THK BKK: OMATTA. TIH T'SDAV, .J AXTAHV .14. 1!' Yeiscr Gets Congratulations from Australia on Missing Governorship iTOCK YARDS FIGHT DP IN THE HOUSE Ugan! Aiks Permission to With draw Resolution and Substitute Bill for Investigation. tOWARD ROASTS . CORPORATION : four corner of the earth hy at let two i hear from. The letter nestns: (From Ftslf Correspondent. r.iessenirer bin bonk, "Immorlalltr Ks- MNCOLN. Neb.. Jan 13.-8reil ' " , tflhllstie Through cenoe- and his novel John O. Telser li undoubtedly th moit widely famed of Omaha' or Nebraska' fltlscn'. mvi .and exreptlnf one. of CCUMe. Hut "Jonno" la known almost "Where- ' 'er the run doe Ita urcesK Journey come from far off Australia conaratu latin Mr. Telaer on hla unsuccessful pursuit of that phantom, the republican nomination for (tovemor, last fall. It la from (Jeorne. Wondrnimh, editor of the Telrarranh of Brtshsne. Queensland, a TREASURER HALL IN CHARGE 1 0MAH .P. 5 JSl LAW" - Millions in Securities and Hundreds of Thousands in Cash Check Out to Cent. WILL PROD COUNTY TREASURERS (From a Ftaff Correcpondmt.) LINCOLN. Jan. U. (f'porlaD Although run. Ilia name haa been carried to the man ram) After sleeping ovrr nleht on their ropoeltlon sent ur veslenUy In the irm of a ses.ilutlnh to haie the Koutb Imaha TJv ( k exchange Investigated, lepresentaUve Rean of Platte and Indereon rf Hnyd Concluded that a "solution voii'd not fit the conditions nd aelied .crmlaetn to withdraw It. .'hey had eone'mled a bill Introduced In h "rrgnlar way will force the South fmah people. to come down here and ht It and the facta will be ;nt tn at in a mu-h better way. . -This aave Jerry Howard a chance to ay thin and he proceeded to lambt ba atock arda corporat on a "a trut peraltna In defiance of the law." Mr. loward. a Id furthei.' "If yon don't pay i,V4 Into that combine you ran t do tialneaa. and If the attorney general had na hi duty imra of the fellow would In the penitentiary." Snyder of Adama wa aealnst. an in Inatlratlon because he had helped con vict an Investigation two year ago and (fter It alt nothing had been done. : KeUchlck of tflchardson said he had a lp from the railway commission that hey would announce Ita finding In a tmplatnt brourht alone the m line y J. W, Fhorthill of the Farmer1 Uv It nek and Grain association. On motion t Motkett of LnrtT the matter wa Id vt one day. heme for the financial rehabilitation of nation. Bo familiarly known la he to many men, of distant lamia who never aaw him that I tlicy w-rtte him letter and address him "My Tear I'rlend Velaer." and "l'ear Velaer."' and ''My Valued Friend." And they watch hi going out and his coming- In wfth a teat of true friendly con cern. Jlere I one evidence of It: A letter Velaer never aaw, but frequently Inaugurated a week aso State l ironurer nail uiJ not initially take full 'i charge of the oifbe until today, when ne fon.rb ted n tcn-dny check of aectir- ho an Hie nnfl cash In the atate a atronn boxes. nan to be a atate gov , The K.Vti.VO or J10,on,'i In securities With u It la dirfcrer,. ni1 thp y.,,;. ,n tBsh ,.hcrk((, ollt lo Mv Tear I'rlend Telaer: May 1 eon ,1.1. von on vour not l-eln ele'tel overnor- of Nebraaka? It must awful thin for a ma ....... I. imst-li-a w ..,..i-nora hiive nothing to do. nd thev do It well. When they leave ua we give itreat pralae to them, . Velaer dmlta that he can t' quite aharc hta frlenda edat over the outcome ttf fhla political wlllj'-tl e-wlap of hla, albeit he cotiaole -hlmaelf In the fact that "A Piohphet la not without honor ave In hla own 'country." BILLS MAY CO IN FREELY INSTITUTIONS CARED FOR i i Senators Balk at Any