Tin; uki; umaha. wkdxkshav. .fantaky nn:.. 13 Ton nr.xT l 9 111 NY RttOM. LOCK IN neatly furnished, worm, comfortable; H per week. 11 ft. Snth.t southeast exposure. Phone Wal. 14f. NH or two niHctir modern fur. room, Hanacnm Park district? private family: fwthch required I'hone Harney 971, t AP1SUN 21t and Chicago; itwn heat; ni mo. ana up; rata In connection D.&l3 FINE, warm roiwm excellent table board; nest of references, jsn Harney. Vsrna, IMl Cup, front rmi, Klein, nt. DODEN HOTEL. Council bluffs, ttraTi heated room . tl per wwk, Phone H44. t'nfornlsned Room. til 8. 1STH, for men. steam haat. Motels aad tparinrnt, pAUTOHNU Hotel. Mm ana Ca:rorala, Weekly rates t2 and up, tr"ui n 70M. DODO E H'lTEl Modern Reasonable. " lloaerkeeplnf; Itnonia. IfllMi CALIFORNIA. 2-3-rooms.' f.ir l ntshed; modern; heated; first floor; tea tenable. H. 4001. Also 8-room cottage. pTEAM heated housekeeping -oom,"lT&0 wrta. i-i i once. pAVKNI'ORT, 2018-TWO OR THREE HKPO. RCKJMS; BRICK FLAT. Hoiifi and t'ottaae-s. MODERN t-story house, 7 promt; pevet occupied: new furnace: X. Pong. 6!S3. ALL alses. t3 per month up. 6C7 Peaton. ELEXMNT S-room modern brh-k apart ment, newly decorated. 150 per month; rrinw nai. iii'j r. -str n.. s rooms. Sew plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, arge yard, trees, shrubbery; $10 per month i a bsntaln. J. a ISH, EXECUTOR. 03 8. 31st Ave. Phone Harney 243. t'ST completed, 6-room bungalow, strictly mouern, zan ana Aiatvictson. tVebster 129. 531 S. lXTH-6-room cottMge. Globe Van&Storage Htores. moves, packs, shire: 8-horso van pnd 2 men. $1.25 per hr. ; storage ti per no. Satisfaction guar. D. 4:US ft Ty. 200. FOR RENT Modern h-room houec,' :05 S. 13th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Hrlen. Hanahaw Hotel. Mar. lCM. Pouglns K'lfi. $7 NO. 20TH. 10-room house, modern. R 101. FQR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, ipartmcnts and (lata that are tor rent. This list can bo seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co.. $06 So. 16th St. FIELD CLUB district. 6-roora modern, tile bath, sleeping; porch 3424 Poppleton Ave., HO a month. Phone Webster 3770. NEW house, 7 rooms modern. 2204 Bur dctte St. Thone Harney 1149. Fidelity Storage Co Wtorage. moving, packing ami shipping. I'ith & Jackson Sta. Phone Douglas 25. lA1Kng In all parts of the city. UUUSCB crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Rldg. Maggard's -&ffi her hr.; may, 2 men, l.2i per hr. , 1713 Doug. 14. Jn T3-v J Lxp. . ro., moving, . V- IVeeQ P"rll'" storage. ijoT Farnain. U. S14. I ROOM cottage, niodci n excen lurnuce. IALF Month ityt i'dl i.' ' 4031 t harlcs, k-r.. modern. Wo. . ' ft., -r., modern. n. 4U0 N. 2:d HU. 6-r . modern, .,1 l'P'tol Ave., J-r.. mod. ex. heat, US. -n.n .Spencer. 6-r., modern ex. heat, a) 1624 -N. 29th Ht., 4-r., mod. ex. Ijeat, 1:2. -Tim Camden Ave., -r., well, 115 1817 N. 21st St., 7-r., city water, 113. .1433 Sahler. 6-r.. well, . ZOui Lindsay Ave., 4-r., well, 17. CRE1UH, SON3- & COMPANY. Phone Douglas 200. Hoe Rldg. AMKRICAN SECURITY COMPANY.""' S rms., DunJee, modern. 46. 5 rms., modern except heat. 7 rms., near car. north, 130. 5 rms., new cottage, 22.50. 4 rms., new, not modern, f12.50. Doug. 60H. or Wal. 3047, Mar. 2W. o Stufea. and Of Neva. - MOnrCRJI storn, some fixtures, living rooms, 'furnace; good repair; rent cheaii, good location. 24ttt and 1 bt., South Umaha. J. Casey. tl-SK apace, fiiquire at 840 liiandcls Theater Bldg. 11 . WANTED TO UlT WANTED To buy two-color Underwood No. S typewriter; must bo reasonablu In price.' Address Q 4K,t care Boa. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. 1. u. tteea. ijii rarnam. 1'OUg. Oltn. HAMILTON CO., the only gentile second- nand store in Omaha. Ins Cuming. D. hitt WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24lh. 1 ALE buys old clothes. Phone Tyler 141 RANTED TO RENT LADY piano teacher wants heme In pri vate family; wants to give piano lessona In part payment. Address C 447, Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM Jk RANCH LANDS FOR SALK Colorado. IMPROVED quarter section homestead. for sale cheap to settle an estate; close lallroad town, school and church. For Information address Postmaster, W 11 lard, Colo. Iowa. ARE TOU GOINO TO BUY LAND? If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Heal Estate Journal, it has lands advertised In It from nearly every state, ao that you can find Just what you are looking for In its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives yog personal help In finding land. Send 2ia today for a year'a subscription, or 10c for three months' trial. It will be stopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Journul. Dept. 64, Traer. Iowa. Mlaaeaota. 160 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du luth. on the Hoo line, 4 mile from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and some good meadow; no 4vate land; fair set build ings; near school; land borders on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; IX chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on the place goea at li) per acre; one-half cash. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bids: Minniixlls Minn Mlaaotefl. WR HAVE 50 Improved farms 40 miles soutb of Kansas City, R to (100 per acre; fin corn, wheat, oats, timothy clover, blue grass land. . bc.id fur liats. J. B. Wllwn. Itrexel, Mo. Nceraaita. Small Ranch For Sale or Trade 8tt acres In Hooker county, four miles from railroad town. Has a s-room house, barn, cattle shed, well and windmill. One-half of thle ranch good farm land balance good pasture. Will take one-half or mora In good city property. Price 115 per acre, O'Neil'a R. E. & Ins. Ageucy, .1005 Farnam St. ' TELEPHONE TYLER 1021. 