denies Wants Coinmlasloiiershlp.
The rumor that Judge Sutton was likely
to be a candidate for city commissioner
In Omaha was emphatically denied by
The supremo Justiceship is by law now
a nonpartisan office, though a democrat lc
governor has been considering democrats
for the place so far. It is understood.
Judge Sutton was elected to offioe on the
Douglas county district bench as a re
publican. The nonpartisan Judiciary act
lias since become a law. One rumor is
that Judge Sutton's resignation was to
be conditioned on the choice of a suc
cessor satisfactory to him and that 8. A.
Bearle was hla preference.
Two Refusals.
The refusal of Judge Sullivan of Omaha
to accept the appointment was consider
able of a disappointment to Governor
Morehead and the refusal of Dean Heat
ings of the University of Nebraska to
consider anything of the kind places an
other appointee out of the running. Judge
. . i a Vo -.ttmA Via nlnrA
but when the story started that he might j
be offered the place he promptly sat down
on the proposition by giving It an em
phatic public refusal.
Among those mentioned for supreme
Judge are: W. V. Allen of Madison, Fran
cis Brogan of Omaha, Good of Lincoln,
A. M. Morrissey, present deputy attorney
general; Arthur Mullen of Omaha, J. J.
Thomas of Seward, W. H. Thompson of
Grand Island and several others.
. Mr. Morrissey waa formerly ths gov
ernor's prlvaU secretary and Is supposed
to be hla personal cholc for the plac. on
the supreme bench. " ' " "
Arkansas Labor
Leader Accused of
Threatening Solon
LITTLE ROCK, Ark... Jan. . Charges
that F. C. Mlkel, president of the State
Federation of Labor made threats agali 0
their political ambitions because of their
stand lu the state legislature to repeal
the "mine run" bill In Johnson and Logan
counties, were made today by Represen
tatives Josephs and Dlpboye on the floor
of the house. Josephs declared that
Mikel approached him today and made
threats to "get his political scalp."
Johnson and Logan counties are near
Frairlo Creek, the scene of the . recent
mine riots.
Dacia Will Not Sail
Today; Weather Bad
UALVKSTON. Tex., Jan. .23. The
American steamer Dacia, which cleared
yesterday for Rotterdam with 11,000 bales
o cotton will not sail today, It waa an
nounced this afternoon because of stormy
CHICAGO. Jan. 33.-Rural credit bills
pending In congress were discussed to
day by members of the board of gov
ernors Farm Mortgage association. In
session here.
H. M. Hanson, Chicago, secretary of
the association, said the proposed legisla
tion, which alms to fix a uniform of in
terest on farm mortgages In all states,
would make necessary changes In the
mortgage banking business.
He declared that the bankers were not
opposed to the legislation and pointed out
that Investors, borrowers and bankers
were three distinct groups whose Inter
ests should be considered In the enact
ment of new legislation.
The Weather
Temperatures In Omaha Yesterday.
u..i i Hours. uev.
l, 5 a. in -1
Jb I a. in
7 a. m
8 a. in
9 a. in
10 a. ni
11 a. in
12 iu
1 p. m. ......
2 1. m
3 p. m
I p. in
5 p. in
P. m
. 7
. 7
. u
. X
. 6
. 4
i P. m 1
Comparative Local Record.
Z96. mi. 1913. mz.
Highest yesterday.. ) M 4
lowest yesterday 7 2'1 L'4 1M
Mean temperature 1 31 : 24
Precipitation 00 T .00 .in
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
.Normal UjiniH-ralure 10
l Ii. ljruy tor the day l
Tlsl excess sinre Mi ll 1 '. ($70
N. final piecipitation 01 Inch
I idem y for in ly flinch
Total ruinfall Hincc Alunli 1. . ?7.UU inches
1 h I ii iwncy unce Man I) 1 2.73 inches
I 'i tlrit ncy for t or. (eilu.l, lull. u..V im lios
i -i iciency for or. period. 1'.H2. 4.11 Inches
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates leiow sero.
