Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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End Dry, Hoars
Painful Ckugh$
Preparation of Railroad Commit-
. lion'i Evidence in Rate Hear
1 ing Takei Much Cash.
jarss-raair mm iaeaair
, The prompt and positive result erven
by this efcasant tasting, homc-maita
tough nrrup hat caused it to be used in
more homos than anv other remedy. It
fives almost instant relief a Oil will iisual
v overcome ' the average cough in 24
(lYom a Staff Correspondent.) :
UNCOLN. : Jan. 1 (Special.) It will
roat Nebraska and the other four states
that are fighting the proposed western
railroad rate advances, about $.10,000 for
the preliminaries and about WS.ff more
for the completion of the case should the
Interstate commission grant the ex
tension of time thut Li sought at the
first, hearing. , 1
The estimate of the cost of the rase
was made by the general commute of
the commissions, from a conferea?e Qf
which at Pes Moines H. T. Clarke of the
Nebraska commission has Just returned.
The expense will be - pro rated among
the five states principally Interested, Ne
braska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and
Minnesota. '
Thirty-seven roads are asking general
advancea In rates In western territory
somewhat similar to the advances re
cently granted In the east. Commis
sioner Clarke thinks the expense fully
The hearing Is scheduled for February
IB next. In Chicago before Commissioner
Daniels. "The state commissions will ask
for an extension of time In which to
prepare their case. Nebraska's share of
the expense will probably be met out of
the general appropriation for the com
mission. Ke-w Place for Mallowtier. .
XI H. Mullowney of Omaha, 'who has
served the state banking board oa an ex
a miner for the past seven years, has re
signed his position to accept a place as
cashier with the City National bank of
Lincoln. Mr. Mullowney began his new
duties Monday.
Wllaoa as Lobbyist.
Claude 8. Wilson of Lincoln has regis
tered hi the lobbyists' book in the secre
tary of state's office as representing in
te rests "affecting express legislation."
Bdcsvtera Cosrveae.
It ia expected ' that about seventy or
seventy-five of . the county superintend
dents of the ninety-three in the state.
will attend the annual meeting that con
vened in State Superintendent Thomas'
office this morning. A goodly number
were in attendance at the start and more
are expected in during the day.
LINDSAT, Neb.. Jan." 1?. ( Special.)
Joe Beller had a narrow escape from
death when his automobile overturned on
a steep grade north of the county line
Sunday night, lie had one to bring his
wife, who w as visiting at the Ober-
hauser farm, four miles north of here,
When he failed to appear at the expected
time Mrs. Beller telephoned for Pete Jen
sen to come for her In another car. On
their way back they kept a sharp lookout
for Belter's car.. Jensen saw a car by
the wayside, but said nothing. Hurrying
to town he took four men with him -and
they rushed back to nhete he had seen
the car.' ,..,
They found it turned over and Beller
pinned underneath, numbed, with the cold
nnd nearly exhausted. cloeor examina
tion showed that the skin of the chest
and one leg littd been Uidly blistered by
Kasollne soaking on it, and 'he was badly
Uelicr bud lain under the cur about
lour hours. His .dog. Mike, who was
riding on the back seat, escaped injury.
Wet 2ti ounces Pisex (50 cent, worth U,K" C' " , K,"d? C
om any drill? store, pour it into a pintlK"n': ' f prt
bottle and nil tbe bottle with pluin grami
lated sugar syrup. Ibis makes s full
fiint a family supply of the most el
ective cough remedy at a cost of onlv 54
cent! or less, you couldn't buy as much
readr-made couffli mediuine for $
Kasiir prepared and never spoils. Full
directions with Tiiiex.
The promptness, cerlninly and e-.ise
With which this Pinex Svrnn overcomes
bad couch, clirst or throat cold is truly
remarkable. It quickly loosens a drv.
hoarse or tight cough and lies Is and
soothes a painful cough in a hurry. With
a persistent loose cough it stops the for
mation of phlegm In the throat and bron
chi! tubes, thus ending tbe annoying
Fines is. a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Korway pine extract,
rich in gusiscol and is fnmous the world
over for its snlendid effect in bronchitis.
whooping rough, bronchial asthma and
winvrr cougns.
To avoid disappointment in making
this, ask your druggist for "2 ounces
of Pine," and don't accept snything
els. A guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion, or money promptly refunded, goes
with this preparation. The Pine Co.,
ft. wayne, xna.
