Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    T11K HEttr OMAHA. MONDAY, JANUARY 18, lU.-.
(Organized Agriculture Will Hold I
Sessions on Many Topics
This Week.
i I'mm a Staff( Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Jan. J7. Special. -In a.Ull
t'on to the actual exhibits at the apple,
corn and floral show to tie given at the
Lincoln Auditorium (lining ttio week of
Organized Agriculture, the stories of Ne-
brasliaa great crop production will be
told !n movInK pictures l.v the Nebraska
Conservation and Public' Welfare com-
The state laboratory for making the
lilms is unique and complete The rou-
line Is just the same aa one might Bee If
iirlvllriced to 11,0 .to. lis. e . i.ti,,
mnvinir i.i. toi fit... ....... n ....
eastern city. The work is sclent fio and
un-to-iiute i....M vi.unr. t. it..
-iiuitoiium during the week of Jnnrv
3-23 will see the legislature In session,
the clerks and employes at their duties,
the newspaper reporters grinding out
copy and the numbers engaged In per
fecting legislation.
Krult li 1 perls.
inong the horticultural expetta from
ot.,cr states will be J. .S. Wilson or Des
Guinea, ia.; C. H. Deur. Missouri Valley.
a.: Ii'. J. O. Whltten of Colmnl iu, Mo.:
W. II. Martin, Wathena, Kan., and J. P.
IU m or Conn. 'II Muffs, Ia. More than a
iloicn successful Nebraska fruit growers
v ill' be on the. program.
Tuesday afternoon will be devoted to
R special potato culture session of tho
tiat; Horticultural society. Fritz Knorr
of Scotts Bluff, Prof. C. U Fitch of Ames,
ia.; Prof. B. M. Wilcox of Lincoln, C. S.
llawjt of Cliadron, Arnold Martin of fu
wuls and N. II. Nelson of Omaha will bo
present to discuss phases of scientific
potato culture.
County fair men will hold an Important
liiroilng at the Commercial club Tuesday
evening. Henry Pickett of Wahoo. Lieu
tenant Uovemor James Pearson and Prof.
". V. Pugsley will deliver addresses.
1 Hairy Prod acta.
Kvery feature of dairy production will
be reviewed at the two days'' meeting at
thh state farm, beginning Wednesday,
it. W. McUlnnls ia chairman of the ban
quet committee una has arranged for a
Hg tiaho.uet of the combined forces' of
organised -Agriculture to be held at tho
Llndell hotel Wednesday evening at 7
o'clock. S. Harrison will be the. guest of
Hume Economics.
I'nder the direction of Mrs. Emma
It-ed buvlason of Lincoln the Nebraska
Home Economics association will hold a
three days' aession at the state farm.
The meeting begin Tuesday and the reg
istration is lepurted heavy.
The preparation of food, the work of the
Obwonon. ;ut In the home and the home
on ii buHncas basis will be subjects for
detailed programs.
Heart E. A.. Burnett, J. A. OW, W. It.
M. Ilor. John Duiton. Daniel JCelly and J.
H. .Montgomery will address the Horse
Breeders' association. Mr. Montgomery.
Is a man of national reputation aa a
horse expert He lives at St. Anthony
Falls, Minn.
Tuesduy morning the horsemen will
give their entire attention to -discussions
of the colt question.
Cholera Problems.
lto,g cholera will occupy the attention
of the Swne Breeders association Tues
day afternoon. Legislation for the swine
men will bo considered Wednesday after
noon. Swine experts from all parts of
tho country aro on the program.
Thuraday and Friday the beef cattle
nesslons will be held at the state farm.
The meat session Is scheduled for Friday
The Nebraska Corn Improvers' associa
tion will hold its sessions January 18 and
IS. A forage crop session, a tura! school
session and a silage session have been ar
ranged. The meetings will , be closed by the
meetings of toe Agricultural Extension
conference. These meetings will be held
Friday at tho state farm.
tiood Road.
The Good Roads association will hold
an important meeting at the Lincoln
hotel January 19 at 2 p. in. President
Dwlght Dalbey has arranged an enter,
talnlng program. W. 8. Gearhart. state
engineer of Kansas, will apeak on
"Needed Changes in Your Road Laws."
The rural school Wrons will meet Fri
day afternoon at the University temple.
J. D. Ream of Broken Bow is president
and W. H. Campbell of Clarks lssecre
tary. State Superintendent Thomas and Dr.