644) .. tuL from Kj tenon, Neb.; fine improvements; gool alfalfa country lio per acre; easy Urma. J. E. Ulbnsy. Euk. horn. Neb. FOR 8ALE-&0-A. relin(uUluiv nl. mi from Biapieton, well Improvsd, for libb Telephone connections tu town. Address WUeoaala. Upper Wisconsin Best dairv and general crop state In the union; acttleis wauted. lauds lor aaia at low prices on easy forms. Ask for book let M on Wisconsin Central Land Grar.L tilate acres wanted. Writa about our graslng Ismda. If intareated in fruit lands, as fur booklet on Appie Orchard in Wlaoonaisk Addreaa LaoiA Dept., bwo Liaa liy , linueapolis, Mwo, RKAIi ESTATK rRM RA!(H L. .!) FOR SALE. Ukiakaat. 1.000 ACRES, large and small tracts; ab . volute title; Pittstiurc Co., farming, pas ture, oil, coal land; to to Jb per acre. VVrlU J. L. Cavaaah. McAlearar. Oh I. Nertai Dakota. WE own and oontrol SO. acrea of Im proved fnrms In the banner counties of eastern North Dakota, In I'M and Kv aere tracts. Would like to corresponl with reliable agents. HALVORSON-THOMPSON UND CO., Coonerstown. N. D. Mlaeetiaaivwaa. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellamer farm, ht acrea, muck prairie land. Upbolf, 9 lynea Bldg , SC. Louis. Mo. ABSTRACT8 (IF TITLK. H(.K Aoatraa Co., oldest abstract of flea in Nebraeaa. JK V -adeia Theater. KKKK Title Vauaraatae aotl Abatract Co, a modern awitract efflca, tfJi A. lilh 8L I'hons Douglas ItKAI, KfeTAlE FOH EXCHANGE TO TRADE For a good, clear grocery -tok or ary goods hu1 grocery atock, the following: mnil nwdern house ami lit In turlvlng town of 1,60 pop.; fine nw house, renting for 115 mo.; worth I4.; iiuj encuin. at 3 per cent. Large modern housu with one lot. In IJnro.n; slinost new built for home; renting for i mo. Worth l.5ot. wltn encumnrance In B. I... afn, (I.T a mo.). Uet busy suick. Addrets V S2S Bee. FOR SALE Have good 2-slory brick building In, good Iowa town; 40 miles from Omahos Price. 11.000; clear. Will take all or part In new ears or good used cars. What have you 7 Address P. 4, Bee. For Exchange . 490 arrea good simxji.i land, near Uood land. Sherman cuunty, Kansas. Price llj.ooo, cler. Will exchange for meroh amlise, Omaha income or anything of alu close to Omaha. Address K-4Sj, care Bee. FOIi EXCTLN0E S20 acres In Kimball county. Nebraska. Want good garage building and stock In or near Omaha. What have you? Ad dress A-4S9, care Hee. OMAHA or neighboring property wanted In exchange lor re.-ldential pruperty In New York City restricted suburb. Wrlse B. K. Slocum, 141 Broadway, New York. FRONTIER C". bAHGAlN. Highly Improved farm of W acrea Land all lays floe and la excellent aolL Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C, R. COMBS. IIS Brandsla Theater. Omaha. Neb. Douglas 33K. RliAL ESTATK LOANS $J6.000 PRIVATE money to loan on inside property at 7 per cent. WKeefo Real F.state Co., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. louglas 2715. CITY and faiin loans, i o'rt, ti per cent. J. H. Dumont St Co..l3 Farnam, Omaha WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1.1-1) Farnam. OMAHA homes. East N'obrsska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101B Omaha Natl. Douglas 27U JKiO to J10.WU made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead BMg.. IStli ami Farnam BU. (iiTviTin-ir)s''o,,,"'":,w and u"- CITY J-OANS, C. U. Carlber.- Co., u 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Luge louiis a specialty. W. II. Thomas. s ritate Bank Bldg. MuNEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. SEB us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. Pee Want AJs Produce Resulu. RE A I, ESTATK ACREAGE $500.00 PER ACRE would be cheap to pay for land practi cally uuj uning tne city oi uinana on tno wet Must raise aomc money la the next lew days and my flno 37-aere tract of land will be sold at a sacrifice; fine, rlth toil; If planted in alfalfa would, in my opinion, produce 100 tons yearly, or as an investment, platted Into acre lots, ought to bring aa much per acre as nearby land which sells un to tl.OtO per acre. The price, l!10 per acre no more. no less-snn snout nan easn win do, but get busy. 1 need the money. vCorre-sponden-e confidential.) Address J 401, liee. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE For Conservative Buyer Seven rooms. Modern. Good location. Two blocks to car. Lerg" lot. Furnace. Oak downstsirs. Double stairway. Four bedrooms. Bath. Window shades. American Security Co. Douglss GOU or Wal. 3027, Har. 2645. NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR $2,200 Bath and gas. a well built house In good order. East I rout lot 50x121. on Si'J St., near Kountzo Park. V. II. GATES, 47 Omaha Xst. Rank Bldg. I). 1M. NEED money quick. Will aell my $1 500 equity In all modern 7-room boms for $i5 cash. Give you warranty deed. 4110 N. 2tlb Ave. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $100 Investments .. I Dividend . 0 Earnings Guaranteed We have figured out a plan whereby we guarantee to pay you not leas than 7 per cent dividend earnings on your money on the first of July and January of each year, with the prospects of pay ing as high aa 14) per cent, aa we have paid to others for a number of years. Our plan Is a profit-sharing plan, so you can Invest In amounts of 110) or more. See us about It. Hastings & Heyden lilt HARNET STREET. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dardenelln Key to Wheat Price Long Principal Sellers, with Quotations Dropping. CORN AND OATS BOTH LOWER 0.r.HA. Jsn. U 1S14. Close watch is being kept on conditions surrounding the possible opening of the Dardanelles. With those straits open to vessels there would be an outpouring of grain thnt would nt least for a time change the world markets from strong to dnclinlng one. Russia has many mil lions of bushels of cheap wheat and barley, that not only producer and ware housemen are anxious to realise on. but the bankers of that country are demand ing Its sale. The wheat market was a big affair yesterdsy, with longs the principal sell ers. Prices at one time were off as much as 4c on the May future, but part of thta was regslned late on reported tak ings of 130 boatloads of wheat bv ex porters at the seaboard. In addition to this seHing. Chlrseo reported gwi.ftOO bu. wheat taken, of which 100 bushels were soid to exporter and loo.ono hit, to rilll ern. The early break was on reports that three of the forts of the Dardanelles had been demolished by bombardment of th allies' warxhlps. and that they had been evacuated by the Turks. This led to en ormous selling of long wheat, which had previously been under way on the theory that it waa time for a setback, following such long continued nrlvan.es. Corn and oats were both lower under an Increase In offerings and a lack of buying power. Speculation In both threxj grains were fairly .ictlve, but corn con tinued to pile up In nil positions and there , is utile hope at present for any price chHngea. The hog news was bearish and pro visions ruled weak throughout the day. The weakness In grain was also a draw bark to provisions. Durum wheat whs unchanged. Hard winter wheat waa Vic to l'ic lower. Coin was nncuaiv-ed to jc lower. Oats were ',c to 'in higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 902.000 bushels; corn, 2,V,0t)0 bushels; os Is, tVOOO bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, not quoted; corn. t4d higher. Primary wheat receipts were Sf.OnO bushels and shipments 1.2PR,on bushels, acalnst receipts of MS.00O bushels and shipments of 4!2.0s bushels last year. Primary corn, receipts were 2,147,000 bushels and shipments W-i.ooO bushels. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story brick building and lot. 60x133: trackage available; very easily converted . for wholesale purposes, or for downtown garage, frtce only llii.oou. .v small pay ment .will handle it. C. O. CABLBERG, 312 BiandHs Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Dundee Bungalow 14.000 buys a well constructed". 7-room strictly modem bungalow, having largo living room with brick fireplace and built-in bookcases, attractive dining room with hull-in buffet, convenient kitchen with built-in cupboards and two bed rojins and bath on fui inor. Two espe cially large bedrooms on Jd floor. Iarge basement, laundry connections, furnace, heat; south front lot, 50x135 feet, afford ing a beautiful view overlooking Happy Hollow club grounds and boulevard. Con venient to ear line. Terms VxV.cash, bal ance monthly like rent. Fine 'Bemis Park Home 1330 N. nr.th St.. only S blocks from Har ney car line; cast front lot, 7 rooms, all modern, hot water heat; oak finish and floors first floor. Owner leaving city reason for selling. Bee this at once. Prtco S5.300. North Side Home Must Be Sold Onlv 600 cash, balance like rent, for a f-story, strictly modern, 7-room house, I .. ft I .. ,.,.n It Inn ' liaw . a ru IT. Price S3.760 and It'a cheap, but we must have ofler. George & Company Tel. P. 754. m City Nat. Bank -Bldg. LOOK lIKHK Double brick flat, rents M per month; must sell; $4.M0, only $l..id0 cash. Address B 44S, Bee. $1,500 Annual Income Have an Omaha business property that pays $126 per month rent Want to sell; price $15,000. WVll give terma at- per ....... t.K n.Vm.nl nf SO HOO down. PftlD. erty in good repair and rented for five veara yet at aoove rental, auuiom u 48S. Be EAST TERMS ON THIS. New 4-r 00m house with electric lights, full cemented basement and large up stairs that can fce finished into two rooma. Also chicken house, fruit and bedga. Price $1,M. Small payment down and $16 a month will take It PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Third Floor Ware Blk. Doug. 17l.-o. FC'K bALE Vacant lota, locatea in e dera & Hltnebaugh'g addition to wal nut Hill, and also In Okahoma addition, both In Omaha. These are desirable lota and will be sold for much leas than their value, aa tbe owner Is a nonresident. Will aell separately or together aa de sired. For further particulars addreas, J. 0. .Harris & Bon, Ottawa. III. o REAL ESTATF SCBURRAN $500 Down Buys Dundee Homes We are offering for sale two well built, well located "-room new homes in Dun dee on a small payment down of $j40, the bslance about tbe same as rent. These houses l.ave a large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and front and rear vestibules on the first' floor; three large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch or sun parlor on the second story. The rooms are all nicely arranged, large In alse and are all decorated. The first floor is finished in solid oak, excepting kitchen; also the floors on second slory. These houses have first-class plumbing and healing, have beautiful lighting fix. tures, shades hung for all windows, and are ready to occupy any time. Only two blocks from car line. The prices of those homes are about $i00 less than you will be able to buy the same class of homes for when the selling season opens. It will pay you to Investlgste these at.unce. Hastings & Heyden 1414 HAP.WEY STREET. REAL ESTATE KOUTH SIDE Field Club District 6-r 00 m cottag-e, all modern, elegant east front lot, paved, close to sr line and school. Just one block north of Field club. Price $3.ow. C. G. CAItLBEKO, 313 Brandais Theater Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDER;' MEETING. Notloe Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of Tbe bank ers Unserve Life Company of OuimIln, Nebraska, will be held at its home oflice in the City National bank building la said city at f o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, January 30, 1616. for the election of di rectors and the transaction of suck other business as may properly come before It M, C. WAGNER, PlS-n-2 Jt-U secretary. against receipt o" ' riisliels atvl shipments of 1.0oo bushels lst year ITImary oata receipts were C-l.nMO ruaheia and shipments CM 0t bushels, sgslnst receipts of Wl.ono bushels and shipment of snno bushel last year. CARLOT RKCK1PT8. Wheat. Corn. Oats. f hlraco 17 Minneapolis Sir Dultith S7 Omaha XI Kansas City 7 St. Imls R l.u: 4M H? 4 lnnlteg Jnj These sales -erw reported today: Whest: No. t hard winter, t rare, l.t; 1 ear, UtPi. No. . hard winter. 