Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE rEK:. OMAHA.' FRIDAY. .lANMTAl.Y l.'i, l!M:.
NICELY furnished room. warm, light,
strictly mndfrn; meals If desired; ref-t-rence
required. Harney TtCT.
STHTHrKJflTFlctly modern, well
heated, 1 housekeeping ooins, complete;
reasonable, pnuglaa M91.
I.ARiiK furnished front room downstairs
and upstair; plenty of light: reasonable.
hto South 24th St. louglaa TIM.
TUB HKLMAN, 2403 Pt. Marv's Ave.:
suit of 2 large, room, steam heat; next
tn hath. Suitable for four gentlemen.
Room and board $38 a Vinntli. P. (W.
l.ARHf; front room, $n; also housekeep
ins. Harney 7fl.
FURN I3HED ROOM, heated. 4414 Nort
Eaat front room, strictly mod. Elec light,
close in 115 mo. 210 So. 3fith Ave.
CI.OK IN neMtiv. furnished, warm,
comfortable; $.1 per week. 115 8. Jnth.
UN KAKNAM cur line, private family,
southeast expoaure. Phone Wal. 14SS.
JIAliIHJN 21et and Chi. ago; steam heat;
10 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.SSM.
I -a Verna, ItuJ Cap. front rm. Stem, nt.
O.DKN HOTJuL,. Council Mlulfs. stea-n
heated rooms, $2 per week, Phone
FRONT room, modern, private family,
good hoard, $i week. H09 8. Sift. H. fA.
r arnianm in..
CAPITOL, 411 Clean, well-heated rooms;
walking distance,
t'af am tshed Rovtaa.
Ill 5. 16TH, for men, stewm heat.
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 1 for
Pi. or 4 for $ Inquire LTW So. .'1st S.
Hotels aad Aiwrtmrait.
CA MKUKMA Hotel, lfith and California,
Weekly rales $2 and up. Dougias 7otw.
IiODQE HDTKI- Uixtern Reasonable,
lloaaekreptn; dooms.
Hoiifi anil Cottnaea.
MODERN. 2-story house, 7 rooms; never
occupied; new furnHce; 120. Doug. 6353.
ALL, sues, $3 per month up. 507 Paxton.
ELEGANT s-room modern brick apart
nu nt. newly decorated, $j0 per month;
84; S. 28th St.
Frame flat. 1129 S. 29th Ft., 9 rooms,
new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor,
large yard, trees, shrubbery; (30 per
month; a bargain.
.C3 t. 31t Ave. Phone Harney 243.
SPECIAL Six rooms, modern; 1 loom,
board and washing will piy the rent.
P.eferences. B-4Fi", Hee.
jt.'ST completed, 5-room bungalow,
strictly modern, 27th and Manderson.
Webster 129.
$.Y.00 S-r., 6116 California, modern, hot
water heat.
$42.50 G-r., BIOS Underwood Ave., mod.
147.50 J-r. apt.. 518 8. ltith street, Janitor
service, steam heat.
$42.50 8-r., 2Wi8 Farnam. modern.
$42.60 4-r. apart., in the Harold, 27th
and Jackson.
t40.00 sr., 2337 Farnam, modern.
$4O.007-r., 2W1 California, modern flat.
$30.00 S.-r., -15 Cuming, steam heat,
$27.50 6-r., 21 Burt, modern.
t-i.GO -r., 2506 St. Mary's Ave.,- mod
ern except heat.
$20.00--r., sl2 N. 42d, modern except
$20.00 -r.. 4201 Cuming, modern, except
$12.00 4-r., 410 B. 27th Ave.
Phone ft. 7r. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg-.
5-Room Houses
29th Ave. and- Dewey Ave.
If interested, call for appointment now,
as these houses are being rented rapidly.
None but people with best references
are moving In.
We would. e s'id to-Klve. you a com
plete description IX -you, will phono' ua.
.American Security Co,
Doua-las 601 S, ; or Walnut 3017, Harney 2fi.
$1 6-room cottage at 1811 Isard.
$16 S-r.- cottage, with bath, at 2107 Ohio.
$20 7-r. mod. house, 260 Meredith Ave.
$2 8-r. modern house, 3006 Mason.
tao n-r, mod. house at 212? W irt. Karat.
$30 -r. mpdern liooee, i916 Wirt.
47 Omaha Nat l Bank Bid-. D. 1294.
S-R., modern. 4508 N. 2th Ave. $19.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse vau
and 3 men. $1.26 per nr.; storage $2 per
mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 43i ft Ty. 230.
FOR RKNT Modern s-room house, 305
S. S5tU Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien,
Henshaw Hotel. liar. 1094. Douglas 1216.
We have a complete list of all houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent.
This list can bo seen free of charge at
Omaha Van Storage Co.. SOU 80. 14th St.
FIF.LD CLUB district, ft-room modern.
tile bath, sleeping porch 3424 Poppietan
Ave., $40 a month. Phone Webster 3770.
Strictly modern and up-to-date, 9-room
hoi'se, with 2 bathrooms, hot water heat
and every convenience, in the best part of
the West Farnam nistrlct $ per month.
Owner will give lonR lease If desired.
Twelve-room house on 38th, near Har
ney, $X5. room's, modern, on the South 21th
St. car lino $23. Will lease one year to
responsible parly for $20.
Seven rooms, sleeping porch and sin
room, new snd dealrable; exceptional)
Una view; quiet neighborhood $o0, or $V5
with garage.
Sevon rooms and hall, strictly modern,
hardwood ilnlsh In first story, three bed
rooms upstairs, one liedroom or den and
bath on first floor $30. This house fronts
on a paved street and boulevard, 2'
blocks from car line.
Five-room cottage. H block from the
Harney St. car line $10.
Eight rooms, modern, 4228 Harney $35.
J. 11. DUMONT CO..
103 Farnam St. Phone' roug. fiSO.
Fidelity Storage Co
rHorasc, moving, packing and shipping.
16th & Jackson Pts. Phone Douglas 21
,.uu in ad pails of the city.
UOUa-.B Cretnh ront t Co.. Bee Bld.
per hr.; uisy. 2 men, $1.2i per hr. i"U
NVebster. Doug. 14W.
J" D J KP- moving.
, I,. l.eeQ r' & storage.
VVV-a 17 Farnam. Ii. 61 4.
KiU.l cot Una. modern except fuiuaoe,
reduced rent. 2518 N. lth t.
ntorea aaU Offires.
512 81 16TH KT.-8ufUbl for shoes, mil.
linery, confectionery and fruit.
lW Howard, fine location for grocery
furniture or restaurant. "
&u 8. lfiih. Wrlght-Lashbury, Tel. D 153
MODERN store, soma fixtures, living
rooms, furnace; good repair; rent cheap
good location. 24th and I tit.. Boutb
Omaha. J. Casey.
Dr-SK apace. Inquire at S4u Brandeia
Theater Bldg.
