T2 THE I1EK: OMAHA, WEDNKSDAY. JANTAl.Y 20. 9V. Doauty at Sweet Sixteen Cwnfii Itark When ltnr t'lear l the (.'omletloii lijr Ihp jUk Aii- Inn Ktiiarl'it Catrimn W'frn. Pfmplcs ere iin nffrnw to others mid rrlme aKHlnet vourwelf. Pooplo hsve nnly condition of ynnr fine tu lw" a m nfert 'in.- THUS asaitiKi wnirn vo'i nivo no r"inriv mil Jtow thiit II In universally Known tbst rMuart'a rulclum Wsfrrs will liNtinlly ban ish plmplria, ll knead, blotches, erup tions snd liverspots, your continued neg ligence will be rnnsldcrrrl Incxcuysble. . COUNCIL GRANTS ROOSAR LICENSE Wholeiale Permit limed to John F. Ronsar, but Only After Order is Made by Judg-e Sutton. ENDETH A L0N0 FIGHT "t With I Conld Make Uvsry Pimply Womin Take Stuart's Calolum WiIiii fast Ok Weak." T(f pereon with n plmplv tucr Ik always Unattractive and at a dlxadvHnlnan In so ciety. Those imly riiftltKiiromenls wt at nausht the effect of ihimwrt perfect fea ture 1( your face and flKiue had the classical outlines of a Greek statu, a mass of plmplea would Hill detrov your tieauty. A clear, freith skin la absolutely essential to any reiil beauty. A beautiful complexion la dependent on rich, pure, abundant sipply of blood to the akin, Calcium sulphide, baa long been recounted as one of the moat effective of blood purifiers. Quickly converting all Impurities Into itaseous form that readily escapes from the pores. It purifies the blood In remarkably short order. Cslclum aiilphiile In the chief constituent of Pltiart'a Calcium Wafers, which contain bcldr. t'ortnln mild alteratives that In vigorate the blood. You will be delighted t the radldlty with whlrh all face disor ders will disappear, once the blood haa been cleansed of ita impurities throii(h tliclr uaa. You have right to beauty and health and happltieai. You have a right to the admiration and reaped, of othera. Take the atep that will gain von all of thean. tlft a Iflc box of Htuart'a t'ali lum Wafer of your drngulAt and win bark your birth right. A small aample pnekage mailed tree by addressing r'. A. Xtuart Co., 17u Ftuart Bid. Marahall. Mich. -Advertisement. John F. notisar my proceed now to open bla ' holreal! liquor house at 31! North Tenth a'rert, for the commission has grsnted his application for license only by order of Judgo Sutton of the dis trict court, however. Thus endeth a winding ta. Fomc moon since' the l.clsy l.lquor 'company of Peoria applied for thin right. Being a tank outsider It forthwith Incurred the hot dlepleaaure of certain local liquor In 1eret, whereupon the name of Walter Molae crept Into the record. But not o the record of the city commlaalon, loat, mayhap. It lead to political complication. t'otne now one John lr. lUiuaar. aup plantln the Uelay people and aak for the license The city rommUidon atand dh pal, maintaining; that there are al ready whnlcaale liquor establishment within the corporate limit of Omaha amply sufficient In number for all ea aentlal need of the populace. Thereupon Mr. Rouaar appeal to the district court. Judge Putton hear hi cae. He decide contrary to the city commission and commands It to accede to the wlahe of Mr. Rouaar and come across with the license. The Judge. Incidentally, took - oc casion to souk the city commlaidon one or two short-arm lab under the fifth rib -for being o cantankerous, or word to that effect. ' Tueday morning, therefore, W. J. Con nell. attorney for Ftouaar, came In with a resolution for granting; the . license which he desired the commission to pas. The commission had it own resolution. On advice of Assistant City Attorney. T, J. TuPoel, the. commission tossed the Connell paper In the waste basket and adopted Ita own. Ouch! Backache! Rub Lumbago Or Pain From Back Ah! Tain I gone! Quickly? Vea. 