Till; BKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, .JANUARY '21, 1915. i i i A 1 A a rT v . . I da, 4 VV7 mm By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, January 20, 1915. MISS WILLA K. RUSSEY, who created a sensation in New York several days ago when he appeared with her car at one of the public taxicab stands as a licensed taxi, chauffeur, confesses to being an acrobat, a tailor and a scholar. She is a pest graduate of Nashville university. ins is tne lime oi trie foncty Tparh and all variety and nc that Is only worthy of a con All art. u-lvhlnp fnr an 1113 Is the time of the oicty year whrn things dun a inopt platM lovclty are granted at with an ardor comnicrclal campaign. Ail are wishing for something to happen but that soniu- th'og does not seem to be forthcoming, ro the theuter parties and Hmall dinners are now taking the place of tbe larger function, incident to th launching of debutanton, who are always everywhere, fairly under one s feet, until tin, first of the year, when the matrons and near matrons Insist on a few entrances. Tbo Rubwhipllon Dnncing club members always put a little pep In the meec and Wednesday evening Is the bright spot In the week's calendar. Tooipht they are dining as gaily as ever, possibly a little more vehemently JtiKt now, in lieu of the Lenten quietus so very Imminent. To Honor Alumnae. An unusually attractive tea was given yesterday aftrrmmn by Mrs. l K. Cro-J foot nt her home en Houth Thirty-ninth street In lienor tf the burred Heart nlumnne. The rooms were decorated throughout with pink roses and Mrs. Cro fwit wss aeslMed hy' the officers of the Hl ltnimr. The formal number on the program wss given by Mlvs loretto Iel lone, the well known NJ York harpist. A lecture via announced to lie given by Mr. llolhurn of the onford aanoclallpn. who has been so enthusiastically received by the Fine Arts. This lecture U to be given at the Sacred Heart academy Fri day afternoon,. January JB, at 3:39 p. m. The subject will be announced later. Dinner Before the Dance. Mr. and Mrs. t P. Oofoot will give a dinner this evening: before the Subscrip tion club-a party at Titrptn's academy. Mrs. Orofoofa table will be. decorated with pink rosea and asparagus ferns. The guests will be: Menem and Meedamee Harry Hurklev, . Edgar Scott. O. M. W II halm. Mrs. Charles Offut, . Mr. C. W. Hull. With Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman will be: , Messrs. arid Mesdarnes W. K. McKeen, A. U Reed, O. W. Wattles. Osgood Usatman, Jtr. Charles Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ilrogan will enter ln for: Meanrs. and Mesdames . V' A. O. Johnson. John A. Methane, rs. Arthur Itainlngtnn. MlHses- Meaars- . Kalherlne McCormlcllUrry Mc,onnics. Ida bharpe. mcma weaeiey. Suffrage Te. Mrs. Thomae Brown waa hostess this afternoon at the first of a series of suf frage teas planned for the remainder of the winter by the Omaha Suffrage asso ciation. The rooms were attractively decorated In sumach and bittersweet Miss Bessie Randall told of the work of the Visiting Nurae association and Mrs, Ueorge noane of ' the Associated charities. Mrs. Joseph Duffy gave a recitation and Mrs. A. M. Klncade a pUino solo. For Chicago Gue.t Mrs. F. T. Walker gave a luncheon today In honor of her daughter. Mr Itarry Bellamy of Chicago, who la bar guest. A oolor scheme of pink waa fol lowed In the table decorations, carried out with a mound of Ki'.laraey rosea and pink-shaded candle. Mrs,. Walker en tertained ten guests. Pleasures Fait. Mrs. Iouvtna Wlnane entertained the Sunshine flub of the Oeerge A. Custer Woman's Relief corps at a kenslngton at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Charles (1. Kverson wen the prise for the guesting contest. Miss Catherine O'Neill waa honor guest at a surprise party Saturday evening. I'rises for the game were- awarded to Atlases Agnes KUtott, Helen Good and Mr. George Dennett. Those present were: Misses Misses- Cat hertne O'Neill. Helm Peterson, I the same chapter. Tbe guests will be: 1 . w I .Mei nn'i iiirsuami-B A. H. Mver. H. 11. Nesle, J. C. Weeth. Ueorge H. I'arr. C !. HalH-ock, Ueorge Rogers. Mrs. F. I. Wilson Misses Misses 4crtnii1 Weeth, Kdna Pickering, Aanea Livesey, . Measrs. Mr.L Harolrt Weelh, Clyde