Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Indication! at Odd Moment Limit
of Abcoption Had Been
NEW TORK. Jan. sV-Ther were In
dications at kM momrnti of today's
rtork market eslon that the limit of
absorption hurt hwn reached, but Ihese
rre dispelled In ne later dealing, when
a broad buying movement wiped out ntiwt
of the early losses and sent numerous
Important tsii-s to the highest level at
tHlned sine the renewal of open trading.
lonllni In stocks ahowed a marked de
crease from the preceding day a extra
ordinary activity, but thla waa more than
offset by the gain In bond, the business
In theee eecurltlea aggregating the largeet
amount of any day since the exchn.
Aalde from eontlni'ed actU-lty In MlJ
Imurl rrtllo stocks t ml bonds at ad
vanced price, lo irlied stock ware
ls In evidence thin has recently been
the rase. In fact, many aharee eonsll
twtlng that group were dull and low.
ytiimcljr tasiies reflected the receivership
proceedings. Bethlehem flteel common
waa inclined to droop on rumor that ne
Atvldend would be am norland for a long
time and Pressed Hteel car fell precipi
tately at the end un.1 report that the
company hurt failed to receive aome large
contracts under negotiation. .
Treeaure wa directed upon eome of the
leader". particularly I'nited Htatea Btee)
and the principal copper, board room
atosstp attributing the temporary heavi
ness of these stocks to foreign selling.
Ioridon. from all account. dlsimaeil of t
moderate amount of our stocks in this
Advice from VliUi!urh ravo a more
favorable aspect to the outlook for the
ateel Industry, operation In 'hot district
and the middle 'went ehowlng a nldr
ahle gain In rate of production compared
with a week agfl. Copper price held at
34 rente, but aome disappointment waa
felt at the Amalgamated dividend, rhlch
waa again declared on the 60 cent nunr
terlr basis.
.Many of the day' galna In bond ware in
Speculative ieeuea. advsncea extenil'ng
from 1 to 4 per oent. Wt. r'aul convertible
were a feature, contributing more than
their quota to the whole. Total aale, mr
value, were t WO.ft. United Htatea gov
ernment registered Is wero up per
cent on call. . .
Number or aalea i
on etocks were as
Alaska Ool
AinliaMWl Cnpvr ...
Anerkaa IMt utJ...
Antarlraa a
Aniarlnan 8. a R
An. 8 K pi
Am Sumr Hetlnln....
Amerlro Tal. A 11...
Aieertraa Tolwece
Amronilt Mlalo
Kaltlmrr Ohio
Hn-.,klvB Hnf.Hl Tr
all'nrnl lltilia ..
Cunadlua PwMIe
4 antral Ijwtber
f'hwwpMUi CUll
I'hlilH U W
nui3. m. a m. r...
'1plrn n. w
rhino 1'oeeee
Colorado Kual Iron...
Vlnra Bovl hern. . . .
Iwnmr A Rio IJranifa. .
lanr K it. pli....
Txailllorm' McarUlM ...
letter I Klentrie
l)iil North! pit
Ilraat Ni. Ore etfa
JMInftle Ofitml
1 rriei lvrough Met. pf....
)niaimtloa Ctppr ......
jntaroatknnal lianraslar.,
; My Houtliara...
.Maa Vallay
maUle a Naahallla..
fM-iiraut Patrolaura
JMiaml coepar
yiaamni, K. A T
VittOTnrl l'artflo
National Blarull
Matlonal peed ,
Kavada Cnp
S Yom Oantral
K Y.. N. H. H
Mtvrfidk aV W.ier
riorttMra Cmalflo
)-erifia Mill
ri(to Tel. Tel
Jmimoti I'aUre Car
itf . Cawer
ti.pubnt Ira A 8uet...
Itnrk UlMl Co
J lock lied c. pfa
n 1. a a. r. M (At.,
l-ootliera I"'"
p.uihnl lullwar
IroiinM ner
Taha t ompaltf
nl l ai iria
t nlMI Palfla rf
? nltad lilaa Htaal
'. a. Hiael pfd...
Vtah Cbpear
V pfil
VMarn l oloo
..nn,hfRiu Klaelrla ..
