Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    nn: r.KK: omaha. Tuesday, .taxitaky vx i-.h:..
naallty torar ft Taa Co. Dotur. B8S
Have Boot Prist It Now Beacon rrea Grand Co. UlRluinu fix
Dr. Tllnf Talka Tn.aday Xlrnt nr.
Fllnfr will eprak at the t'nlvcrity club
Tuesday evening.
"Today's Complst. Mori. Proa-ram"
classified section today, and appears In
Tha Boa EXCLVSIVKI.Y. Find out what
tha various moving picture theaters offer.
Soonomlo Learn Maata Corneliua
Farrell will address the IVonomle loanue
at tha meeting In the court house Tues
day night on "Responsive Government.
Millard to reed Jurors The county
board haa awarded a contract for tur
nlsliinaT meals to Jurors to the Millard
hotel. The price was cents per meal.
Xaoreaeed meant lncretu.d
toustnesa, both nationally and locally.
Locate your office In The Bee Building,
the bulldlni that Is always new"' for
Increased business and prosperity.
To Jail en Bad Cnec Deal J. K.
Wood, who worked Joy 8'itphen. man
ager of the Brandels theater, for money
on worthless . check on the Portland
National bank, was sentenced to forty
days In the county JhH.
Pmreoaa Bound Oyer P. C. Parson, nr
ralaned on a charge of forgery, was
bound over to the district court with
bond fixed at $l..
Bt. Cutter to apeak "The Medical
Profession Aa a Ufo Work" will bo the
subject of an address Friday evening by
Dr. Irving fl. Cutter of the nivdical col
lege of the Vnlvercity of Nebraska, before
the High tchool Boys' club of the Young
Men's Christian association.
Soil O. Xaakins Aaks Btroroe Holla
O. llaskins, cashier tor Swift Tacking
company, has filed a petition In district
court from bis wife, Knima H. llaskins,
naming Mollis Kent of Freytag s phar
macy In tho petition. Mr. and Mrs. llas
kins were married In ltollin, Mich., In
Minstrel Show at "T" A niinstrel
show will be given by the Bachelors ;
club of residents In the Young Men's
Christian association dormitories to raise
money to buy a vlctrola. It will be
staged Thursday evening, January 2S,
and Dick, B. Bruun will be the chief
"Y" Offioera to Chicago To attend a
conference of the Young Men's Chris
tlon association heads, 8Ute Secretary
J. P. Bailey and General Secretary K.
V. Denison Will go to Chicago for three
dnya. The meeting will be held under the
auspices of the Chicago Training School
for Secretaries, and will be attended by
association workers from all over the
, middle west.
Orooera Meet January 30. The annual
meeting of the Mid-West Traveling
Grocers' association will be held at the
I'axton hotel Saturday afternoon, Jan
uary 30. Secretary E. B. Iluntzlnger of
the organisation writes that fifty or
twenty grocery drummers will ettend. A
dinner will be given in connection with
the meeting.
Xubto Her from Bearer R. S. Ruble,
assistant general passenger agent of the
Union Pacific at Denver, is at head
quartera here.' Aa 'to the storm of Eatur
Oay, Mr. Ruble asserts that it did not
extend west of North Platte, though be
yond there and far out into Colorado
there was a fairly heavy tall of snow
and that it will prove of material benefit
to the 'fall wheati
William Salt Weeing The Connecti
cut Mutual Life Insurance company
would like to learn the whereabouts of
William G. Halt, native of Omaha. The
Connecticut company Issued a policy on
Mr. Hall to his wife, Mrs. Julia Hall,
and of recent years no word has been
received regarding the policy. It is
thought perhaps Mr. Hall Is deceased and
Mis. Hall may not know of the insur
ance policy on which there Is still in
force a small amount.
Range Stock is in Prime Condition
and Will Be Moving to the South
Omaha Market Soon.
