Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Th Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
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ijwight Williams, circulation manager of Tha
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that the afTHRa dally circulation tor tha month of
JJtcemhrr, 1914, m 64,211.
HWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manaaer.
P"herlhed In m v presence and aworn to before
Inn, tlila 2d dav of January. 116.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
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January SO
Thought for the Day '
Select ef bf M. C. Cronin.
The craih of heraldry, (Aa pomp of powr,
And all that beauty, all thai tceakh e'er gave,
Avail alilcs the inevitahU hmir.
And pathe of glory lead but to the grave.
t :
How about those- overdue reductions Jo water
tates and electric lighting; rates?
In these days the man behind the snow shovel
Juts it all over the man behind the hoe.
The rrlnclple of home rule for cities Is more
honored Jo the broach than In th obsenraace.
81111 the spell of uplift oratory Is not suf
ficient eiouse for completely Ignoring the bur
dens of the taxpayer.
What the governor definitely proves by pull
ing out bis pardon record is that he Is an easy
mark for pardon procurers.
If, Greater Omaha consolidation had a pilot
In the house who could, match Brother Qulnby
in the jicnate, it would be clear sailing.
With ,the new and old members of the
tt hool board doing team work, Omaha educar
tional Intercuts should line up for the forward
If the profit on county Jail feeding at 60
teDta a day had remained, turning prisoners
loose oa governor's pardons would be much more
rerlous to some one we know. .
Should the- Nebraska house persist la dic
tating pin money for the senate It will find It
self in the predicament of Davy Crockett'e coon.
The senate has considerable reserve artillery.
1 If the worosn teacher dismissed without
charges or hearing ts on that account entitled to
telAstatement, how about the man teacher
similarly dropped from the high school faculty?
After fighting It out for" a hundred years .to
t-KtallUh the natural and unalienable right of
expatriation, the literary test would li,uilt it te
thoNO who have been permitted to learn to read
and write.
Simplifying Judicial procedure Is a reform
r pressing nwossity and should be undertaken
with courage aud Intelligent energy by the legis
lature. Justice should, be within the reach of
till ihe people.
Adopting the home rule amendment was to
relievo (he legislature of the necessity of devoU
lug hair lt3 time to tinkering with the charters
of Omaha. Lincoln, South Omaha, and the ptber
cities. Some day .
We are great self-governing popeu
theory, For example, representative govern
ment la Qrtiahg consuls In asking the state legis
lature to pans needful laws, in the making of
which 3 if put of j3 members are only re
niotely interested.
Assuming that suffrage leaders recognize the
MsqwIs tf "pportupliy. a guo-goo B8tiioa or. a
K-retmde of cradle songs might io far toward
touting Uie president from his state-line en
tieucbmeut. Strategy around Uio wings t)fte0
rucceeds' where direct attacks fail.
i . ? n
T!.e ciiy council meatltia devoted moil of tta time
t .!)cu.inr term for fjtra tar on siadtug and
y (jrill.cU.
The local burna dub la preparing te celebrate the
one hundredth and aizth birthday of tJootland a Urd
i.ext Monday with an eUburte nurtalnroent pro.
Ktaro, Mr. Jame Andern la preeldent ef the so
Uety and Mr. W. J. Kuoa atcetery.
Ir. Buimmra ct th lol luiutary medical ataff la
iirif:ned t I t, rora Ly lii:,
' t.ief I ;utl-r of ti.a f!r department taa Sotie to
I.inroln te atUnd a Jiie.tlua- of the fcute rlreiuea'a
. Wliltam U. M-.'javo. a Tnin.u miiitallet. in ii i-rct a re!n,c on tl ti.uier uf Tenth
;ir.d iUrixy niict ct a tort vf Iti.w.
V IHia;u A I'xlua U ft on a Luirir,a trip tu New
Y i.i K.
.Mr. Jm1.ii :., d l,n Bfipolnted tax K:it
f.,-. t'-. (i,iii J.:'.i. lur .N. itK, viiiiu aJ
dw,oi.s vutj sti::.4 at OimiXa.
The Balance-Sheet Test.
The Chicago Herald applies the balance-
r sheet test to the efficiency' of the national ad
ministration and Us measure of success in carry
lag out democratic pledges of economy. .Taking
the latest available figures the condition of tho
United States treasury on Thursday of the first
week In January, as exhibited In the official
statement, was as follows:
receipts to date' laat year....M4.422,4'J3.y
Receipts to date this year.... 23,037.9?7.M
Decreaae 8S.3M.C3.44
On tiro over income thla year. .txi.UO.GH.n
Outgo over Income laat year.. 8R,o,l42 M
Taking the Short Cut.
