.lANL'AKV 1 !!.". WANT ADS Want ads received lit any time, but to Insure proper classification mint be pre. ented beiore 12 o clock noon lor evening edition and J SO P. m. for morning nd Sunday edition. Want n''e received aMcr 'iih hours will he under the heading. "Too I.at to Clarify.' CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent word nt-h Insertion. . ... Three times within on week, 14 cents word esch Insertion. One time. 1 cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive timet. cent a line f in h Insertion. . Three times within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time. 11 cents a line. fount six average word to a lino. Minimum charge. 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued must be atopped by wrll U n order. Alt clslms for errors must he mafe within fifteen daya after ths last Inser tion of the advertisement. Ton can place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELE J-7PHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It Is reesonsble to suppose that all of the people below have made tho sired swaps, therefore do not rail for .he balsm-e of their answers. Bee want ads sure act resulu. q.c, pc. sc. sc. sc. so. 117 in 4"3 111 14 l2 LJ ml i 4i4 i:H2 1411 IMS :i mo 4ii l.w i4i ifi'i kit si 415 i.n 1414 1MJ i15 S1 4I 1.-42 141 1M7 l K 417 i . 1424 H m 41 ir.1 IV.W YXt ?l fCS 4'9 IC1 HU 1"-' IX :U 4-':4 IM 14:3 , ! 27 33S 4?7 i:2 ltmt V ?'Jt Stl 4?9 1171 1441 lfM riw 4S3 i:rr 1445 isw. ..n .3 S lH 14 IV, M XA 7 i:t 14.4 1"(l T .161 1S2 13V2 ) 1672 D i:1 14 14f.5 1f7rt m i i'.2 ir im .1 i:7 1405 1470 151 5"3 H7.1 1H12 141 1471 ' 1T.97 Ji , SH 114 14(17 14HI liM DP.4TIIS AND Kt'NKHAL .lOTICKi. VAL.ENZ Mrs. Marie, January 10, aged m years. Mineral from family residence, ?H North J'orly-foiirth street. South Omal.a, a. m., Wednesday, to Ht. Mary's i-hurch. Thirty-sixth and J streets, a. in. Interment German t'athollo cemetery. Friends Invited. Hha la survived by her husband, Michael; four sons, Hubert, rhliln, Anton and Matt of Iietiver; two dauchtern, Mrs. F. K. Johnson, Mrs. W. ('. Ttwesner. ' CARDS OF THANKS. We 4 lre to axprrsa our sincere thanks to our neighbors and frlrmls for their kindness and floral offerings At the fu neral services for our brother. MR. AND MILS. JOHN A. HWANSON. BIRTHS AND DKATItS. Rirths Wm. Born, Fifth and Pierce. lrl; Stanley Bellts, 2!C7 Walnut, boy; Frank Flsler, hospital, (Irl; H. A. - Krohardl, H. South Thirty-eighth, boy; John tinrdon, 261 Davenport, s;lrl; Oscar Halens, hospital, boy; Jeremiah lahy, VS1 North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; J, H. Newman, iWJ 8 street, Houth Omaha, Klrl; O. J. Olsen, Averv, Neb boyj Will r.i hletiter. 2M Houth Nlncteentlt,. girl; Elmer Howlajid, 4vU Tierce, ftlrl. I eaths OeorRe Irosoff, (.12 North Slx teenlh. 4s years; Kdward Johnson, hos pital, M years; H. W. Yates. SUM Daven- Port, 7n years; Anton Kwunson, 2616 North Ifty-alshth, "years; M. W, Cramer, SI04 Houth Fifteenth, 60 yaars; Roy A. Tow nasad, !2& North Twenty-fUth, I ears. MARRIAGE MCRNSKS. Licenses to wed have been grantad tha following couples: Name and Address. Age. Anton Treimak, Dixlge. ...... 22 Matilda Swoboda, Omaha 24 Clrlr.o aibllx'lin, Omaha r... 24 Antonla buglise, Omaha II Oliver F. King, Jacksonville, III.,..,. Opal Nichols, Kansas City Willie Swansou, Swedeburf Minnie Frank, Omaha, Ernest Mohr, Irvlngton..., Minnie llerner, Irvlngton. BlILDINU PERMITS. ' ' M. Fanger, 1309 Douglas. ItiOO; A. C. Mack, 2lia Ohio. 12,000; It, K. Clry, 47S1 North Thlrly-slxlb avenue, 4U.50U. TODAY'S COMr-LKTE MOVIE PI104JUA51S EnciuitlveJy la TUo lie IKtsrs Tr a. CAM ARPHONE T11EA., 1403 Douglma. Tha Moien Kugine, Kalim Drama. The Man from tne Sea, 2-r. lubln drama. The Rival Htaga Unas. tellg W. Comedy. KLITB NO. 1 UiITTaRNAM JMeursi-Melig No. I. Ths Plot, 2-i Vita. or. Tha Fahle of the Husband Who Showed up and Did His Duty, Esa eomedy. FAHNAM Four reel feature. Arms." Kevslon comedy. 