1 T1IK HKK: OMAHA. SATl KIVY. .FANTAIiY J.:. BOILER EXPLODES ON NEW CRUISER Fire Men Killed and Eight Injured on San Diego at End of Steam ing Trial. LOW WATER GIVEN AS CAUSE ON BOARD V. S. S. SAN DIKOO, l.A TAZ. Mpx.. Jan. 21.-iHy W1rltwa-Vla Ssn PloKo, Cal., Jan. "J.) ITvo in.n wrro killed and right seriously Inlinvi) Thurs day afternoon on (manl the armored r roller .Snn lilefin. wnen a boiler tube blew out aft'T 11 strnmlng trial of four hours had been completed. ?eore ninn of Vutan. Neb , a water tender, died today of Injuries. Four of the whip's sixteen boilers are temporarily out of commission, but re pairs probably can be made by the en Sine room force. A hoard of Inquiry is JnvestlgatlnR the accident and will re port to 'N'aflhinRton. All the injured are dolnir, well and are fully cared for out of the ship's ample medical equipment. Coal Is being taken on today from the rolllcr Saturn. The dead: (WAR J. W Y ATT. Penlro. Cal. AMHi:8 J. 1(AHIKK, Joplin. Mo. WILLIAM F. KL1.IUTT. Hiooklyn. K. Y. CLIFFORD A. WBSTKIIN, Davenport, Cal. liKOnr.K OHM. Vulan. Neb. All were firemen except Ohm. The Injured: Benjamin H. Tucker. U. H. (illdden. Darrell 1,. Varnado. William II. Miller. KrneHt A. Led with. 'harles W. IVtrrMin. f ire.ncn. Kmamiel A. Hlilpnl. eamaii. Patrick A. Merriman, coal asaor. Immediately after the accident the cruiser left for Cuaymas, where It ar rived at 2 o'clock this morning. Tha San Diego is the flagship of the Pacific fleet and Is In command of Cap tain Ashley H. Robertson. The home addreaRes of the eight Injured In the San Diego explosion, as shown In the Navy department's records, arc as follows: fJllddcn, Indianapolis; Iedwlth, Pueblo, Colo.: Merriman, Wolhach, Neb.; Miller, Downs, Kan.; Teterson, Racine, Wis.; Phlppl, IPorte, Ind.; Tucker, Iad Mine. Mo.; Varnado, Port Arthur, Tex. Ilownrd'n Report. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Rear Admiral Howard's report gave this account of the accident: "The San Diego completed Its four hour full power trials and made L'1.45. Just at the completion of the trials a tube In No. 4 boiler rupture!, due to low water. No endurance runs were at tempted. A full Investigation has been ordered. Am proceeding to Guaynnts." Other Kin In f.ermanj. YL'TAN, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special Tele gram.) George Ohm Is a brother of Mrs. Claim Stango of Yutan. He is about 38 years old and enltsied In the navy twelve years ago. AH his other relatives live In Germany. Merrlman's Home in ireelr-. GREELEY CENTER, Neb., (Special Telegram.)-Patrick A. Merriman is the on of Mrs. Ellen Merriman and lived with her on her farm in Iogan precinct until about two years ago, when he joined the navy. He. is about 30 years of ago, steady, universally respected young jnan. Ho vlMted at home last summer. Holden Declares Guernsey Branch Built This Year DKNVER. Colo, J.n 2?.-(Speclal Tele gram ) Hale I (olden, president of th. Hurllugton railroad, officially announced here tonight that bis company would spend $!.,' Immediately for the com plitlon of the Guernsey branch through the Hig Horn Hasin of Wyoming. President Holden made his announce ment In the course of a three-minute lceeh letore members of commercial bodies from all parts of Colorado, gath ercd here to form a slate chamber of commerce. He said the ilci Is, on was reached nt a conference of Rurllngton directors in Chi cago a few days ago. They had been watching the west, he said, and believed that It had weathered the financial storm caused by thr European war and tliut prospects Justified the expenditure. CZAR'S ADVANCE IS NEAR PRUSSIA AT TWO POINTS (Continued from Page One.) been crushed by their reverses in Ruko wina. for the Russians themselves refer to the attempted Austrian offensive, region Just now with great Interest and diKpatchcs from Petrograd say that the Russians are pinning high hopes on this offensive thrust near the German line. Elsewhere they are planning merely to hold their own, barring, of course, the advance through Transsylvanla. The Austrlans, however, appear not to have Other news dinpatihcs tell of the move ment of reinforcements aimed to check the Russian advance. (irriMai Plnn Offensive