Effort to Pre vent Duplications of Measures They May Introduce. BUSHEE'S MOTION IS CARRIED State Should Build Home for Dependent i Children is Eeport fFrom a Ptaff Correepondent.) UNCOLN. Jan. IS. 8pcI-) In . her Vlennlal report filed yU!rdr with th rovernor, Ella 0ton, -;ent In chartre of Ih tte home for dopendent chiiarett, Mronnly trnre a return to the former plan f caring for tha tate, ward In art In Ututlan Inatead of placlnn.them out to prtvate boardlnic houae. For tha purpoaa of building uch an In tltutlan, Ml Caton ak an appropri ation of S40.MO. Bh propoae to put the dew building at Tenth and Houth atreet. where the old home for friend! children la located. The board of control, now tn rhargo. I known to favor the plan of Mi Caton. The preaent boardlna out pln U more Fxpemlve than the Institutional plan, ac rodln to tho report. Medical attention come higher when the children are cat Jired: moreover the temporgry mother do not care for the clothing of their ward, knowing they can ec.ura new clothe from in ii. - . it i.' It.H ta rind rood home. It 1 rarely that physical or moral defocU are cared for and -remedied under the present plan as they hould b. V 3ILL FOR CHIROPRACTOS " STARTEOON ITS COURSE (From a Htaff Correapondenl.) LINCOLN, Jan. R (Hpeclal.) The senate thl morning stood pat on thu right of any member to Introluee any bill he aaw fit, virtually turning down the reaolutkm of Senator Ileal of Ctmter for a committee for the elimination of all duplicate bills. , ; Senator Bushee's motion, which wa In the nature of an alternative, carried. It provided that the senate aeeretary upon flrat reading of any bill that he should find to be a duplicate of another previous bill, ahould notify the member Introduc ing the hill to thl effect, giving him the number of the Xlrt bllll Pravlde for ramltee. Nearly All riouse Members on Finance Body Come from Counties Where These Are Located. REISHICK FINALLY IS BEATEN (From a Puff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Jan. IS. (Bpoclai.-i nree of the member of the finance committee of the hou reprcaent diatrlcta where there are atate Inetltutlona and three mora are o close to these lnatltutlono that It practically means the earn thlnn. The Relahlck reeolutlon, aimed to pre vent thl manner of choke of committee men, fir went down to defe.t In the houae cauru. It wa then brought up again on th first day of the session and wsa again knocked tn the head. Now th committee. Which constat of eleven membere. ha Fuller and with two Inetltutlona In hla dlatrlct, at Jlllford; Netxman of Cass, who also rcp- reaent Otoe, where there l a sie tlx penny. Wnnta to l'oh Trrnanrnra. TieHsiirer II.ill arnouni-cM thut In 'a fe c'ays lie will laaue an order renulriim county tkrimurcr to pay In state moneys once n month Inatrnd of twice a yar, as formeriv.. In laming thla order the new treasurer redeems n rampuUn pledge. He estimate that the' change will save ; the atate thousatida of dollars In Interest ld on narranta. It will also save state employee the discounts they Iiave paid In order to realize cash on their aolarles. Knaila Condition Bad. Treaaurer Hall characterise the con dition of the state' funds as very bad, because the levy wa not large enough to meet the running expenses of the state and to the practice of the county treaaurer of withholding tate money for long Inters ala. Lancaster county, he points out, reported a few day ago that it had IkO.OOU of the atate' money on hand then. Another element that will relieve thl condition la the late ruling of the attor ney general requiring all department fee to be paid directly