C. K. Bcxsey will review rural school
problems, and members of the Nebraska
legislature have signified their intention
of being present. , j
Bad Cold. Qalckr brakes Cp.
Mrs. Martha Wilcox, Gowanda, N. T.,
writes: "I first used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy about eight years ago. At
that time I had a hard cold and coughed
most of the time. It proved to be Just
what. I needed. It broke up tha cold ln
a few days, and the cough entirely dis
appeared. I have told many of my
friends of tho aood I received through
using this medicine, and all who have
used it speak of It in the highest terms."
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. "
Mrs. John Crlaer.
I'AIRBI RV. Neb., An. 17.-t.Speciat.V-Tlte
funeral services of Mrs. John Crlger
were hole; from the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. C. F. Nagel, tn this city Friday
afternoon. Rev. 8. J. Megaw of tha
!'r;s!. terian church officiated. Mrs. Crl
k r pgaaod away In a Hastings hospital
r.nd death was attributed to pneumonia.
Mrs. Ctiger wsS bom In Peoria county,
lllmoia. November 2?. 1841. Khe wss mar
O d June 2. 1U. to John Crlger.. who
ni-Alven her. They were early Jeffercon
u nity pioneers, locating ten miles north
r l of Fairbury, near Ilelvey, forty
fi.e years ago. Ten children were born
to Mrs. Crlger. Those living include
Joe Criger, tiuaie Pcrsonett, Sarah Nagel,
I'tia Skupltvenslo and John Criger of this
tlty, Lottie Ilolfln, Indlanola, Neb.;
Anna Burns. Auburn, Neb.
.' a'lHclie usually comes from a slug
yisi liver and bowels. If you feel Ml.
ioiit,, ulxzy or tongue Is coated and
: tcoiuch sour, just get a 1 Orient box of
Cuaiarets to start your liver and bowels
and your headaches will end. Adver-lisemcut.
Red Cloud Churches
Unite for Work
RED CLOrt. Neb.. Jan. 17. (Special.)
A union of the Christian and Congrega
tional .church haa been effected here.
Thla united church haa culled aa It pas
tor Rev. J. L. rtoebe of the I'nited Evan
gelical church, who Is now In the field,
and all forces are working together with
every pronilee of harmony for the future.
The organization was named the I'nlted
Church of Red Cloud and haa a member
ship of about 2v. Ita purpose la to aanlot
' ,n ulf!'ng the Christian forces of the:
I community and promote Its religious In-
' teresta. Kach of the church units main-!
t'n a board of trustees In accordance.
I lth tn denominational laws and cna -
I toms. These boards are the legal holders
! or lnr UUo to thf,r respective properties,
! Kach church unit sflecta In such manner
: n deema proper three ierson from Its
' iKmhtrahlp, who. with the three chosen!
! by he other unit, constitute a board of I
I inMTs. of which board the pastor is
an advisory member.
Kach church unit maintains Its 1dl -
vidual benevolences. The envelope sya -
tern is employed ae that a subscriber can
designate the cause or Institution to Vhlrh
he desires to contribute.
At the end 0 any years any church unit
desiring to withdraw and resume sepa
rate servloe is at liberty to do so.
Kfsi Notes from IMeree.
PIERCE, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) The
Plerca County Farmers' Institute, held nt
this place last week wss one of th most
inieresimg ever neta Jn ine county tor
many yearn past. The attendance was
good and the interest on the part of tho .
young farmers was particularly notice-,
able. Colonel Charles W orker was
selected president for tho ensuing year,
F. H. Gleason. vice president; J. R. Duff,
secretary; J. F. Kolterman, treasurer,
and'F. N. Ttelmers. H. F. Grunwald,
Eugene Martischaps and Lettle 8cott,
executive committee.
The scrub team of the high school easily
defeated the second high five from Nor-r
folk on Uie local floor in a basket ball
game Friday evening. The score . was
44 to V.
John Millnitz of Plalnview was ap
pointed county assessor to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of the old
assessor, J. W. Brown.
During the primary election of last
summer the county clerk of Pierce county
ruled that there would be no election In
the third commissioner district tinder a
supreme court ruling from Douglas
county. Notwithstanding thera ware
three democratic candidates and on re
publican filed for. the nomination tha
county clerk decided to not put their
names on, the ballot. In December, how
ever. Judge Welch, in an Identical case
In Madison county decided that election
certificate should We issued to a candi
date, who had filed for county commis
sioner In a like district and whose friends
had written In his name on the ballot.
