TUB BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, January 12, 1915. I HAFFEXED across onj of the Chtraco pipers laat week aad apled a little- comment of Interest to Omaha maids. This Item annotated delicately on the fait of a little habit the Chicago bachelors are getting Into of selecting their brldea from elsewhere circles. "It seetna to be rampant among Chicago bachelor to seek their brldea in other cities rather than their own. Perhaps this Is because they want to cause a new sensation by intro ducing to Chicago society an altogether ntw face. 4Iowever ardently the matrons of our etcluslTe circles bay welcome these "alien" brides, it Is left to our wonder whether they approve alto gether of having their own lovely bellee left on their hands. The paragraph further referred to the recent engagement of Mr. Robert Foraan of Chicago and Miss Elizabeth Congdon of Omaha, which was announced in Omaha at the Congdon home Christmas day. Amateur Musical Club. The Amateur Musli'&l club met this aft ernoon at the horn of Mrs. A. I. Root The custa presrnt were: Mleara Mlaae Ortrhn MoConnell.Martaret MePheraon cuaini vvnitmore, If. P. Whltmwe, W illiam Tlaster. I A. C. Kennedy, Kriaar nird. Joseph Barker, Jr.. Maadamee 0rs Mrtntyre, T. J. Mahnnay, f. B t'ajrlwall. V. A. Haxter. Luncheon Postponed. Mra I F. Crofoot tiea postponed her luncheon planned for today until Thurs day of this week. Dinner and Theater Party. Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady will give an Orphcum party followad by a dinner at their hom 'his evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Brady. The cuests will be: Manors, and Meadames Entertains School Set Mini Florence Riley entertained a few frlrnds Monday evrntrjc nt her home prior to leaving for school at Notre Im, Ind. Red roars and greens were used throughout the rooms and the guests were: , Tvorothv Klpllngc-r, Jvdna Riley. Ruth 1 ,eur. I (ieraldtne Johnson, Jvnrothy Clark, Maud Clerk Muth Rtty. .Menm. nt Council Bluffs, ' Ulllan Rllry. Donithv Cavanauah, .Marjorle Millard, Keatrlce Johnm.n, Florence Riley, Meiisrs Alexnmler Pram-ford, I.oul Raff ' William Kelly. Uiifaell lien!, j Frank Walker. of Council Muffs, , 1iiI Pvrll , of Council Rluffs, Milton Durell. rnnald Klpllncer, .1iH4ph A'lama. steward MclX'nald. K. Wead, of Council Bluffs, Frank McUermott. o(Cuuticll Ulnfff. Wedding Announcement!. The marriage of Dr. Charles If. Newell end Mlsm Ethel Kadcl was celebrated Monday afternoon at o'clock at tha parsonage of the Diets Memorial Meth odist church. The Rev. C. N. Dawson of ficiated. Dr. Newell Is associated In medicine mlth Dr. A. P. Condon and Is a mem ber of the staff of the Nicholas Benn hospital. Miss Kailel was a nurse at (Nicholas Senn hospital. Dr. and Mra Newell have gone cast on a wedding trip and upon their return will reside In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. liFlls anwyinoa the marriage of their daughter Caroline to Dr. James WeHley Novak, which took rlace Monday at Fremont. At Prairie Park. The Prairie Tark club gave their week end party at the club house Baturday evening. .Thoae present were: M laaes Francs Hose Kallirvn Hrr.lth, Ruth Petersen, Kthel Rosa. l,enore K.ck, Phyllis Ve!erg, Alpha Id, Frances Watt, Mcmlamea S. P. Worsens, C. H. Roaa, Mcaare. T. V. Pennlsten. . Altert Wcdemcyer, K. C. le. U 1-, Carr. Kred