10 TTTE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 1915. WANT ADS W ant ads received at any time, but to Insura proper clnsslfl-atlon most be pr". senled berirc 11 o'clock noon for evening coition and 7 30 p. tn. for morning and Sunday edition". Want a1s recctved aMr such bourn will he under the healing, Too Lata to ClneWfy." CASH RATE!. IVven consecutive timet, 1 Pent a word Insertion. Three tlnjrs within one week. 14 cenU word each Insertion. One time, I centa a word. CHAROK RATES. Pevrn cen-ecuttve times, 8 cent line n'-h Insertion. Three time within one week, W cent a line each Insertion. One tinio, 11 rents a Una. Count tlx average worda to una. Minimum chatge, JO tenia. An advertisement Inserted to b ran un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. All claims for errors must ha marts within fifteen days after ths last Inser tion of ths advertisement. Ton can placs your want ad In Ths Bes by telephone. TKLETHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been esllej for end delivered during the last week. It Is reasonable to suppose that -'all of the people below have made tha d sired ewapa. therefore du not call for the balance of their answers. Bee want ads sure get results. B.C. n.u. so. PC. im 1::si 1.-.X7 irs i;4i 1344 ISM 1Y.1 l:W V.3 1T74 1::H i:i0 i'52 1(- 13 IK M"! 17 p C. P C, 4oS 142 1411 I 1411 l-.ll 1414 1.M3 141H ir.17 I4?4 l'VM 1..25 1411 1433 1M0 1 (in lf,45 1441 inn i.va 1449 K-"7 14M 1S70 H! ir.72 itr, ir7 1,2 16sS 1 170 l 1471 17 1431 lil UT Wfl r x 210 j .no Ml 318 115 Sl ?' fl 21 121 3 '5 1-23 .I'M 2X7 MS V?1 3(1 c ir-i h.i ;7 m ri :vo :c 2" JM 3ti 24 404 412 41.i 41 417 41 430 4B 47 428, 433 H8 9!7 invj rvMi l.7 Wl? 13J4 CARD OK Tilt 5ilt. We trtutcr our licnrlfctl thnnka for the kindness and sympathy hhown us by our nmny friends and nt iK"tois. In pHrtli'iiliir wo extend our slniorc tbenks to the Hevs. ir. Aulrltt of Omaha. Mr. Huiill of Iton in and the dear aimers yho sUi'ceeded so well In Imparling comfort to our aor-row-atrleken hearts, also for the beautiful llorul deaUna conlrlbuted by friends) and the OcrniHii Hnptlst church of Omaha to o'ir beloved husband and father. Mrs. Curl Sachs, Mr. Charles faehs. Mr. F.mll Saths, Mm. Henry rahlke, Mrs. N. or, Mini, Mm. ". Wendt. Mrs. L. Wick, MUs Ne IHo Facha. DIHTIOt AK1) DEiTIIS. Deulha-Maltlo Hickey, S11 Cumlnir, 41; Edna Hurks, SIcH Charlra, Mario .s,-hager, IfJO Webster, (3; Joseph Smetka, I'.'i'X H'Hith Twelfth, .14. Mirths -Arnold Anderson, 137 Haven lort. Klrl; A. J. Baker, lslfc North Thirty fifth, girl; Harold Clayromb. Zu Hrlatol, boy; O. C. Carlson, Ull Ht. Mary's avenue, kill; T. T. Uav, ll'll Ixithmp, lrl; How , aid Heiild, '4n1 South Thirty-first, y; John Hendrl-kaon. KWI Hurdelte. boy; Frank Usnvikv, 240 Houlh Twenty-ninth, plrl: N. O. Tlnney. 2HI I'Tlllson avenue, hoy; P. K. Scikleano, 2Nl North Twenty iilnth, Bouth Omaha, boy. M A RH I AGIO Llt luNSIfill. Licenses to wed have been granted ths folio I us couples: Name and Addreas. As. Elmer P. Johnson, Omaha ..over 21 Marsh J. Urahani, Omaha over M Joseph Kalata, South Omaha 28 Brasle l'eaka, Bouth Omaha 26 Steven I). Johnson, Omaha 87 Addle McKall, Omuha 10 Charles It. Hudson, Lincoln S3 Avis Adelle hytitiols, Omaha JO Willlsm l. Koehlor, Llnevllle, la..... Si Uci-tha Barff. W biting, la al Percy Pchallenlterger, Atlantlo, la 24 Xvatlu-rlue Kil wards, Atlantic, la e4 Alfred Henry Sorenson. Omaha ........ 2 lilllao lifeiinuiiikvti. Omaha 23 Henry (lemir, Omaha over 21 Laula Uariick, Omaha la Forrest W. Knluht. Lincoln 23 alinnia Jl. liotu, Lincoln 'i Fred K. Sherwood, Oary, 8. 1) 'M Lunula May Junta, Uiniiia U Bl ILDIKM PERMITS. Male City Kenily ciunpany, IWW-1'1-13 Howard, Cassel Keaity connan', i'wtniy-avvenlh ana Arbor, 4,0. MOVIK I'llOtiKAMS Kxcuisivcljr la lus 1 1 m Twak,' CVMAivl'HON u. 'I I A.. 14'X1 Douglaa In oluiuii i.na ui., tvuH lll Li aula. Alan tr. in me ton, i-r. LuUlii drama l ttv hliAi ru.(;t i.l,nu, Aeitg v . Conleoy. L1.I1L NO. !. 13i FA H.NAM 6T. 'fwo Women. A r. 'Vita. dr. ifeat. Earle Uliinnitl. !uiiuy June. 3-r. Rel. KAKNAM. Wi FAHNAM t)f. ((una mi.m.I'II.'I.v four llret-lun Mutual iiiiiin. Him tba tsinous Kcysluna coin- :ui chaid dail. : nil i- Ui') i fc.il. i.i M ANU tlA-KNi' Homo ot I'm uiuouiit Plcturta il N. UTtt. V.aiai pri'KM.i.i duly. iVJ kt"li? L Uii,LJIl.. .vu..ivi.. I(A UuUULAb. -. itiiio no Im 1: vl lls Lite. J-i. Eclulr. r at Old R'.'Hiiii i'ryaiul cutiicdy. i KINCI SS I LEATr It7 1 117-TnVioi GLAB Ai' ft I lieby in "Fathers Three." Mc- ij,,rilf in "'I lie Old Hy pocrite." "I. wry Inci a Hero." L. Ko. comedy. Avr'n. ALIIAM1JRA. 1M4 N. 24TII BT. Bill Joins the W. W. W.'s., Koinio com. 1 io Muster, 2-r. K-B. uratiia. VI, e Old iood for Nothing. Hsjestlc dra. jTi'IvMiii urn and fort! F.iivii oiiments. Majrstlo drama. 'J lie MhsIiT, 2-reel K-B. dritma. As a Mun Tiiinketh. livaiuy comedy. t'LJKT'iN. Military Ave. tc Uurdettn. ,-iu-ii lt.f o Willi Ixsth, Than, diajua. imi Aciiin, In Atia'n. Komic comedy. .Million Dollar M.vetery No. 12. DIAMOND THKATKIt. 241U UKK ST. 'i '. rence o'Kourke No. 6, 1-r. Gold Beat. A I'lilnpat M-'a, Joker comedy. U,is,itii-e In Oear Crerk. Eclair drama. f HAN KUSTfil KATEl7i4ti7T'nTtir Tuu Hluek liiHinond l-.-ipress, Kalem 1r. 'I tie H)tnry uf the Seven Cliesta, 2-r. Bel. Curinn nl Myra May, ituttraph mm. Hil l dl 'liuMi; XTH AND CI MING. 