'Almost instant relief from soreness, stiffness, lameneae and pain follow a gentle rubbing with "it. Jacob oil." Hub this soothing, penetra'lng ojl right on your pnlnful back, and like magic, relief cornea. "Ft. Jacob Oil" I a harm less backache, lumbago and sciatica cure tvhlch never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. ' H'rsighlen lip! Quit complaining! Plop those torturous "stitches." In. a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it won't hurt pr be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Oct a small trial bottle of old, honest "8t. Jacob OH" from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. Advertisement. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR le! Ms Provi That I Can Rid Teu of it Quickly, Easily, Without Pain or Injury Frtt Coupon Balow Brinr$ Yen My Halt - ' "From dec tpir , r- 10 Joylul satliMctlsg ' ' ins chang In air S . . v '' " I ijmj I' ,r - aa ey mllio4 to tura . " a illit lililll bm I ' ' ' irrcwlh fC huiHrtluoua iw llslr, rtr many fall- r - i - apiolucmiMs. V I will srncl (thaoluta ly 1ni aatl wUtmul ch- llgMllont to any ottor ii((rr full atid oom plrln dMi'rlpllua huw . I ruraA tlx hair to that It haa iisr rturni. If ynu bava a hair i srowtli ynu wlah to acroy, qu,t arasting uur aicairy o wonh- . Iimmi puwdrs, ! tlllrola coc.trsl ?a 1'4 V'i 1" Intrhorcith MI p'A... t.ln " ln-riik'i mrrcr i.no it i r' lnlncailnt1 tcnreitar.. ' KsnM riiy Hoiithora... t" Sl't lhla Valley l.o l'a l" I'" l.ooi.villa NashTlllo..' W 1?a If , Mmlran P'throli-ui .... snfl n n III 1 Miami i'e(pr sn is l" l"' i Miairl. K T 1400 V'i M Mtsir1 F'a-iric Um lil't 1 1:V National Rtaeull buyer that they must not buy beyond i their means, that they must control them- ' selves even under a credit system and , that they can thereby cut down their own cost of living." I,W0 lcWi lnst National tad fl 4 Narada roppr J,ti I t Naw york l enlrsl I." so'4 H N T, V II II F.7 M'4 Norfolk t Wlern PO H Nofhr Pa. Iflc lor, Jn4 P.nlln Mall 700 tin Jii famine T. a Tt. rnnarlranla Ptillman Talaea Cai Ray c'cmi. Oippr a. VI I7c 17 pra'ltn 45. 1' lbl'4 1't Republic Iron 8ol.... few) 12 Iti Ro. k l1cM CV 1.4CV 1 Hnrk Irland Co. pM ) IS IS st. I. ft g r M pM... to a Hrailhern Parltln I. on H ' H-iaihra tlMllwaT l.nn 17 I"1 Trnnw copper 1, ' Zi 1 Tcas cvimmy ano Kt4i I n'nl, PaMllr 17,CWC 21 n', t nlnn 1'arlflr pM 1.2cvi cs t nlled SlalM Mlaal 3 SOI US f. S. Slarl pM t.cxwi k4 K,i t tab Copper two HH Wabash pM .ice It :4 Vi axarn I n Ion 4.100 H SP Wsstlnghiniao Kletrlc .. l.PO 12V4 It Total aalea for .the day, 37.0oS aharea. 4 li M 1"tl lot-i M :il lit 1TH 161 il ' I1 3 M'4 1 !V tru, lS sn4 US loa 4 2.4 7J ONE OF WITH NELL'S PRESENT FORCE FURNACE INSPECTOR Commissioner W'lthnell finally decided that he would not rec ommend the appoint ment of an additional man in hla depart ment as furnace Inspector. Fund argued In favor of the plan of letting; one of hi present force look out for tho work. The commission, therefore, ordered that for the present, John It. Maua, suggested by Wlthnell, be charged with supervision over furnaces. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Transactions Larger and Broader Than at Any Time for Over Month. SPECIALTIES ARE IGNORED ti1 liquid, r th rtancvroua atlwtrlc fif-. i : ftruntl. HUnpIv rmni your n ami MrM tut at luff TaihnT M ri. up Miki autd a 1 cnl iNnii J rvftlv, MrrnnfJ to Mntkatthyrr, Jrn Vni. Aart. H 1., Car. Hummer Hi. V4 At I t nt to A , Maiulnn, Man. State D. A. R.Will , Be Entertained at - theNewFontenelle riana for . the entertainment of the state Daiifhtera of the American Invo lution convention, which will be held In Omaha In March, were discussed by the committee in charge of arrangement at the f'axton hotel yesterday. Mr. C. If. Au!l. vie state regent; Mr. C. M. Wllhelm, regent of tho Omaha