Sccno on Street After Saturday's Storm
The beginning of the run of western
sheep fur killing Is expected to set In
this week, and at the same time, accord
ing to the railroad men connected with
the lines operating Into i' e sheep ralxlng
sone of Nehraoka. Colorado, Idaho and
Wyoming, the movement will be the
heaviest In years.
All through the sheep raiding and feed
ing territory of the wext the winter has
liern mild, anil an sheep have taken on
flesh rapidly, movement to market
starts ten days to two weeks earlier than
usual. Sheep are asserted to lie in prime
condition for market.
Indications, assert the local railroad
men, arc that Omaha will receive more
sheep during the run that Is setting In
than ever before during any like period,
duo to tl.e fact that In n way Chicago
is still quarantined against sheep.
The Illinois state board still holds the
quarantine against some fifteen counties;
and it so happens that In these counties
are located practically all the feeding
pens of the western lines. The running
schedule on llvo stock trains between
I Vi I ...... .r.l.. I-
... Ac.7v.ii . inn II'IIIIB Mill! V uimbu la
twenty-eight to thirty hours. The federal
laws require that live stock shall not be
kept In cars to exited thirty-six hours
without feed and water. With a leeway
of only six to eight hours shippers are j
afraid to send their sheep to 'Chicago. i
Tho Illinois board has nn quarantino I
against sheep west of the Mississippi !
river, but the trouble is this: If sheep
should start from the Missouri liver ter
minals and not be delivered In Chicago
within the thirty-six hours required by
low, they would have to be uncarred and
fed at 'somo of the Illinois yards. As
the quarantine l.i against theso yards the
result would be that the sheep would
come under tho Illinois regulation and
when reloaded would be regarded as ani
mals coming from the quarantined sane
and would not be permitted to be sold
on the Chicago market
jb me price ueiwcen me umana ana
Chicago markets Is so close. It is asserted
that shippers are not going to take any
chances on the last named place, and
consequently practically all the western
sheep will be shipped to and sold on the
Omaha market.
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Omaha Gas Company
Re-Elects Directors
All directors of the Omaha Gas com
pany were re-elected at the annual meet
ing of stockholders, held Monday morn
ing. The directors then met and re
elected their officers.
Directors are Frank T. Hamilton,
George E.. Baker, G. W. Clabaugh, V. F.
Douthlrt and Fred P. Hamilton.
Offlcera are Frank T. Hamilton, presi
dent: G. W. Clabaugh, vice president and
secretary: Lewis Llllle, treasurer; 1 W.
Weymuller, assistant treasurer; James
Ball, assistant secretary.
Lincoln Youth Would Be Sailor, but
Encounters Difficulties When
He Tries to Enlist.
Iron Cross for Two
Cousins of the Metz
Brothers of Omaha
Iron crosses have been bestowed by
Kmperor William upon couslna of the
Met. brothers here, Charles, Fred, Louis
and Arthur, for bravery In conflicts
which the German troops had with their
enemies. These young men are sons or.
Herman Mets of Berlin, an uncle of the
Mel boys here. One of the meit was
attached to the general staff of the
Fourth German army corps, while the
other la with the eastern division of the
German army on the Ruasion frontier.
The young man with the eastern army
was aerlously injured in one of the en
gagements and sent back to the hos
pital in Berlin. He has about recovered
and will soon return to bis troops.
The Cause of Rheamatlsna.
I'se Sloan's Liniment and you won't
care what causes It The first applica
tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia.
2Sc. All druggists. Advertisement.
Seven wedding rings have been sent in
to the gold-for-iron "melting pot" fund
for German war relief by German-Americans
living out in the state, Buys Mm.
Paul GeUschmann, chairman. She says
that five men and women at Yutan alone
sent in their rings, aome of them a score
or more years old. to be melted down
and sold to raise money for the relief of
widows and orphans In the fatherland.
Pauh donor will receive In return an Iron
ring, Inscribed, "I gave gold for iron."