'I tic Blotted Page. 2-r. lu iitn.'e drama. Pud's Vaiallon, Koyal omed. !ii t Full to -e Kid Wcliia. n''l lTl . A X I K. H I HA Mi 1.0CUST. A I'eriuiiis 1 wkesire, lunlu drvma. 'I ne Mats 1i,Bt v libers. J-r Kalem Jr. Seen-j a CiiiiMttia Bird, Vita, rom. Lol I UioK ITI l A N DT7 Jil HOI. Ztidi.-ra., touivht. r npi.iiia of r.Uine. Sunday. L i Y A I .T 11 1 A 1 r. K t AlJjVVt.LL. A MikIv In K. arlet, 2-r. told heal. Tbe Hermit a Nurfl, Eclair diama. 1 ! In. or Hatflea. Merling comedy. I A LAC U THLATLIl Loi LaveuurC Siiiniaker'a Eleventh, Rex comedy. i' "T llio I'eople. 2-lwl Vl.-tur. i in KHAN T lir.A'i i- it, XTli ( AMLii. lin HsihI Opal, l r. Kaiaua drama. B-ily'n Wa-r. Vttagaiu couMMly. l.uie if tne Oreea 'isine. Liihln drama. snalk. HBOR. tl) AND A R BO ft. I I :.o'p No. 12. Million iMiar Mystery, il.e elo'en Mattel ptei e, Amer. UlM, ':! Thai km., leysione A i' il.i.'J . ..lM-.-cli --4 LEA V t.N WoitTii. 9 vs.iy of trie Won.sn. Kknanay dra. A1.S AriSMfcJ TODAY'S fTlMPLKTE MOVIK riUKiKAMS Kxclualycljr In The Heath. - roi,fMRIA. 1710 POt TH TENTH Vr. Santa Claim. J r. Vltaaraph C. dra. Thrilling Adventures of ('mint Veraee, Mlna. com. The Hoi d H'nlstT, Rio. dra. COMFORT. 24TH AM UNTON. Zudore. Episode No. 7, l-ree Our Mutual Girl No. fig. The Metier VV. Majestic. His Hecend Childhood, Keystone. KAVUHITK. 1710 VINTON. Hearst-Sell No. 9. The Mystery of the .Yellow Hunhonnet, 1-r, Fable of the Hush Insane liver Who Failed to Qualify. 1 KM 11JI H TH IRTKK. NTlIT My Iidy Hlh and Mlnhly, i-r. Victor. Thou 8halt Not Flirt, I.. Ivo. comedy. ima at lonesome 4Julch. Frontier. IVH1C. 1617 VINTON Hounded, J-reel Reir. When It's One of Tour Own, Nestor. Hubby's Cure. .Inker comedy. PA8T1MK. d and Leavenworth. Ghost of Smiling June. J r. (ioldseal. Car Man's Romance, Sterling. , Admission I Centa. VENEZIA. UU BO. UTU ST. Four reels of Mutual picture MONROE THEATKIl. 2556 PARNAM. The Twilight Siren. Kxnlolts of Elaine. 2. The Athletic Family. Vltagraph comedy. I ne iencnns Mon, Hlograph drama. Hrnras. BENSON THEATER. RM5 MAIN ST. Warren Kerrigan In Terence O lUturka Herlea. The Mourtaln Traitor. IdclaJr dr. Ocm and Oerms, 1. Ko. comedy. (oancll tllmttm. ELITE NO. 1. MT. BBOADWAT. Tha Escape on the limited. Kalem dr. How to lo It and Why. -r. Vita. com. Her Prior Claim. Olograph drama. NK'IIOIAH THKATKIt, M7 Brosdway. The Plot. 2-r. Vita. Ira.; The Fable of tha Husband Who Showed and Did His J'uty, F.ss. com.. The Comedienne's siiaiepy, Liihln drama. KOl'KH THKATKIt. M7 HKOALWAT. On Langrrous Uround, Imp drama. When Cupid Caught a Thief, Nestor com, The Iino Oame 2-reel Kelalr. ill OutalaM. BBSSK THEATER. 24TII AND N. Exploit of Klnlne, Episode No. 1. Cactus Jaks. Heart-Breaker, flelW. com. love Will Out. Vltagraph C. drama. MAU1C TIIEATEIt. 21TH AND O. A Small Town fllrl, J-reel Re.' Ami a good comedy. Voudevlllr. 24T1I AND M. ORPHEUM, The pictures change dally. Another big Keystone feature Friday nlht AXNOTNCKMKNTH HAX.KL Iaf Plio Conea. West remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; COn postpaid, auniplus free, bherman & Mc onnell LruK Co.. Omaha. ALFUKH lTi:TMtiN . company's Blue Bird Con!, 16.60; Highest Oracle, tandy Illiiiola Lump, KM, Petroleum Coke IH.CiO, Plmrie, Webster 24m. Wedding ann.iuii.enienls. Doug. Pt. Co. Ll'tKV weildlng rlnns at Hrodegaard's. PATER A PAVLIK, Successors to Joseph Patek, plumbing, steam, hot water, vapor and vacuum heating, new location, 711 8. 16M BU Tel. U. KhA. ENROLL now. V. M. C. A. 'night school. BUCCEKH I,odK9 No. iar Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will give their 26th anniversary ball at Omalia Auditorium, Wednesday evening-, January 30. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed. 140$ CassSt. Tel. Red. 7235, AUTOMOIULES The Auto Clearing House SHW FARNAM STREET. PHONK DOUG LAB 3310. , . . Wo buy and sell used cars. vVhat have you for sale. Write or phone ua description of cor with your best CASH price. We buy them if your price is right. We deal only in BARGAINS Remember the number and give us a trial. The AutL Clearing House FARNAM ST., OMAHA, OAKLANIi, J-pasacngcr, cylinder, hoisetipwur. W.l inodol, and In good lunillllon, A bargain. Harney 2.120. ON E lull CadlUao" touring car: blibar galii Cndlilao Co., Doug, 4SA. lndwtrlal Oarage Co., tutu A Harney Bta. Jluj nuirj fur any magneto wa can't re patr. t 'oil repa r'g. Bnyadorfer, 10 N, U ljlt KKNT One-tun White truck with driver, by week or month, ii. Poltuu, MODEL U- Detiultsr louring car with aelf-alarler. run leas than too milea: genuine bargain at $TWu. The T. G. NortU wall Co., HI 4 Jones 8t Doug. Vvi. lireenoiiiih Omaha Bad. Rep. Co.. 'Ju Far. AUTO clearing house, rV Fainain, buys and sells used tara. Phone Douglas MlO. tINtv, eierl raoiatur repairs. kl r. sutu. C ELSAbSE R, eprtrVdlator and laTiip repairs. Ty. 7o, iMl Leavenworth. FINE Chicago electrto pleaaure car, coupe body, complete equipment, pi se ll' ally new, may bo seen at Auto Inn. l lavenworth St. Telephone Harney ViO for description or demonstration. AUTOMOBILE Overland 3D, paasonaor touring, overhauled Dec. 1114. hear tlrs new, nobby tread. Will buy tire to make deal. Extra tubes and tirea cheap for cash. 1 L. D., 1. o. Boa 144, bouth Omaha. CA Ha pointed, according- to sit (I'oiJ $.2) work kuaranl il. iianacuin 1'ark Garugv. FOR RENT- high-grade 1-ton truck hy day, week or month. Oall Tyler ir. Mai nre y ales, H ARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In uaed machines. Victor Huoa, "The Molnn-yele Man." Ii;ii3 leavenwoi th. INDIAN MO'i'OiU.'YCLK now rmdy; Paruaina in umh! inachlnea OMAHA HlilU'l.K CO., imn and Chicago. D. s;, MOTOHCYCLE. B. 8. 