7 A It Sunday, January 17, 1915- EURGESS-NASH COMPANY. .STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- BURGESS-NASH COMPANY -Phone Douglas 137 W lIbrat ot FUR PIN ffiTHlDAY ANMVERSARY With TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JAXTTAItY 17, 1015. a BARGAIN FESTIVAL to Which W limit ETOiryfcxoxdly We Will Be One Year Old Monday THK WHY "VVe will enter upon another year's busi ness the second year of our service to YOU the buying public, by whose LIBERAL patron age and APPRECIATION of our modern, aggressive methods of merchandising we have attain ed such splendid success. A success that Is a powerful Illustration of the potency of proper principles In business. It Is a magnificent unmis takable tribute to the principles upon which this store has been bnilded THK PRINCIPLES THE FKOPL.E "ABSOLUTE INTEGRITY" SAT ISFACTION SERVICE with tho purpose of winning and holding the CONFIDENCE of every man, woman and child who enters its doors;" But these principles could not have won without the appreciation of a discrim inating PUBLIC. The ENORMOUS BUSINESS IN CREASE and PRESTIGE given to this store has placed it under recognized obligations. To show our appreciation we will celebrate the event in a characteristic Bureess-Nash iwav with a barcrain festival to which we invite everybody. It will be our first celebration an occasion which we take to im press upon a larger public the advantages of shopping at this store "Everybody's Store" to test the sta bility of our rigid growth and the efficiency of our organization. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. THE WAY WE CELftHRATK An Assortment of Good CORSETS Formerly to $10.00, Sale Price $2.98 Hp HEY are all standard makes In brocades of fine coutll la models A suited for every stylo figure. Good selection, models qq that were formerly to $10.00, choice for j.70 Corsets Formerly $3.00 to $5.00 for $1.98 Broken assortments of Nemo and self-reducing corsets la tf Q Q discontinued numbers, formerly J3.00 to 5.00, for 1 0 Brassieres Special at 79c, 99c and $115 Three distinct styles, dainty effects", very desirable and the values are most unusual. Baro-Ms-Beth Co. Saoond rioor. Anniversary Sale of SILVERWARE Ghest of 61 Pieces Monday at $10.50 BEAUTIFUL table silverware, colonial pattern, guar anteed to wear 50 years, oak cheat containing 61 pieces, enough to Bet the average table for 6 people, a usual 125.00 value, Monday, tot 8-Piece Spoon Set for 99c Quadruple silver plated spoon set consisting of 6 p range spoons, 1 berry spoon and cream ladle In white satin lined boi QQ usual $3.00 value, Monday, for aaC - $1.98 Plated Fern Dishes, 69c - Fern dishes, heavy silver plated, new designs, were i?Q $ 1.98, anniversary sale price. OaC 25c Sterling Silver, 5c Full size sterling silver thimbles, 25c values, at. .... . .5 BurraM.Va.il Co. Main rioor. $10 Crochet Cottons in the . Anniversary Sale for Monday. Very Special Prices White or ecru. Peri Lusta. v. Size 1 to 10, apecial. txr spool, at. So Sizes 10 to MO, special, per spool, at Do Sizes 20 to 60, special, per spool, at. 10c Sixes 5Q to 1QQ, special, per spool, at. i 18o Crochet Cottons in Colors Size 1 to 10, special, per spool, at 9c Wizen 10 to go, special, per spool, at 10a Size BO to SO, special, per spool, at 11c Sizes 5Q to lOO, special, per spool, at 12c Stamped Pieces, 15c Pillow tops with backs or scarfs, size 18x4 5. on ecru, linen, floral or conventional designs, g with 6 skeins of floss for. IOC Stamped Piece, 85c Pillow cases, size 42x36, on best tubing; also night gowns, on best quality French naln- og sook, kimono style H Jid Made Articles Slightly soiled, consisting of baby dresses, pUlows, waist patterns, caps, aprons, towels, QQ etc, special, at OC Hand Efflb. Articles. Consisting of collars, handker chiefs, belts, doilies, etc., sllqhtly soiled; very special, jjq at, choice OiC B or r eee-Baeh Co. Third rioor. Remarkable Values in Furniture for the First Anniversary Sale VALUES that will serve as examples of the splendid buy ing advantages af forded by j this big sec tion of our store. Good depend able furniture for every room In tbe home. THIS $19.50 