r TIIK TiEK: OMAHA, MONUAY, JANTAIJV 1. 1015. Jeff Not Only Lost $2.80, but the Decision Also Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher f'trr, IMe C TH' OOULfS f wh cant YoiT) lW A LOT Of- YOU HATS ANpSfcNTYCrS,AU. ,T PF WM xourws YHC CCXN t HAVG. J f I TAQLG ? . J f I CAN'T LI Ft IT A G YOC SOMG MONem ' I NGW R-OOf ' A HAT WVTHYWAT VA uf ' A SKNPtCOS . NVOTT 8CAVe X. ""H6r- StTTH TV J ' jSxl CAWGT ,T OFP TW - YgO ( Your. CONVfi-VSTj X 'rf TKeTABLG J- I ONt. V Jst Pcies me- rffMT ' V" ST) 'J T STILL ) Jufi yCUAiAA "THAT'S v4 , : : LJ ; . UKAIi USTATE l'AHH ItM II ..AMIS FOR J1AI.K. lovra. luo-ACRE-FARM. about thirty miles from Council Blults, la., hour ami a half lido from lliree Rood markets. Thin Is n up land piece in & liiKh Bt'ite or cultivation, four'Rcres vf clover, about ten hitob of ill t ii If h. ten acres timber pasture with xpriris: good 8ix-rooni house, large barn, I'll kinds or outbuildings, including cattle s'ied, chicken sheds, hog houses, etc. owner wishes to retire on account of health. Price $2(0 per were on reasonable terms. Mutt be seen to be appreciated. A. F. SMITH CO. (Kay Smith). Council Bluffs, la. Phono 23 Tearl St. COLUMBUS SHOOTERS BEAT OMAHA SHARPS Closely Contested Blue Rock Shoot Results in yictory for the Platte County Men. ! LEAD BY SINGLE TARGET HANLON TO FILE AFFIDAVITS Kaasna. FOR SAI.K-S.2t0 acres fine wheat land near Richfield. Morton Co.. Katias. Price. 7 per acre. Will sell part or all to BUlt purchaser. Terms cash. Address owner, H. J. McAnarney, Farmersvillc, III.. U. F. !. No. 2. brka FOR SALK by owner for next 15 days, 10-acrn farm' In I'liittsiuouth. Neb. 6 loom house, avc, c'utern. 2 wells, barn, fruit o all kinds: 4Vj acres alfalfa. 4'4 patitmc. RHt'iii n, etc. P. O. 1!ok 10., plattMmoul h. Neb. VIcon-ln. Upper Wisconsin Uest dairy and Kcnerul crop utate in tiia union; settleia -anted; lands for sale at low priceB on eaay torms. Ak for book let 'M on Wisconsin Central Lnd Cirar.t. State acrws watted. Wrl "oouf our urazini,' lands. If lutcrosted Li trult lands. a-,k fr booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Addrcas Land Dept., Soo tint Hy., Minneapolis. Miiiil Mlscelleoa. FARM for sale: must sell my Fellsmera farm. acres, muck prairie land. UHioff. 4"9 Times fclds., St. -ouu. Mo. ABSTRACTS tiF TITLE. T. . KKI2U Absircx o., om. u.-v i.e. in Nebraska, m V -ndeta Theater. modern -tract office. 3US a. lits Bt Phone Duuslu MCAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE COIA'MUfS. Neb., Jan. 17.-(Speclal Telegtam.) Omaht'i redoubtable trap shooters fell victims of the superior prowess of the Columbus shooters in an inter-clty trap shoot here today. The home talent beat the visitors one point, 962 to 031. The competition was close with fifteen men shooting; or both cities. The ten highest were computed In the scores and the ten high Columbus men were one point higher than the ten high Omahans. C hambers Illnh Man. Chambers of Omaha was high man. He registered a perfect score of 100 broken rocks. McCown of Otnaha and L,uxa of Columbus -ere second with ninety-nino broken out of 100 attempted. An Inter-clty shoot between Omaha and Columbus occurred at Omaha several weeks ago, ending; in a tie. The scores today were as follows: OMAHA. Klngsley Kroiidersleeve ... Itellck Chambers McUown . Mel "onald Whitney . I ovee , . . . Burry . . . . ArmogaH 18 1!) 20 in irt Ot IS IN ao 17 19 M 1N IS 1! 111 III Mi SO 20 ?0 'JO 20 I'KI io :o 20 '.H) 20 m IS 20 17 IS 1l 32 19 17 ir. is in x; 10 1" 1G 19 20 !M 1 IS S 20 1 1R 19 17 19 17 President of Sioux City Club Will Aid Organized Bill in Suit Brought by reds. WILL NOT TESTIFY IN PERSON At least one Western league magnate has been drawn Into the net of legal tangle now pursuing Organized baso ball men as a result of the suit started hy the Federal league. Ud Ilanlon. presllent of the Sioux City club, will file Affidavits on behalf of Organised ball in the United States federal court In Chicago. Hanlon received tford from Gerry 'Herrmann, chairman of the National