cHapter; Mrs. R. E. McKelvjr. regent of Major laaao Sadler chapter; Mrs. Ira W. Port, Mr. W. Li Belbr and Mrs J. J. Btubbs constitute tha rentral committee. ' Among I he distinguished visitor who will be in the city for thla meeting, which it la planned to hold in the new Font' nelle hotel, are Mr. Charles Basaett of Baltimore, national historian general, and Mr. Oeorge D Guernsey of Ind panflanee, Kan. state regent and a candi date lor tha office of president-general at tha next national convention. Mr. Guernsey and Mr. Ault are (li ters, Mr. Aull being heraelf a candidate for the office of Nebraska atate regent Tha commit taMaJsftlso planning to bring an out-of-town speaker. The opening reception of the conven tion will be held Wednesday, March 17, and a large banquet will be given the following evening. Mrs. Vr. I 81 by I chairman of the entertainment committee and Mrs. J. J. Htubbs "of hospitality. Over 100 delegates, r expected and It If planned to entertain them in tha home of the. chapter members. free csurcx hl enttttt thU irlntl r tu Vna. JruhlnV fi ronfllf nllut ltitrrtinj for li b.iUhmti.t at Kuprrtlu oua Hnlr, If Bsffit HU tc MAinp tr Btaif. Cut oJt and pin tu your lltr. (kMMt lor int mtxliaia um oii't. 1 AO'lrt) Mrm. Ktiiyir Jtnklui, Apart hJl M I., w Hummr M. iitl AUnntlu Av,, ritiui, MaM. r err DR.DABNEY NOTED TEACHER, TO ADDRESS MID-TERMERS t hai le William Dabney, president of Ihc I'nlverslty of-Cincinnati, who will make-the commencement addraa to the mid-term high echool graduate In the auditorium of the' school building Friday evening, la regarded as pne of the most distinguished educators- and author .in the I'nllfd Plate. Ills pieent-work, however, la looked upon aa the climax of hla long and bust career, lie It head of a really great city university. He will have something to say on thl character of work while In Omaha.- lie la tilled for an address -and also a conference at tha Commercial school Friday and Saturday, when ha will present the cjttlms of strong university within a population center. Of southern birth and environment. Dr. I'abney haa been associated with many of tho largest educational Institutions and enterprise of the south, Including the universities' of North Carolina and Tennessee, being president of the latter, lie helped to found the industrial school at liaielah. Ho haa written widely, on science, education and civics. lie was the first to discover the phosphate de posit in eastern and tin ore In western North Carolina and to make them known NBW TOUK, Jan. 19 Transactions In securities on the stock exchange today were larger and broader than In any ses sion since Ieiiemlxr 1ft last, when trad ing; in the entire list was resumed. With few Important exceptions, the average or today's prlcea was on a level with the high quotatlnna then recorded, and five to ten points above the low range wh.cn marked the subsequent decline. The" significant featfire of the move ment was tho fact that specialties, ao long dominant, were relatively Ignored, while former favorites, Ilka United Ktttes Hteel, Amalgamated Copper, Heading and tho Paclflca regained their wonted leader- ship. Ot all low-priced lasuea. Mlasourl Pacific alone occupied a commanding po- sltlon, adding to It recent recovery on favorable. , reorganisation rumors. Ca nadian Pacific and affiliated line were again active and strong, while the coal ers, grangers, transcontinental and southern road gained from ono to five points. I'nlted State Pteel was active, but It Importance) wa temporarily eclipaed by ftethlehem Hteel, whose directors ful I Hied expectations by restoring the pre ferred stock to the full 7 per cent rate, those shares later selling; at the best price In over eight years. Advances of two to four points were quite general