1416 FARNAM. "Lay Down Your UIPP THlkAThJit. lbTli AND HAKNliY Roma of Paramount Pictures. fAivK, fliiCAltlt, Teatura program dally. Keystone Couiedtaa. 1 ti. UTH. PAULO H, lo DOLOLAi Within aa Inch of Ills life. -r. Eclair. Fat Olrl a Romance. Crystal Comedy. PRINCESS HI7-W DuUOLAS l.lthtti and latest story The HwUr Key. "A Maid by Proxy." screaming Nee. com. Animated Weekly No. lta, lateot war news Metres iMTAUGRi ifiu XI sjrtr o-r Curwd by Ills Beauty, Keystone ctmouy! j In the Candle Ught, x-r. American drama. Another I h Slice, Majestlo orama. ALAjuoi MiirAiiriVkarTi Imt of New Tork, 4 reels. CLIFTON aliiltaiy Avenue 4k Burdette Tlie Blotted Page, 1 reel Itel.- drama. A Fortuns la Pants, Royal comedy. The Man With tha Hoe, Than, drama. DIAMOND . 2410 iJvKtf srT Animated Weekly.' love and Water. Sterling comedy. . Million lwllor Mystery. I RANK1JN 24TH AND FRANKLIN. . Scrap of Paper. 2-r. Bio. C. Dra. J ho Moonshlue Maid and Man, Vita, Dra, 'I hn Man from Hie Fast, cel. Dra. in pi i'oiikTimb Si iin iTTt'IiTng 111, Hon Dollar Mystery, 2Ut Episode la to pacta. The Archaeologist. Am. dra. ljve Finds a Way, Hoyat comedy. IT. MTU AND LOCUST one Wonderful Night. I reels. good comedy. And a l.Ul UUCP UTH AND UlTHROP The llovenue Officer's Deputy. 1-reel Kal. drums. Casey a Vendetta. Komic com.' The Creator of Hunger, prince drama. 1YAU 24u7Caldwell '1 iriBts O'Rourke No. J. 2-r. Vict. hen It's One of Your Oaa. Neat Genii of the Vase. Joker Com. ' PALACE . . . . 2Mi DAVLNPOHT The Open Shutteis, reel O Seal. M ill KbAN. MTU AND AMtS AVSC 1 l.e Premature Cumproiiiise, -r. EdL Dr Tlirougu the Krvholu. Kal. Com. 'I lie .,lonleer 1-nirxiar. Fas. lra. knatk. , ARBOR, tl AND' ARBOR 8T8 i l.e Vi..rtli of a Lite. 2-rm-l K.-K. drama! rolae 1'ride Maftio drama. iitr-tr -f tilHiiueaa. '1 pan. comedy. APULIA. to.4 LEA V ES WoKTlT. I io- Miiu n Engine. Kalm drama. A Recent Confederate Victory. lf. 1, r, A j-i.-mid tA l ionU Hsir. Vita. coin. i iU MBlA. 1710 S I4TTU ST '1 i.u Hjing Fieli.i.l 1 Captive KaL dr. in' mi., u Ail, it 1 .1,1,111 diauia Who i. as 11 uo ui Hoggs Hollow. lis. Cow. TODAY'S COMrLKTr: MOV IK riMMJRAMS Kxrluslvrly la The Bee) aoaih. COMFORT. 24TH AND VINTON BT9. The Barrier of Klames. 2-reel Than. At Dawn. MaJeMir. Her Mother's Voire. Royal. FAVORITE. . KM VT.NTON"ktT The Prodigal's Return, 2-r. Kaleni drama. lull I tins and the Four Times Veteran. Everything Against Hlm.V4ta dra. "KM. UTH ST. 'all of the Waves. 2-reI Gold Seal. Tha Hermit's Secret. K.clalr drama. Through n Knot Hole 1,,-Ko. eomedy. LYRIC, " ,(ii7 vFNTON BT. Mysterv of the Throne Room. T-r. G. 8. Cupid In a Hospital. 1 -Ko comedy. A Friend In Need. Eclair drama.' PASTIME. MTII LEAVENWORTH. The Ml 1st ream, i-reel Imp. His Dos; Gone Luck, Nestor eomedy. VENEZIA. UU SO. 1STH ST. Four reels of Mutual pictures. W ffHiff . MONR'iK, 2T56 FARNAM ST. P. X. Bushman, In Every Inch a King. The Mysterious Mr. Davey, Vita com. Little Mis Make Relieve, lllograph dr. Beasaai. RENSON. 515 MAIN. For the Mastery of tha World, Eclair drama In three psrts. Who Htole the Mrldearroom, Nestor mm. t oanrll Blaf rs. RUTP) NO. I. M7 HllOADWAT. The Way of the Women, Kss. dra. Tha HlacK Olamnnd Bi press, I Ins; Them Cough lV Rio HI mond Express, Kal dra. Mak- com. ROPERS. . f.T7 BROADWAY. Star of the gea. 2-reel Rex. The Caelesa One Hlg IT. The Butler's Haby, Joker comedy. NICHOLAS. 547 RROADWAT. The Homb, two-reel Tibln drama. The Jevll and Mrs Walker, Kslem eom. Tha Teacon's Bon. Rlograph drama. PE8SE THEATER. 