Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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President Orders
will be aked by the pretldent to fumlih
VarRO be laid on wheat and flour enporta
Paddock Arranges
ranged beta-en American Conaul Gordon
Paddock, who co-operated with th
deputy roremor and the, commander of
the Turkish force. '
All the Russian n Tabrla, Including
the rnnaul, had previously withdrawn
from the city In order to avoid a con
flict. Only ' Turkish soldiers marched Into
the Perslun city, the Kurds, numbering
some J-.onn men, having- been left at some
distance outside.
An official telegram from the Teheran
Information ahoelnf whnt dgre of In
creaiie In exporte of wheat and flor fol
lowed the outbreak of the European war.
Mr. Orea-ory haa promised prompt prose
cution! on any evidence that Illegal com
bination have forced tip the price of
wheat and flour or other food product.
One Investigation now be In conducted
In Oilcairo la twin watched dourly hy
th Department of Juntice.
From various enurr atinrratlons have
been made to the president that an em
government conveying the above Infor
mation waa received In London today.
Thla message adds that Persia was
neither prepared nor willing to oppose
either side In this conflict, but that It
would remain strictly, neutral.
to kep home prlcea normal. Official de
clined today to comment on any of them.
tended an "old time" dance at VyrtJa
hall Friday evening. The proceed will
be used to buy uniform for the base ball
team next summer. Thone In charge hi
the affair have run on car out of the)
Tenth street bam. '
Inquiry Into Rise of
Wheat and Flour
WASmNQTON, Jan. 1.-Preatdent
Wlljon todnv directed Attorney Gtn'rtl
Peaceful Transfer
of Tabriz to Turks
LONDON, Jan. 1S.-A Fetroirad dis
patch to the Havn agency taya that It Is
reported from fc'bnotopol that the Hu.
elan fleet durina- recent day sank eight
Hailing veasela tranaporttnir reinforce
ment to the Turkish army In Anatolia,
Aula Minor.
LONDON. Jan. 1. Tho entrance ot
Turkish troop Into the Persian city of
Tabrli. (.evfral day aeo, waa entirely
unopposed by the Persian and took place
In accordnce with plan previously ar
ladtsreattoaf Can't Eaf f Appetite
Dr. King's New Life nil tlr tip your
liver, aid digestion, you feel fine the next
day. Only Sc. All druggist. Advertise,
Cre-orr to Inveatljrate whether there, had-!
been any violation of liw In the rtee of
prteca cf wheat and flour.
The. Drpartmrnt of Comtmrrt probably
i -
A large number of member and friend
of the street car men' organisation at
f i iiwi iii.i,, ,,A i, , ,, liiiiiwiniD.nmn i ,ii i, ii ...i ,..,.
Unusudly Attractive Are These '
White Goods Specials
Our "White Goods Department in most complete every new
weave and fabric being represented, in both Imported and Domestic
materials. All new, fresh, crisp White Goods for Blouses, DresM.ts,
Gowns, Undermuslins, etc. Make early "election, while the stocks
are all complete. Note these special offerings for Monday: '
Our January Sale Includes Many Specials in
Slips, Sheetings,Muslins
f 1
! !
Imported Embroid
ered . Organdy,
Telle, EponRT( Rat.
Iste Also other
new weaves, for
blouses and grad
uation dresses, 45
inches wide. Beau
tiful selection to
choose from, worth
$1.60 yd.
Special. ..
t7-Ineh Tfhlte Embroidered
Mercerised Walls Worth 69c
yard. Special,
Lace Check Telle For soft
lingerie blouses. 38 inches
wide. Special ' if
Monday, yard OJC
8A-Ineh White Tolls Made
from good yara. Does aot
stretch.' Worth 19c 1
yard, Monday, at... X4l"J
45-1 tu White Cord
ed Tolle Fine
qunllty, in checks
end stripes. Worth
75c ysrd. fZln
Sale price.. Jei
White Sharkskin
Specially manu
factured for ladies'
suits and separate
skirts. 32 Inches
wide. Mon- 0ti
day, yard.. OaJf,
"' ........... - .... . - .. ..t fl7rTrrrF
Attractive Monday S fecials in January Sale of
Velvets and Dress Goods
Special table of material, for the new style dresses. , 40-Ineh Printed Pussy Willow Taffeta, Tn Jar
including French Serges, - Gabardines, Poplins, dlniere and floral effects: also rameo and n.