T jui site tot U eay. Juw.aDS ,
Judge of election may lgn ballot
with pencil, although the Walute call
for pen and Ink. County Judge Crawford
decided In the alectton rontest brought
by R. J. Madden, democratic candidate
again at Police Judge Foater In the lJ"t
election. The point wss -aleed by Ren
8. Baker, attorney for Madden.
Although many error in the counting
of ballot have breen found, neither Mad-,
den nor Foster ha a net gain of consequence.
galea. High. txw. Clcea.
, l.sme t kH
, .n 7 11
, tfl u
, 1.100 '
l.ane ft i 'J'
K iil V1
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k.nn 94 ' 4
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MO J4, h 1"'
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M.w 3 1WS S
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14. B'.'S US MS
lino 101S 17S
I MO its I M'i
i.ko i s
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i ns us
Fifty Yonnj; Men Appear for Ex
ami When They Think They
Are to Ipect Chickens.
Fifty young men with ambition to
enter the employ of Uncle Ham as lay in
spector took ' the examination for that
poaltton In the federal building Wednes
day. Now, why can't the government name
it job so that no one ahull be misled T
Why should It be possible for a well
meaning young man who wants to get
ahead In the world to present himself
for the examination and then, when he
see the cjuenllonn, announce that he
can't anawer them and doen't aee whnt
they have to do with the Job, anyway.
In other word, why on earth ihould
the position of assistant meat Inspector
at packing house be designated 'lay In
tpectorr' That Is whet the disappointed
applicant wanted to know.
"Iy lnsp4trtor." Well, what lay?
Chicken, of course. And what do they
layT' Answer Is, eg us. There you are
"lay Inspector "and by all the rules of
logic a lay Inspector should be an In
spector of eggs. Kggs need Inspecting,
do they not? Tea, Indeed, very frequently.
The poaltuui of lay Inspector, It waa
further pointed out, comes under the
United States bureau of animal Industry.
And-here again the disappointed appli
cant scores a point among the fifty. ' Is
the, hen un animal T" ha demands. A child
can answer him no. And this. In face of
the fact that the late melancholy Herr
Schopenhauer described a hen as "a two.
legged animal with feathers" In contra
distinction to man. whom he designated
with equal exactne "a two-legged ani
mal without feathers."
The disappointed applicant established
hie position with regard to the hen being
of the ornithological genu. Hut he can
scarcely hore to turn the entire United
states bureau of animal Industry fo hi
way of thlnklnk. And like Mahomet
and hi mountain, he proposes to go to
the government's way of thinking and be
prepared to take and pass the examina
tion for "lay Inspector" next time It I
Dahlman as Pinch Hitter Turns the
Tide for Demon Rom at Ex
celsior Springs.
New York Moer Market.
rAPKlt-J!,.!h' P"r cent.
eteody; dxty-day bills, 4.b17&; for cable.
i Mlij: for d.-mand, Httf1.
HILVER-Har, V; Mexican dollar,
l.i'NP? Oovernment, firm; railroad,
, MuXKY-Call. steady: high. 8 per cent;
Iow. IS: per cwnt; ruling rale, 2 per cent;
ast loan, t per cent; closing bid, W per
tent; ollered at 2 lx-r cent. Tlina loans,
may; sixty 4lMy. lr cent; ninety
dif t er cent; six inoiiths. av ler cent.
1XNI)UN. Jan. W.-.VUNKV-1 ter cent.
Slmunt ratoa: Hliort bill, V,fri per
emf. three month, t Pr cent.
HII-VKR War. XI i3-lid per ounce.
:ios1ng quotations on bond today
ei folio-;,
B nt. ta, rag.... H M. ISp. ev. U.... 4S
,j, t.wpoa SN. Y. C. .
t g. la. rm t, fltr 4a lS3..14S
oautoe itiiSN. T. xiata 4Sa....luas
V K 4a. rag K'.N. V.. N. H. a ll.
