Tin; m:i:: omaha. wkdnksday, January m. urn. WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tell How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville, Ky. " I think if more suf fering women would take Lydia E. JPinkham'a Veeeta- ble Compound they would enjoy better health. I suffered from a female trou ble, and the doctor decided I had a tumorous growth and would have to be operated upon, but I refused as I do not believe in opera tions. I had fainting spells, Dloatea, and could hardly stand the pain in my left side. My husband insisted that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep better, do all my housework and take long walks. I never fail to praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for my good health. "Mrs. J M. Resch, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Since we guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering in a like manner T If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary,. but at onoe take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' Writ to Lydia E. Phikhain Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter vril be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. HoRiesecker's Excursion (Return limit 21 Pays.) First and Third Tuesdays via Illinois Central Railroad Direct Route To the South and Southeast ENJOY THE All STEEL Seminole Limited Train Over the Scenic Route Karly Reservations Important. Telephone, Write or Call for full Information, Interesting Literature, Tickets, Etc. S. NORTH, District Paseemger Agent, 407 South 16th Street, Omaha. Phone Douglas 264. heals itching burning skins WHAT relief! The first appli cation of Resinol Ointment usually stops all itching' and burning and makes your tortured skin feel cool and comfortable at last. Won't you try the easy Resinol way to heal eczema or similar skin eruption ? Doctors have prescribed Resinol regularly for twenty years. feeeinal Oiatmcat, with tba help ei Reaiaol Soap, dears away piiBplesaad blarkhaada, ao4 it a mot valuable kouaebold remedy for aorta, bursa, chaBncs, dandruff, ilea, ate. Sold by allanicaiau. UU kaemol Soap lor the toilet. Omaha LIQUOR -and- DRUG Treatment V 1502 S. 10th St. Phone D. 7CWJ OMAHA m titer BRIEF CITY NEWS Fidelity Stors-. Co. Don. S8. ""v. Soot Frist It Now Fa-scon Pr. Snrmi Liruuii i L.laiiUiia fix tures. Totana Ooaslot Kofto rrorram classified section today, and appears hi The Be KXCL.USlVEL.. n out what lb varies moving picture theaters off.r. laoreass4 eormeeuee means increased business, both nationally and locally. Locate your office In The Bee Building, the building- that Is always new" for Increased business and prosperity. SanolBir Chambers winter term, new classes, opvns Monday, January 1 Adult beslnners Mondays and Thursdays, ip. ra. Assemblies Wednesdays, S p. m. Indies, Tuesdays. 1p.m. Children, Tuesdays, " p. m.i Saturdays, IM p. m. High school, 1:3 p. m.; Saturdays, 7 p. m. Private leaaona by appointment Vp-to-the-mlnute dances taught. List early. Phone D. lSTl. Two 'Welg-bmarUre The city commis sion has appointed i). Walter Hell and Robert J. Altchiaon, coal dealers, as welghmasters. Will Talk on Scotland Mrs. C. J. Roberts will give a travelogue on Scot land at the North Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and Wirt streets. FTlday evening. 8btore Petition riled A debtor's petition has been filed by Arthur J. Marsh, 267 Ames avenue. In United States district court. His liabilities are given as S01 Husband Would Wot Talk to Her That her husband refused to talk to her la one of the reasons assigned by Mrs. Klsle M. King for a suit for divorce startod by her in district court. Colored Tolas to Meat There will be a meeting of local members of the Na tional Association for the Advancement J of Colored Peorle at the city hall Thurs day evenina; to perfect plnn for the Fpingarn ledum Rev. John Albert Wil liams will plVSid''. Mr. aod Mrs. ILoet Go Kast .Mr. uii'l Mis. Wiliiuin l.ct. tvl.o surprised their j f.iend. Monday by an t-lopciuent to Rlulr, whure tuey were married. ltn been heard from ana ure on tlieir wuy rjist on a wcddlni trip. Mrs. lct a as formerly ?liss Anne Robeitaon. Sst.nd Cross-Town .Uji. After next Sunday tun croa-town car, tlmt now have the north terminals ut Twenty fourth and Cuming streets, will run through to Lake street, where the turn will be made. The extension of the servlco will mean that the running of one more car will be required. The ex tension of the cross-town cars to I.ake street is expected to relievo f"lt nation that has unnoyed the street railway of- f trials and long time. north sido residents for a How Elizabeth's Pretty Name Came to Be Selected The doll which Tho flee Is this week giving to the little girl cutting out the moat pictures la named "Elizabeth," and (back of ihis name Is a pretty llttlo story. The doll Is named after one of The Bee's enrllos"t subscribers who lives In a nearby