iiih,to, na w ti.w nra, oj- IIU a metrical des ana. Worth ti Kn
day at
40-Ineh Reantlful Crepe
de Chine In Belgian
yard, Monday at
Monday Specials in Wash Goods
SS-Ineh Seel Telle and Lace K.velty I nne White Silk trip
For dresses and blouses. Ca inches wide, full bolts.
f, at...USw Worth 85c yard, at
Worth 25c yard. Monday,
White Oiford Medium
light weight, soft finish;
mads specially for nur
ses' uniforms. Snow
wbite and will not turn
yellow In washing. 34
Inches wide. Worth 25c
yard. Monday...
Tolle 28
Fine QiaUtr White Pin
Dot Swiss 40 Inches
wide. Worth 4
25C yard, at IVJt
86-1 n. White Irish Linen
Medium heavy, snow
white. Worth t-a
33c yard, at 3Jl
Imperial Emrltsh Kala
sook 12-yard bolts, at
$1.10 and .1.43
"Pointer Brand"
Imperial Lonfcloth
For soft lingerie under
mimllns. Mede fcm best
selected cotton. Contains
no filling. Hnow-whlte,
and will not turn yellow
In washing.
12-Yard Bolts. 36 inches
wide, according to qual
ity, at Mr, $1.1 r CC
$L4o and el.ud
blue, navy blue, Rus
sian green, sand and
putty, tan, brown, black
and new evening tints.
Worth $1.50 yard
M totO-Inrh Serfres, Whipcords, Novelty
Plaids, Checks Also many other weaves.
Specially priced, in basement at, yard.
40-Inrh Poplin, Satin ; Black Brocade Telvets
I narmenae. Kane
j ' Faille, 86-Iaeh ( hiffoa
raiiie, .tu-inrn mnted
Itadlam and 36-Inch
Salting Worth to $1.25
ard. Mon- fi
day at GUC
15 pieces, fine qual
ity velvets. Beautiful
patterns for coata and
suits. Worth to $2.60
yard. Special Q(A
Monday at... 07l
39c I
40-Inch High Grade
Crepe Meteor Splendid
range of street color
ings, including light
tints, white, cream,
Ivory; also black.
Worth $1.95 yard.
C5.00 to .., 42-Isch HiKh-CIass Chiffon Telvets
ana Aoveiiy velvets la black and
colors. Monday, in basement at, yard
Oneida" Bleached , Sheets
from genuine Utlca sheeting. Full
weight, count and finish. Siie 81x
00 Inches. Torn and Ironed, 3-lnch
bems. Actual 95c values.' Special
Monday; to close out
quickly, each
84-1 neb E a t r a
Welirht Unbleached
Mnslln Heavy,
round thread qual
ity: Worth 7c yard.
Special Q I -
Monday. ...Ojlw
84-Inch Bleached
Mnslln, Longcloth
and Ctmbrl c
Lenglhs up to 15
yards. Worth to
10c yard. Special
df: 5c
27-Inch Shaker and Do met Flannel
For infants' and children's wear.
as well as adults' sleeping garments.
Genalne Lonsdale and "nope"
Bleached Mnslln 36 inches
wide, with the original label.
Regular 10c value, 10 yards
to each customer. ' Special
86-Inch Genuine Lonsdale
Fine Cambric; Beautiful un
derwear fabric off the bolt
Worth 12Hc yard. Di
Monday, at OjL
Worth 10c yard.
Monday. . . a.
12-Yard Bolts,
42 inches wide.
