TJIK r.Ht;: OMAHA. FIMD.W. (A.M.AiJl 1, WOMAN IN BAD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegeta ble Compound. f Montpelier, Vt " We have great faith in your remedies. I wu very ir- recmlap and w a a tired and sleepy all the time, would have cold chilli, and my hands and feet would bloat. My stomach ! bothered me, I had pain In my aide and 1a bad headache moat of the time Lydia E. Pinkham' Vege- 1 table Compound has done me lota of rood and I now feel fine. I am regular, my stomach ia better and my parns hare all left me, Yea-Tin use my name If yoa like. I am proud of what your reme dies have done for me." Mrs. Mart Gautbixr, 21 Ridge St, Montpelier, Vt An Honest Dependable Medicine It must be admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popularity for nearly forty years, and to-day hold a record for thousands upon thousands of actual cures, as haa Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, without 'possessing great virtue and actual , worth. Such medicines must be looked , Upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking person. . ". If tm have the slightest donbt that Lydia E. Plnklmiu's Vegeta ble Compound will hel p you,wri to 'toLydlaEJMnkhamMedlclneCo. 1 (confidential) Lynn, MaAs.,forad ice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, tvnd bold in strict confidence. Try to heal yojir skin with If you sre suffering from ecicma, J "ringworm or similar ltcliing,red, unsightly skin affection, bathe the l", BorefHacegwhh. Resinol Soap and hot water, then gently apply a little Eesinol Ointment. You will be astonished how Instantly the .itching stops and healing bepns. Inmost cases the sick skin quickly becomes clear and healthy again. aiyery little cosu i Raalnol Oialawnt I, an nearly flttfw eniorad tlutltcanUa kapt on the tara, IumU oihcr anpuard trU will 1 ' iu auracu&s uudua auaauoe. Koinol Ointment ana JUainol Soap al- a clcarawaypieiplaa,blackhcacivamlUMlnjtf. t boU by all druKtliU i for till! (tm, writs t9 ' M&k 113 a Itonntr Tfr hi rlu noatr h. Th Wl M PVX war la M.X incHMjr Is la buy duinuua on t rati it LOFTIS BROS ,7,rn aa rr II wrtts. Yu win in if you HI V NOW tutlu Juury "l.'lrau-l'p" Ml. Yuu will gt a bar- Special Sale of Watches' Beautiful Oaauln JManoada, for. tuarly aula at asO, luiw bo. Aay 1 aultd gola aaoufttlniia yoa may cbua vl, atuda, aoarf 1-iu, t.tu aiwi, Zrfk 1fiU, kiwwiw, aui. , 0 lliy T1U r. X.. linar 1111 S9.! 'all or writ for IlluXratrd talaiu Na. t4. i'aoua U. HU ayU aaluaaaa will call irmri9 m NATIONAL K1 L. ! MM r. ii, RUSSIAN FORCES RESUHEADYANCE Crsr's Forcei in North Which Are Pushing- Into East Prussia Cap ture Several Villages. t GERMANS GAINING IN CENTER PETROORAD (via Umdon), Jn. 14. Furlmi fighting has been rfs'imd In ItuMlin Poland. The Russian force In the north, which are pushing toward East Prussia In the region near Mlawa, have raptured a number, of tillages. In the center the German have made four violent attack within the last forty eight hours. Ther forced back the Rus sian and occupied considerable ground. Important bodies of Russian troop have pushed northwardly. from Wareaw In the movement toward the. western end of the east Pi-uiilan frontier. They have re occupied a number of village between Mlawa and Prsasnyas, hitherto held by the Oerman. In the renter, at the Juncton of the Bxura and Ttawka river, where fighting ha been in progr for more than a motith, the Herman hare' begun a new movement of great Vigor. ' Their activity center along the Una to the eaat of fiachnegew and Skiornlewlce. It I here that they have made four distinct efforts to advance during the last two day. FoIlwlng a furloua artillery action, the German occupied the district to the northenit of Doltniow. Including the town of Klnkupl and fiucha. Thee poaltlon are three and four mile aouth '( of 8ocha -ew nnd five miles eat of the Bzura, from which poaltlona they were reported .officially to have been driven 'out at the point pf the bayonet. Ruaalan paper are printing statement, baaed on what thoy aay I Information from German source, to th effect that the Oerman staff la preparing publlo opinion for the withdrawal of German troopa from the Waraaw district. QUAKE ECLIPSES '. MESSINA HORROR; 50,000 VICTIMS (Continued from Page One. will be furnlthed at the expense of the city. llonROR INCREASES 1IOVRLT Mat 9t Dead, Dylna: and Injnred Orer Fifty Thoaaaad. ROMB. Jan. 14.