Fahcock, With the Bridge Playeri. The W. W. club met today with Mrs, Charlea Oruenlg. Theater Party. .Mrs. F. II. Oalnea gave a bos party, followed by tea at her home, this after noon In honor of Miss Frances Hoch stetler. a debutante of the season, and for Miss Harriet Gillette, who 1s ' the house guest of Mi: a Eleanor Mackay. Thoae present were: . Mlases Mlsaee Frances Hnchstetler, Iiicli Hannn. Harriet Gillette, Blanche Deuel, Harriet Met, . Ann Clifford, Klranor Mackay, A lice Jsiulth, Marion Kuhn. Janet Hall. lKugenia I'aUerson, Personal Mention. The Misses Irene and Beatrice Coad have returned home after a two months' visit In the esst. Eri routs home they stopped for a short stay with their sister, Mrs. Edmund V. Krug In Nt. touts. Mrs. Charles Kountse Is sojourning at KxceJirtor Hnrlngn. Mrs. Hsrvey Jarkaon leftlast week for Mineral Welle. Tex., and New Oi leans, where she plana to spend several weeks. Helen Oood. fji-ollne McRvoy, Jeoxle Jlealcy, Mesars. Jeore llennett, Francis llealcy, Fred .Nclun, Albert Helm. Aanes K 1 1 lull. Mary O N. til. Julia O'Neill. Messra I'hnaty Hehn, George Aatronic. Clifford Bsthwell of York. Neb. Bakers Outdo Old . . Rip Van Winkle and Lose Their .Money Joe Venedra', a baker at sn Pacific street, and hia ooualn, Anton Venedra, who la also his helper, took a draught from a flask as potnt as Rip Van Winkle's flagon, with a result that while they slept sundry valuables were taken from their persons, . "He came In the ahop to sell us In surance. We refused him. Then he. said he also sold whisky as a side line, and pulled a flask from his pocket. He of. fered us a drink and we took it. 'I've got something better still,' he said, and ww drank from another bottle, and fell asleep.' Je'. slept thirty-two hours and Anton twenty-four. Oustomera pounded on the shop In a Tain effort to buy bread. An ton awoke, and with much difficulty aroused his ooualn. When the baker had recovered he found that his watch and 6 were missing, while the shop waa In great disorder. 1 " V. -av -w. 1 " "S- jar jr. - jy R. A. DAYIS HEADS DOCTORS Elected Presidenf of Elkhorn Val j ley Medical Society at Its Closing Meeting;. MEET IN COLUMBUS NEXT YEAR With cllni. s at St. Josc( h's. Methodist Ni' liolas Scnn and lmmsnuel hospitals, a lunili"ui rt t:e t'ntver?lt r club end the ann'ml mrcllr,g and cleillon of officers this aftenionn, the two-liy session of the Klkhorn Vallev MccIIchI si'x-lcty cutnc to a elope, yeeTlerdsy, Offirs elected yert. rilsy: I'lTFiHent, Ir. It. A. Davis, Arlington: vice presl ocnlH. In-. If. O. Morris, t'restnn, end Pr. If. I,. Wells. West Point; sectary, fr. A. P. Overgsard. Fremont; tr-asurer, Dr. K. U Bi-UHh. Norfolk. t'olumb'ta wan ehofen as the plsce fur the next meeting, to be iulJ- In mid-sum-tuer. Rcaolutlons Were adopted expreaelnR the tlisnks and pleasure of the visiting doctors for the fine tls)ie and honpits! clinics provided for them by the Omaha physicians. Tie Omaha phyylcisns and surgeons who conducted cllnli-a for the visiting dnctora jcnterdMV Were trSi A. F. Jonas, H. t!itrord, W. O. Hridge. J. M. I'ntton, C. C. Allison, A. p. Tyler, L. B. llush man. O. Alexander Young, A. P. Condon, R..II. 1'Hvle and F. B. Owen. OPEN LUTHERAN LAND CASE AGAIN . Dr. E. A. Van Fleet and Attorney Harry Fischer Made Defend ants in New Suit, BY J. 0. BURGER AND TRAYNOR An attempt to hold Dr. E. A. Van Fleet, well known Omaha physician, and At torney Harry Fischer . tor 18,930 of the loss to Investors lu the exploded project of the Lutheran Colonisation company In Tehamah county, California, waa made when J. O. Burger and Andrew Traynor Harry Baxman Takes Mysterious Poison Harry Baxman of Kansas City was found In the Boston hotel unconscious from a dose of poison he had swallowed. Dr. T. T. Hgrris waa aummoned, but was unable to discover the nature of the poison and ordered Baxman's removal to 8t. Joseph's hospital In the police am bulance. Baxman is aald to bo a male nurae. SN00KUMS MOURNS LOSS OF HIS FELINE PLAYMATE Canine despondency la the dominant ' filed suits In district court, to whl :h I nl" V lne PMl(Mno cnler 01 tec JOHN L. KENNEDY PRESIDES AT THE SPINGARN MEETING John L. Kennedy has accepted an Invi tation te preside at the meeting In 'he council