The shipment of iron rings is expected
daily, as it was sent from Neward, N. J
last week.
Howard Augustus Burke learned Monday
the truth of the proverb "Truth Is mighty
and shall prevail." He learned also that
it Is a mlFtake to Jump at conclusions
and that often we misjudge those who
are nearest to us. Also, that while
"clothes don't make the man" they often
indicate what he is, as the late Sherlock
Holmes ao ably demonstrated.
Howard came Into the United States
naval recruiting office In the federal
building this morning and announced hia
deBlre to enlist. He stated that his age
was 19 years, that his father and mother
had died when ho waa still quite small,
that he had then been sent to live with
an uncle in South Dakota, that this
uncle hadn't treated him well, that he
had run away, had worked at odd jobs
and lately had been driving a coal wagon.
'Poor, homeless, orphan lad," sighed
the tender hearted boys In blue. Poor,
poor lad. Uncle Sam's navy shall be a
haven of refuge from the cold and cruel
world and from the cruel uncle In South
Dakota; that cruel, heartless uncle.
Dixon Dlarovera Mystery.
So Bo'sun's Mate Dixon took down
Howard's age, eolor, previous condition
of servitude, etc. Now, the bo'sun's mate
Isn't a Sherlock Holmes, but the ap
pearance of Howard Augustus Burke
didn't bear out his story. His hands
were white and soft and didn't look as
though they were accustomed to handling
a coal scoop. He wore a natty blue Nor
folk suit that had lately visited the rres
Ing establishment. His clothes were all
of good quality and he had the appear
ance of being quite the opposite of the
penniless, wandering orphan boy, fleeing
for refuge from that cruel uncle In South
While Howard was waiting for his
medical examination a long-distance call
came In. Chief Yeoman High answered.
It proved to be a distraught father in
Lincoln, and he wanted to know whether
his aon had. by any chance, applied for
enlistment in the navy. He gave a de
scription of him. On winged feet Mr.
High ran across the hall to the room
where the poor orphan was. aurrounded
by sympathetic Jaeklea opening their
generous hearts to him In his lonellnesa.
On the same winged feet Mr. High ran
hack and reported that the lost waa
Then Howard was called In and a Ions
conversation ensued over the Phone, In
which Howard merely said "yes, air." or
"no, sir," at appropriate Interval, here
waa where Howard found ho had mis
judged hia father in presuming that he
would not sign a permit for his aon to
join the navy.
A Few Palais Dlffereare.
To Bo'aun'a Mate Dixon, Mr. Burke told
his story, which ahowed that the atory
Howard had told waa the whole truth
with the trifling exceptions that he la
only IT years old. that hia parents are
living, that he didn't live with any uncle
In South Dakota or elsewhere.
Howard's father Is A. P. Burlce, who
lives at 1730 M street. Lincoln, and con
ducts a coal buslnesa at Twentieth and
M streets.
He said he would sign a paper giving
his aon permission to become a sailor
bold and sail the raging main and
the sights of the world, as charmingly
depicted in the poatera.
Bo Bo'aun'a Mate Dixon made out new
application papers for Howard, changing
hia age to 17 years, resuscitating his' par
ents and killing off forever that unspeak
ably cruel uncle In South Dakota, and
Howard proceeded to take hia physical
Is Thwarted! Aaaaa.
But alaa, the course of true patriotism
never did run smooth. Just when It
seemed that all was going fortuitously,
when truth had been established on Ha
pedestal and when tha consent of par
ents had been secured, an obscure obsta
cle arose, an unsuspected kill-joy that will
at least delay Howard's trip to view the
wonders of foreign lands.
. The doctor found that he had enlarged
However, there Is hope. Howard will
return to Lincoln, have his tonsils re
moved, get the written consent of hia
father, and then "a sailor he will be,
will be, a sailor he will be."