-Wtn evary hour, as additional and more accurate detalla are recejved, the horror of yeaterday nai-thquake Increaaee, thren-tenlng to pface'lt the llt ;of . lmllar- cataa trophe In Europe's ec end only tc the Meanln dlaaater of J8W, -Thel Hat of nd, ' dying and Injured haa Increaaed from it relatively ' email figure leet night ' td mora 'than M.00O, according to , an 'offlMul announcement today, t and It In' expected , that thla number may "grow -before the day la over. The full extant ot thj property Job has not yet been determined. Here1. In. Rome prlcelfaa atatuea.' CaturyoW b.idlng' arid structure!! that, for' year have been iher ineoca. qf '. vlnhora,' have ej;n de troyc, or Injuerd. ,' t ' , i Though the loaa of . f.fc., .and wlBW the damage,, may be lea than It'1 wab-.fn lfV'S.' th area of. the UiniurbanCe 'greatly record that of the Mea.lna aarthnuake, it cover thc'vliol central portion of Italy, from Naples, on the to'uth, to Ker- I rare, on th north. Wll Area Affected., v The moat diaaatroua dlaturbanca. from all report, aeeui to have centered In th vlciiiliy of the town of Avezsano, where lli.Cue peraottit ' have bon kl lied or In jured,' according to the latest orflcial re- porta. lu-porta of danjage In varying de greea of aeverity have com from UUum, Abrunl, I'mlu'la, the Marhr, Tuacany, AcUa, Campiinua and Apulia. The earthquake belt is eatlmatel to be about 3 miles long, extending prac tirally from one aie of .Italy to the other. In. Abrussi,- Latiuin and Campania th quake reached Its highent degree, de scribed "by olentlta as "catastrophic," and In other . places U varied between the seventh -and' the, ttuth degreas. . Reief measures for the thousands who have succeeded In escaping from their ruined home In safety, but ar In want and without shelter, ar going ahead with all pOMlbla speed. (Special" train have been diapatched, carrying persona and nuraea, and government officials have been ordered to provide all necessaries tor the stricken peup:e. Klag Ooea to the Sees. . Klpg . Victor Emmanuel, deaplt th pruteat of government officials, who urged the inttrnaUor.M alluarton In Eurtrpa 1. a rvaaon fer hi staying In Jtome, left eiftiy .. today for the vicinity of ' A veitano to flm whatever he could, and by hla presence givt, aliinuUi to th relief work. . .. -k Uuevn lUlena. HJI In bed aim. the birth of a daughter'.' 'ha eapreaaed the keeneat resrvt that she could not go to tne pcenea. of. dcvuslallwn. aa she did at Mraeina. . . ... Relief vommlttee ar being organised In each locality that haa been atrlcken to work under the direction of Uie central cuinniitte In Home, nlch Is under the supervieiua of Premier fcaUmlra- e'otdters have been rtiahed. to the atene ami by night will have eittabllahed tent rooulea In which tha huiprleas thouaanda may find temporary a he Iter. Wire a,a4 Jtallroad laterragiled. Liar ol communlaalkon. especially rail road tfa'k and telerhone and telegraph tn-i. have been Interrupted aertoualy throughout the entire earthotaka belt, and the transportation of supplies fur nished by the government and private sources Is going forward by automobile and horre-drewn wagons. Thb forces at work relieving dtatresa fai-e scene of th great eat - tragedy. Fa mil lea hav been aeparated. Children are , father! a. Vlve , have Iwuiih w idow a ( - ' In every stricken section temporary hoa pitala feav been eatabliahad and to theae have gone nurar and doctor to car fur tha Injured. Th liat include U duchess o( Aosla. who haa son to Nonterodunl aa a nur. LARCrT AREA IS OK VA STATED Fear taat Mt Caaaaltle ll E a--d Fifty Tawaaaam. LONDON. Jan. 14. Late report from the sone which suffered from yesterday's earthquake, while sttl fragmentary. In dicate there has bea an appalling lusa of IK ani property. JUitut eatlmatea of the' killed' and,' injured ar It.OW or UCiOO, but fear ia felt hers thai th death ll.t may be larger than this when the flBiren are officially compiled. The earthquake zoii. no far n can be gathered here, extends for nearly ttu mile, from below Napie, In the south, to Ferrer. In the north, and practically aero the entire width of the country In the district Indicated. The country to the eaat and southeast of Rome suffered the moat apparently, for report of Ion of life and damn? to prcrcrty come from all over thla district., I.reateat t.oaa at Aveasano. Avezsano, with 13.009 Inhabitant, sixty three mile aat of Rome, em-ma to have been the center of tlte dlaturbanca and I thla place, with a nmr.tief of rarhy lowna ana viimaea ia inmi um u