1 car. l.29; tv cars, $1S. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, $1.2: 1 car. Sl.ift. No. S durum, U car. tl 4. No i durum, i car, Si 4-. No. S mixed. 1 car, 1.?H; U car, $1.374. No. 4 spring, 4 car. $1 . Rye: No, 3, 1 car. Il: No , 1 car. . tl.on. Corn; No. 3 white, i car, f7'c; S cars. S.'o. No ,3 white. 3 cars: 7c; 4 cars. 4;Sc;.S oars, H4 Nn. 4. white. 1 car. V No. white, t cars, . No. 2 vellow, 1 ear. M'c, Nn, 3 yellow 10 cars, Wc; 1 $- cars. Kc; cars 5'4c; 1 car. Mo. No. 4 yellow, S cars, c; I car. 4c. No 6 yellow t car, too. No. t -ellow 1 car, N.i. S mixed, 1 rar, tc. No. 3 mixed, 1 car (near w hlte), two: 1 car. tc: 1 car inear white! W'V; I I-& eara. tSc; IS enrw. 6c; J .1-4 cars, c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 5c; I rars. I car, Mtjc. No. mixed, 1 ear, io; I cam, BSo; 1 car, 4c. Samrte, 1 car, Mc; 1 car (fllntl, fc!r. OatSi No. 3 white, J cars, Mo; 1 ear, :,. No. 4 white, 1 car, 8fV: 3 cars, tn No. 3 mixed, i-5 car, 6c. No. 4 :ntxe1. 1 car. MVic Sample, 1 car, 4v. Omaha Cash Prices No. t hard, $1.21? 1 JO: No. S hard. l.74t.3"4: No. 4 hsrd, $1.144Ti.W: No. S spring, $1.34171. M; No. t durum. $1.45i4iJ1.46; No. i riorum. 1.44Hn I4. Com: No. I whtte. 7nl74e: No. t white. Wtj(fi7lc: No. 8 white, HfiVa'I'e; No, 4 white. .v,Vic; No. ft white. oV.W 6o; No. white, i-Mito; No. 1 yellow. ti'iS'V: No. I yellow. ttfi4uec: No. vel low, H547'iie: No 4 yellow. MUjUiCh-: No. 6 yellow, WVrfrsic; No. 6 yellow, f.4!fc: No. 1 mixed. tKWiwic: No. 2 mixed. 66ffic; No. t mixed, MifNSKc: No. 4 mixed. Hi''' 'e: No. h mixed, B4.HtvH.ic; No. 6 mixed. SIV..A5C. Oaf No. ' while, RltiH4.-; HtandHrd. WTiSl'ie: No. 3 white. f-o-VfiV.lo; No 4 white, 60t((jt0ie. Barley: Waiting. R;7Si-; No. 1 feed, Sf73c. Kye: No. 3, H.t.Wl.09; No. 3. ll.07Wl.0g. 4 Hit ApO t.RAIV AMI PROVIStU8 I' eat area of the Tradlaai and t loslail Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAOO. Jan. 13.-Huge salea of wheat to Furope and to millers In the 1'nlted Hates helped wonderfully today to quell lesrs gs tq the results of a pos sible opening for Russian shipments through the Dardanelles. Accordingly, tun market finished strong, at Sc to J tiSSc above lust night. Other leading rtai Ins, too, scored net gains com Si v to VcPno, oata Tkialo and provisions 7'.ae to lufiJOo. Speculators ere quick to reinstate lines of wheat sold out during yesterday's break, as It was evident that foreigners vrre giving little attention to rumors clr'ulatod so freely on this side of the Atlantic aa to the likelihood of Turkish barriers nt the Dardenellea being quickly removed. Indeed, one dispatch from Liv- n.7ol asserted that the amount of wheat which before the spring would lie released by the oponlng of the Dar danelles waa so small as to be of no leal concern. This view was bncked up bv higher quotations at Liverpool and by export business here and at the sen board estimated as totalling 2.335.0UO bushels. Announcement that Turkey had agreed to the demands of Italy exercised an Im portant Influence toward starting the wheat market on the upturn, which was xlrtuiilly unchecked throughout the day. Corn responded to the advance of wheat, but waa visibly retarded by the Immense Hoiks on hand here and in other prin cipal centers. Fxporter seemed for the most rart to have temporarily retired 1 rum the corn market. Seaboard demand for oats, however, expanded. Commis sion housa call, too. In regard to future deliveries of oata proved to have decided vigor. Unexpected suddenness In the falling off or the movement of hog to market rallied provisions. Inquiry for. lard waa especially good. Grain prices furnished by Logan Pryan, 316 South Hlxteenth street: Article! Open.t Htgb-t Low. I Close. Yes'y Wheat May. 134 UH IM 1 SVW 1 July. 1 1 IMS -H X 34 1 a 1 2 Corn: May. 74Vtf US 7H 7647TVI 744 July.HMssW W 76 TiWWii Csts: I I May. 64WS tiWM 64H July. 63'.. I tU6363 52'a Pork; ' Jan.. 1 46 10 4.-. 1 19 46 18 46 U 37V, May. 18 87-90 19 02Vi;l8 86-87 1 IS 82V, Lard: ' t Jan.. 10 V! 10SS 10 60 10 sS JO 60 May. 1 R0-a2 10 85 10 80 10 K 10 76 Ribs: Jan.. !)W) IN 80 080 S75 May. 10 20 10 26 10.17-40 10 16. 10 12V, Chicago Cash Prices Whest: No. 1 red xl.tfriM .n'V: No. 3 hard. ll.34VwTrl.fcf4. Com: No. 2 yellow. Toft70Vio; No. 3 yellow, 68Vrt)ii9c. Oats, No. 3 white. &miirJ2ic; standard. 6-.'.r(i53Vc. Hye: No. t, $1.1SV. Hat ley. wwv: l lniotny, Vi.WFi .du. Clover. $12.M(H5.00. Pork, $17.00. Lard, $10.7',4. Klbs, ts.siin.'fl. An advance In vessel rates from Ar gentina favored the bulla and so did) ab sence of reports that would confirm fears of Russian wheat soon finding an outlet throuarh the Dardanelles. The close was strong at 8c to 8V43o above last night. BI TTER Steady ; creamery. traic EGOS Higher; receipts. 8.239 cases; at mark, cases Included. 24ijp36c; ordinary firsts, W()Mc; firsts. J73c. POT ATOE Lower; receipts, S cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 4Cxrno; Michigan and Wisconsin, white. 40$p4ec NEW YORK OllS ER Ala MARKET aaetatleas of Be. Day 4l4a Coaasaaelltlea. NEW YOllK, Jan, 12,-rLOUR- Flrmly held. WHSAT-iot. strong; No. 2 red. 81.43, and No. 1 hard, $1 all rail, c I. f. track exnorts: No. 1 northern Dulutlt. $1.4i. and No. 1 Northern Manitoba, $1.44, c. I. f. Buffnlo. Futures, strong, nay, $1 4Mi: July, $1.31';. HAY Firm; prime, pit; no. si.iwv Ml": No. 1. $1.06; So. 3, $1.00. shipping, PH Quiet; state, common to eholoe. 14. IVftiHc; Pacific coast, ism. itmi4c 1H13, Mi lOc. HIOEl steady; uogota. s.-4tc; central America, Sic. LEATHER Firm; nemiocK iirsts, ic.j seconds. 3u-H3lt. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $10.604,20.60. family, 22.Ui'AM; short clears. $J0.O(Mia.0o. Beef, firm; niess. IUl.00ijr3.00; family, $24 .UOti 3B.0U. Lrd, weak; middle west, $10.7lo.0. HALI)W-Julet: city. u: county. (c special. - COR-n iit. firm; No. t yellow, 79Vc, r. I. f. to arrive; Argentine. 77c nominal. delivered. OATH Hoot, firm; standard, 67VV?ff-c; No. $ white, 5TV; fancy clipped white, BL'TTF.R riteady ; prices. 13.080 tubs: cresmery. 92 score. 35c; creamery, higher storing. 34V'aiic; firsts. 3l(llVc; seconds, 2va'i0c; process extrss. 2(iZ7c; ladles, cur rent make, rirsts. wijj'c; seconds, iZV,r; packing stock, current make. No. 2, a a 21 4. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 887. boxes: state whole milk, held specials. Yaft ltic; state whole milk, average fancy, 15 fiHr; stHte whole inllk, fresh specials, state whole milk, fresh specials, average fancy. H'-.tjUc; skims. S3Ho. Kjiis tilesdy; receipts. 6.6-S9 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 44i?4uc; extra firsts 4.1c; firsts, 4Uc; seconds, tfUile; stale, Pennsylvania and nsrby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 4 gathered whites. 424348c; hennery browns, 4o: gathered browns and mixed colors, 4JH6c. POl'LTRY-Llve, firmer; weau rrr chick ens, 14414V4c: fowls, lhoflfc: turkeys, lie; dressed, quiet; western roasting chickens, l4iuvtc; fresh fowls, 13'4itilSc; turkeys, 1321c. ' Kaaaaa City 4. rata aad PrTlalaas. KANSAS CITY, Jan. li-WIIEAT-No. 'i hard, f 1.314H 8U; No. 2 red. 1.SI43 l.SU; . .. ., .1 111. fi Uv- lulu 1 iki-; CORN No. 2 mixed, tv,c; No. I white. 71c; May. 744jC. July, 76V. OATb-No. 3 white, tv((Uc; No. a mixed. il0iv. Bl'TTER Creamer ', 83c; firsts, lie; seconds, 2K; packlni stock, 8114c. FO'lH Firsts. 3c; .laconds, 2c. POILTHV-Hens. roosters, lOVic; turkeys, 16c. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. II -Bank clearings for Omaha today were $3,412,210.10 and for the corresponding day lust year $3,117,. 421. U. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Too Many Cattle Being Sent to All Market Point Sheep Are in Good Demand. PRICES ON THE DOWN GRADE HOCTII OMAHA. Jan. 12, Vtt Reoeipta were: Cattle. Hogs. She, p. Official Monday ....... 7.u 7.07S 17,! Estimate Tuesday H.Oti') ll.ooo lt.Oio Two days this week.. 13, M Fame days Isst week. .12.211 Name 3 woks ago 12.30 Same 3 weeks ago.... 6.1. VI Hame 4 weeks ago 1,8 twine days last vear. II 7) $1,821 80.64ft 17.244 .4M 18. 7W, 31, .Wl aiib mowing iMii.e snews tne receipis of cattle, hogs and shoep at the f4outh Omaha live stock market for the year to date, aa comrarcd with . year; 10I.V 1I4, Inc. ptl ,!X .S2 8,141 Moga a, 71 KYli 1" " phecp 100,.t 61. 15.710 ins following table snows the average price for hugs at the Stuth Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: I 1K16. ii'i4 iiniu.itu iinii.iuio.iiM. J7n7 7 It T 174 1 ftu 1 101 g I 081 8 4i 6 s8 I $ 71 Jan. 7 8.1 1 7 m 00 7 86 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, 7 80 T 11 4 W, 8 U3I $ 80 J 04VI I 1 l o ei w s s n 7 Oii 7 ; S 0O1 1 AS, S 4,1 w 1 T SK T 00V 7 Ri 6 17 7 Sol 8 4l 6 7S ) $1, $ 601 6 83 I 9 7 US T I4 0 101 I 8 ii 6 Jan. 10.1 I g On Jan. 11.1 704 mt'.t 8 W 7 ID 0i 87. I 6 S3 7 24 10 7 K 8 23 7 1U lo 7 751 t 181 Tt I Hi 7 iN a K 81 8unilav Keelpt.i and dispositions of live stock at th 1 nlon uto.-k varus. South t)malia, L'Ir.t?nt'lour hours ending at t p. m. yestcrda, : RECEIPTS-CARIvOATM. c t - , Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. H r g. C;. M. & St P 10 II W abash 1 .Missouri Pacific.... I i.lon Paculc .... ;:; N. W oast.. Ti c. N. V., west.. 11? C, St P.. M. A i.. l '., H. t., east.. !! C., U. i t., west.. 3i I .. H. I. P.. east 3 C.. R I. P., .t i lllinola Centrsl 7 Chicago Oreat West 2 1 i'l 13 10 1 uO 3 Total receipts... 2;t m UISl'OflTlO.N 1 IEAD. siorrui & i'o j 1.349 l.tlJO 4,5iJ 2,4 a,77 lwift A Co T Cudahv Packing Co.. ..!, 1,710 1.2.V) l.ii71 2.&M irmour t o J. W Murpby Morrell Lincoln Parking Co... J. O. Parking Co Cudahy, frum country. "ii 31 11 iv. n, vanxant i'o 2 Benton, Vaiisant L. J7."i mil & Bon 47 F. B. Lols 71 J. B. Itott Co W 3. H. Bulla ' ; L. F. Husj Yi Rosen ock Hros 87 McCreary t Kellogg.. 127 Wertlielmor Degen.. 2' I H. Y. Hamilton v. 111 Hulllvan Bros 5ii Rothschild 14 Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... 89 Christie 144 HUains 8 Huffman 14 llnth :t Meyers lx Baker. Jones A 8 31 Tanner Bros 111 John Harvey w, Iowa Cattle Co 7 D. 4V F 15.1 Cllna. 6.1 Other buyers 842 2.444 Totals .4J.037 8,608 15,780 CATILK Receiuta were liberal again this morning and other points were heav ily supplied, tne receipts at the big mao ket poluts for tlio two oays being exces sive. Buyers took advantage o( the llocral runs to Ueprees prices 1.1 III furtner, so that the market everywhere was slow ana lower. It Is very apparent that eattla are coming forward too rapidly and unless receipts are reduced still further de cline may be expected. This means not necessarily the cutting down of receipts at this point, but at all ntarkst points aa well. The market here la probably aa good as at any other point, but prices everywhere are so low as to make a loss for the feeders. Operators st all markets regret to see so msny rattle shipped In and sacrificed at this time, when they all believe that there will be a big scarcity of beef before the coming of bisks cattle. When the cattle at this point began moving It wss generally on a basis of prices that were a little lower again than yesterday. Home kinds that Just happened to appeal to a buyer may not have sold any lower than yesterday while other kinds were considerably off This means that the market Is around l.i o lower for the two days, taking- the general run of cattle Into consideration, both killers and feeders. Quotations on cattle: Good to choloe eornfed beeves, H(nwS40; fair to good cornfed beeves, tti.UVUw.Mi, good to choice heifers, ttl.00ifr7.26; good to choice cows, $i.7liii.t; fair to good cows, $6.0CV(iS.6O; common to fair cows, $4.0ou;6,00; good to choice storkers and feeders, $7.258.10: fair to good stockers and feeders, $.WtD 7.00; common to fair atoekers and feed er. $6.76ll.fO; stock heifers, 8A3f-fl'S.76; stock cows, $4.604j66O; stock calves, $k.0iXH 7.10; veal calves, $7.00718.60; bulls, Stags, etc., $4.7Cfl.50. Representative sales: . Its. 18 18 as 14 1 u t a. 8 18 16 8 4 T 1 1 s 4 1 8 1 1 4 8 8 At. fr. Ke. At. fr. . . . M7 4 4 ..111)11 4TI ..M.I 4 Id . . Ml 7 00 ,. Ml 7 XI .. 