U A. WEUiH. Local forecaster.
i .
Andrew Carnegie Gives the Reasons Why
He is Sure This Will Be the Last Great
N these times, when half of our fair
blackened by the fire and smoke
shell, when men are at each other's tb" .-,-'
civilization n progress nas suiieir
ous setback of centuries, I am asked Ivv10 . : "
possible prospect for lasting peace. ,. ,
. To this I answer an emphatic "Yes.
And also, I am asked if in the face of the sensa
tional and fearsome statements of so-called military
and naval "experts" concerning our unpreparedness
I can give assurance that our own mnlry may not at
any minute be plunged Into a disastrous war.
To this I also answer "Yes."
It is my firm belief and opinion that never at an
time in the history of the world did the future hold
but such definite promise of permanent peace as It
does now.
The present war is so appalling and shocking that
it in itself is probably doing more to put an end to
war han any peace propaganda could have accom
plished in half a century. The longer that this war
continues and the more terrible its results, the
stronger the argument for permanent world peace.
War Will Exhaust Six Nations, and Probably a
When this war is over six of the world's nations
will be exhausted. A seventh I refer to Japan hag
not suffered to any vast extent as yet, but its future
position in it may be as dangerous as the others.
1 believe that the nTx frightful months of this war,
which we are told may last for three years or longer,
has already so impressed the whole world, Including
(hose nations which are embroiled, that no similar
catastrophe can ever be permitted, and that some all
powerful plan must be devised to prevent a situation
arising like the one that plunged Europe into Ha
present disgraceful conflict.
The future shows me a court of the world created
by the civilized nations, with one army and one navy
pledged to keep the peace and enforce the rules laid
down by the arbiters of these nations.
Car of Russia to Be Recalled as Peace Head
I see also in the future an overwhelming demand
for the recalling of The Hague conference by its
pioneer who called i'a f'rst two conferences. The man
to whom I refer is the czar of Russia.
seems-to me, is a fit answer to the alarmists who. per
sist in holding up before, the affrighted eyes of the
ignorant the Japanese-United States war bogey.
A war between the United States and Japan is
most improbable. There are many reasons why this
is so, but it is only necessary to point to two of them
to convince the credulous that this supposed' danger
has never existed. .
First, neither Japan nor the United States deBlres
to expand by acquiring territories,, as tbey have too
much good sense.
Second,-Japan is
French Official Report Tells of In
fantry Engagements on 'South
End of Line. ,
PARIS, Jan. 23. The continuance of
severe Infantry engagements In Alsace,
but with no decisive outcome as yet, to
gether, with the customary artillery ex
changes, and a minor fight near St.
Hubert, which has not yet come to an
end, are the outstanding features of the
; report on the progress of the fighting
given out by the French war office this
sfterWn. The French claim a slight ad
vance (100 yards) In Belgium and they
destroyed bridges over the Me use near
8t. Mihlel. The report "says:
"The activity yesterday of our infan
try along the entire front was devoted to
the repairing done, to our earthworks by
the bad weather of the last few days.
"In the region or Lonrbaertsyde we
progressed for a distance of 100 yards.
"In the sectors of Tpres, Arras, Albert,
Hoys and Solssons there were yesterday
artillery exchanges, hj the course of
which we at several points gulned ad
vantage. Berry-Au-Bao was violently
bombarded by the Germans.
"To the northwest of Beausejour the
enemy delivered an attack, which was
In the Argonne we administered a com-
(Continued on Page Two. Column Six.)
Prize for the First
Invader of England
LONDON, Jan. 23. Under the heading,
"We Have Only One Enemy," the Ham
burg Nachrlchten. according to the Reif
ter correspondent at Amsterdam, says:
"A striking proof of this phase to to
be found in the new prises which the
official Relcha Anzelger announces have
been set aside for special military
achievements. Three of the four prises
are afmed against England and consist
of sums of money varying in value from
1126 to 625.
