TJJK HKK: OMAHA, SATl KDAV, .IAM AUV !(!, If OWH INSURANCE COHPAHY SUCCESS Nebraska Lumbermen Find Mutual Fire Protective Organization it Run Economically. BATES SIXTY FEE CENT LOWER ' 11.30 IT. 10 i With over SI. 250.000 or business on the ooks, the Nebraska Liimbfrmnn' Mti ,tual Insurance aeaocrallon was during the list called. 41P011 .to. pay fire, leasts amounting to ft totW rf but il.r,l.t3. This Vainea, out. thin jnorrilngjn the report of Sertiry K, K. HMl iOf tt ,Vla'tlon' when the Insurance association, which In an auxiliary organisation' oMhe Nebraska 'Lumber Pcaler association, '-held It .'easloii, f Thla mutual organisation hat been do In a; an Insurance business but nine year, and la constantly increasing Ita business. Also during thla time It haa succeeded In bringing down Insurance rates from , practically 1 a hundred to 40 rents. The work of the mutual company, haa forced the ratea of the eld line, companies to .'meet their level. ' Wa Rerelted Money. The total loiaea pan during Ute year .were for fires sustained ,by bt seven . companies and varied In amounts from to i.iKW. The leases were paid to the following lumber yards: F. f. Krotter Co.. Nlriilim I l ll . Keystone Lumber cn., Kn kiille.. M.'0 H. Clarke Co.. York Young tr Hilton. Hebron A. K. Ummi-n, Ilartlnictoii , P. H. Ollcrest Lumber Co., Oconto Utah Lumber Co., rtalt Lake t'lty :.. M.nn.m During the last year tha ratea have i been reduced Irom 41 per cent of tha ' depoait premium to W per rctit, and the maximum policy , has been raised frpm $3,000 to to.OCO. The surplus reserve fund haa Increased nearly i-I.OMO. Loaaea na4 sr.sprnera ,Kht. The. loatea and, expenses during ' tho rear amounted to only 29 per oent of thi ' depoait pr mlunu , The tolal roelute dur ing the year were I10.4M.OJ. and tha dis bursements were $7,043. 97. The totnl as eels are $;4.17.. and the amount due policyholders ,la $13. 4.', J. (A Thla. leaves a , balanee aurplua and reserve of $ll,7.06. t A committee of three 0 .W. Lighter of 'St. Kdward, F. A. Good of Cowlea and J. H. JUVlvllle of Sterling was appointed to bring In a report at tho next meeting with regard to the addition of tornado irv surance to the functions of tha ssHorla llon. and also with regard ' to the ad visability of adding an employers' In demnity department to the Insurance as sociation In order to take care o' casual t'es undtr the new workmen' compensa tion and employers" liability law of the , state. , i Tha directors of the lumbermen's asso ciation were the guests -of the Northwest ern Lumber company of Mrlllngham. ' 'Wash., at noon at the Hotel Roma for a ' fish banauet. A fourUien-nmind steel. head salmon-trout had been on exhibition ! In , the, lobby since the opening of th . convention, it had been froxeti In a rake .of lea. Jt waa this splendid specimen that ( tha Northwestern Lumber company i served to tha directors. '... in rich runs, nams MINIMUM WAOE-Mrs. Flowerton before the New York state factory in vestigation commission as a witness against the pro posed minimum wage. She hat been a saleswoman for twenty years and can make a salary of $25 per week. Cut Flower Specials 5.009 Carnations rtegalar KV sloven M. oa aala Sat ureter at- 2c Each Fresh Violets Fragrant 'Vallfor nlaa," s la each bouquet, Saturday, 19c Danch Mala Fleerwew Beadle. liiiiiilSfeiril lfili llW.iasMifcf,.a1.stfas iaaia sr. . it si .. ,m tti sea i .M tea , k ,-,..1ts.. . . ir . . f. ...r,.J .... . . , Saturday Candy Spcc'ls Hack nalsst leffr M Ia3t Hrtttlea Pecan, almond, Rrar.ll. wainut and (" shew nut brittle, lb. Freak A Mnrtnl 'eaat 4 reasna Rolled In rerun nut meats, mnma. ana chocolate. hpelal pound . 