chamber of the city hall this evening, when Dr. J. Fplngarn of New York, chairman of the directors of the National Association for the Ad vancement of the Colored People, will sneak. v IxjcuI alumni of Columbia university will occupy prominent seats. In token of the fact that for twelve years Dr. Bpln garn waa profeaaor of comparative liter ature et that Institution. After Dr. Splngarn's visit here it Is planned to Incorporate a local branch of thia association. Already a tentative organization has been effected. Including white as well as colored folk. Dr. flpln Karn's prominence is expected to give big Impetus to the movement locally, fie is a man of millions, as well as much learn ing and fame, and Is giving both his time and money to this work. The committee on arrangements an nounces the city hall meeting this even ing or.en to all end hopes for a large attendance. Keep Bowela Regslar, Nothing better than Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation. Indigestion snd sour stomach. Get a bottle. Only 2Sc. AH druggists. Advertisement. A going buslnees can te sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chances." Omaha Will Object to Rate Advantage Kansas City Enjoys A lisrd fight is to be waged before the Interntate Commerce commission Febru ary 15 to prevent a further increase In freight rates on live stcck and packing houee products from Omaha to Chicago on eastern business. At present Kansas City has an ndantao of some ." cents per W pounds In thege freight rates over Oirnhn, en 1 It la proposed hy the roads to iti'-rcasc Omaha reive 3'i cents per 1'0 more. The touth Omaha Live Stock exchange lies hrerarcd to make a hard fight against the further Increcse. and to en deavor to Bet the Interstate Commerce commit-Mton to put 'Mmilia on a nlmilar basis with Knr.sas City In the matter of freight rofs on vhese products. The matter vli sl.-o be brought before the traffk; committee of the Commercial club, after which the traffic bureau will likely be Instructed to take up the case. UNDERWRITERS BANQUET AT THE PAXTON SATURDAY The annual banquet and election of officers of the Nebraska Life Cnler writers' association will be held Satur day evening ut the Paxton hotel. Secre tary Morton expects an attendance of about twenty-five agenta of Omaha and the state. The meeting bad been planned for last Hnturday. hut was postponed on account of the storm. If Back Hurts in on Salts Begi i Hiili the Kidneys nt nc hen lt kachy or Blaildcr bothers Meat forms nrle acid. BEAUTY DOCTOR TELLS SECRET Detroit Beauty Doctor fiive Himple Recipe1 to Darken Gray Hair nd Promote Its Growth Miss Alice 'Whitney, a well-known beauty doctor of Detroit, Mich., recently gave out the following statement: "Any one can prepare a simple mixture at homo, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair, promote Its growth and make it soft and glossy. To half a pint of water add 1 oa. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and M o. of glycerine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. This will make a gray-haired pennon look twenty years younger. It Is also fine to promote the growth of hair, relieve Itching and scalp, diseases, and Is execellent for dandruff and falling hair. Advertisement. No m;in or woman who eats meat reg ularly can make a mirUkc by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric aiil which does the kidney pores eo they Musgtahly filter or strsln only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you sct sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headache, liver trouble, nervous ness, constipation, dizziness, sleepless ness, blu'Mcr disorders come from glug glsh kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your bsck hurts, or If the urine Is lou.ly, offensive, full of sedi ment. Irregular of passage or attended by a st'iinntlon of scaVllng, get about four ounces or Jnd Palts from any re liable pharmacy snd tnke a tablespoon f'ul in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kldneyg will then act line. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and has been used for generstions to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so It no longer causea Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jd Halls Is Inexpensive and can not Injure: makes a delightful ef fer-' veseent Hthia-water drink which all reg ular meat eaters should take now and. then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serloua kid ney complications. Advertisement. When Women Suffer No remedy gives greater relief than Anti-karania (A-K) Tablets in nil condi tions generally known as "Women' Achea and Ills." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she baa go long been look ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are you distressed after eating? Da yon have nausea when riding in the ram or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab lets and get instant relief. Genuine A-K Tablet bear the Ai ttonogram. . At all Draggitta, REMBRANDT STUDIO ABTZ8TXO .0TmAXT Call TJe for Tour Home Fortraitnrea. I. 3548. Room 3, Haldrldga Bldg. 20th and Farnam tits. Turpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnam Class for beginners and advanced pupils separate evenings. The latast erase. Canter Hesitation, direct from New York; can be danced to fox trot, on step or waits music New term. Harney 6143. Private lessons dally. r n Burlington Road in New Offices Today Testerdsy the Burlington bid good bye to Its old ticket office In the old Wabash corner building at Fifteenth and Farnam street occupied for years and this City Ticket' Agent Reynolds and his assistants will be at home In the new offices. In the Unite J Slatea National bank building at Sixteenth and Farnam streets. The Burlington will not indulge In a Jotenh Kave. Mrs. It. Newton entertained tho members of the Rummy club at luncheon formal opening. The city paasengvr agenf Tuesday. A inound of pink carnations ' ana nts assistants will sunlpy finish up and white narcissus was used as the table centei piece and the place carUs were Valentine novelties.' Prizes for the same were awarded to Mesdames D. E. Love Joy, Alex Jetes, J. W. llool, r. C. Best and 1 Mockrrmrr. The club will meet In two weeks with Mra' D. K. Lovcjoy. Mrs.- Klston tooby entertained In formally this afternoon at her home. The gurats were: MesOtiinca !.oul K nettle. Many izanl. C U. Iumtcy, KdwarJ Hrown, '. V. Tyson, l; J ward bnglcherdt. Meslamea hurir llw., '. I-:. Knotls. Bccket, Jot-,h Green of t i.HHKO. C. K. I x-catur of tirlnuell, la. .Mk-.ee-. t.oulne ilrctstr. Maraiet Kellogg, M last's W. Klnuoun. Irwlng It. t.laon. the day In the old and tiila morn ing commence selling tickets In tbe -new offices. The new offices, whh-h It Is agreed, are the finest In the city, have a little more space than the old onrs. They are finished and furnished In solid mahogony and everything Is new. Noth ing except the records and the tickets alll be moved from the old offices. Future Affair. ' - Mrs. J. W. Gamble will give a kenslng ton Thuntduy afternoon for chapter of tUc, l otile ucllo ilub. ; Mis. Charles (J. l?vcron ,lll entertain I he Grorge A. (JiMcr xt and Woniun's Itelb'f corpa at a McKlnley parly Friday evening. Januury J9. ' , Mrs. John kluns 1 be liostc for lh in t mi n Hue of the Kunthliu Kcnvlngton clnh o( the George A." fimter- Womun'a li lief t urpi Tuesday, FYbruaiy l'i. 'I II.-. Needle Craft guild of l'i uliie Park will nlo a bard time party this evening , :t Ihu 1'ialiie Tark club boUee. '" ' V,rednfsdy Bridge Club, ilrt,. Joi n I'utlir Wchxler ae liitecai tu.iay at the im-cilc of th Wednesday Ihtdke luli. Mrt titer's gurtt.. Miss Marion I'inic ef Ijiluyelte. Ind., was the jfurt-t ot, the iluh. The inenihers of , jl.is tlub ale:- . MAN WHO REFUSED TO BREAK JAIL IS PAROLED A. Taylor ef Orrayha, prisoner In the county Jail at Blair, who rrtueed to make his escspe several weeks a? when two otlier men broke Jh1. has been paroled by ' THntrlct Judge Italia to M. Andreason, ho bad taken an Interest In his case. Taylor had been convicted of hurjlary. ''The fact that Tsylur d.cllned to Vs ape from Jail after tmo prlsonors, one of whom mas an old safe-olcer. had opened the way, showed that' he is worthy of confidence," said Nr. Andreasen. Taylor has a wife and three 1 1 IMren In Omaha''. The piUuucis who broke jail hav never been recaptured.