commission, asking him to file affidavits In Chicago. Hanlon will probably not be asked to testify In person, but lb willing to do so If surh Is requested. Hanlon's affidavits will consist of a statement of the business flairs of the Sioux City club, the Investment and how the players are handled. Other mlror league magnates will he callel upon to file affidavits s'milar to the ones which will be submitted by the Sioux City magnate. Whether any other Western leaguers in addition to Hanlon will do so is unknown at present as no announcements have been made yet. Tho suit will come up before Judge Kcesaw Ijandls In the United States dis trict court In Chicago, January 20. NO ACTION TAKEN IN THE PLATT ADAMS CASE I ijTaCRKS, MM county. Jowa, I miles norihweW from CJlenwood. fair set of i mi bXi ngs rented tor thta year; en l"uinbran"c V. Will consider r,om Js.000 to $10,000 of good trade for i ijutty. aubmlt o tiers. -un- -" 1 jpetone Minn. bal or- U0"ACBES, Irrluated; W under ditch b il level: near Ft. M ., eurden BPot of Colo., where sugar 'lor exchange. " Hnx Ml. Hebron. Neb. FSnNTIKn CJ. BARGAIN. , ,iv,i i,nnrnvml farm of xoo acrsi. "W"'. . ' i: 1 . Grand total COLUMIU'S. Danbray IS 20 Ix'Sterxutes 2t) 10. Otto Kudal. Kd Kavanaugh. T.uxa Gutzmep aiifman lohr Tallnn Sawyer iO 70 20 20 20. 10 19 19 10 IS 20 10 19 19 IS IS 20 20 19 20 20 19 19 1 lit 19 IS 19 IS 17 IS IS IS 10 IS lti 17 1(1 19 19 17 IS 19 IS 17 18 y .. , . . i -ml all laya fine ano is -.-"-". Vi 11 exrhan.e for 6ood Omah realdeuc Fli Candcls' Theater. Oroahi Douglaa 891C Neb. WANTr;f)-Modern4 home for rnsr c Call fornia property. Addrew b MS. Bee. RKAIi KKTATK WANTEU Grand total Tho following men shot but the totals were computed from the ten highest: FOR OMAHA. 16 17 1 15 15 18 1fi 17 15 15 15 14 18 17 17 14 20 19 1 5 1 14 1i 14 15 18 FOR COLUMBUS. Frank Dudat IP IS 20 Irt 1 Oene Redmond Hi 10 14 17 15 H. A. Phillips.... IS 17 14 10 IS (leoiRe Drlnnln 1S 15 13 1 17 Al Gross Hi IS li 17 17 NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Aftfer having all the evidence, and listening to the unv- o mlng up by legal representatives of the accused and the men who preferred the charges, the registration committee of the Metropolitan association of the Amateur Athletic union announced laat night that no decision would be rendered until next week In the case of Piatt Adams of the New York Athletic club. Adams, one or the most prominent American athletes, and holder of the Olympic standing high jump champion ship. Is accused of having sold one or more tf the many prizes he has won. Baltimore Police in Raid on Race Ring Club, Arrest 148 BALTIMORE, M.I.. Jan. 17 -Tlie Tatux ent Rod and Gun club at Meyers. Sta tion, Anne Arundel county, was raided late yesterday by Baltimore cltjr police and 14S persons were brourht to Baltimore on a special train which the police alezed for that purpose. Al but six of the prisoners were charged with unlawful!) placing bets on horse raoes, and the other six were charged with accepting money to be placed on races. Many of the prisoners admitted they were employes of th.) government at Washington. The pollco seized $500, blackboards and racing sheets. They -ere comiwllcd to break down a five foot barbed wire fence and to battle with bulMoRs before thoy gained an entrance to the club. No resistance was made by the men in the building. Governor Goldsborough ordeied the raid. OMAHA CLUB FAILS TO LAND Golf Event Goes to Mayfield Club of Cleveland in Favor of Country Club. DISAPPOINTMENT IN OMAHA .931 9S 9H PS 93 !l9 S9 S9 91 90 .9?.2 Klellne Vaught Brown . Hall ... iiworck V Dillon Gives Porky Flynn Bad Beating NEW YORK, Jan. 1".