Considerable Fur"! Already Secured
to Carry Out Work as Suggested
by Dr. C. F. Stimson.
ja view of tha present Interest and dis
cussion In plana to enlarge the proviaions
for the public recreation In Omaha, and
especially for binding the park and school
departments together In oo-operatlve
plana to enlarge the facilities and super
vision for wholesome play-llfo 'or the
children and youth of Omaha, a state,
ment haa been prepared showing the per-
aona contributing to the rampalgn to es
tablish a year-round eyatem of public
recreation, In conjunction with the city
commissioners, superintendent of parks
and the school board.
In behalf of the children who need op
portunities for aelf-development through
wholesome supervised play and recrea
tion the following organisations and In
dividuals have contributed, as below re
corded, to the cost of organising and
arrylng through tho campaign to secure
n adequate public system of supervised
rerreatlon. P.. A. Wilcox of the Omaha
National bank serves aa treasurer of
the funds contributed.
Ir. Cyrus F. Stimson. field secretary
of the Playground and Recreation Anno
tation of America, 1 Madison avenue.
New Terk City, haa been secured to or
ganise tho work and assist the officials
nd clttxens Interested In following
through the campaign until It la effl-
iently established. He has already
worked several weeks In Omaha at dif
ferent times, and will continue bis ef
forts at such times and ways as seem
best calculated to secure definite for
ward sters to the final system desired,
In close co-operation with the city Com
missioners, tho school board and es
pecially with the auperinteniiant of parks
and the superintendent of schools. IT.
Stimson and the national ooclation he
serves propose to stand by the rltlaena
of Omaha for auch time as Is required
to direct public aentlment and perfect
the necessary legislation In constructive
plana for an adequate and appropriate
publicity eupported eyatem of recreation
conforming to standards established for
cities of Its cIm.
For the results already accomplished,
and for the promise of ultimate success,
credit Is due especially to the following
Allison, Irving
Haxter. W. F
Ilahtrlge. J. M
Keklns, John
Hoard of Kducatlon (V
, T. Hourke,
C.A.Hanson Struck
by Trolley, Suffers
Internal Injuries
O. A. Hanson, 809 North Forty-seventh
street, waa Btruck and Injured by west
bound Farnam street car No. 83 at Fifty
third and Underwood at 6:28 Monday
morning. Police surgeons i. A. Tameisla,
R. I. Ensor and Dr. T. P. Harris were
summoned and advised Mr. Hanson's re
moval to bt. Joseph's hospital, where it
is reported he la suffering from serious J
Internal Injuries.
she la a Wise 'Woman
Who recognizes In the tell-tale tymp
toma auch aa backache, headache, drag
ging sensations, nervousness and Irrita
bility the true cause and relies on Lydia
K. Puikham's Vegetable CotnpounJ to re
store her to a healthy normal condition.
For forty yeara this root and herb rem
edy haa been pre-eminently aucceasful In
controlling the diseases of women. Merit
alone could have stood such a test of
time. Advertisement.
the Kin
d Pin
William Brown, who waa given lodging
ut the City hotel, 115 North Ninth atreet.
and waa apprehended In the nlht renujv.
log the brass knobs from the doors, was
sentenced to fifteen days in the county
jo U.
Tkla Is m Bad Meat.
The Indoor life of winter, with lark of
outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load on
the kidneys. Nearly everybody Buffers
from rheumatism, backache, pain In sides
and back, kidney and bladder ailments.
A backache may not mean anything seri
ous, but It certainly does not mean any
thing good. It'a belter to be on the aafa
aide and take Foley Kidney Pills to
strengthen and invigorate the kidneys
nd help them do their work. They help
rid tho blood of acida and poleona. Soid
by ail dealers. Advertisement.
First of all knock out the hindrance to health, then vigor of body and mind
naturally follows.
