Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Took Cold
If Settled In
My Kidneys.
I Used
Am all
I owe my
Health to
Mr. Anna tinder, R. F. D. C, Daa
L Meeker Co., Minn, writes: "For
two years I Buffered with that ter
rible disease, chronlo catarrh. - ; '
"Fortunately, I saw your adver
tisement In my paper. I got your
advice, and I took Peruna. Now I
am well and the mother of two
children. I owe It alt to reruna.
"I would not be without that great
tonic for twice it cost, for I am well
and strong now. I cannot speak in
too high terina of its value as a
medicine." '
Haven't you often thought if your ears
could be sharpened up a little you'd
be quite all right?
Now will you let me show you Just
how you can do that for yourself right
In your own home? And -no one need
know anything about It (unless you want
to tell them) until you hear quickly and
keenly and are freed forever from those
terrible noises n the head.
Just answer thee queMl.ns, Jotting down the
' necessary yen or no a. you fo along. Blfn your
full name and .ddres. and mall to roe.
This Coupon
entitles readers of Oils
paper to adlce freo
on curing Deatneoe.
Bo your ears It oh?
Do you rears thro.?....,....
Do your ears feel fall?
Do aoth ears trouble you?
Joea wax form in yoar ears?
How lour have yon been .
Do you have pain la yonr aara?
Are you worse In damp weather?
Do yon hear better la a noisy plaoe?. . . .
Dii your Deafness cone on gradually?..
Have yon a discharge from either ear?.,
Have you ringing sounds in your ears?. .
Is your Deafness worss when you have
a oold? . ...
' Can yon hear some sounds better than
Are there hissing sounds like steam !
Do your ears era ok when you slow your
nose? .
Ft I.L,
By return mall I'll aend you a letter telling
' rou all about the rauteVof your' Bar Trouble,
and how you can treat It yourelf right In you.'
n home, and thla won't ""t rona red ennt.
No malt'-r how alight or how eerlofli, you think
your trouble a let me toll you the truth about It
I have been In the business of Vharpenlng dull
ears for nearly thirty yearf. After graduating
and receiving my medical degrees from Dublin
I niveraity, 1 devoted myself to the study of Csr
Troubles. 10 that In stew of twoentlng a local
ph)tlcian. 1 am toosv an Fat fipe.ialltt with
patienta In every quarter of the globe.
ttoltev. me, in id'i.ic ymrs 01 itrx u'c I
learned to know much of the unutterable horror
of Deafness. Mv letters dally are beseeching t
rr!es for help liaffl a living deatb shut out from J
friends from tbe Jo. of th. horn, circle many'1
are pitiful appeal "Doctor. I tear 1 may lose
mv Job any moment, and then who will blr. a
Deaf menT" . ' '
And th tragls part la, that all thla might have
Veen so easily averted if proper aupa had bee.
taken In time.
' And o I ear with stern conviction
Get advlca upon sour Eir Trouble before It la
too late.
rn tell son of penile rlRht In your own section
of the country, perhaps right In your own town
that have been .cured of dene:s by my method.
My cured frteode are eieryehere, and will gladly
tell vou about their cases. lon l mine your rase
honteleas, and den-, let It become to by delaj'.
Write tooey for advice on your Ear Troubles.
19a Trade Building, Boston, Mass.
I nuuoaa l,it!jaia
FOR 1916
Of an Omaha Concern
. Oar line of 1916 Calendars is
now complete , and represents ' a
large assortment of beautiful for
eign and ' domestic wubjecta. We
can fill your Calendar orders to
your entire satisfaction, both from
Doost for Omaha
by buying your Calendars of us.
Write or phone for our salesman
to call.
JT. B. Sigh-class salaerm.a wasted.
12th and Farnara Sts.