In West. In the western arena of the war the battle at Solssons still ranks as the only great conflict during many weeks. There has been fighting at many points, but a trench here and a few yards there Is all that either ldo has gained. . If the Ger man plan is a renewed general offensive or a serious concentrated attack at some strategic point, It has not yet ma terialized. The Turks claim to have arrested the Russian advance In the Caucasus, but they give no details. Tho British press continues to assert that the propose.! Turkish Invasion of Egypt Is doomed to failure, but It gives credence to many reports to tho effect that such Invasion surely will be attempted. Intense Suffering: 1 n Poland. The suffering In Relgluin. which the help of America has gone so far to rellove. Is for the moment In the background when compared to the deatitution of non-combatants In Palestine, Poland and the Carpathians. From Palestine, Jewish colonists continue to flee to Egypt, being conveyed as rapidly as possible by tho American cruiser Tennessee. The desti tution of Poland is said to be terrible, and a new appeal for aid has been Issued by Ignace Paderewskl and Henryk Sien klewlcz, who speak for all factions. It Is said that the situation In Poland is far worse than it Is In Belgium. The fleeing peoplo of Rukowina are living like ani mals In caves and fighting with wolves for such ftustenance as tho snow-covered country affords. Iloir to Care m la rrrippe Coach "Coughs that hang on" domand treat ment. Stop and think! Reason and com mon sense tell you that It Is folly to "grin and bear It." Those rucking; la f rippe coughs that wrench the body and cause soreness and pains in the lungs yield more quickly to Foley's Honey and Tar than to any other treatment Forty years' record of successes proves this. For coughs, colds, croup and other dis tressing ailments of throat, chest, lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare with this re liable remedy. Sold by all dealers. Advertisement. If you have a "Sunshiny Room" let jieople know about It In this column of Pee Want Ads. Let us tell you about our new money saving STEAM. COAL It is railed "GINUHAM. Ml Mi" A very coarse, strong, econ omical steam producer. Lees axli ; less clinker; latis labor. Call "J. 233" please and nftk for K. M. Sunderland 8. li. tHJ. O: STORK OP THK TOWN 486 Fancy Suits Left A good line of sizes in broken patterns of this season's best selling numbers. We're going to take a loss and sell the lot in order to maintain our reputation. (EVERY SUIT A NEW ONE WHEN THE SEASON OPENS.) One of our customers remarked while in our store this week: "Why is it one never smells moth balls in this store, like he does in others?' THIS IS THE ANSWER $30, $35 and $40 Suits . . . $24.50 $25 and $28 Suits $1 ft.fiQ $18, $20 and $22 Suits . . .$14.50 $15 Suits $12.00 All Overcoats at a Reduction of 20 cf V Children's Clothing Including Single and Double Breasted Suits and Rus sian and Norfolk Blouses, as well as Reefers and Over coats. AT LARGE REDUCTIONS New Heads of the Commercial Club i ? 2Kb' i at I '.if'. .-... i. I'' (John L.McCa.pue J. A. SUNDERLAND. Chairman IOxecutlvo Commltte. Present Fairbury Gets Into State Ball League FAIRBl'UY, Neb.. Jan. 2.'.-(Peiil Telegram.) A deal was ronmimmntrd to lay between Wes ('ratord of vlie Kalr hurs' Base Hnll assm'latlun, anil .Messrs. Kind ami Young directors of the Super ior Iiase Ball assinlailon, whereby this city became tho owner of the- Supeilor franchise and Fairbury will bo In Ne braska State leajsuo. President Miles of Huntings lm been advised of the transfer of the franchise. Fairbury raised J.I.OOO to get Into the State Ichkuo. President Crawford already has a line on thirteen player.", mostly from tho Kansas State league. It Is rumored that I Sort Shatter of this city, former mujiHKnr of the Fairbury Grays, will bo elected manager. Fie t.layed w ith the State icagua ti am of Hastings twd years ami was Instrumen tal In winning the pennant. Fall bin y has Sunday han tnll and gave splendid support to brusii tmtm last year, playing faM ball. HYMENEAL Soreiion-ellg h. - W F.ST POINT. Neb., .Ian. 22 -(Spec ial .) The marriage of Mans Sorenson of this placn to Mis. Paulina NelUh. lata of rouncll Plurfs and a fonner West Point rraident. took plax-o In Omaha on Thurs day. Mr. Sorcnson la a well known and popular member of the. Ianlh colony of Cuming county. The newly married pair will reside In this vicinity. Month lour tough and (old. Hell's Plne-Tar-Honev gots right to the spot. Checks the cough, eases throat, kills the cold genus. Only 2,"c. All drug gists. Advertisement INFANTRY FIGHTS ON WESTERN LINE French Official Report Tell of Hand-to-IIand Encounters in Alsace and to North. MANY ARTILLERY EXCHANGES PARIS, Jan. ".