12-YaVd Bolts,
45 inches wide. ,
Kalnsook 36
inches wide, 12- 1 9()
bolts, at... ($10J
January Sale of
Fancy Linens
f. ace Trimmed and
Crochet Effect Center
Pieces and Doilies 29c'
values, f hclce -f tZg
Monday ,. JLJV
Bcantlfol Lace Trimmed
Bnfiet er Dresser Scarfs
inserted lace medal
lions; 75c value, fM
Monday, at 'iilC
Benalstaace Tea Cloths
With pretty drawn
work centers. $1.50
S9e Spastali Le Boille
Very neat And pretty
patterns. Sne- AA
ciaL each aasJC
Beaatlfnt Japanese Drawa-werk and Kmbrold
erf d effecti slue Renaissance Laach 4 loth s.
t inny Lace Effect Scarfs and Center Pieces
up to $2.75 values, 1?'i HK.
Monday OXe i
Dresner or Baffet Scarfs aai Table Center
Pieces Fancy lace trimmed; also three-plec.
Renaissance with pretty drawn-work s n
centers. $1.25 values. Monday, at
Iinffrt or Dresser Scarfs Basnl and 8qnare Table
Centers Renaissance or lace trimmed, with eyelet
errect. &9c value; choice
Bleached Turkish
Wash Cloths, plain
and fancy, each
7 He Bleached Rarnslej
Crsbh, soft and absor
bent, with fancy fc I
borders, yd jt'j"
25c all linen Huek
Towels, guest size, hem
stitched ends,
each. . ........
13.75 extra qnallty double
satin damask Dinner
Napkins, large size, spe
cial, - f
tor... tJl.aSui
$4.50 SaMn finished Mar
seilles Bcdepreads, scal
loped ends, cut corners,
extra large atze. for one
day only, Q ;
each OeJ.aatJ
Sale Specials for Monday in .
Art Needlework
Coronadoa Cord White
and colors. 6-vard
piects. worth
15c, at
Merccrired Crochet Cet-
toa White and ecru.
Worth 15c spool,
U-el Crochet Hooks with
Protector Worth 6e
each. Special . f A t
Monday :M
Crystal Rop Embroidery
Mlk Good assortment,
worth 6c skein. Special
aM,??d.rr:...3for 5c
Children's S t a s p e d
Dresses White, tan. blue
end rose colors. Worth
StAmpeJ aad Tinted Sofa
rtUow Tops With back.
Worth 85c. Spe-
clal each IOC
" V - - .
iitet IiipiDrtaM Moise Sale of, Ihe: Season
Blonses, f ''3SASif t rT feCT3b WIH
11 II f . IS
- - - - H
The Genuine Pepperell Sheeting
Hslf bleached. Full -4
width. Worth lie yard. I H f"
Monday, at
Fell Standard "Brown" Sheetina-s
Excellent weight and finish, free
from dressing. Full SI P"
inches wide. Vforth 18o I C
yard. Monday, at "
Genuine American
and 8 1 m p s e n's
Dress rrints In
digo, Calcutta,
Blue, Gray, Black
and White and
shirting styles.
Worth 6c yard.
Finest Qnallty
Apron Gingham
Pure indigo dye.
Worth 7c yard.
price. ..5c
4SxS6-Inca Bleached Pillow Cases
Extra fine, made from good quality
bleached muslin. Worth
10c each. Special Monday.
Genuine Wamsutta and
"Dwight" Anchor Sheetings
Another shipment of these genuine and well known
brands of sheetings for our January White Sale go
on sal. Mondays These sheetings are perfect in
weave, excellent In weight and wearing qualities. All
widths, not stamped with the original label, but Per
fect and otherwise Genuine.