The decision of Judge Welch was
interpreted to mean that the present
Incumbent, G. W. Holmes' term would
expire In January and the board consti
tuted to fill vacancies In . such matters,
consisting of the county judge, clerk and
treasurer, was convened and selected Mr.
Holmes to succeed himself.
5twi Notes of Ked Cload.
RED CLOUD. Neb.. Jan. 17. (Special.)
The concrete foundation to the building
to be owned and occupied by tho volutv-
teer fire department of Red Cloud com
pleted Friday of thla week. Further con
struction of the building is to progress
as rapidly as the weather will permit.
C. L. Cottlng has recently returned to
his former location with a new stock of
drugs, following the destructive - fire of
October 30 last. James Mitchell, who lost
his jewelry stock at the same time, is
likewise in business at the same place
and together they occupy one of the finest
equipped store rooms ln .-the Republican
The January term of court for Webster
county convened January 14 with Judge
If. p. Dungan of Hastings presiding. This
Is the first term to be held' In Webster
county's new court house, which was re
cently completed. The bar docket con
tains two criminal cases, both for arson:
eight divorce cases, seven Jury trials and
numerous civil cases of minor Importance.
. "ote front Avoea.
AVOCA, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) J. C.
Immerer, cashier of the Bank of Avoca,
sustained a broken finger of the right
hand while playing with Ills t-year-4Id
Frank Marler of near Murray has filed
suit against four men. of that city, charg
ing them with having shot a dog belong
ing to the plaintiff and with tresspass
ing on his farm, he asks that he be given
damages In the sum' of flOO.
Leonard . J. McLaughlin and Miss Stella
M. Box of Klmwood were united In mar
riage last-week.
A number of the farmers near here
have lost their entire herd of hogs. John
Dankleff, lost ninety head; George
Heebner, forty; Louis Crasten, 100;
Vi llllara Maple, thirty head, and a num
ber of others have lost- part of their
herd. . .
Miss Truos Asks Damages.
WKKPINO WATER. Neb.. Jan. 17.
(Special.) -Miss Josephine Tynon of
Peru has begun suit In the district court
of Nemaha county tq recover alleged
damages, in the sum of $1,999 from the
Missouri Pacific Railway eompany for In
juries said to have been received on
January 4, JW4, when the buggy Ip which
Mbis Tynon wu riling was struck by a
pasenger train at a crossing near Auburn.
Miss Tynon was teaching school In
South Omaha at the time specified last
year and at the time of the accident
was driving to Auburn to rstch a taln
for South Omaha, It was a cold, rainy
day and within the closed buggy It was
Impossible to bear the approaching train.
Aapolataaeat of Administratrix.
AVOCA, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) A
petition has been filed in county court, at
Plattsmouth. asking that Mrs. Harry
Peck or Omaha, be appointed admini
stratrix of her father's estate, the late
P. S. Bames of Weeping Water. The
estate consists of real snd personal prop
erty In Weeping Water anl a ranch In
the western part or the state.
ftmallpo Near Marray.
AVOCA. Neb.. Jan. 17. (Speclsl.)-The
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Toung,
aest of Murray is quarantined on ac
count of smallpox, there being seven
rases In the family, but of a mild form.
( ass (old. Pasirrssi.
iHin't wait; take Ir. Krng a New Dis
covery now. It will help your cough snd
sooth the lungs. &0c. All druggists. Ad
vertise meat.
Effort Made at Capital City to Keep
Lawmakers' Minds Upon
Their Work.
.. Vi
I Prom Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 17. (Special. 1-Peonle in
lno ,,lc wno y 'eel the lets,, worry
"i"ul "uw ln'" represu.tauv.s whom
u,ry ,,ave to Lincoln this winter to
mako '"w" wl conduct themselves need
" "ars, tor tne purity club or the
1 capital city has taken up the matter and
henceforth no member will have any on
i-i nnrr nai nia uenrca may
I he.
,,e- tn Inspect anything but what la abso-
above board.