LEATHER ROCKER ONLY $1150 Leather rocker. No. 1 Spanish leather, upholstered back, seat aud arms, very desirable for liv ing room: usual $19.60 SJ5t 50 values, Monday, at XT THIS $12.50 MISSION ROCKER, ONLY $6.95 Fumed Mission rocker, heavy arras and back, with upholstered 16-coll spring seat and No. 1 Span ish leather, usual Md? QC values, Monday .... POeD THIS $9!00 ENAMEL BED FOR ONLY $5.95 Attractive design in enamel or Vernis Martin, iron bod with 5 one-inch fillers, inch iwsts, tho $C95 usual $9 values. V white Anniversary Sale of SILKS Monday W ONDEllFUL values that aro certain to bring forth a groat response because the silks are new and the most wanted weaves, colors and patterns. Five great lots $1.00 and $1.25 Silks at 68c This lot includes a big range of colors in tho wanted styles for coming season, messaltnes, wash silks, silk poplins, chlrron taffetas, foulards, fancy taffetas, plaid silks, imported pongee, black messaltne, heavy cream Jap silks, 27 to 36 Inches wide; $1.00 and $1.25 values, yard 50c Taffeta Silk, 18c Plain taffeta silk In a good assort ment of plain shades, 23 inches wide, were 60c, f q yard IOC 68c 59c Foulard Silk, 23c Neat designs with two-tone color effects, large assortment; were 69c, In the basement, an niversary sale price, yard $1.25 to $2.50 Silks at 88c Another group of silks that are the most unusual val- uen. Including silk poplins, silk crepe de chine, black satin, duchess, black satin messaUne, heavy black peau de sole, black chiffon taffeta, black and fancy marquisette, tub silks, etc., 83 to 42 Inches wide; were 11.25 to $1.50, Monday, yard . Crepe de Chine, $1.29 All silk crepe de chine, the heavy, kind, all best shades; also white and black; 42 inches nn wide, yard J)leae7 :oine, uintu 88c 28c $2.50 Grained Ivory Clocks for $1.50 AN anniversary special of unusual importance. Grained Ivory bou doir clocks, good imported move ments, choice two styles, formerly $2.60, Monday, hj gQ ' "$i.'66 Buffers, 48c Grained ivory buffers with detach able chamois, $1.00 size for..48c 25c Dressing Combs 10c 50c Dressing Combs 29c Burgess-Bash Co. Main rioor. Bnrr....ITaeh Co Mfcln rioor. Infant's and Children's Dresses In th$ Anniversary at- Price THE dresses are for youngsters from 6 months to 6 years. There is a big selection from which to choose. Made In a variety of pretty ways from mulls, lawns, nainsook, crepe, chambray, pique, colored linens, voiles, etc., all daintily trimmed some with laces and embroid eries, ribbon rosettes, etc. Tins idea further: Child's Dresses; were $1.50, choice for Monday at. ... . .75c Child's Dresses; were $2.00, choice for Monday at. .". .$1.00 Child's Dresses; were $3.00, choice for Monday at. .. ,$L50 Child's Dresses; were $4.00, choice for Monday at. .. .$2.00 Child's Dresses; were $5.00, choice for Monday at. . . .$3i50 Bnrgess-Hssh Co. oon4 riofcy. BEAUTIFUL RICH ORIENTAL RUGS in the ANNIVERSARY Sale at an Average of 25 Underprice SELDOM, if ever, has there been such a rare and beautiful collection of Persian and Turk ish rugs offered to the buying public of this community. And never to our knowledge have such wonderful values been offered. Especially is this true when we stop to consider the fact that the European war has been the cause of a big price advance owing to tho lim ited production. $25.00 to $35.00 Mostd Rugs, $17.50 Extra heavy quality of wool with small figures and sort beautiful colorings, very desir able for any part of the home; sixes 3x6 up to 4x7 feet, regular $26.00 to $35.00 values, for $20.00 to $25.00 Belouchistan Rugs, $15.00 Extra heavy fine Belouchistan rugs, rich colors, sizes 2x5 up to 3x6 feet, regular $20.00 to' $26.00 values, for , IBAN RUGS 4-6x5-3 I rail rugs, $40.00 values $32.00 $17.50 $15.00 4-4x41-5 Iran rugs, $40.00 values $:tO.OO 4-50-8 Iran rugs. $43.50 valcea ;H.5Q 4-5x6-2 Iran turn, $40.00 values $To.OO 4- xO-q Iran rugs. $45.00 values. n :M.0O 4- 8x0- Iran rugs, $45.00 value ,$3735 '4-7x5-8 Iran rugs, $:t7.5Q values $3.OQ 5- 1x7-0 Iran rugs, $43.00 values , $:I5.00 " '. MAHAL Ill'GS 0-1x12 2 Mahal rugs. $150.00 valnea $1 20.00 8-9x12- Mahal rugs, $160.00 values $125.00 8-8x12-11 Mahal rugs, $15.00 values $135.00 8-7x12-1 Mahal rugs, '$ I HO .