7211 7 W ..1114 7 tO .. J4 III 80... tl... 14... ....Itll 7 l!t ....ill 1 to ....1211 7 i ....1WNI 7 "4 ....1144 7 tA ,...1171 7 2 II .urn 7 so ..iia 8 on . pro t 44 .1114 6 16 BTEEUh AND HEIKEMrt. .... 43; I M II 1101 7 SO .... 711 7 04 II l'Jtll 7 10 uns ai UB.ir r.Ka. so4 1 m 11 .. T44 I 84 HEIFKRS. ... IM 4 04 It ... 012 4 40 7 ... 110 IM - i ... M IM 10 ... 1 m c ... M 3 ... ? 6 70 BL'LIA ... SM 18' ...1170 I 46 1 ...117S I 7ij I ... ...i4ri 1 it JALVE8. ... 443 I 71 1 ... SI tli 1 ... IVI 4 74 I lAt 6 76 Kn 09 IMS 4 23 11 I W ..a,'. IM & 1041 1 74 ... 4S3 4 00 ...1470 4 IS ...l.Ji 4 40 IK IH 114 6 00 1 a .... 8.... 4.... .... tl.... 7... 18... II.... as. ... ii.... IT.... 7 0 . IM I 40 BTO- Kbntj AND FEDi-.Hi , U IU SI. 741 I 74 .. 614 4 U .. IM 4 M .. la) 4 i . , IK .. 773 4 W ..Isr. :u .. in 4 40 . . I4 to ..70 4 M .. 414 I SO 27 14 II to I 1 44 IT II .. l 75 .. ; 4 10 .,w III . . it Hi ..111 7 00 .. W4 7 10 ,,iai7 7 11 .. 4t 7 2 .ISM 7 1 ..101 7 4 27. 47. 76 I 46 HOOK Receipts were fair for a Tues day, about 14 cars or 11.0U0 head show ing up. Total fur the two days of 18.07 head la nearly b.OOo head smaller titan last week, and almost 3,000 head short of the same two days last year. The market opened out rather dull this morning, shippers iand speculators were back on the trade, and bought very freely of the desirable butcher and weighty offerings at figures thst were about steady with yesterday. Packers made their first bids on a nickel lower heals, but sellers were asking steady to strong prices and It waa Jata In the forenoon before anything except the shipping hogs sold. In the end, buyers wars forced to reaks a concession, a large proportion of the later sales being 6c lower. This means that the hog aold very largely at $) 6(xS 6 76, the latter price beine the hlgli price of the day. Represent stive sales: No. At. gh. Pr. No. At. BV Tr. M ll ... 4 16 74 IU ... 4 7H 44 til 40 I U 46 tl ... i. W t S 4 7 t ti ... 7 41 404 40 4 70 44 W ... 411 HEEP In spite of 111a lower tendency to prices on Monday's market the receipt mis moruuig were UDerai, rooting up 14 iw neaa, against i.im neaa. Tueoday, 8.637 two weeks ago and 10.377 a ysar ego. This mskes for the first two dsya of the week thus far 11.826 head, being a tittle more than for the same days last week and a year ago. . The proportion of aged sheep and lamba was about the eamu g yesterday. While laraba were In generous supply the scarcity of right good lambs of handy weight among tne receipts brought the pa' krr buyers aut early, and as a result I tne Bum or the nest offerings se.'d In good season on a basis showing little If sny difference from yesterdsy. Trade i it Hltle uneven, s It was possible to plrk out some ssles that looked not quite aa good, while ethers looked a little better. The range of prices was largely at 8 f-8.4. During the early rounds several loads of feeding lambs moved at $7.80-fg 05, there being two cars of Idaho lamhe at the latter price. Aged sheep sold In practically the same notches as yesterday. On the whole trade was fairly active and the clearance was more sstlsfsctory than on Mondav. (Quotations on sheen and lambs: flood to choice, lamba. 8K.3Vhg.70: fair tn aooil I lamba. 8)t.l,Vti8.36: beavv lambs. t7 90rri M 15: lamha, feeders. $7.tiMi.OX; light resrimgs, I. .:.4f7.fc: heavy yearling. 8.vf i.2S; good to choice wethers, 8A.lnSfg.6O; fair to good wethers, 16. 804141. IK; good to cho.ee ewes, I0.frHj6.90, fair to good awes, $5.25 Ttf.S0. No. IV ewes K.". ewes !s fed Ismbs IM fed IsmlKs 1W tmA In mKa A v. . 110 . 107 . 4 . . 61 . . 66 . W. . 80 . 83 . 81- . n . 78 . 8:1 . 79 . $1 . 64 . 18 Pr. 6 iV) 6 so 8 0 8 no 8 r 8 X 7 ur. 6 Wl 1 40 t t'-i fed lamba 36 culls 1W fed ewes 817 Colorado yearlings .... 2I fed lambs 217 Colorado lamba US Colorado lamba HI Colorado lambs 640 fed lambs t-l Ids ho lambs 210 Idaho lamba U8 f.d lamba 6.1 Idaho lamba y " s m 1 J P 1 !k 5 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Plow Hogs I nsettled keep steady. CHICAOO. Jan. 13.-CATTI40 Receipts, .0 head; market slow; native steers, $n.wfji.;i0: western, it-TStl? 40; cows and heifers, I3.lotf7.80; calves. $7.301-10.?, Hti IS Receipts, 38,000; market un settled: averaged a shade higher; hulk of sales. $A.70io: light. KSMnvOf.; mixed, K"! 86; heavy, $ti.6ftiijH.86; rough. $.6f. 4v. : plus. $3vfnj.rt, SIIKKl' AND LAMBft Receipt;, 13.000 head: market steady; sheep, is.7M1i6.80; yearlings, K80127.76; lamba, K.73-1S. o. 4. I.oals Lire Stock Market. ST. lAJlIS Mo.. Jan. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 3.800 head? market steady; na tive beef steers. $7.60g 10.00; cows and heifers, $J.0fi9.Jf; atooksra and feeders, $..?6ii7.2.: southern steers. 36.7.Vfr7.TS: J cows and heller?. $tOtxff.oo; native calves. $ii.0Wr 10 26. N HOUii-Re-eelPts. f.TOO hesd: market hlKher; pigs and lights, t".00tf.06; mixed snd. butchers. $4,86417.10: good heavy. 7 00r7.i, SHEEP AND UAMHS Jteoelpts, head; market steady; native muttors. $4.7.-mutt,, iambs, t$-S6tr-; yearlings. T.acijr7.so. - along City Lira atewk Market. PIOI'X CITY, la.. Jan. 11 CATTLE Receipts, 2.600 hesd: market 10o lower; native steers. $.2Mi'7.&0; butchers. tJOOiff cows and heifers, $4.60444.00; eanners, U fWi'4 8.; stockers and fseders, . o.o4? 8.06: calves. $4.40flo.S0: bulla, stags.' etc., It.wflvs.ta Ht OH Receipts. son need: wiarKer steady; heavy, $jt.'orfl.T6; mixed. ts,o4 70; light. $t).2JWtr4.5; bulk of salea, $.ti.'