WANTED To bay two-color Underwood
No. ( typewriter; niust be raxnaU
in price. Address O 4.t care Be.
OK ICE furniture bought and sold. J.
C. Heed. ISH? Karnam. Doug. 14S.
HAMILTON CO.. the only gentile se-ond-hsnd
store In Omaha. 171 Cumin t b.a
WB BLY 24-haw4 clothus. it2i N. 2Uli.
jSINWUK huvtry an! harness, tn good re
' pair, desired. Write Ueorge Hansen,
Station H. Rnt 1.. Omaha.
YAI.K rniya old clorhea. Phone Tyler HH
TWO Ford roadsteiw wanted. Must be
first cIhm. M1I pay cash. recrlb
fully and state price. ii. F. Wliaun.
Sharpsburg. la.
We are offering for sale several pieces
of good, level, wheat land in northeaatern
Colorado, close to the Nebraska line, on
(he very easy terms of $2 an acre cah, $2
an arro a year pavments. In 1'A. S20 or
40-acre tract at 2 an acre close to
towns. About half la under cultivation,
ready to go on and put In spring wheat
and oata. Many good Iowa farmers In
this locality.
HASTINGS V HEY DEN, 11 4 Harney St.
North Dakota.
WE own and control 30,000 acres of 1m-
mime in me oanner ooununs.
of eastern North Dakota. In 160 and S40-
acre tracts. Would like to correspond
with reliable aa-enl
Cooporstnwn. N. D.
100 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Pu
luth, on the Soo lino, 4 miles from rail
road town; 70 acres under cultivation,
balance wooded pasture and some good
meadow; no waste land; fair set build
ings; near school; land borders on beauti
ful lake; complete set machinery; 128
chickens, plenty of. feed. waon, bupgy
and everything on the (lace goes at $20
per acre; one-half cash, ftchwab Bros.,
102S Plymouth Bid.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Small Ranch
For Sale or . Trade
US seres in Hooker county, four miles
from railroad town. Has a 4-room house,
barn, cattle shed, well and windmill.
Onehalf of this ranch good farm land,
balance good pasture. Will take one-half
or more In good city property. Price,
$15 per acre.
O 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency,
1505 Farnam St.
FOR 8ALU by owner for next li days,
10-acre farm in Flattsmouth, Neb. -room
house, cave, c'atern, 3 wells, barn,
fruit of all kinds; 44 acres alfalfa, 44
pnnture, garden, etc. P. - O. Box 107,
Plnttsmouth, Neb.
FOR 8ALE-320-A. relinquishment, ml.
from Stapleton, well Improved, for $.'i60.
Te'epbone connections to town. Address
Y 830. B.-e.
Mew York. ,
HIGH priced land has caused many to
struggle against debt through a life
time only to dio in the end killed by dsbt
worries. Eighty-acre farm with K cows
ani team, $34 per acre; $00 caih. $100
RENTER, ginger up; price nor terms sre
not a peg to hang lost opportunity on,
2-itt-aere larm, ;t acres of $2 wheat. 64
acres of the more you have the moro
you wantoulfaira), $24 per acre, fm cash.
$100 yearly. Writ for photos. Railroad
lare to purchaser. ,
UV, P. Sallna at. Syracuse. N. T.
1,000 ACRES, laige and small tracts; ab
solute title; l'uisburc Co., farming, pas
ture, oil, coal land; $5 to $25 per acre,
Write J. B. McAlester. Okl.
Upper Wisconsin
Best uony and general crop state In the
union; settleis wanted; lands for sal at
low- prices on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Orar.t.
Stato acrs waited. Write about our
grazing lands. If Interested In fruit lands,
ask for booklet on Apple Orchards in
Wisconsin. Address Land DepU. goo Line
Ity., Minneapolis, Minn.
FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmera
farm, 20 acres, muck prairis land.
Uphoff, 4u Times Bide St. Louis, Mo.
WILL trade Kt acres clear land, 3 mile
northwest ot Laramie, Wyo., valued at
$3,000, and assume small mortgage, for
a small northwest Neb. Improved ranch.
or will trade for (40-acre improved re
linaulshment and carry difference bsck
on Wyoming land. Must be reasonably
close to town -ana scnooi. uive run par
ticulars In first letter.
V. O. HOLDEN, Owner,
Schuyler, Neb. R. F. D. 4
110 ACRE 8, irrigated; 96 under ditch, bal-'
ance pasture; all level; near Ft. Mor-i
gan, garden spot of Colo., where sugar
beets last yean. made high as 28 tons per.
acre, alfalfa 7; $4,2u improvements; $2,500
insurance; $3,(XX mortgage, runs 6 years, 8
per cent; equity JK'.kai. Vhat have you
for exchange? Box j, nenron. wet).
OMAHA or neighboring property wanted
In exenange lur re.-iaentiai property in
New York City restricted aubur'j. Write
E. E. 61ocum. 141 Broadway. New York.
Highly improved farm of 6o acrsa.
Land all lays fine and Is excellent, soli.
W 111 exchange for good Omaha residence.
C. R. COMBs.
Hi Brandets Theater, Omaha. Neb.
Doug la J31C
$20,000 PRIVATE money to loan on Inside
property at 7 per cent. O'Keefe Heal
Estate Co 1014 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
I 'ullKlas 2715.
ci 4 an faun luaus. &Vt. 6 per cent.
J. II. Dumont & Co.. 1003 Farnam, Omaha
.A . i . . 1 ' j lunn . . i r. i n - vui
WANTED City loans and warrauts. W.
Farnam amllh at Co., U20 Farnam.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
01 Omaha Natl. Douglas 8718.
$jiio to $10.uuu made promptly. F. D. Weed,
weaa ruug., inin ana rarnani ouj.
il'n CITY LOANS, C. O. Carlber- Co..
810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
CITY properly. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas, vj8 ttale' Bank Bldg.
iloNEY on hand for city and farm loans.
II. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bids.
SrJE ua first If you want a farm loan.
United fetales Trust Co.. Omaha, Nub.
Don't wait till soring Is here, when
you'll be in such a hurry that you won't
have the opportunity to look around for
the beat place DO IT NOW.
I have several fine one-ere tracts mat
I will sell on very essy psyments. Each
tract has a brand new house and a good
One trart has a fine vineyard, which
produce! a big grape crop last fall.
See me about tills today or telephone
me tonight at 4 30 p. m.
Call Walnut 2 after . p. m.
Call Douglas K'2 day time.
Only $2,850
W have a prartlcallv new house, with
reoeption hall, living room, dining room,
kitnhen, pantry and rear entry on the
first floor; two nice large bedrooms and
bath on the second floor; large closets;
good furnace; full basement; shades,
water meter, etc.; psved street, close to
school. Terms $2j0 cash, balance very low
monthly paymtmls. 3331 Ames Ave.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bide.
Phone iKjuglaa 4270.