(H) values $ 1 1 0.OO $12.50 to $18.00 Kazack Rugs, $9.50 Very heavy apd firm texture, with bold striking fig ures ana stirmg colorings, displaying the characters! les of their wild weaves, sizes 3x4 M to 3x6 feet; regular $12.60 to $18.00 values, for .' $12.50 to $15.00 Belouchistan Rugs, $7.50 Rich dark colors. In red. blue and brown; heavy and durable, colors are soft and pleasing, sizes 2x4 Va up to 2x5 ft.; reg. $12.60 to $15 values... KHIVA RUGS MU8-1 Khiva rttgs, $ tfO.QO values. . .. .(W.OO I-Qx7-1 1 Khiva 7ugs7$l 10.00valueaT $75.00 6-2x8 Khiva rugs, $ 05.0O values $tt5.00 6-1x7-1 Khiva rugs, $ 85.O0 values $U5.QO 5-9x8-8 Klilvu rugs, $ 83.0O values $00.00 $9.50 iigs, $7.50 $7.50 5-x6 Khiva-rugs, $ 50.00 values. .$:i7.50 5-0x7-6 Khiva rugs, SHO.OO values $00.00 7-8x5 Khiva rugs, $110.00 vain . $85.00 KKItMANSHAH RUGS 8-Oxl 1-6 Kerniartwhah. $150.00 values. .. .$.135.00 liKM-0 Kerniansliah, $45Q.. values. .. .-$375.00 0-0x14 Kerinanshah, $525XQ value. . . .$4.15.00 0-8x13-3 KeruianKhah, $050.00 values ... .$495.00 Borress-Basa Co -Third rioor. A OUR ENTIRE STOCK of FINE FURS Go Into the Anniversary Sale at One-Half Price WONDEHFUL opportunity to save half the original price on high grade deiendable furs right now at a time, when they are of greatest service and value to you. The selling season for us is short and we are willing to ac cept a great sacrifice to effect a quick and decisive clearaway. Every piece of fur is Bold with our guarantee thorough satisfaction or your money back. This just as an idea: Entire Slock of Fur Coats at Exactly i Regular Price Tiger cat auto coat, was $135.00, sale price $02.50 White fur coat, black fox collar, was $9650, for $49.50 Marmot coat, shawlcollar, was $59.50, for $29.75 Near seal coat, with fitch collar, was $95.00, for $47.50 Hudson seal coats, with shawl collar, were $195.00, for. . .$97.50 Hudson seal coats, black fox collar, were $300.00, for. . .$150.00 Wfw Hudson seal coats, cninchiiJa collar, were fciuu.w, lor. . .siou.uo w Hudson seal coats, black marten collar, were $275X0, for $137.50 Hudson seal coats, with coat collar, were $250.00, for. .$125.00 Hudson seal coats, with fitch collar, were $125.00, for. . .$G2!50 Russian pony coats, with civet collar, were $49.50, for. . .$29.75 Marmot coat, was $79.50, sale price Monday for $39T75 River Mink coat, was $G5.0'0, sale price Monday for $32.50 Russian pony coats, were $35.00, Monday for. $17.50 I FUR SETS Y2 PRICE MUFFS , PRICE SCARFS AT x PRICE $ 12.50 fur sets $ 6.25 $ 7.50 muffs for......$ 3.75 $ 7.50 fur scarfs $ 3.75 $ 19.50 fur sets $ 9.75 $10.00 muffs for. ....$ 5lX) $10.00 fur scarfs..... $ oTOQ $ 25.00 fur sets $12.50 $12.50 muffs for $ 6.25 $12.50 fur scarfs $ 6.25 $'53.00 fur seta $25"!00 $15.00 muffs for $ 750 '$15,00 fur scarfs $ 750 $ 60.00 fur sets $30.00 $18.00 muffs for $ 9.00 $17.50 fur scarfs $ 8.75 $ 75.00 fur seta $37Td $2a00muf f sf or $Io766 $20.00 fur scarfs $10.00 $ 05.00 fur sets...... $47.50 $25.00 muffs for. $12.50 $25.00 fur scarfs $1250 $103.00 fur sets $50.00 $30.00 muffs for $15.00 $30,00 fur scarfs $15.00 $125.00 fur sets $62.50 $35.00 muffs or $17.50 $35.00 fur scarfs $17.50 $150.00 fur sets.-. . . . .$75.00 $50.00 muffs for. , . . . .$2500 $50.00 fur scarfs .... .$2510 m- ' Burg -Bb .Co Stoonit rioor. WOMENS WINTER COATS AT $5.00 That Were Formerly $15.00 to $35.00 Hh.liri indeed a most unusual value for our first nnuivcrsary sale Mon day. The coats include such splendid materials as fancy mixtures, chinchillas, zibe linos, boucles, etc., in a great variety of color?, coats that wero formerly $15.00 to $o3.00 Anniversary Snlo price, choice, $5.00. Bnrir.a.