-Jack Dillon 'of Indianapolis administered a bad heating to Porky Flynn of Boston In a ten rouniT bout In Brooklyn lat night. Dillon had the better of every round, the nos ton heavyweight being knocked through the ropes In the fourth, the hell saving I him from being counted out. Dillon weighed 175H and Flynn 103. . There will be no big golf tournament In Omaha next Rummer as so fendly anticipated hy Omaha golf followers. The Omaha Country club, despite ardent efforts, failed to land the 1913 weHtem championship tournament at the annual meeting of the Western Golf association in Chicago Saturday. The 1915 event was awarded to the Mayfield Country club of Cleveland. It will be staged July 19 to 24, 'the Olympic cup competition being held July 17. W. J. Foye represented the Omaha elub at the meeting end he mada a noble ef fort to bring tho big tourney here. He was loaded with proxy vole and he of fered a flock of arguments In favor of the Omaha club, but the Mayfield club was too popular. St. I.aala Ualka. Oi.mha was acknowledged an excellent chance to land the tourney until Friday, when-the Glen Kcho Country club of St. I-oul. whjch also put In a bill for tha affair, wit lid re w and transferred Us sup port to the Cleveland club. Tho votes do nated Clevcln-d were too much for Foye and he was forced to auccumb. In addition- the Mayfield club was the choice of moist of the professionals of the various clubs of the association. Thene. professionals declared the Mayfield course one of the best In the land and tho best In the went. As most of them have never plnyed In Omaha, they could not express an opinion of the course heir. Omaha gnlfeis are sadly diappolrted In tho Cour.try club s 111 luck. The event would have been a big thing for Omaha. Glen Oak Country club of Chicago was the only bidder for the open champion ship, which w ill be stated August 18 and 19. Tho Midlothian Country club ten dered Its course for the Western Junior championship, which will he held August 4 to (. The executive commute, also sanc tioned the proposed tournament to be held In connection with the Panama Paclflo exposition and donated $100 for tho purchase of a trophy. Tho Coast event will be played at the San Francisco Golf and Country club. READY TO TAKE DP WORK RISKY TO DESTROY MINES Great Dangers Confront Those Who Are Detailed to Dispose of Sea Obstacles. all atara'a-'s Score oa the Alleys. CAR RKCORD. i 1 Wells I.'.l 133 17 451 1st M. .Id. tot. I Totals .....M3 46 556 ISM St. Onac PM 181 173 490 COAST SHORTSTOP SIGNS WITH FEDERAL LEAGUE 85 FWNT a good farm, eastern NoliiaKa. 1 or western Iowa, for three or five yeais. ref?r pav ik cash rent. References. Ad- drte J 6". Ucc. 'real estate loans $ bH PR1VATK money to loan on Inside nroii.Ttv at 7 per cent. O Keefe Real IS Co.. Htti omaua Nut. Bank BWg. iiiusn 27 13. 1TV and farm loi. l-f e" J. H. Dumor.t & d.,1003 Farnam, Omaha VV ANTKD Cny loans- Flrat MrthotlUta Defeated. S1I.V1-.R CITY. la.. .Ian. 17.-cpejial.) The First Methodist Karaca basket ball team ol Omaha was defeated Friday evening bv the Booster team of this plate, 2 to f The line up: BARACAS. I SILVER CITY. Rtizari- R.F.R.F... Robinson C.l Moore :..LF.Il.F.. Hlckok Price .- C.C Reeve I ji wrence U.G I R.G Burgnln Comfort L.G.IL.G Stogdill Substitute: Baracaa, Pommans; Silver 'lty. Krne. Referee: Burkenroad. Um pire: 11. riatt. Scorer: M. Kelvxj T.O ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 17. Ernest Johnson, shorstop of the Los Angeles bat-c hall team, has signed a three-year contract with the Federal league. It wai nnounced here today. Johnson said he was to play with either the 8t. Louis or the Chicago club. He came to Lo Angeles two years ago from the Chi cago Americans. HAWKEYES DOUBLE COUNT ON CORNELL IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 17. Special Tel egram.) University of Iowa defeated Cornell at basket ball last night by a score of 33 to 1". REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Peters '1 rust Co. W. WANTKD t'lty loans and warranta. Farnam Smith' at Co., 1320 Farnam. OMAHA hon.ct. Fast Nebraska larma. O KK.EFK REAL ESTATh, t'O.. im Oovilm Natl. Douglas -.15. l to lu.J iuad promptly. D. l. .V eud liUg., li'-h and 1- ai nam SU. i i 1J17IV UHCISi l-oans. t-'wund up. ViaiVtm """" Omaha Nat. Hunk. CITY 1.iANS, C. G. Carlber? Co., :il0-o!2 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Cl'i'V