atroyed. ., Great loaa f life occurred st Avex sano and Its vicinity, the number i1 omd and Injured there being placed nt more than 10,000. . Among the towns n the earthquake district reportod destroyed, are Hussi, Capelle, Mcourcolo, Magllano, t'appa loo la, Celano and Pea.Mro. Bora and Ar plno are said to have been partially wrecked. Naples felt the shock severely, but suf fered only alight damage. Hulmona and Aqulla. in the prcvluoe of Abruxxl, and other to'wna In that region report much damage and some In of life. No one was killed In Home, but there I considerable material damage. Several of Rome' historical "structures were damaged, but. It I hoped, not Irredeem ably so. About 100 persons were killed In towns near Rome, according to re ports. Relief work I already under way, and It Is stated that King Victor Em manuel W'lll hlmnelf visit the -most eevcrely atrlcken districts at the earliest possible moment Premier Take Charge. Tremier rala:idra haa peraonally taken charge of the relief work, lie ha etab llshed nitarter in the home office, from which he will direct the rescue work In the earthquake district Hpcclai tralna, with doctora, medicines, ambulance and nurses slready have been dispatched, and government official have been given cart blanche to provide all neceeaaarlea to tho trtckerr people. The duchea of Aoata has tone to Monterodunl, where she has Installed herelf as a hospital nurse for th wounded. Pupe Benedict I awaiting a report from Monalgnor Hagni, archbishop ,of Aqulla, on the gravity of the situation and tho probable loss of life. He has expremed a daalre to go to the spot If his presence Is necrsaary to encourage and comfort the distressed. Tho anxiety concerning the province of Potensa seems unnecessary, aa the latest reports say that while the earthquake damaged bulldlnga there. If cauaed no loss of life. The greatest Injury occurred in the villages around the extinct volcano Vulture. Geological la Origin. Director FiioJIander of th Interna tional. , Volcanologrcal Inat.ltutlon at Naples cays the origin of the earthquake la geological and not volcanic, with Its eplcentrum In the valley of the Gartglano river. The registration of the earth quake at the observatory lasted for forty seconds ami was so violent : that the noedles broke. Mount Vesuvius, according to th ob servers In that district, has shown no signs of unusual activity. It Really Doe Relieve Rheontatlaui. Hloan's Liniment doe give almost In stant relief. Nothing better tor rheuma tism, backache and sciatica.. Only 23c. At all UruigUtf. Advertisement v . i'ii i , Czar Feels 'Absence of German Goods and : Markets of Germany BERLIN, ' Jan. ll-(By Wlreleae to Bayvllle,' N. Y.) Tha Russian newspapers Rch, Ruasky Slowo and Ruaaky YVJcdc tnoaty describe tha difficulties the Rus sians are placet In became-of a lack of necessary gooda formerly Imported from Germany, says a statement issued from the official pre bureau here. Onsth other hand," the statement continues, "the newapapers speak of the impossibility on the part of the Russians to export caviar, wood, grain, fura and spirit. The leather industry Is declared to be at a standstill because of tha lack of tanning material." ! Tha London Standard atatea that -'eon-stdarable amounts of Engllah " consols hav been' sold unofficially bolew the fixed minimum price. ' t 'The Italian deputy, Belmont, 'pointed ut at a meeting in Milan that victory for Prance , and England would causa JUiys vaaaalag In th Mediteraanean and. that tha preeant' neutrality was th ause of Italy' favorable diplomatic situation. ! A report from Petrog.-jd aays that th Ituanlan have withdrawn many Cossack reglmenta front the front In view of th possibility of riot In th larger town. "ChrUtianla reports that tha English ahot at the Norwegian ateamer Hauchen while it waa calling at the English port pf ltlyth, deaplt the fact that It showed the Norwegian flag." Ouch! Pain, Pain Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints Rheumatiam I "pain only." Not one casa In fifty roquirea Internal treatment Stop drugging. Hub soothing, penetrata Ing "St. Jacob oil- right Into your oi, stiff, at U Ing Jolnta and muscle a, and re lief come instantly. "IM. Jacob Oil" Is a harmlee rheumatism our, which never disappoint and can not burn th skin. Umber up!. Quit complaining! Gt a email trial bottle of old, honest ."8t. Jamba OH" at any drug store, end In Jgat a moment you'll bo fre from rheu matic pain, soreness, stiffness and awell. Ing. ron't suffer! Relief await you. "M. Jacob Oil" ha cured millions of rheu matism sufferers In the last halt century, and la Just as good for sciatica, neural gia, lumbagoi backa-'he, sprains. Adver tisement. Wise Precaution will prevent the little illnea of today from becoming the big aicfcness of tomorrow and after. For troubles of the digestive organs you can rely oo BEECIIAM'S PEL1L3 su u 10a, X&. Houston Favors Law That Will Create Rural Credit System TOPEKA. Kan.. Jan. 14.