In taking the short cut to relnstatemen.,
we believe the school board has found the bet
way out In the Stegner case. The action of the
board, at any rate, confirms the position taken
by The Pee In this matter from the outset,
namely, that no one employed on the public
school teaching staff should be dropped from
the list for cause without having charges pre
ferred and an opportunity 'to answer. It s
notorious that this course was not pursued In
the case of Miss 8tegner, and in the cases of
certain other dismissed or demoted teacherj,
and It Is only fair, although It may be a tech
nical procedure, that reinstatement be ac
corded. So far as Miss Stegner Is concerned, we
doubt very much whether any one now has anyJ
interest In formally filing the charges upon
which. It Is alleged, her dismissal was predicated'
What the people of Omaha, and the patrons
or our school, desire above all things, Is efficient
and fonscienlious teaching service, which can
not be had with any degree of certainty either
when appointment and promotion goes by favor
nd pull, or when discipline or dismissal is arbi
trary and without recourse.
Increase .' I407.413.M
Balance In general fund S4.SH0.574.5.
Balance previous day 4,332,48.30
Increaae I e37,36.!J
It does not take an, expert accountant nor a
big business financier vto translate these fig
ures. They mean that the treasury receipts for
tha fiscal year so far elapsed are short over
thirty-six million dollars as compared with the
year before and the expenditures for the samu
period are In excess by forty-six million, dollars.
This is the .showing notwithstanding the added
war tax revenue on one side and the decreased
outlays in constructing the Panama canal, now
approaching completion, on the other,
There is no partisanship in this balance
sheet Just the feel In gloss logic of cold figures.
Looking; Into the Foundation!.
' The examination by the Industrial com mis
sion Into the affairs and methods of the Sage,
Rockefeller, 13aron de Hlrsch and other founda
tions may develop Information of Interest to the
public, The purpose of these. Qstablisbed philan
thropies is to make investigations. Into the vari
ous activities of our national life, political, 'eco
nomic and social, to discover our mistakes, and
to Ntiggest such methods or changes In method
as will be beneficial to all. They have already
had a great part In bringing about Innovations
and Improvements In city government, in edu
rational' management- and in industrial admin
istration. These foundations are heavily endowed, so
that they may he as free from ulterior influence
as is humanly possible. They are responsible
to no one, and have made their Inquiries and re
ports without regard, so far as is known, to the
effect of their findings. That already
wielded a great influence is certain, and It 1
equally certain that that influence will grpw at
the resources behind them increase, What con
cerns the public more than any other aspect of
the question is. Will the power inherent la these
great -philanthropies always be productive of
gocd. '
The proposed Inquiry, if pursued, should
bring out the details of the operation of these
foundations. Publicity baa proven an efficient
(Safeguard In polities end In business, and) It
cntht to be serviceable here as well.
Tha Euiile Iroducuer.
All accouuta from the seat of government
agree that President WIson is wearing a broad
smile, (be first that has Illumined his face rinre
the shadow of sadness spread over it when the
grim reaper took away the first lady qf the and
last spring.
And why not? Is it not proverbial that
new-made "daddies" and '"granddaddles" al
ways display the smile that -won't conie off, par.
ticularly whea the first bort) Is a boyf Such
occasions are naturally calculated to make tbe
"daddy" iheijty, and the "granddaddy" too,
nether the stork visits the hovel or the exec
utive manblon, the common ordinary dwelling
or the princely palace.
The advent of the presidential grandson Is
the smile producer par excellence, and at tho
same time the sorrow-extinguisher a new life
end a new light to all within the charmed
A aeries of three emphatic victories score!
by women teachers over the male member! vt
school boards in New York City, Cleveland and
Omaha carries an impressive warning to those
who will not read the educational signs of the
times. This Is a land of majority rule. la du
rational matters wonien constitute the majority.
Seven presidents have ruled or attempted
to rule iu Mexico blnce Porflrio Diss took his
leave four years ago. Six have retired, the
seventh was oa the Job at last accounts. What
ever else iPiy be said of the , Mexicans, their
loyalty to the principle of rotation in office com
mends Itself t tho outs.
In spits of the whole-souled vf forts of Ne
braska fad Iowa in boosting dpmsto harmony,
railroads persist in rough house activities, hop
ng to gala grounds for divorcing g-ceqt fre.