1B02 8. 10th St
Fliana D. ,
if. - vV.' s' 1
Orer One Hundred Members of the
Medical Society Attending the
Annual Meeting. .' -
Omaha's prominence In the mtildle wt
as a hospital awl surgical renter has
brought here for the first time In Its
hlntory the annual meeting of the Elk
horn Valley Medical society, constating
of over W physicians in the Elkhorn
river valley of Nebraska. They started
their t no-day session with registration
anil luncheon at the V'nivorelty club, and
will spend most of their time attending
clinics held by some of Omaha's leading
doctors at various ho-pitals.
After the "get together" session at
noon all the visiting physicians adjourned
to the Clarkson and county hospitals.
At the former Drs. J. P. Lord, Palmer
Flndley. C. O'Neill l:lch and J. B. Potts
conducted clinics In two operating rooms.
At the county hospital Drs. W. K. Mllroy
and J. M. Alkln presided, the idea being
tr give the doctors from the state oppor
tunities to benefit by the advantages of
fered In Omsha's large, modern bos
pitals with surgeons of wide experience
performing rare and difficult operations.
Dinner Loot advening.
Omaha doctors had the visiting
medics as their guests st a dinner lat
evening at the University club. Follow
ing that the Omaha Pathological society
gave a special program for them at
the new medical college of the 1'nlverslty
of Nebraska a Forty-second and lewey
uvenu. l'emonstralions were . given
by Drs. A. D. Dunn. E.. C. Henry. A. A.
Johnson, O.' T. SchulU, A. C. Btokcs
and It. Wlghtman. Dr. R. W. Bliss Is
president and Dr. E. T. Manning is sec
retary of the Pathological society.
Election Today.
Further clings will be given this
morning at the Methodist, St. Jo
seph's and Nicholas Henn hospitals, and
In the afternoon at Immanuel hospital.
The annual election of officers and other
business of the society will be held
this afternoon, following luncheon at the
University club.
Officers of the society" are: Dr. Frank
Jensen, Newman Grove, president: Dr.
H. B. Lemerc, Omaha, first vice prett
rlrnt; Dr. H. O. Morris, Creston, second
vice president: Dr. H. I Welle, West
Point, secretary, and Dr. P. H. Salter.
Norfolk, treasurer.
The Omaha physicians who are acting
on the arrangements committee are Drs.
H. B. Lemere, A. C. Stokes and A. D.
More Help for
, Purchasing Agent
Grotte is 'Favored
feveral of the city commissioners have
como to . the conclusion that lt Jocsn't
pay to deny additional help to Purchas
ing Agent Orotic
"It would be mighty good bjslness,"
two or . three of them sgroed, "to give
Dick more help in his office, so that lie
can give more of his time, now consumed
in minor details, to the1 larger and more
Important affairs.''
Dick Grotte is unanimously voted the
busiest man In the :lty hall. Ho coes ail
the purcharlng that is .lone for the city,
in all .of Its numerous departments. And
they do say thst Dick is a mighty good
driver 'of bargains,, a natural David
Harum when it comes to a trade.
And Grotte has in tils office, beuldes
himself. Just one man. This is not In
keeping with tho system pursued In most
cities. Minneapolis maintains a purchas
ing department of ten men, so does St.
Paul. Little old Bt.- Josph, nowhere near
as large as Omaha,' has five, while Den
ver has one of Its city commissioners to
give his entire time, with the aid of a
number of assistants, 10 the work.
'This department is under Commissioner
Butler and Is regarded 'as one of his
most effective talking points. And Butler,
they admit, has been tll to modest In de
manding, help for Grotte. ,
Grain Men Prediot
Continued Advance
- in Prices of Wheat
Grain men who have kept in touch with
the situation assert that the available
wheat In tho I'nlted Htates at' this time
Ij SUj.OQO.ttO bushels; that the domestio
consumption between now and June IS
will be ?3;.,W),(K0 bushels, and that 30.000,r
bushels will be required for seei), thus
leaving 91,000,0 bushels for export. They
contend that thla surplus is about what
It has been during years past and when
normal conditions prevailed.
With the war on In Europe and the
warring nations taking more than double
the quantity of wheat that has been the
custom, prices must continue to advance
materially before a new crop Is ready
for market.
