Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK HKK: -OMAHA. riUD.W. .1ANTAHY ir. 1!H.).
Nebraska '
Looked for a While as if it Would
Be Driven Out by Row Over
Finn; Stenographers.
In Agriculture Ways tei Would Hundred nou-
.From a Staff Correspondent.! ' Mnd Dollar fbr'trecUon of
laxcouN. jn. 14. tpciai.) "-' Plant Near Capitol. . . .
braska-ls far and owiy, tli loremost
stale in the union In organised agi-lcul- ta nt"T TrwTtTT VIT TV 1 VT.AP.
Went tfcatrlce ,m entered hy.Tttnrtars
Tuesday nlM., wh'n secured only $10
worth of good forf their trouble. It la
mil o.e1 to I the work of home talent.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 14. -(Special Tele
(ram) The firing of three young women
stenographers by the senate., yesterday,
on of them placed on the roll on the
recommendation of Secretary Sprsgue of
the democratic state committee, brought
that gentleman to Lincoln In a hurry
laat night, and thla morning It la hinted
that the three will go back on tho payroll.
Rprague was pretty warm when he i
reached town and said.-"It seems mighty
t range that the secretary of the state
committee, who put In his whole time
for nothing during the atate campaign,
can't get acroaa even one appointment In
-the legislature."
Sprague waa flrat closeted with Arthur
Mullen of Omaha and later got In com
munication with Senator Howell, with
the result that the three women may he
The Incident for a time threatened to
drive the dove ot peace out of the state
house dome, but the fluttering has ceased
and all Is now peace'
ture," says Secretary Mellor of the State I
Hoard of Agriculture, w ho ha )nt re-
turned from .Minneapolis., .where, he ad-1
dressed a meeting of the Mlnneeoti
Agricultural society.
The tnaxlrttirfl attendance In Mlnne
aota la about 'til. according to the Ne
braska secretary' and thnt In Kansas Is
not much greater.- Tlie attendance at the
Nebraska mc'etlnl runs as. high as SOvH
! MVOrfk. Neb.. Jan. 14 tSpecial.) Tho
. (From a Staff .CorifsponilenO j county commissioners ot Red Willow
UIXOOLN. Jan. 14. (Special. One hun- J county recently irequssted' bids -from the
cred thousand dollars Is th amount of an ! several . batiks 'Of t.he county- on .the de
appropriatlon for the establishment of- a J posit money -oMhe county, af a- rate not
state printing plant, 'ft opefd In a bill ' less than- S .per cent-,2. per cent having
iiitrodticed by RepresMil Stive Bates to ':!. ' been paid by-. the .banks on, such deposits
Thl ' measure crest?' a stilt printing ! In jthe .past: . The .following. banks ot lhe
commission conslstlnS of the- g-oxerhoi. ! connty .have' been .declared county de
serfelary of stste snd the stste printing ' twltortey tby, having agreed to pay the
nilMU I nn ntll n SnnA1 I frrtn 1 commissioner appointed by the governor. ; S n.r, cent per annum on .counly Uepo-lts:
DUNNAGE RULE ARROGATED empowers the commission to act with State, Bank of Indlsnola.. State, Hank of
lumiflUJJ IWUU nUUVUni UU , pf f,ontrol (n purfn;lng a )Ut BiUley., State." Hank ,ot Marlon. Slate
: anj erecting buildings thrreop; as near as I Honk of ,Isljaion. ., The , three national
Railway Commission Decides Not tO possible to the capltol building In Lincoln. banks of this cltyre .not Included in
. Permit Shipment of This Weiirht i V . f Vtu.e pt-..' . ,n? county, a-posnones.. ,
Methods for Forwarding Supplies
Have Bern Reduoed to System
by General Committee.
(from a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Jan. 14.-Speclal Telegram.)
Governor Morehead. chairman ex-of-flclo
of the Nebraska commission for
Belgian relief, has received 'word from
Lindnn W. Hates of . New Tork. ' vice
chairman of the nations! commission, an
nouncing that arrangements have been
completed for the free transportation of
foodstuffs. The communication la aa fol
lows: The commission for relief In Belgium,
the officially designated sole agency
through which food and supplies msy be
brought Into HeUlum. has Just concluded
arrangements with the- Postoffloe de
partment and with express companies
wherebv am one In America may for
ward foodstuff for relief In Belgium by
rarcel pust or express without cost of
transportation to the sender.