Thousands, finding coffee a hindrance, have struck it from their daily diet and
now use
Coffee contains a jxnverful irritant caffeine which first races tho body func
tions to unnatural bjmmhI, and then leaves them in a state of exhaustion. Itesult
weak heart, neivousness, biliousness, headache, feleepleKsness and many other ilia arid
Postuni made 'mly of prime wheat and a bit of wholesome molasses is a pure
food-think, absolutely free from caffeine -r any other drug or harmful substance.
I'ostum has delightful flavour; and comes in two forms; Regular Postum must
be boiled, 15c and 23c packages; Instant Postum soluble, made in the cup in
stantly, 'Me and 50c tins. The cost er cup i about the mrvc for both kinds.
.Suppose you leave off coffee ten days and try I'ostum and better health.
"There's a Reason'
Grocer everywhere sell POSTUM.
secret h ry
Hranrieia. Mrs. Arthur
KruKwn. Francis A
Csi'iM-nter. Archie W.
Taper company) ,
Carpenter, I. W
Carpenter, Mrs. 3. V
lnvldson, W. M. (Hoard of Kduca
tlon lls, Fred H
Ieere l'low company, John
Iode, Mts. N. I'., Jr
tWtng, Henry
Clifford. lr. Ilsrold
Hall. Mrs. It B
llMyaard Hnw. Hlioe company
Heller. Mrs. Harriet 11
Jloaglsnd. tleorgn A
lten Hlsrtilt company
Jewell, Kilwln 8
Ji.slyn. Mrs. Sarah H
Kennedy, John L.
Klnihxll I.Mmi(lry tympany
Knontee, t'harles T.
Kounlse, Miss tiara S
Imci-e. lr. H. H
lord. Or. J. !
Messrs. Mann A Junnd
Munlls. J C. company
Millard, Marlon
Mllln.rO. Misses Carrie and Helen....
Nash. 1a C
Oinnha, City of
Omaha Kleo. I.lxht and Power Co.
Omaha Klevatnr company
onmlm I'layground association .....
Pollard. Or. C. W
Hllleriinrn. I
Smith, Arthur C
Hmlth, W. Kamam company
Still. William
Tnairart. K. J
Thoinpson-Melden company
Ware, Charles
White, V. 10.
Union Stock Tards company
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Burlington Sends
Traffic West Over
New Ashland Bridge
Sinre early Punday morning the Ilur
llnaton has been handling: Its west of the
river passenger trains over the new con
crete hrldne at Ashland. This brlda
was under course of construction nearly
three years and was built at a cost of
i lose to J1.0n0.0n0. It Is entirely of con
crete and steel. The p:iea and piers, all
of which are of thee materials, no -
bedrock, a distance of eighty feet below
the hed of the river.
The HtirllnMnn's new bridge over thj
Pintle at Ashland Is anross the river ex
actly where the old one wa locste.l.
lYtor to the construction of the ttv
bridge a trmpnray structure wss hiii!i
JiiKt below the old bridge. This was use.l,
the old one torn out and tho new one
erected1 on the site.
Best Laxative
For Children
When your buhy is cross and fret
ful Instead of the happy, laughing lit
tle dear you are accustomed to. In all
probability the digestion hna become
deranged and the bowels reed atten
tion. Give, It .a mild Isxatlve, dlope
the Irritability and bring back thr
happy content of boyhood-
The very best laxsllvc for children
lo Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, be-.
cause It contains no opiate or nai -
colic drug, la pleasant tasting and
acts gently, but surely, without grin-
Ing or other distress. IirugRists sell
Ir. Caldwell's Syrup repsln at firty
cents and one dollar a bottle, for
a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. M.
Caldwell, 452 Washington St., Monti
cello, Ilia Advertisement.
Tju-inru-u-innrii- i-n-i-i -- "---- - """"
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.
Monday. Jan. IN, 1IM5.
Phone, lMuiKlaa 137.