Omaha wheat prices Tuesday were un
usually light, there being but sixteen
tars In,' moat of which was to -fill or
ders on w hich sales had been made early
In the month. Prices were around $1.5.'',
a shade lower than Monday.
Corn receipts reached Il cars and the
prices ' ranged from STVijTl cents per
bushel. Oats sold from UVi to S1V cents
per bushel, the offerings ' consisting of
fourteen carloads..
Durum wheat continued at the price It
has maintained all the week, around II. M
per bushel.
J. A. Sunderland
He'ads Commercial
Club Committee
J: A. Sunderlaad was elected chairman
of the executive committee of the Com
mercial club at the first meeting of the
newly elected committee at noon. John
L. Kennedy was also prominent In the
Informal . balloting, ; but Mr. Sunderland
was elected on the first formal ballot
eeaaaaB4a CbaaaWitaae'e Ceah
"Lest winter I used a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a bad bron
chial cough. I feit its beneficial effect
immediately and b fjre I bad finish'
the bottle I was curwj. ' I never. 'Ire of
recommending this remedy ' to my
friends," writes Mrs. William Bright. Ft
.Wayne. lad. ; Obtainable everywhere.
AdvtrtUenaf J
i Viiixi
Supple at Sixty
Ate and rip experience mean Rap.
pinM and uaefalneaa when mental
and bodily powers ara. preserved
by keeping rich blood in tha reins.
Nstsfes rare neau Uhtnciit In corr s
Jtmsrlaeasi creates rich Mood, warms
the body and alleviates rheumatic
tendcrVIe. Its ell-food Imparts
Strength to both body and brain,
r f. rVaarrts Af.eff ete A If oaof.
g I r.vt tm wj.i.mj; r.H.'na.i.
Numerous Inquiries .
Indicate Interest
in Western Lands
The number of people taking advantage
of homeseekers' rates today wits consid
erable of a Burprhte to the railroad pas
senger men. AVhile tho movement was
largely to the south and southwest, there
were a goodly number of men who came
In from the east on the morning train,
who continued their way westward.
The Increased number gging out to look
for land this early in the season leads
the railroad people to believe that later
In the season there will be a considerable
of a rush to buy farms, both Improved
and unln. proved.
The attractiveness of western farm
lnnds Is said to be Indicated by the num
ber of inquiries that are constantly com
ing In. For Instance, since the first of
the year the officers of the Omaha offices
of the Uurlington land department lint'o
received 3,000 Inquiries, more than double
the number during any month last year.
atiklng for prices on lands In Nebraska
aad Wyoming. While the Burlington
land department Is not In the business of
selling land, It has 'a list of tracts that
are for sale, and in western Nebraska a
number of quartets are listed as low as
S per acre. The land priced at thla fig
ure Is not the best agricultural, but it
Is asserted that It Is excellent for stock
Poa't Tour ltld Ret M orse.
BcB's Plne-Tar-IIoney will cure your
cough and give you restful sleep. Good
for children only. 35c. All druggists.
The, claim of the widow of Thomas
Rochferd for a pension, came be tore tbe
city commission at its weekly meeting and
was referred to the legal department.
Rochford was a fireman who died as
the result of Injuries sustained in the
performance of his duties. A woman
weighing, It Is said, something like 180
pounds, fell from a burning building upon
Roch ford's back, producing Injuries, that
ended his life.
Few Minutes! No Indigestion, Gas,
Sour Stomach Pape's Diapepsin
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the dainagc,
do you? Well, don't bothen If your
stomach Is in a revolt; if sour, gassy
and upset, and what. you Just ate has
fermented Into stubborn lumps; your head
dlszy and aches: belch gaseN and acids
and eructate undigested food; breath
foul,, tongue coated just take Pape's
Diapepsin, and in five minutes you will
wonder what became of the indigestion
and distress. . Millions of men and women
today Vnow that It Is needless to have a
bad stomach.. A little Diapepsin occa
Relief for Catarrh
Sufferers Now FREE
1 '
You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your
..Own Home and Get Relief at Once.