The supplies needed are nonperlshable
foodstufts. also new blankets snd new
clothing. On account of tho postal laws,
parcel post . packages cannot he sent by
parcel post, 'V. t l." tly following . the
Instructions of the department, however,
the sender may. If he wishes, have his
postage refunded. A similar refund will
be mnd on all parkaaea sent by the
AUims Kxpress company, the American
Kxpress compsnv, the Wells-r"arso com
pany, the Southern company, the Great
Northern and the Northern company.
The response of America to the appeal
of Belgium has been gratifying, hut the
task of provisioning over K,(i00o people,
l.W.rW) of whom are absolutely destitute
reoulrea the dispatch of a shipload of
food every other day and the maintain
ing of a transport line' comprising thirty
one steamers tftate relief orgsnlsatlona
should be put on a permanent basts for
continued effort until summer. If not
I.etalled Instructions for sending psck
agea and for obtaining the refund of
transportation money are In the ham's
of the state committees, representing tho
commission for relief In Belgium. They
nrMt " ... f tato officcj, denartmen
wunji.a. UAKElUii MEN
The plant thuna established, under tue
terms of the bill. wlU do all printing for1 p;trt
cj. denartments nnd l istUutlons, ; niu-.
hve also been posted by permlslon of
I'nstmsster General Burleson In (
postoftlres throughout the 1'nlted States.
Mmllsr Instntctbms have been placed -In
the offices of express compnle.
This Information may also be had by ad
drcantng the commission for relief in
Belgium, 71 Broadway, New York (. ity.
YORK, Neb., Jan J 14. -(Special.) Frank
Ward, who was airested last Thursday
while carrying aroumd a shotgun and. a
pocket full of shells and threatening tc
shoot the officers of the First National
bank and blow the Institution up he
cause he had had some throuble w ith 11k
bank over a horse he had lmught at. n
aale upon which the bank held a mort
gage and asked him to settle. . It wa.
thought by the officer who arrested him
that he waa crnsy He was, taken befor.
the Insane board. The board
find anything wrong with him. He Wn?
held for further Investigation.
Shallenberger Says
He May Yet SettM
. .The Patronage Row
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 14.-(Spewial.) Con
gressman and Mrs. A. C. Shallenberger,
while in Lincoln during the day visited
with many ot their friends . and took
luncheon with Representative and Mrs. S.
M. aPtterson qt 'Alma.. Mr. Shallen
berger addressed the legislature In the
afternoon by special Invitation.
Concerning the Fifth district patron
age situation, the congressman did . not
care to be quoted extensively. He admit
ted that some differences exist between
Mmjlf and C. W. Bryan ov appoint
ments, especially his ' recommendation
' favoring A. 8. Campbell for postmaater
at Imperial. However,, he said that while
In Washington recently he had a very
satisfactory Interview with W. J. Bryan
over patronage matters, and he thought
U might be possible to arrive at some
amicable understanding.
Congressman Shallenberger said he ex
pected to talk with C. W. Bryan while In
Lincoln. What his own course may be if
theTleadlock continues, he did not say.
Not Yet Agreed on .
Warehouse Measure
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Special Telegram.)
The Farmers' : Union association at Its
session today advocated the Torrens sys
tem 'of land titles, a constitutional con
vention and a revision of the .school laws
in the resolutions adopted, this afternoon.
So far the public warehouse (blll has been
debated without coming to a conclusion.
A little opposition 'was shown on the
resolution for a constitutional convention,
but it finally disappeared and the reso
lution want through without much opposition.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
1-INl OLN - -Jan.'14. (Speclal.)-rTli 600
pound dunnage exemption hitherto al
lowed shippers- try- Nebraska railroad la
done away with in, orders that have been
issued by the Htlato RaHway commission.