-Tb" report on the pro gress of the war glvrn out by the French war office, this afternoon saya determined Infuntry fighting with ferocious hand t hand encounters 1 going on today In Alfare, hut that the situation at Bols sons shows no change, other Infantry encounters mentioned appear t ha of minor Imiiortanr. Artillery Tr.hangea In which tha French wera successful or. curred between Yyres and tha OIm; near Bcrry-Au-Bac, and In tha Voages. while In tlta forest of Apreniont the tternian artillery droxe the French away. Tha report says: ' In Belgium the enemy yesterday bom barded Nieuport with a fair degree of violence. Our Infantry made some slight progress to the east of J Ainibaertayd hallway. Betwen Yprea and tha Oise successful operations on the part of our artillery against field works, batteries and detachments of Infantry ef tha enemy took place yesterday. From the Oise to the Argonne: The situation In the vicinity of Bolasons shows no change. Near 11rry-Au-Hao a trench which we were compiled to evacuate following a violent bombard ment was recaptured by us. In tha re gion of Perthes the enemy delivered an attack during the night of January 2V-21 at a point northwest of lieausejour, but without success. "Between the Meusa and the Moselle: To the southeast of St. Mihlel, In the forest of Aptemont, an exceedingly vio lent bombardment made It Impossible for us to retain the Herman trenches occu pied by ua yesterday for a distance of IX) yards. "To the northwest of Pont-A-Mouaan. In the forest of t.e Pietie. the encihy yesterday recaptured a portion of the trenches taken by us January 2, hut wr are maintaining oursehes at all othc points of this position. "In the Vesges the enemy hurled BRONCHIAL COUGHS When the bronchial tubes arc af fected with that weakening, titJiling cotiph, they need immediate and sen sible treatment. The breath seems shorter because of mtcou.i obstruc tions; usually fever is present and your head jars with evrry rouj;h. Your chest aches and the inflamma tion often spreads to the limps. The food tonic that has proven its worth for forty years is Scott's Kmul sion. Jt drives out the cold, which is the root of the trouble, and chetks the cough by aiding the healing process of the enfeebled membranes. If you are troubled with bronchitis or know an afflicted friend, always re member that Scott's Rmalaion builds strength while relieving the tremble. H-tl BcoH tBownc IttootBleld, N. J. gainst 8t. TMe sli projectiles of great caliber, without, however, doing any se rious damage. "At a point between Mount Ponhonvme and Mount Schlucht there ha-s been an ar tillery engagement. In which the (Iceman batteries were reduced to silence. ' In Alsace, the fighting In the region of llartmaiin and Weilerkopf Is going on with great ferocity. The struggle Is actually hand to hiuid. "In front of Pannemarln our artillery dispersed gatherings of the enemy." LOVETT. AT PASADENA, IS ENTIRELY RECOVERED PASAPRNA, Cal.. Jsn. K. -Judge Robert R. I.ovett, chairman of the hoard of directors of the I'nion Paclf'c Hall w ay company, arrived here today, entirely re covered from tho ludlspostlon, which confined him to his bed much of the tune on his Journey from the east. Judge Iaovett was a -companlcd by Uon eral Manager II. C. Nutt and Flint Vlcn President W. II. Ilaivroft. of the ShII Lake road. They traveled on a special train composed of their three prlvato Ill's. The party exiels to remain hcrcyeVv ral weeks. FIGURE ON A NEW DIVISION OF SPOILS Secretary McAdoo Givei the Dis tributors of Nebraska Democratic Patronage a Big Surprise. COLLECTOR MUST BE A LAWYER (From a Staff Correspondent.) tVASHTNOTON, Jan. 51. 