Into the state treasury. The office records themselves, according to the new treasurer, are In excellent condition. mm mm . v ' i Senator Beat' resolution propoeed that ! ..,,.. vhraaka City: Moaelcy of all, bill be gone over .by a committer ljanPa,tr wher there I three or four,1 cvrnamiina di in rnairman oi ne com-. , while Hreenwalt m no ciuew mitiee en rule, the tint assistant secre tary of the senate and the director' of Make Fair Tromlse. Treasurer Hall promises, commencing today, to cash all warrants as they are presented. The warrant Indebtedness I shown a follows: t I'nlverslty funds, 164.S!)l.l; normal school, 1158,877 .56; gen eral fund, $tM,9W50, a total of IS,752.70. I MRS. D. O. CRAIOHEAD. to be legally entitled to hi eot tn th house The Courtney resolution In regard nonresident clerk wa voted, down. to th . legislative reference, bureau. Ttjl to a Junior normal. Hoffmelster to a sub .Phruii of agriculture and Koff to a nor mal cbool that tt pra-Hlcally moke, a liar bill aa th Introducer of one bill or by ummarlly throwing out the later duplicate. Senator Deal' resolution was laid over and Senator Bushee' motion carried by a viva voce vot. committee would eliminate duplication, . .pjortty of the committee outsldo of the r'"lr' '"'"" inn i'unwr oi aim- . f the resolution. FIRST MINIMUM WAGE BILL FRAMED BY HOWARD (From a BUff Correspondent.) LINCOLN,- Jn. IS. (Hpeclal. -Rev. John O'Orady. formerly of Lincoln and Omaha, but now studying at the Cath olic university of Washington, where he In writing a monograph on the minimum wagt, . law In the United Btates. give Representative eJrry Howard of South Omaha edlt for being the flrt man to Introduce uoh a measure tn any Amer ican legislature. Re. Kathcr O'Orady mention this In a letter to acting Deputy Labor Com missioner A'ckerman, the tetter being an inquiry Into the preent statu of the minimum Wage In Nebraska. Press Assciation To Meet in Omaha (From a fltaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., "Jan. JS.-t(8ofll.) The chirapracllc bill wa Introduced in he senate today. It provides for a board of examiners who are to be ap pointed ,by the governor. ,Th expenaea, of this board will be met by lmpolng fee upon applicant examined. Th blU put the chlropractora under the sain obligation a the medics nd th osteopath In the matter, of report ing contaglou disease, death, etc., and prescribe qualtflcatlpne for .chiropractor to protect th .public. . . y In th mala, the bill subject . th chiropractor to th earn regulation a were Imposed upon the osteopaths by th taw of 1MB. with th exception that the chiropractor are now asktng for a board of examiner. whe-ea the ' osteopaths for th first ftivr year were, sdmltted to tpractlo upojt th strength of their col- A lege d I pic ma. (From a Ktaf Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. U.-(8pecUI Tel egram.) Dates of' th next meeting of the Nebraaka Fresa association were changed at a meeting at the executive committee held la Lincoln today, to April 12, IS and 14, at Omaha and the following local 'committee appointed on arrange ment: C. O Corey, B. J, Potter. Henry Itlohmond, J. M. Tanner, O. V. Carpen ter, rrank Marshall. T. W; McDonald, 11. A. Toauvln, J. B. Jon, R. L. Met calfe. T. W.'MoCullough, W. R. WaUon and Paul laaon- - ' - , . 