"Dunnage" 'covers braoa and stays
used In bulk ctrloads to secure the
freight. In. theses the rallroaSs have
carried 300 pounds actual weight ,of this
dunnage free. The commission has esri-
colled the rule ontbe grounds. ,thgt it puts ,
a prmuium on caieless packing In hull;
and .puts at. .adsadysntage. those, ship
pers who ciate or box their goods care-
lor boards and, societies o:etailng unJer '
1 eiaio control inu iui mc i. i?t,. m.
it la in session. The-roinm!islon Is to he
the Judge of what printing may be r.eces
fary for each .office. Institution or or
ganisation. State Institutions now pos-;
imsslng printing plants msy continue to
operate them If the commission deems it
advisable.: No private work of any kind
Is to be done at the state, plant, and
penalties, are specified for .Infractions of!
this rule. ' .. . j
1 How Money l IHvlded. , , . '
The appropriation is divided as follow? :
Grounds and building; f-.OMy equipment.
MS.Of'; printing and binding material.
In Its opinion the commission cites fig
ures to show thatjifor a carload of pianos
It hss bten costing over liOnlore' to box
tho itnstrumepts' than to.; ship in bulk
salary of stnto
2,doo; incidentals,
I J10.000; labor, riC.OnO:
printer , for one year.
?n,0oo. "
It is figured by, the' introducer that .tha
state, plant. If established. W'tll no be
Other, Instances that wbrij a .dilVrlmina-' r'rf" ,or operation during the first year
or the biennium, ana tor inn reason amy
one yeors salary Is provided or the state
printer. ;, ' , ' ',
oses to Close
: Saloons at 6 O'clock
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 14.-(Speclal Telegram.)
An attempt 'will be made to change the
o'clock closlnc law bv the Present leg
islature. Anderson of Phelps today Intro- ' "
cuced a bill changing the closing time ot I TWO LINCOLN MEN ADDED
saloons to f o clock instead ot 8 o'clock.
tlcn against th' cirefuj.afe. shipper nr
cited, and the . cbn(mw9ion concludes by
wiping out the dunnage exemption In 'its
entirety. . '
" . i ;
Nebraska' Indian
.tighter. ' Asks - for
, Pension from State
t , ... ,.
. (From' a' Staff Correspondent. ) ."
LINCOLN, , Janf 14.-(Speclal.)-James
Dooley: of Omgha,- one of, the" six 'sur
vivor's of the first, company of the Ne
braska. National Guard,, which saw real
service against the Indians ,ln. 1864, plana
'to ask the legislature ' to - grant pensions
to himself und' his iva-gsay-halred com
rades. . A pension w lll also be asked for
the only'' surviving 'wid'ow' of any'' of 1 the'
company's members. '' '' . ..'
Tlie record s'show' that Mr.' Dooley wa
mustered in at Omaha on August 30." U84.
He was then 'years 'old. He was a mem
ber of, Company A rof the First regimeht
of the Nebraska, militia, of which John
R. Porter of .Omaha waa. captain. The
records show. that' the. company isawimueh
real service, and some hard fighting; on
patrol duty for wagon trains and' coaches
between Fort ? Kearney ' and J Jiilesburg,
Colo.'- '.?,-'." 'i
What will probslbiy be the last sppear-
ance in court of the 'affairs of "tho, Omaha
fc Nebraska Central railway, was be-
j fore Iistrlet Judge Seam, wljen creditors
I made - a final effort to hold stockholders
for the amounts due them. Claims of more
than 18,000 ,are .involved.' The' supreme
court held thgt .creditors .whb.had Itpowl-.
edge, what stockholders had not paid par
value for the stock," could hold the lat
ter , for the .dtfCerenca between the,!
am "tint at rva1i4 ai)l IiKa 'ioIha U
D gi-aiva oava iliu Q. Blur Ut lilO
stock. The Omahi and Nebraska Central
was a proposed' lnterurban' itne from
uiuana, o iiuuugi, ' (' l I ' ;
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 14. fSpecial.)
A. A. Bley died suddenly at his resldenco
here yesterday. Death waa due to heart
trouble. Mr. .Bley was 44 years of age
and had been engaged In business at
Madison for upwards of twenty years aa
operator and owner of the Union Valley
Boiler mills, during which time he served
the city ot Madison as councilman and
as president ot the Commercial club. lie
is survived by his widow, a daughter 14
years of age and a son 10 years of age.