We Cut Our First Birthday
. Bargain Cake Monday
HUNDltEDSwerc here Monday and helped us celebrate our first anniversary we have
planned for hundreds again Tuesday and offer a prcat collection of the most un
usual values. Every section of tho store contributes its share to this remarkable event.
Will you come and share in it?
In the Anniversary Sale
White or ecro, Perl Lustra
Sices 1 to 10, spool 8t
Sixes 10 to 20, spool... f)
Sixes 20 to 60, spool 10d
Sixes 50 to 100, spool
Crochet Cotton la Colors
Sizes 1 to 10, spool.. 9
Sites 10 to 20, spool'. 1Q
Sizes 20 to 60, spool Xli
Sixes 60 to 100, spool 12c
Stamped Place. 15c
Pillow tops with backs or scarfs,
size 18x46, on ecru linen, floral
or conventional dettlgns, with 6
skeins of flosa, for 15c.
btmped Pieces, 85c
Pillow cases, size 42x3 6, on
best tubing, also night gowns, on
best quality French nainsook, ki
mono style, 35c.
Hand Made Articles
Slightly soiled, consisting of baby
dresses, pillows, waist patterns, capi,
aprons, towels, etc., special 98o.
Borrsaa-SIaah Co. Third floor.
An Assortment of Good CORSETS
Formerly to $10.00, Sale Price $2.98
THEY are all standard makes in brocades or fine coutil In models'
suited for every style figure. Oood selection, jo QO
models that were formerly to $10.00; choice for. . .V. tPawaaO
Corset Formerly f.l.OO to $5.0O for 91.98
Broken assortments of Nemo and self-reducing corsets d1 QQ
in discontinued numbers, formerly $3.00 to $5.00, for if)l.0
Itrasslerea Special at 79c, OOc and $1.15
Three distinct styles, dainty effects, very desirable and the
values are most unusual.
anrraas-BTasa Co.a.ooBd floor.
Women's Pure Thread SILK HOSE
PUIlPi thread silk w ith double garter tops, high spliced
heels and double soles, black and white, run m
of the mill $1.00 quality, sale price Tuesday, in ZiM
the anniversary sale, at, pair . . .
Anniversary Sale at an Average of 25 Underprice
K-'Vliu to K15.00 Mosul Huica. $17.50
Extra heavy quality of wool with small figures and
soft beautiful colorings, very de
sirable for any part ot the home;
sizes 3x6 up to 4x7 feet, regular
S25.00 to 136.00 values for..
$20.00 to $23.00 lieloiichiataa Rugs, $15.00
Extra heavy fine Beioucnistan
rugs, rich colors, sizes 2v&x5 up
to 3x6 feet, regular $20.00 to
$26.00 values, for
4-6x5-5 Iran rugs, flO.OO values $42.00
4-4x6-5 Iran rugs, $10.00 values frtO.OO
4-Ax6- Iran rugs $!2.50 values $82JiO
Rugs, $15.00
4-5x6-2 Iran nura, $40.00 values.
4. xfMi Iran rugs, $43.00 values $il5.Q0
4-HxH- Iran ru,$45.UO value $37.50
4-7x5-H Iran ruga, $37J50 values $29.0O
5-1x7-6 Iran rugN, $43.00 values.
Mahal ruga, $130.00 values. . .$120.00
4i-Oxl2. Mahal ruga. $160.00 valuea. . .$125.00
8-HX12-11 Mahal ruga, $165.60 valuea. . .$185.00
8.7x12-1 Mahal ruga, $lMO,oo valuea. . .$140.0o
$12.50 to $18.00 Kazmk Ruga, $9.56
Very heavy and firm texture, with bold striking,
figures and strong colorings, dis
playing the characteristics of their
wild weaves, sices 3x4 V& to 3x6 feet;
regular $12.60 to S1S.00 values, for.
$12.50 to $15.00 IteloucliiNtan Hugs, $70
inch dark colors, in red, blue and
brown; heavy and
are soft and pleanli
to 2x5 ft.; reg.