24TH AND N PT8. The Escape on the Limited. Kalem dra. Fate and Fugitives. 2-ree Lubln drama. A High Old Time. Allna. comedy. MAOIC. 34TH ANDiPhTsT Terence O'Rourke. No. 6, 2-reel Victor. For Oood of the Cause. Nestor comedy, Olrla of the I'lnns. Powers drama. VaaOevlltr. ORPIIEUM, 24TII AND N. Keystons plays, featuring Charles Chap lin. ANNOUNCEMENTS All Systems of . Mechanical Healing to be Placed on a Uniform Educational Basis At tha last annual meeting of the Na tional Osteopathia Association in Phila delphia a, policy was adoited to modify tklntlng osteopathlo slate laws to in clude all systems of mechanical healing. Following this national, policy, the Ne braska Osteopathic Association Is behind the movement to secure from tho legisla ture of this state a revision of the present osteopathlo law, which has been in satis factory operation for fourteen yearn, so as to Include within Its scope and appli cation all .of the schools of mechanical healing uput the same basis of educa tional preparation. Tha principal that Injury to the struc tures or tissues of the body may produce disturbance of function, or dlnease. Is originally osteopathic, and all them later systems. Chiropractic, Mnchano-Thnrapy, Spondelo-Therapy and others, have the Same fundamental basis. The osteopaths are asking that no fa vors be shown to any particular school of healing, but that all lie placed upon a uniform standard of educational qualifica tion. i'oiiM anything be irfnre fair? NEBRASKA OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION. HA. EL l-eul pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Mo. postpaid; samples free., gherman & MoOonnell Drug Co., Omaha. AT your horn superfluous hair removed; guaranteed to remain off; no cure., no fee; French method. Address Hafr and Scalp Specialist. 44,. m Webster St. r Wedding announcements. Ioug. Ptg. I'o. LUCKY wedding rings st Brodegaard's. PATEK PAVL1K, Sueoeaaora to Joseph Patek, plumbing, steam, hot water, vapor and vacuum heating, new location, ill B. lMh Ut ToU D. 1964. . ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. AUTOMOBILES ONE 191) Cadillac touring' car; big bar gain. Cadillac Co., Doug. 4:2$. ) no oeltm I tiarHge Co., 2th A Harney Bis. tllti rewarl fur any magneto we can't re palr. Coll rcpar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18 FOH .EXCHANGE' Biirroughes adding machine for Ford or Overland uaed car; will put soma cash with It If your oar Is In good shape, Ad diesa M. 47, Bee. V Foil KENT-One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. 11. Pelton. 2 Farnam. Call Douglaa ml. MODEL 14-6 Detruller louring car with self-starter, run less than too miles; genuine bar-gala, at t?.0. The T. G. North wall Co., 1 Jones HI. lHug. 1707. Greenoitgh Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., ki20 Far. AUTO clearing house, 2JUK Farnam, buys and sells used cars, phone Douglas 1U1U. rlNK, exxit radiator repalra. ti n. C. ELSASSKR expert radiator and lamp Moturcyclrs. II ARI.ET-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used mui'hines. Victor Kooa, 1 lie aimorcycie Man. ikui laverrnortn n.Ts i.. v. 1 1 . ... .. 1 ima ir.L'iA.'N 11 i.h uow ready; bargaina In . Used niachlnea. OMAHA Bii;ii Lt, i n., luth and Chicago. I. S72H, Ltndburg Bros-, L71 Laav. (Flying Merkla) Bt'SIXE&i til VNCES KNOW YOUR BLINhS BETTER. The MoNARt'H S1MPLJFIU AC. COLKiTINU MbTFM will answer all mene quesiions instanim and At: (LHATKU. Keeping 1mm. ks with this system la easy, requiring but little knowl edge of bookkeeping. oma and see us. We will explain our whole system to you. Guaranteed . to give you satisfaction. w nu 4r pnniue IMI U) BAUhJJ CO.. Ml City National Bank. Phone Doug. IT 1 LJST- TOUR BUSINESS wna ua tor inca action and suuara itaaimeot OUICK