The movement to take temptation away
from tin law-makers started when a
show In which the chorus was a headline
loaiure was ontea tor ine principal tnea-
ter in the town. Protests went up that
1 the girls In the chorus were not properly
I attired for such weather as we aro now
having and that most of the members
of the legislature who might attend might
have their thoughts drawn away from the
work which they were paid $10 a day to
perform. Consequently when the show
reached town a local newspaper sent a
committee of eight buslners men, on of
them a preacher, who were supposed to be
From Our Near Neighbors
Rev. A. Murrman wss In Omaha Tues
day and Thursday
Mrs. M. H. Oarrison spent Thursday
In Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Kopp entertained the members of
the Birthday club at her home Friduy
Mrs. De Vore and daughter Haxel re
turned last week from an extended visit
ln Washington. -
Mrs. W. 8. Ramsey of Scott's Blurf wss
the guest of Mrs. Eddy and Mrs. Webb
Thuraday and Friday.
Miss Amy Kennedy of Lincoln arrived
Thursday for a visit with her brothers),
J. E. and F. C. Kennedy.
Mrs. Corrington of Benson spent sev
eral days In Valley visiting Mrs. Fitz
gerald and Mrs. Monahon. Mr. Corrlng
ton came out Sunday, returning Monday
The Busy Bees held Its monthly meet
ing Wednesday afternoon ln the Doherty
hall. Mra. John Foster. Mrs. M. 11.
Oarilson and Mrs. Louis Zewtebel served
the supper.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union observed the day of prayer for
national prohibition by holding set vices,
morning and afternoon at the Presby
terian church Friday.
The gospel services ln progress at the
Methodist church are increasing In in
terest and attendance. Rev. Mr. Swart
wood of Fremont Is assisting by taking
charge of the music.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance union
was held at the homo of Mrs. Mons
Johnson Friday afternoon. Mrs. W, O.
Whltmore was leader of the subject,
"Domestic Science."
Freda Helmbach. Anna Larsen, Iris
Kopp, Ruth Hubbard, Mario Hlckaon.
Ruth Blomqulst. Esther Anderson, Stella
Gorden, Gladys Condron, members of the
normal training class of the Valley High
school, went to Omaha Saturday to take
the teachers' examination.
O. C. Sheldon has gone to Omaha on
M. G. Klme spent Sunday at home with
his family.
Ralph Opp has accepted a ioltton at
Julian, Neb,
MrsV Nallor Is visiting at the Br.;ce
Stone home.
Frank Van Tyne has returned to his
home at Arapahoe.
Morris Pollard has gone to Hot Springs
ln quest of health.
John Wunderlelcht made a business trip
to Omaha on Tuesday.
Louis Ingwersn made a business trip
to Omaha Wednesday.
' Mlsa McDowell of South Bend Is visit
ing the Misses BurdlcK.
Mrs. D. C. West visited In Lincoln the
latter part of last ween.
Will Waldo has gone to Marshalltown
Ia.. for a few days' visit.
?T V K ronn had official business In
Plattsmouth last Saturday.
J.. B. Gllmour, a former resident of thl
county, ia hero visiting relatives.
Mr. Enos and Mlsa-Hallle Boyer of
Sloane. Ia.. are visiting friends here.
J. H. Greenlee of Fremont Is visiting
relatives and friends here this wee a.
John Wunderlelcht visited his daughter.
Mrs. Roaecrans. In Plattsmouth last Sat
urday. Henry Heebner has resigned his position
In Murray, as manager of the--farmers'
.11. L. Thomas and J. M. Palmer at
tended the funeral of Mr. Barnes In
Weeping Water.
Mrs. Bert Dill hss gone to Weeping
Water to live.
The family of David Fldler have moved
to Sapulpa. Okl.
The Woman's club gave Its monthly
program with Mlsa Martha Peters.
Rev. E. P. Arnold has been confined
to his bod thelast week with pleurisy.
Mervaille snB Frma Grinell of Victor,
la., are visiting their uncle, Rev. E. I.
J. C. Wade is back from a trip to
loulalana, where he went two weeks ago
with a carload of horses.
John Hines and Miss Esther Reed were
married about u mon "'-o and kept the
matter secret until a few days sgo.
The young people gave a surprlae party
to Elmer Zorian. whose wife is on a
visit to her parents at St. Edward, last
Monday evening.
L. A. Kate attended toe annual meet
ing of the Territorial Ploneej-' associa
tion at Lincoln this week and was elected
president of the association for the en
suing yesr.
James T. Rlngo. sn old resilient of this
vicinity, died at the Maaonic home in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday. He was the
oldest nirnilier of the local Masonic lodge,
lie was past 84 years old.
The following Is the 4jlrth record for
the week: A daughter tr Mr. and Mr.