1 ... MORE LOBBYISTS APPEAR . FOR WORK DURING SESSION (From 'a'. BUff Correspondent. ( LINCOLN, Jan. t3. - (Special.) The lobbyists' register tn th secretary of state's office I beginning to till up, rep resentative of two railroads and a fruit grower' association having signed the hook today. - ' B. M. Braden of Lincoln appear for th Northwaatnrn road, J. F. Ruas of Fall City for the Missouri PaolNc. enj J. K. Ia Bounty of Mathena, Kan., for' th fruit grower' association lit legislation affecting "weight and measures." It t understood that the latter' Interest have to' do with ttta is of shipping1 boxes. NO ADS FOR EDIBLES 4 -MAY BE PUT CN DESKS (From a Staff Cerrepondeul.) LINCOLN, Jan. IJ.-KBpeclal.)r-Adver ttsiag matter, menu tnsra fod .faciorlea and "other stuff," placed on. his desk, was exceedingly displeasing to Represen tative Henry Klchinoad of Douglss county today aud b aros and made a kick, de claring member of th legislature who had to pay for thtlr own poatage stamps aught not to, have tuck on their desk advertisements of good thing to eat when ail, their money had been used In buying stamp and their credit as null aad void. . As Richmond had been Instru mental la th pawage of the stamp act hla kick was of no avail and hensefortb. aothlng will appear on the members desks which will at all bring vision of ways to spend money. . HOUSE ADOPTS VIRTUALLY RULES OF LAST SESSION (From a fitaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. H -Bpeclal.)-Rule to be used by the hecae are the. same a last year except where the teglalatlve reform repoit bus been adopted. Uu.h- rnond of iJoiwlaa was called to th chair by h leaker Jackaoa this nioinlug wUlla the latter mail? bla irporl a chairman of th rule commute. ." ' ; . ' - The first coi4e of the new Journal proceedings which ate to be furnished the member each day, were found oa the decks today. The proceedings rov rred rlv daya. Although the senate ti aeveial day let In adopting ths new method, they beat th house to yealerduy.and copies of the Journal ef th first thre da were fotind oa the de yraterday mornlag. Bills Introduced. Hungary is Said to, ' Be Makin&Thr.eats , -to JoinAYith Allies LONDON. 'Jan. It Th Petrogrsd cor- resnnndent at th Dally Malt report It la the general belief In Russia ' that the' projected new Invasion of Servla I due to th urgent demand of Hungarian statesmen that something should be done to defend their country, otherwise they threaten that Hungary will look after Itself. It 1 atated. according to the same dis patch, that an expedition of eno.ooe men t being made ready under the nominal command ef Archduke Eugene of Austria, to which will b attache! a German gen eral a th real leader. Th expedition will Include two Bavarian 1 army corps and corp Of Prussian reservist and la expected to begin operation about the middle of February. Governor Kendrick . Favors New Laws to' Promote Irrigation CMKYKNNE, Wyo.. Jan. 13.-Law to develop the agilcultural and stock rata Inn Industries of the atate, to conserve the water supply for Irrigation and to encoiiratre settler by loaning atate fund on real estate mortgagee were recom menoert by Governor John B. Kendrick, demcerat. In his mesa go to the "Wyom ing h'glblature, presented today. The governor ttlso urges an effective workmen' compensation and the crea thin of a public utilities commission. A feature of the message wa a plea for greater legal right for women who have bedn' permitted' to vote and htld office In Wyoming since 189. ' Ot vernor Kendrick urged economy In expenditure, pointing out that the large area of untaxed government land within th-r state border reduced the ' wealth available for taxation. A statute wa reeomjnonded giving: -the governor au thority to remove county officer who ate deriillct In their duty. Former High Justice Scores Lelislators PIERRE, 8. D., Jn. 13.