X HEE: OMAHA. JANUAItY WANT ADS Want ede received at ny time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre eswtrd bef-ire 11 o'clock noon for evening edition end 7 4 p. m. for morning and founder edition. Went arts received after uh hours will he under the heading, "Too Late to Clalfy." CASH RATESt tvm consecutive times, 1 cent a word rh Insertion. ... . Three times within on week, 1H cents word each Insertion, Ono time, I cent word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive time. cent a lino Of-h Insertion. , . . Three time within one week. It cent a line each Insertion. One time, II rent a line. Count six average word! to a lit Minimum charge. 30 cents. An advertisement Inserted to ""? III discontinued nuit be stopped tr writ ten order. AH claim for error must be ,r""1i within fifteen day after the last Inaer tloo of the aivertleement. Too can place your want ad hi The Bee bjr telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred or other answer have been Called for and delivered during the last wank. It I reasonable to suppose that ell of the people below have mart the desired swap, therefor do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee warn ana ure gi et remilte. H.C. SC. SC. 404 413 413 41t 417 419 430 4f3 n 4? 4X3 9R7 JWS l.'HIS i:t 17 111 1214 B.C. 142 1M6 1511 jr.ia ir.n ir.20 1625 15:J lf40 1R 45 IhM irs 1V7 1570 1672 1576 iws 1IH? 1591 117 0O 210 ill I 315 Si n r?v m 22 Jf 1 1 247 SEJ) ?0 4 rn $0 3 310 Sit its n?i lot J-8 i SJW 341 349 34 845 Ml SMJ te ri 373 S94 DEATHS AUD FCJIErlAL NOTICE. CONDELARIO-Clalr, 37 years, after an illness of t weeks. .... Funeral Friday. January at t p. nr. from Heafey Heafey' chapel. 2U Far- nam treet Burial at Rushvltle. Neb. BIRTH AND DEATHS. Rtrtha-Arnold Anderson, 3410 North Twenty-eighth, girl; Morrla Dolgoff, 1437H North Twentieth, girl; J. M. Jackaon mil North Fortieth, girl; Arthur Hwan eon. 30n Chicago, girl; Bona Vyoakwiu, h7th-Baby Iwau. fcOT South Six teenth: Hahy Anderaon, 4it North Twenty-eighth. MARR1ACB HCIlSJSKS. tioenae to wed have been granted the following couplea: Name and Addrea. Ago. Jullti F. Oottaieben. South Omaha.... Anaa Veught, 1 Hota, Kan U 11. Maghee Berkshire,, Manafleld, O.... 4S Klma Marie Martan. thnaha 44 Thoma 1 Lane, South Omaha.. II Hadle Oreen, Houth Omaha IV Roy J I an so. Lander, Wyo 25 Chrtatlne bchut. Wert Orange, N. J.. Si TOVAVH COMfiiETK MUV1K PlOHiUAilS EUcitutvely la lb CAMARPIIONKTUUA., 1401 Dougla The Btoien Kngme, Kalem Drama, 'i lia Man Irom uie toea, 'Mr. Luom drama "ine Kival etngo tallica, aeilg w. Cumeuy. KLJTK-NO. & Ul FARNAM fT Utrl Telegrapher' feiU dlin iioimo.-i. Money. -r. blorpr Ur. Auntie' Portrait. Vltagraph cumeqy. KAHNAM. 1416 FARNAM 8T. Kun alisolutely four llrst-run Mutual illins, with the famoua Keyalone cora ediee changed daily. UUP XUiuAl'iii, Kill AMU llAjtMJCK Home of Paramount Ploturea ' i N. UTU. Feature program daily. Keyatune Coiuedla. PARISH. 14U JUOUOLAH Within tin Inch of HI Life. -r. Blalr. l'ot utrl a Romance. Cryvtal comedy. I'KINCKHH, UI7-llt UOUUUA8 8T. Tue Houm of Fear Violet Jdeaoreau). uix Ain.o to i.ivu HHii viiun. And the Ieacon 8wore. Nentor comedy. s Nura. AMIAMBRA. 1M4 N. 24TH ST. Bill Joins the W. W. W.'s., Komio corn. '1 he Master. 2-r. K-li. drama. The Old Good for Nothing. Mujestlo dra. AI.AMO. 2rfll AND k'OlVI, r.iivlroninent. Majestlo drama. The Master, 3-reel K-B. drama. As a Man Thlnketh. Beauty comedy. ' CLIFTON, Military Ave. and Burdetti? 'Die Tear That Burned, 2-r. Maj. dra. House Breakers. Komln comedy. When East Meets West, Than, drama DIAMOND. M10 UkE. Master Key No. , t-reel special. Father's Strategy. Victor. When the Mummy Cried for Help, Nestor com. FRANK LIN, 24TH . A NdT'RANK LIST The Prodigal, 3-r. Kalem dra. Broucho Billy -snd the Claim Jumpers, Ess. W. dra- The Eaypttan Mummy, Vita. com. HI PPol H l.'ihl, 2STH AND CUMING. Mutual Ulrl. Krio the Pea's Wooing,' Domluo drama. The Amateur DeWctive. Than. com. fr th eater, itTr i i"a n i TcXstT Every Inch a King, 1-reel Essanay dra. question of clothes, Vila. com. Hrom ho Billy's ChriMtmas Spirit. Ess. W. ora. LOTHROP, "ilth"aua Lothiou. Regular Mutual program today. Kxploita ot Elaine Sunday. LOYAL, Ambition, t-reel Rex 2406 CALDWEIJ Hot Stuff, Joker comedy. For the Iwfenee, Kclalr dram PALACE, --J03 DAVENI'Oltf. Night of Thrills, i-reel Reel. The Rural Demons, l-Ko i-omedy. SUBURBAN, llrsrot-rtells No. K). 24X11 AND -AMES. I i- at School, Lubln comedy. Young Mrs. Wlnthrop, 3-r. Edison dra. .. ARBOR. CD AND ARBOR. The Cllv of Darkness. S i. Broncho. The Widow's Children. Reliance drama, anernisn Was Right. Royal comedy. A i'l l LI A). 4 L tTA . V ORlii! In l'ort O Dreanis, l.bin drama. The Ktisnty at Trem'ill ik Hill. 2-i. Ess. Jiiv The Professor' Homame, Vita, com! CULI'MUIA, me 8. loTii ST One Wonderful Night featuring Francis X. Rufhinsn. Four reels. Forcing Dad's Consent. Vitsgraph com COM FoRT. 24TH A N D vTn To N In the Sme Brush Country. $-r. K. B '1 he Mutual Weekly. AHlfiil of Trouble, Thanhous r. lAVoKITE. "Iiie'viNTtiNT W av of tiie Woman, Ess-dr. In Port O' 1're.t.irn, I.uh. dr. Mr. 1 .! Wsddlng Day. r-J. SlterKf of Willow Gulch. Ill," '-V' t. 12ii"s7T3TU ST. tu lj-rt Sands, two-reel Big U. A tilmatrd Weekly. Oiive love Attslr. Sterling comedy. I V K U ', lol 7V I NTON. '1 l Culllngsby IVarls, two reel E-lulr. Caught wliii tue Goods, 1 hi). Cunwuy, "il,-v Didn't Know, (Tistal. r.i.