property. Large loaue a aicrh.!ty. W. 11. Thomas, 22S Stato Bank Bldg. Your Money Should Earn From. MtiNKY on hand fo city and farm loans. II. W. Hinder. City Natl. Hank Bldg. bKK. uu runt If you want a farm loan. Ci-.l'.od States Trust Co., umalia. Neb. RKAIj ESTATE NORTH HIDE Dandy Home Five rooms and hath, electri.: lights, fumai ht, all modern conveniences, gool location. l aved street. This home was built lor a hom. Full lot, VxllO. Half cali, balance like rent. A snap at the price. Come and tt this place for yours-if. 4iill Charles St. Walnut L'TO. PAY $JS.i0 AND MOVE INTO A HOME OF YOUR OWN. I have a new 5-rooin, all modern bunga low, located on a paved street Irf north part of city that tho above named first lavmeiit will aecure. This houate -as principal rooms In oak ii nj ia dona to tar line, chunhea and nhool. It you want to Inspect thia houaa ulephona me today and I will arrange to aend a tar for you. - ' E. P. WRIGHT, Call Walnut bS2 Today. Telephone Dougiaa t.X Week Days. I IE A 17 KKTAT EV EST 8 ID New 5-Room House $1,650 We ill m-11 new J-room house in walk In uUklan.-e. kiuall lot, all modern except I. t at. on v i y easy lei ins. Call and - iii about, it Truvpr Uros., :, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. We have several different plans whereby you can get from 7 to 10 per cent on your money and be absolutely cafe in your in vestment. As everyone knows real estate la ane of the best and safest Investments on earth. , Vie can arrange It so you can invettj In Individual properties or take an in le reef with others. We have one plan whereby vou aan Invest In amounts as small as $100. It will pay you to see or write ua about it. . Hastings & Heydeti 1614 HARNEY STREET. ' REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Double Brick St. Louis Flat ' Building On an east front lot near Creighton 'college, i fiata. and 7 rooms each rented low at $7S0 -r year: practtcall new and modern In every respect. Gwne ia leaving for California '-nd this incom property will be onerea lor a snort luu at I7.ju: $3,0UU raab, balanue years per cent. Shuler & Cary, 1 STATE BANK BLDU. Domet Pheffer ... PurshouRe .1.T2 187 .lt.7 154 .183 183 173 44: 19 4!(0 167 m Totals 482 4M 499 14 " NHBRAiKA DIVISION. Krelb 143 140 134 417 Sanders 1S 185 1 4.3 61 E. Norgaard.174 183 litl 2u ToUh ...4Sft 60S 440 1453 EQUIPMENT. Ocander IS'. 134 179 4' Pickett 149 lii9 22ft 64.1 L. NorgaardlVS 18.' 15 513 Tea Totals .....513 486 556 1554 P A Ss EN G K I . Vorwald ,...Hu 1.'.7 '137 4W Swaoki 111 144 132 47 Kleny 172 163 131 406 Totals 531 473 423 1417 ENGINE ICRS. Kolanchl. k ..179 31 177 052 Hullser I'll 144 i:iS 443 Lee 199 163 170 628 Totals 442 471 477 1390 DISBURSEMENTS, Petersen Kreeek .. Bryant .. Totals , SUIT. Meinrlck S:hrader Stoln .... ...If ...221 ...134 174 145 1H4 142 474 115 4sa 147 A NEBftASKA TEL.KPHONK. W. Ul r NEBRASKA TAKES SECOND GAME FROM CYCLONES LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 17. Nebraska unlveslty for a second Urns last night de feated Ames Agricultural college of Iowa at basket ball. The score was 25 to 11 4.lenood Defeats silver City. ni.KNWiKin. la . Jan. 17. (Special.) Glen wood High school basket ball team defeat.-! Sliver City High In the best game of basket ban played in tne rngn school Kerlea, at tne uienwooi armory at evening. Score, 32 to 29. Oliver city: Mtiy, center; Kruae and Marldocka, fulls; Cllnson and Bi.rgoin guards: Rommel ami Doyde, subs. tilenwooft: i-neips. tenter: Busch and Bachman. runs: JtrK- son and Stranathan, guards; Rooney, sub. Referee: Miisucci. Mansoa Beats Dnltou. PINEHlRfP. N. C. Jan. 1H E. T. Minion, Karmlngton Countiy club. M-aaacliiisetts, defeated Cieorge ( . nut- ton. Belmont Springs club, Masaenu- .etm. four up tn the final rnuna of the annual tournament of the Winter tiolf league of Advertising Interests here today. . Hellene Beats Speed Deniss, MIAMI. Flu.. Jan. !. Baby Reliance, owned bv Stuart Blaekton, Philadelphia, defeated Baby Speed Demon, the property of