Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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    HIE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: JAN U Alt Y 17, 1915.
Exodus of Society Folks i Heavier
Now Than at Any Time Dur
fag the Winter Months,
' Hwltl Calendar.
rU'NIA T Mr. and Mi. Dennl fallen.
nppr for Hejley-riillen wadding
pw. i Research rlub meeting At 6t.
SlONPAY Original nnnty Bridge club,
Mr. Jonli Harkrr, hostess. Carrl
Jcc.r-e Hond. In Bong r cltal lit North
-ie.Chrttln church. It. K. chib, with
Mr. and Mn H. C Cre-. Mr. rlAy
rmr l Hayward and Mr. Charles Junod,
TVnSDAY Coronado rluh ?anc1rr party
at Chamber' rr)r. lvbotante
PrHg club. Mis Marlon Jtiihn. hnMfi
Mn, t.. F. Crnfnot, muaioul and Ua for
the Racred Heart alnmrv. Hanlxy
Oillcti Wed line at Pi. Frter' church.
All lalrtt- ffwlnr guiM. Xri. W. O.
Fuller, howtesa. Tu 'lay HHrtae rlub.
WKIiNFJnV-WWituliy 'llrklee oluh.
Mr; Jark Weheter. hoatea. mhsrrlp
tlon . citib dsnon parly at Turpi n '
academy. 'Mr. .anl Mr. F.' A. F.roiian.
dinner. Mr. arte1 Mr. T F. Crofoot.
dinner. Prairie Ivtf'k Xcrol Craft guild,
hard time party, at Freirle i'aj-U rub
huu. W. , W. , club. Ms. Charlea
Uruerla;. hostes.
THlRSnAYr-firlgtaal CooWlrar club, Mr.
wr M, Fuikcss. tatjs. Krcvneo
I'eiafuni ft. lie! rVwtng circle, Mas
.T! illltnrd. hfttc.i. .
J-'BipAT Qui Vfrc dub. '-dancing party
at rhemhrrt' axademy.
PATl RiMY- We. Fnd Tncing club
party at llisntfieis' Sjre-lein.v. m
Amiss -Wh'.al Huh, Mra. F. J. Murphy.
hoeis. I'inne -Dane club. third
rerty, at Rome Jiotel.
On might think7 from th way the
Omaha colony Jui n leaving thn rUy
for the laat month tjiat tha wayfarer
to ha aria off and wnJI on their way to
their respective avintrr haunts. But a (aw
more aa r ft Ut be transplanted, to
warmer regions jmJ (he winter exodii la
Mill on the tapir.
Mr. und Mra. E. M. Morsmaa left
Thursday for Hollywood. C.l where
they will spend tha remainder ft IM
winter months.
Mr. E. Jl. Fpratfw left STrMay vni
for Chtvuao to iu'.a ilr f?tirzue. ho
Jan baen thrra ainre before Clirintman,
and lliey left Saturday for Itellealr, Kla..
to be f one until tho latter pnrt of I'l
Miary.'Tliia tf tha tlilrd winter "Mr! unit
Mia. rJnraKue hava apent at IleHealr.
whera thry enJoy winter golfing eapr j
dully. Mr. and Mra. oha 8. Prady ara ,
nl ho tWIeair devotoee and thay plan to
go down the first of February. '
Mies Harriet Copley will accomnny
Mr. and Mra. Aim! In .Collect upon their
return to Pap Domingo. and be'thrJr cueat
there for a. month nr two.
Mr. and Mra. Collctf. have boan hare
since, before ('hrlotmua vixillng her par
rnta, Mayor and Mra. DahtmMi. Mra.
Oollett and Mli Copley will !ea,vc
itmaha the In tier of ext wapk aivd
Mr. CollrU few dy rarUer, aa he atop
In Wsahiiigton on bualnria on hia way to
New York. Tbia party plana to apU Croro
New york Friday. January S. '
. Mr. and Mra. Adolh Utora leave aome
tlnie .during the flr.-rt. part of February
for Uvnoiulu, whetre they will be for
. Mr- .nd Mia .Iamc jcv Pexton Iav
the firrt part of February for New Or
rran and oilier point iu the aoutb for
reveraj ctk atay.