Jf the roa(J Imagiae they can atrip foe family
purse and escape alimony they have another
guess coming.
Criticizing the detreaalng responsibility exer
tised by partntc la hardly fair. What wth the
tlty providing allurements la addition to the
money-making Pupply, It is a wise parent who
tan uate bU offering oug enough to exert Ue
The Political Caldron
T AME8 CARUSO DAIILMAN will come back aoon
rrom txoellor fprtnss In hla flneat tlahtlng form,
smeared with war an n.. i.n ... .i.. ......
Indeed. If all they cay be true, the mayor will come not
.. reimncq rrom me ennui or official reeponalblllty,
but Hit for the battle.
xouve put him on his mettle." aald one of Ma
r'' -w,,n ar talk, thla BUI Ure and
sevn new men" stuff. You are going to see a wild
-owooy around these parte pretty soon. Jims going
vn aome ia.ncy Scenery and don't you forget It
You think he's loat ateenath k t,.
served three terms already, and further becauae he
m I fttaiAt t-ilaw 4 1.. a. .
........ . ,rw al xntt maverick of Uncle Sam s
and haa to fall back on this tame clt ateer. All
righto, we ll eee. Watch James ahow the people, that
- ra.y to get away with the fourth cup ot
coffee as the first, etcond or third."
.i. Th,rT, ' th cry wa" fo' ""V men in tha
city hall. Then tboae making the cry proceeded U
name men. who while very good for the moat part.
were or nn means new In politics. On top of all thla
, aa a joo or management aa ever super
.miweea rteeir on anybody's campaign. Dahlman and
'l oihtr not entirely In sympa..
tny wun them, found room for complaints cf "purl
tanhsa politics, and tha result Is still fresh in mind
inn year the gantlemen who thue en-ed thre
yesrs ago are guarding against repetition of their
mistake. While still bent on "cleaning out the city
....... inrT perceive the wladom of gotna about It In
a very different way. Tn the flrat place, they wunf
cn win, more than simply ."new"
candldatca. although they would like to hold onto the
new" Idea. But If you find them resorttne; to, such
tried end astute feollticlana. albeit good publlceerv.
ante, as 'DU- freA Harry fclmman. Frank Bandie. for
example, you need not be greatly suirrlaed. So far
as we know, these three men have never been thus
aaaoclated by anyone contemplating the movement
here being i.aqrtbexl. This reference fo mede rather
in a general aense. as eimply reflecting thoughti now
revolving In certain minds.
. I aee they're getting ready to clean u out "
Ouoth Tom Flynn, city clerk. "Well. If they do. 'i
want te land aomewhere. I ace they're efter a good
manager for this new seven, so I guna here's whre
I get on. Put me down as a candidate for that Job.
What's the matter with me running the campaign of
these gentlemen? They all know Tom Flynn, know
that he Is on the square and has a tip or two on the
way the game Is played. And, as thla Is a nonpartisan
affair, why I gueas flj do for any new bunch as wlt
as If they were all democrats. With any decent tlckut
and me manager, we'd be unbeatable."
And there might be more truth than poetry In
what the witty Irlihman aaya, at that.
"I note alao that my friend. R. Beecher Howell. Is
pulling for the.elay manager plan of municipal gov
ernment," added Flynn. "Well. I'm like Bob, I'm
for it if I can be elty manager. And I'd Just as soon
have that Job as the one, of running some one's elae
campaign. ' 1
."But. there's this I object to. that la', you're mak
ng fun of the way I read off the ordlnancea and
other documents at the eouncll meetings. Tou aay I
mumble them like a warlock at his Incantations.
"Why, roan, when I went te avhool I waa eonalder.-d
the best reader In my claas. My teacher used to say
that I'd be an orator some day If I kepf on.
"Well, maybe I can't read ordlnancea, hut I can
read signs, all right. And one of the algns that T
read right now la Is. that if any rwfurmer Wants to
head a ticks fee city eoramlielon. and wnnta to-land
he'll make aa awful mistake If be don't take- me up"
on my proposition to run the game for bim."
Kennedy's Dream Book J
Payed a the Weeterm fcebe. '
TUB science of farming, we believe, effera the
best epportunltiee In the world today for work
. tngmen'e - sons. Nebraska . la an agrJouHural
t", and the sons Of elty workingmen, once they get
the dope la their blood, would make contented, sys
tematic, Induatrioua, auneeaaful farmers, The lure
ef the city lghta" would have no charm for them.