SAX. COMPANT. ill Bee Bldg. Pboue Red t.'M. IA.T ae write your lire, loinado. autoiou bile and burglary Insurance. Phona me. Tyler J. 1 haven t tlnw ta come and see you. W. G Teinpletun. vl Bee Bidg. C. J. Canan can fll your Imrn'ri laud. ufiK 01 tue tet. rslull bakens In tha city; no competition- Call Web. 7vt, or ClvjNa, aim m mmU. Cmu a a, a-.a Jj.la4 ni KINKS CHANCER 7 PKH CENT on your money. Can you beat It on safe security. Preferred stock, fully guaranteed. In highly profit able manufacturing plant In Omaha, No agents. Ad trees O 4W. Rep THKATKRH ituy. lease or sell your the ater. marhlne and supplies through Theater F.r. -nance . Co., 14 Farnam fit. iKiuslaa 1'7. TO "F.T In or out of business. Call on OANHESTAP. 4.4 Ree Hldg. D. 3477. VOl'H business or real estate quickly sold. W ritr j 1 m Wiay. Bloiix City. U(hii paying restaurant for sale at a bargain, l'U. (JANGESTAI), Room 404 Ree Rldg. Dong. 3477. PARTNER Rakery, growing, and doing nice business . Hardware and groceries, near Omaha, doing I.'jO,M yearly j,i"0 fr two-third Interest. Want controlling Interest In bank. Have two men who can Invest S.Ti,na. Several others can Invest 1,HW to In profit able business. WALUCE'B CO-OPKRATIVB REFER ENCE CO. ItlR-l. City Nat. RankJ Rooanlas; lloasea for Sale. 21-ROOM brick flat, paying IKW monthly net profit; must be sold at once account sick ness. Terms to suit. ns N. Kth. 12 RuOMH. close In, can sell for $.o! worth double. OAXOESTAD, Room 404 Ree Rldg. Doug. 4477. EDUCATIOJIiL . BOYLES COLLEGE Day School: Night School: complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Mtudenta aomitted at any time. Write, phone or call for lHlt catalogue. HUII.r.H l ULLEUli, H. B. BOYLK8. President. Royleg Rldg.. Omaha, Neb. Tel.- Inugla l.ifin. WINTER TERM MOSHEH-LA MPM AN COLLEQK, MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Oraduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board, ror tree catalogue S'JO-m Mosher-Lamjiman College ISfti an4 Farnam Xtreet. Omaha, Neb. ICXPH1VT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, aielllng, punctual icn, etc., tanght and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If dnglred. 4621 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut 127. r Experienced lady tutor In all grade and high school sublects: makeUD work a specially; Ref. iill5 Davenport. H. i0. Tho Van Saut School Stenography Day school. 9:00 to 4:06. Night school. 15 to t:l. 1'th and Farnam Sts. Dnuv'ss M47, FOK sale the following acholarships In a first clus Omaha Business College: .One unlimited combination bualnesg gnd shorthand course. Ono unlimited business course. ' Olio unlimited stenoersphic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold .it a discount at ths office of the Omaha Ree. FOR BALE Farnltnr. New A 2d-hati'd furniture, cash or terms; ressonsble. Amer. Furn. Co., WIS N. lrtth .SEVERAL pieces of almost new furni ture and rug for sale. Call Web. fi-ax STOVES and furn. at cost. 1TU N. 24th. Musical laatrasaaata. EL19CTR1C Pianos A Players. 119 N. 15th. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 2017. Typewriters. RFJNT Remingtons. Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas UH4. Rental credited If you purchase and only very newest and highest giada ma chines sent nut. Rates, three months for ti for underslroke machines or U per month for latent model visible writers. TYPESV'RI'I UBS sold, rentotl, repaired, central Tyiwwriter Exchange, a7 9. 