The deceased was a member of the Mod
ern Woodmen and the Ben Hur orders In
which ho carried Insurance to the amount
ot 16,000. The funeral will take place
Friday afternoon.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Speclal.)-A ban
quet attended by the representatives ot
all the aocietlea of Organised Agricul
ture will be held at the Undell hotel
Wednesday evening, January 30. Rev. C
8. Harrison of York will be the guest of
8. Harrison
a J. Hali
toast list Is
ner will be toastmaster. The
not yet outlined. R. W. Mc-
Ginnis la the chairman of the banquet
committee and It has been planned to
make thla affair the biggest rally of its
kind In the interests of scientific agri
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. 14. (Special.) The
"Sam'l Colt" revolver carried through the
civil war by the late General Victor Vlf
quaint hss been presented by Mrs. Vif-
qualn to the Grand Army of the Republic
for display In Its relic room at the state
house. i
The weapon show s hard usage and tha
tag-piece bear the additional Information
that after the war it was used on the
farm at butchering time until it "went
wild" and hit the wrong hog so often that
the general was forced to retire it.
Xn. Ilgllile Appeals.
LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Special.) Mrsl Lu-
ella Ogllvle, who waa refused a divorce
from Donald Ogllvle by Ju4ge Sutton ot
the Douglas county district eburt. has ap
pealed to the supreme court. ' !-he alleged
'.(From a Staff Correspondent) 1
LINCOLN, . Jan. - 14. (Special.) Two
lobyists added their names to the secre
tary of state's register today, ' They were,
J. J. Bean of Lincoln, who , represents
himself" in legislation affecting-munici
pal laws, andC; D. Lamme.1 also ,of Xdnr
coin, who 'represents the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. fj
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. ll.-(Specla).)-Oyer
17.000 is waiting at the of flee of Adjutant
General Hall for somebody to claim It
The money Is ..what' is left of the fund
provided, by. congress to pay members. of
the three Nebraska regiments which en
listed In 1SS8 for the ,Spanlsh .war for. the
time, they served , prior to being mus
tered In. '
.The, claim of vHjanB(.SpnK., Mn'
coin for $32, allowed thls morning, was the
first heard from" In a"long' time. '
.... i 1 t V-' v'-'
. Golden Wedding.
FAIRBl'RT, Neb.,, Jan. M.MBpeclal.)-
The , home of Mr. , and Mrs. v Alien
Wheeler in thla city waa ,the,acerte of a
pretty .Jgolden , wedding ' anniversary , on
Tuesday. 'Mr. , and Mrs. .wneeier were
married at' Peoria, ' 111.. '.January . 18.
t i,u 'the close of r the -war, and,- Mr.
Wheeler had Just "come ,'eut'of 'the-union
army after. serving in CompWny A Ffty
fifth Illinois volunU"'1'Bfnt.r ,r "nd
Mrs. Wheeler were among the early set
tier of , Nebraska. ... They came to Gage
county first and;then( to ,FaJrbury In 1870.
, '-. .-'" v
C-'MVetea troisi .'Beatrice.
. BEIATRICE, Neb., Jan. 14.--STeelal.)-A
girt. baby only a' few hour old and
snugly .wrapped In' an old dress was left
on the doorstep at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Beedy ' in West Beatrice.
Mrs.r Beedy took' the child in and cared later and notified the officers, who
are' Investigating. the case.' " .
Howard Gardner, , who recently, came
here from' Concordia, Kan., to' work In a
clolhlng, atore, wasi grreetedj Wednesday
afternoon on the charge of wife deser
tion. , His wjfe, who' resides aV that place,
filed the 'complaint.' , He 'will be .held
here until an officer.'from Kansas comes
after hlin. ,. . ' ' ' '
-The grocery store of O. ' H. Harder in
. ,. c ... .... . ,..; if
..Calomel makea you alck and you lose a
day's work.- Calomel la a nasty,' dangerous
chemical. . To llen your sluggish tllve'r
and bowels. when constipated.' .headachy,
bilious,, Just get a'lO-oent box of harmless
.Casearets.. , They- work , while- you sleep,
don't gripe, sicken ' or aallvate. Adver
tlsemeat; , ?.' ; , j , '.
it't ff''s:jZ-J .' -it v I "
MM ' :
r " " 11 ' '"'ll ,m ' ii... '.i .1 n I ' II . . !l. I II US '
Nothing Else Will Satisfy Him
Popular-that' the word with all true) Americans
with' o ciaaaea rhyakUna, taborenra, mechAnica,
banker, buaiaeM men ' Blatz Ber m beat an aualitT.
taate and purity Good for you Good for your f riends.