Mra. John lluuaoa will all Troro Ktw
'Vofk Thurntuy on tha Kroonland (or a
iyl.e (o Couth America, Mra. Iludaea
hKf bcn inliitig her aon, Jor.n, at ttx.
Inyton, Ky., for aovrat weeka. tha x
lcct to rc'U'ti 9 Oiria,li4f about the mid
dle of April.
t Mr. Otto Bavunan and .hia alatrr, Mina
Mljinie iUtuman, leave next week for Cal
ifornia to It gone aeverel month.
Mr. iiiid Uri. Lu4e Doup left Thuraday
for two or three month in California,
Mr. Fird Melt. axLoniPnnKd by Mra.
Charlc j:. Mets and Mia Harriet Metal
: hnve dccidtd to atart on their winter trip!
Tue'!y. Fehrutiry 9. They will vilt for
r yrral wt-ekf In aouuiern callfortil and
Kturn home by way of the. Pan Plcgo
and Kan . Frant-Seco cxpoaHlons.
Mi Ait$ Rwltzler left Thuraday rnorn
tug for Kan Francisco. Wise BwlUler ea-I'o-
ts to ipend aevra4 aaonlhg on the
(iu!tt a 1th her brother, who la In charge
of wurk in connection with the Faoaroa
eipol'.loa. ' .
With the Visitor.
Mrh. Jim TatrlcK i expsiUd from
Sheridan, Wyo.. wlUiio the aext two
weeka to visit hex aunt, Mra. 3. J. Brown.
F'.Uliu and Mra. Croxga A. Peerhrr of
llautinf arn the wttk-end guM of Mra.
E. AVgkcly.
Mr. end Mra. C, J. Morton of Grand
Inland ar vpendtng tlie week-end with
Mr. ai;d JJr. W. H. PtndtU.
Mr, Mr'. H. McEtrida of Dea Molnaa la
spending the aW Uh Mr. and Mra. C.
!. r'rton. "
Mia. famuei Adama of Chicane la the
guttt of lu r abiler, Mra. A. . W)lllatna.
and Mr. Vi IUin.t.
Miti Joae(Ahlne Cleary of Grand laland
apent the wknd will Mr. and Mra. C.
i;, tiefken. '
Mrs. Jl. I 1a!T:aey of IJmoly waa
the gueat iff iier flaughUr, Mrg. C. p.
Talmitge, and fit. Tplmage week.
M1ib Mary Joann'ttc l'unbar of Den
ver arrived tha first of the aeek for a
fortnight' vlnit with Mm Leale Urgg,
alter which he will lg ve for tha tr.
niu.l ielun'1 for tte ret of the winter.
Ml Mregg will acremny her gueat' aa
far a W. Loulf.
Mr. and Mra. Cleric AIUij have arrived
to be the gueata of Mr. and Mra. J. W,
Hood. ;
For the Future.'
Coijinoa club will give It atcond
deuce Frldey evening at the Metnupoti.
tan hall.
Mra. Ksynion.1 Ilwu4 ajut Mra,
t'littrlea Jonoi olll. gu a brhlae luuch
t mt at the luii'vrsUy tluu, Monday.
'J he ;rerih club IU Uit ruitd)'
ufi-iiiooii at 1 ucluik at bl- bent. man
avail' nty.
1 lit ttoiuru of the I'ltn Fail Necble
Cidft ilub will gite a hard-tlnta pally
a( the club hour, Wd .1ny evonUig,
for the ISrvdle Craft lueinbera and hH
Mr. J. V. Shaffer will enttrtala the
.... u.i.iri of Oio aitiika Card club
'Iti'iir.Uy aittrnoon at her home.
'i I (,ialo emu will give a danclpa
laity lcti.lnif rnii. at Chamber
ai.j.ii.y. The hall be decorated In
nl n) while, the cl.ibi color, and
iMi.t! 1 iii'-fiain Mll be glvtit.
ti!l Heinf the feljiwi.
'J be ntl 1 jrnrni circle of the Franca.