17th All makea typewriters rented, sold, lornvs. Butte Typewriter, IWif. Farnam. D. tHXil. KENT An Oliver typewriter, 1 months for 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co., D. SHU Miscellaneous. kr fill "'iys best coal for the money; try ifO.W ,t veb. MS. Harmon & Weeth. DWARF rice popcorn for sale; If inter ested, send for sample and price. L. P. Elliott, Cooper, la; f hand"iiich". llrosa Wsvli Co., 21 Paul. I'X'H KALE New and second -hand carom and pocket billiard tables anx bowling alleys and acresaorles; bar fixtures of all kimla; easy payments. The Brunswlck Ra Ike-Col lender Co.. 47-4i S. luth St. & BASK El S coal. II. Wagner, sol N. 1'iih. 1 NEW sates, different Blxee, below coal. Dr. Bradhury, dentist, 15M Farnam. El'lHuN Graphophone; 100 records und tahie. for I2i. Douglas S3. "Read the "For Sale" aila r you want bargain of, tha nilnuta. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. PUBLIC Stenog., guaranteed salary. Saleslady, salary and coimulssion. Comptometer 1 operator, (40. Watts Ref. Co., s4o-t2 Biandels Theater. STENOGRAPHER and Bo7Tkkeeper....$; OFFICE CLERK and Typist 40 I.KIKIKH TLKHK, beginner 40 BUSINESS MKN'S REFER KNCK ASS N., 131S-2U Woodmen of the World Hldg. L1LL clerk, soma stenography, salary S4; good ruiure. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., ' tV2 State Bank Bldg. Astruts and tialrawomea. WANTED Idy aolUKors. well paying position, v ail Dctween ana p. ru. Roomie 'Brandels Theater Bldg. ItDY SOLICITORS On mads-to-order corsets; auowleuge of tiusiueas uuneces- saiy; Intelligence and respectability Im perative requirements. St. Louis Corset Co., ( N. Broadway. o Factary est TraSn, LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors Iteuaekeeucrs aad Uoascatlca. Tnifi Servant GUI Problem Svdved. The Bee will run a bervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, houth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Be office or telephone Tyler WANTED A competent white girl for general housework; ho washing; rvfor- emfi. Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, 11. 1"7. WANTED Girl for general housework. Inquire at bO South Twenty-eighth, or call lkoogiua 3151. WANTED At once, competent girl for general house wors; must oe nuat aad a good 000k; rvlerenoea. 4031 Isard. ai. WANT a maid for general houaework. KUt taJirornia. WANTE1-Glii fur general housework; no launory urn. &i.u wooiwortn Ave. WANTkls-At once, a competent cook. Mrs. M. o. Updike, !s14 Jackson. Har ney !534. - - UIKL wanted for general housework. 3al rarnam. Harney s,a. WANTED Competent white natld for general housework, In small family, la Fremont. Ijauudrvas kept. 'Phona Harney 47 betore We.tncs.iay noon, n WANTI.li-Girl tor general housework; three In family : one who ran take car of small baby preferred. Phone Harney 414t. I2 27th M. GIHL lor general houarwork. bmaU (am ity. 11 S. ulh rit. Ai ply at owr WANTtb-A girl for general houaework. H'i Park Ave. 11. GiHL for general houaework; small fam ily. Wal. 2uu. WANTKIkKi er Waced cook; ref, re ootred. t:i t. Mary's Ae. Private house. LADY wishes a position us louerkeeir 1 4t auiail Xauul. AUdi-saS 4.4 litis. HELP WANTED FEMALK llonsekeepera aad Uosieillet. WANTKH Olrl for general housework; smsll family; no wsshlng; white pre ferred. 7J8 No. 27th Ave. Mlerellaaena. LAPIRS" misses' coats, suits, dresses & skirt samples at wholesale prices.' Ron of f s New Vork t-ample Store, SkW N. Ifith. VIII NO women coming to (imali as utrangers aie Invited to visit the Young Women'e Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be. directed to suitable boarding place, or otherwise assisted, book for our traveler s girde at Cnion station. WOMEN wanted: government Jobs; full list free. Franklin Institute, Dept. (Si A, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WASTED MALE Clerical mm4 4) f flea. ASSISTANT BWKKEEI'Bn (Commer cial College student), K'u YOLNO MAN with country store sales experience as Junior salesman, t.V. ASSISTANT SHIPPINU CLERK. 