(fiit 70. SHEEP AND LAMB Reoeipts. l.S"P head: market steady: awe, $3.6094.80-, lambs. $6.60418 80 Kansas City W ocik Market. KANPAS CTTT. Jan. 1X-CA ATLB-Ka-cetpts. 10.000 head; market weak; prima fed steers. 88.7f-n.60; dressed beef steers, $7.4yVff; western steers. f7.3tti.76; tnckers and feeders. 8t.0Ufj7.80; bulla, $S.26'n).75; calves. $4.sn10.2K. HO8 Receipts. 14,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $.75iQ4v8S; heavy, trt.H06.ft1: packers and btitehera. 6.t0iS7.00; light. $fi.tou.W; pigs, H26W0.60. HI I HEP AND LAM BH Receipts, 7,800 head; market lower; lambs, $8 IMJ.8; yesrllnvs. va7M.7.): wet her J. $.0utf,i5; ewes, $u.X)6.0. - ' St. Joseph LIT ettoek Btarket. T. JOSEPH. Jan. li.CATT LP Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady: steers, n.OOAO.sO: cows and heifers, t4.t6fi0.60; calvea. t.00tf 10.08. tlUtm-Rexelpts, 9jm riean; margei, higher to shippers, packers doing noth ing; top, te.06; bulk, tn WUe.SO. SHEEP AND LAMB Receipts. 1.500 head; market alow; lambs, $8.0038.80, LIt Stock la llgrkt. Cattte. Hog. Bheep. Chicago ....4.OK1 2X,00d 18.000 .... 3.300 4.700 1.400 ....IO.OuO 14.000 7,600 .... 1..W) 600 1,800 ... 4,000 11.0UO 14,000 St. Loula Kansas City . sioux City ... South Omaha Totals .37,800 66, 2t0 38,700 T4aw York Moaey Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 11. MERCANTILE PAPER 3i1H per cent. STERLING BXCHANOTft-Weak; alxty day bills. $4 81; for cables, $4. 8426; for demand. $4.M7&, SILVER Bar, 4SVe; Mexican dollars, 7Ho... .... . .. ' , HONDB uovarnment, sieaay; raiiroaa, strong. TIM BJ IXIAWP weaa; sixty oiys, s per cent; ninety days. SV per .cent; slg months, 8t per cent, . MONEY On call, easy, high, 2H per cent: low. 2 ner cent: ruling rate. Ii'. per cent; last loan, ti. per cant; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at per cent. f LONDON", Jan, U.-HILVER-Bar. 23T44 per ounce. MONEY 1 per cent. niHCOHNT RATEte-Phort bills. 2t443 1 per cent; three months. t per cant Closing quotations on bonds today were aa follows: U, g. rat. 8s. TSg-." " . r. tOttV NY. a g. Its... 8S4 V. 8. to, reg 100 N Y. City 4ls IH48..104S do ssupos ...v...lnoK N. Y. ut. 4'4.j..l4S U. Y 47 rg.. ...... ! Y.. N. H. 4k R. 4s eoupos 1H .. 4e WM4 Sums to 0UiB..I0S No. aclfla 4. "4 Am. RruoKirs 4....1S4 4e 4 4nS A. T. T. or. 44. ff4,0- . L. r(. 4s... s Armour (. 4H.. 44 Pat. T. sj T. I..... f4 Atebixm in- 4s.... HI"sb. ess. 4 87', pal. g Ohio 4 SMlJuaillsg f. 4s l hen. iwlu 4S4.. we-n. i. s. r. r. us C II I tl . a,,.. M Bo. Fan. ev. O M 8 g 4s..WOV4 4S U. I. I. e. 4 l ev. a. wt po. ran. ov. 4 C. a g. ret. 4Hs. D. 4V K. o. r. Krle '". (.ton. Klsctrlo Is. ill. No. 1st 4140.. III. IM. rof. 4a. go. hallway la tsu. a, s uhioo i-annio 4..,. 01114 .. 7 4s ST. 4s 4 ..tor It. Rubber 4... .1011 .,04,1' g. gioal la. let'i s -wa!! lat 1 K n. fla. raf. ta..S74wM. t nlou W... A 14 no I. 4.... MWsot. BIo. or. 6a. M K. 4V T. 1 4. 774k BM4. -0.tr. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Jan. U.-OOFFEB The market for coffee futures opened at a decline of t to 4 points today, and the more active positions soM I to J points under last night's closing figures under scattsre.1 realising. The close waa steady at a net loss of 3 to 4 point net. Rales, 4,7 ti bags. January, .J7c; February, 6.32c; llurch, 642c; April, .61c: May, l0c; June, 4.61c; July, 7.42c; August, 1MK,; September. $7.6V; October, 7,6c; No vember, 7.71e; December, 7.71c. Spot, steady: Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos No. 4. r. Rio 7 rels lower at 4& Santos 1O0 rls higher at 48700. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jan, Ht-METALB Lead. $8,701(7180; London, 18 12a 4d. (rpolur. L 4.06; London. W. Tin, dull; five-ton lots, t3J.tfrtHSl.7S; twenty-five-ton Iota. trtt.OnoVH DO. Copper, steady: electrolytic. $lt.&!43i3.7S; cast ing, $l3 37VliW.24- Iron, quiet and un changed. At London: Knot copper, 6 IS; fu tures, ). Spot tin,. 161; futures, 14o 10s. T. IOt'IB. Jan. 12 METALS I-ad: Firm, $3.60B'l.OH Spaltar, atrong. $6.stt 1.80. Osnakua Hay Market. OMAHA. Jan. 12 -PRAIRIE. HAY Choice upland, 111 oufflL&0; No. 1. tl06f4 ll.OU; No. 1. M.OOvHO.lW: No. $. r-OiiWOO C hoice midland. Ii0 60.ril.00; No. 1. Itooitf 10.60; No. t. M.Vn60; No. t. 84. 01! 8. 1 0. Choice lowland, tVootXsXoO: No. t 8 6"S t.OO; NO. t, 17.66X140; No. $. $6.0lirf.O0. bTRAW-FIvo cars In, demand light Choice wheat la quotable at $6.0Qgre.0; choice oat or nre. t6.OO4je.AO. ALFALFA Choice Pea-green, fine stem and Wefy, third and fourth eutting Is uuutabia at 1 13. On431$.su: No. 1. $12 UuiUQu; No. t $U.O0tf-12.00; No. t, Is.CUtl.OO. Llyerooot Orala Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan 12-WHEAT-No. 1 Manitoba. 11a IHfcd; No. t. Us lV4d; No, t hard winter, Us 3'-4d; futures, nominal. CORN i4vot, quiet; American mixed, 7s 6'd, January, 7s lVd. February, is 2Vid. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Perceptible Halt in Upward Move ment of Shares and Rising Tide. SPECIALTIES PUT FORWARD NEW YORK. Jan. tt Thnre waa a per ceptible halt today In the upward move ment of stocks and the rising tide of activity. Leaning ahsres were disposed to reset moderately and the undertone of the market suggested profit-taking In those iasuesi at every favorable oppor tunity. SMclaltlca were again put for ward, however, some of them adding ap preciably to recent gnlns, but activity in this group waa viewed with some skepti cism and failed to elicit any outsl.lo In quiry. One of the low-priced specialties Rnmely fl to It a lowest price. Inter national Harvester Isnies failed to reflect in any way the announcement that ample provision had been made to meet Its note obllaationa maturing next month. L'nl ed Males btrl wss the bnly fuvarlt- to ntfeniral .,in,l.,.,ni -1 .. . i . , ,ii r vi Mm 1 11 noil ntw above yesterday's best figure. Hethlehem iai-i . i. . - ., 1 