29c 25c perla! V r e a fa I'ranat aqmre Vantlla, straw berry, chocolate. T:.... f Oc wlaa yle Milk rhwlae a a (I Pnns-lai riiaea late Bttter Sweela Nut and fruit centers. 8 a t ti r- day pound . 29c t'.-i t ,250 Women's and fees' Coats at Less Than Half-Saturday Coat Manufacturers in the East Have Suffered from UnfavorableWeathet Conditions the Last Two Months. Many Had to Convert Their Stock Into Cash Quickly. WE SECURED A HUGE QUANTITY OP COATS FROM SOME OP THE COUNTRY'S MOST FAMOUS MAKERS, AT TREMENDOUS SACRIFICES In addition, we have marked our own stock of High-Grade Coat at prices to correspond with our purchaaee which meant that we are g-oinir to offer ay t" 1250 COATS in every new style, in PLUSHES, VELOURS, CHINCHILLAS, HINDU LYNX, ZIBELINES, BROADCLOTHS and other favored materials, at One-Third to One-Half of their This store it noted for wonderful sales, but never in our history have we sold such fine garment at such low prices. Come early Saturday, and choose from these three irrouDs: '1 U 1225 VS. v M 1 ITT. BBBW ,1, . m 1 $xm m 1 ; Furnace Men Are ' !: Givpn Fine Banquet I The Standard F'lrnara Hupp'y Co. of Omaha entertained Ita local customers at a banquet 'Tur day evnlug a,t- tlin Fatton hotel. Fifty retail Curnac deal, or of Omaha and aeveral Tram to;na In Iowa and Nebraska were present at the banquet. Fred L. Kesblt, president, acted as toast master. Thla waa the aecond annual meeting of this Character held by tha company, the purpose of the meet ings being to assemble all tha warm air furnace dealers ot Omaha and suburbs, enjoy a good fellowship dinner, and, on tha part of tha Standard Furnace Supply Qo. to, show their appreciation of their dealers' trade during tha laat year. Kvaryone at the dinner expreaaed the belkf that the prospect for future, business In the furnace trade la excel lent and preparations are accordingly be ing mad for a larger trado than was had laat year. , M'DONALD (CiD O'CONNER AGAINST'TARDY" MINUTES ! County Commissioners Henry McPonald and Thomas O'Connor will make a flfc-ht at the next meeting of the county board to prevent approval of" minutes shewing them to have been "tardy." , . ,. "Those minutes will not be approved If 1 1 ceo get votes enougli In this board te ipreveat it," declared Mr., McDonald, rigorously, I arrived In the court house before the tiro of the vacating and waa ready to begin the meeting on time. I did not Jcnow the precise Jnatant when It would be called, but I was present and voted oa every proposition that came -p." ' , ... .. TWO OUT-OF-TOWN COUPLES j , MARRIED BYREV. DAWSON The marriage of Mr. Itdaard. Davla of . Hirldgeport la., and Mlse Kthal Taylor of Walnut. la., aas celebrated Thursday I afternoon at ; o'clock at Methodist headquartera. Rev. C. N. Pawson offl- latltig. Rev. Arthur Atack of lienaon and Rev. H. D. Hess of the Hirst Me- moriaj church were tho witnesses Ur. Daniel A. Xlppell of Nehgh, Neb., i and Mlas Attle Carney of 8enera. Neb., I were married Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mia. W. W. Dawson in Koutn Oiuaha by Iv. C ,N. Dawson. Mrs. Dawson Is tha brtdt's elalvr. The young people will be at home In Nellgh. I JUDGE BRITT RESPONDENT ' j IN A MANDAMUS SUIT I W. O. AWers. against whom a Judgment I of tM was rn Irred in Juatlre Brltt s I -ourt laat Novemler, hus started a man. dumus ault against Justice Vtmt, in which he allt-s-a that the iudgmrnt was not 'signed and entered until January It. aiid f asKa that his docket vhlch, he asserts, shoals Hie ludgmenl to be of the oate of J Novmber W, to be rorrccted. If thla re stueat la granted, the Judgment will be 1lefea.tea by expiration of the statutory time allowed for Its ante ring Thla la a U4 Meats). The indoor