Careful experiment and investigations have shown
that at the troubles were expelled iroin the rose and
throat, the real cause of the disease was overlooked
and in a fhort time the Catarrh would return monger
than ever. Mr. Gauti hat gone way ahead of the
ordinary method of treatment and hat provided a
remedy that
Removes the Cause
and Immediately Civet Re
lief to the Note and Throat
Reese Jones, of Kcranton, Pens., says that after trying
tnsny other treatment, he Used this new an el bod and
My Dr"( it now entirely clear aud free and I am ant
bothereu tv the riiene nny more. The Jsew Combined
TTeaUutnt is worth its weight in gold."
Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained in other,
ways, but the Jt'eer Cumliinea Treatment sauat Inevitably
be accepted for ftrmantnt icsults.
8a nib . Cape, Mount Pel is. Tens., says,
suffered tk. pains and diatreaa of catarrh
thirteen years and aeeaie. to state. Irted nearly
every method. But by your new method I was
fmptattr cured sad you cannot imagine tbe
joy that ha come over mc."
Trial Treatment FREE
This new method I so Important to th weU
hit of humanity, so vital to every persoa auger
ins from any form cm! catarrh, that the oppor
tunity to actual) (fit it and prwa ila resulla,
will be gladly extended without oucceutof cot.
A large trial treatment, with complete, mi
ant. dircctioGs, will be Mat free to .ay catairb
uSerer. Send to money, take no risks, make ao
promiae. Simply clip, sin and mail th cou
poat .ad the test of lb. New Combined
Treataneal will be) seat, fully prepaid, tvsxtbcr
wiia tae valuable bsvk ea t stall a-
Twenty Will Be ArraisTted Charged
with Interfering with Operation
of Property by Receiver.
FORT PMITII. Ark.. Jan. 1. -Probably
the most Important criminal procedure
In a labor dispute to find It way Into
the federal courts sine the trial of tho
Iron workers at Indianapolis will begin
In the TTnlted States district court here
tomorrow, when twenty men will bo
placed on trial, charged with bring Im
plicated In the disturbances that have
marked the disagreement between union
oal miners and the Bache-Denman Coal
company at Prairie Creek since last
April. The defendants are:
Peter R. Stewart. McAleater. Okl..
former president of the Vnlted Mine
workers or America, district , NO. 21,
ArkansHS. Oklahoma and Texan
Fred W. McAlenter. former secre
tary of the district union and late social
ist candidate for governor of Oklahoma.
James H. McNnmnra. former member
of the city council of Hartford. Ark.
.tames Mankanl, former constable of
itaruorii townsnip.
, Jhn FUwards. a merchant of ltartfort.
W. W. Roberts, former manager of
telephone company at Mansfield. Ark.
Charles Roblneon. flint Uurris. John
Manick, Sandy Robinson, Valentin
Hurlllo. Marvin Stanflcld. Charles M.
Hlackbnrn. Jr.; Bruce Jordan, Ernest
Neln, Frank Z. Crossley, Marvin Ray,
Mll;e Ryan, Foster Bean and Bee Trout,
All Tf the men except Roberta are
charged with conspiracy against the gov
ernment. Roberts ' Is . charged In three
counta with Intimidation and corruption
of a witness. All of the men are at
liberty on bond. N
Judge James D. Elliott of the southern
district of bouth Dakota will preside at
the trial.
Mine Property Barned.
The trouble between mlon workers and
the coal company, which Is In the hands
of a receiver, together with nine of Us
subsidiary companies, originated when
the corporation decided to substitute the
orten shop system for union labor.
The company operated No. 4 mine at
Prairie Creek on the open-shop plan for
a few days. Operations were suspended
on April last, when several workmen
were assaulted. A temporary injunotlon,
which later was made permanent, waa
Issued against the union miners and, the
charges against the defendants grow out
of allege! violations of this Injunction.