realising sale but a statement attributed to one of the leading independents In the ,'', Ihflustry, who expressed the opinion thnt the "corner of deorraslon had been J turned." Imparted some ririnnesa to In J J" dusirlals as a whole. Metal stocks were comparatively Inactive, hut held moat Of mir recently acquired advantage. Foreign exchange rose temporarilv nn buying of remittance for the Argentine, but tieolined sfler demand from that quar ter had been satlslied. The local money market was even duller than usual, offer ings of mercantile paper showing eni re sponding diminution, but Interior bsnks are huvlng these contracts on terms more fsvorable to the cendors. Sixty-day loan4 were made at 3 per cent. Private cables to International bankers reported Increanlng flrmnrss in London snd Psrls; the outcome. It was Intimated, of Turkey's acceptance of Italy's de mands. There were further negotiations letween this center snd Iindon respect ing the proposed purchase by our banket s of a port of the recent French traasurv note iaaue, hut definite details were lacking. Bonds were strong, esneclallv the better known Investment Issue. Total sales, par value, were $2.012.1100. t'nited States government bonds unchnnged on call. rnumtier or sales and leading quotations on stocks were aa follows Sale". Hlh. Lew. Clw 4 w r rn i'1 Aloaka Onl4 Amalgamated corvar .... Awcnrao l-et Sugar.... Amarlraa 1 aa Amarinea 4. ft Am. R a R. pf! Am. 8swr Rotlnlns Amarioas T. T American Ttbaeco Anaroada Mining ....... Atchlaoa Halllmara Ohio Hranklra Has!! TV CalUornla ratralmm .... t'anadlan Paeirio t'antml leather fiheaapaak A Okie. I'hlca O. W ('tilr.no. M. 4a St P...,. CMr;n A N. w t'ilno Ctopner 1 "ji meads Kual 4V Irsa.... Puloraila a southar.... Danver A Hlo ilranO.... Itranr ABU fH tMallllaey Seeurltlae .... Brio M. lleneral Eleetrla Ureal Northarn shl Oraat No. Cue etra 41itelinhB Ktplortkm.. Illlnnia Ornlral .......... Iniarhnroufh MM. ptd.. Inaplrstt cxanier Iniarnailanai llarveater.. Kama cur Bmtttwra.... Lahtrk Valley louiarlll A NaahTllI.. Maxloaa rtwlaia MmiiU Cbppar Mlweati. K. A T Stlasimrl Pacltlo National PkMvit Natlenai La4 ...... Navaa Oopprr Naw York ( antral N. T.. V. U. A H Norfolk A Waatara Nonbarn l aolllo Faein Mall , Paclflo T. A T Pannavlvanla ......,.. rnllman Palsa Oar in.l.io w-i 1 111 ?it B.S0 jn4 on w Inn leni i.mo 1114 nit MS MS mi g.M ov m 100 Ml 1041 HI llV 1IS !1 on t i4, vs 1. sm n mv. M 2, (a v 700 H Bi 6e pit i' it n ir.7 us 1:.1'i lono ai s 804 44W 4'4 i lO'.a l.to n ' 4 IM I'-S 1,104 344t MT4 M'4 ' M 100 4 4 4 1., 7 H'i 2,400 8?h :a4 ti 14444 m, it.t'i f H4H Ii4' 1I4S : ao., iiw si', 44 4; 4't ion pi 1114 1. ;t, 111 in M) i.se us- i u 40 23 '.'I ti 1,104 lit '4 114 -"4 117 '''ino "rin 'its ns "H . H0 121 HI 170' hm 4 4ft4 100 11 ix i;, l.tm) SH4 un ms o M . MVa e ims Mil 101 t.Tno KOit im invl 400 glV4 iH S4 . 8.000 lint to4 10 l.d 1HX . 1,400 lH it . ll.KO Itiu H74 KHS Hi lH U1I 80S A4 s AS IS '4 ftar Capper lUeillng (lesuMIe Iron 4h BUel.. Rook JalBBd Co ftoak lalaod Ca. I4... St. U A g. P. 84 rid Rout her pelfle ...... rtouthara Railway r"i vs I( , WIO 44 too IS 86S' 11V 400 2.50 IS s Tannaaawa (1 u US YKaa Company J3I 4.704 11H IUS 1IT lynion rweino t'nlon Pasltle pfd Unltad Siata Htet... V. H. KtMl pftt. Waftl CeyBr .......... Waliaan D)i Waatara llolaa Waetlnshoaa Electrto Utfarad. :s U.400 41 Vt IIS l.ira toast loss ,0UO i ws MS 17S 41 S IS 73 loo I.400 ?4 las 73 Total ale for the day, Ko.800 aksro. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 13-OOTTON-Snot. quiet; middling upland, t.O&ci sales, l.iOO bales. Cotton futures closed steady; January, 8 00c; March, 1.12c; May, 8 4-Vi July, 4.41c; August, 1.70c; October, l.Uc; December, 1.98c. cotton market closed steady at a net gain of only 1 to 1 points. LIVERPOOL Jan, li-OOTTON-epot. steady; good middlings, S.tOd; middling. 4.7M; low middling, 4.36d; salea, S,0u0 bales. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 12. WHEAT Msy, tl.2M44jrl.34 bid: July. $.t3A bid; No 1 hard, tl.KH; No. 1. northern, tl.3.'L87, No. 1 northern, tl.2tjl.3. KIX)CRElrm: fsncy patent, '" 4.W; first clear, $fi.A7: second clears, tt.80. HAULJY oitc. RYE-tl.ODlil.00'4. HRAN IJ3.60, CORN No. t yellow, g.iHfltwc. OATsi No, t white. MUojMaO. rLAX-tl.t6H1U.78V4. . agar Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 12. 8L'OAK-Fu-tures advanced on scattered! local baying prompted by the unfavorable weather re ports from Cuba. At midday prlcej showed net advances of points. The spot market was steady, with centrifugal quoted at 4.04H4 07o and molasaea at 3.27 (uJ.SOc; sales, 47.000 bags, prompt and Jan uary clearaaeo. Reduce Strained. Puffy Anklet Lympbanfitig, Poll Evil, tUtulg BoUt, SweUintt; Stops Littleness and allay 1 pain. Heali Sores, Cuts, Brttitea, Koot Chafea, It it an ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE (NO POISONOUS Does not blister or ramova the hair snd sorts caa b worked. Pieasaat to use. 12.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case lor special iniuuctioM and Book B K frgg. AB&ORB1NK. JR.. aUaaBd ttaiaaat 6m (jeaklad . bm Svaiaa. rmlafal. Kniaia. 8otla Vatna, 44tlk Us. (toet. Caaaaatratrd aalr S law era sguind autn. coaa. Prtca 81 r bonla at aaalan af cMt!. KTF.VOUSa, P. tV F..I04) ImbjM tL.osrlnaaald.Mssa, I .. ssbbJbbMbW8s8bWbMs2sM 50 SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN HENS, $1. All of best eastern blood and worth 13.00 to 13. to each In the spring. Will mate with suitable cockerels at a rntnrtlonata rata. Fine catalogue ubir a xvirriif itost, oxajha. HIDES AND FURS Highest price paid for Hide, Wool. Tallow, Pelts And Furg. Write (or prices and tags, BEATRICE HIDE CO., HEA THICK. NEB. LIGHT BBAKUA COCXEEELS For Pale IJght Brahma Cockerel Prise winning stork. 11.23 each or t for 16. Win. Aadrswa, Heatrtoo, X,b. Big Barred Rock Cockerels $1.00 eacb Mrs. Will Brown I'Vlmioiil, Ntb.