They have beard thelr fathers and mothers toll of
the etrusglg It la to aniwer the whistle, the yeara of
dread of levlng their Jobs, and the beet the beet of
titers get out ef It la te give the kids a good educa-ttpn-somefh
they didn't get They cannot afforl
to give then a pi-ofoeslonal education, wnd they know
many of the professional mon of Omaha a are Uaa
than skilled mechanica. Today the agricultural school
education effere the ttet opnortunltiee tor a working,
man's son, but the expense of maintaining a boy down
there Is mere than he can stand. We would IJke to
see the authorities In charge of the agricultural school
glvea the power to establish dormltortea en the
grounds, to use the products ef the state farm to
feed the students, cut out the Initiation fee. furnish
the books free, fill the school with the sona of woik
Ingmen IIS turn loose Into the state 500 ambitious
ducatad boye every year for a generation. It would
be worth ten thousand times more to the state and
te Omaha than the making of as many lawyers, doc
tor or dentists profeaalons already overcrowded
lfa raise piif own farmers Instead of Importli
then., let's make It easy for our own boye to get
on the farms of Nebraska, and then when Father la
a "down and outer" te ran toast hla ahlns and smoke
bis pipe In the boye' home somewhere en the glorious
prattles of Nebraska.
The uncorsetcd effect hasn't reduced the hi coat
ef living any. Veu can buet aa many cigars hugging
an uncorsetad girl as you ran hugglne a girt who I
wearing- a eorset.
Three democratic dlljr newspapers tn New Orleans
locked out 0t union printers because the union wished
to divide thlr work with the unemployed created
under a democvatlu Krimislstratlofl.
The democratic governor of Nebraska waa asked
by a typogrphlcal union committee o recommend
the establUhmaat ef a slate printing plant to do the
printing for the Mate. He recommended the eeteb.
llahmeat of a state printing plant In the penlten.
ttaryi the Inferrnce being that there are enough
printers n the penitentiary te do the printing of the
The Nebraska labor pommlaloner's office was ere.
ated by the republican party thirty years sgo by legis
lative enactment The pieacot detuocraUo governor
wtpea It out of ealataiue by consolidating It with the
Inspector of hotel bedrooms.
How natural.
A IJticoln man Investigated the record and re
pails that in twenty-six yeara Just printers navt
served terms In the Nebraska penitentiary. I won.
der how many of the governor's waft lieve done time
down tlieie during the tweiity-alx years.
With reform In the stock yarts should come a
law prohibiting the practice of drowning calUe before
driving them on the scales. S dollars per 100 pounds
for MlaaouH river water la exeeaive. when it only
eoate thai stuck yards company about l cents per
I.0C) gallons. '
People and Events
Tnsre M no Joy tn bota. Beans are aviating
with wheat and (he supply la short.
A tlgarrtte dropped le a rubbi.h heap caused a
fTC," lire rtr hrditphla. Thafa what rubbish
awe are for.
Conductor Hsi ry Kluke of the psnnaj Ivani line on
New Year's 3y recelvtd from each commuter oh hla
tie! out of Altoona.a big red apule. and had a coU
'.evtton of SU applea at the end of the run.
lialiuld how a good id. a grows in else and spread
ood will. le yeara ao Merkel Land is started tke
flt Chriatiaas savings cb In Carlisle I'a. Olhor
rUM lelloI the example and last Cijiatinas there
were 1,wvaj nmuber la such, clubs. ' . -
Meaelsi Aesners Bf arrow.
MNCOlN, Nob.. Jan. 19.-TO the Editor
of The Bee: I have not been Informed
as to w hat particular - appointment Mr.
If. W. Morrow la seeking at the hands of
Governor Morehead, hence I am unable
to figure out Just why he should take
ln.ue with me as to the matter of estab
lishing a state printing plant at the peni
tentiary. I oppose trying to establish a
state printing plant at the penitentiary
for the simple reason that the Idea Is
Idiotic. In the first place, It requires
real brains to be a competent printer,
and, as a result, printers seldom get Into
the penitentiary. Second, the term of
service at the penitentiary averages so
short a time that It Is sheer nonsense to
figure on teaching any number of con
victs the trade. Perhaps Mr. Morrow
would be willing to establish a real es
tate exchange at tha penitentiary, allow
ing the convlcte to handle all the real es
tete and building operations of the state.
That would be Just aa" sensible ss estab
lishing a shop for the purpose of doing
all Mat printing.