6-6x8-1 Khiva run, $ 90.0Q values $65.00
6-9x7-11 Khiva nigs. $HO.OQ values $75.06
6-2W- Khiva ruga. $ 95.0O valuea $65.00
6-1x7-1 Khiva ruga, $ 85.0O valuea $63.00
5-98-a Khiva ruga, $ 83.QQ valuea $60.QO
5- x6 Khiva ruga, $ 50 OO valuea $j7.&0
6- 9x7-6 Khiva ruga, $ 8Q.0Q valuea $60.00
igs, $7iit
, iu mui uiuo nun i
id durable, colors C ClI
aslng. sizes 2x4 V D I .allf
$12.30 to $15 val.. T
7-8x5- Khiva rugs. $110.00 valuea.
8- 0x11-6 Kermanshah. $430.00 values . . $:i.'15.00
13- x8-6 Kermaiiwliaii, $450.00 values .. $375.00
9- 9x14. Kermanxliah, $325.00 valuea. .$41 3.QQ
9-8x1 i 8-3 Keriiiannliali, $650.00 valuea .. $ 4 93.00
Economy Basement Salesroom
12 He Manchester ami Harmony
I'ercalea, 8 4c
Light, medium and darL colorings
in the choicest styles for dresses,
waists, men's shirts, children's
wear, etc. 1 ne iinest percaiea
made from full bolts,
at. yard
12 He Irrei.. (Jlnghanis at 6c
Pretty checks, plaids, stripes and
corded effects, desirable lengths
for making children s school
dresses, 27 Inches wide,
sale price, yard.
lOo Grade lileached Hliaker
Flannel, 5c.
Without a doubt the best known
of all the staple flannel, 28 In.
wide, perfect goods. You save one
half here during our Anniversary
Bale; bolta to buy f
from, at, yard aJC
Women's 50c to $1.00 Index,
wear, 89o
I'nion suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, white cot
ton union suits, Dutch neck, el
bow sleeves, ankle length, mill
run of 60c values, also broken lot
of women's light-weight wool vests
and pants, formerly Of
$1.00, at OVC
50c All Silk Ratine
CREPE at 15c Yd.
Kxlra Keclal An unusual op
portunity to get high cost ma
terial at leas than half prtce 27
and 36-inch widths, in lavender,
brown, navy, Copenhagen, red,
green, tan, light blue, pink, black
and white, also medium and
large plaids for dresses, coats,
skirls, etc. These charming bro
caded silk and silk ratine crepes,
will delight the eye and priced so
low, merit your attention 60o
values from the
bolt, at
Roys' 25c, 50c Underwear, 13c
Broken lota of boys' ribbed cotton
fleece lined shirts and drawers,
were 25c to 60c, 1 r
choice OC
Women's, 10c Hoae, 6c
Women's black cotton hose,
sea miens, regular 10c values, in
the Anniversary g
Sale, pair DC
15 c
White Goods at 7 He
A large bargain square. Including
a great variety ot India linen, ba
tiste, organdy, nainsook, lingerie,
etc., a special bargain white goods,
it to u incnes wiae j 1
t yard "2"C
23c and 35c Rlack $ateeu, 13c
Double width mercerized black
sateen, retails regularly at 25c
and 35c yd., desirable for lining
purposes, petticoats, -
men's shirts, etc., yd.... lOC
Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 50c
No. 555 Royal English long doth,
chamois finish, 85c val- Tf
ues OUC
So Cotton CI tallies at 2 He
Hunlreds of bolts. Persian, floral
and fancy figured perfect Trou
ville cotton challls at. r 1
yard C
Women's Glovee, Formerly to
$3.50, at 95c
The group Includes 2-elasp gloves,
rapes, unlined mocha and silk
lined mocha, alao some very good
long gloves, formerly to fJC
$3.50, pair VOC