NKKU money ;ulrk. Will sell iuy.$ls)
equity lit all modern 7-room home for
$160 ash. Ui you waneuty deed. 4: 10
N. 2Mb Ave.
Bee Want Ads f roduou Moults "
Shuler &.Cary,
State Rank Buildhii?
Hee us for hnmeite In
our several new additions.
I(s from J?00 to SA. one bloi-k to car
line and paved street. $? down and
per month. No interest and no taxes 'or
to years. Vtssesslon Riven after first
payments and you may start building at
T'lese lots are located north where
much development work Is going on and
they will Increase In value.
Phono Douglas 423;?
and we will call for you and show you
these lots and tell you about others.
Shuler & Cary,
State Bank P.lug.
Kountze Place
Just west of Kountise Psrk
we hsve a fino ti-room, all
modern bungalow, with full
basement. 2tlx4 ft.; beautiful
oak finish and oak floor
built-in buffet and bookcase,
sun room, every modern con
venience and In a beautiful
location. The lot la 4nxl":l
ft.; $.'.iiO cash and (he bal
ance In monthly payments.
If you want to be in a nlca
neighborhood, close to the
tithrop school, csr line,
Kountze Park and ret a well
built house let us show you
this house.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
742 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Tyler 1S7.
Dandy Home
Five rooms and hath, electric lights,
furnace heat, all modern conveniences,
good location. Paved streets. This home
was built for a home. Full lot, 60xln.
Half cah, balance like rent. A snap at
the price Come and see this place for
yourself. 401! Chancs Ht. Walnut 1174.
I have a new 5-room. all modern bunga
low located on a paved street in north
part of city that the above named first
payment will aecurc.
This house has principal rooms in oak
and Is close to car line, churches nnd
school. If you tvant to inspect thl
house telephone me today snd I will
arrange to send a car for ycu,
Call Douglas 2026 In dav time.
Evenings after :, call Walnut MS.
Six Rooms
Waking Distance
Built In effects.
Oak finish.
Iel lot.
Nesr car.
South part.
American Security Co.
Phones Douglas MIS, or Harney J646, or
Walnut m.
33d and Woojworth
Ave., 6 Rooms;
$4,500 ,
This Is In the heart of the fine Field
Club district and Is one of the cosiest
little homes, as well ss one of the best
bargains to be found anywhere In Omaha,
llousq Is only five years old; Is flnUhd
In oak una has recently been beautlfullv
deoo rated throughout. Garage. East front
int. oniy one ana one-nan mocks rrom
West Bide park car line. You couldn't
buy a lot within a radius of three blocks
snd build the house for anywhere near
this money. Terms can be arranged If
required. .
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler lt?. State Bank Rldg.
Lot Bargain :
Near Field Club
A beautiful, sightly lot, 44xlS2. over
looking Central boulevard, and on paved
strett. Over ten large trees on- this lot
Owner needs money has cut price front
$1,600 to above figure. Half cash needed.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Douglas 207.
2t! r 17th St.
Your Own Price
and Terms
Six rooms, all modern near 3fith and
Isvenwnrth, between West Fkrnsm and
Field Club. East front, corner, sightly
location. Asking $4,000. Want an offer.
Huuse now vacant.
Glover & Spain
New Double
Flat Building
On 33d Ft. between California and Web
ster fits., east front, on car line, paved
treat. Each flat contains 4 rooms, fin
ished in oak; tile bathroom floors; mod
ern and complete In everv detail. An
; ideal Investment for the man with a rea
sonable amount of cash to pay down. In-
rum taw per year, uo noc fail to aa us
If your money ia not earning I per cent
net to you. This building is rented t de
sirable tenants for one year. It only
takea about $2V cash to handle this
Hastings & Heyden
1414 Harney ft.
Two-story brick building and lot, bxl31;
trackage avaliabi; very easily converted
fur wholesale purposes, or for downtown
garage. Price only JUOOO. A small pay.
ueut will handle ft.
$12 Brandels Theater Bldg.
t fine south front rtkiuly lots each
irxlJi. noiu asident owner Instructs us
to sell oh for $I,8V
V 1"-. lit.' i'Skton Blue.
Foreigner on Buying- Side of Wheat
Pit, With Seaboard Reporting
2,000,000 BuheU Bought.
OMAHA. Jan. It. 1'l.V
Foreigner again were on the buying
side or wheat. From the manner in
which they made purchases at Hulfalo.
Chicago, the seaboard and in the aouth-w-est,
there la an nrgvncy In the con
sumptive demand. Sunnlles of wheat
(abroad continue to decrease. This is the
oaae especially In Ureal Britain. Ixn
lon waa the leading buyer In the I'nlted
States yesterdsy. Exporters had as com
petitor many of the large millers of the
country. There was an Improved de
mand for flour and wheat is scarce In
i all positions.
The seaboard reported as much ss
2.01.000 bushels of wheat purchased bv
foreigners. These figures were looked
upon as conservative. Red winter wheat
brought Sc over the May and waa anx
iously taken by millers. The May price
was bid for hard wheat on track to ar
rive. A Minneapolis message says mill
era there were bidding 4o over the May
price yesterday to arrive any tiino next
Practically all the cash' wheat now held
In the Chicago market has been disposed
of. moetlv to foreigners, and foreign buy
ers are now working on the spring
wheat Stocks at Buffalo,
There was some selling of long wheat
In the Chicago pit yesterday, making the
feeling quite nervous at times.
Coin closed fractionally lower and oats
were off a shado In sympathy. There
waa some e&port business in corn, the
total being IiiO.OUO bu. out of 34.S.0H0 bu.
old. Cash sales of oats were ltf.000 bu.
Hogs at the yards were Be higher, hut
the provision market failed to sympa
thise. Tho stock yards trade led In the
selling In the pit and brokers who gen
erally act for the larger packers were
on the selling side, ltecent buyers of
May lard were conspicuous sellers.
Wheat was 2c higher.
Corn wss Uc higher to a lower.
Osts were e higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour eo,usl
to 87,OiiO bushels; coin, 14l00 bushels!
Oct'. 1.0) bushels.
There were no quotations from liver
pool today.
Primary wheat receipts were L12fi.')00
bushels and shipments bushels,
against receipts of 600.000 bushels and
shipments of 371,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 1.M3.000
bushels and shipments 1.11H.O0O bushels,
against receipts of ffM.Ono bushels and
shipments of 702,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were ts?'.00 bush
els and sMpnent 8?7,0 bushels, agaltiat
receipts ot 667,009 bushels and shipments
Of 684,000 bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Osts.
Chicago 112 679 U)
Minneapolis '&
Duluth 21
Omaha IS 2o2 " 11
Kansas City 76 s 4
St. Louis PS 74 .65
Winnipeg 131
These cash sales were reported todsv:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $I.H4.
No. 3 durum: 1 car, $1 42. No. 2 durum:
3-8 car, $1.48. No. 4 durum: 1 car, $1.4fv.