42 Inches wide, worth le yard, at ..HKq Tard
45 Inches wide, worth 17c yard, at .... 18 H c Tard
jLiBTn.flJj.d worth SOc yard, at ,14c Tard
6-4 Width, worth g3c ysrd, at 16e Tard
TjiJVidtb, wortj
S-4 Wldthworth 80oyard.jst
9-4 Width, worth 82c yard, at. .,
.19c Yard
. .24c Tard
10-4 Width, worth 84c yard, at gjc Tard
Orepe de Chine, 1
Dslnt y Organdie,
Voile, Oriental and
Shadow Laoa Blonsss
SUk Shadow an'i
Filet Lace, Crepe de
Chine, Chiffon,
.Lingerie Blouses
Georgette Crepe1,
Urepe de Chine, Silk
Shadow Lace, Gren
adine Blouses
Talnes, at
Handsome Dress
Blouses in New Sand
Col'rd Chiffons, Silk
Shad 'w. Ijace BlouaW
. $is.7i
Six ETttraordinary Oiferinqs fn Muslin Wear-4londay
Special No. 1
One lot ot undergar
ments, slightly mussed
and soiled, will be
closed out Monday' re
gardless of . original
cost Some
worth to $l.o0..X all
Special No. 2 : V
"Ma reel la" drawers,
lace and embroidery
trimmed, made of fine
quality- nainsook and
long cloth, worth up to
" Special No. 3
Another lot of draw
ers, made of good cam
bric and long cloth
straight and circular
cut, trimmed with lace.
Worth up to 4 13
60c, Monday.... J.OC
Special No. 4
A good lot of corset
covers trimmed with
dainty patterns of lace
and e m b r o 1 dery all
new designs. Worth
up to 75c, Q7aT
choice O f
Special No. 8
Another lot of under
garments,' Including
nicely trimmed gowns,
princess slips and
skirts. Garments worth
trp to $2.00.
Monday at.
Special No. 6
A lot of .dainty gowns,
slips and combination
suits, beautifully trim
med with lace and em
broidery. Worth up to
EgaiMSiafowMs aid Merioi iresste
Made to Sell as Etch a $75.00.
Will t e Placed (fn Sale Monday at
., Here, indeed, is one of the most unusual offerines
made by this tore. It represents the entire line of samolea
of an exclusive New York eosturner, purchased by our Neve
York representative, and includes fascinating gowns for
Receptions, Theiters,- Dancin; or Af crnoon Affairs.
'. Exquisite and costly materials" and laeea are used nnimar.
ingly in their construction, and every color is included. Actual
values up to $75.00. Your choice Monday at .
-January Sale of Draperies and
Lace Curtains
We are making a clean sweep" of all hc
small lots of curtains and curtain materials.
Tomorrow thecals -Starts.- You have choice- oJ
any one or two-pair lot of Lace Curtains in out
entire stock at Half Price. Here are a few
of the bargains: .
15.98 Pnchesg Cartalns I VIM lrrt Arab Cur-
Srraf:,..S2.99 ! T:..SJ5
1,000 Sample Cnrtalaa 1 and 14 4 fn
yards long.. Special Monday, each... JLUL
All Onr 40c and SOc Cretoane-Mon-day,
yard '
SO Pieces 45 and 48-Iaeh Imported
Scotch Madras Monday, yard
$U0 ' Dachess Cartalns
Monday. . .., 44 O f ii'
pair ptU
$4-88 Clany
pair v.
$&50 Qoaker Curtalas
IBM C a r t a I a
Monday, 45 -f Aft
patr ,3 JLeVll
Bmngalow and
SO Pieces
Hovelty Ifets
Over 800 Fin. Lace Car
talns Many patterns.
12:...: 98c
Also Many Other Bargains in Portieres,
Couch Covers and Win iow Shades.
Monday Specials m the
Rug .Department
Axmlnster Bags 9x13
feet, seamless. Copies of
genuine orientals, worth
Beautiful Seamless WU
toa fiogs New pattern
and colorlnga. Worth
$50.00. On sal. .9,1
Monday, at CeWeiH)
Genaiae Wiltoi
Some seamless.
to $37.60.
Monday, at. . .
Axmiaster Kogs 9x1 ft
Good line of patterns.
Splendid wear- :6 7P
Ing, Monday. at.Olo.d
Printed Llnoleam 6 ft.
wide. Blue and white
tiles; inlaid and wood
patterns. Monday j
square yard VtJfw
Coca Door Mats 81s. IS
xS4 Inches. Best'quality,
Worth $2. 4 M
Monday, at-
Make Up Your Monday Buying List from This
January Notion Sale
Prices Reduced on
Vmli irnrr v
err 4 L .r rrms
Adlult.l to
any hsiktit fit
viuea ..