-riMK, 2..U AND LU A V EN WORTH. A l JU from Life. Hex i1Ii.miL l ove Ithiil4. Joker comedy. i.s a go.! Dili. FT.e cerita VE.NEZIA. 1211 BO. MTU ST. liiur rneU cf Mutual pbiuiea MO.N K')r-;, 2-,i FARNAM ST. 1 1, arl-e"i. Latest ( urrent Kvelil. m ,,l tie l'..i. i-reel ItMicrai'li uiam. ; iit.c i J.nuJ i I. hutuy W, coin. PC. SC. 1331 1 13-1 1411 13.T7 Mil JJ J414 K4I 141 1344 144 ISol 142 1W 14 U 14M ll 14 1374 1441 137 1446 J.TWI 1449 JXT0 14S4 i:tf 14 J3M 14K 1409 142 14 1470 4l 1471 1407 1481 AVXOt'XCEMEXTS Sewing Machine SINGERS ALL STANDARD MAKES WHITES DOMESTICS These machines are good, even the $5.00 ones. We guar antee to do perfect work. We have inspected every one, gone over them carefully. We know tlfey are right and that they arc wonderful bargains at the price asked. Just think of buy ing such well-known makes at these prices: ' Plnfter, good tn every- way $5.00 Pom pa tic, elegant, as good as new $7.50 Singer, dark oak, good '....$5.00 Singer, dark oak, good ..$5.00 Singer, golden oak, a dandy $7.50 White. 7 drawer. It's perfect, only $8.00 New Home, a good one, drop head, too $8.00 Nebraska, a good $25 value for $12.50 White Queen, a swell bargain at $12.50 Singer, 7 drawer, beautiful walnut case $20.00 Singer 66, worth $50, as good as new $18.50 Wheeler A Wilson, worth $30; it goes at $12.50 Wheeler ft Wilson, beautiful machine, only $16.00 White, worth $54, used Just one month ....$26.00 Free, can't tell from new, a $39 machine for $19.00 These bargains will go quicklv, so come early and get first choice. We rent, repair and sell MICKEL'S Nebraska Cycle Company 15th and Harney Streets. CAST OFF SHOES Before discard In those allehtlr worn shoes take a aerond look at them. Wouldn't they be Juat a serviceable with a new aula or heel, or perhaps they need antcn or two. If thl I the eaae. Instead of discard ing them, bring them to ua and take ad Vantage of our long years of experience, expert workmanship and up-to-date ho repair lacimies. You could then wear them several months lonsrer. MKN H HALF ROI.rTS fSewed 75o WOMRN'H HALF ROLF.H (Hewed) ....WW FRIEDMAN BROS. BHOlfi REPAIR KHOP, 211 8. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. No. 9 Ho. Main Ht., Council Bluffs. la HAZUb Irfaf Pile Conea. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; BOo postpaid; sample free. Mherman McConnell Hrug Co., Omaha Wedding announcements. I)u. Ptg. Co. LRKSKM AK IN(1 and tailoring, work guaranteed. 24M Casa Hi. Tel. I ted. 75. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE I'JUKJIIAMM Exclusively in The lice Beaaeew riENHON. BR MAIN ST. The Fortunes of Margaret. -reel Kclalr. When It s 0-.e of Your Own (McQuarrle). love and Spirits. Joker comedy. Coaactl Mlafr. FLITS NO. 1. M6 BROADWAY. The I-esson of the Flames. I-klison dr. The Mystery of the Yellow Bunbonnet. Sa m and the Bully. Lubln corned y NICHOLAS. M7 bkoauwat. The Premature Compromise. S-r.. Kdl. dr. The Thrilling Adventure of Count Veraoe. Arthur Truman's Ward. Vltagraph dr. ROPER, 637 BROADWAY, United States' Phenomenal Achievement Powers. The Island of Happiness. J reel U V. Dude Raffle. Sterling oom. vet h Osaabat. WCHSB. J4TH AND-N BT8. Ftrat Hhowlng of Runaway June. The Old Code. S-reel Hellg drama. Hilly a Wager. Vltagraph comoiiy. MAOIC. UTll AND O BT8. A Oentleman of Art -reel Imp. ' Kvery inch a Hero. U-Ku. comedy. Vaeaevtlle. ORPHEUM, J4TH AND M. The ploturea change daily. Anothtf big Keystone feature Friday night. . AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND. 7-passenger, cylinder. SO horacnowur, if model, and In good con. ill len. A JiHTgaln. Harney UtiK iilli Cadillac touring car; big bar gain. Caulilao Co.. tioug. 4. linin-ir.Hl HiMg t o., jnii et nnriiuy Si. lioilEWXilD for any magneto we can't iCfUlr. Coll repa. lmydorier. ZUt is. is. Fort itEiN'i One-ton vvinw uuca wlin driver, by week or inoiitn. 11. i'eilun, 2.H) Farnam. .:ail iHHigiaa ilJOl. MODEL B-i Detroilur touriug car with self-starter, run lea than 6ou mnea: genuine bargain at JlJO. Tb Y. G. Nortn wull Co., 14 Jones Si. Doug. 1707. Greenuugli Omalia Rad. Rep. t o.. M Far. AU'iO vtuailug nouse, 1U4 Fainam, buys and aeiia uul cais. i'none imugiuS U'M. rllsn., expert raoiatur repairs. tt o. )tn. cTkLHASiShlt, expert radiator and lamp repairs; Ty. 7u. 'M)l Leavenwurtn. AUTOMOBlLEr-Overtand 3u, e pasaeimer touruig, overnauied Duu. 1H14. Rear Uie new, nooby tread. Will buy tire to niaae deal. Extra tubes and tire cheap lor txuiU. L. L. D., P. O, Box 144, Souin Omaha CARH painled. according to aiae (Fold $-2) work uarnlu. itmisvoiii t ai a .JHt. Foil RENT 4 hlgli-giade 1-ton trucks by day, week or mourn, call lyier n&. slsluniclm. HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLEa Bargain In used uiachinea. Victor Rooa, "1 tie aioiorcycie Man, ' c ivDonn, IjIj INiilAN iiOlUM ULik now wsui : barkaina in used inacniuea. OMAHA BitJICI.E CO.. lulh and CiiKMgo. D. t.M. MU'lORCVCLE. S. tt. -ii. P. Yale. Sell cheap or traue. Telephone Doug. 2ma), 1214 rarnam. Utidborg Jin, T4 Imv (Hying Merklq.) A "For Sale' Ai will tuia sevuud-bauU (urnitur Into cash. BUSINESS CHANCES C iKnr kloie ana pool nail lor sale Jan. 31 at 3 o clock, by