Mra. Blackton, In the hydroplane raoe over a twenty-four mile water course here today. In the annual ' power-boat regatta. The winner's time was $3.04 minutes. C.Dr4l OHIuS 17 4 " AuDltum 14 7 . Wlr. CM.U .14 1 ' Atiounltnt '? ' WMl.rn feVtctlio II 10 twlsllws ' ,3 ut.irlrt Plant KuslsMrs t 11 .1 Commercial Is Traffic 1 Inllvidusl lvi:i": Nm. Av. Nro A. fHilsMs ....174 rlmnx-li 111! lODlr Higlwinlth ..14 Maria ! Voulloll.n Knt U7 O. Johni,a..U1 rnniasu ...1M Whltlork ...136 R-K-huh ,...1 Hollldir ...m Kaller lw Rirawa 1U odna 11 Etmmtr ....I- k-kpr 16T ( pa It Oorklrr l'7 K.ru OImd 16 Stan ; 134 Comsd u3 KhixW i:i4 Mllltr JM Brg 1H HuDlagr ,.1M Ovannlr .-lrs lAi.dln A1 Bou.:hr 1.H Mtlij ... Zpvcek ...Ul Totals 539 4!S 4S ir3 MISC. ACCOUNTS. Ilauptinan ..156 157 137 449 taadlna anrt I adlvldaal Areragea 1nmh H'liu4ir SAlKoonr W 1 'FlllU. 1U MWillia ....lot ....515 m 404 1422 TRANSFERS. ...1M! 120 1P2 4fl0 ....IIS 12H 1311 3S0 ....120 Hi 15 475 Totals 401 411 603 131- l4lac In ... Jnast . Miae .. J-t tmu 1 buOOTBH LEAvJt'K. W. U Et laio '....SI IS Clara Bellm t I Cory M. Knlt.. I.' tl iM-ooa Pf .11 II Minran tl II 1'lico 1 W Mam Huh II Ml Poell Hupplr co... 11 M Nir. At. Nam. Iarn W7 Flin'e.. flow hhrer ..! Mllchell ...l-i ...H7 HeauMll ....121 Basket Toaraey at ' Aaaea. AMKS. la . Jan. 17. fSpeelaU--iTho an nual Invitational Inteiai holastic banket ball tournament for the high school of noi tliwctt Ifiwa. preparatory to tne state loumey. will be pulled off on the floor of the state gymnaalu-n March 13 and 13. I . Wolaaat ia Meet Maadot. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 17 Ad Wolgaat, formerly lightweight champion pugilist, and Joe Mandot of New Orleans, will meet in a twenty-round fight hare, Feb ruary 14, It was announced last night. The Cist ol It. "Last December I had a very severe eold and was nearly down tick In bed. I bought two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and It was only a very, few days until I was completely restored to health." writes O. J. Metcalf. Weatli eib. Mo. If you would know the value of this remedy, ask any an who has u. d it Obtainable every where. Adver-liaeruent W. Kcya.dl.HT Comby U Orant 147 Hruw 1-a Conklln ....144 Wllr-oi .....14 Noland 14 j KHlar 1-1 R John a 14 Marahali wliMlork ..14 Holme 14 Or Ira 14 Oray iil Huff Mi Duff 131 I-mbrt ...141 R. Ryald.121 trr 14) lu- ...Ul Butt 141 J. I-Maraae IM W. rtrin 14 Pati'raoa .11 Itelllty ...141 Klin Il HhJI 141 NonUmlbtl Al Unbun ...14 Hrnilk Ill UcConacll ..140 Vlnoai MAGIC CITV LEAQl K. W. U Put JMitr'i OI4 As.... ?K ii wiiinw Hpnoa I; ii .11 Ali-Htar f 1 .'H lirnvr thui( .. a II .641 Itnyo I ra kr Jacka.iM ti Ml Jnuful-KlucklMa ...It 81 .Iff. U o. of Moon t H .19 Curo MlnrJ t .lltf Indiviaual araaM: Naat. Av. Nam. A. Ham in Manila ...1 Moor 1M Ta-r .....14 OhaMTg . 1W 1M pai Ill OMBOI IA1 yrrf ..im I'rk 1M lnr iw riir...li Knnlr .. 1 krut 1M Fniacaar ..IT rwrln IW Hall 1T7 Unwn 1.7 KurMk ...174 Van 113 rnit(4. ri4 Mini ...,.im Hoylm 174 Cuikln 147 l h4a .174 Holla 14 K innanaa. .J7I Wlnur ....146 ' Mcbonl...l7l EMar 144) .171 Madam ....HI .17 Wlr 1T7 .17 nla 1ST .lie Khort 17 .11 Mirtra..lft! .) hr.hno...l.- .17 lowllc( ...117 H4 Mr "I STRTCO LEAOt'R. W. UP. I. firlini. U I .7 Manarrht M U . olanllli 1 ColuiuMina 11 St i-1 Induidual vraaa H. Clj Traey . . . Lplnkl Cuolaj .. Itrlls .. roi I hraa Nil Walt, .... Iaia .... Mailtawi . Hafal. k WaaOell Juuc ... A. NMine. - Av . ITkPaaraoa ....144 ..MTlunnn .141 . .1 ,'iAp.ialqalal 14 . I.S2 .tullll It ..UlHulllva ...11? ..lit -Uir ... is; .17 .04 Mi .XHt .lib Av. 17t CiMhnui ....IM PlerooiMt ,.1.4 Naal )i F Jaruak...l7 (!iimrulna...ll Hartley ...AT, Elniroermaa. 1 Eidaoa 174 J. Jiroan,..IM Dohar 174 luiaer 1U How.il 171 Mvlln 1W Norsard ,...171 'lll 114 Hanaan ....171 Ttli in Mk'iM ...17 Youan PCI Malum 1" Zarp 11 P"lll .... M It. rh-ll...1U Johuan ...17 A. Bowar. .112 Mukrv I Ml Muni in B Hoaar .16 K'kiitun iU Saup 11 tialf It) Onnw ..ll Halnaral'm .111 Dlnimaa ...UU t:. W.k . Il Kahili 1l K1iuuiniiB..iai loiter Ill iMiharty ... IkOHhi. 