45. STfX'K CLERK (auto experience!. $D. MERC11ANU1BE CLERIC, good oponlng, 175. tit HINKrV MEN H RKFICRENrrASS N.. 181tf-aq Woodmen of the World lildg. SALESMAN, mach.. 1100 to 1125 and exp. Salesman, food products. ISO and exp. Stenog. and assist, bookkeeper, 175. Clerical. H. R. exp., $7.1. Ktennsranhee tin . tut WATTS REF. CO.. MO-42 Rran. Theater. WE have a number of good poaitlons in various lines waitina for the rlaht Hur tles. SEE- rs AT ONCE THE MID-WEST BONDING CO.. 312 Ree Hldg. H1QH-GRADR commercial positions. vvr.nr Ktr. at BU.U.AS.N 7j2 Omaha Nat. Rank Itldg. Agents, Saleamvn aad ftollcltora. NO clasklf (ration; liberal contract; new policies. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and Accident Association, 423 City Na tions 1 anK Hldg.. Omaha. Neo SPECIALTY men; food iirmlucts; I1) to H0 an'l expenses. Wartts' Reference Co., K40-42 Brnnrlels Theater. WE HAVE an opening for a specialty salesman who Is canahle uf maMlmr ,) or more yearly; a man possessed of in engaKlng personality and energy. To such, we ctin oflor a permanent position presenting great possiiiniiios. rue giv ing experience and references. Nations,! Engraving Company. 1M Nassau 8t.. New York City. m WANTFI Agents and solicitors In every locality for Tha Twentieth Century Farmer; either aex: all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Nab. WANTED Several reliable young men to travel and solicit; good money, steady job. If you're right. Apply 10 to 11 a. in.. KU Bran. Theater Rldg. LEARN BARBER 1RADK. Be Independent; wagea and tools given. Electrlc( massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or writ. TR1-CITY BARBER COLIEGE. 1124 Douglas St.. Om. IPX! N jit., Lincoln. SALESMEN wanted to handle a complete line of ralncaata aa a side line, Com mission tasls only. Apply 811 Medlnab Rldg.. Chicago, 111. NEIJASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL . NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. ' Special holiday offer. Write for par ticulars. We have the largest and best equipped shops In the middle west. 14,0u4 feet floor space. HU-1&-17 Dodga St Phone Douglas 3o43. . . Send For Catalogue C. Drug store siiaus. i"' kh: iie tunc EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen for fastest selling article on tho market; I expenses dally; pay weekly. Room 12, Crounso Ulk.( 119 N. lth St. Factory asl Trndes. LEARN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 19M FARNAM eT.. 2D FLOOR. WANTED MEN TO I.EAKN THE BAR BER TRADE. Best trade foe poor man. Come to us and be prepared for Jobs now vacant on account of foreign barbers be ing drafted for European war. Few weks completes. Our system prepares you for highest salary. Wages while learning-. Tools given. Board provided If desired. Open to everyone. Distent applicants write. City applicants call. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 11th St; vi ANTED At once, two cigar makersT Good wages and steady Job. Georgo Blum, Hartlngton, Neh. Mlsccllaneoka. OMAHA Railway Mall Clerk Examina tions coming. $75 per month. Pull un necessary. For sample questions apply Immediately. Y-3fclUee. tOU ARE "NEEDED Rig pay II' an auto expert. We give ex pert work. All leading magnetos and self Starters. IjOtS at UosltlonM nneninv nnul ! You go right Into the automobile busi ness from here. Write about positions Hated with us. Free rstaloaiie. Ameri can Auto College, 2119 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED. MEN-Prepara aa firemen. brakemen. electric motormen, colored train porters; hundreds put to work; $t0 to $100 month. No experience necessary. 