seated bids. Come and look It over; a rure opportunity and a good one. Hand in your bias and be present at apioinled tune. Tn.. i,iw i,M-t bl.iutr takes tue a.ore liad heulih and age compel me to sell. pool and 1 billiard table; good shape; value il.ojo. bhow cases and oilier fixtures, louu; stovk, Mou. A flue pusluea ana tile best loca tion In town. M. J. M EARS. Kearney, Neb. Foil MALE Best hotel .n central part of stale; good tanning territory; low rent; mie n.odvru equipment; good rea sons for selling. Adores Y 343, live. FOR SALE Well establtvhed (arm luiple- n cut business; practically ail new up- to-date stock; inventory about to.tM); part i'fcsh,halaiic reaaonabie term; iui trade; act qiiuk It you are Interested; must oe soia oeiore teoiui i. i n . eieweri lumber Co., Demsoii, la. FOR lAU: $l2,iou slock of groceries, hardware and harness In aood live town of best location; cause, poor henltli: pt.uie rash; art quica. AO drees T H. GOOD POOL HALL for sale: in good lo cality: bargain. Address T Mi. Bee. ONE of the best retail bakeries In the city; no competition. Call Weu. 144, or address K . He. I WANT TO BUY THE FOUAJWING - Banks, billiard and bowling (not oer l.Oou la city), clothing, Lata hod capa six slocks of groceries, two hardware, two Jewelry, manufacturing, four restaurants. List your business aim me for quick re sults. C. M. EATON, i'.usiue Broker, C 1104 W. O. W. Bldg. AXNOUNCKMp.NTS Sale Saturday NEW HOMES WIIEELER- WILSONS FREES parts for all makes of machines. Thone Douglas 16G2. Announce to your friend that you are preparing for better and bigger business by locating -your office In The Hre building, "the building that I always new." CAPTAIN C. I. THROCKMORTON ha been Identified with the Volunteers of America for eleven years. He will lecture at the First Presbyterian church next Hunday, January 24, at I o'clock. Rev. Kdwin H. Jenka Is the minister. PATER PAVLIK, Successors to Joaeph Patek, plumbing, steam, hot water, vapor and vacuum boating, new location, 711 8. 16tn 8U Tel. D. J9M. . EN ROLL now. Y. M. C. A. night school. ALFRI-7IJ HKDHON compuny's Blue Hlrd Coal. 16 60: Highest Grade. Dandy Illinois Lump, fc.uO; Petroleum Coke tH.50. Phone Webster 2i. LUCKY wedding rlnga at Brodegaard'a BUSINESS CHANCES LIHT YOUR BUSINESS with ua tor quick action and square treatment. QUICK BALE COMPANY. 4JH Pee Bldg. Phone Red RS4. SALESMEN AND AOKNCIE8 WANTED To handlo high-class Investment; new, sound Investment In the west for all classes or Investors; references and your connections for past year required. Address u. u. i ampDen, riecretary, ill. National Rank Bldg., Springfield, 111. c C. J. Canan can sell your farming land. LET me write your fire, tornado, automo bile and burglary Insurance. Phone me, Tyler 20.1). i haven't time to come and see you. W. o. Templeton, 603 Bee Bldg. TO OCT In or out of business. Call on QANOEHTAD. 4(4 Bee Bldg. D. 8477. KlGNri, mow cards. Clark A Sun. D. 1371 YOUR business or real estate quickly old. Write Jim Wrajr. Sioux City. TWO SMALL OFFICES. $10 AND $16. IN THE WELL LIGHTED, WELL KEPT AND WELL IOCATED BEE BUILDING. "TUK PU1LDINO THAT 18 ALWAYS NEW." OFFICE. ROOM 103. THEATERS Buy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St. Dougla 1897, EDUCATIONAL FOR sale the following acholarahlps In a iirst cihbs winana nuaineaa college: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited bualness course. On unlimited stenographlo course. One three months' business or atena. Cniphlo course. Will lie sold at a discount at (ha nffloa of the Omaha Be. WINTER TERM MOSI1F.R-T.AM PM AN COLLBGHL NOW OPEN. Unsurnassed classes lu IiumIiiahs. shoe. hand and English Drenches. Graduate iiuuranleed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. r or tree catalogue aaiee Mosher-Lampman College' Hth and Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. uo'yLes college Day School: Night tkhool: comnlnta Dusiness course; complete shorthand or stanotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service niancne and Eng. llsh. Student admitted at any time. write, phone or can ror 1H14 catalog ua BOYLF.8 COLLEGE. II. B. BOWLES. President. Boyle Bldg , Omaha, Neb. Tel. Dougla lfitiS. EXPEltT lady stenogruphcr will take PUPIIS. SllOKTHAISU touch tvoewrlt- Ing, spelling, punctuation, etc.. taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. WI lions. la St. Tel. Walnut 2TC7. The Van bant School Stenography Day school. :uu to 4 1. Night school. 1:16 to .U. IPlh aud Farnam Et. Dougla 847. FOR BALE Faraltar. New A Id-hand furniture, cash or term; reasonable. Airier. Fuin. Co., 6uu N. 16th CROP-HEAD New Home sewing ma chine: complete with ettactimei.ts: 6 i fluo ililows. comforts, dishes, etc. for t 'h. trunks or something useful. Burt W Inters, hit & 29 ih Si. Masleal lastraiueata. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 3017. Typewriters. RKNT Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith - i'remlers of Ihtir makera. The Reming ton Typeuriler Co. Telephone Dougluj I.M. Rental credited if you purchase and only vmy newest ana liisnest tuu ma chines seat out. Kale, three mouth (or i for understrok machines or 33 per nionth for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITER soid. reined, repaired. Centre! Typewriter Exchange. 