Mr. Morrow falls to distinguish between
furnishing convict a wtlh healthfut em
ployment and Putting them Into active
competition with free labor. I believe In
glvliijr the convicts' something to do. but
I am unalterably opposed to allowing
their labor to be exploited! also opposed
to allowing them to be used to batter
down the wage scale of men who are
leading honest and upright lives. Cer
tainly I am not so selfish as te confine
myself to my own trade. What I bold
aa to the printers I hold aa to the mem
bera of any other trade .or profession.
There are many good people who never
think of the sclf-sacrtf Icing, honest and
Industrious worker who Is bustling to
provide bread for bis family, bet who
manages to shed a lot of tears In behalf
of the fellow who proves a "quitter" by
endeavoring to get something for nothing.
I believe the state owes more to the
honest. Iawabiding and industrious worker
than It does to the fellow who goes
w-rong, no matter what his excuse.
I am quite willing to have Governor
Morehead make the experiment. It would
at least prove one thingthat U eimply
cannot be done. Then, perhaps, we would
be relieved of a lot of foolish suggestions
along that line for yeara to come.
eTlwatlaa aa Water fewer.
NORTH LOUP, Neb., Jan. M.-To the
Editor of The Uee: Any person living
outside of Omaha would naturally sup
pose that the people of Omaha would
stand up for Omaha, but smch does not
seem to be true. I have already received
many voluntary letters rrom legislature
and business men with reepect to water
power leglalatlon, aome from Omaha,
all asking for Information.
The Idea of 'making electricity for ax
heating agent by water power seems to
be a new one to many people, and It ex.
plodes the argument that we may overdo
the making of electricity. I have stated
many times, after having made tha com.
putatlon, that one horse power for one
year, converted to heat is equal to about
one ton of hard coal, tho transmission
being more than 100 miles, Thla com
putation Is based upon the mechanical
equivalent of heA. .. 1
Two years ago I with many others
etodd upon tho Missouri river bridge at
Omaha and someone remarked that "This
Is the longest river In the world." It
was the time of the flood period. Many
peopje really believe the Missouri river
a great nuisance, because of the uncer
tainly of the channel and the 300,000,000
cuWo yards of muj which It wacica Into
the Mississippi annually. From tho en
gineer's view I began studying the Mis
souri. The first thing I did was to go to
a man who assisted Jn constructing ops
of the "bridges to find what sort of foun
dation the piers reated upon. To my
surprise he told me that a few feet be
low the surface those piers rested on
solid rock. With a solid foundation for
dam to arrest the rapid flow tha-Missouri
might be made a valuable stream
for both navigation and water power.
The Missouri at Kansas City flows
W.0OO cublo feet of water per second. If
so much water why it navigation lm
possible? If the Missouri had a fall of
two Inches pr mile Instead of eighteen
Inchee the depth should be Increased
from tn feet to more than forty feet. If
the proper foundation may be "bad, forty
or fifty mil. a apart, the illesouri may be
made one of the moat valuable propertiea
of the nation. Million of horsepower
turntd to current selling as low as Id per
horsepower for a heating agent to take
tlu place ot coal may be developed and
In addition the eitlee of the Missouri
and.Mlsalaalpnt weuld be In direct navi
gation with tha clvilUed world.
Has the fai t ever appealed to you that
the transcentlnenlal railways and the
eastern manufacturers and financiers do I
Rot want our rivera imnr! u - i
aa I have sucKestedT If ihv . .
Proved in a proper way manufacturing
and the financial centers must move
westward. Has tho fact ever appealed to.
yeu that the writer was the first to show
that Water Dowar Imnrnu. .u-
- I t ''.'.'V. wil I' IQ
Iun. if made by the fanal method.
wvum irove an absolute failure, and
from that showing filing for franchises
were immediatsly made for dams?
Why have I favored atoi. ..i...u.
and Improvement of power sites and an
appropriation of 1100,000 and th appoint
ment ot an engineer - determine the
eact coat of &9.O0O horse newer? If we
proceed on the doIIcv of nrivt
slilp we can never develop electricity
vr a iuig ager.t because of the high
est of current. If we nrt ...H am li
policy of state ownership and develop
ment e wuj pate ursevea In position
to force the Issue of imnruvlnor ih. mi..
sour! within five yeara,
Editorial Snapshots
tit. Louts Kcpubllc: Mrs. Albert ti liner
Burleson, wife of the postmaster general.
recommends the use of rotton-eeed u
in her recipe for corn none. The Vet
that It happens to be labeled "olive oil,"
we may add. will make no material dir.
ference eueot In the price.
