Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Hous,e Orisider Bills Having to So
with Volunteer Departments
in the State.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. 22, (Special.) In com
mittee, of the whole the house took up
Scudder's bill. H. R. 61, to advance the
luto of annual school mt-etlnirs in town
and rural districts, and recommended tt
for passage, making the date the second
Monday in June. An emergency clause
was aaaea so inai u me oui dnoium
law it will effect the meeting this year.
Though the house committee on consti
tutional amendments recommended the
bill calling for a constitutional conven
tion for passage, "the house refused to
consider it ,at the session this morning,
the bill going over for future considera
tion on motion of Stebbens, one of its
The Harris-Hostettler bill. So. Rt, In
creasing the exemptions of volunteer' flre-im-n
from Jury duty and poll tax liability,
waa discussed at considerable length,
and finally was sent back to the Judiciary
committee along with another bill. No.
63. covering the same subject. Pafoe's
amendment which had for Its principal
idea that no engine, hook and ladder or
hoso company should have more than
twenty r.ames on its membership, and no
organisation deemed a fire company un
less It had an apparatus worth at least
(1,500 in a ease of a hook and ladder di
vision, or $500 for any other company,
was the cause of the recommittal of the
Palmer's H. R. No. 70, which Increases
the penalty for fraudulent use ol fra
ternal Insignia or credentials, was re
ported for passage
In committee of the whole, after con
siderable discussion, H. R. 48. by Eber
rnan of Thayer, providing that a veter
inarian must have ten years' p-tictice be
fore he can qualify as a practitioner, was
MADIFON. Neb., Jan. 22 (Special.)
Ralph B. McKlnney of Norfolk, has filed
a petition in the district court agalnat
Arthur J. Kocnlngsteln to recover K,U00
damages for alleged alllenation of the
affections of plaintiff's wife. McKlnney
recites In his petition that during August.
1D14. while he was absent taking treat
ment at a hospital in Chicago, tho de
fendant, Kocnlngsteln, who is 38 years of
age. sought to alienate the affections of
Vlaintlffs wife, Delia McKlnney. Bowl
ins and Shirtleff are attorneys for plain
tiff. The plaintiff and his wife are
prominent people of Norfolk. The de
fendant Just retired from the office of
county attorney of Madison county and
is now city attorney of Norfolk.
IVolden Wedding- at Pimiff City.
PAWNEE CITY. Neb., Jan. 12. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. T- H. Shannon of
this county have Just celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary at their home
here. The greater part of their married
life bas been spent in Pawnee county.
The out-of-town, guests attending were
their two sons and families. Dr. H. A.
Shannon, wife and daughter Mildred of
Lincoln, and Dr. Joe Shannon and wife
of Wee pins Water.
New. Notes of Krarvt.
GENEVA. Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.) The
little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hourl-
gan died of pneumonia Tuesday night.
Among the few sales su far, that of
(ieorge H. Nlehaus yesterday was the
biggest and best attended, a big crowd
being there, about eight miles northeast
of Geneva. Horses, mules, cattle and hog
were sold at good prices, horses bringing
trom SIM to $200.
Police Prevent Boilag Boat.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 22. -(Special.)
The ten-round boxing match to have been
held In the armory Thursday evening be
tween Will Funk and Walter Richards,
two lightweights of this city, was stopped
by the authorities. The boxers had as
sembled at the hall and were preparing
for the match when a bluecoat acting
under orders from Commissioner Spioer
Uopped further proceedings.
Reduced From $25
$40 Suits Reduced To $22.50
A similar reduction on all
Our big stock reducing sale
cuts the price nearly in half.
We use good linings, good
workmanship and guarantee
fit and style.
304-306 South 16th St.
Relatives of Dead
Men Sue Engineer
FA I R HTTIJ V V.I. . u i.i
Telegram.) John T. Mol-ean. Rock Inland
-...rt-iiKri engineer nere. received a sum
mons from' Plattsmotith that lye Is de-
i-ntiani in a suit ror i.,(W, Instituted by
relatives of William Hammond of Lin
coln and Howard k'nim if r-nl,,
killed by a passenger train he waa run
ning, two mlles northeast of here, Oc
tober 29. last.
Alclean wh hrlnt,inv 1 1.