In the many miscellaneous Issues, Includ ing tobaccos, while copper more than retained recent gain. Activity wa less pronounced In . the later trading and realising for profits waa seen, but without much etreci on the general, list, which closed with a strong undertone. According to popular oenei ine maraci had derived much of Its recent Impetus from the Increased ease of money, ine rate for uch accommodations Is such aa to permit profitable buying of high-grade securities. Reinvestment of January in terest and dividends Is also a factor or lmnoriar.ee. To this may toe added the tranrdtnarre imnrovement shown by'the country a foreign traoe ana me wine ue- mand for bonds at private sale. Wabash 4s and Roek Island collaterals were tha only bond Issues to show weak ness in the ODen market, all others re cording gains. Total sale, par value, wr fl.0M.0iA I'nlted . Plate coupon S were . H per sent higher on call. . Number of stlea and leading quotations on stock war a follows: Falea. Hlh. Ixiw.X'loa. Alaaha Oola Anlsamta4 Cc!pr Amertcaa Bt uar.... Auorloaa Caa Amorlnaa R Am. . K. pf An Hugar rtertninf Amarlean T. T Amarlran Tobacco Anaconda Mining ., AUhlaoa Paltlirora Ohio Itrooklyn Rapid Tr California fatrotlaum .. Canadlaa Pacific Central uaatha, ctiaaapeako Okie Chlesao 0. w Oilraso. M. a n. r.. ( hi. ago N. w tjilno (Vpner cI.lora4o Fual Iroa..., Colorado Bout horn.... panror at Hla orancio.... Panvor k R. O td Matlllora' aocarltlas Brio O.noral Blaetrlo . Uroal Northora m Oraat Not. Ora olaj Gusaoaholm Baploratioo.. .Collection Bureau of Omaha Retailers Now in Operation The collection bureau of the Asso ciated Retailers of Omaha la now In op eration. It was opened Monday, although little waa done before yesterday. Be sides making collections for the retailer the collection bureau I to act a an ed ucational bureau. "It la not so much to rush out and make collections," said Pec retary J. W. Metcalfe, "a to conduct a campaign of education to show people tho value to themaclvea of establishing and maintaining a good credit record. We want people to understand that It is to their own Interest to make their pay ment promptly at the end of thirty day or whatever period ot time 1 given, ratber than to let them drag out ao as to give them a bad credit record. 1 'It Is a fact that many people overbuy simply because credit la easy to ' get. There are naturally some people who can't control themselves when they are easily able to obtain credit. Credit, like whisky. Is bad for the bnan who can't control himself Our campaign of edu-: cation along thla line will aeek to show tops itching instantly! The moment that Rinol Ointment touches itching (kin the itching stop to science and commerce. Ha haa held andhealinir begin. That ia why doc tor have prescribed it successfully for twenty year in even the severest cei of ecteina, rinjrworm, rashes, and many other tormenting, dittiKuring kin li ease. Aided by warm bathi with ResimJ Sup, Resinol Ointment make the kin or calp perfectly healthy, quickly, easily arid at little cost . Try them and eel Sold by all drucgiits. ,im I H B.o (. M UH l.ofl i4 31 , ais x ,7o 24 Hi i' too Ott 101 s it l.?cO tKa 1' I'1 (ton tt M 1S sue m tu lino jt 3i'l :i Q H'4 IM ,nou lit 13 .W M'4 7r-i J.pXl US IT !?' ion 1S 1MH 1.3HV SbS 4 C.I', al 11 11 II 1 iSi to'i 'UK) U74-1W ii't . V'l X ''' l.aue M4 "v toa fos fS '4 .! 1S 114 aa it i: ii Si 14 "H tt Hi ltuti 144'4 1' .