- ' Pur, wnotseasae, anaypy - anil nJSvidaa! ia taste. If yea
bare beea drinking etasr beers, it' because yen bare aerai .
tasted bLAIi. HtXJ. .
' Blatz.Cpmpany Omaha, Neb.
i i 1 1
aT II Bp
M fill
mv. M I I I I
jfP,: rTvAstA-rt miwiws cowamt t
iZpi.-jS.'V : t MiLu.i' bt cowrm mttn JllM
LT1 ' IV
Fj1 . d
eisiatil IM-WiiSerSale.oS Presses
In the Basement Friday at Zero Prices
, Several fortunate purchases of High' Grade Dresses, just received,
worth up to $15.00, all combined and placed in two lots to be sold
Friday at the amazingly low prices of $3.93 and $4.95,
In Sal, u well & Tftlue-giring, we b eliTe ,t Hiu timely offering will overshadow
all 'previous bargain events in our Basement Section.. .Without personal inspection
you'would scarcely believe that such high-grade dresses could bo sold for such -a
small .amount of money.
! - f ; 1 i
sizes ht both Uh$
Up jo $10.00 Dresses
'OxnsiBtlTiK of about 300 Silk and Cloth Gar
ments, alt flips for AVoiHon and Misses, made to
sell regularly at 17-00 to $10.00 each, some even
more than that, In
dozens of the pret
tiest and latest
styles. Materials In
clude poplins, satins.
ttessaUnes, fine
serf ea, broadcloths,
etc.. in all the new
military, basque,
, coatee.- vest effects,
etc. Choose from the
' entire lot Friday, at.
Up to $15.00 Dresses k
This lot includes all the lata models of boau- ; 1
tlful garments, posltlrely, worth up to llB.OO, ,
made of fine broadciom, French serge and ffl ,
Coat Z
est tj
ii-j. -
Satin Combinations,
with the new Coat
Top effects, "V
effects, etc. Made
. by one of New York's
beat 'manufacturers,
and the finest work
manship Is evident
throughout. ' 200 . In
the lot. Choose from
this' entire
Friday; at i
. ..
3 r
fl 3 A U
On display in our
Douglas Strtet
windows '
Dress Goods and
Silk Remnants
Mill -Kails aad Reseaant. !.-
Two to five yards eaoh, lnclu
inK nearly every klnAf dreas
.aoods and eoatinifs. suit lent the.
skirt lenalhs. waist lene-tha, an
splendid pieces f or mlssee' and
oMIdren's dresses. .P';2?'
Friday, 9 5c and $1-69
ai '
Silk "and Velvet Plccee Trler'a
samples of all kinds, attltable
for trimmlnas, fancy-
work. tc 'Fri-Oc tO 25C
day, at each , . . w
SS-laeh Paeirie Mlir SeraTea-pine
in-dark -colors, usnally sold at
18.3 a yard. As ions aa gj
tnylMt.-rrl5ay. at.' yard..
outsit Dress ' Oeods Saasen
medium and
rips, ; Krlday
each. - at, ...
nieces, of .fai
Bardple pieces of faaoy Aat
Tand -ChlnohlUaa also pi.
Beartkln. Velours and In
la "...Tot -insle an
matehed.plecea. .Very useful, in
J rr'V WOI Ul. aa-es-
15c 19c up
leea or
Beartkln. Velours ana iraiiaii
For.itaaey , pim " . '":t
eords. , each , 1S . J-
2?'::.:. .'.25c to 95c
v rvt-te 7eIareTlt. J.
two .and throe tone effeeta,
. f worth SSe.a yard, in ; "Jy.
' rren,' bjack an ray IQfj
irrouhds. Friday, per . yard.1
': Sheets and Pillow
.-'Cases :
Mad. from fine quality . muslin.
eitra wsiht. aic value. QfiC
49M Rleerbe Wile Caeee ta
Mates heaular lc valne 7C
on sale Friday, at. each.... w
fSKW-Ixh Blfce
Made from aood quality bleached
linen finish sheatlna;, S-lnoh
heme, torn an ironed aeamlesa,
c value, on sale Frl-. 4ffC
day.' at. eaah
I . BbMtlaar E:
weave and finish.
easily Ibleaehsi an Jaaaeeired.