-5cretary Houston of the Department of Agdcul ture took an optlrolstlo view of the fu ture of American agriculture In an ad dress here today before the Ptato Board of Agriculture. In which he strongly urged early enactment of rural credits legislation. , "More helpful agencies are operating Ion rural life today," declared Secretary Itou.lon, "t!;aji crer before In the history o.' the nation. The American farmer need not fear the competition of the world. He will Inevitably' control the home mar ket except for things which cannot be produced here, and will be called upon Increasingly to supply the demands of foreign nations." ' teclarlng that he strongly favored both federal and rural credits legisla tion, Secretary Houston said: "I favor a federal land mortgage bank ing eystem for long time loans on the amortization principle, operating through private funds, and I favor legislation, especially by- the states and If possible by the federal government, stimulating and encouraging personal co-operative credit un'ons. "I do not favor Intervention by th federal government or the state to the extent of voting money out of the treas ury or of using the credit of state or federal government to support either system, which would mean In effect to take money contributed by all the peo ple to lend to a particular class of the people." The department had ascertained after Investigation, he said, that $530,000,000 ia lent on farm mortgages In the United Ststes by banking Institutions and state and private funds, and that Insurance companies had Invested tfi00.O00.O0O in farm mortgage loans. 'More would be Invested snd at more favorable rates," he continued, "If re liable machinery wera devised for In specting and offering rural securities." COUNTIES ENJOINED FROM TAXING S. D. STOCK CATTLE ABERDEEX, S. D.. Jan. 14.-fSpeclal.)-Judg James D. Elliott of th United Plate district court haa Issued a re straining order prohibiting th county of Dewey from selling "I. , D." live stock snd its Increase for nonpayment of taxes. I. D." Is the government brand on live stock owned by Indians, and the govern ment claims this property Is exempt from taxation. South Dakota counties In the Indian country. Including Dewey, Mel led, Bennett, Coraon, Zieback, Perkins J LfLlllliU y v. , i " , ', - - J end Roberts, rnntrnd that the increase from the "I. ." cattle Is taxnble. unless It Is branded, and lit some Instance such property haa been eid for taxca. The I action taken promiers to settle the ques tion definitely. A 'Tor Sale" A1 will turn second-hand ' fumltui Into cash. I YON KLUCK TARES CHARGE OF FIGHT FORSPDR NO, 132 (Continued from Fage One.) garrison maintained in Tabrii in time 1 of peace had been withdrawn. It I be lieved that the lufforer by the occupa tlon. If any, are the Armenians, whom tne Kurds, constituting the Turklah ad- vance guard, are always ready to attack. , Today's dispatches rrom Petrogtsd say that the Turklah Invasion of Persia con tinue and that th Turk are penetrat ing farther Into the country. Tb Hue elans still claim to hold th upper hand In the fighting In the Caucaiua in th vicinity of Kara-Crgan, but the lack of detalla auggeata that th battle, which has now been In progreas for seven day, haa not yet resulted decisively for either Ide. Tha principal feature of today' new In London I the resignation of Count von Berchtold, the Austrian foreign minister. Rome maintain that this action indicates that a crisis In the affairs of the dual monarchy Is at hand. Others suggest that the appointment of Baron Stephen Burlan ' von Rajecs to von Berchtold's place I a 1 more to placate the di seat Is fled Hun garlans. Woman's Health Requires Care Women are so constituted as to be peculiarly suaceptlble to constipation, and their general health depends In larg measure on careful regulation and correction of this tendency. Their delicate organisms rebel at the viol ence of cathartic and purgative rem edies, which, while they may