. ew!o I"S . a ,..t5S
Vminia Sa eouiwu. .1"' N rctrio 4a .'s
,B bmaltara s. .. .! o la 4s
T a T. ca. aaa o. p. i rar. aa.... a
Arweuf . 4Sa.. '-S I'ao. T. T. la.... IS
AutiM rl 4.... S'fann eon. 4 S
vl a Ohto aa e- nsiuiu an. aa va
..t,. 1 "tilo 4Sa.. "a 1 a tt. r. r. as aHS
4 g. J. ... ni. racine a?, aa... ar
Jacob Sohiff Says
Industrial Unrest
is Now Decreasing
NEW TORK. Jan. 30.-Th government
could conduct employment offices, bring
ing together the worker and the em
ployer, better than any other agency, In
the opinion of Jacob H. Schlff, set forth
In his testimony today at tha resump
tion of the federal Industrial relations
commission' Investigation of cause for
social unrest.
Mr. Bchlff la m member of the banking
firm of Kuhn, Loeb 4 Co.. ajid repre
sentative In this country of the Baron
J Hirsch foundation. He testified be
was a director of the Western Union
Telegraph company, the Tuberculosis
revetitorium and .various hospitals and
Industrial corporations to lha number
of ten.
He said ha possessed no Information
regarding labor condition In the Indus
trie in which he Is Interested and be
lieved "such business .Is for the superin
tendents and officers other than fSe
board of diiectorat He never took an In
terest In the labor condition, he said.
ntll labor trouble developed.
"A a man Interested In bis fellow men. '
the banker said. "I would rather think
that Industrial unrest Is decreasing In
this country."
To hava the government represented
among the trustees of foundation would.
Mr. Bchlff said he believed. Inject politic
Into their management and tht would
be bad for all concerned.
i- m ft r r
p i. f. . 1
r a . rat. 4',.
IV It U. ret. aa
y.ria 4a.
iaji. hl'M
N ll
111. n re 4a .
K. C. ho. re'.
1. N al. 4..
V K T. l 4a
do raf.
"S u c. I
M'a Ho. Ilallwar la ...
41 luloo la.ui 4-
S , ill e. 4.
I4 I'. H Koboar aa
ll l!. H. Hieel la..
MS W ahaah ll la..
t it. fniaa 4sa
MS Waav.,
.. IS
.. Mi,
.. 7S
.. 11
aa.. II
ak C leariaga.
(iMAHA. Jan. Hunk clearlnK for
llintilia today were 12 SWi4fl.M and for the
I orf .oli(ling day laal ear ai.s4K.vl4 K,
If you hava a "Sunshiny Room" let
people know about it In this column of
2ce Want Ada
e aw
U U waaj ' L ItW
hrto mavlter bow long ar how bavi gw t
ur Or.nit tortdf n4 cvt a H eetit
1.J aw I )iml.1 1 11 hamadv, It will
f ura A IrlJ .k4 uaipd frwai ID Olivia
nafA.'lesc U ytea iMa.d urn eoupuai bttu
t 11, ' klllll.U IIICHIV
t .l rraJi..J i..l.. VanhaJl. VTKh.
kin'r au4 u.m a r ree aauiiple ef
V i awe Baiaaif, la pi4wa wra-
"!t .
What's this "Former Mayor Dahlman
of Omaha?"
That Is the title given him by the Kan
sas City Post In reporting the part lie
played In the wet end dry fight fit Ex
celsior BprlnR, the wets winning by
about two fingers.
Bays the Post: .
Jacob E. Meeker, cnngresemsn-elect
from the Tenth district, and former
Mayor Unlilman of Omaha were the
speaker lest nlKht st th cloeing meet
ing the wet. The Auditorium waa
Parked and a band from Kansas City
entert.Hlned the crowd.
Some of Jim's friends seem to think
the enemy has conspired agamst him at
home and abroad, determined to get his
goat. Bays Tom Flynn:
"At home they're telling how they are
going to make him a has-been, abroad
they're culling him 'Former Mayor,' as If
he was already down and out."
Rut from the dope coming up ahead of
Jim from the iprlngs, he la a pretty lively
dead one, or thinks he Is. 11 writes ta
a friend that thla speechifying he has
been doing for the wets at Excelsior
springs I a tort of jockeying for a start
In the real race of hi life here In Omaha.
Here's How.