State Poultry Show
Brings Fine Birds
Firemen Open the
State Convention
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Jan. 19.-(Sre-
cial Telegrnm.The thirty-third annual
state firemen's convention opened here
tonight with a large attendance. Nearly
all the atate officers were present.
The Fremont delegation captured the
town with an elephant cannon and band:
The business meeting tonight held In the
district court. room was called to order
by President Howe. An address of wel
come by Mayor Kasensteln was given, fol
lowed bjr an Invocation by S. H. Fields.
A fcet-aoqualnted - meeting was nem at
Eagle hall after the. meeting.
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. l.-(perlal
Telegram.) The blugest state poultry
show ever held by t!ie Nebraska Poultry
association open.-d this mernlng with
nearly 3.000 birds on exhibition. The
"VVIs., and Adam Thomr son of Amity,
Mo. They expect to have the awanls
completed tonlalit. As an Instsive of
the wide scope of tho show there are
more than TO birds entered In f!i ban
tam class alone and the display of tur
keys is unusually large.
Open Mary Lanning
rWflmnYnnl ITncmJfal where our heavy artillery on sev
JLUCfiiiui lax uuopuai
Trenches Near L Boisselle Preti-
ously Loit to Germans Reoccu."
pied by Troops of Allies.
PARIS, Jsn. 19. Snow , fell yesterday
In .Belgium, In northern France and In
the Vossea, but nevertheless there was
artillery fighting In those sections, as
cording to the offl.'ta! communication
of the French war office, given out this
afternoon. French troops have reoccu
pled the trenches at I-aBolsselle, pre
viously given up by them to the Ger
mans. Testerdsy saw no further fight
ing at Solssons. but nesr Pont-A-Mous-son
the , French 'claim n' slight sdvance.
The text of the communication follows:
"Irl Belgium there has been a snow
storm and also Intermittent artll'ery e
icIiHhaea at certain pol ito There was also
i fall of snow yesterdsy hi the reslpn of
eral different occasions silenced the bat-
, tertes or the enemy.
Neb., Jan. 1 1?. (Special "As we set forth yesterday, a fairly
spirited engagenieni ns wni vis
ing at La Boisselle, where, following the
breaking out 'of several fires, we were
compelled during (the night of January
17-18 to evacuate our position. These,
however, we recaptured January IS at
daybreak. The enemy haa not renewed
Its attacks on thla part of our front.
"In the section of golrsons, th bom
bardment of the suburb of Pt. Paul,
during the night of January ll-l. was
not followed by any Infantry attai k, and
the day of January IS passed in aboslute
"In the valley of the Alsm , to the
east oP Solssons, and in the section of
tlhelms, there wera yesterday nvtlllery
"To the northwest of Pont-A-Mousson
wo yesterday occupied another field work
of the enemy In the forest ot ix-i reire
Norfolk officers wos the sensational Trtere todsy we occupy D00 yards of th
charge made to the i Ity council mat nlunl j trenches of the enemy
Telegram.) The Mary t anning Memorial
hoerltal built by W. II. Lnnnin.t as a
memorial to his daughter will be opened
next Thursduy. The structure tost up
ward of i50,0to and Is snld by pli; slclans
to be unsurpassed In the eountiy. It
includes the verv latent Improvements
in hospital construction. The plans were
prepared under Mr. Latinlng's tllrectlon
after ho had visited the leading hos
pitals of this country.
Bathke Makes Claim
; Protection Bought
NORFOLK. Neb., Jsn. 19.-(Spcclal Tel
egram.) That disorderly houses have
been paying protection money to certain
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
"D. W. Ryan" is the name written on
the hotel register here In a fine Italian
hand, WTlttn by a party appearing at the
Marble hotel here Saturday morning,
while the storm was at Its height. After
breakfast (which is not yet paid for, by
the wn'j',) he rented of the landlord a
room for the reft of the winter, stating
that he-was foreman of a gang of men.
who were j-allroad graders, and would
be here all winter.' Being a little short
of change, he Incidentally asked for the
loan of a dollar, as the- bank was not
yet opn, which was handed him by the
landlord. 'Sauntering down to the livery
in, lie rented of the proprietor several
stalls for his teams to arrive later In the
ddy, and' struck him for a loan of $3,
which, was-glaoly handed him. Telling
the same story, he procured a loan of $1
from a business man, and a credit of B0
cents -f rorri another. . Later It developed
that he- neglected to pay for hU lodging
at the'. Hotel Murphy, near the depot.
wlif re. he stayed Friday night. lie had
the' time book of 'a railroad contractor in
his possession, and his appearance was
tliat cf a genuine contractor. Telephone
messages have been sent In all .'Hrectlons,
but the smooth Mr. -Ryan eems to have
faded from the face of the earth,
BEATRICE. Neb., Jun. 19.-(Speclal.