16 niuid ..,.,.)7 Wehar li Maurar 179 J Warkra..lil Mr. art by ..111 iNodr lrf Toman 174 N'oona 141 Huatlngtoa ill chambar ..144 Conrad 177 O Lonair ...120 lm 177 OOMMKIU IAL, lJCAril E. W. U IVt. grodvaiard Crowni..r7 I ,4S "lira and Hlrlpaa J4 II .171 Hvaaliu a Old Hl.m U .IS i On.. fill-Trie Indiana tl l 41 yrsnk'k Kandy Kk'l.M l .k4l Omaha Kal X .141 Jnn)v10ui ral-. . Av Kane. Ar. M'Martla . r MalM.aald. . . 17 lplaakl ...iriUM Id Hull 1HA Kilo 14 La la L.VII 17 (ala Ill Kartur(..lt7 Halaar in tiaudlar ,.IT Walt lai Oil IS irila I, gadtovd ...IU (uol.y ITT Hlont ...la Mciko ,...17o Karl la Jaf-o 174 I'aam .11 Ham 174 Btlna 14 Mauhaa ...173 Hlr 11 Ivahr 173 Hall 10 Kld-i 171 siaiilay Moyna VI M' Uxunall. . If Haaall Thlal IS Chadd I7J MHrhall ...IS4' Vom 171 V.'r Ui Baitgal ....170 Hen, pal ....IU b-or I7 llauaan . ...14 Fllia-rald .17 Mt-ICAMTIUB LEACUC. W. U , rt. M. . Smith C i 7 Midland O. P. I e..l0 t MI Molrd Brad Co ... t T ( Hauila fark Orocvry . I 1 .IU Kli.l Pk it .w l-r.l . Maud Rip .. t I ." Mlp'.rl.k C" 5 It Sj broauiu. King Co 4 11 iBdlviduat avwagaa: Nam. Av. Nam. Av. I m ia 11 J tiial....l7 Joiwtaoa ....lanZaiil 1..7 W al. h I.. Oil f4 Kohl 104 lrum'd ...1.4 llurk U1H I hnlnl l Fw4ay Ih. Karvay CJ Vaia- U'l4g lil II V Wli . It-lkirkt m ... l.,l T.UII ...l.kll t...lll Clirlltnan ...150 Cnnotll ,...l:'S (Iruaurd . ..IM) Thaarup ....I J II. Wing. ...UK millwgon .t J. Hiril.ling .14 yvalluw ...1:7 Man-yman ..11 Tn.ii iH Hatnpl 147 Armstrong .124 Kletihar ...147 tarr U J. Wwkl....l44 Hale 14 htory 144 harnard ....124 Mlllrr 14. latru I2t 'I'huniai ....114 Judaon 11 Himver 144 Tll 121 heltrnan ...I4i Yodrr l:'l II. Mirlblng le) llrown lit Hogari 140 King In Knr IK flryaan .....II', 'loudar lv Alnievw ....111 J.alhka lit bughar Ill Hi. Mnrrla ..Ul Hughaa Ill Young 1,17 Waatargvrd .111 KaaniuiaeB .IM Will.) 10T Lahy ISi ttona .....,ll lriOB IX Nelaoa ltt IJluiulall ..131 UMU.N PACIFIC I.KAOt'B. ' . W. . Put. Mlar. Arcount t 1 .lit biiglncr 4 1 .M7 biDuraruiits 4 1 . Hupl. Tran 4 t .SiT Kuulpmaot I .- Nrh iIMy t Ml. ( ar ganurd 1 .17 1'lAnangvr I I .17 individual avrgai Nun. Av. Nam. Av. Kulamlilrk 1st Phaltar 1U la 14 llupttna I'urshoui 174 y.vrgaii ...Inl K Nurgaard 171 Wella 14 Kandara ... 171 bryajil 141 1- Nnrgaard 171 Jiuliltir ....141 Hmilk la hi. Ong ...144 I'alaiiea ...1 Kvitckl ....144 llanrlfk ....HI Martla .... 141 'I'l.-kHtt ... is Krilha J Hi Ina Ul M.-uad ...1.(4 1'omM I gi hradar ...13a kta.fk 11 OlIHi.a ...IM Otanurr ....Ul Voraald ....Wi Kalnay I IWim 114 KM'JIlia Oi' OJIJ MHI H. W. KlVl. (win ha t I .14 Knlglil t I . Of t I .to rouB. il , t 4 .( No. .ii i t .at Oilumbua I t .111 Individual avarsgai: t Kama. Av. Nam. A. Cauglilaa ...174 Mayer .... 14a (HUH .....CO Oavin 141 Ttiomu ....14 kvolar- 141 Hayar .14 M -i-YUiy ..140 Mvruw 14 Coolly 144 Kuaap lot Huanback ..lit Halay Ill A. JortaatB .lM Iaarf 117 Curran lit Cuumfhaai 11, Mullaa Ii Onmaa . ...IM Itarklu ....IJo t f)yri..,.1a4 Hulmalar ,.li Hour goat. ...l;4 p Johaato. 1:11 Mllak II Maal.au ,...1jS buakmaa ...lit lira ham ....Ua Katiaady ...111 Byrna liv tun .10 I. JohDat'Bi.tllt CiiMr 14 Hoar 124 r'ltiaarald ..144 olllni lua B'lANUARU JJL : Alit'E. W. UPtt. Polaris AulA OII1....UI1 .I1 ' rows U-liB aU Ml Ml. a Alia traas. , .. 14 III .414 I'arfaitloa Olli it Hi Indlvldaal avragaa: Scond Week of Preent Session of the Nebraska Legislature is to Start Today. PLENTY OF ORATORY EXPEpTED I (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 17. (.Special) The legislature will probably begin active work when the members get back from their homes In tho morning and suasions open at 1 o'clock for the second week of legislative procedure. There are enough bills which have gone to third reading so far that committee of tho wholo work can start. (Then the flow of oratory will begin and the test will be gin of "Who Is Who." In the senate Howell. Qulnby and Dodge of Douglas, Sandal! of York. Beal of Cus ter and Miillery of Box Butts can be con- I sldered the orators, while Btishee