For the delectation of those good
Omaha folk who might feel proud of their
honorable mayor's triumph, thl para
graph from the Kansa t'lty Post may
! added: ,
Dahlman said he had been coming to
the Hprin. for fifteen years and had
seen It grow iip. He told the audience
1h way to kill the place was to make It
Jim seems to have been sent in in the
Pinch. It waa the last half of the ninth,
with two out and the score two to one
sgalnst the Rummies, with Demon Hum,
himself, on third.
"Dahliifan, Dahlman, send Dahlman In
to bat," yelled the fans. So the Demon,
stopping to mop the sweat from his
brow, waved from third to Jim, who
walked from the bench to the plate,
l icking out his favorite stick. After foul
ing off one and having one strike called
on him, Jim delivered, hitting to the
fence for the circuit, sending the Demon
in ahead of him.
The dry at .first put up quite a holler
about sending in "u rank outsider," but
nothing doing, the uuip's word went. The
Kamo was over and the wets won by
one rurl. ,
Now. they do say that if James Caruso
Dahlman fall down at the. spring elec
tion in Omaha, a many think he may,
he muy go down to Excelsior Kprings and
land the mayorship under the wets.
The mayor Is expected home Friday
morning, hut some of the "boys" are
now wondering whether he'U make it or
not, after thla game.
Proposes to Train
Thirty Thousand
Army Officers
WA8HINUTON. Jan. SO.-An army of
ficer' reserve ut at fcaut 3U.0OO men, to
be trained at military school, one In
every state, al two-thirds federal and
one-third state expense. Is contemplated
In the Mckeltar bill, favorably reported
today from the house military committee.
Secretary Garrison In a letter to th
committee approved Hi bill.
"Th academic training," Secretary
Garrison wrote, "la to be modeled as
cloaely aa polble after that now given
at th United rlates Military academy,
thus laying the foundation for useful cltl-
sens as well as officers in time of emergency."
Bankers' Sleuths
Say Have Found
Trust of Forgers
NEW TORK, Jan. 20.-The existence of
a o-called forgers' trust, with extensive
ramifications and many agent through
out the United States, was announced
here today by a private detective agency
employe by the American Bankers' as
sociation' to Investigate a flood of for
geries that have lately poured into New
York banks.
It Is said that agents of the organisa
tion had been shadowed for weeks and
that many arrest would be made
throughout the country within forty-eight
hours. ,
William J. Burns, who made the. an
nouncemW. said that one arrest already
had been made In connection with the
Investigation, which had been conducted
since lust October. .The man under, ar
rest, Mr. Burn said, was Joseph Walsh,
known as Jle Rogers, who waa locked up
in Stamford, Conn.
Mr. Hums said that the organisation's
headquarters, wero In New York City,
and that It maintained an auditing de
partment with a system under which
th proceeds of hundreds of forgeries
were divided equally among the mem
bers of the so-called trust.
ITHACA. N., Y., Jan. . Th Cornell
Athletic association announced today that
Daniel A. Reed and Ray Van Orman had
signed contract to servo a assistant
coaches of the foot ball team for 1916
Thla means, it I said, that th eoachlng
aystom will be the same as that of last
fall. ' Reed and Orman have been as
sistants to Dr. Sharpe since he assumed
charge ol Cornell team three years ago.
A "For Kale- Ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Francis Name of
White House Boy
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3.-Francls will
be the nam of President Wilson's
grandson, tha child of Mr. and Mr.
Fraacla B. Bayre. who waa born at th
Whit IIoum Buaday. Th announce
ment waa made today by Mr. Hay re.
Home of th family wanted to call th
baby-Woodrow Wilson Hayr. or Wo4jd
row Kay re. but the president thought the
child should have an individuality vt his
Roth Mr. Bayre and th baby continued
to progress favorably today.
Don't run the risk; get a btlo bottle of
Dr. .King's New Discovery now. The
first doe help ou. All druiuUts -Advertisement.
IXINDON, Jan. .Tb Exchange Tele
graph umnpany publlahes a dlspaUh from
Copenhagen, aaytng that Albert Ballln,
director general of tha l!amburg-Amer
kaa Kteamahip company, at the requeat
of Ernperui William, iias taken oxer th
maiiagnmeut of the entire railroad system
of OM-toauy and In work of delivering
lood etipiiLias fur th tier man army ,
German Socialists
Are Not at Outs
AMSTERDAM. Jan. .-Vla London.)