life of winter, with uk of outdoor exercise. puU a heavy load on the kidney a - Nearly everybody suffrrs Irom rbeumatism, backache, palo In aides and back, kidney and bladder ailiiwals. A backache may not mean anything ecrl- 0 is, but it certainly does not mean aay n.iug good. Jt s btittfr to be on the safe s Ua and take Foley Kidney Fills te 'I' and Invigorate the kidneys and hlp them do their work. They help 1 a the blood of acids and polaona. told aU Advertisement WHEAT HITS THE HIGH MARK Hifche.t Price Ever Pid for No.' 2 ward u Given on the .Omaha Grain Exchange Floor. : Corn and oats advance, too The Advance In wheat prices did not stop when the new high record ot tl.M per bushel waa reached Thursday, The upward climb continued Friday and at the close of the trading session of tho Omaha Oraln exchange the high price of the day "J HI maintained. With but thirty cara il wheat In sight w hen the seaalon of the exchange, opened, bidding atartril at around It M fn w itaid and Inaide of an hour the price had gone to I1.3S. this being; the top; at erhloh this grailn of grain was' ever sold.' Nu merous dealers yeaterday predicted $1.60 wheat before the. end of the month. Durum kept on with Ita advanoe, the price being It. 60 per bushel for No. 8, as agninat ll.ig for the sanio grade Thurs day. . i Corn mode good advances, but not so great 'as wheat, alales were from M to cents, these prices being to l cents above those of Thursday, which, up to that time were the highest paid on the floor ot the Omaha exchange since 1!K. Oats made a gain of from H to of a cent, selling at U) to IIH rente, while rye sold at from $!. to U.ll per bushel. The Omaha receipts were: Wheat, i; corn, 3 and oats. IT cars. -. . t ' A good dear of the' com la coming from territory that heretofore haa been as a closed book to the Omaha market, it having gone to Chicago. Heavy shipment are coming from' South Dakota and from aa far away as Soot land. Mitchell ana Colton, thirty miles north of Sioux Falls. Then, too, Omaha is getting practically all the South Dakota corn raise along the Sioux . river valley between gaoux City and Dell Rapids, the. last place being about ilO miles away. Market at ( klrsts. ' CHICAOO. Jan. 11 Immense export business caused a fresa upheaval today la the price of wheat and flour, and even more ao In 'rye and corn. The foreign buying of wheat and corn was counted In millions of bushels. Wheal vaulted to tl.Cfi for May de livery. agaliiat 1., at the highest yesterday or any time before since the war began. Flour Jumped ,!0 rente a barrel and coru and rye. reflectively. H and t cents a bushel. Liverpool quotations up S to S rents had much to do with the fresh upturn here. Before the market was an hour old. May wheat, selling at tl.ttCjl.e4H. had gained more than iv a bushel In value, aa compared wth what' wag received with astonishment the day before. Advices from rural centeia, notably In Kansas and Nebraaka, Indicated that farmers wore selling little. On the other haud. the-e seemed to be no limit to demand for eoean shipments, regardless ot up poeod acarclty of vessels. Assertions that al the wheat afloat at Buffalo had been withdrawn from sale waa regards! as eapeclally significant. Ordinarily such a condition would not be brought about uuUl far Into the spring. ROWLEY BOUND OVER ON WHITESLAVE CHARGE Herbert Rowley was bound over te the federal grand Jury under tl.tx bonds by United Htaiee Comm Iscionsr Daniel, after a bearing, on a charge oi violation of the Mann white atave act. Evidence was presented tending to khuw that thla was a genuine case, n,cti a the Mann act waa Intel led to cover. W it. peases declared, that Rowley brought the girl, Marie Parse us Juhasou, from Sioux City to Omaha oa January -2. rvl kept here against her 'will at the Vtrtorta hotel, fat .two weeks. Hsllrf frMM Aeaie Hbeawiatlsea. John II. , Gronx. Winchester. N. II., writes: "I eujfer frora acute rheumatism and Kloan'a' LJnlment always belps quickly." fee All druggists. Aorerttae-aent 675 Women's & ji n a ZPT" Worth Up to $19.00 On Sale Saturday at No Woman Can Af ford to M i5 This Sale, The Greatest We Have Held m Many Months. 