afford temporary relief shock the system and seriously disturb the functional organs. A mild laxative Is far prefer able and. If properly compounded, much more effective. The combination of simple laxative) herbs with pepsjn sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Is Ideal for women's ure. A free trial bottle can be ob tained by writing, to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 453 Washington St.. Montleello, 111. FOB "iains 22 founds in 23 "I was all run down to the very- bottom," writes F. Gagnon. "I bad to quit work I was bo weak. Now, thanks to Sargol, I look like a new man. I gained 22 pounds in 23 days." - "Sargol has put just 10 pounds on me in 14 days," states W. D. Roberts. It has made me deep well, en joy what I ate and enabled me to work with interest and pleasure." - "I weighed 132 pounds when J commenced taking Sargol. After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. Sargol is .the' most wonderful preparation for flesh building I have ever seen," declares D. Martin, and J. Meier adds: "For the past twenty years I have taken medicine every day for indigestion and got thin ner every year. I took Sargol for forty days and feel better than I have felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 to 170 pounds." When hundred of men and women and tbere are hundreds, with more coming every day living in every nook and corner of this broad land voluntarily testify to weight lncreasea rang ing all the way from 10 to 30 pounds given tbem by Sargol, you must admit. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be something In this Sargol method of flesh building after alt. ' Hadn't you better look into it just aa thousands of others have done? Many thin folks aay:' "I'd give most anything to put on a little extra weight," but when someone auggesta a way they exclaim, "Not a chance. Nothing will make me plump. I'm built to stay thin." Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and 'cannot kno.w that this Is true. Sargol haa put pound of healthy "stay there" flesh on hun dreds who doubted, and In spite of their doubts. You don't bays to believe ia Sargol to grow plump from its use. You Just take It and watch weight pile up, hollows vanish and your flgun round out to pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when you begin and. again when you finish and you let the scales tell the story. 1 Sargol is absolutely harmless. It la a tiny concentrated tablet. You take on with every meal. It mixes with the food you eat for the purpose of separating all of its fleah producing ingred ients. It prepares these fat making elements In aa .easily as similated form, which the blood ran readily absorb and carry all over your body. Plump, well-developed persona don't need Sargol to produce this result. Their assimilative machinery per forms Its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative organs do not. Thla fatty portion of thetr food now goes to waste through their bodies like unburned coal through an open grate. A few days' test of Sargol in your case will surely prove whether or not thla la true of you. Isn't 1 worth trying? If you want a beautiful and well-rounded figure of sym metrical proportions. If you want to gala some solid pound of healthy "stay-there" flesh, it you want to Increase your weight to normal, weigh what you should weigh, go straight to your druggist today and get a package of Sargol and use it aa di rected. Sargol will either Increase your weight or it won't and the only way to know is to try It. A single package of Sargoi aally enablea you to mak thla teet. Sixty daye' use of Sargol, according to directions, is absolutely guaranteed to Increase your weight to a satisfactory degree or your druggist will refund all the money you have paid him for It. Sargol is sold by leading druggist everywhere and la Omaha and vicinity by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Stores. BIG SPECIAL SALE of Men's Furnishings, Hats and Caps SATURDAY, JAN. 16th At the growing store of mm 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. See ad in Friday evening's papers, and on Saturday do your picking early in the day while the picking is at its best POZRJ few It.ui..iii ! ...,. ii USJ f a ch iddllicTW mils there- -Tj "'u7w . stterforlhsdistsncsyM , ? Sj j a ; 7T I Telephone) Dong. 00. . I j 1 rtmiii Toil Cfirvln. P. ft III V 2104 Famam St. OMAHA lays" -W m , ,.,, .I..l...l..ilj LUXUS MERCANTILE COa, Distributors