"These amounts will be awarded to ths
first soldier who steps upon th soil of
Great Britain as combatant; th crew of
an airship which before December 31,
l!)lu, accomplishes the first flight to the
English cos at and drops a bomb on Eng
lish territory and the aviator who drops
the first bomb on Dover."
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Janr 23.-The Illi
nois Steel company's mills, branch of th
United States Steel corporation, will bo
runn'ng practically at capacity next week,
when l.OtiO additional men will be put on,
according to an official of the company
in Bayvlew. The plant has run for the
first time for three consecutive weeks
ulnuo the slump in October. Prospects
are now that the plant will continue to
run. Indefinitely at or near to capacity,
the official aald.
I "The Future Shows Mc a
world is being
ot shot and
... ,i i .
This, also, it
Mr. and Mrs.
in ,no financial 1 the OUtWeair Ol
Bluffs Legislator - -Has
Bills to .Change,;.
Iowa Primary Statute
DES MOINES. Jan. M.-wepta
changes In the primary, election law ( the
plan of selecting presidential electors and
the method of easting balls are' proposed
In three bills which will be Introduced
in the senate Monday by Kimball of
Council Bluffs. The primary bill not' be
offered as an attack on the present law.
but to current some .of the evils which
the senator asserts now exist la tho
Under the terms of the bill, the primary
law will be used for the selection of only
candidates who are well known to the
people. Those -candidates who are not so
well known to the voters will be selected
In the conventions. .
The governor and lieutenant governor
will be chosen at. the. primary If the bill
Is adapted, but all other state officers,
Including secretary of state,' treasurer.
atorney general . and railroad convnls.
stoners will be nominated in the state
convention. Kepreesntatlves In congress,
Ulfed States senators and district officer,
Including senators from mors than. on
county will be nominated at the primary-
Kills Wife, Injures
Two More Persons,
Commits Suicide
Charles F. Davis, a negro, yesterday
afternoon shot and killed .hla wife, fa
tally wounded his 18-year-old son, shot
a roomer, who will probably ale, and
then committed suicide at his homo at
1210 Seventh avenue, Council Bluffs.
The man ran amuck, apparently as th
result of an attack of Insanity.. His
wife ran out In th street, where she was
shot. Davis had been at one time con
fined In an asylum because ot defective
mentality, but bad been discharged.
Johnson Ohjects , i
to Change in'Ariti-1
Alien Land 'Law
SACRAMENTO. CaL, Jan. S3, Governor
Hiram W. Johnson went on record today
as ' opposed to any amendment to the
antl-allen land act passed by tho 11)13
legislature. H Indicated that if the
Fhartel bill. Introduced In the assembly I
yesterday, eluninating the three-year
leasing -clause, passed the legislature , ft
would be vetoed.
The National Capital
Saturday, Jaaeary S3, 11 S.
Tho Senate.
Not til session; innets Monday.
Democrats tpent the day In caucus on
II. e ship Mil.
The House.
Met Ht 11 a. m.
Debate was continued on th .agricul
tural appropriation LUi.
wona ireatea oy tne iivuizea
Nations, with One Army and One
Navy Pledged to Enforce the Rules
Laid Down by these Arbiters." ,
f) S '"-v
ft rC;V j
A . : !
Andrew Carnegie on return from Europe after
tne War.
Mann Asserts President Seeking to
Secure Eenomination Through
Steam Boiler Methods.
Minority Leader Wonders if One
Term Plank Will Be Disre
garded as Others Have Been. '
WASHINGTON. Jan. ' "A-Presldent
Wilson was charged with . seeking to
build up 'a personal machine to secure
renomlnatlon and also with violation of
ths platform pledges of his party by
Representative Mann, minority kader, in
an address today In the bouse..
"I notice on ecery side." said Mr.
Mann, "that the-dlatlngulshed gentleman,
who now is president of the United States.
Is building up a personal machine, as far
as he con,- to secure his renonilnation.