of Klin ball, Hclchel of Nemaha and one or two others am good talkers. In the. house Nlc.holls of Madisnn Is probably one of the best. If not the best, etlker. while Mockett of Lancaster, Ianl gan of Greeley, Relsncr of Thomas, How. ard of Douglas and one or two other Douglas county men, with Norton of Polk, Taylor of Custer, Hosteller of Buffalo and half a doien others, are showing up In good shape, whllo others may develop as the battlo progresses; The member who taJks too much is Le ginning to develop. Many a rising young legislator has ruined his efficiency follow, ing out the belief that n order to make a record he must talk on everything that comes up. By doing this the other mem bers soon become tired of him. Talking on every bill that comes up he naturally arouses the enmity of tho introducer, hould he talk agaiiiHt It. ornl then when hl own bills tome up. he flnda that he has made enemies all over the leaislatlv body and few of his measure get through. Tho legislator who confines his effort, to the Important bills that ho real I de sires to see enacted Into laws generally finds himself with many frlend when his own bills come up for the final action. The hard fighter doe not make enemies. Generally he Is recognized as conscientious and his remarks are listened ,to with at tention and his Judgment respected. More men have been killed off In Nebraska legislative sessions by talking too much than by their voting. Naiu. rioif , l al Hauln .... Joova Cruaa fl4iODduB tliarmaa .. liollralalle H'.bail ... llynia lubsaoa Av. Nam. Av. .Ill llvnulaua ..H ,174 Kiln lav 102 Mwn .... 14 Verity I. .3 Allamao .. .11 lloroLby .. Ul r-.aaak .... .l.M H aar mi n , . 141 JrinnnMa . .147 Ovorholl , lid (Jlluiur - .144 .114 It 111 114 I .1.1 1JU .ill CARL RAWITZER MARRIED TO MISS CLARA KEMPS Carl Rawltzer, son of the late Al Rawltzer, was married Thursday at, S o'clock to Miss Clara Kemps, daughter of Mrs. August Kemps, 1120 Dorcas street. Rev. Oliver Balzly of the Kountt Me morial church performed the lercinony. A wo. Ming dinner was served at the home of the groom's aunt,' Mies Ituse Martin, 1038 South Twenty-second street. Tho young couple will go to California on wedding trip and Mr. Ra-liner will enter business In Omaha ' upon their return. FORMER OMAHA SCHOOL MAN SAYS MANY FADS PROVE GOOD In the January F.ducational Relew Is a contribution by Frank A. I'ltspalrUk, formerly superintendent of schools in Omaha, on "The, Development of the Course of Study In Amerluan Schoola." Prof, ntspatrlck, who Is now one of tho executive offKers of the American Book company of Boston, undertakes to show that practically all of th accepted and established subjects of teaching were de cried a fads when Introduced, and that the beat course of study la a result of a natural selection of th fads that prove of permanent value. Basket Ball Scores CHICAGO. Jan. 17.-The University of Chicago basket ball team defeated the Ohio State t ntverjlty five, su to 17, In a Western conference gama here last night. CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-The- Northwestern iniivarslty basket hall team defeated the Indiana university five, u to 22, here itial night In a Western confereace gam. I RBANA, 111., Jan 17. The Dnlveraity of Illinois baskat ball team defeated the PurJue university live, 27 to . In a wee tin conference game here last night. MINNKAPOIJ8. Jan. 17.-The Univer- ally of Wisconsin basket ball team d. feated tha l nkversitv of Minnesota five, to 2u, in a Western conferenoe game CARRY TERRIFIC CHARGES . (Correspondence of The Aiseciated Pt- AMSTERDAM. Jan. . The sea. mine' Is a problem even after It has been washed ashore, and foi those) who must destroy It this terrlbM enemy of ship-' ping offers the sane ganger It doea to the crew of the vessel It happens wreck. l"hls Is the discovery made by the men under Lieutenant C. J. Canters, of th Amsterdam torpedo boat utation, who has been charged by th Dutch government with the O.c-structloti of the inlne.4 that are washed nshor along the