-An official alateuient issued by th
racialist party board at Berlin complains
that th foregtn pre ta continually pub
lishing letter whereby foreign aoclnltsLi
ara led to believe that there la etrtf In
the socialist ranks In Germany over the
war l t nation.
"Badly Informed correapondents." the
statement says, "exaggerate paltry oc
curences and huah up the really Import
ant, facta."
Cure Your Cold
In a Few Hours
And Feel Fine
Relief comes instantly,
A do taken every two hour until
three djoa ar take will end grippe
misery and break up a sever cold
either In the head, chest, ' body or
It promptly opens cloggd-up noatrils
and air pasaagea In the head, tope nasty
discharge or nose running, relieves lck
headache, dullness, faverishaesa. sore
throat, aiieexlng. soreaeae and tlffnea.
Don't stay suffad-up! Quit blowing and
snuffling: Kas your throbbing hvadi!
Nothing els In tho urld gii aocn
prompt rt-lit-f aa "lJai' Cold Com
pound," which cools only X rents at any
drug ator. It acts without assistance,
taste nice, i suae no inconvenience, lie
aure you get the genuine Advertise
Women and Old Men
Sent from Cracow
GENEVA, Jan. .-(Vla Parl.)-Pla-patchea
from Buda-Pest state that th
governor of Cracow has ordered the par
till evacuation from the city and It
suburbs of women, children and men un-.
fit for military service. Thejr have been
given forty-4lght hour to leave. The
men over military age, but who are still
active, have been formed Into a civic
guard. The) banks hava been transferred
to Vienna. '
Provisions of allkinds, It Is stated, are
scarce In Cracow.
Tha Austrian war office has Issued an
order calling up all of the landsturm
men, up to and Including those aged 00.
The order applies throughout the Aus
trian empire.
Cadet Taylor Sayi the Traffio Will
Now Be Much Hore Easily
"The new law regulating the sale of
opium and Its derlvitlves will give us a
better hold on buyers and sellers of
'dope' than wa have eVer had before,"
said Collector of Custom Cadet Taylor.
" "Pope1 fiends are the moat unreliable
peoplo from whom to get evidence re
garding the source of their 'dope' supply.
They will lie with the most utter abandon
and often with real artistry. And often
they will blandly refuse to telL In the
fnntastlc world In which they float the
things of this world are of little moment,
and they look a long sentence for con
tempt calmly In the face and refuse to
"Nine-tenth of the men caught loot
ing houses of plumbing fixtures are 'dope'
fiends. The normal man won't take the
risk for the small profit. But the man
erasy for 'dope' thinks only about his
dope.' I had a house that was looted
of (36 worth of fixtures and It was proved
that all the Tboter got for them waa 60
cents, but that waa enough to buy 'dope
and forgetfulne a. -
"The new law, providing that the col
lector of Internal revenue provide blanks,
which the druggists and other dispensers
of these drugs mujjbuy and have filled
out by each purchaser, will give real evi
dence on which we can secure a convic
tion. "Wa need a state law to supplement the
national one, so that quicker action can
be gotten In dealing with these cases."
The collector of customs will have a
conference with Chief of Police Dunn
and Collector of Internal Revenue North
soon upon the new law.
Drive Catarrh Germs
From Nose and Throat
Oaly Way to ateally Oar Catarrh way
Voted Specialists.
The germs of catarrh breed, thrive and
multiply by the million far up In the air
assaea of the none, throat and lungs of
every catarrh victim. Catarrh Is a germ
diaeaaa and you cannot get rid of the dis
ease until you get rid of the germ. The
best specialists seem agreed on this point.
You can't kill germs with ointments or
lotlonv etc. which you nuff up yourtioae. I
These- may clear your head and let you I
Drear, ne easier but they do not reach the
germs. Stomach dosing may purify your
blood, but tt doesn't kill th germs nor
does It curs Catarrh.
There Is Just one safe, sensible and In
variably reliable way to reach and des
troy catarrh germs and thus stop catarrh
forever. Breathe Into vour nose, throat
of Ilyomel which Is made from the pure,
healing oil of Kucalyptua combined with
powerful germicidal Ingredient which ar
certain death to every catarrh germ they
reach. The air of Hyomel breathed deeply
la so penetrating it reaches Into every
nook, corner and crevice of your nose,
throat and lunga where germs can possi
bly hide or breed. Its an easy treatment.