A. C. Freshman received a letter yester
day from his sister In Russia stating that
his old home. Pake Russia, has been
burned by troop Mr. Freshman was
born. at that place and has been In this
country thirty-three years. '
Mrs. M. A. " Blauscr of Dtller, mother
of Representative C. L." K. . Ulauner ot
Jefferson county, was stricken with pa
ralysis Sunday and Is In a critical con
dition. . .
William Orr, a former resident of this
county, died at Sioux City, la., last.wfek.
1'he body was Interred at his old home
hear Rockford Monday. ' He was 86 years
of age.
FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 19. (Special.)
Charles II. BMduff, sr.. a resident of
Fremont for over forty-five years, died
at his home Sunday at tho age of 72
years. He was bm In Oermaiy, came
to Pennsylvania when a young man, and
served In. the civil war. He came to Ne
braska shortly after and Wfjs married to
t-iirisuna nasi-r, tne ceremony being
performed by Judpe t;lier In a Jog house
located In what Is now the business part
of the city. He Wrj for a gcod many
years In the bakery business and later
In the Ice cream business, selling out Just
a year Ago. Tils wife died some years
ago. He-leaves Hire sous; three dauglv
ters and one itpson. ex-Mayor Welz.
IVewa Notes of Alllaaee.
ALL1... . w,' Neb., u. mpeelal.)
jkUns Ruth Taylor and II. D. Baker were
married at the heme of the bride's
mother, eighteen miles northesst of AIM
anee. They w III reside In Alliance. Mr.
Baker is a mull clerk en the Burlington
-tween Alliance and Guernsey. yo.
The - IS.oOO subscribed by Alliance cltl
xens for the purpose of ervctlng a com
munity buitding us decided by the Com
merclal club too small a sum to atari
tlie building and the campaign will be re
newed In the spring.
The members of the Alliance volunteer
fire department have leased the lot ad
joining their club for the purpose ot
erecting a salmming pool, to wht"Jj the
. public will have uccess.
John W. Guthrie. P. El Romig, Lloyd
Thomas George Kier, C. W. Spacht,
Karl Zerung, Harold Hnyder. T. P. Rolf.
son, George Nation and Chlel-elect
Charles Hill, members of tho Alliance
volunteer fire department, left today for
Nebraska City to attend tho convention
of Nebraska state volunteer firemen. . ,
FaJrbury Ki Note-a.1
FAIRBURV. Neb.. Jan. 19.-(Speclal.-
A number of Falrbury poultrymen. In
cluding TV. M. Hare, C. M. Hurlburt.
John Ca'.der, G. ,B. Clary and C. Bonsai!
shipped -'chickens to. .tho . state . poultry
show at Hastings last night. These men
took prices at Fairbury In the Jefferson
county poultry show.
Mr Jan.-A. C. Wfilttet and W. E. Brown
have leturned from a trip to Chicago.
where, they attended a conference with
the Rock' Island management Mr. Brown
represented - the, Nebraska division con-
auciors ana jir. wiuuci me inunmen.
; Mrs. S. A.. Smart', has. returned from a
trip -to. Rich. Hill, Mo., where she was
called by -the. serious Illness and death
of hcr-mother, Mrs. M. A. Sherman. De
ceased was over 77 years of age.
News Nrs of Maoletoo.
BTAPLKTON. Neb.. Jan. l.-(Special.)
The Board of County Commissioners
was in session., the. last week. Commis
sioner . John I. Halstead being . the one
new member, Phllpot and Chairman
Philtpsen being . holdovers. Dr. E. F.
Curr, the newly elected coroner, mas ap
pointed county physician.. The Enterprise
at Stapleton was given the county print
ing for the coming .year, which hai
formerly bcen d' t-.t ty the Gandy Plo
neer. The appointment of a county at
torney was laid over. '' The ' lineup "ia
Treasurer. Bert Ensign; clerk. Otto Gr-
lach; sheriff, William Wells; Judge, F
R. Hogeboom; superintendent, Alice C.
Hill; coroner and county physician, Dr.