Netherland coast. So fsr no serious accident has come to the men who render the stranded aea mines innocuous by exploding them where they are found. But there have been many narrow eneapes, due mostly to the fact that the English mines tanont be taken apart, as ran the rronch and Dutch mines. In case of the latter- the shell of the mine consists of two It If-eplicrca, united hy n flange and , whllo the Kiwlbli rulnc-.ihell la est In one pier and then loaded through a "innnhole." While It would be pot-Klblc to remove the cover of the manhole, this Is con-' slJeretl too dangerous lor the reaami that the very aensltiva Initial charge of the mine lies close to tha aperture. This leaves but one method In which tha mine limy he destroyed explode It, case and all. - The fragment of the ahtll fly far'. and wide; on of them, weighing six. pounds, was recently found 600 yard from ttu scene of the explosion. Majority KngHssj Mines. ., Of eighty-three mines on which report have been made so far by Lieutenant. Canters, seventy were of English origin. or nationality as It Is expressed here; four were French and eight Dutch, while th remaining one coul.l not be Identi fied. These figures show that the task, of the mine destroyers haa been no ploasant one. Being hit by a fragment of the shell was a chance th men took every time they attempted th disable ment of an Ktigllsh'mine. The French sea mln Is more easily disponed of. In this case the shell I broken open with n light charge of plcrld acid; the charg5 of gun cotton la then removed and exploded without cat- Jtering a hall of Iron in oil directions. The operation resembles almost tnat of opening a walnut with a knll and in a way Just as easy. The mine la so placed that the equa torial seam rests well In th sano. To one sldo of the seam la then placed tha bit of plcrld acid, about the size, shape and color of a plero of laundry soap. . Into this has been Inserted a small Initial charge of fulminate. A fnso about 44 centimeters long and burning about 408 eecbnds, set off the charge. - Th flange has then been broken and to separate the halves of tho shell- 1ft comparatively- easy. The gun cotton charge ia then taken out, and after the) shell of the mine haa been oarrled off, th hug mass of trlnltrueellulose Is ex.- ploded In a manner similar to that em ployed in the can of the shell. The Dutch mines, when It can be aa , cartalned that their firing mechanism has been damaged, or dispersed of ia . the same way. The Kngltsh mines are explodod us ually by placing heavy charge under ' them. They may be explode by fir ing a ahot Into them. The bullet pene trates the shell easily enough, as a rule, and strikes the charge with sufficient force to produce .the shock needed tu set It off. In gun cotton, as In nitro glycerine, both hf-lng what I known to chemists as Vhemlcal mixture" expio- slves. there exists an unstable equil ibrium between atom and molecule. Thl ' ttte striking bullet upaets and an ex loslon results. Contrary to what hs been claimed so; far not a single mine of proven German origin has stranded on the Dutch coast. The mine entered of unknown origin may have been German, however. It lacked all marks, and was formed G two hnJvea. A torn cable has shown In a majority of caaes that the mines whlcU had. drifted ashore had been anchored and! that th cable had been toe was t9 hold them In place. Ther Is no special condition which -would cause all "wild t" mines to drift upon the Dutch coaat. It Is aai srrted. .In fact. It Is believed Iter that) many of the mine have been carried through and beyond th rhaiiiiel by tha current tn tht body of water. Tbue which have done so will remain scourg. to navigation for many months, because, unlike th floating of free mines, thoud which are kept In plas by anchors ha4 ao device that causes them to sink afU a time. , Sore Tkrual aad t'heal. quickly relieved by Dr. Bell's Plne-Tr4 Honey. H cases the throat, soothes thd lungs, loosens phltgin. Only c. AJ druggist. Advertisement, j per last, nigm. t