4-11. P. Yale. Sell cheap or trade. Telephone Doug. S4u0. !2is Farnam. LindOorg Brvs , tij Laav. (Flying Merkla.) lllblVKSH CHANCES Cittar store and pool hall for sale Jan. SI at t o'clock, by sealed bid. Come and look U over; a rare opportunity and a good one. Hand In your blda and ba present at appointed time, 'l ho highest bidder takes tha store. Bud health and aaa compels la to sell. pool and bnllard tablu: good shape: value tl.wo. fchow cases and oilier fixtures, $:!; slock tJ. A fine buaineaa and I ho beat loca tion iu town. . M. J. HEARS, Kearney, Neb. FtiK bALK or trade; a bowling alley coiu lielely eMUippcd, in a llr.l il.'M toau. lK'i.14 line bbniiitua Kxi i,ent lev sou lor snU can be glvu. Address P. O Box 671 Fort Dviis. la. Fi'lt bAI.E-Kel.ll buildluK riiMien.l buslin es ill thill lllg H v( XjO.UuU popu- lalioa; $'.Uu will handls; goud rcaaou for ,iaiav-M e, lies, - FOR 8A I.E-tJl aoiel la ceutral part of siaca; good faxudug tamtary; luw rent; nice ti.odern etiuipmenl: good rea sona for selling. Addreaa Y Bee. GOOD ItHJL HALL for ale; in good lo- silly; lutrtrslii. Address Y S44. Bee. ONE of the beet retail bakci.t m iTi etty; no Compel Itloo, Cull Web, 7wt, or addicse h. e.'.. Lie. IIAV K VOU FKOM $1VKK)T0 $i,0of AND AUK YOU A fJOOI) 0FF1CK MAN, If you ean fill the aliova position foan Issue to you Ruaranteed per cent bonds and mske you treasurer at a salary of from 11,14) to 12.400 per year. This com pany la a-rowlr Into one of the great Institutions of the central west. Tour In vestment and position will he guaranteed. C. M. EATON, Business Hroker. CT 1101 W. O. W. Bids; LIST YOUR Bt'SINEBS with us for quirk action and squars ' treatment. Qt.'TCK EALlid COMPANY. f! Bee Bldg Phone Red IT I WANT rJX) BUY TIIK FOfJiOWINO Banks, billiard and bowling (not over .'Ml In elly). clothing, hats and caps, six atoi'ka of groceries, two hardware, two Jewelry, manufacturing, four restaurants. List your business with me for quick re sults. C. M. EATON, Business Broker. C llflU W. O. W. Bids;. ir. & nil wnm your lira, minnu'ii suiuniu bile snd burglary Insurance. Phone me, Tyler DOao. 1 haven't time to come and see you. W. O. Templeton, I3 Bee Bldg. KNOW YOl lt BUSINh.H BETTER The MONARCH SIMPLIFIED AC COUNTING HY8TEM will answer all these ipieatlons JNSTANTIY and AC CURATELY. Keeping books with this system Is easy, requiring but little knowl edge of bookkeeping. Como and see us. We will explain our whole system to you. Guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Writs or phone UNITED SALES CO., SI! City National Hank. Phone Doug. IT 1 C. J. Cansn can sell your farming land. TO OKT In or out of business. Call on OANOESTAD. 4"4 Bee llldg. t. 8477. SALESMEN AND AGENCIES WANTED To handle high-class Investment; a new, sound Investment In the west for all classes of Investors: references and your connections for past year required. Address 1. U. Campbell. Secretary. 111. N a J lone I Bank Bl 1 1 g .P prlngf leld. 111. o YOUil bnslnese or real estate quickly s-I I. W rl te Jim Wray. Blutig City. til EATERS Huy, leass or sell your the" ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14011 Farna.nl Bt. Douglas 1Mr7. fiir, N8. show cards, lark Son. D. l.T7 RESTAURANT & LUNCH BUSINESS. Bight downtown; clearing $100 per month; $27(7. .GANGESTAD, Room 4"4, Bee Bldg. P. 3477. Bnslneaa Investments. la Our Nebraska farm mort gages sr not atieciad n European wars or panics, fy Amounts $400 to 120,000. Ws V collect all interest and sT principal free of charge, M ears In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss la our record, KLOKEJ INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ml Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha., EDUCATIONAL WINTER TERM 1I0SI1ER-LA MPM AN COLLEGE,' NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed rlaases In business, short hand and English oranchea. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue, add Mosher-Lampman College 1th and Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE Day gchool; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or stsnotypa course: oompleta telegraphy course; civil servlca branches and Eng lish. Students ' admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. . BOYLES COLLEGE. II. B. BOYLES, President. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglaa 1565. EXPldHT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction if desired.- 6M Douglas Wt. Tel. Walnut 2327. FOK sale the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: On unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. win ne sold at a orscount at the orrio of the Omaha Be. The Van Sant School Stenograghy Day school. i:ut to 4:1. ' Nttllit school. (:! to i-li. 11th and Farnam bts. Douglas 447. FOB SALB Fanllnre. New & Sd-hand furntturc, cash or terms; reasonable, Ainer. rum. to., u N. lblh Maatnat laalrnaaeata. Slightly used high grade piano. P. 3017. Typewriters. RENT Reiulugtons, Monaichs and Bmlth Premiers of their makers, ilia Reming ton Typswrlter Co. Telephone Douglas 1J14. Rental credited If you purchase and omy very newest ana nignesv giaue ma chines sent out. Rates, three mouths for $a for underatroke machines or U per mouth for latent modal visible writers. TYPE W Rl'l EHrt sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, M W. 17th All makes typewnlers rented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter, 1Mb Farnam. u. 6UU1. RENT An Oliver typewriter, v months lor 4. The Oliver Tpwrilr Co., D. Witt M iseellanenaa. fal Kuys best coal for ths money; try It. Web. MS. Harmon t Weeth. hand nrh. Giosa Wre. k Co., XI Paul. Folt BALE New and aecoiut-nand carol u ud pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all klnus; easy pay nun is. The Brunswick- Haike-Coliuieer Co., i;-4i1 H. luth tit. BAbKETd coul. 1. W agner. 