350 Women's & Misses' Coats, Worth Up to $29.00 On Sale Saturday at 225 Women's & Misses' Coats, Worth Up to $39.00 On Sale Saturday at Coats in All Sizes and Styles For Women and Misses. Six Attractive Offerings In Our White Soles Saturday rTomrn'g Irrawers. made of I Fine I'ndermoailn Sllniver JPrlnoaa SHns mt errtra. full I Varoeii. ri.i..i- o.u. m - . , r . . TTomea'a Irrawers, made of fin nalnaook, trimmed with lace, embroidery and fine tncki, sereral etjrlea to aetrtct from, worth QQn tOo, Saturday, at ... O O K Fin I'ndermoailn SHp-orrr and Upa Front Mwn, prinresg glipa, combination rheralne and petticoat" daintily trimmed with laces, etc. Worth to 1.25, Saturday. at..UJU Prince a Slip, cot extra full and beautifully trimmed with dainty laces, embroid ery, etc, wide .variety to g lect from. In all sizes. Worth up to 5, Satur- DQ day special, at. 9J.eO7 Varrella Combination Snita, trimmed with dainty lace and embroidery; cut extra full, worth up to $2.98. A very special of- -f Qn feting Saturday. tDJLeO tf Nm Waists in This January Sale SSaManasiMH. mmmmmmmmm ansa ainMaHa waa mmmhmmmmb ' sMaHiw GCOXD rtMon. To gite added strength, to our January Clearing Sale we offer for Saturday many exceptional value in the newest of Blouses, but make special mention of the two groups below that we feature at exceptionally low price r . Dressy Filet Shadow ' and Tub Silk Blouses This charming lot of new Spring Blouses' arrived just a few dayi ago, and includes, about tea brand new styles. Just' aj limited 'quantity -so come early, as blouses of this type won't last long. Specially priced Saturday at Crepe- dc Chine Blouses at $1.98 Some of thla lot are Hand Embroidered, others trimmed with Venetian lace. In white, flesh and maize, with a doien styles to choose from all new tj-f ftij models. Specially priced for Saturday. aU..t)XIO One Lot of Fine Petticoats. beautifully trimmed with dainty laces, embroidery, tucks and ribbon In a wide variety of styles, wort up to $2.50. Satur- C Q day special OJLeOar Women's Fine Crepo de Chine uowds Trimmed with beautiful laces, In pink or white, several styles to se lect from, worth up to $5.98. special gQ ( Saturday, at 3 1) II a Dress and Toilet Goods Reduced. fcr Saturday gasskfssjsgfS)xggggaajBMs ' IsbbbbWssW tMsBBBBBsBBaWSBVBBsaVsBBBBMsaaBa rinto Water Zte alia 2C Staarfs DyaaonaU Tablets- QQa SOe sis "I IstvaxU IntlnepUe $5c , 1 C.n aise. bottle awv SevMaV Taleim Powder ' Oa Rstsrds V JaveaOa Saaf Special, cake. 6c BmUi Ceoaaat 00 Soap on Saturday. cakes for.....tvV Caaahy'a C?U Toilet Soap rfi Special. S cakee for V Cravet' Tooth Powder DOc Hayi Hair Health $1.00 stM bottle for.......r.....V rels Kfaatka Soas Spe- QC' elal. 10 bare for tlCC Grahaviu's Mtlkwed Creasa ofw 6c Jar for fciJC Freacli Plate Kboay Mirrors 77 Worth $1.60. Special, at... I IX Wnilams' Shaving SUck ;5o nlze for , Par Cantlle Saalb. Ur for Peroxl4e ef Ilyro(rei Pound bottle for Special Sale of Maaicnr 'Article, staffer. Files, Scissors, Etc. 16c 11c, 16c W5 Hosiery Sale W4IN KI.OOH. ITemeB's All Pore Thread Silk Ue la !ack, white and colors. All full fashioned, with wide garter tops; high spliced heels and toes, double soles. f4ksa Worth It and $1.25 pair. Uc7C wessea'a Fiber 811k Hose Full seamless, carter tops; double hetila. toes aud soles. 