town, and who wrote to ua this letter: "I have been a regular reader of your valuable paper fcr a long time. My folkB began taking the Weekly Bee when It was first prlntod. I have always been Interested in tho welfare of Omaha and The Bee, and am now Interested in the dolls. But I . haven't seen any named J711xab6th .That's my name, " and 1 think It's, the prettiest name. I am sure some little girl will like, it, and I hope to sco one named for me. I am an old woman, and never had a 'boughten' doll or a child of my own. I am C7 years old and I hope you will not be offended." The writer said her letter was not to bo printed, but wo know sho will forgive us for doing so on condition of with holding her full name. Fred Brodegaard is Seriously Sick . . at Los Angeles Friends of Fred Brodegaard, the Jew eler, have been much concerned about his condition, since lie left the city sev eral days ao. This apprehension has been, increased by the lecclpt of word from' Los Angeles that Mr, Brodegaard Is in a sanitarium at. Los Angeles In a really preoarious condition. No particulars as to his Illness are as yet available. It is known that lie was considerably worried over business bo fore he left home. He had entered some months ago on an undertaking that in cluded the establishment of a large num ber of related retail Jewelry stores, and had interested a large number of pejple In his plan. The disturbance of business incident to the war, as well as other causes, occasioned Mr. Brodegaard much worry, and" apparently affected his health. His business affairs are now be ing checked over. FORMER OMAHA WOMAN IS DEAD AT PHOENIX Mrs. T. P. O'Keefe, wife of a former Omaha contractor, died Monday at Phoenix, Ariz., where she has been for the last three years In search of health. Mrs. O'Keefe left Omaha three years ago. She is survived by her husband and 9-year-old daughter. Her maiden name was Miss Colbert of Troy, Mo., where her mother and four sisters now reside. Her mother waa with her at the time of her death. Mr. O'Keefe has two brothers living here,' John and Leo O'Keefe. Mr. O'Keefe is a nephew of Mrs. R. C. Cushlng, wife of the late R. C. Cuahing, who was formerly mayor of Omaha. Mrs. Cushlng is now seriously 111 at her home In Los Angeles of nervous breakdown, which began three months ago. CITY PAYS HALF TOWARD PAVING CASTELLAR STREET Hurrah for Caatollar street property and. residents from Sixth to Eighth streets! The city commission has de cided to pay half the coat of grading and paving there, even though it comes to I3.M0. It Is customary for the city to pay half of such costs in certain cases, but Uiis half is a little above the aver age, relatively, yet the comisaloners think those are pretty fine folks out CasUllar way and that their deifnd is a Just one. Liver Conaplalat Makes Yo I s. Wppy. So Joy in living if your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's- New Life lill. All druggists. Advertisement. Resd the bargains of "For Kile am the ui'nuts it you want BODY OF H.W.YATES IS BOM TO REST Funeral Serrce for Pioneer Banker and Citizen Are Held at the Trinity Cathedral. BURIAL IS AT PROSPECT KILL Funeral services for the late Henry W. Yates, pioneer banker and citisen of Omaha, who died at his home here last Saturday night, wers held at Trinity cathedral Tuesday afternoon and large numbers of friends, nelghPors and busl neas associates followed the body to Pros pect ltlll cemetery, where It waa laid at rest In the family lot. The attendants at the funersl of the lete Itenry w. Yates was very large, men and women from all walks of life being present In numbers sufficient to fill the Immense auditorium of the cathedral. The love and respect In which he was held By those who had known him so well and so long was manifested by the floral offerings, coming not only from people of Omaha and nearby cities and towns, but from as far away as Chicago, Kansaa City and St. Joseph. It Is doubtful If ever at a funeral in Omaha was there such a profusion of flowers. Beautiful set pieces completely filled the chancel and overflowed Into thp body of the house. Fiarral Service Simple. The funeral services were simple and in accordance with the rites of the Epis copal church, of which Mr. Yates had been a member practically all his life. They were conducted by Pean J. A. Tan cock of the cathedral, assisted by Bishop AVllltams of Omaha and Bishop Beecher of Kearney. The music was by the ca thedral quartet Mrs. Ben Stanley, so prano; Miss Daisy lllgglna, slto: A. U Vickery, tenor; Lewis Loring. bass with Ben Stanley at the organ. Occupying seats within the chancel were Rev. F. D. Tyner. Rev. John Wil liams, Rov. T. J. Collar, Rev. T. . J. Mm Kay. Rev. John Albert Williams and Herbert Moore, O. II. Cleveland and Rev. Mr. Wells, besides C. W. Lyman. C. a. Montgomery, S. P. King, V. B. Caldwell and Clement ChaRC, laymen. Borne into the cathedral by Joseph Barker, Rotwrt