On July 17, last, three of the com
pany's aurface plants at Prairie Creek
were destroyed. On the night following
a mine near Hartford waa partially
wrecked and on the following Monday a
coal mining plant at Arkoal was de
stroyed by fire. A battle of several
hours was fought at mine No. 4, Prairie
Creek, on July 17, and It is alleged Clar
ence Pyllesberry and John Basking, mine
guards, were killed. Blankard and Trout
were acquitted Jaat week la the state
court at Greenwood on a charge of hav
ing elain the men.
sionally keeps the stomach regulated and
they eat their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take, car of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your food is a damage instead of a help,
remember the quickest, surest, most
harmless relief Is Pape's Diapepsin, which
costs only fifty cents for a large case at
drug rtoree. It's truly wonderful It di
gests food and sets things straight, so
gently and easily that it is astonishing.
Please don't go on and on with a weak,
disordered stomach; Its so unnecessary.
How the Remedy for C&Urrh
. Wat Discovered.
THIS terrible disease
t has raged unchecked
t i.. i
JPr th m
pnuksd the nos
mnd throat r
ireattd 4y SM
IV l C4I Slllipiy ire
.JZZi cause symptoms have been
treated while the cause of
the trouble has been left 19
circulate in the blood, and
dirtitly to th
bring the disease back as fast as local
treatments could relieve it.
C. E. Gauss, who experimented for
years on a treatment for .Catarrh, found
that after perfecting: a balm that relieved
the nose and throat troubles quickly, he
could not prevent the trouble beginning;
7U eiiMtr. all over aeain.
On tef he could
dimt uius4 completely remove all
ItSJbtZZt signs of Catarrh from nose
uftuMrand anj throat, but in a few
turn th an- . . , .
mm tr nmtv weeks they were back.
iuf tht ttus.
Goes to tha Root of
Stopped-up nose ,
Constant "frog-in-lh-
. throat"
Nasal discharge
Hawking and ipittinf
Snoring at night
Bad breath
Frequent Cold
Difficult breathing
Smothering tensatioa In
Sudden fits of sneezing
Dry mucus in note
and any of the other ymp
toms that'indicate ap
proaching or present catarrh
"I i
for a
Send the Test Treatment
STS Maia Street. Manball. Mick.
If yoar New Combined Treatment will
relieve my Catarrh and bring me health
and good .pints acin. I ana willing t
he shown, too. without cost or obliyatiot)
to mc. .end. fully prepaid, th Treat
men i aae boob.
Address .
tiit,.ii.iMin aaee aa at ea eM
Mann Act Invoked
Here in Alleged
White Slave Case
The Mann act was Invoked for the
first time In Omaha Tuesday In a can
having to do with alleged International
white slave traffla Dora M. F.llwood,
7 North Eighteenth street, filed charges
lit the frilled States court, alleging that
Carl Blondberg, in April. 1311 took her
to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada,
for ImmoVal purposes. After a time there
end elsewhere,, during which she says
she gave large sums of money to Blond
berg, she found her way bark to Omaha
and waa married a few months ago. Re
cently, she alleged, Blondberg met her
and her husNrl! on the street, ami whllo
companions of Blondberg held brr hus
band off with rasors, Blondberg beat
her. Blondberg Is at present serving a
short term In the county Jail, which ex
pires Thursday, He will be met by a
Vnlted states officer then with a war
rant on the present charge.
Old-Time Cold
Cure-Drink Tea!
Get a small package of Hamburg Breast
Tea. or as the Gorman folks call It,
"Hamburger Bi-ust Thee," at any phar
macy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea.
l put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour
through a elove and drink a teacup full
I at any time. It Is tho most effective way
to urr-an a voia ana cum grip, as it opens
the pores, relieving cqngestion. Alao
loosens the bowels, thus breaking a culd
at once.
Jt Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore -harmless. Advertisement.