0i N. llittu ) NtW sales, dilterent sisvs, below ooeU . ". . . v. aww M MlM. FOK BALK OR KXC11ANGK. FOR 8ALE or Hade, s-Otlit slot Ilia chines, very latest type, first class re pair; uaxamed, penny new, what have )ou? AUdress box Js Mound City, Mo. UtXI' WA X T E D- FEMALK tiericat and Ulllve. GIRL TO DO CAtilUER WORK IN i-M ALL WHOlMALr. AND ItcTAlL (N S.KN. HA 1A K H tn PfcR WiiiuiC To BTAKT Ak'PLY AT UNi e,. UOINKd MEN 8 KErEKENCE ASSN.. UIV-J VOODME.N OF WOHU). IF YOU A HK A "gax7d7 "COMPETENT BTENOGRAPHEH. IT nUClil PAY YOU Tt 1AH.1K I M UP. ALSO CLER ICAL HELP NEEDED. WAITS REFERENCE CO., Mo-4i BRANDED4 JH EATER. Agents and taleinsnta, IJtDY riOLlCl'lXjRa on made-to-order cutsets; aiiowieuae ot uuhiuvm unneces sary; intelligence and respectability Im iwiative reuulrenienta tl. Louis Corset Co., mj N. Iiroadaay. a raowry aaa 1 ntcs, LEARN hs'rdreaalng. Oppenheun Parlora lioaaelkeenere ss4 lnntea(tea. THE Servant Girl Problem fikdved. The Bee will run a tenant Girl Wanted Ad FitEE until you get the desired results. Thla applies to reaidenle of Omaha, bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs, briug ad te Tha Bee office or telephone Tyler IimJ. ON or about February 1 my family aK PecU to go east; iu conmiueme, I wu ssd aouieona to ketp house lor me. 1 liava a coiniortabla home, well louated in Omaha, and will share it with a de liable man and wife, or will pay aalary to competent housekeeper; one or to children. If well utanneced, no objection. Addreas l. P. W.. care The Bee. WANTEle-Gn for Keueriil I10UM4' urk aw Uuiidty work. WowlwwiUi Alt! HFf.P WAXTKD KF.MAI.K llonsekeeaiers-and Homes t lt-s. COMPETENT girl for general housework; tbree In family; references required. 1144 S. 3d St. Harney i.T. OIRL for general house work. No laundry. Apply at once. 4IS 8. Ith., H. Hh WANTED Thoroughly capable and ex perienced girl for general housework: must be neat and a good cook; references requl red 4Q.(2 laa rd St. Wa 1 n ut r,i"i. COMPETENT girl for general- house work; no washing; good wages. 8315 Burt St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing; two In family. 730 8. 37tl, St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. M", S. 2i,ih Ave. D. 3I..L WANTEI Experienced nurse maid. Mrs. L. Hlller, 1( S. Wth St. H. 37r.. WANTED -Position na cook. Call D. 7r.. WANTED Expcrleni'ed girl for general housework, no washing. Call after 7 p. m. Harney 2C2. WA NT KD A I rl, 14 years; no washing or cooking. Wai. 117. ' Miscellaneous. LADIES' & misses' coats, suits, dresses It akirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon off'a New York Sample Store, JOG N. 16th. WOMEN wanted: government. Jobs; full list free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Kg A, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers nre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17tli St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. WANTED Waitress for Lion s Cafe, IMS rai-namri. v.au arter v a. m HELP WANTED MALES Clerical anal Offlee TRAVELING SALESMAN, AUTO SUP PLIES, 75 TO I00. TKAVELINtl SALESMAN, GROCERY SPECIALTIES, EXCELLENT PROFO- eii i iij.. CITY SALKSMAN, $100. STENOGRAPHER, WHOLESALE, $flO. TYPIHT AND CLERK, $M. STENOGRAPHER, BEGINNER, $30 TO WEST. REFERENCE 4V BOND ASSN., Originators of the Reference Business. 7?i2-4 Omaha National jtankBldg. SALES M A N MACHINERY EX PEK1ENCH J100 SALES MAN-CANDY. SALARY DE PKND8. SALESMAN OIL COM. SALESMAN SPECIALTY COM. SHIPPING CLERK IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCE 175 SALESMAN PAPER EXP. SAL ARY DEPENDS. WATTS VI E'lTlPW SK-rlT CO 840-42 BRANDEiS THEATEli. IF YOVI ARK A YOUNG MAWvHTE NOORAPHER. IT WILL PAYY'OU TO CALL ON US. HEVERAL OPEN INGS. NO REGULAR FILING FEE CHARGED APPLICANTS WHO REG 18TER WITH UH. BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE ASSN., 1319-20 WOODMEN OF WORLD. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a tmsltlon that fits you. CJO-OPBRATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-1 City National Bank Bldg. GROCERY specialty salesman; one for city trade and one for road. Apply at once, nn Bee Bldg. RATE CLERK AND TYPIST. Apply at once. 626 State Bank Bldg. HIGH-GKAtUfi commercial positions. WEST REP. A BOND ASS N.. 7SI Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. agents. Salesmen and Solicitors. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. M UTU AI BENEFIT HEALTH and Accident Association. 