Krits Hwanson, a eon to Mr. arid Mra.
liana Zimmerman, a daughter to Mr.
and Mr. Marti Herman, a daughter lo
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. White.
J. M. Elwel. W. E. Bates. Vv. J. Arm
strong, W. 11. Davldnou. John Nottleman
w. Kow. L. C. Johnson. L. W. Drla-
Veil and VV. B. S.llinr represented the
local Masonic lodge at the funeral of
James Klngo last Thursday.
Wreolnsr Water.
Mr. snd Mrs. K. D. Cla: k were Sunday
vim tors in Union.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Mould in,
January t, a uaughtrr.
'Mrs. Adam Hildcbrand and children
hate gone to their new home at Carson,
Mrs. J. H. Olive and hersuother, Mrs.
Ief ibaugli, vlaiied In Omaha Friday and
Mr. Charles Joyce Is In Omaha visiting
her sister. Mrs. C. R. Gilbert, at M4 Pa
cific street.
Miss Nellie Dennis visited her friend.
M s Nellie Fowler, alt Bethany the first
of the week.
Mr. anil Mis. Itecben Groesner have ra
luined to their home at button's Bay,
experts on female negligee, to InxestlKnlc j
the show and report progress. '
What Committee Thought.
After seeing the show and Inspecting-;
the chorus, the repoit Is somewhat con -1
fusing. One member of the committee I
thought it was a waste of pood time to,
look at such a show, another thought the j
chorus was dressed no more conspicuously
than the bathers out at Capital Heaeh In
the sweet summer time, another thought '
i It a pretty poor show and as (ar a. con-I ..f tlm concerned:
was no worse than mnnv other li.,'"" crowds will gather on account of the
and o on. while the preacher was the iPln or agriculture there. Meetings
n h,.rrifle.l 1,v the dlsolav. How- , ' the different branches will he held at
he admitted tiint his judgment of
costumes as worn by vhorus g.i Is was con -
fined mottty to Inspection of the bill-
boards, but, take It all around, be wan
"shocked and amaied."
It Is said that no shows will be allowed
to come lo Lincoln during the ses.loit of
the legislature until they have flr.t filed
affidavit that they got
Kansas City.
Kearney Poultry liw Sni'i-e...
KKARNWY. Neb.. Jan. 17.-1 Special.)
The Nebraska Ml.l-Ftale Poultry and Pet
fctock association closed It fifth annual
exhibition In Kearney today, n'ler what
la considered Its most Important show.
Over 6-V birds were In competition find all
classes were well filled. The asaotlatlon
was greatly handleaplied In not having
a large enough room, the rssemMy room
of the city hall building being used. The
need of nn auditorium In Kearney Is often
keenly felt.
Mich., after sevci:.l weeks' Isil with
telatl ea here.
Mrs. Chris Snell of Rosalie has returned
to her home after a holiday visit with
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. John VYundcrllch of Ne
bawka made a brief visit in town the
llrst of the week.
Mrs. Harry Lawson has returned to her
home at North Plutte, Neb., alter an ex
tended visit nt the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mre. C. U. Anclrus.
Mrs. Oscar Compton and Mrs. Alex
Hopkins have returned to their home st
Lyons, Neb., after an extended visit at
the home of the frrmer's parents, Mrv
and Mrs. Hart llopi-.lns.
Mrs. Josluh Tlmblln and daughters. Mrs.
Charles Oilmoio and Miss Viola Tlmblln,
were In Palmyra lust Saturday attending
the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
celebration of Mr. uud Airs. Lute Dwi
nell. ' Arllnuton.
Fred Borcher returned trom an Omaha
hispltal Wednesday.
Lyale Crapenkolt has gone to Harris
burg Pa., on a business trip.
The Mioses Blanche and Mildred Mar
shall were in Fremont Thursdny.
Mlsa Pauline liajek of Howell, Neb.,
visited Miss Mary Krojicek the Jast of tho
lelmar McConn sold hla restaurant lo
Jacob Gold Monday, who will run It tn
the future.
Dale Fuasett, who ha been at Toledo.
O.. for some time, visiting relatives ami
friends hero.
Miss Elaine Boberg returned home Sun
day after stendins 11 week vtslitng with
relatives at Stromsburg, Neh.
Mr. Buma of Kalamazoo. Mich., arrived
here Wednesday and is leading the sing
ing at the Congregutlonal church.