Morsman. Wallace Ly man. Ezra Millard, Sam Caldwell, I-eon-ard Schelble, W. B. Hughes and followed by honorary pallbearers. Joseph H. Mil lard, P. W. Clarke, F. It. Pavla, 8. D. Barknlow, J. C. French. Phillip Potter, CJeorge H. Thumtnel, Charles C. Oeorge (and Walter T. Page, the casket contatn- Ing all that waa mortal of Henry W. i Yntea wna placed In front of the chancel, whlln Mr. Stanley at the organ played the Chopin funeral march. During the services the quartet sang the hymn, "Peace, Perfect Peace" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soui." "Holy, Holy, Holy; Lord Ood of Hosts," by Gounod, wna played during Joe saying of the funeral rites. At the conclusion of the services and as the csskot was being taken from the cathedral, Mr. Stanley played the Beeth oven funeral march. Chit of resiiec, to the memory of Mr. Tates, all of the hanks of the city, the clearing hou.a and a number of trust companies "were closed during tho hours for the funeral and most of the officers and a large number of the employes of these institutions wero in attendance. W. F. Critchfield, Well Known Lawyer, Buried at Fullerton A. F. .Critchfield of Fullerton, one ot Nebraska's ablest snd best known at torneys, who died Monday afternoon in Omaha at the home of a friend on Daven port street from an acute attack of pneumonia, has been buried in tho family lot at Fullerton. Deceased had contracted a bad cold nbout a week ago and came here for treatment. His case was no considered dangerous until a very short time before his death, when his wife and a number of his friends were at his bed Ktde. Two sons, Wilbur and Clifford, arrived shortly after the demise. Mr. Crlticfield was born at Tama, la., fifty-four years ago. He lived his boy. hood days in that vicinity and took his B. A. degree at the Iowa Ptate university at Iowa City and his J L B. at the same place. Hhortly after his admission, to the bar he came to Fullerton and began his Icral career there, where he bas practiced ever since. His splendid legal mind and his genial social qualities Immediately brought htm Into prominence) and he soon took a lead ing position before the bar of the state. His relationship to his clients was rather unique. It was more the relationship of the lawyer to his client in the early days of the country, when the lawyer's clients not only consulted him in all legal mat ters, but were his devoted friends as well. Mr. Critchfield had a most lovable na ture. He was a philosopher as well as a keen lawyerand many members ot his profession, recognising his keen grasp of the fundamental principles of law, loved to oonault him whenever they had a par ticular knotty problem. He waa univer sally beloved and his death will be mourned by a host of' friends and the profession will suffer a distinct loss. How Thin People Can Put On Flesh A New Ducorery Thin men and women that big hearty, filling dinner you ate laM night. What became of all the fat-producing nourish ment It contained? You haven't gained In weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unburned cool through an open grata, The material was there, but your food doesn't work snd stick, and ths lialn truth is you hardlv get enough nourishment from your meals to pay for the cost of cooking. This is true of thin folks the world over. Your nutritive organs, your functions of as similation, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream rub-ona. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with every one of those a single Korgol tablet. In two weeks not ths -difference. Five to eight good, solid pounds of healthy, "stay there" fat should be the net re sult. Hargol charges your weak, stag nant blood with millions of fresh, new red blood corpuscles gives ths blood the carrvinar Dower to deliver v.rv no I fat-making material in your food to every J part of your body, Kar'ol. too. mixes with your food snd prepares it for the blood in easily assimilated form. Thin people gain all the way from IS to J 5 pounds a month while taking hargol. and the new flesh stsys put. Kargol tabids are a scientific combination of six of the liest flesh-prodiK Ing elements known to chemistry. Thv come 40 tablets to a kose. are plraMant. harnili-,s and inrx lerixive. and Hlirriuun eV M.Cuiinell drii stores and all other drtiKKlsts In Omaha snrl vicinity cell them i,ijli(t to an ) t .li.lte cimrai.lrr of -isht increase :ir money hai n AH ri tisclnciit Should Guarantee to Conventions Be Given Under Bond? Should a city guarantee by a bond thai f will rulfull its end of the contract In the entertainment of a convention when It makes a convention an offer ot a bonus to meet In that city? This Is "mb Mantlally the question K. V. Parrlsh, manager of the bureau of publicity cf the Comniercliil club, Is to discuss Janu ary 20 it a meeting In Ft. Louis of the Association of Convention Secretaries. Mr. PArrish believes that when a city of fers