.Mr-value, per yard , IfC
Friday, at. w
Sa-Inehi Bleaea Serf's- Fine
ouallty.' soft finis. renlar To
vaiae. off the belt ' 4 c
per yard. Friday, at w
Sa-eh rsMsMkel Sheftaar B
tra welrht. heavy round thread
quality. Se value, on ' 4lC
sale,Frld4y. at, per var."J
aa-laeti , Bleaeke Very
fine, resrular le fluallty. off the
" bolt.' per-yas-4 FrMay. .
' 69c Munstng
Unclerwear at 39c
For Friday we effer a-eaaUe alua-
iaa Union Suits fnr atris aad
boys, sltsatir impenect, worm
wnue id7 -1 11
up to
laat. at
CfclMrea'e Velvet BMMta a4
Caps -I lack and oolura. worth
up to SLO", all bo , IQc
Vriiieir. at.:each ,WO
Cambric, Longcloth'
fif Muslin Remnants
An accumulation from the heavy
svlllna? durlna our January
White Sale. Lengths -up to tea
yards each, bvau tlful ouallty
and finish, regular Sc. He and
)Sc quality, all to be cloae out
Flee QaalKy Hseea Callee aa
Comforter CoverteaTS CJonrhTfof
Chains. Zephyrs, etc., values to
Sc a yard. food serviceable
Isnerths and easily matched.
While they last. Frl-
day. at, per yard "73w
ST-laeh Oetluar rtuaeel -JCxtra
fine weiaht, warm .and fleecy,
reaalar 10c value. s3iA
per yard Friday, at 25
tT-Iarh -While rhaher ae
Flaaael Amoskeaa, beat
res;. 10c value,, rpeciai
for Friday, at, per yard.
M-Inefc Faney Oatlea Fie
Lienaths up to 11 yard.
oaalitv ajd welarnt.
be closed oet FrMay. yd
Drapery Bargains
plane ' on
fine laee
For Frtdav selling we
u1 s.iMitKer bio- lot of
eartaTns. from II to II
wide, special. In Baae- .
ment. at. each . . .'
SS Flesse of Baaaalew aa Wewl
fy jltt 4 and 41 Inches wide,
regular io eraoe, special for
Friday, at. per
Ribbon Sale
Bpaoiat sale Friday ot 4-isieh
Messaliae -Ribbons, rood colors,
and 4 and tVs-lnch Warp Print a.
Ilaht and dark grounds. K.
choice, per yara ww
Mt'm sua Wesson's HaBkaa
efcUfla Fancy . oelore an
white, some wltlv Initials, worts
to 10e eeett. en sale M 1.
at I"
Bargains in
Feaev ' Tta an Coat lattwi
Hainnle carda, IS to tft on a card.
worth -up to ifte, while
they t laat, at., per card..
Faaor Silk, Dreae Trisasstai
llralds In Persian. Btack. White
an all faney ahadee, worth lta
. spectaJ Friday, at. Or
per yard . . ., "
Men's and Women's
All the women's fur and ribbon
trimmed houso Flippera. former
ly aold up to $1.50. tf on aale
Friday, at,- TD.
. pair.
-Entire - stock of
men's slippers, woKk up to
ii'e'at n a'8 r 98C
Menys Furnishings
Sea'a Ml Rblrra (I tosen of all
neat patterns, worUi up to 11 SO
each, on aale Frl- Kff
day. at BWC
Mea t etea Sadta 46 dosen of
men's fleeced an ribbed Union
Butts, closed crotch, every gar
ment perfect, formerly $1.00 ner
-ay7 ...69C
SsWe Sharta aa Draws wm Broken
Iota of all -oar Kn an See ttar-
ments en aale Friday,
sc each
nante ef laoes, H to
worth to lie. ail bo
Friday, at. each...
l.ans BlatafltAIITS 1S
1-yara long.
itm Beck closing, trimmed
with embroiderv Ineertlon ana
Torchoa lace edf . Perfect fit-,
ting. SpvJlal. Friday. OfiC
Speetal Const lareal For Fri
day we offer hundreds of pairs
of reliable corsets in slsee from
IS to SO. guarantee to wear and
not to ruat. medium high bast,
with neat braid trimming, long
over hip. protector uader front
steel, with goo strong TR
garters, at. only
$1,00 Table Cloths
Friday, at 69c
Made of a good mercerised ea
rn ask, full blenrhod. In many
neat patterns, two yards long,
vjry special Friday, RQf
at. each Ww
Twill Toweling For Friday we
plane on aale two caaes of
uloached cotton twilled - towel
ing, fancy borders, resrular 6c
value, at, per
ToweU FiU ' bloach.