Rejected: 1 car, $1.30. Corn No. 3 white:
1 ar, 67V4: 1 car. 67H; cars, 7c; No. S
white: 4 curs, fic. No. 6 whlto: 1 csr,
67c, No. 2 yellow, t cars, tsiVc; t cars.
iS4c No. 3 yellow: 1 csr, 6fc; 24 cars,
66'c; 1 car, ftiio. No. 4 yellow; 2 cars,
0fiS4c; 16 cars, 6Rc. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars
(near white), ante; 1 car (near white!,
66c; 1 car. 66t-; 20 cars, Mc. No. 4
mixed: 1 car, c; 1 car. 64c. No. 6
mixed: 1 car, 8o'c: 1 csr, 64c Oats No.
3 white: 1 car, 61W; 2 cars. M. No. 4 white:
1 car, 60": 1 car, 60c. Sample: 1 car,
ton. Rye No. 8:3-6 car, $1.104.
Omaha Cash Prices W:heat: No 3 hard,
Sl.3"&1.34; No. 2 hard, $1.323 1.33: No. 4
hard, $l.tl4M.8l: No. 8 spring, $1.3?'.;1.'B;
No. t durum. $1.47ftL: No. 2 durum, $1.
CM. 47. Corn: No. 1 white. 7Ji7c; No. 2
white. sAfuwHc; N. 8 white, Hti'.fj7V4r;
No. 4 white. 7c: No. 6 white, slyfT
67c; No. white, 6H'JHe: No. 1 yellow,
W4tmKc: No. .2 yellow, eMjWVic: No. i
yellow, fiSjj65ic.: No. 4 yellow, uT.ffiio'.c;
No, 6 yellow. 644WRc: No. yellow. HH
SMc: No. 1 mixed, eftfcsnc; No. 2 mixed
'iinWHie; No. 2 mixed, trttVic; No. 4
mixed, 64V4.c: No. ( mixed. 64l4f'M1ic;
No. 6 mixed. 64WG4c, Oats: No. 2 while,
61 V4 illic: standard. 51f!GPc: No. 3 while.
60(f51c; No. 4 whlto. M'cuWiC Barley
Malting, 64'f7Sc; No. 1 feed." ftMt2e. Rye:
No. 2. tiaOCUl; No. 3. $1.094ai.l0'i.
Features of the Trading; and Cleslaa;
srfca on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jsn.' 14. Wheat lumned to-
day to a point virtually 10 rents a bushel
nigner than on Monday last, when specu
lators were tumbling over each other to
sell out because of wild talk that the
Turks wore yielding control of the Dar
danelles and that hostll ties by Italy Im
plied a speedy end of the war.
At the summit May wheat brought to
day H.43H, a price not equalled before In
years. The chief reason was that ex
porters wanted more wheat than th"y
could buy In all American markets. Keel
ing was much unsettled at the close,
which varied from the same as last
night to 22'hc above. Corn finished un
changed to l-lc up. oats at a ga'n of
'4c to 4c, and provisions down 6o to 12c,
European needs became so acute today
that, finding no wheat available for
ocean shipment was left in Chicago, ex'
porters bought thousands of barrels of
flour here, although bakeries have been
threatening to atop ror Isck of supplies.
Reports that the depletion of wheat
Four Good Buys
Nice two-story dwelling, newly painted;
four good sized rooms downstairs; three
nice large bedrooms and large bathroom
upstairs:, modern plumbing; full alsed.
east front lot, paved street, paving- paid.
i ral join ana tucaory ris.
Entirely modern dwelling, large
living room, dining room and ,
, kitchen downstairs, three good
sized bedrooms and bathroom up- '
stairs. Fine mantel tn dining room,
big corner lot, saved street, nice
shade and shrubbery. Nesr two
good car lines and good school, on
north sids,
Elne strictly modern dwelling,
suitable either for small or large
family; five rooms and bsth down
stairs, two bedrooms and store
room upstairs. This dwelling ia
only a trifle over three years old
. and Is practically as good as new.
Many fine feaUrea about It not
In the ordinary home. Houth front
lot on paved street, paving paid.
Only H block from car. Must be
Sf-en to be appreciated.
Brand new, full two-story
- strictly modem dwelling, with large
living room and dining room; in
oak, butler's pantry and fine
kitchen downsta'.rs; three splendid
bedrooms and plastered sleeping
porch upstsirs; bathroom has tiled
floor. Built by day labor. This
Is an exceptionally fine property -la
the choice Field Club district.
Good vacant or Improved city property.
If clear, would be considered as part Pay
ment, pr would sell for rash or easy
Scott &- Hill Co.
Douglss 1009. J08-7-S McCague Bldg.
one of ths best locations and most beau
tiful. new. all modern, 6-room bungalows
In Omaha.
This house only "4 block from ear line.
Be sure to 'phone me about any of
these houses tolay and I will arrange to
take you to see any one of them when
'Phone Douglas tJ2t todsv.
Evenings slter 4 30 p. m.. csll Walnut 6M.
Kt.EU Abstract Co. oiaest abstract of
fice in Nebraska- i P -a Jets 1 Laater.
ktKK Title Uuarunlee and Abstract CoT
mnHm M.St. set rittUm li ITtK k
1 i-tuiue Duuglas
slocks on the Pacific coa.t had led to
sliarp eompcCllon from there on this
side of ths Itorklea helped lo i the
bulls almost complete sway over prloe.
Excitement in Ihe wheat pit fairly
boiled over In the last hour when rye.
!a s-ii'stltute for wheat, was chalked up
'on the bnlli tin bnarda as commandlnB
$117 a bushel, a price beyond snyUilna
iknon In fifty years. According to some
.authorities the only relief In sight for
: Europeans or Americana either was to
! Hive up in regard to wheat and to rely
Ion the relative cheapness of corn.
1 llllng up corn here and at other lead
I Ing renters kept that cereal depressed
'today, drspllo the strength of wheal.
The prospects were snid to be for con
tinued liberal receipt. Oats proved far
nmre active than corn, owing to buying
.on the part of export houses. More than
j (Ort.nui bushels of oats were sold here to
go to tlie seaboard in addition to l,.nu
bushels domestic.
lower prices for hogs pulled down
provisions. Porn while it seemed to be
a harnaln-counter dav as to pork, lard
Grain price furnished by Ixtgsn &
Jtryan, 3i; South SWt"cnth street:
Art V ieTopTnHlgtril "'' I Close. Tes y
Wheat I I I .
Mav. 1 4tV 1 4.1V 1 4nWt 42W 1 40
July. 1 .' 1 26Si 1 24S 1 1 ''
.iay.!7iMTM 7N4
.Iuly.i7&1i! TO'!
la.N.'l'W 5M,
luly.irSSC'V 7l,
Pork I
Jan.. I 1 I 14 10
Alav.ilit 80-7M 18 SO
in w
10 to
10 6ft
1 10 IS ?0
18 674! IS SO
Jan .