"With such eminent officeholders as Judge
Folk and Mrv Davlss (commissioner of
corporations and mentioned for the fed
eral trad commission), in prominent po
sitions, mainly engaged in trying to build
up a personal organization for th nresl-
;dent; with the preaidont quarreling with
i tho Joint apponting power at th other
end of the capltol, and constantly recus
ing to listen to advice from democratic
members of this house, unless they agree
to do what he wants, I ask you, geute
men, whether you think he Is following
th pledge of the .democratle convention
in respect to tho prinolpl of on term.
"He has it within his power to keep
one plank of the platfoira safely at toast.
Will he do it? He has repudiated p ths
other plank: You . have refused to carr
out .the other plank. . Will the president,
'having accepted an election and a nomi
nation on the principle of. one-term, keep
von one plank In the democratic plat
form r " ' 1
: Mr. - Mann said he 'called attention to
the. Baltimore platform "In good humor,
bees use It is almost an offense in this
hods nowadays to refer to) the last
democratic platform." '
Zeppelin Founders
in the North Sea Off
Coast of Holland
LONDON. Jan. -: P. M ) Fisher
men arriving at Nooidwljk today assert,
according to a despatch to th Exchange
Telegram ' company from Loydsn, that
they saw -an airship founder in the North
sea on Friday night. The fishermen, th-;
raesaage adds were unable to assist th
aircraft. The description of the vessel
given ty the men lolcates that it was a
Zeppelin. Is'oordwljk is watering place ot
the Netherlands, seven miles northweit
of Lcydea,
Court of
outbreak was, and
suggested such a
that meeting Sir
ence so well that
of this. Is reported
Movement Started
: To Preserve Works .
: Of Art in War Zone
ROME, Jan. 23. A group of well known
Italians has addressed a letter to Secre
tary of State Bryan conveying an appeal
that the United States take som action
to the end that the monumens of ar In
he belllgeren countlres be preserved from
ruin. I is the expectation of those who
are launching this movement that It will
find support in other neutral states, par
ticularly Switzerland aqd Spain.
The letter is signed by Eleanor Duso,
th actress ; Ougliolnio Ktrrero, the his
torian; Bestojfl, the Sculptor; Arlstlde
Sartorio, the painter, and Glacomo Bunl
the archaeloglst. It says in part:
"The are , treasurers in these coun
tries must be considered as part of the
patrimony of , the civilised world, and
not as the particular property or any
country. If all great artists and Infhien
tltil 'people ' throughout the world will
join in this movement, much may be
don to .preserve .these art - treasurers
which otherwise will suffer Irreparable
loss. W look towards th United States
as' the nation which today better than
any other can undertake this task and
see it -through to a ueeoanful aocom
llahment.", . I
The letter In conclusion asks Mr. Bryan
to call the attention of President Wllion
to the matter.
Automobiles Eltj dig
Part in Deciding the
Battle of Soissons
BERLIN, Jan. . (Via London
The automobile played an important role
In deciding the battle of Solssons. It Is
new learned that reinforcements, brought
up by a column of more than 200 automo
biles on the night of January S and
thrown in on the German left flank at
Vregny, turned th scale when the Ger
mans were making their counter strode
end enabled them to sweep the French
from the plateau.-
.Hitherto . automobiles have been used
little by th Hermans In this campaign,
except for the transportation of riflemen
attached to cavalry divisions, owing to
the, length of time required for loading
in motor cars large bodies of troops,
which, to a great' extent, neutralises the
extra speed In the actual movements. On
this occasion the troops were drawn up
four abreant In a column along the road.
As each automobile arrived men clam
bered in quickly and without confusion.
KEMMKUKR, Wyo.. Jan. S.-(8pecial.)
Joseph Steppe of Susy, who was ar
rested on suspicion that be had sent
"Black Hand" letter demanding $10,000
from Joseph Carollo of Dlamondvtlle, has
been discharged from custody, the evi
dence nKuloKt lilin being Insufficient to
Jiikrtfy prosecution.