-0 llti m4 I1'4 t.ioo to 2't 2f"a MVi M4 fcc Acid in Stomach Sours the Food Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and indigestion Is near ly always due to acidity acid stomach and not, as most folks believe, from a lack of digestive Juices. He states thati an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach retards digestion and starts food fermentation, then our meals sour like garbajre in a can, forming acrid fluids and gase which Inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling In the chest, wo eructate sour food, belch gas, or have heartburn, flatulence, water-brash, or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and instead get from any pharmacy four ounce of Jad Baits and take a tablespoonful In a flass of water before breakfast while It Is effervescing, and furthermore, to continue this for one week. While relief follows the first dose, It ia Important to neutralise the acidity, remove, the gas-making mass, starts the liver, stimulate the kidney and thus pro mote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salt la Inexpensive and is made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, combined with llthla and sodium phos phate. Thl tarmlesa salt I used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent result. Advertisement. DON'T MISS THE FURNITURE H BARGAINS I I j ..' Hi,,, ii I,.! aaaaaai tsar win. i aa I a Sat I ifl hi il, ma aiai i a 1M X'i i'i v J If II' a ' . - - .Jaw "Tiz" Gladdens; Sore, Tired Feet l4o puf fed-up, burning:, tender, aching: feet no corns or callouses. nut,! Haawrl Usa ITT" j j " -i :M2 1;. tt, - n't 1il!i!8i!'!lTilMi! several Important government position, including assistant secretary of agri culture. GRADUATING PROGRAM AT . - THE CASTELLAR SCHOOL The Kighth grade clas of tha Cas- lellar school will give a rlass program Friday afternoon, when the "Odyaaey" in dialogue form will he prcaentrd with the following cast: Athene Wllma Lagan. I.uoile Fair Zeus, t'lyaaes Kalpli Wilson Telftiiachus.... Louis binlth, Klmr An- irrm Aea-yptius, Kupelthes. l.aci-tea Ray Hoden Antlnous, Eur rrachus,- Afrelaus, a youth , t-olon Jenaeil 1'lyooes Howard Juurcian VaiNiueos. a auflor Joseph Jauicrk CIvMite, maid of the mill wheel lena 1mH Quoen Arete blanche Dunn r uryclela Lena Naea-ele Nualcaa. a Drooheteaa Helnn Hook IVnalope Blanche Carroll II tti t'laaa Bona III. A ' la (iernian lanneuoaum IV. thillikn of qianual training work. NEWSIES GUESTS OF MAIL MEN AT AUDITORIUM SHOW The Omaha Letter Carrier association ,a extended aa Igvitatlon to the news toys of Omaha lo attend the big show to be given at the Auditorium Sunday night. Tit newt will be admitted, free r charge. The ahow at tho Auditorium will run all week and la staged by the letter carrier to raise money with which to bring the national convention here. if ii mtr T 4, x -' a1, ji -v ssav k 'TIZ" make or. burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight Away go the achea and 'pains, the corns, callouses. blisters, bunion and chilblain. "TIZ" dja out the arid and poison that puff up your feet No matter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "Tias winga resxiut iooi comfort. "TIZ" ia maskeJ. grand, won derful for tired, aching, swollen, smart ing feet. Ah! how comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feet Just tingle for Joy; shoes never hurt or seem tlsjit. ilet a 24 cent box of "TIZ now rrtin any druggist or aepanmmi aiore. r.na foot torture forever wear entailer shoe, keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. Juat think! a whole year's foot comfort for only J cents. . 1 Splendid Tribute to the fitness of. Electrical Dlumlnation to fill the most : exacting: requirements is found in its general adoption 'by churches.'. ,, -7. . ; A ; Its peculiar adaptability, aiding as it does in the carry, .ing.out of appropriate decorative effects, both perma nent and temporary, allowing the arrangement of the lights 'in' a manner most restful to the eyes, its abso lute safety and ease of maintenance these and other advantages make at Electric Light - the Ideal Light for Churches, Lodges, Auditoriums and all places of assembly. The cctet of operation is, by new developments, lower than ever. Installation, even in old buildings, is a -matter of little expense and less trouble. Our engineers will gladly co-operate with your commit tee in devising perfect illumination. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Heir rak HI4e aa4 Lasabac. Gat U3 bottle of Bloaa'a Liniment, apply on back and tak sis: drops four time ft ear. . All drugctst -Advertisement- , . eiaor rlta? v . v i rt i Flit MM Of y r Ml kit 4 bex () rf B-ltl.t Ja lK) Aurl of ( r4lrmc 11 oi,r (i CU rhoa or rtlx S. G. PETICOHS SfaWr Aaaartraa larfltviU al k.t4sulul Kuslaavra. It04 W. O. W. Blr. ybaa Bo-l4ae 6oo7. ANNOUNCEMENT! Mr. P. E. Snod grass and Mr, S. I. Park, two well known experienced restaurant men, have opened the COLLEGE INN CAFE 2 1 6-2 1 8 S. Eighteenth Street A buslneee roan's lunch is served every day from 11:00 to 2:30, 26 cents. Table d'Hote Dinner every evening, 6:t0 to 8:00 p. m., 3S cents. - A Special Table d'Hote pinner Is served on Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. w. A La Carte Service) all day. "Service and Efficiency" Is our motto. C"'a0r Lunches r fit f f j vvr . lit m lius mm II III ' ML OUR GREAT SALE OF FURNITURE CONTINUES. All Men Who See Them Highly Appreciate the Great January Clearance Bargains We're Offering in Men's Suits and Overcoats Those who really know Cloth es values because they quickly recognise the gTeat 'superiority of the offerings. Those who do not know Clothes values because they do know that Hayden's per sonal guarantee of satisfac tion is part of each sale here. Act quickly before the stocks t are depleted. Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Suits and Overcoats All This Season's Styles $23.00, $23.00, $30.00 SUITS and OVER COATS .... $18.00 and and OVER COATS...... $12.50 and and OVER COATS .... ALL ALTERATIONS FREE $16.75 $20.00 SUITS $12.75 $15.00 SUITS' $8.75 Special Wednesday Offerings in Domestic Room Shirting Madras Cloth, extra wide nurse stripe ginghams, novelty curtain scrims, yard wide outing flannels, etc., big assort ment for selection, yard .-... Muslins, bleached or unbleached, Standard apron check gingham, dress prints and yard wide nain sook, yard f Bed Sheets, 50c quality, bleached or unbleached, 72x90 size, each, for 39 Pillow Cases, hemmed, good quality muBlina,. 45x36, each, for 12Vi Blankets, $1.50 quality, in tan only, special lot of 200 pairs, to close, at, pair. ........ 31.10 Wash Goods Section New Percales 36 Inches wide, In the neat stripes and small figures, suitable for shirtings, waistlngs and children's wash dresses; standard Al 12 4c goods, yard 1UJC Household Linen Special Irish Table Damask, satin fin ish 70 Inches wide, extra fine thread, new designs; regular $1.15 ymrd qual- t- (( lty, at. yard. vl'vU 22-inch Kapkins to match above damask, per dozen. .. .$3.00 50c and 69c Cotton Petticoats on SaieQQ Wednesday in Domestic Room at . . v Come in Perkalines and Sateens, with 14-inch flounce, double rows of shirrinc: and pleated styles. Flannelette Kimonos, $1.50 and . Bungalow Aprons, 50c Quality, 91.98 Values, at 08c A fine assortment . embroid ered and Satin trimmed, on sale, Wednesday, Domestic Room. Domestic Room, SOc. Come in ginghams and light and dark percales; well made, special values. Read Hayden's Dig Special Grocery Oale for - Wednesday Quality First Ami a sarins of 85 to 60 pat ent on th oos of IlTlna. is our motto. 