- - v....n.,,n ai.!M-ii(rr
train from Lincoln and struck a covered
"UKgy in the men were rl.llng.
They were soliciting for a film and por
trait company, among Jefferson county
Accord I
Fireman Emery the whistle was sounded,
The coroner's Jury exonerated the men
and the railroad company from blame.
w-nn is considered one of the most
competent engineers employed her.
CAM nil! DOE. Neb., Jan. 32.-1 Special
Telegram. ) J. W. Babcock, one of Cam
bridge's most highly respected citizens,
died suddenly Inst night. He was ac
tively engaged In bimlness until yester
day. Mr. Bnbcock was 77 years old. . He
had been In the hardware and Implement
business here for thirty years. His
brother. Walter, of the firm of Babcock
Bros., died ten years ago. He will be
burled here Monday. He is survived by
his widow and daughters, Lela and Mrs.
W, W. Duncan, of Beatrice. His broth
ers, T. B. Babcock of Scotts Bluff and
W. W. Babcock of New York, will attend
the services. -
dolff. Clstonls; Dr. O. U Roe, Beatrice;
Dr. H. O. Schooling. Blue Springs; Dr.
P. 1.. Olllasple, Wyinore; Dr. I. N. Plck
rtt. Ocirll.
Columbus Primary
Held February 9
COLUMBl'S. Neb., Jan. 22. (Special .)
ljouls LlRhtner, attorney, who was re
cently appointed chairman by Congress
man Dan V. Stephens to conduct the pri
mary election for postmaster for this city,
will hold It February .
The following are the candidates: B. J.
Ryan, a K. Marty. Max Kllus. Jsmes
Haney and D. C. Kavanaugh, ex-shcrlff
of riatte county.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 22. (Speil
Telegram. The Hastings Furniture com
pany. A. V. Brown, proprietor, the largest
exclusive furniture dealer in Hastings,
made an asFU'ntnent in favor of the cred
itors through the First National bank to
day. J. M. Wallace of Kansas t'lty Is
In charge and will dispose of the business
at retail or close a sale for the entire
stock The liabilities are not divulged.
Falling health of n the part .of Mr.
Brown Is partially the cause.
CRETE, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Special.) Suc
cess has crowned the efforts of the new
administration of Doane college In Its first
definite financial undertaking for tho
school. Yesterday Treasurer Fairfield
waa ablo to pay In full notes amounting
to 110,000. This Is tho first fruits of a
debt-paying campaign which will be'Ton
tlnued until the whole W7.000 of debt which
stood against the college last June Is
wiped out.
Poultry Shovr ( lose.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special
Telegram.) The thirteenth annual state
poultry show closed tonight. The Ne
braska Poultry association elected the fol
lowing officers President, J. II. Bum
!inm, Adams; vice president. M. O. Scud
e'er; secretary, A. II. Smith, Lincoln;
treasurer. Dr. Watson, Miller. Members
of the board of directors were elected as
follows; Russell F. Palmer. Minden: Fred
Van Gordon, 'Gresham; It. E. Porter,
York; F. H. Beltnor, Qverton; Charles G.
Cottle, Edgar, and O. R. Hill. North
Gasr County Makes Boda-ct.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.)
The annual expense bill for Gage county
for the year 1915 was adopted Thursday
by the Board of Supervisors, the sum
agreed upon being 1140,680, $16,000 more
than that of last year. J. M. Hurst of
Wymore was apiointed a member of the
soldiers' relief committee to succeed the
late E. S. Gillette, and the following were
named as a county board of healtht Dr.
J. W. McKlbben, Adams; Dr. B. F. Dear-
Kearney Kormai Basinet Rail Games.
KEARNEY. Neb., Jan. 22. -(Special. )
Tho schedule for the Kearney Normal
basket ball team for this season has been
completed by Coach Tollefsen and will
be played as follows: At Bethany on
January 27 'with Cotner; January 2S at
Peru: January 2P. Hastings college at
Hastings: Grand Island at Kearney, Jan
uary 2,'.; at Central City, February 10; at
Grand Island, February 11; Hasting at
Kearney, February 19; Peru at Kearney,
February 2H; Cotner at Kearney, March 4.