Louisville Ceurier Jeurnsl: When we
eech the ataie ef enlightenment at wblcto
we shall boast ef ma4arin-Amrtc pur.
chases as proudly as an American wojaan
pew tragi about imported wearing ap
parel, AmerUen securities wl bs 'the
soundest value in the wwild- J
Krooktyn ate: Chicago librarians
have decided to gdvtte a;ipet buying
dally newspapers, because these aie so
cheap that every man should buy tr
kliusalf. If there If aay neweeatee' pub
lisher on saitb who doee net epytwve of
late reasoning, he should make biniaclf
beard aa soon aa posaibia.
"Do you know I heard frim the beat of
authority that young Jlpa Is going to the
'Ho he Is. He's been erpolnted one of
the Juduea at a big bench show." Balti
more A merles n.
Congressman Want a Job, eh? What
can you do? .
t'enstitnent Nothing.
ConerreSHmen Horn-, but those hlali
salarled Johs are all taken long ago.
ou must w alt for a vacancy. Washing
ton IJot.
Jack The ring rtoen't seem to fit very
well. Alice. Hadn't I better take It back
and have It made smaller?
Alice No, Jack; nn engagement ring
la nn engsaement ring, even If I had to
wear It around my neck. Boston Trans
iript The Employe I've called for my time.
I m not soli to work for you any more.
The Sarcastic Boaa Have you been
working for us? I thouaht votl Wee
nierHi- drawing pay. Philadelphia Bulletin.
"Hha. are the aitaltfloatlona fer mem
l)rhlp In your Intermit lonaj optimist
club'."' asked the philanthropist's friend.
"Well, in the first place, vou've got to
sreak Englfah with an American accent."
Washington Star. -, .
Oh' Oh! That stinw!
That hee.u-tee-ful suowf
That frer Welsh ent
A blirrard? Taint so.
Just a flustering flurry
From out the northwest.
With a strong wintry wind
A-blowln' Its best.
Oh! Oh!' That snow!
That enveloping miow
That hampered car service
And made trajns move glow
Plus a high wind that heaped It
Round mansion and hovel
And made Sunday reaound
With the song of the shovel.
Oh! Oh! Thst snow!
That eott silent now
The high wind made all
Of the nolee, don't vou know
As It shrieked 'round the roota
And whirled up the aatlrs
As If seeking a villain
In hiding somewhere.
Good ole Brer Welsh.
There le one simply dsft
On the way you are handling
Yeur big weather craft:
And will bark up your dictum
O wise weather wizard
That altho 'twas some snow
'Twas py no mesne, a bllzsard.
fcVto . MEW YORK err V
' I
An Heal Hotel with an Meal Situation
a -TJ I Jll V lS
"Just a line in praise of Sloan's
Liniment. I have been ill nearly
fourteen weeks with rheumatism,
have been treated by doctors who
did their best, I hsd not slept for
the terrible psin for several nights,
when my wife got me a smell bottle
of the Liniment end three applies
lions fsve sae relief so that I could
sleep 'Jisifh Tamil), 41J Cm
Vtrst Strut, MtK-tnptrt, fa.
DR. EARL 5. SLOAN, Ibc Philadelphia, Pa. St Utile, Mo,
Price. 25c., 50c and fl.DtJ
C. . v.,
Sr.- - Iw
n f
J i I
is the name we have
given the doll for this
week. When you see
her, you just can't help
exclaiming: Qhl What
a pretty Httle lady. So
neat and trim. "What n
fine little housekeeper
she must be.
Lady will be given free to
the little B'l'l under J'-J years
of age that brings or innils
tin the largest number of
doll's pictures cut osit of the
Daily and Monday Bee be.
foye 4 p. in. Saturday, Jan
uary 23.
Lady's picture will
bo in The Be every
day thU week. Cut
them out aud ak your
friends to eave the pic
tures in their paper for
you, toq. See how many
pictures of Lady you
can pet, and be sure to
turn them in to The Bee
office before 4 p. m.
Saturday, January 23.
You can see "Lady"
at The Bee Office
More . Skates
for our Busy Bee Boys
Barrey ft Berry American Clyb, NlckeJ Plated, Tempered
Welded fetes! Hildas. Staea te ft. . .
This picture of ooe of (he Skates will be in The Bee
every day this week.
Cut tbent all out and ask your friends to save the pic
tures la their paper for yog, too. See how pisoy pictures
you can pet nd. bring, them o The bee office.
The Skates will he given Free to the boy that lead us
the most pictures he fere 4 r, IS. Saturday, Jag. J I,