"Do liars and
Sense" When
you save 20? of
your fuel bill you
are making dol
lars. When you
abolish smoke,
soot, clinkers
and ash sifting
with their attend
ant annoyances
you are snowing
Vulcan does not
pollute the air with
smoke and poisonous
gases. It burns to a
clean ash gives as
much heat ton for ton
as the best Anthracite
at 45 of the cost. It
holds its fire over
night starts quickly
in the morning. If
is made in' regular
hard coal sizes.
JVaviueed! fry
Coat Products Mfc Co, Jeliet, 111. '
Exclusive Domestio Balee Agenta.
Atwltt-Mskemson Coal k CoKi Co.
HoOanalok Blag Chloage.
Order Today
Nebraska Fuel Co.
hf Oasis
I. OaaU
Ig Youp
If You'll Mark IU Looatlon on tha
' Below Diagram and Send It In
We Will Mall Treatment
.iouiAiDi wots vi or CU1XS.
Tbe Rice Method baa brought sueh re
ruarkanio result to i:-B a inumtud.
of former rupture surierar, that It
fyernely need, any otuer proof of
It vaiue. tiowover. we are always
willing to prove It to any one wbu
mar v Interested, and the beat
proof la an arttutl trial. That
why we now Afir you absolutely
frsw of ckarae end BCoavU trial
treatment to ahotr wliat tbl
wonderful method ran do In
yotar rate, Ju.t mark (a Dear
aa you can the location of your
rupture on this d las ravin of a
body, Busralng rlgut over
l&e type, send this to
w . b. nujE, via
Main fit. Adam.
ijjM W.w VorJt, X tt
There U
Taa'U Mtsi
beaureo ad
world why in
you'll go
Ihould ooistlaa te
tbroosh lit. with
MiSar the die
th. t lupture U
fort ao turlur of i
oe Soa't ao eome-
that blndlug, cbaaog J
tbl.g about IU wty
truss wltuout auk-1
Bat, at least, see
In aa .Sort to i
hat tbl ft.s
free yoar. If
trMUsaat csa da
froan It a siery. I
tar yaul fca
head far this
f'f II right
f re. tieaiaieet
away Ibl
T.ry Bilsatfc
f By-Product P'V
ItkvketM f .
ft- 'Hi i ley uft
411 I fe'-r-saJ
5trfts f J
I u l' . Ul st 1 1 . Vkv
'-.f'tV.V7i X 'Wit! '.ea
mmm I
; and Hart, Schaffner & Marx
At Half Price at this store that it's a waste of time
to take a chance elsewhere.
Suit and Overcoats that sold at $40, $30, i
20, if 18, $15, $12, are now J
$20, $17.50, $14.50, $12.50,
$11.25, $10, $9, $7.50 and $6
Special Trousers Sale
Men's and Young1 Men's sizes and styles for
Business and Dress
$.1.00 values
$1.95 $2.85 $3.75
m.1 usssafwenw f wessw
Witl YOUR Wife
&ake Money? ;
Ned Warner's wouldn't She left him; hd
oidn t know why. '
t .
is an original story, an ingenious story, a story,
of puzzles and charm.
It is illustrated with moving pictures produced,
by the Reliance Motion Picture Corporation!
by special arrangement for this paper. Noj
expense has been spared to make them mag-l
mficent; no effort has been stinted at any point,
Road the Storgr Sco the Tictures
Daily in The Bee at the Movies
"Runaway June" has never before been tub-
I lished. It was written for America's greatest
newspapers; m this city it will appear exclu
sively in
The Omaha Daily Bee
Since We Inagnra-i
tea . Halt rnce uotmng i
c.i. ? n l. TL .1
in umaua iiu liicic
Soch a Demand For Our
Suits and
' Feople appreciate the
worth of reliable merchan
dise and realize that when
tuny can tind garments
that-bear the "labels" of
the world's foremost tail
ors Kuppenhcimer,
Society Brand
$ (i.00 values
asninliii mm'
V '
... I UsrayetUM