ThomoA "rsne. charged with writing to
Isabelle Burns letters similar to those
sent to Carollo, but demanding only 16,000,
! has been held to th district court. In
I default of ball h will remain la JalL
condition to take on a war of the magnitude that
would ensue. Its people do not want it; our people era
averse to It, therefore any dispute that may arise at
the present time will be easily settled by the diplo
mats of both countries. With the establishment of
the court of the world this bogey will vanish into thin
air forever.
In "InexproKHibly Shocked" at Greatest of World Wars,
I have been asked if I will take an active part in
the establishment of this court ot the world?
My answer to this Is that I am always ready to be
one of those who will urge the formation of th's
solution. I admit that this war has proved rnishingly
discouraging. In fact, 'discouraging" Is not a strong
enough word to express my feelings. I am horrified,
and Inexpressibly shocked and grieved.
I do not agree with some, however, that this war
la the result of a premeditated plan formulated years
ago. I do not believe that during The Hague confer
ences any of the nations now involved in the war had
any idea of the precipice upon which they stood. It
all happened "In the twinkling ot an eye."
I think It probable that Qermauy confidently ex
pected Russia to side with Austria when the trouble
with Servla arose, and that it was astounded when
Russia refused. I do not mean by that that I blame
Russia for the war. As a matter of fact, Russia was
one of the last to engage in the conflict and only be
gan its war preparations when it became convinced
that its Interests were at stake.
The sane method of preventing the war should, of
course, have been for one'of the powers to Insist ou
arbitration. It is one of the blackest crimes again
our civilisation that the primary trouble that caused
the war was not settled In this way.
The most serious Incident of thope that led to th
still Is, to my mind, the rejection
of Sir Edward Grey's suggestion for a conference of
the powers. Had Germany not refused this I believo
there would not have been any war. . This was the
chief crime or error. Two years before Sir Edward
conference to the Balkan powers. At
Edward Grey managed the confer
he received the hearty thanks ot
those who sat with him. He prevented war between
the leading powers.
Treaty Violation One of (ire text Crimes In Hlistory.
Germany's recent refusal to enter into this pro
posed peace conference discouraged the other nations
from attempting any further proposals long theio
lines. This crime, for criminal It was to refuse to con
fer with other nations when invited to labor for the
prevention of war, was shortly followed by another,
one of the greatest in hretory. I speak of the violation
of the Belgian treaty.
rl have seen It stated that Germany, In explanation
to have said that Franca was raadje.
(Continued on Pags Five, Column Three.)
Petrograd Believes Next Effort
1 Will Be to Drive Runs from
Bukowina and Hungary.
FETUOGRAD, Jan. .-Vla tandon)
It has become apparent to th Russian
general staff that the Germans have al
tered materially their plan of campaign
on he Russian frontier with a view to
attempting to oust the armies of General
Ivanoff from Bukowina, northern Hun
gary, and Kaatern Oallcla. In conse
quence It Is believed that the most severe
fighting of the next few weeks la likely
to occur In the soutn rather In Central
Poland, along the Warsaw front.
The new German plan Is thought to
have been elaborated at a recent meeting
of Austrian and German staff officers at
Brenlau. Russian military official say
that the Austrlans have failed in their
allotted task of stemming the Russian In
vasion and that th Germans hava awak
ened to the seriousness of the situation
and consequently have adopted th new
plan., The change I regarded as largely
responsible for the prolonged lull about
Warsaw, where military operations are
much less aggressive.
Military Takes Railroad.
During the last month Russian military
authorities have been receiving Informa
tion that all the railroad lines leading
from Prussian Silesia through Hungary
to the Roumanian frontier and Bukowina
have been closed to nonmllitary traffic,
while hundreds of trains loaded with
troops and munitions have been forwarded
from Germany. It has been noted more
over that during this time no reinforce
ments have arrived at the fields of ac
tion on either aldo of the lower Vistula,
while th Austrlans seemingly are at
tempting merely to hold and fortify their
positions along the Dunajec.
Russian staff officers state that when
this war began the Germans wer con
fident that the Russians would direct all
their efforts toward the western frontier
and that consequently Bukowina and th
Carpathian passes were left insufficiently
defended. The Russians profited from
this situation.