1. i 4i lul.f f aoi.tty aaitt ie t4 (I Iwi
bt.vr of vluil.tug to ihe war tone k-
ujj iiiori4ug.
i trcie Lm already tal H.Out worth
f arte Ua and t3 o la carloada ef fitud
1 in Uatr oi thU tin'ii w each Thurt
, y nuicwll ef the l.uma, Itt Mb-a Jl
To EntetUia at Vtw Hotel. '
i t.e fiift f."iU ait4ir dcliuitely ar
laikrd f'.r too lll ivua of the ae
JijV.l luulencUe U the final fcubucnp-
Will Go to California for Winter Vacation
I' 1 JJ
S,NS ' ' " '' ' ' ''''"' '
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I m.A-. 1 i - .. III ' - V W
r'rw a j Ik ! t k XV H
I'frsCUrlcsZ.Mch ' II ' . '
O O O " 1
, THIS WEEK. 4.' J
h v--; U :;Y' ..- -V,
ILV i Ar ' I
ar ill 1 1 ..I 11 ,
V ',1
Grace liQTja
tlon dance of tha scaado, which wilt be
given lnimedlMtrly after Int. Till la
the club that t held aucb a aucceaaful
acrles of dances at Turpin'g thla winter
under the management of Mrs. John A.
McBhano and other.
4 sspj-a-aaaaaa
JLeeest Affairs.
Mrs, J. W. Hood entertained at card
Wednesday afternoon. Tha priwa fur
the game were awarded to Mra. Ulenry
BUt-nhsrt and Mr. Haney. Mra Hood
was assisted by Mra. Clark Alloa, wbo
U hep hour gueat thla, week.
lir. and Mra. Roy Ralph entertained
at dinner Wvdueeday for Mls Mary Alter
of Niagara City, N T. Covers wero laid
furl .
Mr. and Mra. W. S. Wll.-n.
Mr, and Mra. Roy Raljih.
Mix VMmfred 'Utluox.
&lja Mary Alter.
Mr. W iliiaiq Alter Of Denver.
Mr. F. Pur entertained els guest
at luncheon Wednesday for Mra. W. tl.
Vlorae of Wahtih.
Wjater nans. -
Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Dodge. Jr., and
children left Wedneaday t spend tha rest
of tha winter In Lincoln.
Mr. K W. Klcbert of Urand Island ha
bora tha gueat of )U daughter, Mr. H,
l. Vlu. Mra y.iabert Is xpectd pxt
eek. and they w)i remain IU Mr. and
Mrs. Wllaoa tor the rt of the winter.
Dinner at Eoms Hotel.
Thf DeboraH T'ranhlln Kennlugton rlub
gave a dunier Satui-day evening at the
liomt tiutcl. Tlia dinner elrbr44 the
bii1bd-y anniyersary of Itrnlarnln Frank
Hit. Mi.nlciJ selecUona were giveu dining
tha avejiing by Mra A. I. Root, Messrw.
Harry liiukley gad tore Juhni-tou. Mr.
Ciouitnl Chag a4'lreM4 tha rlub.
To Honor Visitor.
Uiks Lui le Ua oti aaterlaiued ia(or
malty fri ivy aveikiug la honor of Mua
lUrrtat tiiUite of therutan. Vyo-, who
la t'-e guewt of MUa FlMnar Mackay.
Seymour Li5t Country Club.
The women of the rVyiimur l-nv I'ouo
try club U1 ai'-e a Ua Thursday after
Boon I rem 1 to 6 o'clock at 'lie l.a
reonte ef the Hotel IxyJ. tiie hundmd
rescrvatiou tav boca made ' fur Ike
J w
, ff taw I
Tmt Tha women a re planning te pro
vide Peymour Country lu wlU a com
plete playground equipment for the g
clualva ba f the chUdren.. Rustlo
aeaU and permanent walk ar alo 1m
provement which they expect U accom
pllh through their awg gfforta AIra,
Jaoea E. Uednar will addraa the gath
ering on tha subject of playgrounds and
other features ; will . be apea to general
At the University Club.
Pr, F. M. Fling will deliver a lecture
j at tha University club Tuesday evening.