Hchuoffler. V'reil W edemeyer, Mlasea Kthcl Morgans. Kslner Prami, luretta O':onner, ciladva sulllvan, Kthel Weldner, Carolyn Hdmqulat. Cnraldtne Johnson, Kvm lAveiry. Maadaines Rryaon, Watt. Messrs Jeraid Rruce, Howard Oranden, A, 1 Oladwln, John C. Rlttlnger, Oeorffn V. Abbott. Fred Kyler, Dancing Party Tonight. The event of Interest to society today Is the dancing party Which la to be given this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Dixon. The ball room at the Dixon heme on North Thlrtyvelghth street will bo elab. orately decorated with Urge bunches of red roses, palma and greens. Mr. and Mra Dlaon'e guests win be: Messrs. and Mesdam B. M. Fairfield. Frank Hamilton. J. K. Hummers, P. Will Hamilton. . P. M Wllhelm. Harry Tukey. Charles T. Koontse, Arthur Keellne. Luther Kountse, joaepn Harker, I F. Crofoot, W. H. Cowslll, Frank Kennedy, J. T. (He wart. 2nd.; Joseph Baldiise, Ward Bnrgeat, Walter Page, John llesa of OounMI Bluffs. Msssra Kiigor Motsman. Howard P.aldrlge, R H. Pnragtie, R W. 11 arte of Council Bluffs, A. B. Warren, Luthel1 Drake. O. C. Redlek. A. V. Klnaler, floors Prins, louls KaMt, P. H. Oalnee. F. A. Rrojan. Clement Chase, C. T. tUewart of Council Bluffs, A. U Reed, Visa Daisy Doene. Measre , Dr. Brlrixes. Htockton Hetli. Charles Saunders, W. Ka mam Smith, Karl Gannett. C. W. Hull. Hal Brady, John P. Webster, Ben Wood. Mlaaes F.tlsabeth Dsvla, Menia 1 avl. Oladys Peters. Daphne Peters, Iulse Dinning, Measra Wlllard Butler. Cuthhert Potter. Robert Hums. Ben Gallagher. Paul Gallagher. Harold Prltrhett. Charles E. Mets. Mlssna Mildred Butler. Kllzaheth Bruce, "lira bet h Pickens. Mary Burkley. Messrs Cera Id Wharton, Raymond Ixiwa, Kenneth Patterson, Jack Baldwin, C. J. Lord. NEW CHEF IS ALL FRENCH Hag Had the Honor of Serving Two Crowned Heads at the Same Time in Europe. TO FINISH NEW HOTEL ON TIME Posaesaed of the rare distinction of hav ing served Kaiser William of Germany and the late King Edward VII of Eng land at the aame time, Charles Mayard. who ha been a prominent hotel chef in half a do sen countries, has now cofne to Omaha to be "director du reataurant" at the ll,OQO,on Fontenelle hotel, soon to be opened. "The very best cuisine layout of any hotel I have ever seen." la the way he expressed himself after Inspecting the cafe and kitchen departments and equip ment at the Fontenelle with President Wllllum R. Birrbank. He is French through and through, and Insists that his name be pronounced "My-yard." He cornea to Omaha front Hotel Onsn dnga, at Syracuse, N. T., whers Mr. Bur bank placed him at the opening of that hostelry, while the latter whs manager there. Before that Mr. Mayard was chef at the Bt. Regla hotel. New York. Al though still In his s, he has been "di rector du restaurant'' at fine hotels In Farls and Nice. France: Welsbaden, Ger many; Palermo, Italy; Cairo and Alexan dria, Egypt, and other places. Decoratora are now busy on the public rooms In the Fontenelle. When they com plete their extensive work, shortly before February IS, the big hotel will be prac tically finished. Manager Vaughn of the Pelden-Breck Construction company de clares that Ms firm will turn ever the finished building on or before that date.. A grand publl? opening of the Fontenelle will be held two or three weeks later. EDSON RICH TO SPEND A MONTH IN THE SOUTH F.d(on Rich, general attorney for the t'nion Pacific, who has been ill for a nnmber of days, Is so much better that he has perfected plans for leaving for the south next week, where he expects to spend a month or so In New Orleans and at Gulf resorts not far away. Mr. Rich wa at his offlcea In the headquar ters building a short time Mondsy afternoon. W" ' 11 ' ' " 1 ' ) ""I ! I" 1 11 11 ' I H 'I I V 1 aaaaataaasa. 