19 lbs, brat aranulatcd Burst S1-O0 48-lb. sank best hlsh th1 Dia mond U'. flour, nothing finer for bread, pis or cakes, ate. quality Roods, pair sack , 10 barn Beat 'Kin All, Kervnox or I-aundVy Uueen White Laundry Soap, for SSo 10 lbs. pure Buckwheat Flour, 45o 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 23o 10 lbs. best white or yellow Corn- nieal for lto 7 lba. best rolled white break fust oatmeal for SSo 4 lbs. best hand picked Navv Beans for 8Se 8 cans oil or mustard Sardines, SSo Advo Jell, for deasert. nothing; like It. (See our special deinonstra ' tlona and free samples, all thl week: per pka. .......... .TW E. C. Corn Flakes, pks . lare bottles Worcester Sauce, Pickle (assorted klntia). Horse radish or Prepared Mustard, per bottle Ho Parker House pure Tomato Cat sup, per bottle TVo 1-11,. can fancy sweet Sugar Corn, Wax. String. Green or Lima Beans for .' 7 Ho J-lh. can Polk'a bent Hominy, Kauer Kraut or Oolden Pumpkin. for ..ii SHo t-lh. ran Early June Peas. . . .SVSo S-lb. csn solid packed Tpmatoen or baked Beans for IHo Teaat Foani. per pk- ..o 1 do, boxes safety Matches. . .4o Msc Laren's Peanut Butter, rer lb i. ime Hershey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lb. BOO Golden Santos Coffee, lb too Choice uncolored Japan, Enrllsn Breakfast or basket fired Japan Tea, special, lb. 38e Tha best, Creamery Batter, carton or bulk, pec lb ,...33o Fancy country creamery Butter. per lb 31o Fancv dairy table Butter, lb...88 Best No. 1 storage Kkch. do. .880 Best strictly fresh Kicks, nothing finer, per do 36o I'uil Cream, Young- Ajnerlca, wla- consin Cream, N. Y, ,Whl e . Cheese, per lb Oo 2 lba. good Butterlne..' 9o Fancy table Butterlne, lb. . ..17Ho c aid Cii -bo, each... 3c Elrhl.nd Karsl Orana Sal The Highland Navel are the fin est fruit grown In California. Mich flavor, ripe and iulcy. 80 stxe, rcg. '60c do., this Hale 35e o slue, reg. 50c do., this sale. .30o 126 size, res- 0e dor., sale... SSo 176 slxe, res. 30c doz., thin sale 80o 216-260 slr.e. Teg. J3c do., this sale, do 16o Tha Orana of Quality. ' Tha Teretabl Marks for the Veopla of Omaha. The best Red River Karly Ohio Potatoes, IS lba o the pk., 80o The. best Wisconsin Cabbaae, per lb., at IHo Jeraev Sweet Potatoes, S lbs. ,.10o l'uicy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart 7Vo Fresh Beets. Carrots. Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, bunch.. 4o Fancy California Cauliflower, per lb tUo I large Roup bunches 100 Fancy Head Lettuce. head...7Ve it vn!f im r fP CT r.l'CS; cincT it ;v iLii r.H i w i luv i pays fin J jT .it0?!!? III , ,9r r'ii f. Wa fl Uit tha tto hmM mm to dl eomprtiti ak i I aataMermii lww tVa it iAI aaeae PKonrl roethia pav I jl km kuaM mMiIIk Hivcxlwl in at Kt.Ka lua u S -I 6monlrai I. arwl ail l'kt t (;iM,ua -isir la oa- I I Umlr tha oaa bika th4 is bulnabis anywtiara ia v ' i i Aoktv, viy. WalitandfaaminiMa(laaonhiaMy Ban.ataarara VIVl . pu. ui Vmim S-Ktaf U turn tamt. aMlbkuu axid aaoat aWiaouall V i ea a utitt mm ISnamaa Tfr.Yi V3aMkM i and pdunca tm kn M in 1 ---- rt - jti ii miiai. taamjilw 1 You T.lust Act At Once fi if first m r IMuM bandlvsMM LsXmsT Uliml fWkat Lvasl fcitej mtlk ! sun wruakar. ftioiutH trmm tv tnaU iwrpuMss. lirmk t- wbsakr? ia U ii yorm ouvjy, bm usimt wni wow oa wii n im t tjnart bocti, it ltbnart boctlatx, If lisaU Mtur trMSMtf tat LwUJtlattUr irssSTatsSl and tMal'U an-t otvc ana wiioouft arsniiiaawia. r wn lor lull quarta, t-ATtUtn I i wa itt atifissa yRfcJfi. m sXkiilsonai IpoUia io to tart tVatK.a wh)a fra rftfjCHtajHoaj aaala fr mt4 Tat absMl MVS to baral taraaa. Uottal msT tU ttraavia for tba asurikoaa aa aroasi straw ur afiar, taka aAla of it wtuia it lai Mai Ttua ry whin imT sW aaajsi -sis ' aVioV atait fimUirnn pakTabl ta FELS DISTILLina CO. t Fa K.iat, Hita4 Uma to It CKy. M. (The Pure Tood Sign) sis acata ita 14o SuarUa . Str 4ia 1-aiDaiai atrt Xbj aauM quality f luaUvials, the? beot, are purvhaMNl (ur tU oatmK plaA-ca that Mr. WeUh iiaca la hi own Ikotue, UiHti h lairs tttj National llank Bid. Let The Bee et you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free