a convention a bonus that It should be with some sort of guarantee. "Shall bonrta be furnished by a city for carrying out convention contracts?" Is the way the subject of the discussion of Mr. Parrlsh la worded. Mr. Parrlsh be lieves It is a bad practice to offer asso ciations a cash bonus for their conven tion, and he proposes to tell some things on this subject. This will be the first meeting of the organised convention secretaries. The meeting Is set for January 19 and 30. It Is a convention of delegates composed of those engaged In the convention induatry of the various civic ami commercial or gonisstlons of the American cities. Hanscom Parkers Complain of City Water as Unhealthy Complaining of the excess of alum In city vatrr, a number of Hanscom park residents have gone to City Commissioner J. B. Hummel, superintendent of parks, with tlie request that he have the Han scom park pump fixed bo ihat they can get the pure spring water to drink whlli the city water Is objectionable to ihen. O. M. Druse. l;l?J Park avenue, savs his family physician has pronounced the city water unfit for human consumption, while it is overburdened with tho alum used to settle it. Mrs. lruso Is III, and the doctor forbids her to use city water. Now-that the park pump Is broken tho Druse family and many others In thit neighborhood are no longer able to got the pure spring water to drink, as they usually do when the city water "goes back on them." Navigators Organize for the Work Ahead The first meeting ot tl:e Investigation committee on tho prospects for Missouri river navlgatrun between Omaha and Kanyna City was hold yesterday at the Commercial club rooms. The commit tee simply met to organise and prepare for its work. This body was appointed at a mass meeting tost rrtday night, their duties being to make an Investigation as to tho monthly tonnaRe that could be ex pected in and out of Omaha on a river barge line if one Is to be established. J. A. Sunderland is chairman of the- com mittee. Ouch! Lumbago! Rub Pains From Sore, Lame Back Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharpaches and twinge? Now lituvn. That's lum bago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief ttm, moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrstlng "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out sore ness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub It on your bacto and out comes the pain. It is harmless and doesn't burn tho skin. ljinhcr up! Don't suffer! Got a small trial bottle ot old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and aftor using It Just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, be cause your back will never hurt or causa any more misery. It never disappoints and has been recommended for CO years. Advertisement. EeGood "o Yourself " by keeping in good physical trim and you will be the best friend to yourself and a pleas ure to others. Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs, and for these ailments have become the most popular remedy, because they are so safe, bo certain, ana prompt in their beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stim ulate the liver, regulate the bowels. By cleansing the system and purifying the blood they prove that they Are the Best Of Good Friends Laxsee SoU of Aar Msalieuss la Iks WaeU. Sals' eryywk are), la kem, 10w 2S. - - V- .,u.o.w""-l'Tr X Us ui LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Distributors riiuiie Iroiiiilasjaxf) mill ii.ve a Stilt liOIMU. i i j j a a r ' r i ii a ts-L- Store Hours: B u rgess-Nash Gompmjy Tnesilay, Jan. 12, 101.1. And Here Arc Thousands of Pieces of Fresh, Crisp and New MUSLIN UNDER WE AE At the Lowest Prices Quoted in Years A SALK that every woman who knows this undermuslln section will w elcome right . gladly. And every woman who knows about these white sales wll hail It as doubly welcome. $1.7. to 92 Combinations, 05c Combinations in Trlncess, Teddv Dear or waist effects, of flno nainsook, pretty trim mings, 05t. Cree de Chine Gowns at $8.05 to .05. Also nainsook and batiste, beautiful, new designs, very special. retticnata One-Half Price Talntv new style mads of lace net and fine batiste with ribbon bows and rosettes. $4.50 CORSETS, Wednesday at $2.50 Til 13 corsets embrace several ot the best known brands. Includ ing the Blen Jolle Treco. ' Splen did fitting and finished with strong webbing hose supporters, all sices represented; regular $4.50 corsets, at $2.50. Artist Model and Ijady Claire Corsets, formerly 5 to 912, for 2.0 and 5.00. Another extreme corset value that will bring forth a generous response. They are all late mod els and the saving advantages are most unuBual. 92.GO Brashleres at H0c Made of allover embroidery, eyelet finish, front closing style, very bent makes, all sizes. 