Anarchy, Panic
and Disorder Eeign
in City of Mexico
WASHINGTON, Jan. M. - Anarchy,
panic and disorder ar said to reign in
Mexico City by - dispatches from Vera
Crus today to th Carransa agency her.
Rafael Zubaran, ,Carranxa minister -of
th Interior, charges many women in th
capital are near death from their treat
ment at the bands of Villa troop. - Eu
lailo 1-lguerra. on of the brothers of that
name, la reported to have abandoned
V1IU and applied for adiiilusion to the
Carransa ranks. General tlregun denies
that I'uebla bus been attacked. Offi
cial dispatches to, the Ktato department
yesterday said Zapata troops wer four
mile away Thursday. - .
German Fleet Drops Many Bombs
on City of Dunkirk and Brit
ish Aeroplanes Bombard
Docks at Brug-es.
Indications Teutons Will Try to
Pierce Allies' Line in North
ern France and Flanders.
The Day's War News
TWO STK A M K.RS flyl" Assess
Ira flaar sooa will be at osmsbi
bonnd fnr Herman? and rack asvll
ln wltb la avowed purpose of
tratla the riant of the British
Kovernmeat to Interfere,
rerala conditions, with America
REPORTS from the east eeswt (
Rnatand that tiermaa Eeppellaa
aaaln were flying- over Norfolk
headed In a southerly direction
nod a, note of alarm rsva throaah
the country. Hurried Investiga
tion, hovrevee, b rough so con
firmation and the reports see at to
hare been unfounded.
KKIIMAN airmen threw fft-htr
bomba on Dunkirk rrsaes, t
persons were killed aa4 sixteen
wounded. A Eeppelln vena re
ported over the British ehannel
yesterday and Ostenal Is or edited
with seelnsx one th la mornlnax.
ern campaign, such as would
mark a new period of th war, la
espeeted by of fleers of tho Rua
alan general staff. They any that
the Oernian and Austrian military
rulef have abandoned acaTeoalve
Movements naalnst Warsaw pad
are eoarrnt ratios; troops la Hun
cary to repel the Russian Invad
ers In Bukowtnn, eastern Oallrla
and northern Hungary,
LONDON, Jan. 23. -Although
tho reports of a Zeppelin raid on
England last nlgbt ar tblg morning
Been to be false, there bag been a
striking renewal of aerial activity on
tbe continent. The Germans hava
raided Dunkirk In force, and British
airmen launcnea an attack unan
Bruges. - -
The German raid on Dunkirk: re
sulted in considerable loss of life and
damage to property. One account says
ten aeroplanes took part In it, Brit
ish aeroplanes assumed the defensive
and succeeded In bringing down one
of the visitors. This method of de-
fense is regarded by English experts
as more likely to prove effective than
tbe anti-aircraft guns with which the
defenses of Dunkirk bristle. It is be
lieved here that the British raid on
Brugas will be followed up by other
attacks, as the Bruges docks are. the
bead of the Zebruge ship canal
system which the Germans are using
for transportation of men, munitions
and even heavy artillery.
German Mas Kiar La Basse.
Air raids ar not th only indication ot
activity in th western arena of th war. '
Th Oarmans are massing troops in tho
neighborhood of LaBasse evidently in
preparation for a new struggle between '
Tpres and Court raJ, and th alllt ar
further strengthening their forces all
MM nui wwtu - ruws ana
In danders. For th past St hours It
has been glv and take, each . aide
admitting minor reverse offset by minor
successes. t
-ine tenseness or in situation Between
Greece and Turkey , has been further:
relieved by th release on th part of. tho '
Ports of a Greek officer, who for soine -tlm
has been imprisoned at Constan
tlnnrjl. Ruului uunvu .
of th suppression of a serious mutiny in -the
Turkish army accomplished by tho
execution of seventeen prominent
Turkish officers.
The only nsw development on the Rus
slan front Is th advance from LsJta
Skctnpe through the forests towards
(Continued ou Page Ive, Column Two.)
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