F F. Carr; surveyor, O. fcdwlu Wagoner.
The CommerL'!al... club held a - meeting
and preparations .are In -progress for a
smoker and a campaign has been started
to secure new members. 'The officers
for the coming year are: Carl Rankin,
pretftent; Wlllium II. Schmidt, vice pres
ident, and tllenn Rowell, secretary-treas
urer. The club hau been a very active
factor In the building up of the toan and
community. It organised three years
ago when the town first started.
by Robert Bathke. a local resident. The
council will meet tomorrow to Investi
gate his chsrges, which, he says are sup
ported by' affidavits from women who
have paid. .
News Notes of York.
TORK, Neb.. Jan. 19. tSpeelul.) The
nnual convention of . the Nebraska As
sociation of City School Superintendents
will be held In thla city January 29 and
30. A banquet will be held In the eve
ning of the first day at the Young Men's
Christian association.
At a meeting of the Tork County Medi
cal association the following officers
were elected: President, Dr. J. N. Plumb:
secretary-treasurer. Dr. Rachel Watklns:
delegate to state convention. Dr. K. Q.
Frank Ward, who threatened to blow
up Hie First National bank following
dlsputs with the officers of the bank
over the settlement of a mortgaged horse
he had bought at a public sale, was re
lease Saturday. He was arrested on
the charge; of resisting an officer and
he was given a sentenco of sixty days.
However, the sentence was suspended on
the promise that he would leave tho city
nd stay away.
Fremont ' Pastor ' Resigns.
FRISMONT, . Neb., Jan. 19. (Special. )-
Rev. W. H. Cuss, who has Been pastor
of the Congregational church with . the
exception of four years since 1S90 and con
tinuously since . 1903, . announced at tho
services Sunday morning his Intention to
resign n the near future to engsge in
soma other profession. During' his resi
dence here he has been prominent In all
work for the betterment of the city and
prominent In the state association.
Here's the One Clothing Sale that Appeals
To the Better Dressers of Omaha
It's t h e t o p
notch dressers
of this city
whom you see
taking advan
tage of this
great sale.
$10.00 Suits and 0 'coats, now...$ 7.00
12.00 Suits and O'coats, nov... -9.00
15.00 Suitsand O'coats, now.., 11.01)
18.00 Suits nnd O'coatsnow. . . 13.00
110.00 Suits and O'coats, now,.. 14.00
23.00 Suits and O'coats, now... 17X0
:?0.00 Suits and O'coats, now... 21.00
::3.00 Suits nnd O'coats, now... 24.00
40.00 Suits nnd O'coats, now... 28.00
frO.OO Quality 0 'Coats, now 33.00
cvr tGirirm o wakd im
h-k a w 'mtmw
In the Vosg'es yesterday saw a snow
storm. Here also tHere has been artillery
llihtln. particularly In Ban De Sapt
and In the nclrhborhood of Thann."
FORT DODGE. Ia., Jan. 19. (PpeotaJ.)
A list of the benefactions of "Father"
L. S. Coffin In his later years shows
thst ho either donated In cash or igave
notes payable at hla death aggregating
(54,000 to various colleges and Institu
tions. The list follows:
TNV. C. A., Fort Dodge .'...JlO.onO
Y ' M. C. A., Fort Dodge iono
Buena Vlma college, atorm Lake... lO.Oin
Leander Clarke, Hopklnton 10,(M
Benedict home, Wlllowedge farm... lfi.OCH)
Twenty-two acres for home 9,0f
Kllsworth college, Iowa Falls 2,000
Tobln college. Fort Dodge I.0O9
College at Med .Wing, Minn LOW
Total i M.00O
If you have a "Sunshiny Room" let
people, know about It in this column of
Bee Want Ada. '
AVOCA, Neb'.. Jan. 19. (6pectal.)-Ben
Neal of Brownville Is the owner of an
old "one-horse ahoy" more than 40 years
old. ' It was twenty-five years the prop
erty of ex-Oovernor' Furnas, and ,1s well
preserved. The vehicle was purchased
by Furnss from Senator Tipton and at
the time attracted a great deal of atten
tion because of Its style and elegance.
It has had some famous passengers In Its
pHARITY don't mean
just loosenin'
yo purse strings
it means openin
yo' heart and let tin'
out kindness and
The touch of match to a pipaful of
VELVET, . The Smoothest Smoking
Tobacco, lata out the mellowest of
tobacco taate and fragrance. Try
- some of Kentucky's Bmtfty ale Ltutu
are-mellowed Into VELVET. ' 1C tine
and Be metal-lined bags.
t fcarrh Kslrae Call.