Misses Clara and Esther Johnson de
parted Sunday for Spencer. Neb., where
they will visit friends for a few days.
Miss Freeda Dixon departed for Cali
fornia Thursday, where she will spend a
few months visiting and sightseeing.
Mr. and Mrs. Burr Comfort of Blencoe,
la, are the guests of Mrs. Comfort's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McKibbon.
P. A. Peterson returned to bin home
ct Burnslde, la., Wednesday after a few
daya' v w ith his brother, J. A. Peter
son, C. A. Fnssett. after a three week'
- f . 1 o v, 1.1. K..A.h rinu.-.,a.Aw tr w
! t"iseett. returned to his home at Cleve
land, O.
Miss Mildred Weber, who was taken tn1
an Omaha hospital last Monday and oper
ated upon for appendicitis, is reported,
getting along favorably.
A son was born to Mr. and Mra. Thomas
jlooley, Jr.. Wednesday.
Miss Hsxii Hemnii of Omaha was the
guext of Mrs. R. B. Apnatrong Inst Sat
in day.
liev. H. F. Schmidt or the Friertens
Lutheran church attended the funeral of
Dr. Ludilen in Lincoln Tuesday.
Grant Cliaae, ex-sherirf of this county,
left Thursday for Flagstaff. Aiis., where
lie expects to remain for several months.
Mr. and "Mrs.' lister McManus of
Broadwater, Neb., were the guests of the
J. R. Wilson family Saturday and Sun
day. "
The Farmers' Institute held here Mou
nt, y and Tuesday was very successful.
The opera house was Insufficient to ac
commodate, the crowJs of people.
Mesdamea John llarmsen. John Sehram,
C. S. West. John Welsh and Mls Mary
Jasper entertained the Columbian circle, i
their husbands and men rrtenns at a
cord party at the home of Mrs. Welsh
Thursday evening.
The dance riven by the young men of
Papllllon at tho opera houselaat Satur- ,
day evening was well attended. The j
extra electric neiits huh me u.i-ora tionj
of autumn leaves and pictures made the
old place unusually attractive.
STTst. Pluie Opp whs a Weeping Watr
vUilor Tuesday.
Mrs. l.oula Ruse la taking treatment
at an Omaha hospital.
John Weaver la entertalnlnc Ida mother
who realties at Palmyra.
Mina Mary llcneley of Berlin wan a
visitor here- over Sunday.
Warren Munn. sr., left this week for
n extcn led visit to Pannmii.
Gua Witzkle haa returned from a twj
weeks' vlntt at Rochester. Minn.-
The Acnxa club mot at the home of
t'hrls Nutzman south of torn Wednpa-
f'hrla Raamuaien and family of Wen-
I11K Water were visiting relatives here ;
John 8. Johnann and alfc ivhn ha ,
I ecn vlwltlpg hero have returned to their i
homo at Royal. !
'hat1ea flruber. one of the iiroinlnetit I
Voung men of thin city who will t mur
ne.l next week, wan cnt':l t ilnrd at the ,
Oxford hotel Wcdnralay night. About '
fifty of hat friciulH were trceiit. Tie was
presented with a fine china iW'-l. I
IrrluBlon. i
The Willing Workers met at the cliup'i. :
for dinner Wednesday. ( j
Mr. and Sirs. S. t'. firewater were!
Omaha visitors Tuesday. j
Mrs. A. '. lieiu and Mia iTinnle Delti '
vMted friends in Council Hlulfs Thure-'
fitla llemlri.-ksi-n of f ha.irwn. Neb., is
vl.'iling at I lie hrin of his iiartnta, Mr. '
and Mra. John Hendrltrkaon. )
Chris J.-imon of Blair and Miss Vera I
Kiiuuon of Henaon were tHitertalned at!
the Thompson home Wednesday. 1
Mr. Iluell, state Bunday S'-houl superin
tendent from Urand Island, gave a lee;
ture at tin- 8 .. fcicwMr r home Monday I
to a large turnout. '
! i
Klbhorn. j
Mrs. J. M. Hrunm r n an an Omaha u- I
I tor on Tuesday
Henry Klnnrtnan U entertaining M !
brother from ( huso county. Neina.ka
Mr. and Z.irs. John McClenrgbsn of
rtdney. N.-l... are visiting st the homo
of l. l. MiUan. !