January it. hi eubject wJJl be "The
R'e of tha Ngpoleofll Fmplra."
At ExcrUior Spring..
Mr. Howard JiaJdrlge and Mr. Wli
liam B, Martin expect to teav Monday
for Exceptor Spring, the formair to aeek
reler from eolaHea, from wti-h rh ha
bn Buffering for com week.
Wra. Charles' Kounts loava today for
Excelsior fprlng for tea gay and Xlr.
Kountx leave for the east on business.
Mr. and Mrs. r. M. penny and Mr. and
Mra. K. B, penny are sojourning at Ex
celsior Spring a
Pleasures Past
Mr. gj4 Mr. Jamea & Herr enter
tained at iMxr Aur :e eotuga
1 nuraay evealng. The hlgl) aurea were
Biade by Mr. Poddg and Mra. PeweU. Tha
gueat were: ,
Meaara and Moadamea '
Howard K, fcald, Charles I. VslUaer.
Iwiht Powell. F. J. Johnson,
I 'av id "!, lH)dJ-t, . Jainee 14 Bedaax.
M. I Kiui.
Mia ttKller.
Mr. and Mr. E. O. Brown enterUineiJ
the Rummy club Friday eaeolug at their
horn. ( Th room were decorated
throttghout with red rosea and green sad
the guest were:
Mtxer-. and Meadames
M. M. Kline. T. Mehreaa,
Alex J(ea, J. W. Hood,
F H. Oalia, H, K. Newton,
'I'rtoioaa Heelan, H. W. Haney,
W. A. bmlih, F, B. iieaao.
T- Uovejvj.
Eowlir.5 Club Keeta.
The Tiirtay Afternoon Bowling club
held Its weekly aneetlng at the Farm am
Hy. Mica Carrie Laittbeg bowle4 the
Highest Individual aoora. her team also
carrying off Drat honor. Tlioae present
Mix ,
Eva JrTledao,
Beaa Aulr,
Nitvlrad Levy.
Fannie Brodaky,
MolUe Curt.y,
rn I-utttrfg,
tvelyn Uevy,
Harmony Club Entertained,
Mr. aid Mr, rrenk Eat&g enUr-
tainfd member of tm Harmony club
at their horn last evening. Th rat li
bera of Ut club Include:
Meeera and MeailasKva
R, J. I 'lnnieg,
J r. Tiale,
W. Mo y.
J. W, Polling,
. H. uo4,
F. h re.
n. X. Pviiara.
l. v. biu'iia,
W. O. f., lta,
W. K. fe-Tlbner,
J. U LW-,r.
( rg hoi !',
U li. i)nou.
Sewinjr Guild Entertained. ,
The All a.iutY Fewlr.g guild Of Dun
dee tnet Tuesday at tha home at Mra. G.
K. Nlawonger. The member ar plan-
ulng t give a card party at the home
t f Mr W, W Jluegland February to
raiao money fur aa taster offering and
'" ..vf
to pay for tbe material la tha garment
they make for tba City mission and th
Visiting Nurse.
The next meeting will be at th horn
et Mr W. O. Fuller.
Aliock Club Party.
Th AUoda club gave It eroi-cvnthly
daneo at tha Prairie Park olub house
Friday evening, January H. . Those pres
ent were;
Mra, Herbert Johnson
J. 1. Beecroft,
A. K. rjwanson,
John A. Vols,
Fey C. Powell.
W. J. Palmer,
A. B. Kelaon,
George C. Bauer,
U. A. NwlBon.
.1. U. Weeka.
H. W. Johnaon.
'P. Anderaon,
H,nry k. BorA.
Arthur Johnson.
O. K. Fddy.
fi. A. Jnhoson.
W. F. Bruett,
George Oaee,
John Kahn.
O. F. Aaderaen,
Vera Huatead,
. Kliaabetb Jergea
aen, Kleie Houaman,
)eota owlnner,
WlUielmlna Arm-
Hulda Armbrtiat,
Mildred Kllxr.
eKran Wood hail,
. ilae Trouo.
. R, Hauptman,
w. J. K rug.