'Vre Kefular SSc value auOl Wetaea's Silk 1JI llese Ilecular reaje, atlrt antleat bvrla ana umni and double sulva. Wonli rau. Mx-ilnl Katurcay, X)'w New Veils Special showing of the new Cape Veils In black, white and all the new shades, with satin and vel vet ribbon boarded and fancy lace edges. A select variety of fig ured, dotted and plain meshes, a. regular $1 value offered C(ln as a apeclal Saturday, at. ej V New Hats-Smart and Seasonable assssssssssssssVsBBBBBBMBBBBSssai ""asaaSassJsJsBBsBBBBBsaBBBBBBBassssssssa Unique in design, with that rare qualifica t'on which makes them becoming to almost every woman whatever the type. "Demi-SaisoiT Hats Here they are! In a variety of smart styles, Tur bans and Small Sailors, made in combinations of satin and silk faille and some with straw. Trim med with wreaths, flowers, ribbons and fancies (like illustration), also a number with veils, speeial Saturday, at $5.QO Un I rim tried Hat Special - Just 250 Smart Tipperary Turbans, Duff Gordon Sailors, made ot silk poplin, in the new colors. Sand, Army Blue, American Beauty, Navy and Tete de Negre, af 4 OA (as Illustrated), on sale Saturday, at VXeOal l 1881 Roflers Silverware al About Hall Price Ifs our Annual January Sale of this reliable make of Silverware, and offers an unusual .opportunity to buy the finest grade Silver Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Knives, Forks, Fancy Pieces, etc, at a price ao low that comment on the remarkable savings to be had would be superfluous. Note these exceptional prices: Itsl Rogers Teeapooaa. regular Mo I .-...49c sat ot sale price Hit Roarers Coffee 8aene, regular Sic sot of , sale AQn price .v. 3U 1St Rornrs OrsAry' Ladle, vearnlar ll.iO eaofc. eale , COl urlod. each . . . . ' 99W lilt Rocera . Berry Spooei. reanilar fl.00 each, aale - . OQa price, each w3W ISM Rogers Cold Meat Fork, ree-u-lar 75a each, sale' ,. OQa vrleo, eaeq ............. , 9U Rogera Hal ad $1.75 art, aal price, set . . ...... . liil RoRers - Raby Spoons. Zia each, sale , .. , price, each Sets, regular ;....89c reeralar 19c On.t lot of Odd Teaspoons. 3u Shells, Butter Knives, etc worth to To cadi, at fc' 1841 Rogers Buttr Knife and Pi'gar SheU Ket. regular 11.00.. COn aale price ' 99 W STERLING SILTEB Tableware, Hampden , rattern, made by R. Wallace aV Sona. a very heavy M'elirht sterling, on sale at eia,clly )lAi.r.riut-K. ... One lot odd spoons, forks,' Butter knives,, etc. n sale at. each.... .... r V, 10c CHKSTS OF SII.VKK. Chest of 2 pieces as follows: knives, e forks, teaspoons. ( des sert tpoons, l butter Knife end 1 sugar shell, ia solid oak gj C fl Q chest, reg $9. value, on aale vOiSO S6-plece Aieat. aa above. In Sher wood pattern, regular C M n Q $8 00 value, oa r.aje at... 4s?0 17-plece Rogers Oliver. In ,olld oak chests. 117. SO 9 I ft nn value, cn sale at 9 I Ui30 SO plecee Roaers Silverware. Sher wood pattern. Including 1 dolra knives. 1 doxnn frras, dosen table spoons, V, dos, desaert spoons, 1 dos. teaspoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar ahell, regular IIS.OO n Q(l set, on sale at 09i9U Roarera Kalvee and Fork, Grape. Orevlock and Hherwood patterna, regular II. I) per dosen. aale price... $2.49 One lot odd tableapoor larger pleoes, special at ' and I5c Astonishing Values in Corsets t( OSD rLO.OH For Saturday we offer broken lines of sites in such well known mod els as Lyra. LaVWa and Nemo Corsets, none worth less than $5, on sale at Welt made Corsets in batiste, medium and with lace and ribbon long hip, four .arters at DeBetols Bra.; Meres, made pf best quality cambric, embroidery trimmed at top with, medallions set in, across front. Regular $1.00 value, on sale ft fist JJ S3eOU coutil and high tops, trimming. $1.00 Saturday, at. ' Saturday Specials m Hair Goods 20 to 22-Inch Wavy Switches of select quality, all long hair and short stem, Jl.CO litlg value, Saturday, at. . . . UeJ 24-lnch Triple Wavy Fine Hair Switches. 