Adams May Dalld Bridges.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special Tel
egram.) A special committee of the
Adams county supervisors today reported
thRt tho bid of the Standard Bridge com
pany of Omaha fur the county bridge
work of the year is the lowest presented,
but Is higher than the work can be done
for by the county Itself. The board may
reject all bids.
T WONDER ef the kindest,
A most lovable fel
lers ain't them that
smoke the mellowest,
fren'liest tobacco in
their pipes.
Do you know the 10c VELVET
tin's "little brother,"the 5c metal
lined bag ? This bag is an inno
vation for preserving the
freshness of VELVET, The
Smoothest Smoking Tobacco.
Prior to tak
ing our annual
we offer from our en
tire stock of high class
ready-to-wear clothes.
Suit or 0'Coat
0manajlftly Omaha
1502 S. 10th St.
Phons D. 7556
All Our High Grade Shirts
$3.00, $2.50 Shirts, now $1.85
$2.00 Shirts, now $1.45
$1.50 Shirts, now 95
Silk$ and Flannel Reduced 25 Per Cent
All Our High Grade Neckwear
$3.50, $3.00 Ties, now $1.95
$2.50, $2.00 Ties, now $1.65
$1.50 Ties, now $1.15
$1.00 Ties, now : G5
50c Ties, now 35
Pajamas . . . . $1.45 and $1 15
Broken Lots of Underwear at Half Price
KKATINF.T. Neh.. Jan. 22. (ftpe.-Ul.)-
The Kearney Normal school Rraduati'd
fifteen studonts who had completed the
work of th Inntltutlon on Thuradajr
mornlnK. the ercti( bln held at the
chapel- of the ehool. Archbishop, War
of the Kearney Military academy deliv
ered the address to the student. 1'renl
dent Dick presenting the class with their
Kearney Is to have an addition to the
modern biiPtnc Mocks now In the city
hy the erection of a to-Mnry concrete
buildlnic on t'entisl avenue, which will
be ileed for store purposes. Mr. Keens,
who Is now In California, has had the
plan completed and work will be com
menced early this spring. it Is also
promised that another new theater build
ing will be erected soon.
Itoliert I. Klllott, former deputy state.
aiierlntonilont, has arrived In Kearney
and has assumed his duties as head of
tho mntliematlcs department of the State
Normiil school. Ho succeeded lean Snod
nni, who hHS gone to California.
VA1.KNT1NK, Neb . Jan. -a.-(Spcclal.
T. N. Waggoner was Instantly killed
last evening ahout 7 o'clock hen an
automnhlle In which he was riding turned
turtle on a hill about four miles north of
Valentine. Ills brother was driving tha
car and he and bis mife and little baby
were the other occupants. The others
were uninjured and managed to crawl
out from under the car, but the dead man
was ptnned down In such a manner as to
make escape lmossllile, and ho .was
crushed In such a way that death cama
Blmost Immediately. The. party waa
coming here from the Rosebud agency,
where Mr. Waggoner was employed In a
garage, lln was to have taken the train
this evening for C'omstock, Neb., whera
ho had accepted a position.
CJet competent help through The Bee.
egro Lynched In eorala.
UI.INOTON, Or.. Jan. 22. reter
Morris, a noum charged with the murder
of a f.Hrinor, whs tsken from the custody
of the Ksrly county sheriff late last night
and lynched.
rj MmmA Wmm .11, 3 4
Ym ' 9
HVff !
1 B tir. , m
It's good
to buy
Suits &
at this
store now,
Our Great Half Yearly
Clearance Sale
of our entire stock of high type
Suits & Overcoats
affords an opportunity for Clothes buying which no
shrewd man will let pass by. The most remarkable
savings of the year are evident in the price reduc
tions which effect every Suit and Overcoat in the
house come, investigate, and nave money
$10 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$12 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$15 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$18 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$20 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$25 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$30 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$35 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$40 Quality Suits and Overcoats, buy now
$50 Quality Overcoats, buy now at
at S7
at S9
at Sll
at $13
at S14
at $17
at $21
at $24
at $28
. $35
Mackinaw Coats
Greatly Reduced
$5.00 Maekinaws now $3.50
$7.50 Maekinaws now $5.00
$10 Maekinaws now. .$7.00
$12 Maekinaws now. .$9.00 v
Boys' Suits and O'coats, Extraordinary Values nt
Da iAn tm triA (nnot AfnnAmlol Kll vl n or
you can do Saturday is to fit your boy out
in one of .these smart Suits, Overcoats or
Maekinaws which we are offering at
prices that represent the nioet generous
savings of the year.