423 City Na tional Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Experienced Salesman Man who has worked for several years In Nebraska or Iowa territory can secure good and remunerative position with large, progressive company. Will consider applicant who Is over 30 years of age, of clean habits and Is a strong, progressive hustler. References and full particulars as to experience must accompany first letter. This position la new. No good mu need fear answering ad of present employer. Address P 610, Bee. WANTED Advertising solicitor able to develop new business, start at $15, with rapid promotion for production. Refer ence and experience In first letter. Wis consin State Journal. Madison, Wis. LEARN BARBEtt TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TH.I-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. 1134 Douglas St.. Om. 10X2 N Bt.. Lin coir.. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Kneiet, nee Bids EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cially salesmen for fastest selling article on the market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. 12 Crounae blk.. Ill) No. ltith. WANTED A few reliable stock salesmen M r.lunlu lh. . . .A t , . . I , I .... I, of a going Industrial corporation. Liberal commission. National Steel Post Com pany, noonis s ana ciy oioca, weaar Rapids, la. HIGH grade salesmen, t2i dally guaran teed. Imperial Mfg. Co., North Mala St., Council Bluffs, la. CLASSIFIED advertising solicitor wanted; not necessarily experienced, but muat be an enthusiastic, clean cut, ambitious young man of good education and high ideals; useless to apply unless this is your de scription ; reasonable salary to start with, advancement depending on yourself; give full details. F. 4.M, Bee. WANTED A first-class specialty saJeT msn to sell matches in Omaha. Apply to W. W. Kidenour, Schllts Hotel. Call between 5 and 8 p. m. tonight. Factory and Tradee. LEARN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 14 FARNAM ST., D FLOOR. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTirERWISH Re wise a' I Independent In business fer yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offer alth Catalogue "C." Day and night classes. Phone D. H1. 14UV1VU Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Increased population makes Increased demand. Start now and com plete for spring rush. Junior and senior departments given In few weeks. Board If desired. Earn while learning. Tools glveu. Open to all. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St. WANTEI 1,000 nieu to eat ham and egs 15o. Coffee John. 14th and Cap!toi Mtaeellanvwnn. , TOU ARE NEEDED Big pay If an auto expert. We give ex pert work. All leading magnetos and self starters. Lots of positiuna opening now. You go right Into the automobile busi ness I rom here. Write about positions listed With ua Free catalogue. Ameri can Auto College, flit Fai nam St.. Omaha, Wanted at Once MEN to learn tbe automobile business: the demand is gieat tor our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for 'free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ab M N. Jf'th St.. Omaha. Nab. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mall clerks, l.'i mouth; Omaha examinations coming. Address X 1331 Bee. IIEJJ WANTED at ALIO ANU rualLB. A LARGE NATIONAL ORGANIZA TION WANTS A WELL EDUCATED MAN AND WIFE to act as superuttMid ent and matron, respectively, uf a large home for children. The man should have business training as well as experience handling clilidreit. Those with leacrjlng experience preferred. This position is open in a southern slate. Salary accord ing to ability to vet results. Addreaa C 4n, Bee. MEN sn.t women wanted, government obs; tuj to 41M a month. Write fur lint of positions now obtainable, tl.uk ua lusututa, DiL 11 LV, llocueater, N. X. , WANTEDSITUATIONS WANTED P.y lady, position as house keeper. Harney 716. LADY with email chleld, wlshea position as housekeeper In country or In small town. Mary Spencer, Council Bluffs, la., Houte I. YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Hoyles college. Telephone l'ouplna 1M.V WANTEp Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience: prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can use typewriter; not a stenu. K ce. Bee. WA NTED iBy girl attending sewing school, a place to work for room and board. Address Y-341, Hee. WANTED bun lie washing. Webster YOUNG lndy desires housework In the city or In the state, will work at reasonnble wages. Address A Ml, llee. WANTED-Position ns butcher. Young man will work reasonable to stnrt, good experience In old country. Call Dong. 75a. Ask for Joe. I : X I ' E Kl KNCED colored girl tor cham ber work. D. 2!W2. Ask for Maude. NEAT colored girl wants nositlon as iiiwi'i. ,en. lii.R. YOUNG) colored girl attending high school wants position In private family for ""in anii Dusru; small wages, wen. aissi WANTED A place In family of adults iw oo uuunewum. rseucvue no. LIVE STOCH FOR SALB Horses aad Vehicles. TEAM of mares and new farm "wagon, harness, complete. Call South 3029. Thirty-fifth and county Uno, South Omaha. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons St harness: large atock & attractive prices. Johnson-Dsn forth Co.. 152-: N. Kith St. MANY well-matched teams; young mares; some In foal. Call at Brewing " - FHinon. lais no. J.nn ft. n-irT sell immediately, the best 2,W0-lb. team, well mated bay mares. In Doug las county; quite gentle and well broken; have been taken on a debt. Call resi dence, fins ft. 3nth St. FOR SALE CHEAP-Two good family cowa tone grade) Hoist eln, (one grade) Jersey, fresh In November, each giving ... .,..p v, i,m ,if.iiy. . amiit in)-z. OWING to sickneas, must sell my big n"n eooo team or nnrses; weight z.300; harnesses and wagons at a sacrifice. i-n in sin rT., l ouni-ii Hiurra. BIG team of work horses, 2,800 lbs., $300; 3-year-o!d draft colt, 1.410 Ins.. 2150; 3-year-old draft colt, 1,30 lbs., $100. 