You'll Ilka to breathe Hyomel. Its odor
and effect Is pleasant to everyone but the 1
mischief making germs) themselves, i ney
don't like It. simply can't stand It and are
completely driven from your body taking
Catarrh Itself with them. Ilyomel Is a
standard preparation recognised by phy
sicians and druggists everywhere. It is so
well thought of here that in enerman
Mi-Cnnnell lirnr Co. and many other lead
ing druggists In this vicinity sell tt with
an absolute guarantee of successful cure
or money back. No catarrn auirerer mere-,
for assumes any risk In giving it a trial
Tear thla notice out of the paper now and
show tt to your druggist aa you ask for
Hyomel. He aure to asa nun or mo com
plete Hyomel outfit aa thia oontalna a
Free Inhaling device which la very neces
sary to use to get the best results. au-
Many are profiting largely
by the great Value-Giring
J anuary Sale of Furniture.
Act quickly and profit
by it.
Hundreds of Wise Men
are wearing mighty good
clothes these days at a
very small price. Let us
show you.
ft, ripX
A Wealth of Beautiful
Wc will not carry garments over from one season to the next
and in order to effect a complete clearance we lose sight of
all profits, even disregarding original costs in pricings for our
final clearance.
Do not forget that the modes are distinctive, qualities fine
and workmanship worthy of highest praise.- Don't miss these
remarkable Thursday underpricings:
Two Beautiful Sable Squirrel
Coats Made to sell at $150
to $300; choice Thursday 60
An Elegant Long Hudson Seal
Coat Made to sell at $250,
on sale Thursday for. . .$89
Leopard Fur Coat A hand
some garment, made to sell at
.$79, Thursday at. $35
2 Beautiful Marten Sets $150
and $175 values, your choice
Thursday for ...$75
12 Handsome Fur Sets Fox,
.Tap Mink, Fitch and Hudson,
Seal, $50 to $65 values. .$25
Black Coney Muffs Made to
sell at $5 to $6.50, in one lot
Thursday, at $2.50
75 Fur Scarfs Made to sell at $6.50 to $15.00, good assortment
to choose from, to close, at v . . $2.95
See the New Spring Tailored Suit Styles. J
Bedspread Specials
100 Spreads, full size, with scalloped
edge, cut corners, marseilles pattern,
exceptional values, at, each $2.65
125 Spreads, cut corners, marseilles pat
tern, heavy knotted fringe, $5.00 values,
at $3.95
65c Mercerized Table Dam&ti 70 inches
wide, on sale at, yard. ,48
$1.25 Irish Satin Damask, 70 inches wide,
all linen, yard $1.00
Bath and Huck Towels 30c and 35c val
ues, extra sizes, on sale at, each. . .25
$1 Aprons, 49c
A big special lot of
ladies' Gingham,
Percale and Cham
bra v . Anrons. in
a- r gss
several different BrJ
styles, regular and n
extra sizes, extra'?
length, to $1.00 tMv ,,.
values, at ... 49 F'H
Ladies' Outing " Flannel
Night Gowns Values to
75c, good quality, "well
made, choice 35
ta Iadl' T7ndrwsr Sept.
Read Hay den's Big Special Grocery Sale for Thursday-Quality First
And a SSTlnr of &S to BO war cent
ob tha cost of living, la our motto.
1 lbs. betit granulated Sugar, .91.00
48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond
H. Flour, nothing finer for bread,
pies or cakes, etc., quality goods,
per. sack
10 bars Beat 'Km All, Lenox or Laun
dry Queen White Laundry Soap, 9 So
19 lbs. purs Buckwheat Flour... 4o
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice B9s
10 lbs. best white or yellow Cornmeal
for -.19o
7 lb, best rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal for lso
4 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans 8 So
8 cans oil or musturd Sardines . .S&e
Advo Jell, for dessert, nothing like It.