,)mmtmMm B)aa
ru Can t
duDta at neck
l.ul. walrt ene
hlu. tl Vt "JK
.e Vear-See-
i U r a
(. to any eir
Ik o. a
111 a I
at .....
Ii 00
rfu Mmkk'a
(int big
lot for Monday1
vale. Na phon or
matt ordara tilled)
Ppoolal. tg
IV-Vara I a
ia. C
1aaa4 atc
luk ...
a a t-i
f AaaUty
M 1 a a . 4
. UaalKr Baa
Hair l-laa rn
Uvtcn v.
aar IVw
Witt Wlra Tallar
Star Hlack or
white, atlk oov
arrd: all rut
oroof. 16a 4 p
valuea, ea. . . .
n a a 4 Dnwlx
Plaa Mon- f
daj, papar ... -
faat-Praaf Dreaa
t laaaa All
4-Var Balta Gaaa
rearl -
luun ,a v.
Iiraa Staa Kalian
! Hvrth
eaeh AUt
ft f alar Wuk
Kaalaa Worth to
It lc
rtol Mon
day. amcl
One Dta
rr.-aalaa 1'
Viorlh to
6c. at ....
lOavr aeeel Sklr
Marktra Worth
itc- 10c
Ollra rraatr Maa.
Mon- flit
day 4afC
Iaa44a Skirt ISeft
t With ar
without r
bonee, yd.
H r a a
Worth .
11.60. at ...'
Heavy aa I area
A 1 lanuiha.
en V
I arae Slaral II air
4oaca ...... avW
" alt I Tory Tra-
art bail Hold.
A Dig Monday Sale of
and Embroideries
F reach and German Tal Laces, Insertions
and Beadings-Matched seta. (.)
Worth 10c yard, at , JC
Irish Lace and Insertion Hand-made. 1 to
t inches wide. Worth 69c
yard, at e5i!C
All Silk Shadow Allover
laees UlacX. whit, and
- cream 40 Inchea wide..
Caanttlly Lae. ri.saeiac
All silk. Good styles,
1$ to 14 Iftehes wide...
Oriental lloaaclnga
White and cream, 1$ to
24 Inches wide
Platte Tal Edges and la. ,
wruvu many maicoea
aeta. S to S inchea wide.
Suitable for underwear.
Shadow Lace Edges Very
attractive, t to t Inchea
5et Top Edges For col
lars, 2 to S Inches wide.
For the Popular Military Fashions we Show a
New Style Nemo Corset
THIS new model U without doubt th. most ingenious corset
that has ever been created, giving wonderful support to
th. abdomen, although th. reducing straps ar. invisible
,and th. skirt of th. corset Is perfectly flat. Th. wearer la bene,
fitted by th. adjustable strap.
atatUaa and th.
This la th. all-Important aot.
EuibrulJery Edgrt, laser,
tkias Beadiags aad Gal
loon I In Swlaa and naln-
aoox. wortnto 7 ,0 yard. Mon- Ctn
16 yard, at ijCid.r, at.... OiC
7-Ia. Embroidered Flouac
Ings In fiwlas. Cambric
and Nainsook. Dainty pat
terns. Worth to $1.25
lS-Inca Saks Embroidered
IlatisUs Cambric aad Long
cloth I'luaaclng. and Corset
Over Embroideries Worth
to 69c yard. Clla
Monday, at ....dUC
TbJe new model is a trifle higher above
natural waiat 11a. W In tridaaaa.
tor Spring. . .
A corsetiere, who hat made a thorough
tudy of corsets and hygf.ene and who
is a graduate of the Nemo Hygienic In -.
atituce. will flaJly fit you and explain
the merits of the new models.
Another Nemo corset for slender figures and the Athletic girl.
Thla modal i pliably boned so there la no restriction, but molds
the figure and li wonderfully easy to f rf g
wear. Prtoa U J VP
i 3
dm afc