-ireah Oo aeoond rioor. MM Women's Pure Thread SILK HOSE In the ANNIVERSARY SALE at 49c PURE thrend silk with double garter tops, high spliced heels and double soles, black and white, run ' J of the mill $1.00 quality, sale price Monday, in the anniversary sale at, pair WOMEN'S 25c HOSE for 15c Women's plain black cotton with split sole, black mercerized with double soles, also tnn fiber silk boot hose; 25c quality. Barireaa-Baak Co. lEala rioor. Women's Dresses for Street and Afternoon Wear Were $12.50 to $35.00 for $5.00 $5.00 ANOTHER extraordinary special lor the anniversary bargain festival women's fancv street and afternoon drMMi, made up In a great variety of late styles of taffeta, crepe de chine, poplins, charmeiiso, serges, wool crepes, corduroys, etc., light and dark colors; dresses were formerly $12.60 to $35.00; choice . Bwrf -Bh Co. Booona rioor. MEN'S SHIRTS of Pure Silk, Madras, Etc., $1.00 to $4.00 Values at 50c A MOST extraordinary offering; that should and will Interest every man who reads or heara about this announcement. The ehlrta are all high grade, made of pure atlk, woven madras, ana percale, ztannei. and of mercerized cloth, scores of neat patterns and de signs, plain or pieaf-d bosoms with double toft or single starched culfs, not all sixes In every quality or style, but snirts usually sold at from 11.00 to 14.00, choice at. Men's 50c to 75c Silk Hose, 19c Winter weight silk hose, high spliced heels, reinforced with double soles, heels and toes; good ansortment of colors; sizes 9V4, 10, 10 'a and 11, plain and accordion weaves. Men's 50o Neckwear, 3 for $1.00 Large open end scarfs, alao reversible and knitted ties, made of fine bilks and ehown in a grent variety of the latest patterns and colors. Bargeas-Basa Co. Maia rioor. .1 rva.it), iiuuuci, 50c ECONOMY BASEMENT 50c All Silk Ratine Crepe, 15c EXTRA SPECIAL An un""l opportunity to get high cost . material at less than half price, 27 and 36-lncn width In lavender, brown, navy, Copenhagen, red, green tan, ngni Diue, pine, Diack and white; also me dium, and larfce plaids for dresses, coats, skirts, etc. These charming brocaded silks and silk ratine crepes will delight the eye and priced so low merit your attention; 60c values from tbe bolt, yd.. 12VaC Manchester and Harmony Percales, sy2c " Light, medium and dark colorings in the choicest styles for dresses, waists, men's shirts, children's wear. etc. The, r 1 finest percales made, from full bolts Monday, at, yard; . O2C 15c 120 Dress Gin'ams, V26 Pretty checks, plaids, stripe and corded effects, denirable lengths for making children' bchool dresBes, 27 ins. 17I wide, sale price, yard. . 2 C 25c-S5c Black Sateen, 15c Double width mercerized black sateen, retails regularly at 25c and 3Cc yard; doblrablu for lin ing purposes, petticoats, men's shirts, etc., at, 1 r yard IOC - White Goods at 6Uc A large bargain square Includ ing a great variety of India linen, batiste, organdy, nain sook, lingerie, etc.. a special bargain, white goods 27 to 40 Inches wide, at, 1 yard U$C 5c Cotton Challies at 2V&0 Hundreds' of bolts Persian, floral and fancy figured, per fect Trouville cotton challies, at, yard .... 10c Grade Bleached Shaker Flannel, 5c Without a doubt tbe bent known of all the staple flannel, 28 inches wide, perfect goods. You save one-half here Monday during our anniversary tale; bolts to buy from, at, the yard O C Flowers for Trimming in, the BIG Anniversary Sale on Monday lc, 9c, 15c ' Great assortment of, flowers of every imaginable kind amaeu inio inree great lots lor quick disposal: Flowers Usually to 98c, in Base ment, choice for 15c Flowers Usually to 29c, in Base ment, choice for lc Flowers Usually to 49c, in .Base ment, choice for 9c Women's Underwear, 39c Union suits, high neck long -sleeves, ankle length, white cotton union suits, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length, mill run of 50c values; aUo broken lot of women's light weight wool vests and pants; (formerly 1.00, at Women 's.lOc Hose, 6c Women's black cot- ton, hose, seamless, regular 10c values, in tbe anniversary sale, Mon day, pair. . . 39c 6c Boys' Underwear, 15c Rroken lots of boys' ribbed cot ton fleece lined - shirts and drawers; were 25c to i r 60c, choice IOC Women's Cotton Vests, 3c Women's cotton vests, low neck and sleeveless, regular o 7c values, sale price, each J C Women's Gloves, Former ly to $3.50 at 95c The group Includes 2 -clasp gloves, capes, unllned mocha and silk lined mocha, also some very good long gloves formerly to $5.50; Monday nr pair tOC 'everybody's store Barreas-Baek Co. Tblx rioor.