24th and County Line. Phone Bouth 3trj. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. l-lve atock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange, Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha aV Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore i-o mo oBiuiui owner, oau Doug. 48 LOST Between Harney and Farnam on ""i bl. iaie in erternoon, a bag con taining work, glasses and house keys. Phone Harney 6778. Reward. FOUND At all News Stands, FREE LANCE JUNIOR. Lives jroungaten Read it FO'ND Dady's gold hunting watch and uo rjimn worm. Apply at 3401 Burt St.. O" tha. LOST Paper and silver money between "'h nd 15th SU., on Douglas. Roward. De 47. MONEY TO LOAW NEED MONEY T See ua Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 802 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL RUPTURE rtopture treated successfully by all afe. clentiflc method a. Th ma. Jority are cured without a Burgfcal operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The coat Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray Suite 306, Bee Bid., Omaha, Neb! Piles, Fistula Cured . B' ?'. Ti"rrT cur" PIei fistula and C.thtl rMtn1 rival cm mm a. w,H, . ration. Cure cuaranteed and no monny vi, v ",- uook on rectal dlf?aB with tofttimoniala. DR, k r. Rupture "V",.-"" whout M Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established lM.i NURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS 2tl BTRAWBERRY plants. l. choice of " 'y1" ijhi paiu i.uuo. ex press paid, $4.00; American Ever Bearing BIpawIu,..!.. Ul sin.. " S Biir hum.ii,, m 1 1 .mn - ,i,,i iruiu. vaia- log; free. w Tr XrCYlTT T Box 876. Himnton. I PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids t0w must hv 183 ubcriPt'" The Ladles' Home Journal.. . .21.80 The Saturday Evening Post... .2160 Ihe Country Gentleman i to In January or the 7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS' JENSION ABSOCIATIOW. Your order pr renewal contrib utes Wo or more toward the sup port of a score of Invalids who nave received pension checks lor nearly two yeara URUENT PHONE D. 7162 OR MAIL, Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. YOUNO women ntmln. 1 ii strangers are invited to visit the Young " "i""" a vunsiisil asaouiition DUUdlllg at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where tliey Will he Hlracteri tr. .i.lt.KI. 1.1. ' uuviuius uiai:v or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers', aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone win ci. , n and lnsiect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St POrLTRT AD SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three times luuia ehUkena have been hatched In oil Tmety incubators than in any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request Ad liess. M. t Jotinson Co.. Clay Center. Neb. - STEREOTYPE matrices wake the beat and cheapest lining lor pou.try houses. They are l7xS Inchea, stronger and more durable than tarred felt und practically inriiwi. imj m iiunureq at I lie Ht, office. POULTRY TOPICS. Lincoln. Neb., tells how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial subscription 10c. . BABY chicka and rxks for hatching from all leading varieties or standard bred, farrn-ransed fowla Write our Wauls. Mai'lewond Halcbery. Kxeier, Neb. e Mt'OitKLES Laired Hoiks, a lino lot ut rLuy birds. 12 to t. Mia. C. B. Mc Larkla. Alliiou. ISeU o LIVK WIKR BUSINESS MEN OF OAIAUA A B C of Omaha N EW and Id-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and mei-n. repairs. Le Eron Elect. Works. 1118-20 8. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates festhers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. V ACUL'll cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary bervrcu t o., iws Bee Bldg, WE rent, repair, sell needlea and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO , "Mlekei'a," 15th and Harney. Douglas ltVa. treoastsits. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANT. 123J-38 City Wat. Bank Bldg Tyler 1J10. E. A. DWORAK. accounts audited, open ing and closing books, Installing modern of I Ice and cost accounting systems. Ad dress 4.1S Ramus Bldg. phone D. 740. Adding; Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. H. D. 144. Adder Mc.h. Co. (Wales), W. O. W. D. 6m Architects. Everett 8. Dodds, 1 Paxton Blk. D. 234. Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Anrtlonrers. Dowd Auction Co., 1122 W. O. W. Red SSSi. An to aad Magnets Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D-241S. Barbera. 12 Chairs, loo shave, neck shave. 1817 i ar. bine Printing-. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., (02 Omalia Nat I Bank Bldg. Braaa Fonndrles. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta California Lande. W. T. Smltb Co.. 1111 City Nat Bk, D. JS1. Cnrpentera and ton tractors. STEVFTNSON. 23 8. 23d. Douglaa 5620. C'aterern. M'RAE Sets tables, lerves, parties wed dings; furnish waiters, cooks. Wal. 3112. Calna Palntlnsr. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4942. Chiropractors. L. Oeddis, D. C, 228 Bee Bldg-. Doug. 4291 Cistern and Well IJlaalna. J. . RICKERTT, Well Construction Co.; nothing too big or Impossible; estimates furnished. 