1 iaalaaattakBL 1 ' '4Maa 'i j aaaa 1 aw4 i taJaaiaaBil --i BtftaBBeaUeJI k!Jw'w'' ' ' ILsssaasa 1 kgBBBBBB1lh'sagb 'UjawaUaavaaaajV' J Itfajataspkai jsaa'' ' Lt. : - 1 mi ..M.niii.i - -' T: !'. . .., .1 For House Guest. Miss Helen Van Duaen gave a bridge party this afternoon In honor of Miss Louise Hupp' of Chicago, formerly of Omaha. Mlsa Van Duaen entertained: Mra. Chester Dudley, Council Bluffs. McCague Surprised , at Lobeck in His Attitude to Omaha Much surprise was expressed by John I McCague, chairman of the executive committee of the Commercial olub, at the Washington dispatch printed In The Bee last Bunday saying that Congressman Lobeck holds the buslneaa men of Omaha to be taking little Interest In the reten tion of the Indian warehouse here. "Mr. Lobeck must know that the bust nesa men here are very greatly Interested la keeping the warehouse hers," said Mr, McCague. "I am surprised that Congressman Lo beck should make such a statement. If he Is correctly quoted. The Commercial: club sent two men to Washington to con fer with the Department of Indian Af fairs some weks ago on this' matter, and we have been active all along. We feel that the warehouse belongs her because of Its proximity to the various reserva tions and the accessibility to railway eervlce." Home Furnishings Sales! The Brantlois Stores provide everything to furnislf and beautify the home everything needed to make the home more comfortable and cozy and every Wednesday we offer special values in these departments. Some of this week's notable attractions are detailed here: Mlaaes Blanche Deuel. Halcyon Cotton, Mildred Todd, Alice Cnad, Irene Carter. Dorothy Hmlth, Mabel Allen, Adelaide Vance, Katharine Knig, Fort Crook; Ma.rJoiin 1 lowland, Helen ICpeneter, Ruth Rlabaugh, Jean Hunter, Council Bluffs; Mlsaea- Jesn'te OrMnshlalds, Council Bluffs; Marlon Turner Council Bluffs; Harriet Copleyi Nan Barrett. Helen Hmlth, Grace filabaiigh, Mary Taylor, Mary Fuller, Klsi (Mors, Margaret Denelan, Plattainouth; Genevieve Horatroek Mr. and Mrs. eorge W. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Conley. Mr. and Mrs.. P. C, Haynss, Mr. and Mrs. B. '!. King, Mr. and Mra William U. 8tewart, Jr.; Dr. and Mm, J. It Hell, Mr. and Mrs. John K, Hlttinker, Mr. and Mrs. Heott K. Heshtol, Mr. and Mrs. Criarlca Neff, Mr. and Mra. Guy H. Fumess, Mr. and Mra. K. U. Play. Mr. and Mra. P. I. Peterson, Mr. and Mra. t. S. Felt, Mr. and Mra William Krk, lr. and Mrs. XV. B. Ktater. Mr. and Mra P. XV. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Oakrs. Mr. and Mrs. K. 3. Weherg, Mr. and Mra Roas H. Hc.ird, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. C;chrat, Mr. and Mrs. louls KVImS 1, Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Wed. ineyar, Mr, and Mra. F. It Hrataard, -Mr and Mrs. H. H. lewia, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Hlckler, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Abtxilt. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pardun. Mr. and Mrs. Walter U lilackett. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Morris, Mr. nd Mrs. A. P. Hunt, Mr. and Mra. Kmil A. Lucks. Mr and Mrs. Willis P. Crosby, Mr, and Mrs. XV. A. Binlth, . Mr. and Mrs A. P. Rawson, ' Mr. and Mrs. F. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Backlas. ' Mr. and Mra. f M. Kent, ' Mr. and Mra. Thomaa C. Rich. Creighton Medical Dance. The Crelghlon Medical college will give the fourth of a series of , six dancing parttea this evening at Chambera' acad emy. Future Affairs. The Deborah Franklin Kensington club wtir give a dinner Saturday evening at the Rome hotel. Tha dinner will celebrate the birthday annlveraary of Benjamin Franklin. Musical selections will be given during the evening by Mrs. A. I. Root, Messra Harry Burkley and George Johns ton. Mr. Clement Chase will address the ilub. Fleaiurei Past Miss Ada aad Mr. Harry Fleming en - tertalned the (Social club at a birthday party Bunday at their home. Those pres ent were: With the Bridje Players. ' Mlsa Eugenia Patterson waa hostess to day at the meeting of the Debutante Bridge club. Mlsa Louise Dinning, Mlsa Gillette of Bhertdan, Wyo.; Mrs. Ben Wood and Mrs. Louisa Meyer were the guests of tha elub. The members present were 1 Misses -Misses- Frances Hoehstetler, Btella Thummell. Alice Jaqulth. , Ann Glfford. Lucille Bacon, Blanche Duell, Marion Kuhn, Janet Hall. Uieanur Mackay. Helen Clarke. Mr. Walter Roberta entertained the members of tha Tuesday Afternoon Bridge N club today at Iter home. Those present were: Mesdamea Georaa Kedtck, Frank Keogh, John Madden, Barton Millard. John Redlek, W. M. McCormlok. Meada mea Ross Tnale, Louis Clark. Arthur Keellne. Denlaa Harkalnw, Walter Roborts, . Carter Lako Club. The Carter Lake Swimming and Bowl ing club entertained Monday afternoon at the Farnam alleys. The high score at this meeting was made by Mrs. W. J, CatUn'a baud which waa 1,074. The members are: Meada mes AlexJetea J. A. Freeland, W. M, Oould, Jr.; J. A. Dtmlck, l A. Dermody, F. W. Htroup, A, J. Ptoreon, L. A. Hogars. M. N. Baasett, 8. Golds! rora. Mesdames . R- O. Hlerman, ' II. L. Pnlerwood, W. J. Cattln. K I- Brailey, Carl M. Johuaon, Charles My era. . Frank Carpenter. H. B. Whltchouse, W. M. Dorranre. Oa the Calendar. Mrs. L. F. Crofoot has Issued Invita tions for a musical and tea which will be given at her home Tuesday. January 1. at S:W o'clock. Mra. Crofoot la president of the Sacred Heart Alumnae and this tea is to be give In honor of Ute alum naa . Mlases Charlotte Brewer, Kvt Wallitce, Ainue MxU-om, Kil.el Yawlere, Ana Fleming. Mresrs. Krnat Carlson. Wrnon l.eeiard, Pldney Sorenaoli, Harry MihmI. t'rla Keevea. Ki Mi-Cracken, II. UKta, Mr. and Mra. Ed Stevens of Council emir. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming. ' Miss Grace Mlckel entertained the Las Amigaa Whtst club Saturday afternoon. Prises fur the game were awarded tt Meadamea F. J. Murphy, J. M. Gerhard and Miss Mlckel. The club will meet Mlesea Beaele Her fen, iteavle (J allot) of Council Bluffs, May rUovrns of Council BlutfH Meeara. lo Mcijtieen, I 'k-k Peach, btnmet Hundr of Council 111 iff a, Nela naming ef . Hsstinas, la. to weeks at the Murphy. home of Mrs. F. J Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mra O. C. Redick a ill give a dinner of eight 00 vera this evening at their home. Later