3u7 t. 17th All makes typewriter rented, sold, turns. Butt Typewriter, lx Farnam. D. 6usL RENT An Oliver typewriter. $ month lot $4. The Oliver T pewrltvr Co., D. )iy atlsemllaaveaa. 4t i fifl Ruys best coal for the money; try Vir.W Weo Harmon A Weeth. i-hamt inch. Oro.s Wm. li Co., 21 A Paul. Fuit bAl.lv New and swunu-lisiid carom aud pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accesauiiea; bar fixture of ail kind; easy payment. Th Brunswick- Balke-Colnder Co., 4'7-4ii 8. loth St $ BAbKKTd coal. 31. Wagner. SOI N. latb. 3 NEW safes, different sums, below eoat Dr. Bradbury, dentist, bus Farnam. FOR SALK Laundry machinery; one Sox i-lre n Wood wanlier end one S2x43-lnch i(l aher. one i-tnch extractor, one K'X-iS ini ,t marxle. Good coudiluiu. Lil Burt St Dougla ik76. Fon H.M.r. M laeellesienwa. SHAVINGS for pecking Ice. Acme Bog Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aat Office. WANTED An experienced, competent bookkeper on charge accounts In a large dry goods store. Answer In own handwriting, stating experience had and I alary expected. Address, E 41, care nee. BILL clrk; some stenngrahy. Apply 6 Mate Bank Hide-. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppetihelm Parlors WANTED A tieat sewer to do plain sowing. Phone H. 6W. Heasekeesere nasi Domestics. THE Bervant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bre will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South umalia and Council muffs Bring ad to The Be office or telephone Tyler louO. WANTED Experienced nurse maid. Mrs. L. Hlller. 10H H. Urtth St. H. 37fi9. WANTED A girl, IS years; no washing or cooking. ai J. 117ft. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; new home, near car, no washing, good wages. Call Mr. E. M. Sunderland, Wal. WANTED-A girl for general work. H. 702. 811 S. 33th Ave. house- WANTED Experienced white girl for general house work. Phone Harney 722. WANTED first rlass white girl to do general housework In family of two. Must be clean, specially good CKik and understand serving. ne who will ap preciate good home nhd take Inte.est In work. Washing dono by laundry. Will pay good salary and expect grll to sluy per manently. Have had 3 girls in twelve years. Harney 3922. WANTED White Klrl for general housework. WHges T. Phone Wal. 14. NO washing and references. Mr. Rhode, Dodge. Tel. H. 1T6. W. H. GOOD girl for general housewoFk; must have good references; family of two. Walnut or call at 4120 Izard. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO WASHING; GOOD "WAGES. S315 BURT ST. Hlscellaaeoaa. LADIEU' Ic misses' coats, suits, dresses A skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon off's New York Sample Store, 308 N. 16th. WOMEN wanted; government Jobs; full Ust free. Franklin Institute, Dept. t8 A, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women'e Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's gude at Union station. MRS. VENGROVITCH wants an elderly lady to do general housework. Red 7730. (23 N. lth St. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical an offloe. WANTED An experienced, competent bookkeeHr on charge account in a large dry goods store. Answer In own handwriting, stating experience had and salary expected. Address, ,E 4sl, care Bee. SALESMAN TO CALL ON GROCERY TRADE, MUHT BE WELL VERSED on PICKLES, OHVIiS. ETC. HALARY 1100 STENOGRAPHER, AUTOMOBILE... 6.1 COIO.ECTOR, HIGH GRADE MAN. .$75 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 13i-20 WOODMEN OF WORLD. STENOGRAPHER, excellent opportun ity i $46 to InG Salesman, msjeh. Exp $100 Salesman, candy; salarv depends. Shipping clerk. Implement exp $75 Salesman, paper exp.; ralary depends. WATTS REF. CO., S40-42 Brandeis Thea. TRAVELING salesman; salary and ex- penwea Apply 312 Bee Bldg. Y'OUNO man for clerical position, must d gooa penman, gooa at. usrurra. is to 13 year of age. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Address, D-637, Bee. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. w rind a position that rits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bnnk lildg. STENOGRAPHER. APPLY AT ONCE. 13l&-a WOODMEN OF WORLD. HIGH-ORADK commercial positions. W r.bX REIT. BONO ASS N., 763 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. areata, Salesasesi aad aollclters. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and Accident Association. 423 City Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb LEARN BARBEft TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern.- Big demand for barbera. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St., Om. lo32 N St . Lincoln. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. WANTED A few reliable stork salesmen to assist In placing the capital stock of a going industrial corooratlon. Liberal commission. National Steel Post Com pany, Rooms $ and Ely Block, Cedar Rapid a, la, HIGH grade salesmen. $25 dally guaran teed. Imperial Mfg. Co., North Main St, Council Biuffa. Ia. EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen for fastest selling article on the market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. 