V.. I,. Hwancutt.
r. F. Torroii. ;
W. M. Vaughn.
Will C tuart.
Otto Nielsen,
boeaaard, '
ill. 1.. Jacobaba.
. Travis.
w, O. hruin.
M laeea
Draee Jonee;
Ruth Booert. ,
Mary C. Vol,
Mary C. Hharpe, ma rv avail.
Mills Lehmatin.
Olady bllla.
All.-.e Fattersoa,
Mabl relon.
liuise Klhert,
llasel Look.
Hvelyn Meale,
iin1y YenBan,
Catherine Nyiaud, 1' Mildred liniowlu,
f'liuli Cauahlin, Marie r-iatck.
Iaany Hansen, Helena Kahn.
Claie Baruuw,
Collef iat Alumnaa Affair.-"
Tha annual lunoheon of th aasooiatioa
of Collegiat Alumna t wa hetd yesterday
at th Commercial rlub.- The program
waa la charge of tha Welfare eeclion. of
which Mr. H B. Kewbranob la th
leader. Ttieodor Hansen, superlntendnnt
of tha National Welfare league waa th
apeaker. Cover were laid for seventy
five guett. among whom were
W. H. Abbott
1 ei-!i Hixjrin
lui'iih iluiiuuaa ,
W. I.amtMt
J. R; ,M. lon aid
I- H. IJ.irrtson
H. I aloaniuan
H. li Now 1 1 ranch
A lut-jr 1'arnrh
Brvc Crawford
Jamea lahtman
A, J. Coll.-tt .
K K Duvlr
Ma tin v. I rtniery
J. II. Dumont
tJ. F. I ish. r
Robert tinntt
CUt iiati,v
K. v.. tL buntieraind reot;
C. F. Svkea K. il. Scott
It. A. Van Oradel
K. Bedtmr
1'aul llaglaad
W. A. VvUlsrd
M Uses
A it Huaaell
Mary I. Wailac
Alive Fry
Anna Fry
hUu,b-ih Fry
Jiin.i iilffiii
lllth Kaial t
JuM-i,hln Hum
Fnpheii.ta .U.nio
Cliarlntie jreea
FUabth Miubell
AvlltW Mooie
Harriet "rvia
File L. Phelps
Hvlvn j4iimwr
xuijm ttoer
V an Jiruui
ai laeea
Nell l.'eatty
l-liaalth t rentier
Margaretta Hurke
IUiB':hn Coffitau
Cllve Coffmaa
Mlnta CowJn
Y'fttm i)uinoni
Huh Fwher
r liateth Kle It
p.uih Mi-DoneM
biary MacIutoh
Ainu 1a Peterson
1'aullne lUaaiiter(
Katlierin Wait
I.liiel Tukey
Crra Ai 11 birr
Weddinp Plans.
Carls were lesued th flrat ef tlie eeck
for tlie vtedJIng et Mia Itoxtna Cullen
elaughter of Mr. and Mr. Deonu Cullen.
and Thomas F. Hanley, ahhh will take
place Tueaday rmnung, January It, at I
o'clock at tt J'eler churclt. followed by
a wedding breakfast at the home e( the
bride' parent.
MUa M&rgarrt Cullen. btcr of the
bride, will he brldeamald, and Penni Cul-
len, Jr., brother of the hrige, will be beat
man. Jemea W. Hartley, brother of the
groom, and J. A. Cullen, brother of the
bride, will act aa uahere.
Surprise Party.
Mrs. N. J. Miles waa honor gueat at a
aurprlae parly Friday evening. The eve
nlng waa it nt In music and gamea and
the gue-t were:
Meeur. and Meedamen
I.otila ljinilri?k.
Herman Oernandt,
It. J. Mile.
T. .'. Baker.
C A. Krnberg.
T. Utofiberry.
Thomaa tarroll,
T. It. Armour,
Alice Power.
F'ertha Fowler.
Kthel Mile.
Harry II viand,
A. R. Judn'in.
C. Roblnaon, Jr.
K. .1. Nclhardt.
.1. I'. Cameron,
L'barlea iioblnaon.