10 40 10 40
10 S0-7JI 10 HO
10 to
10 70
10 )
io m
T7S 774
10 lfi-12i 10 IS
10 00-021 10 10
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : K o. 1 red,
$1 t0Vu!.4.'l; No. 2 hard, ,"--"jl4.i.
Corn- No. 2 velb w, 70fr7lc; No. 4 yellow,
W4tit"0Vc. 'ats: No. 3 white, o21.'':;
standanl, SJWte, Rye: No. . II 17.
Karlev: RhiTm-. Timothy: $)B.0itl 7.B.
Clover: f 12 SWIM). Pork: $17.00. Ribs;
BI'TTEn-Ptesdy; cresmery, ?4131c.
EU3S I'nsettled; reielpts. S,22tt cases;
at mark, cases Included. S-WWic ; ordi
nary firsts. 84d.Ko; firsts. ;.ir7c.
IDTATOEK lxwer; receipts, 24 csva;
Michigan and Wisconsin red. 3t42c;
Michlgnn and Wisconsin whlto, SMUfco.
FW'LTRY-Alive, loaer; springs, 12v;
fowls. 12c; turkeys, l4c
New York Oeaersl Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Wl'O A It Fu
tures market was easier during the morn
ing s.snlon undor scattered realising,
prompted by more favorable weather
ronultiuns, which may lesd to Increased
oflerlntcs of raw. Prices at noon were I
points lower to polut higher, with salsa
of 4F0 tons. The snot market was easier,
with sales of .noo bags of Cubaa for
January and February shipment. Mo
lasses, 3.27c; centrifugal, 1.04c. Refined,
CHEEPE Steady; receipts, 307 boxes;
stste whole milk, held specials, lK4tf
16c; state whole milk, average fancy, U
ffl6c; sU'.e whole milk, fresh specials,
ltloc; state whole milk, fresh specials,
average fancy, 14Valt4c; skims, 4l-".
Rl'TTER Weak ; recelpta ,77S tubs;
creamery extras," M scoring, 3333!;
irreamery. higher scorin.f, 344i'344; firsts.
RWra24o; seconds, 27fl2c; pscklng stock,
current msho No, 2, 31c.
EtKH4 Firm; receipts 4.743 oases; fresh
gathered extra fine, ttvfl47c; extra firsts,
4?c; firsts. Itic: Pmnsylvanla and
ncarhv hennery whites. tKVk; gathered
whites. 44'40c; hennery browns, 47$J4Sc;
gathered browns and mixed colors, 40'fl
POULTRY Uve, Irregular; western
chickens, 14'jia44c; fjwls, 144al4c;
turkey, 1415.'; dressed, strung; westorn
roasting chickens, Jfi llsr. ,
' Mlaaeapolls Grata Market.
May. $1374 bid; July, $1,374 asked; No.
1 hard, 11.41; No. 1 northern, $1.3&41.404;
No. t northern, 1.241.
FLOUR Firm; fsncy patents. $6.90;
first clears. $.Vi; second clears. $40.
CORN No. t yellow-, 4flf.c.
OATS-No. 3 white, 604Hj60C.
FLAX-l.44'aW.64. .
Kansas City tiraln mm Provlalona.
3 hard, $1.3o4l 87; No. 3 red. $137; May,
1.3fi. July, 1.20V,ftl.rOH.
CORN No. 3 mixed, Wiie; No. 2 white,
1 14U i'Jc; ' .May. 74c; July, 7jc.
OATS No. 3 white, 644dj06c; No. S
mixed, M11..241'.
BUTTER Creamery, SJc; firsts, 81c;
seconds, Wc; pscklng Stock, 204c.
KG(JS Firsts, 33c; seconds, 23c.
POULTRY liens, 13c; roosters, l4c;
turkeys, 16c.
St. Loals Oalai Market.
r. n t -..I- 14 1.1 IT A T V m S
1-1. ijoiiiw, iiftii. ji. mm i .,. m
red, ll.24H'1.41i No. t hard. $1.40trl.42;
t i mi . si int.'.
CORN No. 2. avic; No. 2 white. TlflTOe;
May. ir4c; July, 7 S.W 74o.
OATH No. 2. 53c; No. 2 white. Mo.
Liverpool Oral Market.
Manitoba, I'.'s: No. 3, llssd; No. 2 hard
winter Usf.4d. Futures, nominal.
CORN American mixed, 7s64d; Jan
uary, 7s3d; February, 7s 4d.
FLOUR Winter patents, 42s .
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Jsn. 14.-COFFBB-Thers
wss a further decline In the market for
coffee futures here today under a little
trade selling and some scattering liquida
tion, which may have been Inspired by
tho continued Brazilian receipts. The
market opened at a decline of t(d$ point
and closed St a net loss of 497 points for
the Osy. Hales, 20.2&0 bsgs. January,
.lHc; February. .23c; March, .33c; April,
.42c; May. 6.5c; June. .42c: July, 7 34c:
Anpust. 7.4'-'c: September. T.Hc; October,
7.ii; Novemlier, 7.tilc; Deosniliet, 7.Wic,
Krsit. steady; Rio No. 7, 7,c; Santos No.
4. !'. Rio, 7S rets lower at 4$lnU; Santos,
unchanged. Rio exchange on I-ondon
Huit City 1.1 va stork Market.
Heelpts. 1.600 head: mantel ateadu; na
tive Steers. $i.2&'(i8..'iO; butchers. Ki.A0$H.10;
cow and heifers, $t.Wi&5.7f.; cannets. U.'i
fi4.85: stockers snd feeders, $S.i97.2V
calves, $4Mrrg.0O; bulls, Stag, etc., $4.o0
HOGl-Reeelpts, . hesd ; market i"c
lower; heavy, tti.tyoAiO; mixed, $f'ff
6.674: llMht, $6.0i(2p6.6o; hulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rereipta, 4,1100
head; market 10c lower; cacs. $I.U;
lambs, to.oOvM.ti.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14 -.MKT A Li-Lead:
$3.663.75; London. 11 12s Od. Spelter,
$6.00136.10; Ixindon. Ms.
Tin easy; five-ton loi. $U20'(i3.SO:
twenty-five-ton lots. $3.1.1Mjkt3.7. Copper
quiet: electrolytic,. $13 Hj'ti 13.75; casting,
$13.37613.62. Iron quiet and unchanged.
At London: Sot copper. I2f Ifia:
futures. Vt 17s 6d. Kol In, 161 10s;
futures, 4.1)
ST. LOUIS. .Tan 14.-MKTA1 J4-lyat
lower al $3.624tfl 3.6ii. Spelter lower at
ti.Mlo W.
Cotton Market.
NEW YOKK. Jin. 14 -"TTTON-rtpot
quiet: middling uplanda, s Oio. No sales.
Futures cloaed steady; January, TSSc;
March. lie; May. $ $1c; July, 4c;
Auguat, S.V-; September, 8.64c; October,
$.i"c; Lecember, l.7c.