12 Crounse blk.. 119 No. 16th. WANTED A salesman having experience In selling knit goods or acquainted with the dry goods trade In Nebraska or Iowa to carry our line' of sweater snd fancy knit goods; only men having experience with this line or acquainted with the dry goods trade need apply. Addre Star Knitting Co , I Crosse, Wl. BRAND new patent, rapid seller; $10 a day easy; write quick. Manufacturers' Home Supply Co., Detroit, Mich. Factory aad Trade. LEARN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING P1CTCRK OPERATOR SCHOOL. 1904 FARNAM T.. 2D FLOOR. WANTI' D 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs 15c. Coffee John. Uth and Capitol. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHER WISH Be wise a I Independent la business for yourself or earn big money. Our li er;' and well equipped .chool and shop uf pr-Hiuoe this result for you, Oet our w unusual interesting offer with Catalogue! "C." 3041. Dav and night classes. Phone D. 1413-13-17 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. iellaeellaaveue. TOU ARE NEEDED Big pav if aa auto export. We give ex pert work. All leading magneto and self ktarlera Lots of positions opening now. You go right Into the automobile busi ness from her. Write about position listed with ua Free catalogue. Ameri can Auto College, 2113 Farnam St, Omaha. Wanted at Once MEN to leal it the automobile business. Die demand 1 great for our graduates; w have trained hundred of men; let us train you. VS rite fur free booklet Nat'l Auto Training .Aei'n, til 4 N. rclh St. Omaha, Nab. 60 M .:. 21 to 36 year. Apply "Round-Up" Co , sta entrance, Brandeia theater, Sunday, li nooiv WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mail clerk, $.'5 month; Omaha examination coming. Addre Y 333. Bee. He Want Ad Produc Result, HELP WANTED MALM AMU lUMALH. MEN and women wanted, government Jobs; $u to $oe a montn. Write tot list of xultlona now obtainable. Fiank Ua Insiiiute. Dept a LA, Rochosler. N. T. HELP WANTED MALU ASD IKMALE. A I.ARfiK NATIONAL lilliiANIZA TION WANTS A WELL KHl'CATED MAN AND WIFI3 to a.-t as suiierlntend ent snd matron, respectively, of a lnrne home for c hildren. The man should have business trslnlng as well as experience handling children. Thoe wtlh teaching1 experience preferred. This lohltlon is open In a southern state. Salary Record ing to ability to gel results. Address C 4!i. Bee. WANTED Sll UATIONS YOUNO man wants place to work for board while attending Bcylcs college. Telephone lounls liitSY BUSINESS MEN Young lady reslres po sition aa stenographer, bookkeeper, of fice clerk or combination Job. Kxperlence 3 years covering 4 lines. Earned 3 promo tions Inst Job. No flirt. Will consider anything from 38 up, short time or Ion time. Replies confidential. Address B his. A G1KL who Is a competent cook wants )ositlon at generul housework, without laundry. A bM, Bee. A LADY who can cook well desires a position at general housework without Washing. P 633, Bee. YOUNO man. , desires position as grocery clerk, or work of any. kind: have lived In Omaha tor the last eight years. Call for lo at Wrbeter 4471. POSITION as stenographer: willing to begin at small snlary. Phone Web. oils. COlioRED lady wants posltt.m as cham bermaid; short hours. Web. 4xai. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, aevcrul years, railroad and office experience; prefer position aa traveling salesman or office woik; can use typewriter not a steno. K 4U2. Bee. WANTED By' girl attending sewing school, a place to work for room and board. Address Y-341, Bee. WANTED bun lie washing. Webster 55.". WANTED Position as butcher. Young man will work reasonable to start, good experience In old country. Call Don tf. 75Jb. Ask for Joe. AMBITIOUS young man of good char acter wishes work with wholesale house; good references. Address Room 403, Y. M. C. A. YOUNG, competent colored lady wunts work, houseclesnlng. cooking or serving table; references if required. Tel. Red 37W. DADY desires position of two days' work during each week; references. Address, C 536, Bee. . LIVE 8TOCII FOR SALE Horses anal Vehicles. TEAM of mares and new farm wagon, harness, complete. Call South 3029. Thirty-fifth and county line, South Omaha. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons A harness; large stock & attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co.. 1529-33 N. ltfth St. MANY well-matched teams; young mures: some In foul. Call at Brewing Co saloon. 1214. So. 13th St mi . vi' sell Immediately, the best 2,K00-lb. team, well mated bay mares. In Doug las county; quite gentle and well broken; have been taken on a debt. Call resi dence, 508 S. 20th St BIG team of work horses, 2.800 lbs.. $200; 3-vear-old draft colt. 1.400 lbs.. 1130: 3- y ear-old draft colt, I,?) lbs., $100 Stth and County Line. Phone South XfM. I HAVE three thoroughbred Jersey-Red boars for sale; good one. Call or write to Frank I. Reeves, R. No. 2, box 80, Humphrey, Neb. $175 BUYS young team of chunky mare, If taken at once; both In foal: service pale'; weight, 2.300 lbs. Also mare In loal; weighs I.3u0; 7 years old. lnaulro 2576 Harney St. Ask for Mrs. Reynolds. CHANGE of business causes me to sell my team; weight S.aoo; age 7 and 9 years; -right off hard work; will sacrifice if taken at once. Call barn, 261S Har ney St. NINE head of horses and mares, some In fr.c 1 fun 1 1fVl n 1 '1 Vl IK. ...k fall Carl tlsnsen's saloon, '224 N. lth. FOR SALE 4-year-old team, weight 2,600 lbs.; one heavy in loal; also team ot mares, 6 and 6 years old; weight 1,400 Ihs. each; both In foal. Call residence, 2223 Dodge. FOR SALE Nice dapple gray team. 4 and S year old, weight 2,600 lbs.; cheap for ready cash. Private residence, 2431 Dodge. FOUR teams, chunks, work horses, mares; some too heavy In foal for use; weight from 1.S00 to 1,400 lbs. each: axes 4 to 7 years; right out of hard work; trial given same, a ah west farnam kl LIVE STOCK SlARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha, Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stuck 4.'Bsataskos Merehasita. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND FOUND At all News Stands, FREE LANCE JUNIOR. Livest youngster. Readjt i LOST, strayed or stolen, Wednesday morning, a bull pup, 4months old, color brindie, white ring around neck; white siot in face and white spot on back: female and answer name of "Patsy. Finder please call at 813 N. 224 or Tel. Dounlaa 62o6 and receive reward. OMAHA A COirNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway com- rany to ascertain whether they left It in he street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore tl em to the right.! owner. Call Doug. 43. FOUND Lady's gold hunUng watch and fob. Elgin works. Apply at 3401 Burt St, Omaha. LOST Monday afternoon, lady's black leather pocketbookk probably on Cross town car, containing Building A Loan book, $ and small change, kodak pic tures. Reward for return. 2003 J St. South Omaha. LOST Keyring containing 4 key. Finder Phone Tyler 1OU0. Ask for Art room. MOVEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY T See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 80S Paxton Blk. Dougla 1411. XIEDIOAL Piles and Fistula Cured Without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from Busi pfrJS E .lv n In e very case L,.'. 2. tn,? 403-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17tb and Farnam street. DR. WILLIAM CRE1GIIT0N -. MAXWELL,- Twenty-eight years in Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, N. Y. NO FAKE BOOKS SENT PIT. Piles, Fistula Curp d Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ttber rectal dieeases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrt'e for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY. 340 Bee Bldf . 7 uupture Cured in a few dav without pain. Call or write Dr Wray. $03 Bee Bldg.. Omaha- Established M94. o NURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS 3u STRAWBERRY -plants, $1. Choice ot 2 varieties. Parcel post paid IMV. ex press paid, $4 00; American Ever Bearing Strawberries. 60, $1 Ou. Big bargain In all email fruit. Cata log free. W. IL KOEIX, Box 375. Hampton, la. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag tine. We collect. We distribute. I hone iHiugla 4133 and our wagon will raU. Call and tuiievt our new home. Die-1111-U14 Dudg bt "PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids We must have 1SJ subscriptions to. The Ladies' Home Journal.. ..$1.59 The Saturday Evening Post....tl.&0 The Country Gentleman $1.60 In January or the $7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contrib utes &oc or more toward the sup port of a score of Invalids who have received pension checks for ' nearly two years. URGENT PHONE D. 7163 0R MAIL. Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa straneers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian iissocntlon building at 17th St. and St. Mtry's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asaletd. Look lor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Blanche White, inallen name Blanche" Walrond, last heard of In Colo.; before lived In K. C. Mo.; plense communicate at once with Opal Walrond, 49S Chestmut Ave., Kunxas City. Mo. Father dead, estate being eel tied. PET STOCK BOSTON bull puppies, 6 months old. Harney 2834. , Call POULTRY AND SUPPLIES DON'T foiKct that three times more chickens have been hatched In OH Trusty itiTiibntors than in any other In culintor. Catalogue freo on request. Ad dress, M. M; Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPE matrlcea make tho best and rheapent lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than turred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. l'l'RE bled White Wyandotte .cockerels, $1. Mrs. Mutt I Dwyer, Arden,.Nob. K.aas. GUARANTEED fresh country eggs; 4c each bv parcel post, r repaid. Plneview Poultry Farm, Spritnjileld, Neb. LIVK WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha B E PKEPAREO lor better business by locating, now, in The Bee building; ine uinming mat is always new.' N EW ami 2d-hand motors, dynamos. magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. Le Bron Elect. Work. 316-20 S. 12th. 0 M AHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mam esses ot all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. V ACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done in the home. Sanitary Service Co.. 306 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and part for all sewing machines. N10 BRA SKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel'," 16th and Harney, Dougla 1643. Acconstxata. MELVILLE D. THOMAS A COMPANY. E. A. DWORAK, accounts audited, open ing and closing books, instablug modern ollic and cost accounting n sit ins. Ad- nress s.a rtamgo Bldg. ftiolie LI. 7403. Adding; staculacs. Dalton Adding Macnlncs. 