Mrs. PMIIIu owelliel returned tu her
homo in Paiilllion after Kevcrul week'
villi with lnr diiiahter. Mr .1 .:
Societies of Organized
Agriculture to
Meet This Week
From a Staff Cot respondent.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. IT. --(Special I
This week Is the annual big week for the
societies of Organized" Agriculture. The
"7 Mi.ii.onu.i, win oe me piece wnere
'irferent places In tho city and at the
, 'c farm beginning tomorrow and run
"'ng through the entire week,
I Motion pictures will play a part In the
j entertainment and education of the vis-
'tors, and In addition to thla delegates
will have the privilege of visiting th
studio of the Nebraska Conservation
sway with it 111 ; commission and watch the work or mak
1 lug picture films.
There are mme two dosen branches of
Organised Agriculture and all of these
will be -holding dully meetings at some
time during the week, usually half a
dosen ttesslotts being held the same day
and at the same time.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neh.. Jan. 17.-trleclal.)
The sain of oleomargarine containing
butter Is against the law. according to
an opinion of Food Commissioner Har
mon. He has submitted the. matter to
the attorney general and believes the of
ficial of the legal department of the
state will sustain .him ln his belief.
He takes the ground that there can be
no mixture pf butter with any other
substance of vegetable or animal oil.
The most of the substance sold In Ne
braska as hutlerlne Is a mixture of some
olher substance with some butter and Is.
therefore, adulterated butter. There can
be no combination 0f tfie two under the
gufse of one or the other.
WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Jan. 17.
(Speclal.) The contract has been let to
an Omaha msn, Fred M. Crane, for the
building of the Talmage drainage ditch,
which lies In Oto and Johnson counties.
Bidders from various parts of the United
States attended the letting, but the
Omaha man was (30,000 lower than any
work of a similar character haa been
done for ln this psrt of the county. The
contract price for the excavating alone
aniuunts to $118,000. The contractor has
agreed to start work ln thirty days and
already haa had two machines shipped.
One of these la now In use In Florida
He exects to use, all, together, five ma
chines of the drag line type, and will
complete the work about May 1, 1918.
Inatall Officers.
AVOCA. Neb.. Jan. 17.-(SpeclaI.(The
newly elected officer of the Rebekah
lodge at Nehawka have been Installed.
They are. Noble grand.yllsa Frona
Klme; Vice grand, Mrs. Lots Pollard:
tressurer. Mra Emilia Schomaker:
recording secretary. Miss Clara. Ruther
ford; financial secretary, Mrs. Sophia
The Knights of Pythlss at Weeping
Water have Installed their officers for
the ensuing year. The following were
Installed: C. C, J. J. Meier: V. C 8. J.
Marshall; prelate, J. W, Colbert; M. of
B., E. IS.. Ratnour; M. of Ji. J. M.
Teegarden; M. of W., J. W. Corley; M.
of A., H. H. Stoner; I. a., R. D. Mo
Nurlln. geek Homes for Children.
WEKPINO WATER. Neb.. Jan. 17.
(Sneclal.) Another group of homeless
children from New Tork Is to be brought
to Auburn on January 19 to be placed In
homes of adoption. A few weeka ago a
group of thirteen children was taken
Into Auburn, and there were msny more
applications than could be supplied by
the number brought. The local commit
tee In charge of the work Is composed of
Superintendent J. A. Doremus, W. C.
Parrlott. W. H Housfield. Dr. a M.
Tyler and Miss Cora Webber.
If you have a "Sunshiny Room" let
people know about It In this column of
Bee Want Ads.
1915 will be one of the biggest years ,
yet experienced among those engaged
in the building business in Omaha i '
and the middle west
and among Omaha's and Nebraska's building and construction companies, the Bankers
Realty Investment Company occupies a prominent position for the reason that it is bet
ter equipped than ever before to render the highest and best class of building service to -the
people of this community.
Our Construction Department, in charge of experi
enced building men, is equipped to handle therection
of a large business building as readily as a modest cot
tage; in the most convenient manner possible, and at
a reasonable cost.
If YOU plan on building in 1915 you cannot do bet
ter than submit your plans for our figures.
We Guarantee to Satisfy You; with materials,
labor, supervision and progress of work.
When you contract with this Company you know
the Final Cost before work is begun. Because this Com
pany's financial standing and reputation is such as to
remove any doubt as to our responsibility or ability to
complete work as planned and at the figure named.