M ijee
Beulah Baker.
Uuth ilaugnmvn.
Vernoti Bauithmafl,
Charlea Flnlayeon,
Pagalco Club.
i., -. n...
at the Metropolitan club Friday evening. .
The guet present were:
Thereea. Pohae,
M. berks.
Helen Rueaell.
Hernice Wall.
Htrdle Kentwhiear.
Margaret Mcroijald,
Anna (.amtielson.
I Ijlllle 'rleon. '
' Nora M-Carthy.
Catharine Hle.
i Ruth tiontleman,
Jesele Hotter.
Margaret Gallagher, So rah "Wood hall.
Margaret Nolan,
Irene Bitter,
Minnie Martison,
Margaret Logan,
Aline lohae,
Agnea Iumu
Margaret Coulton,
Jyouiae ! reeman.
fiertrud" Wilson,
Mary MuUi ath,
Ldic'le Flneh,
Wenderholm. 1
IxHilee Carlisle,
Helene Bits.
Hesa Antony.
Corlnne Saunders,
ajlllan B. Jellnek, .
Rose Dixon,
Jane Shaffer, .
Irene Bnkw. I
Carrie F.dwarda,
H. Mulholland.
France Mulhoiland
Meaar. .
Thoma Hansen,
O. F. Xowntng,
H. A. Hrbbler,
1 J. Byrne,
IVinnls T. Cullon,
Martin ffwiieen.
Jack W, Jackson,
H. V. Bwanson,
W. J. Oomatock,
Orvllle Ward,
rtenrg Kauxman.
.T. E. Perry.
Bert Market.
Arthur Blomberg,
Fred B Butt.
iC. W. Enu'a.
H. B. Ruff ner,
B. I Patton,
J. H. Jake.
M. 3. Iarsoo,
E. V. Kelly,
J. A. Pwanson,
Jack White,
Frank Otencer,
Turner M. Carlisle,
W . C. Melle.
i ert ha Tohlaa,
argaret Ixrdon,
Wilma Melota.
lara Thompson,
Harriett Bali,
Ora Ma.-kland,
Ethel Clark,
tmmi Martison.
f. A. (Hindnnti,
J. A. Mi tlrath.
P. Munroe,
j E. It. Carlaon.
i ie a . 1 ,
Jack Mo"arthy,
F. J. Colllna.
J. t. Martin,
A. C. Fralt.
W. A. ary.
John Hwuuon,
U F. Kgen.
Hugh Uraharn,
Albert Lreon,
VA Poat
A. B. Cavett.
! FranX Wallace."
iJeorge Freeman.
O. K. Kline,
Harry ecker,
F. A. I-irnoa,
O. T. Pilte.
P. Ia Kclley,
A. J. Maher.
A. Volney Base,
O. K. Penaer. '
P. H. MacCrone.
To Honor Bride.
Mlea Ann "Welch entertained at a bridge
party Friday evening for Mlaa Roxena
CuUen, a bride of next week. The guest
John D. Wear.
Raymond Coffey,
Mlase ,
Rose Welch,
Ilene McCaffrey,
Ktna Chaw,
Etta Flatfort.
Kvelyn McCaffrey,
Margaret Cullen,
Grace Langdon,
Unr Wtilrh.
Jack Jamleson,
Thomaa Murphy.
Trene I.angdon,
Marguerlto Mc
Caffrey. Ixmiae Foley,
Katherine Sullivan,
Mayme O'Brien,
Clara McCaffrey,
Mtss Cij-aca Iangdon gave an informal
luncheon at the Loyal hot! Saturday la
honor of MIS Cullen. 1
Mr. and Mr. Dennl Cullen will enter
tain at auprer thl evening tor tha Han- j
ley-Cullen wedding party. A church ra- 1
hearaal will follow the supper. j
Engag-emerit Announced.
Mr. T. P. Flrchard ef Grant' Pae.
Orf ., announce th engagement of til
daughter. Ruth, t Mr. William O. Ktew
art, on ef Mr. and Mr. B. H. Stewart
of Omaha. '
Informal Luncheon.