the guests will attend the dance at the home of Mr. and Mra K. W. Dlion. In Son; Eecital. Mra Carrie Jaooba Bond will be heard In aong recital Mondar evening, Jaauary IK at the North Hide Christian church, at J aeaty-second and Lotbrop etreeta 11 ri. Bond Is well known In Omaha au diences, with whom site Is moat popular, lie artiatic rendition er her on aongs l.aa always nude her a strung drawing taid 10 ail Lin. Ira. Alias LiunU sang la 'u.ir. tu i a(u. 4 I Driver Hits Curb to Save Little Girl 8 To avoid atrlking Teresa Plstela, S-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mra. O. A. Pis tols. 1036 Capitol avenue, William Hyland, driver at the fire station. Twelfth and Dodge atreeta, drove his team into the platform of the T. C. Brunner tt Bon building at Eleventh and Dodge streets. upsetting the wsgon and himself, suatatn- Ing painful Injuries. Hyland waa driving the supply wagon north or r.ieventh when a atreet car frightened hla team and as the child waa directly In the path of the vehicle he turned the horses Into the curb and In ao doing the wagon struck the platform and turned completely over. Hyland waa attended by Dr. T. T. Harrta and re moved to hla home at 170$ South Four teenth atreet In Rug Department Tximo r&oom. All diacontinutd pattern and odd lota arm offered at Clearing Sale Price Axmlnater Ruga 9x12 feet, good selection of patterns. Beat quality. Values Ain Kfl to $27.50. Choice Wednesday, J 1 aeOU Hartford Kernuin Wilton Hugs 9x12 feet. The finest quality. $60.00 values, fO Cf Wednesday, at apisSieOU Genuine Meamlc Wilton Huge 9x12 feet. Sell everywhere for $50.00. All good patterns. A few plain colors tan, green, dJQQ 711 blue, brown. Choice Wednesday Pae7 O Royal Axmtnnter Ruga 9x12 feet. All beautiful pattern both Floral and Oriental. Values up to $22.50. Choice Wednea- 00 Royal Axniinster Rugs Same quality as above, but 8-3x10-6. $20.00 values. t - (- (f Your choice Wedneaday, at P XOeVU Hhort lengths of Inlaid Linoleum C feet wide .Sold up to $1.35 per square yard. Spe cial Wednesday, square yard s. Printed Linoleum 1 2 feet wide. Values up to 76c per square yard. Special Wednesday, at 85c es up to 45c In the Art Linens TKXBD FX.OOB. 6-Yard ltecea Coronation Cord White and colors. Worth 15c, at Stel Crochet Hooka With Pro- Q f . tectora Worth 5c. Wednesday. & lOr DC 50c Puns Linen Guest Towels Neat de signs. Choice Wednesday at 8fl-Inch Linen Center Pieces $1.00 val slgns. Choice Wednesday, at 45-Inch White Irish Linen Center (f Pieces $1.75 values. Wednesday J)leUv White Linen Lunch Cloths Stamped t In neat designs. $3.50 values for -a, . "CryaUl Rope" Embroidery Silk Worth 5c skein. Wednesday, THREE for Hand-Embroidered Sofa Pillows Values to $3.50. Choice Wednesday $ 00 Work Aprons, Dressing Kacques, Pillow Tops Stamped, ready to be embroidered. Odds and ends worth up to 29c. Choice i f at 1UC Germantown, Saxony and Shetland Yarn! Good assortment colors. Worth 12c akeln. 100 Japanese Villages New table deco- Cf ration, containing 21 pieces. Special. OUC 5c 25c 35c 75 5c 6c MRS. WILLIAM M'CUNE IS FOUND DEAD IN HER BED Mrs. William McCune. wife ef Major William McCune, well known aa western manager and companion of Colonel W. F. Cody, died Monday at her home on Twenty-seventh street near Dewey ave nue. Mra. McCune has not been well for several months snd has been compelled to undergo several oDarattoaa When Mr. McCune attempted to call her yester day morning he found that ahe was dead. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. SUTTON TO HEAR APPEAL ON HUNTER SALOON LICENSE District Judge Button Wednesday will hear an appeal by persons who protested sgalnst the granting of a llcenae to Ted P. Hunter to conduct a saloon at 1SU Military avenue, and over whose protest the city council granted the license. MISS KATE M'HUGH IS HELD UNDER QUARANTINE Because a member of the family has been taken 111 with smallpox and the home has been quarantined for two weeks, Mlsa Kate McIIugh, teacher of English at the University of Omaha, will be unable to appear for duty during tho re at of tha present semester. ' Our White Sale Offers Big Linen Values All-Idnen Table Damask 72-ln. wide. Full bleached, Scotch make; all new up-to-date floral patterns, 18 plecea for Wed nesday's selling, worth $1.25 yard. Special, yd. OS7C Kc to 60c Fancy linens An porter's sample line about 500 plecea In -the lot; Center Pieces, Scarfs, Dollies, etc. in Renaissance, cluny lace and drawnwork. Yonr oft choice, each, at OaC 60 Doaen Extra Fine Quality Double Damask Dinner Nap klna Pretty floral patterns, ' Including spot design. Worth $3.25 to $3.60 per E( dosen. Special at &ZJJ SO All Lluerl Hemstitched Table Cloths Size 66x80 Inches heavy Scotch make; beautiful floral pattern . worth to $3; spec 200 Table Cloths Hemmed and hemstitched ends. Exquisite patterns, copied from high- ciaas aamask. Breakfast or luncheon, to $1.25. Special, each ...... T)4c Linen Finished CrahThe Barnsley kind. Soft and f absorbent. Special, yd. DC lOO Red Spreads Heavy cro chet. Full else. Fringed or plain hemmed ends. All pretty patterns. $2.25 J 1 QC values Choice, ea. J) X iOD B'1$1 e98 89 c 50 Dozen All Pure Linen Dinner Napkins Regulation size. No damask to match. f J I Q Special, dpeen.... M A eTaf 250 Doaen Hemmed Waah Cloths White and fancies. For Q one day only, each awC Limit to each customer. About 150 Docen Full Bleached Turkish Towels A mill's over production. Plain and fancy borders; also name towels. Values up to 49c. ejp Special, each dC JOO Hed Spreads The crochet kind, hemmed ends, regulation size. Worth $1.00 and $1.25. Special Wednesday, t2C each OaC fTJ I 1 1 In Drapery Section TuaD nooB. AH Our Regular SOc and 45c Cretonnes are now offered at clearing sale price. Special yard . i All Our 43 and 48-Inch Imported Scotch Madras Worth 50c yard, at... 25c "29c All the 1 and 3-Palr lxts of Ice Cur- JQ tain Worth $1.75 to $2.00 each, at OZ7C Two Specials---In the Basement 46 Plecea of 33-Inch Colored Madras ty p Worth COc yard. Special Wednesday eOC 800 Pamplea of Imported Lac Curtains 1 and ltt yarda long. Worth as high as Ag $3.50 pair. Choice Wednesday, each, 3C WSSZS2SHS25ESSSHSHSHS2SHS2SZSZSHSESZSHS2Sc In Picture Section THZBD FX.OOB. Sml-.unual Salo of IMcture Frames i-For the balanco of the month of January every Picture France in our immense stock will be cut In price at leaat 25 Per Cent. This sale Includes Ar: Craft Guild Fruines and Picture Mouldings, Hand-Carved Frames, Standard Frames and Picture Frame Mouldings made to order. . Picture Frame Prices Cut in Half We have made up aTout 1,000 IMcture Frames from short lengths of mouldings that we Q are closing out choice, each jC Over 500 Iteally Fine Hand-Carted