- M i.if'es l.liAabeth Bruce,' ' !! felera. Kailurhie ThumiiM-h . liii4ii d Butter. Mesilamea . Haloid 1 rid hell, u Wood. i 'up1, nt- r t-i. I IkhIk-Hi I'ale. Mtfl llilikley, I ,.i,ir.e 1 iliuiln, M'-lKr 1 1 Iff, Mfriltrnci l.'l Itift- iHt'ltMloW, - r. w.iiM, B ,i Peten. Willi the Vuiton. ' Mr. Llrd Koutweau of Roundup, Wyu.. wlio has been vulUng his father. Mr. N. ttouwuu, aud sisters, Misses .M-i '.-aret and sllnnaila, returned Tues il. v , teiiliis his borne. '. c. li. Decatur of Grlnoell. la.. Is m oi .g ut the home .of Mr. and lira l.Klou l-oity. Tlj'.ter Party. . i .,.r jj. f y,m i (j; i; j-te,tes-l,oJ ul I inuili!i-J ti.ltf etiMg et UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA TO ENTERTAIN DR. C. W. DABNEY The Vnlxemty of Omaha, through Pres ident , D. K. .Irnk'na, annouiicra a tioofi luncheon at tlta CommerrUl club Hatur- day for lr. Omrhs lnltney, preal- di-nt of the I ulveraity of ("inciniiali. l'r. laiie' -corirs to' make the add re .m to the hllih ikhoul graduate at the mid winter term. lie. will talk on the "Cin cinnati I'Ull of Coperatlon'i at til's luncheon, slvlng an a-t ount of "his work and of the univxreHy. associated with the civic, and Industrial Ufa ot a great ity. these men, together with the company and the Trowbridge-Bolster company, are made defendants. . The Lutheran Colonization company, of which John Yi. llummon, former pastor of Kountze Memorial church, waa presi dent, has no asseta except a 3X14,000 suit against the Kunaet syndicate, from whloh" It bought Its land, in the courts of Son Francisco. Burger, who Is an attorney, also makes J, H. Kersey, who, he says, aa pastor of tho First Christian church. Introduced him to llummon, a defendant. Both plaintiffs allege that misrepre sentations , of the California land were made to them. Burger Is suing for 35,000, which he I nvee lad In stock, and Traynor, who Is a former basguae master ot the Vnlon I'aclflc, for 3.1.9W. ' That Dr. Van Fleet allowed the colo nization company to use hia name as "the colony doctor" and to refer pur chasers to him is the alleged reason for including him as a defendant. It la aliened that Attorney Fischer, as attorney and treasurer of the company, visited the land and made a report on which tle plaintiffs relied when they In vested their money. Many residents of Omaha purchased Iliad and moved to Tchamah. Of these a large number were friends or acquaint ances of Rev. Mr. llummon. Following the failure to aeclire wter for Irrigation tle company moved the settlers to a new tilo; but without curing their dlsDetlsfactiun. The colonization company's ault in Ran Francisco fur 1:131,000 Includes the Cost of the settlers' removal expenses aa well aa danuiaes claimed hy reason ot failure io water the land. Another Argument in Jail Feeding Case Another source ot argument In the con troversy over feeding cf county Jail pris oners by the sheriff arose w lien. Arthur Mullen, attorney fur Hurlff MiFhune, declared he would, not consent to the fixing of a 32-ceiit rate for future meals j in the Jail, as provided In a previous un derstanding with county commissioners. Settlement of old cases prnding In dis trict court was about to be effected be fore litrct Judge Day when thia point was raised.' Postonemvnt resulted. "The Kuropceu war may make prk'os of food higher." said Mullen, who sur Rested that future payments to the slierilt be left to the district court. "That would be ll n-upenlng ot the wltulc case which has Jut been settled,' said Chairman Beet of the county board. tlves Maloney, Tenth and Forest avenue. The source of the grief that hae Invaded the chiefs Ifome Is a brlndle bull puppy, who answers reluctantly to the name of "Snookuma." The pup-weeps because his companion, an orange Angora kitten, has answered the call of the city and deserted him. The kttten was a present to the chief Tor Christmas, and at first "Snookums" and the feline had bitter words. A few en counters finally resulted In a firm friend ship; the pair thereafter became insep arable, "Unookuma" even vacating his sleeping quarters In favor of the kitten on cold nights. Sunday night the Angora disappeared and since then there haa been no living with her friend. To aaxuage his grief "Snookum" baa eaten all of the fema out of the dish, haa made a remarkable collection of ahoea and slippers from various parts of the