For further information call at our office or send
in your plan.
jBaithgrg jRraltti jtturgtmrnt
(Authorised Capital. 7SO.000)
General Contractors and Builders.
Ws wtU eoaslde building proposltloas la any tow or elty la
Mebraska and edjeoeat states.
Storm Increases Number Who Seek
Food and Shelter, but Will
Bring1 Temporary Work.
While It will f.lve teiVporary work to
many men as snow hnvelcrs. the heavy
snow and cold has also made the suffer
ing of the poor more acute and has i
necessitated much warmer clothing for,
many people, e.perlnlly the men who are!
able lo work outdoors. The result Is)
appeal after appeal from charity workers
that the public donate all warm castoff
i ( mth,,11 , nr0, r (nnt h mny hfl
tribute! by charitable Institutions to
those who nerd It.
Warm underwear and treks and good
shoe for men are m-e.k-d more than any
thing vise .lust now, says Mrs. F. A.
MeOormlok, who is In charge of the
Volunteers' work In the absence of Ma.l-r
MoOormlck. A soon as score or shiver
ing men are properly clothed and shod,
they can go lo work, she says.
The Salvntlon Army Is also In nead of
a quantity of warm clothing for men.
Captain H. H. Kline "as. Both organiza
tions are glad to collect su il articles. If
notified by phone They also are anxious
to hear from reotie who' ran give men
odd Jobs of snow shoveling, snd so forth,
as several hundred men are ready to
respond. Forty extra applicants were
fed and housed last night.
Women aixt children are also In need
of warm clothing. Mlsa Nellie Mngee of
the VI t Mission was swamped yesterday
with appeals for shelter and clothing,
and had the Mission filled with mother,
young women, girl, and al- some men,
all of whom hovered around the radiators
to get "thawed out" Miss Magee also
says she Is desirous of hearing from
friends who will donate clothing or food.
All day Sat unlay the Associated Chari
ties and the other organisations received
calls for aid of one sort or another from
As Clean as
mlt.illl'IWllllWIT.miirTUnacry', a -jf -mamrm
- - L ....... , I .
frit . "'t--- 'Z'&1?Z&&
As with men, so aiso with coal, cleanliness and "efficiency
usually go together. A coal so clean to touch that it will
not soil a lady's hand must be a hard coal. And this same
quality that makes it clean to the touch makes it efficient in use.
A hard coal bums thoroughly. There is less waste in smoke
and ash than with ordinary coal. There is more economy.
For these reasons you should use
' The Coal That Satisfies
This is one of the finest of anthracite, or hard, coals. 1'
bums evenly and thoroughly. Givs more heat, ton for. ton,
than ordinary coal. As a result lasts longer.' Saves you money
we Sell .
This Swa is Dimlayed fc Deelara
Who sell Uaia VaBsy Aatarasite
McCormick Building '
needy Individuals and families thst wern
mi.thln lo get along without help when
the storm came. Mrs. Ucorge Doane.
secretary of the former, aaferted thst
donation of fond, clothing or Money
would help much In relieving the suffer
ing, an the rush of needy rases occa.
shmed r the storm had made the charit
able organization run out of nil sup
Piles. Chnrlty workers urge that kind! dis
posed people- get in touch with charity
hend.pia-.ter at once, in order that all
case may be relieved and abla bndlad
ni"-n may be equipped to work outdoors.
Speaking 6f bow the storm hadi
Im'-n as.-d the amount of charily neces
saty, Captain Kline said last ttlgbtr
Will fletnrn from Denmark.
WKEPINO WATER. Neb.. Jan. 17.
(Special 1 Mr. and Mr. Jacob Domingo
and .laughter, Alice, of Weeping Water to return from lllnnmrk. Denmark,
where they have been visiting relatives
since before the war. They were to sail
January 14. They have been close enough
lo the war to feel Its effects In hsrd
times, sorrow and heartache and are tak
Inn this opportunity gladly ts get back
to America.
for Vi
and Catarrh
Put a teaspoonful of Omega Oil m a
ctip of boiling water, then inhale the
team which goes through the passage
of the nose and throat. This simple
treatment usually gives quick relief.
Coal Can Be
Order Lehigh Valley Anthracite
Coal from your dealer. Order
by name. Order today. If by
any chance your dealer can't
supply you, write the
Chicago, III.
This Is a
Organized, financed
and operated by
Nebraska people.
Our customers
are our best
Ground Floor Bee Eldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
Telephone Doug. 2926.