Frames that are usually priced at from $2.00 t AA to $3.00; on sale now, choice, at. . v X tUU c2SHSZiES52SES2SS52S2lS?a3aSESZ5aSc3SSS?SHSHSS5HS2S NN 0VA.T1 OJTSSEE jtLr-REOULmu Ft mm mi "NEMO CORSET ...vgatw gsW'-ii Welcomed by the Woman who hat been left shapeless and flabby by the pass "corset less" mode. who wants to fet rid of the rolls of fat above waist, caused by too-low corsets. who needs complete abdom inal support and reduction, but prefers corsets "not so heavy." who objects to outside straps. who insists on up-to-date stylo with perfect comfort free breathing1, no over-pressure on the gastric region. Twa aaaaslat Ne. S41, far abort full fig. 1 tO.OO tires, anal N. 342. fee taller fall figures f T4ss new models do not smfpiant any of the older models. If you already wear a Nemo that fully satisfies you stick to it! Nemo No. 322, for Instance, eaiti thouaeade of woaiea perfectly serbape better tbaa tbeee new saodeU, aad aoats tha aaaaa $X0O No. 403, at S4X0, is a perfect ssodcl tor son a type; aad to oa. BR A WISE WOMAN! Weer a Nemo, but doa't diaeard the atodel yoe KNOW suit you. 71U Ntm iaeaie-reaAwai Imtitmt. Hmm York The World's Greatest Equals World's Greatest Pianist The Last Word is APOLLO IN THE PLAYER PIANO WORLD It Plays the Piano like the Musician touching down on the keys ' Just) .a few Bargains in Pianos you cannot pass up. Refinished, look like new and are as good Adam Schaaf, Schoninger, Weser Bros., Kimball, Hospe, Cable-Nelaon, "NVegman, Everett and Steinway at $125, , $150, $175, $185, $190, $200 $225. $250, $275. ' a. hospe: co. 1513 Douglas St. For Sauces and Gravies For smooth, rich sauces aad graTiea Cottage SterflUea Ui il is far superior to botde milk. Its uniform richaeetdown to the last drop always giTea satisfactory results. Cottage Milk is always fresh, para and sweet. It ia tha richest milk with most of tha water taken out, perfectly Sterilised and with nothing added. It lasts indefinitely. Th mk Without the CookmJ Tatt In Two Sizes 5 and 10c At all Good Dealer Or rhoae Cnllen Broker are Company. Soujrlaa 4413. 818 Braadele Theatre Bids:.. Omaha. AJsXUCAU nut CO, CHICAGO 430 III tJilaSi M ite ' Qy-Product "Dollars and Sense'9 When you save 20 of your fuel bill you are making dol lars. When you abolish smoke, soot, clinkers and ash sifting with their attend ant annoyances you are snowing sense. Vulcan does not pollute the air with smoke and poisonous gases. It burns to a clean ash gives as much heat ton for ton as the best Anthracite at 45 of the cost. It holds its fire over nightstarts quickly in the morning. It is made in regular hard coal sizes. Pradaeed 6y Coil Products ft!fg. Co JIiet,lll. RxcIusIts Domestic Sales Aaenta. HtwilkMaaomsoa Caal & Coko Co. BfoOonaiek Oaleafo. Order Today Nebraska Fuel Co. Tihfasai Deaiks Diibkstsrs ktOaats SaOaaka Ca Bails Water Power Develop meat T&AMWAT UJiaa. irratiiB. ataars. Steam Powei llssAx ! 7TJ- 'oar ATlOBTt! MrOSTS. I j to Km-V lATIOHBi fealcal V '..''ifi WHY! In tt. al . lirH BlAJlaa thai aaaal ' W" awniKLUf Kia Heat . forua urtara at.ia. .k.. r rr Mtl, u4 . j: 1 . a Hiioir la aftar ' r .inn 1. 1. m . i I. .... w.pw aia aior aoaUr ornvtbs la luL.ll 1 kit .tt.. . .r- . w ur M. mi ' Of lUUmciMt -i. .... 1 ' aiao. ao hr Uk. chaaoM. The aaaiaarauv.lv m.u ..r. iiarmuaa call or artu IMS-IS w. O. W. Bias-.. On aha, BTsh. faoas aWt M37.