93.00 TtrasKleres at 91. ZD " French model, Venus closing, one-piece garment, linen finish, Kolld embroidery and perfect fit ting.' Borrsas-ITash Co. Isoond Tloor. The Spirit of Public When the land in storm-swept, when trains are stalled and the wagon roads blocked, our repairmen must keep the telephone highways open. These men face hardship and dan ger, because they realize that snow bound farms, homes and cities must be kept in touch with the world. This same spirit of public service animates the whole organization. It is found not only in our linemen and repairmen, but even in the girls at the switchboard, who, on countless "Big Business" means big salaries yes but it also means big men! big brains, broad-minded policies, intelligent organization, proper supervision, and big service to the people. Big business, properly conducted and regulated, means better service' to the public at less cost. ' , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . . .. These ads will start you on the road , to wealth 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday "gVERYBODY STORE" RTOKK NKWS rXm WF.DNKMlAV, sales 3.V Drawer". He Fine muslin finished, with embroidery, lce and cluster tunks. ex treme values, at 14V SOc to 50c Drawers, S.V. ' Made of nainsook and cambric .finished with good eimbroldery, lace snd tucked ruffles 25V 2rc Corse. Coders, I5o Corset covers, made of good nainsook, fin ished with embroidery, all sices, made full, no skimping. 26c values, at 15. .TOc to eOc Corset Cov era at 89c Allover embroidery or nainsook with fish eye Insertion and edges, also embroidery insertions,' t39V $1.25 (iowna, 78c Fine quality crepe or nainsook gowns, finished with fine edge and headings, also lace yoke and sleevea, at TfSa. ' 1.15 to SSU.OO Gowns, 05c Made of batiste or extra fine crepe, la pink, blue and white, also nainsook with Val. lace, 07C 2.5U nd 4UI.OO Gowns, fl.TS Beautiful frowns of fine mater ial finished with medallions, rib-, 'bon bows and roses, at 81.75. Mrs. Marg. J. Blair. Will Speak Wednes day at Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floor . 3:00 P. M. Subject: "Beauty in Dress" Mid-Winter Sale of $ 1 .50 Curtains, 59c ROOM lace curtains, Notting ham weave, In white and ecru, sUe 4 0 inches by 2 Vi yards, twelve different designs, regulnr price to $1.60; at the pair .. Sample Curtains OOc Salesmen's samples of finest marquisette, voile and laces with Insertion and lace edges, In matched pairs, lengths 1 to 1 yards, very desirable for bungalow or sash curtains, sam ple ot curtains that sell regu larly from $3.75 to $5.00; the pair Oc Barress-sTaah Co TMra Floor. Service 44 We Advertise So That the PopU IIEBIASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY i i Till 9 P. M.s Phone Domtlas 137 For here are the special values and excellent ssrments for which this section has become known throughout Omaha at quotations made doubly "special" by association with the Mid-Winter white 50c to OOc Drawers. 30c Fine cambric or crepe finished with fine. Swiss embmldety and lare in- . sortlon and edges, 3J) 91.00 1 Iran er, 50c Kxtra quality naln rook with trimmings of dainty lace Insertion and edces. also fine em broidery, 50t. 30c to SOc Corset Cov ers, at 25c Fine nainsook and cambric with very good 'lace and embroidery in sert Ions and edges, 25(5 75c to 91.O0 Corset Covers, at SOc Dainty covers of nain sook finished with line lace and embr o i d e r y edges and ribbon-run headings, at 50f. 91.00 Tetticoats, 50c Fine nainsook finished with, embroidery, clustered tucks or lace trimmed flounce, at 50T. 91,75 to 92.00 Petticoats, W5c Fine cambric and nainsook finished-with dainty embroidery In sertions and edges, also lace, f)5 92.no fo 93.00 Petticoat. 91.75 Nainsook with flounce or fine lace others with deep flounce of embroidery ribbon-run beading, etc. now at 81.75. DALLAS SHEETING at a Yard, 20c 9-4 Bleached Dallas sheeting, a 'hill 81x90 Inch Dallas sheet . Is worth 65c. You can save 16c on ench sheet when you buy 90 Jnch or 2V4 yards on sale here during our. first great mld-wlnter 20c sale ffom the bolt, at, yd , .10c riiHse Crepe at 12 Wc Windsor plisse crepes, none better, conventional designs, tinted and wbtte grounds, requiring no iron ing. .Idesl for negligee wear, per fect mill lengths of the oi' 19c grade, at yard.... ls2 V Iftc Sateens at QMc Sateens and linings, all kinds, black and colors, .worth up to18c the yard. In the sale Wednesday, at yard. . 6ic Standard TrlntN at 2 He Standard print cloth, 24 Inches wide. In length of 10 to 20 yards, specially priced In Mid- f)1 Winter sale at, the yaVd, sClfC Bargsss-sTaah Co. 4eanient. occasions, have proved themselves heroines in times of emergency. In response to the telephone needs of the public, this company has grown to be a large organization. But mere size should not be con sidered a sin nor business success a crime. A corporation that renders big ser vice to the public must be big and prosperous or the public will suffer because of poor service and poor pay. rolls. . May Know" i