Phone Douglas 18A0 and hayei a cast sent home. An Easy Way to Get ' Fat and Be Strong The trouhle with most tbln folk whe wish to gain weight Is that they Insist oh dru-;lnK- their stomach or stuffing It with area ay foods: rubbing- on Useless "fl.'h treams," or following some foolish phys ical culture stunt, while the r al cause or thinnest goes untouched. You cannot (tct fat until your llctive tract assimilate: the food you eal. Thanks to a remarkable new scientific dleoovery. It la 'now poaalble to crimbuu Into simple form the very element a need ed by the.dlaeejlve oran to-help them convert food, into, cleh, lat-Jaden Mood. Thla master-stroko of . jn'udern chemistry Is called Sargol and has been' termed the greatest, of fleshrbuliaer. ; Sargol aims through its re-generative, re-constr-uctrve powers to coax the Stocnarh and Intestines to literally acak up the. fattening element of your lood and paaa them into the blood, where they are carried to erery starved, broken-down cell and tisane- of vour boavs . You can readiiy picture the reault when this amazing transformation haa taken place and yon notice how your cheeha fill out, hohow about -your, neck, shoulders and bust disappear and you 4akeon from It) to Sl pounds of solid, hfalthy flesh. Bargol la absolutely "harmless, IHeKpeii sive, efficient. All Uearting drutCgiate have It and will refupd your money if -you are not aatist'ied, aa per the guarantee fountl In every package. ' Caution While Sarsol haa given' ex cellent results in overcoming nervous dya pepslii and gen. rnl atomach troubles it hhnuld not be taken by those who Oo not wish to gain ten pounds' or more Adver tisement. How Thin People ,: . Can Put On Flesh i i A Jtew Xlcovry. f .-y. , Thin men and women thai big-, hearty, filling dinner you. ate last night. What recame of all the at-producing nourish ment It contained? You haven't gained m weight one ounce. That food pteaed from your body like unburned coal -tlirigk an open grate. The material waa there, but your food doesn't work and stlcli. and the plain truth I you iardlv ' get enough nounanment frem your meaJa to I y tor the cost of cookiug. Thla. 1 true of thin f.k the world over. Tour nutri tive organ, your function of aaslralla tlon. are adly eut of gear nd need re construction. Cut out the foolish food and futlnv eawdust diets. Omit the fleah creani'rub ona. Cut out' everything but the meal you are eating now and eat with everv one of those a aingle Pargor tablet. In to week a note the dtf ferern'o; Krve- to eight good solid pounds of healthy, "stav there" fat should ! the net reault. Sar gol, too, mixes with your food and pre pare it for the blood In easily aaclmllated lorm. Thin. people gain all the wtv from 10 to Z5 pound a month while taking Sxr gol, and the new tlesh stave put. haigol tablets are a aclentl.le. combination of el of the beat flesh-producing elements know to chemistry. They come 49 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and Inexpensive, and all dealers sell them subject to an abaolut guarantee of weight Increase or money back. Adver ttseuient. Thin People , Can Increase Weight Thin men and women who would like to Increase their weight with 10 or 16 pounds of healthy "etay there" fat ahould trv eating a little Hargot with thatr meal for a wlilla and not result. Here I a ooi teat worth trying. First weigh youreeK and ntea jr youroelf. Then tak gargol on tablet wltn every meaO for to week. Then weigh and meaaure again. It isn t a nutation uf bow you look or (el or what your fnenda aay and think. The calea and tap meaaur will tell their own atorr. and moat anv thin man or wo. nan can easily add, from ftv to eight pound in the first fourteen days by fol lowing thla aimpl direction. And best of ail, tne new flesh etay put ttergoi doe not of itavlf malt fat. hut mixing with your food, it turn th fata, ugar and atarchea'of what you hav eaten. Into rich. r'P fat producing aoui lahment for th tlaaua and blood pre pares It In an easily assimilated form which th Mood can easily accept. All this nourishment now passe from your body as agate. But t-argol atop tb waste and doe it quickly and make th fat producing content of the verv aam raae.1 you are ratintf now develop pounds and pound of healthy fleah be tween your akin and booea. Fiu-got U safe, pleasant, efficient and inexpensive. Ail leading druggists sell it In laig hex forty tablet to a padua on a guar ante of weight lacreas or ntoaey betka -rAdvrtleuieut. i.