HA8TINO?. Neb.. Jnn. 19pela4
Velegram.) The Flrt Baptist rhurch,
has extended a rll to Rev. C. H. llul
den, who has been occupj ing the raa-
torate fur aoma weeks. He has the call
under consideration.
Severe Rheumatic !
Pains Disappear!
Rheumatism depends on an acid In the ;
blood," whl-li affects the muscles and :
Joints, producing Inflammation," stiffness
and pain. This acid gets inta the blood
through some defect in the digestive pro
cess. .'-.'.''
Hood's Barsaparilia, the old-time blood
tonic, is very successful In tbe treatment
of rheumatism. It acts directly, with
purifying effect, on the blood, and in.
proves the digestion. lxn't suffer. Get
Hood's today. Advertisement.
inter Trips io Summer Lands
Reduced rate, round trip, winter excursion tickets on sale
dally to many points in the South and Southeast, via the
rvlilwaukee & St. Paul
New Orleans 11.18 Tampa, FU
Mobile 811.18 I'alnt Beach 1.18
.lackf.oi.vlll $5U.m .lugusiA, l.a
Miami. He... S7S.78 .Havana, Oul ..-887.18
Final return limit, June 1, 1916. except tickets to Havana.
Cuba, limited to return In six months from date of tale. Liberal
stopover privileges. Attractive diverse route tickets also on sale
rates for which will be furnished on application. Delightful tours
to tbe Wett Indies, South America and through the Panama Canal
to Man Francisco. , ,
. Three splendid daily trains provide service of tbe well known
high standard of the "Milwaukee' Road and connect at Chicago
with through trains for all points South and East. For particulars
call on or addrcbS
Y. K. FMH'li. f. I. A., O., M. A tit. P. III.,
. 1317 Faniant Hi., Omaha, Neb.
n'lttf tfTF
art bring good re-
Make Teething Easy for Baby
use "
UrSe-ftWow's SGQthingSyirp
Ir. Tarry'a mild system of treatment cures Piles,,t other liectal
eirnn. In a short time, without a surgical operation. .No Cliloi oforni, KUier or
any other general anaeatlietlu used. A curs guaranteed In every case accepted for
tiratinent, and no money Ui be puld until cured. Write for book on Kectal ll
caaus containing teslimonlals of prominent people who have been permanently curL
ItlU XAlUtl Kee liuildiug Omaha.
IPfflasinia-IPsicIffk ExpasMw
' at Sail Francisco
Right on time and bigger than originally planned the exhibits of
42 foreign nations, including several of those engaged in war, are in
San Francisco now.
It's the world In a city. Of course you intend to see it, and we are
anxious to help you plan your trip to include the best of the West
without incurring any unnecessary expense. The hotels have pledged
no advance in rates, and very low railroad feres will be effective
March 1st Be sure your Exposition ticket is routed
Then you can visit the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego
(now open) without paying any additional railroad fare. Write today
for illustrated guide book "California and the Expositions" and "Map
v of San Francisco" they tell about California sight seeing trips, hotel
and restaurant rates, and other probable expenses.
This route is 281 miles shorter than any other line Omaha to San
; Francisco. Protected by automatic electric block safety signals al
the way, and double tracked over three-fifths of the entire distance.
Dining cars on all California trains.' It costs nothing extra to visit
Denver, Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City.
Insist on the best It coots no more
I.. Bsiaaerr, 0. P. T. A.
UU l.nuia aw Omalia, Ms,
rbea loug. tit
'SimW'lllliSlllllimIM"ll 'lll.llllllillliwiisill"i'l
ll'l I' 1 : v'1"','.", '.'.'I'M '"i!1!11'!!:!111!!;1!:'!!!!:!. fVLIJ
i. ii..1 ii.u.j..,..
1 !
Hot Springs, Arkansas
The Nation's Health and Pleasure Resort
AN IDHAL Summer cliraatev-A moun
tain resort where you can ride, drive '
or play golf. Magnificent hotels and ex-
client boarding houses.
Best reached U the
Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain
Splendidly equipped trains. Low
round trip (ares.
Telephone Doug. 104.
1424 Farnam.Bt.
Union Station ' '
Thoa. r. Godfrey
General Agent, Paaaenger Dept.
Sec real estate, columns for fcartfains i