house, with which he haa lined his bed. Certain articles which are usually appended to a wash line on Monday have been found frayed and tattered. "Snookuma' " distress haa assumed vocal forma at times, whlcb seriously Interferes with the chief's scien tific research. !! : tar a la frtlppe teaaai "t'ouxhs that hang on' demand treat meat clop and think! Reason and com mon aenre tell you that It la fully to 'ar!n sul bear it." Those racking la grippe coushs that wrench tbe body and causa soreness and pains lu tlju lungs yield more quickly to Foley's Honey and Tar than to any other treatment. Forty years' record f successes proves thia For coughs, colds, croup and other d.s treaing ailments ot throat, t in st. lungs, lrm and bronchial tubes, you tan find nothing that will cumnirt wll.i this re liahls remedy, bold Ly a 'I tkaitrs.-Ad-vi tl.eioi.iit. ' An Old Recipe To Darken Hair Common garden Kage .and Sulphur inaKea etreaked, faded or gray hair dark and glossy mt once. Almost everyone knows thst 8age Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and luster to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff. Itching scalp and stopa falling hair.. Years ago the only way to get this mixture waa to make It at home, which la mussy and trouble some. ' Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's 8ag and Hulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle for about W cents. Kverybody uses this old. famous recipe, because ne one can posibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It docs It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a lime; by morning the gray hair dlaappeara, and after an other application or two, your hair 'be comes beautifully dark, thick end gloesy and you lock years younger. Advertise-nu.nl. 6 THURSDAY, JAM. 21, 2 P. Yl., 7:30 P. Kl. WE MUST VACATE Closing out the Entire Stock of Cheese -Jewelry Company Consisting of Diamonds. Watches. Cut Glass and Solid Gold Jewelry. Select Any Article You Wish and it will be Offered at Auction at Once. Valuable Prizes Given Away at Each Sale. CHAIRS FOR LADILS. . REESE JEWELRY '.COMPANY'"'. Auctioneers: Dodds CO. Manor. 307 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. WJauW Colorado Warden to Talk Convict Labor Warden Thomas J. Tynan of tbe Colo rado penitentiary Is to speak at a public affairs luncheon at the Commercial club. mum time next week. The dale will probably be January Zi. He will 1wU on tout let labor on the public roads, as Colorado hsa enjoyed tun.-idcrablo sue less with thl' practice. H Is likely that the Omaha manufacturers Mil have htm .pea'i t i Ik'in In the eveidug at their senna! . "Homo Hrodui u" dinner. The manuf.tclurt ra aie uii.-ll ral.ly inter ted In tl.a s'lbjei-t of couvh t l.il-or fr lh o..l . n t are anMiiut' tu hiui hlni tell ol the wuik In folulkdo. j .1 mi Svfellincft & TOR Rub Omega Ofl gently otrer th U that hurts. Then soak piece of naa tiel with the Oil, la it on the painful Sart and cover with a piece ol cry annel. Thil simple treatment uaually Ctvts a,ukk rtUei. Trial bottle toe a1W juowJL ares orida and.uba You can't relax where it'a cold. You can't really rest in a "shivery outdoors. Florida' sunny cli nut is the nttJjvl thing ia your cam paign for recuper ation. Plan to go thcie! (fj . a The Frisco has on sale daily, winter tourist tickets to all of the Florida and Cuban resorts. Good for return passage until June I st, 191 5. Liberal stopover privileges. Kansas Gty to: Miami and return, 4.0 Jacksonville and return, 42.50 Key West and return. 75.60 St. Augustino and return, 44.S0 Tanapa and return, -54.10 Palm Beach and ret una, 61.00 Havana and return. 79.00 Good returnliif six Booths from date ot sale. Correspondingly low fares to other resorts in Florida, Cuba and the Isle of Pines. There ia aa all-steel train, through fiera Kansas City to Jacksonville, ever the Frisco Lines and Southern Railwaywith steel coaches, dining cars (Fred Harvey meals) and sleepers. It's The Kansas City Florida Special and it rakes you through the Osaik Mountain. Detailed information and profusely illustrated descriptive litetatuse may be had by cxldreastng 3.C Loeriea. Drviaioa Passenger Agent. 609 Waldheia Bldg, Kansas City tl WU4(W -V i ' ? e rim vn . - 'tPr--