610 N. 21st St. Omaha. NEED well or clste-n cleaned or dugt BCHAFFER does It Phone Web. 6631. Civil Eaalneers. M. J. LACY, C18 BEE BLDO. DOTJO. 4711 Coal Deal ere. (t ( Johnson's special, also Victor nut, $U.OU 5 M Fhone D. 1702. Creana Separmton. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th AV Faro. Dsseisg Academies. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2th ft Farn. Genevieve Hauflalre. Phone Web. 6.136. Macule's Academy. D. 6446. 1816 Har. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Dentists. Dr. Brsdbury. Va pain. 1508 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandels Bailey, the Dentist, 7" City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 2198, Pyorrhea. Dr. flokss. 724 City Nat Bank, Deteetvee. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mex ico. 802 Paxton Blk. D. 1773. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAV 812 NevtUe Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Dremsmaklsia. Terry Preasmak'a' college. 20th AV Farnam. SKIRTS to order, 21. w) up. 612 6. 16th. WATSON ft LUND. 2007 Cass St. MISS BTURDY, 2418 Cass. Red 7320. Drug's. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 218 orders; catalogues free. Bherman at Ho Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Electrle Snppliea. LEBRON Elee Wks.. 818 8. 12ta. D. 817a nnniklse for Woman. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. Oil ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box , . i . Kii. Ana .11 ,lut, a nA (l l C 11 1. 1 1 1 K , w.viw VMV.vU. n-. styles: hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal . " . . n r i . , . . 1 . n lull Pleating CO., w lioukiu oiun.. SWITCHES made from combines, by ep hand woraer; man orqers. in n. inn. HAlRDREij.lNG, all branches; combings to order. Apt. si, wngnv ma. n. mm. MUFFS made from old fura. II. 6t46. Klerlsta. A. DONAOHTTB. 122 Harney. Pong. 1001 BATH'S florists. 1M4 Famsm St. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam Bt. L. HENDERSON. 16t Farnam. D. 12U. Mtmber riorisi tief:'ii nj. BEN FKNSTER. 1418 W. 4th St Web. 777T. Hair D resale. Harper method. R. 8. Bal'd Bldg. P. 8811. Ladles1 Taller. LADIES' suits tailored to measure! popn- i . . unni.iinv lewtn Brschtf lar iiriwsi i tiuuv.. ...... CcT6U So. 16th. Phone Doug. Ldsktlng Flxtwrea and Wiring. THOMAS DUEKLN MIS l-UMii'". Live Stock Reasedleo. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 807 B. 12th. Red 43S2. Messenger n W H 1TE LINE. 808 S. 11th. Douglas 8211 Hank, Coetwn.ee nne LKft "fr"" 11NFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stocK oi rnm"'uo uU theatrical costumes In the country. The 'i.K Son. 1M4 Howard. D. 4118. - Masaeaaea. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Lar rc nir iso V,rnn. R. 1. DoUgla 87 Open evening ana sunuaya. MISS St:llMIDT. masa., elec. tath. D. 711 Oiien eve., y. " . ommy Miss-WALTON, batliv inaaaage. Tel. D. 4J7. Hours io a; uimy i Clara Lee, bath and masaaito. Doug. 8751. MASSAGE, lua 8. 17th St. Mra. Steele. JduTs Flaher, mass., elect, treat Rfcd 6031 MASSAGE fcgo&P 1Na rnUA RELLINGY , t.rn netlc treatmenta Invigorating bath's, nias- aaes eiegani aim iii.i" oownstalra. Iwsement. corner building. eveeina. iwi o. --------- k let lUr. mass.. 436 Bee Bllg. D. X atbleen Mark, massaite bath. D. 7ri. Mevlna. Stornge ana t lennin.. W. C. FERH1N, l.Mh and cannot, ty. i-"- Ueallatar Eyes examined, glasses f itted. psy s you can. Dra. jmci u riu y, im ... -..-p. Osteopathic pbyatclaae. n. unirhn i.l-4 Mrt'ifiif rung. I'. b-'I. Dr. Peterson. 6ui arandeis BUIg.. D. ZU4. Prlallasj. WATFRS-BARNKART Ptg. Co.. quality iinr,a Tel. Doug. 21il. i24 S. ISth 8t. lail OLAS Printing C. Tel. iKiug. 44. COREY ft M'KKMOK PTG. CO. D. 214 R1ES-HAIJ. PtK. Co.. UaOCaiiltol. D. 1101 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3"A. Pnten Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St. Patents. H. A. Sturirea. 638 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. p.umell7Paton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatine and Pnnerlnc HU4JH M'MANl'S. 417 N. 40th H. 8728. Hoark fcia terminator. B. H. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Pinnies Renovated. PLUMES ft flowers made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Krugor. 4-3 Pailou. U. 8JM. ' LIVE WIRE BTSIXKSS MEX OF OMAHA j f"ie ana 1 imr uses r. X pe rrs. -ir ana lime uvci SAFES reralred, coma. f rc T-i.r--, Iort, 140 Podge.' D. Shoe Repairing;. Electric Phoe-Rep. Co., 1S07 St. Mary's Aev FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, gll 8. li. "tore and Office Fix teres. DwKS; ,a,fr,"' ,al'. showcases, shelvw mlX?. ; buT' "" Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4l4-1tv-18 S. 12th. D. 2734, l"s and nhowrards. E. M. PURK At SON. 1 8. 1(rTW ST. feel Celllngcs. CARTER Sheet Metal Oimpany, 110 S. lft. Towel "applies. " " OMAHA Towel Supply, n s. i1th. f,. m. Trnnka aad anltce. " FRELING it STEINLE, 1 F.rwsn, pf. Tailors gLSJtMNDERYOlT. log N. 15th St. O. OIiSEN CO., Big s. InthBCtTfloo? r'r!d0,Wl'"d' t,'" -d MfgrrsT L'?h2.dp5 ma I,k new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4fll0 Hamilton. W.i mo? Veterinarians. " ' DR. O. R. YOUNG, wa Center. Wal. 3KS. Wines nnd I.lqnors. ' IJ.KN RY POLLOCK LIQUOR wriTF" BiT.T yoVr family llquom Tt Klein's" Liquor House. 