-flpeclal Tele gram.) Speaking before the State- Bar association, former Judge Haney of th supreme court declared one of the chief causes of Judicial criticism is careless legislation. II ald If the Judge were to become a careless In 'the discharge of their i duties as the legislator hav been tn the enactment of statutes con dition would become Intolerable. Rome C. Brown ot Minneapolis, chair man of the American Bar committee to oppose the Judicial recall, declared gainst th prex-alent lawlessness. H aid the recall of Judicial decision Is worse than the recall of Judges. (Front a ftaff Correspondent LINCOLN. Jan. ll.-(8pevlal.)-r Follow ing ar th aw , bills Introduced today before th housa of representatives; t Haas Bills. II. 11. 62. Parlott ef Namih. for a supreme court csmn.lulun of three member atpouited, by governor. sH.MuO salaries two-year term. Jurisdiction confined to civil actions. H. R. XL Ii nek at Valine Chance open maeuu on plover dove to August Is o Deiiiemuor ta nn closes tn season on rahblta Trom March to August. H. K. 4. Kauter ol Otoe-Pertntt at torney w ho, are not adn.Mted to th bar to practice in probate courts. H. R. . Fries of lioaurd Provides that rosd tax may be paid optionally In rash or labor. If In labor at th rate of tl to a day for man and asm for team. II. H. 1. tlnradtth of Paundera tn km of damage suits tor acci.lents the attend ing physician may til a linn In court. H. It. Si. riiea of Howard Incnaaes road tax from IS iO to H aad provides for psyment in labor. H. H. at. Tiblta or Adams Onmrele railroad to advertla their timetable In liaallns newspapers and In otner news- papers in cities of more than one avput. It. U. 3P. Hunter, t numbers. Palmnr and Hnrrett of DouKlaa Provide a ya- tsin for settling up estate ot persons pie- sumed & be dead by reason ot long ab ' Army Takes Over German Eailroads . for Next Five Daya Seeks Repeal o. ... Good Roads Low PIERRE, S. D.. Jan. 13.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Senator lterndt of Bon Homme has a bill repealing the law creating th state good roads commission. A flarry was caused In the senat over an amendment to the rule designed to Increase the number of member re quired to take a bill out of the hand of a committee, from five to ten. Brown endoraed the change, but It wa op. posed by Marvlek. Vrdahl, Hagen and aPlly. and by a ovte of SO to 10 the, number wa again reduced to five, th same as by th rule of the last outoa Tho house unanimously adopted th committee resolution declaring Donahue In Handling Your Estate It costs bo mora to bav It administered by toe Peters Trust Company, whose business It is to dis charge such duties . than . to entrust It to an Individ ual who cannot I. possibly handle it so advantageously who may involve It hope , lessly;' even" though under bond. ' We act, according to law. as Executor, Trustee, Guar dian or Administrator. Capital Surplus - $200,000.00 $275,000.00 aba 1622 fARNAM STREET tr- ' AMSTERDAM. Jan. IS. -(Via Londoa.) AU ordinary passenger traffic wa atqpped today over moat of th railroad of Oer many until January 18. Thl measure wa taken to expedite the movement of troop and munition ot war, to which t raff la th railroad will -be given over almost' eutlrely. JAPANESE AND AMERICAN , SHIPS HELD AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. B. C. Jn. U-Th Japanese ateamer Mexico Maru of ' the Osaka Phdaen Kalsha line and the Ameri can steamship Governor of the Pacific coast steamship company have been de tained. her by th cuatoma officlala be cause part of the cargoes th vessels hav taken on board ar alleged to be contraband ot war under the regulation ' '' '"m . . Office Furniture Filing Systems Our complete line of office fur niture and busluess devices will save you time in selection and give you the best the market af fords at reasonable cost. We are sole Omaha agents for GIobe-YYerntcke Sectional Filing Cabinets and Uookcaaee. ItlT.S Specially gulled for offices at Special Prices. I.INOLKl'MS Finest assortment and qualities for office use. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. THOMPSON. BELDEN & CO. YOUR IUELFARE HOUSE TAKES NOTICE OF ONE CONTEST. CASE It. ft. i. Hunter of Douglas Amend- I F"""a- " vw--- ments to laws regulating practice ' of 1 dentistry In tbl state , it. R. 41, I lot ton of Iancaster Provides seraritte colon. na on oflitial ballot at la'1 election tor each party. II R. 2. Itutton ot Lam-aster-Forbids contingent fees hy lawyers and makes them vuld and uneniorccahle and i-ro- vl.'ea a. (in of to li.OII and dl barment. Kmergen-r. . Seaate Bills. 8. F. 31, Krumbach of Polk Provldee J for a state parole offSer, defines his I duties anq salary. 8. y. M. Lahner of Thayer Road law, providing aa to division of road district. rt. r . is, i.anner t Ttisyer I'roviaes i that all road and labor tsxea shall lie I paid In cash or under1 direction ot per- I sva irons nom saute is a us . . ' . f . U, lhners of Thyer-Provlde that each taxpayer may work out hla , pell tax oa road adjoining or near hi i (From a, Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jsn. U-tSperlal -Th fl move wa made by the tease thl iXUr- I I l i noon Im the contset case, on motion of , lsllctton ef court In Seitlemrnts of e- Kuller of ward. th a. ret. ry of .tat shorl.ii.r order p.ade tn vab. being Inatructed to dejlver to the housj 'i. F. SI, Beal. of Custt-r Require per the ballots snd other Information la thsons at libert- on ball lo appear on th P. K. 36 Beal of Custer To authorise and regulate the practice of chiropractic. H. y. i. Hptrk of Hallne Penalty for I Dettt lsj--en changed from Imprison- iint tn county il I rtty or vlllsge jail. X. K. V, Heal of Custer Extending jur Kelley-Fuit ronleet from Funia county. No cetlon ha yet been taken In the Qoeenaji-Druesduw contest from Douglas county, the papers being tn the hand of tt secretary of state for actio if a call Read tke "For Sale" aa If yo bagaJu of tb ml nut. rant first day of tn next Jury term of the district rcourt. K. F.'. yuinby of Doug l Provide for the taxatloa of .franchises of .11 pub lic service corporations and fixe lb method in whith county assessor shall arrive at value of franchise. 8. F. 40. Hushes of Kimball Provide for aa act o4 a.-oeptanoa cf federal funda (r co-operative agricultural xtenstoa work between th agrtculiurai oulivgv o' lbs several stale . i is at stake when you neglect the Stom ach. Liver and Bowels. Poor . health will soon overtake you. Keep ;up "to the mark" by. assisting1 these organs in their work with the help of tlOST ETTER'S Dimits It makes the appetite keen and aids digestion. Try a bottle. 1 V' r RE AD THE "Business Chances" Advertisements THEY are very entertaining if you are interested in owning a busi ness. Many a wealthy , merchant started by taking advantage of a "Business Chance" offer.. . Ufually only a small amount of money it re quired for taking over a retail business altho you will find businesses offered for huge sums. For the average in vestor, the "business Chances" columns arc full of splendid opportunities. Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee Bverybody read Waal A.SB. I iilllHlsf ' The January Sale of Raincoats Kvery Raincoat in stock is offered for a ridiculously low price. .It is an excellent opportunity to prepare for April showers. All sizes included. Kvery rain coat in our, entire stock repardless of price goes" on sale Thursday for 3.S5 ....,$8.50 to $19.50. No Returns. The Values are No Approvals. In Our Ready-to-Wear Section ( You Will Find Many Genuine Bargains in Coats. Suits, Dresses. Skirts. Furs 'A Great Clearing of Fine Dress Goods and Silks There is no time like the present. There will be no more to take the place of the different stylos as they sellout.' Many lots are marked at less than half-price. Wonderful values in silks for Wednesday: $1.00 to $1.75 Silks, two lots, 39c and 59c a yard. ' Big lot of Wool Dress Goods, your choice, Half Price End-of-Season Reduction They all must go. Thursday Linen Specials TABLE $2.50 Table $3.50 Table $5.00 Table $6.00 Table . $7.50 Table $10.00 Table $20.00 Table $25.00 Table $50.00 Table CLOTHS Cloths.. $1.75 .$2.75 .$3.75 .$4.00 .$5.00 Cloths Cloths Cloths Cloths Cloths. $6.89 Cloths, $15.00 Cloths, $20.00 Cloths, $35.00 HUCK TOWELS 45c Huck Towels, 24c each 50c Huck Towels, 39c each 75c Huck Towels, 50c each $1 Huck Towels, 65c each $1.50 Huck Towels, $1 ea. SALE FIGURED HUCK - TOWELINGS 50c Huck Toweling . . . 40c 65c Huck .Toweling . ,55c 75c Huck Toweling . ,65c $1.25 Hnck Toweling, $1 I I I !'fi "4 .- ' ! ' ! ' I m .. . -." I $5.00 values for. . Same quality at these reductions as when you pay regular prices. Everybody readj Bee Want Ads AMI SEMET. DAMASK BY THE YD. $1.50 72-in-. Damask, $1.00 $1.75 72-in. Damask, $1.25 $2.00 72-in. Damask, $1.50 FINE NAPKINS $3.50 Napkins, $2.50 a doz. $4.75 Napkins, $2.75 a doz. $5.00 Napkins, $3.75 a doz. $10 Napkins, $7.50 a doz. $20 Napkins, $15 a doz. $25 Napkins, $20 a doz. $50 Napkins, $35 a doz. Sale ROLLER TOWELS 50c Bleached Roller Towels.... ..35c each 65c Bleached Roller Towels 50c each SALE WASH CLOTHS 10c, Initial 5c each Sysc, Turkish t.,5c each. 5c, Turkish ..... .2c each SORQSIS SHOES A Special Sale During January. Don't miss it 500 pairs of suede, patent leather, tan, cloth top patents, dull kid and dull calf. Regular prices $3.50 t o $4.50 J Also six styles from (JQ95 regular stock tOj JT9 l'"'''-'f M , - W S . . V .-j . t7 AMIICHENTI. cuahge in oun pnoennn SUrting Today; We .- .Will Show Thanhouser's Great Serial, EvT7 Thursday Instead of Sun days. Thl .Will Be la Addition Our Resrular Program of High ai First Kun rhoto FUy. THEATER 15U and ftrnai Sts. FAnnnr.i BRAIIDEIS TOWIOHT. mr. IATUKOAT and AT. MAIIHSX. Th Wonder Snow of tn Valrar. TiiuasTon World' Oratt Maaiolao. aft Topl M. 100 sTw afrstsrlts. rrloi Mat., g&-0-78o; Bip., a6o-i. roar Day. rUalnr na.. JIM 17 SaaUaM To, aad WA 1 1 FEG '0 MY HEART With Fsrrr Oiratl aad H. TChi. Co. Furies I Mats., 8o-l Xtsb 86o-tl.0. SBBSSSSBS&SBSBBSB&BSSBSSBt QKAJiAjB xvm cnma.n tSrti LttTA Bsily Mat., 1V85-SS WATSON SISTERS SoTETtW KlrtM. "M0K0CC0 BOUND" Aa Xditloa Lsxi ta Two Toliun Kitty A i-anny Wnton, their wondrous ?own and a host ot fun makers sii'l eature. Blj lancin( Beauty Chorus. saAl Dim Matin. Itwi Waekdav COYD Doujlai 1919 Toala All Wssk M aturdar Ta MshuoisI Drassa. IHk f!UHT Ma.. 8llr. 140 and- SO. Xul wa atroaa-hsar. Tsu Jan. la, KMixr ih Mis AMc M&a m la oa- Acta. Sdpta asrls Ho. t THE BOHUMIR KRYL CO. ' Musical Xnt.rt.lB.msnt ' AVItT0B,IlTM T0lOHT 10.15-8O cent to holders of member ships. Xeserv seat at bus Offlc Today. Tot Cham; af Bat oa Tata Iraaah. no Dove M Adve. aad.ytU DaUy Mat. 8il Mtrata, a 1 1 s , .1 Other Acta: nk T1? ?,,rwl North tt Co f MurrU Cronia I Vi u.ti.ttl. ktiixMoii A bnrr; Bert Market; Kr.m.r m rattlson; uroiwum .- ,.vra.. Prices' Mat.. Oal . 6c. ba( seats teicert Sat. A Bun ). Iso. Niahts. lie. la. ; ( X