Mr. W. A. C. Johaaon entertained in
formally at luncheon yesterday afternoon.
A basket of Klllarney rose and lille of
th TftUey waa used aa th table oentgr
fiece and covers were placed (or twelve
Entertain at Sinner.
Mr. and Mr. August Moth Borglum
entertained ait flluuer last evening at
their horns. Covers were placed for:
Mr. and Mra T. M. Orr
Mr. and Mra. Hosle Clarke, of Bt. JLiOUl
Dr. and Mr. O. & Hoffman
Mm. H2la tkiulrea
p Mr. Alfred Derlr.w
Dr. Paul JUidtngton
Birthday Party.
Master Leo Elsaaeer entertained eight
of hi friena Friday afternoon ta honor
of his eighth birthday. Vartou game
ware played during th aftaraaoa.
In and Out of the Bee Eire.
Mra O. D. Tunnlollff ha returned
from Galeaburg. - 111. .
Mr. Fx A. blngar hag returned from a
week visit In Oil case.
Mr. an Kra. X- Wert returned
from arinnaU, la., laat weak.
Mrs. Q. W. Wtckerabaui left Tuesday i
to pnd two weak la fAutiX City.
Mis Margaret Greer Baurn return
Sunday from a two weeks' rtcit In Spring
field. 111.
Mr. Elisabeth Winder, wfce hat been
visiting friend Ut Clarind. I,, hM re
turned home.
Mr. Jerome Mage oanie In from Bal
ing, Monti thl .week end apent few
day la Chicaga.
Mr. Arthur rinto returned Thuraday,
after apeadiug three week la Florence,
Wis.. Milwaukee and Chicago.
Mr. and Mra. H, D. Jseeley, who have
hae ' In Atlantla City and. New Tech
City for several ivvwlu, arrlvti horn
beturdey. ,
, lira. J,' P. Xrd returned Toeaday from
Chtcge. where h haa ben with her
daughter, Mr. Vaughn, alace before
Mr. B. Harris, aarotnoenied br hr
auo. 4werd. wiy leave thl evealng (or
Mother M&ko Thia
Home Made Cough Syrup
Th goed. Under, thoughtful mother cga
make a full pint of the quickest acting,
permanent reauU giving cough ayrup
wtrioh mwi be used by the whole family
for cough end cold, thua preventing
pneumonia, aor throat, diphtheria and
ether fatal maladies. Just obtain coa
osotraud fluid kaewv a Eaaeno Ma-tho-Laene-
14 ea. bottl. and empty U
inte a pUit Jar or bottla- Then take a
pint ef granulated sugar and pour over
It a half pint ef bailing water; aUr, rool
and Ml up tbe bottle with the ayrup. Full
direction for making and using are eon
Ufcued on each package. All good drug
giat sell it. or It ban readily be ebtaiaed
( tbelr wholesaler. Thoueands of faml
llee ax using this because of its cheap
ness and theaughaee-Advrtlsameot
Mr. and Mra. II. Clyde Kdmtinrlao;! have
returned to their home; In Spokane. Mra.
Edmundeon apent two month here wltb
here parents and her aister, Mrs. F. L
Toronto, Ont, Canada, to visit her
daughter, Mra. N. I JS'athanson.
Rubl. Mr. rxlmundson Joined her for
the holiday. - '
Personal Mention.
Mr. John Reed naa returned to Shattuck
tchool at Falrbault, Minn.
Mrs. Jamea K Faxton will return this
week from a fcualneaa trip in the east.
Mr. Will rrentlta left Saturday evening
for Bheridan, Wyt where he will, reside
In the future.
Mlaa tHirothy rlbt of Falracres, aho
I has been vialting In Fef-Rii Fallrt. Minn.,
If expected home the middle of the week.
Mr. and Mra. Mori la !-vy have moved
from the txyal hotel te the Genoa apart
ment, Thirty-eltrhth avenue and Casa
I atreet. (
Miea Katharine Davenport hae returned
t0 gyracuae, N. Y to readme her muai-
CJl, rtud(e Syr(lrtl,c Wvm).
after spending the holiday ,her with
her mother. Mra. F. "V". Clarke.