13.00 val- f( ue. Saturday, at. . . VaWeUU 2-lnch Triple Wavy Fine Hair Switches, $5 value, fe) yr Satnrday, at A 26-lnch French Brittany Wavy Triple Stem Switch, guaran teed 17.00 value, (M ( Saturday, at irlees) Rate DraaartaMS. MaaJeorlaa;. Paptal MtMasa, S.ap !. aaeatta. .VssiB(eaeala sr 'baae. Leather "Goods and Jewelry Beaded Baps, actually worth from 13.00 to fS, specially -f Q priced Saturday, at...vAeUe7 $2.50 50c BROOCHKS. ineyTe very gtyiisn nght now. IoslUveIy worth 1 Mich. Special Saturday, at. : . . . L HATH test S40H. New shapes and styles. Real Seal. Real Walrus, Real I'ln Seal, etc. Three to Ave vanity C CI Q fittings. Worth to H. JaQea0 As exceptionally fine lot ot real leather bags. Included are regu- lar $3.00 bags that are slightly shop-worn. Choice Q-g A, Saturday, at... UAeUl Art Needlework 1UIRD FLOOR. 104 Hand Kmbroidered Kofa Pillows, cord or fringe, emeroiaerea in sua. Hand Crocheted Dresser Kcarf. with lloea crntre. eoihroldereJ In French, and Eyelet, tl 0 value. Ketertay (.'olurabia Yarns In r iantnn. Jtt 4 and I foltl. MhrllanJ and feaxony. lin value, skctn a finished with IJ.iO value.. IJIN Pwl Luster Embroidery Close in India and four Ctrand. good color, reg aler price I for 6. atur rly. 4 fr Se Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pillow Tops and bark on Art Deniii.. lu floral and Conventional tlrslgns. He duality, Saturday. 15 Ribbon Barnalns Save some money oa Ribbons Fatnrday. Fanny Warp Prinla. Two-Toned ', Moires. inches wide: t-Uchf Moire, good colors) also Heavy Benaallna. high lustra, all the good shades for rallMnerv and dressea. worth up to o yard, choice gatwrday. at. per yard 29c axrs w a n t motj irrrx boas rev. For Saturday w offer Marabou and Ostrich piaia iru.iti rKH uou, worth rn, and up io is. id. at only WWW a ! 75c Clean-Up Specials Good Shoes MAIW FLOOR Men's Shoes Odds and ends of various good makes. Also our special, "Oak Hall" line In all the new styles and lasts. Button and lace In the English flat, lasts or the high toes. All sfzeB. Worth to $3.60 pair. Special Satur " day, at Women's Stylish Shoes Made of tan calf skin. Some nf the very newest styles In this lot, consisting of English flat lasts, storm calf, with, high and low heels. Worth to 15.00. On sale Saturday for just 4 Ci one-half price ; $uo J Children's Fine Shoes Well made of patent leather and gun metal. Sises S to tf ia 11. Special Saturday, at7le'if Boys' Strong Shoes Oun metal calf welt, built to stand hard wear, neat last, sizes 2 H to 6; special Satur- fl-.. in day, at ).llf Women's Knitted Slippers For Saturday we offer 250 pairs of Women's Knitted Slippers, all sises; special, Jfj Unusual Bargains in . Kayser Gloves MAI FLOOR. Women's Leatherette Glores About 50 dozen In the lot, some slightly soiled, but all perfect Genuine Kayser Guaranteed Washable Leatherette Oloves. Plain white, white with contrast ing backs, others with fancy em broidered backs. A few colors In the lot Limited quantity for merly priced at 69c, 75c and 85c pair. Your choice Satur- if QA day whUe they last. at... 1 JC Women's Kid Gloves . Consisting of ends of Unas of higher priced Gloves, tn about all colors. Value In thla lot up to $1.75. Not all sizes In every style, but every size included In the lot. Choose early as the supply ia limited. Every pair steciallv ij-fl ft ft priced Satutdiy, at..?XeUU 88 4