431 8. 15. D. 140. Adder Mch. Co. Waios), W. o. W. D. 6j3b. Architect. Everett S. Dodds. tJ Paxton Blk, jD. S9SL Attraction. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture macnine and film bargain Anctloaeers. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red 3383. Magneto repair work a specialty. 0-3413. Barbers. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave, 1617 bine I'rlatlna;. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta CalKorala Land. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 1319, Carpenter and Contractors. STEVENSON. 123 8. 22d. Dougla 6620. Caterers. M'RAE Sets tables, Lerves, parties wed dings; furnish waiters, cooks. Wal. 3112. tains Palatine;. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 494$, tltiropractors. L. Oeddis, D. C., 223 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. Cistern-and Well Dlaalno;. J. K. RICKERTT. Well Construction Co.; nothing too big or impossible;' estimate furnished. 610 N. 21at St. Omaha. NEED well or clste-i SCHAFFER does It cleaned or dug? Phone Web. 6631 tivll Enarlaeera. M. J. LACY, 618 BEE BLDO. DOUQ. 47U. Coal Dealere. (1 Johnson's special, also Victor nut C ream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co mb Parn. Daacisg Academies. Turpln' Dancing Academy, Wth A Fam. Genevieve Hauflalre. Phone Web. 6336. Mackle Academy. D. 6446. 1816 liar. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L- Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. pain. 1506 Farnam. Dr. Todd' alveolar dentistry 403 Brandeis Bailey, the Dentist, 7s City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 DoukIs. D. 21SI Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickos, 724 City Nat Bank. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any pert of United States, Canada or Mex ico. SOS Paxton Blk. D. 1373. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLA' 212 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all case. Tyler USa. Dreaaasaklug;. Terry Dressmak' college, loth A Farnam. SKIRTS to order, D.oO up. 613 S. 16th. WATSON A LUND. J7 Cii. MISS STURDY, 2416 Cass. Red 7320. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paM o $u) orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Eleetrle Supplies LFBRON Elec Wks., DM a 13th. D. 317a Everything; for Woaaeu. Woman's Exchange. 433 Pax. 1'lc. R. 9!3 ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating: covered buttous. all slse and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal fleeting Co.. iuu oougis Block, u. iks. SWITCHES made from combing, by exp hand worker; mall orders. 414 N. pith. HA1KDRES.SINO. all branches; combing to order. Apt 31. Wright Blk. R. 6H.il. M U F Fh mada Irom old fur. H. 616. Florist. A. DON AGHUE. 1C23 Harney. Doug. 1301 BATH'S florists, 1MM Farnans St HESS A SOHoliA, His Farnam St. L HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Mi mler Florist Telesra-h Del. D. 1XA Awn. Furrier. . BEN FEN3TER. 1410 N. 34th St Web. TT7T. Hair UreaaluaT. Harper method. R Bal-d Bldg. D. 3311 l.a airs' Tallur. LADIES' suit tailored to measure; popu- AD1E.S su lar price reiuooeiuig. irwiu nrecuer Co.. 6U tin. Wth. Phone Doug. 9sa. LlabOaa Fixture and Wlrlasl. THOMAS DURKIN : Etoctrlo fixture and supplies, contract ing knd repair work done reasonable, t4l CUMING. . Dol'GLA til. live Stuck Heasedle. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 4Q7 a 13th. Red 426t MtHeagejr uud Tra aster. WHITE LINE. 3Ct & Uth. Douglas 3311 LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF 0L1IA Mask, Coetemes aad l.MTge Sepplle. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumea The largest sloch of masqverade aad theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben A 8on. I.rl4 Howard. i. na Masseases. CORA BELLING Y ."maS netlc treatments. Invigorating liaths, mas sages eleiiiint and ratlsfactory ; dally. evening. 107 S. lith St. Notice Etitrancs downstairs, basement. . corner nulining. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura. Wilson. W02 Fsrnam. R. t. Dougla 3751. Open evening and Sundays. Mis4 SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., p. m.: Sundays. 10 to 3. MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4297. Honrs to ; Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Lee. bath and massage. Doug. 8751. MASS AGE. 109 S. 17 th St. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red 6036. Til ASAHR &20 BFE BU1LD1NQ. MAfiOAUri DOUOIAS 637X Violet Riy, mass , 41 Bee Bile;. I. 6112. Kathleen Mack, massage A hath. D. 7R82. Movlaa, Storage aad Cleaning. W. C. FERR1N, loth and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic I'hyslelans. Dr. Rer'icha. 2034 Mc'-ngtte Bldg. D. Dr. Peterson, 60.1 Brandeis Bldg., U. 2144. Printing:. WATPRS-RARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. 24 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dpug. 644. COREY A M'KENVJB PTO. CCf. D. 2ter RIES-IIALL rttf. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37f4. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. Uth St. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 6.16 Brandeis Theater Bids;. D. O. Rnrnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Painting; and raperlng. HlTGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. B723. Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach powder at. your druggist. I'lssiri Renovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. 83i4. Safe and Time Lock Experts. O A TTO Opened, repalrel, com. AA P changed. F. E. Daven- port. 1406 Dodge. I). 1S21. Shoe Repairing:. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repaid 211 S.lT Store and Office Fixture. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Klgrn and showrards, K. M CLARK A SON. 113 S. 16TILPT. Steel t rlllngs. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. Towe Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 P. 11th. D. K2. Trunk and Suitcase. FREL1NG A STEIN I.E. 1806 Farnam St. Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. V N. IRth St. O. OLSEN A CO.. 612 S. 16th St.. 2d floor. Window Shade Cleaner and Mfurra. CLD shades made like new. Mldwet Shado Factory. 4010 Hamilton. Wal. 3191. Veterinarians. DR. Q. R. YOUNO. 402 Center. Wal. 302.1 Wine and Llquora. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th St. Wines, lkiuors. cigars. Plate dinners, H to 3, lOe. Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, $1.25 per galWrlte for price lief. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. If.th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1S09. . SWAPPER'S COLUMN V AUTO S-pasa, 40,h. p; auto, wind shield. top, chains. Presto tank and In first class running, order, trade for Omaha vacant lot worth about $600. Address S. C. 1623, Bee. AUTO. ETC.-One Oakland roadeter. thoroughly overhauled and new tires; In storage. Will pay storage until spring. One high grade Burton mandolin; one one-horsepower I. H. C. gasoline engine, like new; one tireless cooker, in good shape. Will trade one or alL What have you to offer? Address S. C. 618, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see the "Automobile" classifi cation. CALIFORNIA What have you to ex change for a California home? Address K 618. care Bee. o AUTO TRUCK Have 80-H. P. car which, with but little work, could be converted into, truck, or used for roadster as It stands. Engine, magneto, differential and transmission lust overhauled and rebuilt: $54 worth brand new tires on rener front tires tn A-l shape, waul rora or similar cur that lady can handle. Address s. C. 616, Bee. CHICKENS Seven yellow Leghorn and other chickens for sale or trade. Ad dress S. C. 611. Bee. DECORATING or painting to trade for typewriter or offlco dek and chair. Tyler 2087. DROP-HEAD New Home sewing machine. complete with attaenments; 6 rino pil lows, comfortable, dishes, etc., for trunks or something useful. Address 8. C. 619. CAMERA 6x7 Premo complete with 3 plate holders, stand, carrying case and suplementnry len sea Want typewriter. Address o. C 609, Bee. DESK arge roll top desk, gas rangs. sanitary, water still, for graphophobia or anything I can use. 8. C. 506. Eoe. I. C. S. BOOK-set of five, on building construction, estimating, supeiinlcnd- ency and reinforced concrete, bound In red leather and Ducgram ana line new. Cost 320. win swap lor .26-. 20 rifle or .22 rifle repeater, or repeating shotgun, or will take a typewriter of good make cr large roll top desk. Address S. C. 6I.V 8u ACRES Iowa land, 60 a. In crop, 20 a. pasture, lair mints, trice l.oo. Want IsDmaha house, will cany back $3,000, 6 years. 27s corny si., mtg. ii.yuo. ex change for auto or grocery stock. Iowa brick hotel, good town, a money maker, 40 rooms, modern, $15,000 mtg.; t.K),0iio. for good farm land, will aseunie. .Buck. King At Co., 912 Omaha Nat. Bk. o OFFICE DESK Will buy some good second-hand desks; must be cheap for caeb. Address S. C S64. Bea 1 PULLETS 1 Jiave three Spangled Ham burg pullets and one cockerel; will trade for Buff Orpington hens or pullets, or what ha"e you 7 Address S. C. 508. Bee. PAMBERTHY S-inch automatic Injector, worth $4.76. Will swap B. C. 607, Bee, PIANO In good shape; awap for an out-of-date auto. If engine and truck are good; I don't care for body, but must have good tires; will trade the piano even up for sometnlng on wheels. What hate you got? Rambler preferred. Ad dre 8. C. 614. Bee. PIANO Will exchange nice upright piano for chickens. Adress 8. C. 510, Bee. REVOLVER I vers-Johnson .38, for cam era; revolver Is In good order; wl.l trade even with some one. Bring your camera with you. Address S. C. 613, Bee. RUBBER ROOTS Have good pair ot rubber boot almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; in good condition; slxe W S. C. 401, Bee. ROADSTER Good Empire roadster, in good condition; Just overhauled. $M1 worth of repairs. Will swap or sell this month. What have you? Address S. C. 464. care Bee. 10.' Ou SHARKS coal mine slock, par value $1, and vacant lots In Denver, Colo., for land or merchandise. Addrea 8. C. 517, Bee SHOTGUN New hot gun, Winchester 16-kauge tike down, and hunting outilt; worth $ol. to trade. What have youf Ad dress S. C. 6 s. Bee SIGNS, showcards. Claik A Son. D. 1373. TYPEWRITER Oliver Stanaard Visible .Viiler, only allKhtly used and as good aa new Cheap for rash or will trade. What have you? Addrea. B. C. t,i. Bee. TWENTY acrea rich truck land, neur Gulf. 1 miles from Kobstewn. Tex, Address. JJ. C. liT, Be.