8peclaJ Tele, gratn.i-lt was staler! today that In thai conference between Arthur Spragne, York, Harry It. Fleharty, Omaha, ant tha secretary of the treasury a surprise wss given tho Nebraska pacificators by Mr. McAdoo, when ho announced that h would Insist upon a lawyer being ap pointed to the vacant Internal revenue) oilleetorshtp In Nebraska, because thersj are so many legal complications arising; nut tit the Income tax law and the war revenue law that a trained legal mind Is needed In that position. Swain of Oreeley, who was recom mended by Senator Hitchcock for the Ne braska mnrshalshlp. Is a lawyer, and inlcht therefore by switched to the col-, lectorship, if Kpraguo would las willing It tako the marshalahlp. It will lie recalled that both factions of tho democracy in Nebraska had agreed uiHm tho following slate: Sprague for callectnr. Swain for marshal, and either l.oomia of Fremont or Thomas of Sew-, ar.l for attorney. But agreeing upon a, thing at home and In Washington is a horso of another color. Secretary Bryan remains Imperturbable, while Senator Hitchcock la standing pat. And the patronage adjustera, Fpragilft and Fleharty, are disheartened. LLOYD-GEORGE IN PARIS TO CONSIDER JOINT LOAN PArtlft. Jan. 22. A conference was held In Paris today by the British chancellor of the exchenuer. David I.loyd-fJeorge, nnd Alexander Hihot and P. Bark, thaj French and Russian ministers of ftuame. It la said that tho meeting was arranged to consider a Joint Iobji of IS.tiTO.ono.OWl franca to bear Interest of S'i per cent. Get competent help ihroiiRh The Bee. 2C Berg Suits Me." Look for the Maker's Name j in the Garments Tou Buy. j 66 66 People Are Finding That This GREAT SALE We Are Holding: of KuDDenheimer." "Society Brand" 11 il 7 V I! Si -m Yto-tl- il-n im -lr"fr-tfn lija iSvzri WU J FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS at HALF PRICE Is a Never-to-be-Forgotten Opportunity. These erarments are the kind of values vou will find in the store n? well in tVi advertisements, and entitles this store to its well-known reputaton of selling more clothing than any other in Omaha, and headquarters for the BEST Suits and Over coats in the world. MI All sixes and tmi of patterns. flf. il ll tin IdR: $40.00 Values $20.00 $20.00 Values $10.00 $35.00 Values $17.50 $18.00 Values $9.00 (t $30.00 Values $14.50 $15.00 Values $7.50 $25.00 Values $22.50 Values $12.50 $12.00 Values $6.00 $11.25 $10.00 Values $5.00 A Special Purchase of 50 Dozen SHIRTS Gives us the chance to offer you Saturday a choice of fine qualities in Percale and Madras Shirts that are always sold at $1.00, for 69c good selection EXTRA VALUES For Boys and Children We can't speak too highly of last Satur day's weather, and again offer the Special Values of Last Week All odds and ends of Boys' Shirt Blouses, Union Suits, 2-piece Un derwear, Night Shirts, Mufflers, Hats, Gaps, Gloves, Rompers, Combination Overalls, values up I 1 Fancy Neckwear Sale All 50c Neckwear 35S 3 for 91.00 All 65c Neckwear 50 All $1.00 Neckwear 75 All $1.60 Neckwear. . . .81.00 All $2.00 Neckwear. . .SI. 35 All $2.50 Neckwear. . .81.05 PYTDA QPFr I A I 2150 Kuppenbeimer, ITart, Sohaffner & Marx and Klrsohbaum'a Chin CY 1 tyrV 3r CwlL 0hiHa Overcoats, in blue, brown and (fray, Hingla and doubly breasted, plain and belted backi, and rtylea from the form-fitting EufflNh mod- mZLaJ!A SWEATERS GIRLS Norfolk Styles HALF PRICE mm? Vt :, 4 If : ti string. ! A 3 BIG Trousers Specials Trousers for any time or place Dress, business or labor. Some rarr fine qualities at decided Troeiera that TrftiMrs that aoM to $4.09 old to $8.00 ci oc $2.85 Tronsers that oil to $6.00 $3.75 Velour Hats, Fur Caps HALT PRICE. tOe ITlntor Caea, 25. M ant $1.00 THator Caet, $2O0 an 4 $1.00 Brown Stiff Hats, BO. els to the big American great coats, with long sbawl collars values that sold at $20.00 tn 30.00. .Now marked SEE WINDOWS Those roati are $10 & $15 Boys' Overcoat Sale Coats, 2Vi to 0 years. CMnohiHa, Scotch and English Tweeds, Winter Eh&wl and Oon Tertible Collars and values up to 110.00, now at two special prices $2.35 and $3.35 f- s-I- Browning, King & Co. GEO. T. WILSON. Mgr. Underwear Eeduced.