Mra. Thomas Heyward, accompanied
by her father and mother, Mr. and Mr.
R. B. Busch, left Thuraday for Pitts
burgh. Mr. and Mr. Busch will vlalt her
for a while and then travel in the east
before coming home.
The Rev. F. D. Tyner, for ven rear
paat the rector of ft. Andrew Episcopal
church, ha accepted a call a assistant
rector of ft. Mark' In Minneapolis, and
will leave to take up hi new duties about
th first of February.
Mn. Harold Prltchctt will leave Feb
ruary 1 (or Youngston, O., where he will
be the guest of Mra. Logan. Mrs. Logan
waa formerly Mlas "Margaret Powell of
Bt. Joseph and ha been th gueat of
Mr. Frltchett in Omaha at different
times. .
Mine Mellora Davis and Mia Alto
Jaqulth will leave tue laat of this month
for Ithaca, N. Y.. whore they will be
member of hese parties for the week
of the Cornell Prom, beginning February
2. Mia Davis will , he at tlie Chi Pal
fraternity house and Mia Jaqulth at
the Phi Wlgm Kappa. Both girl will
remain east to -visit, the latter in Boston.
Washington. Cleveland und Indianapolis,
and Ml Davla ia New Haven. ,
Adolph Wolf, 17 rear old, who ad
mitted pleating a horse and selling K Tor
S3, asked Junrenll JuVjge Sear to aend
him to the ICeaniey Induatrial choi Ml
request wu granted.
After Inventory Prices on
Our entire line of world's greatest and the better .
and cheaper grades -will surprise the buyer, who
. pays cash, as well as the buyer who demands terms.
HOSPE yd Many Other Pianos. .
Used Pianos $75 S100. 8125, S150 W Monthly Payments
1 .l.mij.m ' Ufl U -J.I J.K. ,
SEE the way the Woo4a rear
flrlf I iA snan avr4 iMtvrar4 a
v vat TV( paa t-vaAkvvfl tmf-Ji vom
prinjrs don't rest on
I-beam" radius rods a
mj ,.a. '1
leaf full-elliptic springs lak up what's reft o the car rides
with uncc,ualed smooths over any tend.
Tbl feator of spnnr suspension is only on of many vitaily Impor- .
taot details which make the 1V1J Woods electric the mmt comfortable,
economical, enduring car you can buy Call or write for eg la log
which explains tbem all and illustrates tba new bodies. ;
I ' lr68.;0-72 I'anmm St., Omahn.
Seven Messenger
Boys Are Arrested
Seven mescenger boys were arrested at
ll'K Duuilaa .streets on charge of being
suspicious characters when a quantity of
Jewelry waa found in the room whrth
could not he accounted for satisfactorily.
Tho arrested t ere H. Pmlth, Frank
Frand. F.ddio Bnrdlck, Charlea Morley,
Floyd Bolen, Glen Gibson and Glen Sev
erence. Smith, who la 25 yearp old, waa gtren
thirty days Jn Jell and the rest wnere
paroled to their parents.
'Detectives Dunn 'and KenneUy arreaed
the '
n i
The Watch
will make your watch
Every little detail
that will tend toward
making your time
piece more perfect i3
attended to if left at
Combs Shop.
Better serrtc at the
name;1 price) ha been the
rule of this store for ever
28 jreara amd liavs built
up at wonderful watch
repair business.
I laae oula r etaaeiA II
Call 17 far Tawr Kem area Ultai e.
D. Jotg. Room X. Baldridge Bldii
20th and Famam Sta
springs arc mounted an "e
faotn ra f.t Vlafa f TVaVjaw -ai
unwut wa uv s u o km
axle They arc rnoontcd on
forward of the axje.
These radius rods are attached
close to the hubs of the wheels
and thus relieve the axle of
the weight of the car. They ,
also relieve the springs of the
braking und driving strain,
preventing pitching of the car
when starting or stopping
What these radius rods do te fa
crease riding comfort is remark
able. Their leverage reduces road
shocks i0 before the shocks
reach the eirliiK. Then th eieht
Harney 40D.