The cotton market closed steady at a
net decline of 3 to 5 points.
essier: good middling. B lRd; mlddllna.
4 Did; low middling, 4.34d; sales, $,()
St. Joseph Live "lock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo . Jan. 14 -CATTLF
Receipts. 2,mo bead: msrket steady:
steers. $7.0tvri.ri; rows and heifers, M -"i'rt
x.tVo ,vce, $t.-rrt I0.iw.
IKM'Jrl-Recelpts. ."" head: market
weak, ,V lower, top. $6.K; bulk of sales,
K ''''"'
MU.FP AND I .A M Reeplts, I.CyO
hcud; market lower; lambs, t7.7f) 7.40.
Dry Uoods Market.
Canton flannels for fall were today
prlcei from 14- th 24c a yard below last
ysar. Large additional orders for uni
form cloths for war purposes were re
ceived by men's wear mills.
Evaporated Apples sal Dried Frails
fiRlF.D FRI'ITB-Prunes, firm. Apri
cots and peaches, sU-sdy. RaUlns, firm.
Baak Clearlags. (
OMAHA. Jan. 14.-Hank clearings for
Oman today were 3.J'.s.ai9.(i2. and for
the corresponding day Isst year, $3,200.
Cattle Fairly Active and Prices Are
Steady to Strong Sheep and
Lambs Lower.
j POfTH OMAHA. Jan. 14. IMS
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep.
official Monday 7.XU 7.07 I7.24
ffli-lsl Tisrailay .0a 10.A41
f'fflclal Wednesday.... 3 WX ll.anS 12.5T9
Estimate Thursday.... 2.300 lO.Odrt 11.0"0
i Four ds this week.. fn.W .M0 M.IS
, Ktnic day last week..20..'' JAMS 17. ""7
heme days t weeks ago 13.M1 M.S44 2.7
.ame, days 3 weeks ago 9.771 41. SM 1.'J
aine days 4 weeks ago 2J.KM 37.45 3.3M
Same days IsSt year..2o,12J 41.WS 47.317
! Tk. 1 1 .. i . .. . . i K
of cattle, hoga and shep at the South
Omaha live stock mnrket for the year to
dste, as compared with ik year:
1i,v 1?I4. Inc.
' Ule 4t,S.'U r,. 4.M4
1 1 ogs 117.23I KW.Wtl T.33S
Pheep 1J3.S26 ST.Orti .7a
Tha following table rhows the aversge
price for hogs at the Kuth Omaha llva
stock market for the last few days, with
ISi-ll 4 . 1 W ii . 1 1 1 2 . 1 i t 11 . 1 U III . I lw .
T 6
T 101 Ml I I , I (
iw Uwisi '
1 1.1 I o S 30
Jan. I..
Jan. I..
Jsn. 4..
I Kl
J (0,
1 044
7 141 I $o 7'H I M ( 70
Jan. $
I w4i
; uw 7 ii It 47 ss
09 T n I 32
1M1 14
s -.a) 1 141
10.1 '
I 061 7 4 031 7 2 23
I 1 12 10 T 75 It U I 74
11. 70V
n I io 1 8 mi ) t, 17, 7 ;g. s jut 5 Ki
13. 1 6341 7 3 7 02 06) t 73' I 4u I a
14 .16 6 13 0117 0'M 1 7 i H M f, ;
Sunday. "
CATTf.B Receipt a were liberal for
Thursday, eighty-nlne rare being re
ported in. Thla makes the total lor the
lour days this week 20.327 head, about
the samo as a week ago and a year ago.
Practically all kinUa of kllllnir cattle
Jens in gx-d demand and the marKct wss
falrl sctlve at prices Ihst were atcady
to a little stronger than yesterday. The
buyers seemed to wsnt a few decent
killers and while the demand was hot
exactly unsent It was good enough to
clean up ti.e bulk of the offerings in fair
season. Mille the demand for stockers
and feeders is never so brisk during the
latter half of the week, the market wss
In fair oonditlon and prices fully stesdy.
Stock cows and heifers have, been espe
cially good sellers during the last day or
yuotatlons en eattlo: Good to choice
aornfed beeves, ttt.W MW 40; fair to good
cornled beeves, W.tOsi'J.60; good to choU-e
heifers, 6.0mi7.2ll; good to choice cows.
$6.7.41160; fair to good cows. $6.0Ojr .i 80;
common to fair cows, $4OWj6.0; good to
choice stockers and feeflttrs, fi.JMi&IO;
fslr to Vood stockers and feeders, $t.iyd); common to fair stockers and feed
ers, $6.71.1? 8, 0; stock helicrs.' jfr6.7n;
stock cows, $4.5Os.60i tH'k calves, $6.00(
7 60; veal calves, $7.00ijiS.i6; bulls, slag,
etc.. $4.7u06.6O.
Representative sales':
Ns. A. IT. N. . At. Pr.
r it imt t 40
Sin t M IT 1111 1 as
j iz t on s 11V.7
11 ....KM 7 10 It IKiJ
! T 3 1 UM
7 14
I t
S'ic.o.iio A HEIFERS.
71 t N
la 1k
111 7 71
...1 4 11 I..
.. MS I 40
..( It
..1040 I Ml
..PH I U
.. Mt I t
. . Snt I TO
..IK I 71
..lilt I t
. . M in
..Ml IN
t 10
... tt!0 4
...lunft t w
...hum 4 tn
...tit 4 to ,
... IM 114 I is
.. P I M
...1S-0 $ U
... Ht 1 :t
... mi $ to
...1131 ID
to no a
... tn 1 M
... 177 4 (ki
II oir'ferto.
li0 M
41 I U
... 7t $ II
,., I7n 1 mi 4
... M0 I It 4
... 449 IM 4
...Mil so 11
aw ot . t
... wo w . a....
... 7TT M
... WO 10
...144 IN
...7nS I 14
... tli
... Ul M
... lot 1 2
...170 I 71
... S40 00
...IH 4 III
...I4M ft
...14W t 4S
... T M
... IM I 6
... 116 X4
... 174 ( 1
lot 1..,..
I 0 I
I on 1
ten 1
. .1174
.. ISO
400 I 16 3
.HO 00 1
443 M . I
t77 t 7 h. t !4 A FEEDERS
1 710 st a,
to in
tm t u
4M 7 u
I7 T 71
3 TOO 4 21 7...
II 04 10 , 14...
1 7:0 I (A T. ..
r lit is 11
re fair t
14 tP4 I Tt
HOGS Receipts were fair todsy, esti
mates caning for 14 cars, or 10.400 head,
of which twenty cars were consigned
direct to a packer from another market.
Total for the week to date Is $,&30 head,
beinw a shortsge of 1 1,400 head, as com
pared with last week, and 2,000 head
smaller than a year ag-x
Shipping demand was rood again today
and the market opened with shipper
and speculator buying leal grade at
pretty close to steady prices. Packers,
however, made their early blda at a 60
decline, and although sellers waited until
well along In the forenoon, offer failed
to Imrov and In the and the most of
th packer purchases were mad at prloe
that, were nearly a nickel lower than yes
terday. Movement was again very dreggy
from start to finish.