ends, values Up to 7o
each, speolal
dev. at
Full , Blearhe Tewelloar lond
. heavy quality. Thermae kind,
regular 10c yard quality, J3
spoclsl Friday, at
Table I'a.lrtleur Oeiis heavy qual
ity, double farad felt, worth 4 Do
rxr yard, apocial fQ
Friday, at tJmVQ
Dlaner Cletk -1,000 yards Blrdaeye
jDiaper Uletn. ea , eM
while It lasts, at. per
ra ......
. 5c
ite Goods
100 of Those New Fabric Dais
Worth $5, Friday, $2.88
ATI ready for Immediate wear .
made of satin and Just as Jaunty f
and fetching aa thav will be dodo-
lar. Lot Includes Belgian Tnr
bans (with veil), and the new oar
row brim Tlpparary sailors,
trimmed with ribbon ends in sand,
red, nary, black or white. Every
bat In the lot worth a five dollar
bill. On sale tor one day,
Friday, In the Basement
Millinery Section, at
White droit msAwnal of oorde
Madras. Victoria Lawn, Voiles,
Organdy, Lace Noveltlee, Crepe.
TUtine, etc., 11 to 45 Inches
, wide, remnants and full bolts,
worth to Sto a yard, on Oij.
sale Friday, at. per yara. T
White Ma Dot Swrtas 40 Inches
wtdi. regular !! value,
, per yard. Friday, at ; IOC
40laek) WhHe Bar Batiste
Regular 16c value. Spe
cial Friday, aU, per yd..
Mlk Ma Cetvea lJveaa Fabrlea '
Hplendld assortment' of colors.
IT and SS inchee wide, worth to
Xtn a yard, speetal C
Friday, at
fsnpertal I saar CTera Fine qual
ity for under maallno. SS Inches
wide. In IS -yard flQ,
bolts, for OtfC
Sale of Men's Suits
and Trousers -
A boat Se pair of Men's Good
Worsted Trousers. Goo colors and
all slses. Sale Friday aad Satur
day rn the Basement.
Worth to 12.25 m -t nn
Choice thi sale 5 1 '22
Choice of Any Man's Suit
Pure All-Wool Worsted Tweeds
aa Caaslmerea. Two aa three
button models. All si sea, 14 to
4. Values to SI.S. Friday
and Saturday, la the 41 Clft
Maeeraeat ony. at. O
Choioc of M4na)Ov4rrcyat
With shawl or convertible collars.
Browne, greys astd faacy ailx
tarae. Ail a I see. 14 to 44. Val
uea VP to 1 the Sim-
Hair Goods
r i
Aa a ateoial for Friday we of!
M and SS-lneh aaturej wa
aw1tcha. poaltivaly $l.b0 val
we offer
raj wavy
L aoaltieeljr tl.SO value.
eonke In all ahaAea. on f ft,
ale, at , C
Genuine Bargains in Notions
lvats . aal Merrick's Thread
Bpool 2e
,0oeaa Pearl Button Special
Friday, doien le
Elastic Bemnants Special Frl-
, day, each ....tHc
Me Hetioa Boxes Specially
priced, each ' lOe
YTafc Edirlsg All colors. , Spe
cial, yard le
Bargain Values in Household Needs
Pearl White Seeall 90r Cases veStt fsasg The Af)f
bars for sii kkm roil. roje for
Wbtee B-roa Neptba 1) 9A Meat Vasisse SpeelaJ. 9(1.
bare for eJaVO 70o .a, ror . v. . , , a. ile
4M Uatck t leeaaee "ff. stems reewatae aoea ' ftf
biieciM), per can S W Fndar. the cake ....... w
- Seal-riash Hpecial, tie Xftf SO-Male Teaaa Bares Frl- Or.
can for - ,uo day. 1 -lb. package ....: .'
cruelty and nonaupport.
ntr" "'W"n
Sea Want Ada Produce Results.