623 N. 16th. Dousai lm SWAPPER'S COLUMN AooKet?.f tth p' aut(' w,nl h'eid". Clssa unn nW1"!?. " " " "a . '"1- s t ivtTJwrrth boul ct Addresa catioi. """"uu" . ciassin- penter work. Phone Douglas 8301. BH.fli,-'NhiSS cHANCK-Account rheun.a tlsm, I must sell or trade my retail leave this climate. AC-mnr-U Wm l"1 moun" to ,000 or lo-ow trado for Bood " or city . i . hivkuiij tin vutngsi, or in south. Addreas 8. C. 479. Bee. ateohTeV. 'n, !SE21? ? iHBdUei!.e.m!Sn,?rLleS'e' w typewrller. . v.. asoiy i--. ?theriMSl7S,SVrn ye"OW ""orn and dres, 8. C. 611,Bee: ur f" DECORATING or painting to trade "foP "loi "mil iw grapnopnone or anvtMnff T ean ,i.. a r- t,i v-. '"" " - ' . mm. pee. FA,N- ETC.-I have one 16-ln. General Electric m,k. e. n . . . . , . , - ' "o vi luviiuia, Jl-l condition, for wall or desk. Will sell or Al hfr i 7,winK machine, or what. - - - ' vc-t-j tv aw ii etna i asbx. 2U nciat currt u a.a iei. UV . w .t --urav-u utiurv. w ii nr -rSagBj. v47f,"B,rtern81 or wht-Ad- $1-?W equity ln dandy - modern 8-room home; exchange for country store or town property clear, or tell ma what you have. Address C 613, Bee. 4-H. P. single cylinder Indian Motorcycle engine, almost new, perfect runnlrur condition, complete with all parts, car buretor, muffler. Bosch magneto and free clutch pulley, paint and plating lr fine condition. Quick sale price 2 J M. or will consider trades. 8. C. COS. Bee! LADIES' COAT-Black broadcloth coat 8 C. Iu. Bee r n,endtn- Aldresg M.H P-S--EHipS-Wfcat hava w- "u,"o"8 8-w v-.j x-tsta. !.,Ci?nDS5-yria buy some good' second-hand desks; must be cheap, for caah. Address & C. 264. Bee. PIANO An almost new Story ft Clark Piano, $118 for quick sale, or may trade. Piano cost when bought 8360. Better hurry. Address S. C. 481, Bee, PIANO 'A new electric piano, leaded glass front, harp and flute attachment; sells for $S50. Will sell at coat, $075; of may trade for diamonds. It will pay for 'elf- Nickel to play It Address S. C PULLETS I have three Spangled Hanv burg pullet and one cockerel; will trade for Buff Orpington hens or pullets, or . no.1, nve out jvoureas . tj. Dos, llee. PAMBERTHY s-lnch automatic Injector, worth 84.76. Will swap. 8. C. 607. Hen. PIAJJO Will exchange nice upright piano "i i;iiii Aen,, AUB!1 u. i our, nee. PIANO An almost new Cable piano. COat 142K s(v mnnlha a k 1 .1 - , , . " -''"" v. , 1 1 feava Sonabla Offer takes 1- Runt ail.nl ewm iva iip w. unura- a s. ska. -oee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair of - -"----'a wwvas a.j luwi, U- w WU Ml OP trade for ao me thine X can uaa; in good ROADSTER-Good Kinplra roadatv. ia e. Jl 1 1 . .., 1 . worth of repair a. Will awap or aall thH month. What hav youT Addroaa SHOTGUN Naw ahot ffun, Wlnoht , ma qvwo. iuxi nun una ouuul Wnrtli tr rtilA. WV tw.H m l Tr SIGNS, show-cards. Clark Boa. ly.' 1k 836.00 Illustrated volume of dloe secret .nr jtj .mi j. J1U1UTM Q. J. fig, nee. TYPETWRITERi Oliver Standard VlaiblS Vrlter, only slightly used and as gooi as new Cheap for cash or will trade; What tiave youT Address. B. C 162, Bee, TWENTY acres rich truck la-.d."" near Gulf. miles from Robstrwn. Teav iAdMii a r, icaa TJ- - ' ' , KJ. 1 1 ., AfVW. u " a a. avusa v a u. W WaSU, 4"en.. WILL swap a new 107 stereotype ma chlne for first-class canoe. S. c. 478. FOR RENT Anartaae.nta and rials. t-r.. modern tlat, 23U8 H. 24th. $23. H. 471L FINE l-ROOM APARTMENT O.HL.I 4u.W. Oak finish In litliiir - ,, . . -.-...a. . aneu presa brick mantel, gas log, tile hearth; beauti-. iui iiaiiiinK natures; beo rooms in white enamel, roomy kitchen with built-in cup boards, gas range, refrigerator entry with refrigerator. Janitor service, steam heat, laundry, and locker space; up-to-date practically new appartment building on Sherman Ave. carliive; only 10 avlnutes ride downtown. Phone ua for appointment to look this sparttnent over. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglas low. 7-K.-2118- N. ltith; heat, water and iaju service, all for 232. iO winter. IS sum mer. Send for our weekly printed list . HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1H14 Harney St FOR RENT Must beautiful, finely fin Ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-roorn apartments In city. Building Just iln lnhed. Flora Apartments. tii Jones t 6-ROOM Apt., 213 South Ktlt Ave ; haa aun parlor, or sleeping porch, nicely decorated; walking distance; heat water and Janitor service, tend for our weekly printed list. . HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Gordon VanCo. St 116 N. 11th St Phone D 3H4 or Wsb. 13M OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs. oomS wnn Kill nenette. steam heat. Prions MODERN apartments of X 8. 4 and 8 ruuiiia, easy waiKing nis.ance. locatea at 1 S 30th St. and 632-834 S. 24th t Will furnl.-h If desired. Apply to owner, ?" Baird Bulk ioijglas 1422. BEAUTIFUL-SlX-RtX)M FLAT. Now completed, uu3 S. 36th Ave., nicely decorated: choice location; built-in book cases; sleeping porch; walking distance Sec this today. i.W WASTING ft HEYDEN, 114 Harney St. FREE KENT TO FEBRUARY 1. Nine-room a'l modern flat, aullable fer light housekeeping. 6t0 S. 2Jth Ave.; 830. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 14. TlOOM apt., SOT S. 26th Ave., practically new. very choice, oak finish, heat water and janitor service: close in. no car fain. Send for our weekly printed- list UjLsTLNUS ft UaiYDEN. 1618 Harney Bt, WILL buy a iflret class canoe or har several things to swap you. Write anl tell me what you will swap for or whaS vnu miill ...1! f, H n rr. D M It V' ' I V ! VF r t i!