Bulk of the offering moved at $6
170, most of the killing droves doing at
a coat of around $6.6f, while shippers paid
Icrgely $6.70, with several loads as high
as I'i.TS. On th whole, today's market Is
steady to 4c lower than yesterday, pack
ing drove being aheut at Tuesdsy's
basla, while shipping- rrnde show some
tiling like a nickel decline during the last
two days. .
lccpreaonlatlve sales:
Ka. At. Ha. Ft. No. A Bti. Tr
U IM ... 40 II Itt ... lit
37 SM ... ( H II tit ... -,S
.7 111 40 tn r 4t 1 tru
m ri ... irn'tt aj ... 1 nI
0 ; ,M 4 4 M ........ 141 ... in
il HT ... 1 16 tt ... 6 71
44 mt ... 47' 47 irr 40 111
44. ....... M0 11 ,'j,j(i,g" '
lOt IM ... 4 0 II M ... 4t
12. .......104 ... IM 14 S4 ... I bo
17 lit ... t tt
BHFEP-Notwlthstandlng tho sluKgiah
trade yesterday. with a downward tend
ency lit prices, the country tent In a
supply this morning fully normal for a
Thursdsy, the receipts amounting to
1 l.txw head, compared with 11. W0 a week
ago and 10.264 on th corresponding day
a year ago. There waa another scarcity
of right good lambs of handy weight!
but on th whol the quality of the sd
sheep offerings wss fairly good. In addi
tion to today receipts wore seven or
emht cars, mostly .! ar.1 yearllnKS,
tarried over from Wednesday' marknt,
m top of the unsatisfactory markot
yesterday the packers set out late in the
forenoon bidding prl-e a flat quarter
lnr on aome of the sheep and lamb
on sale. While a few. loads of the best
la,mbs sold about 1041 Ite lower than yes-tt-rday'a
close in the middle of the foro
rcon, the bulk of the less deslrablo offer
ings did not 11 uatll 1st In th day,
and prices showed a decline of fully Kt
lh , and possibly mora In sonie casus.
The aged sheep offerings, consisting
mostly of ewe snd yearlings', were the
last to move and looked fully ijJi'Jx
lower. Trsde was ajaln 'mtven and
tiow, resulting In 1st elosranr.
The receipts for th wek thus far foot
up (4,11$ hesd. being lllieral, romparwd
with yrar ego. but running a little short
of the same days laat week. While prices
advanced while rrelpls were libers! Isst
week, lust the opposite hss been the ease
this week, the s'ipi ly showing a llttlo
sliortsye. with prices declining fully yhi
mc on lamht alnce the close of ihe previ
ous week and 2.Va40o on aged thetp.
vjuotallon on shtmp and lamb: ln e
good to choice. $ 80; lambs, fair 'o
aood. r7.VaH.0ii; lambs heavy, $7.6"i7.7$;
lamba federa. $7.uN.ui; yearling, light,
$7.1trf.4o; yt-Hillnfs, heavy. KoOrfjT.U;
wethers, good to choice. $6.7M6 10, with
ers, fair to rood, $$; ewe, good to
choice, $6.60416.7$; ewes, fair to good, $5. Jo
Represents tl tele's:
No. Av. pr.
n5 8outli l'ak,ta lamb 63 75
60 Routh Dakota lamb 6 7 63
461 fed lamba 7 . I V)
On k Recovers.
Al Orth. th National learue umpire,
who fractured hi knr cap laat June will
be able to report for duty In th spring.
Tone Range from Irregular to Firm,
with Moderate Total
NEW YORK. .Ian 14 The tone f tn.
dsy's stock market ranged trom Irregular
10 tirm wun a total output of moderate
proportions. Representative shares rose
and fell alternately, the only now bin ex being lialtitnnre Ohio common
ami preferred and New York Central,
which rose from 1 to over 3 point.
1 oprers, American smelting and a. rear
lees active specialties such as People'
las, American Tobacco and United State
Rubber, advanced a point or more on
small dealing and motor stocks were In
evidence at higher prices. Decline again
embraced the "Soo" laaiies, ss well ss
Colorado Fuel, Rumely preferred and in
ternational jinrveatcr corporation pre-
iprrw. ,
The only real activity of the session oc
curred In th final hours, at which time
the directors of the Ilaltlmore Ohio
road were deliberating on the common
dividend Feara of a drastlo cut caused
a am den slump in that stork as well a
the balance of the speculative llrt. When
lust before the close It became known '
that th semi-annual dividend had been
reduced only ti of 1 ner cent to 24 per
cent, the entire market recovered. Real-
lilrne for pro: it caused some recessions
at Ihe end, but the close waa steady.
other news or the day lneltioed a new
high pri for May wheat, with an un
tiauallv urgent exoort de-mand: comple
tion of tho financing attending the St.
Inul bond Issue and the new Russian
loan, both of which are to be offered
publicly in the near future. Local hank
ers also had under consideration several
out -01 -town munirlpsl loans, which are
to take the places or maturing ooiica-
Monetary conditions showed a pre
ponderance of cash over demand, with
resultant greater ease In three and four
months' loans. Call money again went
to Its Invest rate of several months and
mercantile paper of the hither claaa was
accepted by financial Inatltuttont at rates
more advantageous lo borrower.
Illith grade bond more than main
tained their recent gains, but obscure
Issue were again reactionary. Total
tale, par value, amounted U $2,072,000.
1 nlted states government nonas wrrr
um hanaed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotation
on stocks were a follows:
Sties. M'n. XJnw. VI-
Aims. Ooi . Sw 14 fc
Amalgamate Cnneer .... 7.i0 Mt II' M
Amsrlmn Pest Hlosar.... I S V
Anwrlraa rn " l4 H
Anwrinu a R l.PW tl 0 "
Ani. a. B. pi 1"!
Am. Husar Refining to 14 1" ' '
Anierlrsn T. T .. .. H'
An.erliwn Tnhsr ...... f"0 tM S SI?