v $.1.00 Garments now $2.25
$3.50 Garments now $250
$.()() Garments now $2.75
$5.00 Garments now $3.50
$6.00 Garments now $4.00
$6.50 Garments now $4.25
$7.50 Garments now $5.00
$10 Garments now. .$7.00
flMfF MlTifW ff fnn
W 16 tb a HUWARDM
1 1 1 awHwiwMMwwi
V ? fi 1
u mW mm I m K V W T
I'Hl lX)ItK IXJINS, 0 TO 8 MtH lOKt
Choice Val rtiopii, 15c' UHa
114 Milk Fed Bprlnx Chlx at cheaper
than the wholesale nrloe.
1914 l-'orequarterH SprlnK Iamb 8HO
1914 llliiilquarier Pirln I.ainb
Choice Kteer Pot Hoast, 13 Ho UVio
I'lK 1'ork Mhouldera ao
M I'ork Butte 1140
Choice Younr Veal Roast ISHc, ll'o
Choice Mutton Chops 1SV0
Ciidahv'H lilmiiond C and Annour'i
Star Hmium
Cmluliy'H KunliKlit Bacon ltf0
Swift's Wiarlieater bacon Hacks
per II) 144,0
Small Hums 100
OvHters, per iiuart 40e
Follow the Crowd and Gave from 40 per cent
to 50 per cent on Your Grocery Bill
1 lbs. best Buitar 91.00
4 10c cans Milk B8o
I larse cans Tomatoes .......... .BBo
26c pkx. I'ancake Flour lc
4 cans of Corn BBo
Macaroni or Hpaxhettl 7Vto
Kmpress 1'rlde 1-lotir, per sack. Sl.eB
OoMen Kantos Coffee, lb ISO
IS bars best Laundry Hnap 9to
tic La Ferrln's Worcestershire
Banc SSo
Paxton A Gallafher's Oaa Roastrd
f'offee, can 66o
S2-o. I'ura Preserves S4o
26c Whits Horse Ketchup ISO
ft cans Cleaiixer (So
2&c cans California Peaches ISO
4 10c cans S&o
Hum foul liuklna Powder, ran.-.So
itw iikn. HotHX Chips 15o
I no pkic. KinKHfurtl's UIobs Btsrch 6o
KHllon Kino Syrup 19o
15c Tall HuliiiMii loo (irHpe Krult, phcIi 50
K lurge Hot IIouha I.eltuie 10c
I.uree Apples (cook Inn or eatlnsl
per box tl.BO
I amy Cauliflower, eai'h ,...10o, lBo
l-'unt-y CrHnherrle, per ouart...7Ho
Kellrvue Heart IVleiv, bunch ... .SSo
Kxtra LarKe hwtet UranKes. do. 30o
Opv- Woolworth 8c and 10c Store. H3 South 16th St. Tel. I). 230
Pig Pork Loins, 6 to 8 Lbs. . 10 1-2c
Pure Leaf Lard. 9 1-2 Lbs .... 97c
Cudatiy's I'lamons C and Armour's
Stur lira ml Hams 15Ho
Cudshy's HunllKht Hacon 10
tiwitt's Wliu-heHter Bacon Haiku,
per Hi 1440
Small llama 1010
C'yHters, per imihii 400
1914 MUk Fed Bprln Chlx at cheaper
than me wholesale price.
Choice Kleer Pol Hoast. IIHC....II0
PIk Pork Roaat Vo
Pin Pork Butts 110
Choice Youna Veal Roast, 13 He llo
ChoUe YounK Veal Chops, lac, ItSo
Lamb lirs litO
Mutton Chops 19'.