ISee our special demonstrations and
free samples all this week; lb., 7c
K. C. Com Flakes, pkg . ..6o
Large bottlea Worcestershire Sauce,
ncxies (assorted kinds), Horserad
ish or Prepared Mustard, bottle sto
Full Cream, Young America, Wiscon
sin Cream, N. Y. White Cheese, per
lb 80o
8 lbs. Butteiine. 90o
Fancy Table Butterlne, lb 17Ho
tlolden Hanaos Coffee, lb.... . ...SOo
raonAjrx vavbx. xajtctB bals
The Highland Navels are the fin
est fruit grown In California. Rich
in flavor, ripe and Juicy.
80 size. reg. SOo dos., this sale...35e
SO alse, reg 60c dos.. this sale... SOo
126 size,' reg. 40c dos., this sale...85o
176 size. reg. JOc do., thla sale... SOo
Zlt-160 else, reg. 26c dos.. this sale 100
Th Orange of Quality.
Ta Trtabla Market for th
a-eopio oi onsta.
The best Red Rivsr, Early Ohio
Potatoes. 16 lbs. to the pk.... .sue
The best Wisconsin Cabbage, lb., lVto
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 8 lbs lOo
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt. TUg
Fresh Beets. Carrol s. Turnips, Shal
lots or Radishes, bunch 4o
-Fancy California Cauliflower, lb., THo
f large Boup Bunches 10a
v Fancy Head Lettuce, head THo
The best Orsamsry Batter, oartom or
balk, per lb 33o
Fancy country creamery Butter, per
lb. aio
Fancy Dairy Table Butter. lb....So
Beet No. 1 storage Eggs, dos 8 So
Best strictly fresh Eggs, nothing
finer, per dos 3s
Mb i
How At.
F.arnarc. and 1S4h St
Walk with
the springy
step of "The
Barefoot Boy"
You can, and you will fel
younger, be younger nd get
mora pleasure out of life tf you
Insole Shoes
The shoe that take the Jar out
or walking. Fitted with an in
sole, nude ot finest piano felt
(never. packs or loses Its elec
tricity), cohered with the finest
leather, a non-conductor of
heat or cold. Stock used is the
finest grade of kid. Built on
a foot-form last.
"MEN'S . . . $5.00
WOMEN'S. $450
Kangaroo Leather BOe Extra.
Parcel lot Paid.
1419 Farnam
jliiited States National ianli inkling
,JF'IPHISSl!M.llSWIL4ISl.MiaillMiSrWII,ll.JIII.L ..l I Xll.-X JH 1 1 BP tfal.a. S HJLUIIM 1 II. Ill II . . 1 .1 1 1 .. I J.J ,. I, as.. ...,,,.
. . . ' k . ........
Three Ways to Sell a House
The Sign
When yon put a sign
on your property it at
tracts more attention to
itself than to the house
you desire to selL
' If the property is a
residence and your ob
ject is to convince a
prospective buyer of
the select character of
the neighborhood, a
sign certainly would not
be good taste.
On some kinds of prop
erty, such as a vacant lot or
a tunable-down empty house
asar aa abandoned coal
mine, a sign would not de
tract from the value ot the
land. ,
But It would not brine a
buyer out to see It. Some
thing else U required to let
the bnyer know where your
property la located.
The Agent
One of the best ways
to sell a house
is through an agent.
An agent works hard
for his commission; he
must first find a buyer
who is interested in the
kind of property you
have; then he may
spend weeks trying to
convince the man that
he should buy.
'-Often he does not tell the
house, so all his work
done without pay. He hat
spent his time, but you have
pent nothing.
Tou should always em-'
ploy aa agent, however, be
cause his experience gives
him a degree of skill In clos
ing deals that Is worth all
that he earna In the way of
The Bee Want Ad
A sign is seen only by
those who chance to
pass the property. An
agent goes to men who
have never seen the
property and thus
brings it to the atten
tion of a greater num
ber of people.
But a want ad in The
Bee reaches the entire
It supplements the
work of the agent it
does not replace him.
Where the agent sees only
a doieu men who are Inter
ested in your property. The
Bee want ad reaches hun
dreds. Send In your ad without
delay someone may even
now be looking f6r the prop
erty yon have for sale. The
ad will be almost sure to
reach him. Try It aayhosT
ins cost u small.
TtlephoQ Tyler 1000
Evrybody Reads Be Want Ad