Anarand MlnlD M & JS
Atrhlsna 1 inn Ml 4ia '4
Balllmnr Ohln IT.f 71 MS t7w
Brnokiya PPII Tr Jno K M lk
rsntiaa rattle l.K U4 Ul 1S"'
Ontral Uulwr 4S0 U II
Ctiosapsak Ohio 41
Chios. . W SO l 4
chi., 4. Ht. P 1
Chltwio K. W 126
C6lns Cnpper 3.IM MS 8'4 SH
1 nlnrads Kusl Iron... 100 M 44
r'oinrsilo Hailthsm H'
Pssver Klo Ursn4e ..... 4
rnv-r n 'ii pfit ..... 7
t.iill-r ' Peris-itles 11 '
Kits t.l II l Ji
llensral Kls-lrlr I41
Ursst Norlhsrn ild in IHMl 1I4V4 IH'i
Orssl Nn. Ore Mts Inn 27 tf 27
Onscnhslm Kiplnratlon., l.tnj 49 414 '
lUlnnls Central ins .
nttsrtsienuRS Met. t4 ..... It
InTlratlnn Copper 1.100 It lt lMt
Intsrnatlonai llsrvestsr .' ..... tT
Kimu CUr tsutbsrn II '6
Uhitk Vallsr 1,00 lS4Sti 1HH
IjouUtIII Nhviilt liftv
Msilrsa rkiroleum 400 II II ,M
Ml. ml Copew 174
MlMmurl, K. T an lit
Missouri ps'ltlo 4 t,
Nallimtl Rlsrult 12.1V4 1: 121 .
Nsllnnal Ies4 TO 4S 4 44
Nsvsta Caspsr mo 11 riv 13
New Tnrk Csnlral 1 tm Mt M'6
S. V., N H. s H. ....... 104 Mkt 14 Mi,
Norfolk Wettsra 101 1
rarlfle Mall s
rsi-MIn T. T ...I . ' n
Pennsylnnls 1 M i last lw,i4.
Pullmaa palses Car ..... )M
Rsr Con. copper MO 1'4 14 IH
B1ln 7, "HO U' UH UT
Ikspuhllr tsl. na 3t aov 20,
Hik Island fo.!.. ...... m i
Rtxk Kan4 Co. pfd ,
St. U H. r. t pfd t
Souinsni Pti-lfle : ii M't SI
Suuthsra Hntr l.nno 114 n ih
TnansssM tapper ....... 1.400 114 $1 31
Tssas Compsny , lU't
I'nloa Parltlo 1,10 111 ! ll
t'Dlnn Psnlllo pft l o 0 1014
t'nlto Rials Hisel (.440 61 11 1114
C. . Hlesl ptd mo li7 17 lSTs
Visa ('error ,lluo 11 11 Hi,
,,! h pni
Western I'nlon 4. 300 10 11 to
WsstingliouBa- Electric -tgts
Off.rsd. 1
Tout tals for th 4t. 111,30 tharts.
IVew Vork Moaey Varket.
N1CW TORK. Jan. 14. MONEY Tim
loans, easy;, o days, t per cent; 80 days,
341(34 Pr cent; six months, 84 per cent.
Call money, firm; high, X4 per cent; low,
I per cont; ruling rste, 3 tier cent; last
losn, 34 per cent; closing bid, t per cent;
oflerd at 24 per cent.
day Mils. I4S1J5; for cable. $4.415; for
demand, $4"S.
tlx I .V1TT Rue 41U- Movlnsn lnll..
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
LONDON. Jan. 14. SILVER Bar,
74d per oune.
MONKT-d per cent.
DISCOUNT RATF Short bills. 14914
per cent; three months, 24 pr cent
Closing quotations on bonds today wer
s follows:
V. rr. . ri Wa. Pae. 0. (s tl
ssuo s. ...... T K. Y. : g. ... . 11
tJ. . I., rsg 10 n v. citr 4 1M..C,
it roupoa lnN. T. guu 4s....loi
V. 4. teg IS) N. T.. N. II. H.
to coupon 14 es. 1M
ranema Is nunoa. l" No. Paclflo 4a. na
Am. emslters 4i....l'D 4a I 4M
A. T. T. ct. 4 7o. 8. b. Tl. 4s ts.
Armour Co. 4.. mre. T. A T. St.... 7
Ai.ihlson s. ... tarMin. eon. 4 I74
Hal. filuo 44 (0 Rosdlns sa. 4a tt
lim. a iililo 4s.. aHS). u . F. r. 4a t
C K. A Q. . 4s ... Ptr. ev. 4 tfl'i
r it B P ( 4s..liw 4o ret. 4s t
C. H. I. P. r. u. 214 4o ct. Is 17
I P rf. 4i... II So. Railway U M
P. Jl. . rf. U. -J talsa Pai-itlc 4s.... S4
F.rls rn. 4 47 4o CV 4s I9tj
hen. Flwlrlc Is Ill 17. g. w.nMer t....iniC
Hll. No. 1st 4...t'. B. Stl la ioim
111. On. rsf. 4s.... Wshash 1st la tr
K. ''. Hn. rf. Is.... I Wsst. t'nlna 4a. .. ssu;
I. a N. tin I 4s... 1 Wsst. Els. CT. Is.. IJ'.
f. K. T. 1st 4.. 77
tattle Firm Ho Mostly Lower
Shoes) weak.
rflrt. Ol .1 1,.. - -l , i . . . j
steers. $.Vti69..y): western, $4.Ki'7,SO: cow
H MM Receipt, 30.000 head; marker,
moally So lower: bulk of ales, $H AtiI
K M); light, $ii .SO-(16 fco; mixed, $.S6(S4.o;
heavy. K504i.; rough, .W4i.u; pigs.
$j.2.ili 0.
SHrJRP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.fln0
head: market weak: sheep. $ 7035. 40;
yearlings. $6-70j7.1iO; lambs. $.7T8.i&
t. Lotal Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 14. CATTLD-s
Reorlpts. 1,600 head: market steady; na
tive beef stsors, $7.E(i 10.00; cows and
heifers. $3.0uft.75; stockers and feeder.
f.",.2.'ii?'7.26: southern steors. $J.7Mr7.T5; cows
snd heifers. ftOOj,.00; native calve, 14 (4
HOG? Receipts, 7.600; market steady:
pigs and lights, $ti.00i'.&; mixed and
butchers. $.7rnj'7.0O; good heavy, $o.$ot1.0i.
SHKKP ANP UMB- Receipt. 2,")
head; markst steady: natlv muttons,
$4.7.Vo'3.73; Jambs,. $3.S.'ol; yearlings.
$7.207.40. -
. Kaasas ( Hr Live stock Market.
Receipts. 1.0110 head: market weak:
prime fed steers, $s.7.a.2&; dressed beef
steers. $7.40tj)$.fi0; western steers. $7.2.,)
50; stockers and fe-de-s. t6.wa 7.S5: bulls,
5..-atH 7$; calvxa. $4.004 10. Sr..
HOUS Receipts. ,0u0; market lower;
bulk of sale, $6'r6.M: heavy. fi.lJtt
(174; packers and butchers. $4.7iat.S,;
light. $ta.0; pigs. $.oiii.30.
fHEtH AND LAMbS Receipts. Solo
head: market lower; lambs, $4 0o-dH.A;
yearllnKS. I .Wtvi.W, wethers. $4 0-4b:
wrs, j.a.i0.
McCarthy Liked Carrlaraa.
rk-out Tom McCarthy, whll coachlne;
rloly Cross, developed BUI Carrlgsn as a
catcher, and always said that th Lewta
ton man had th brain and th nerv to
make giod ,