Mutton Hoast CViO
l..A,n fi ... ft I' hi I . . . -. K r Ana IU
I l-ronl 9 to 10 P. M Pork Chops! !l0o
Tha ConfUUnoo of
Oaa ratroas Is Oar Best Asset. tA . 1 a nf
This ConfldoBO Bas
The Basket Stores
from $9.12 la tho first store the first daj till our dally avers, aal.s aow
are at the rat. of oyer l.OOO.ooO a 300 UOULAK VKICCB LOWII
TXA.V ATT OTHEB MCBMABJLA OKOCSII. Ho baits or speola.1 sales.
. .10
1 hueiiel 0 Ibn.
D bushel lots
Perk. 10 Ibn
TVBITZrs. per lb
We save you as much a 8c lb.
son.e i-oriee.
Krnnniuy. per lb, 14c; 1 Iba for..40o
Thrifty Habits, lb 810
other iialltles at 24c, 28c. 30c, 8Jc
and 4 .to per lb.
Broom Trices Down White Itouse. a
very hlKh aiale parlor broom, like
many retail for 60c to too; our
price So
fittiers at 38c, 34c, 28c and 3o
Cllinnx No. I 190
yrnp Karo. 10 lb. lilue Label, 38. i
5 lbs., 80o; 2 lbs So
White Karo lted Label, 10 lbs. 4Bo;
6 lbs. 840 2 lbs 100
alt at a 40 Bavins.
Cc sack ao; 106 sack he; 14 lbs tn,
sac k 11c. Per bbl. 280 lbs $1.40
fchaker Halt. 10c pks 70
Baainslin. lOo oaa Vast So
6c can 4o 10c liquid So
Rlalna 8un Polish. 10c site To
Three for 19o
Vulcanal, 10c slxe To
Cove Oysters. 20c can 15c, I for 43o
10c can 8c; I for -...Sao
Koxla, lOn pks 4o
Paklns Powder. 1 lb. 25c ran Tip.. So
Oatmeal, ibc Bosket fctore 19o
Hmall site. 9c; S fur 85o
Ask about our 4 LMscount plan.
Bo. 81 Sl Borth 16th. Mo. 83 180T Ttntoa. Bo. 848187 rarnam.
Mo. 88 140S Morth 84th Mo. 858818 Morth 84ta.
We will robahly cloe Wednesday, Jan. 27. it I K 11 and open Thursday
mornlnn at 10.S0 A. M. In order to attnn,) our annual iret-tnirether meetlrir
(Quaker Out, larae 2io size 81o
iltiiKer Hnaps, per lb &e
Hoila or tiyster Crackers, per lb., 7o
Three lbs. for 19o
Hy the whole box, per lb '
CrlHco, sise BOa
AOc slxa 44o and 2 Bo size 83o
Milk, lame can Cottase, 8c; 8 for aao
Ac cans 4c; 3 for , . . . .10a
Cider Vinegar, per Kallon 18o
Coal Oil, per sail on, 7e; ralloa Slo
Oaaoline. per gallon. 13c; 6 aal. 64o
Pyramid, lfc pkg-. 15c: 6c pks. 4c;
three for 10o
Pyramid seems a much better buy
than Oold l'tiet. Must please you aa
well or return tt and net your money
Hub-N'o-More, 26c pku. 15c, 6c pka:. 4o
three for 10.
Oold Oust. 26c pks. 20c. t for....6ae
Hal iitida, 4H lbs. 60 1 25 lbs 8BO
Toilet Paper. 10- rolls Venetian crepe
6c; 10c rolls silk tissue 6c; 6c rolls
crepe 3c; 9 rolls for 880
Llaht House Cleanser, 6c can 4o
If you like fair dealing our frank
open meat price, on the black
boards will appeal to you.
Compound Itrd, Ih ,,...80
Best (trade Lard, lb ...14o
Best 2d crade Lard, lb Uo
Creamery Butter In the tub. Slo
A (rood supply of Country Butter
uaually on hand at 87o to SOo lb.
No Honey Till Cured
Fistula m4 All R.ctal Ols.sss. turasoltli
ut kal.. Permanent aura. aHer.ate.a
Vrrlt. t.r r. Ilia.trai.d awea .n Kactai
Dl...... ..4 teetisnonlat. at aurdrerle f
cur. M.krasK. ar.4 law. -
OR. E. R. TARRY 240 Dee Dldff.. Omaha tfeb.