600 wanted. Iirge western roads; steady work. Write Inter Railway Dcpt 23, In, rtlupolls, Ind. a Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free bookjet. Nat'l Auto Training Asi'n, 2814 N 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. B Want Ada Are tha Best Business Read Dally by People In Search ot Ad vertised Opportunities. . HELP WANTED MALK AND FKMALK. MEN and women wanted, government jobs; Joi to )16o a moulh. Write for list of positions now obtainable. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 22 1A. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Bcylcs college. Telephone Douglas liea YOUNG lady desires to work for board and room after work and Saturday afternoons. K 448,' Bee. , CHINA packing, porter or Janitor work wanted by Englishman. Sober, non smoker and can furnish good references. George Smith. Victoria hotel, i;t0 Itodge. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years. rsuiioad and olfioe experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or of lice work; can usatypiwriteri not a ateno. K va. Baa. POS ITION-Wanted" aa retail clerk; ex perienced man. Box PIS. Falrbury, Neb. EXPERIENCED groovry clerk and meat cutter wanta position.' Can give refer ences. Webster 2ti73. LADY of refinement and character de sires position as housekeeper. Address M 46. Bee. YoUNO man wishas position with an eleotrl 'Ian; experience In the Baker t ra de. Webster 4aJ6. PERFECT home washing. Webster 42S3." SITUATION wanted" by colored girl; housework or cooking by day. Red Mrs. WANTED Placa dinlngroom girl. as chamberiiutid Red 7uI2. or WANTED By a well-known experienced young man In Omaha, a. position as entry, cashtnr, office clvrk or any other kind of clerical position; good penman, quick In figures: can furnish the best of references, willing to start work at a moderate salary. Addreaa K 441, Bee, EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po sition; good education. Address F 43S, Be. I WISH poeiuWa as housekeeper or rare taker. Reilned and capable. Web. 4.. RELIABLE colored girl wants dlug housework. V. ta Aas dred. .wsition or Mil- G1RL wants situation tor oft joe work and answering telephone. Address K 4i4, Bee. WANTED Situation at fariu work; 2i ycaia' experience. Jixu-ph Komlewic, ' S... anh M., houth omaht. Neb Lv Vt aut Ads ProJuca Jvesull. LIVE STOCK FOB 8 A LB Horses asial Vehlrlea. TEAM of mares and new farm wagon. harness, complete. Call South 30. Thirty-fifth and county line. South Omnha. K )R SAI..E Team of large. 4-year-old mules, weight 2.WH) Ihs., sound, well broken. A boy 14 yeara old has been working them. !dy owns them. Resi dence 2421 Podge lt. FOR SALE Four teams of chunky work horses nnd niarca. Some too heavy In foal for our use. Weight from I) to TVaM work VtaH&n With .ami n Karniim W. . lbs each: 4 to 7 years old; right out FOR SALE Two teams of young, chunky mares, weight l.&A lbs each, sound and gentle for children, well broke. Call residence. If s. 2i1h Pt. HEAVY teaming gpars. farm wanons ft harness; large stock St attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co.. ir,2H-:3 N. Wh t. MANY well-mat' hed -teams; young mares; some In foal, s'sll at Brewing Co.'s saloon- 1214 So. 111th St. FOR HAI.F Team bf chunky mares: weight 2.500 lbs.; heavy In foaf; alo farm wagon and harness; cheap for ready cash; call private residence, 2i21 Dodge. CARRY-ALL. in good condition. 15-pas-senger, side curtains; must sacrifice; don't delay if you want this, aa the first reasonable offer takes It. West Lawn Cemetery. 5Sth and Center. Wnl. 820. Of fice, l.Uh nnd Harney. Doug. H29. LOST AND FOUXD OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loet some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Plitffti Street1 Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it In the street enrs. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore tl em to the rightful owner: Call Dong. 4. FOUND At all News Stands. FREE LANCE JUNIOR. Divest youngster. Read It. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. yulck service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CUtEDIT CO., Paxton Blk. Douglas 141 L MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money Lpaid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases wnn testimonials, uk. a., ti. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. Tfiinriirn Cured In a few davs without JAUpiUll pan Can OP wrtte Dr Wray. tOt Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 194. u LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST fcHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Tour consign ments .receive prompt and careful atten tion. Ltv Stock Commisatoa Merchants. MARTIN BROS. CO., Exchange Bldg. PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids We must have 343 subscriptions to The Ladles' Home Journal. ...11.50 The Saturday Evening Post... .11.60 Tha Country Gentleman ..tl.&0 . In January . or the $7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order dr renewal contrib utes 60o or more toward the sup port of a score of Invalids who have received pension checks for nearly two years. URGENT PIlOIE p. 7183 OR MAIU Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB. - YOUNG women coming to Omaha us strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. ' THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mapra slnes. We collect. We distribute Phona Douglas 4136 and our wagor will call. Call and inspect our new home,' 1110-1112-1114 1 lontre Mr MELVILLE OM All BUR FORD should communicate with his brother ut Irdln- apolis at once. ' Very Important. C. I B. POULTRY ANU riCrPLIEa - - STEREOTYPE matrices make tho esi and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7&o a hundred at The Bee office.' POULTRY TOPICS. Lincoln.-Neb., tells how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial subscription 10c. RHODE ISIAM) RED roosters for salo; . thoroughbred stock. 4227 La rl more Ave. AVebsler 3H3b. LITE WTKK BVH1NES8 MEN OV OMAHA - A B G of Omaha ISW and Zd-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. . , V1..1 ' I. . a, a a , . 0 MAHA PILLOW CO.. If07 Cuming. ucug. z;. nenovaies learners and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. VACUUM cleaners for sale, Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., SW Bee Bldg. WE loi.t. repair, sell needlea and parts for all sewing machines. Ni& BHASK A CYCLE CO.. "Mlckels." 15th and Harney. Douglas it'll. 4eeaataata. MELVILLE D. THOMAS at COMPANY. 12M-M City NaL Bank Bldg Tyler H10. E. A. DWORAK. accounts audited, open ing and closing books. Installing moourn of Ilea and cost accounting systems. Ad dresa ia Rainao Bldg. Phone D. 7401. Addlag; Macklscs, Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. IS. D. 144. Adder Mcb. Co. Wales). W. O. W. D. la Architects. Everett S. Dodds. at Paxton Blk. D. SU. Attractloas. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and Him bargains. Asts and Hsgstts Hcpalrlagt. Magnsta repair work a specially. D-I4U. Anettaavera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1122 W. O. W. Red Iilae Prlnltag. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO, 0 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barters. U Chairs. Wo shave, neck share. 117 ; ar. Mraa faaadrtaa. Paxton-Mttehell Co.. 27th and Martha Gta lsrsestn as4 ioa tractors. STEVENSON. 23 g. fid. Douglas MX. tuisrs aad Wal Dlalaa. NEED well or ctte- ciaaned or dug? SCHAFFKR doee it. Phona Web. bJt JTb. RICKERTT. Well Construction Co" nuthlug too big or Impossible; eatunatcg furn iahed. MO N. 21st U. Omaha, laurers, M'KAE sets tables, furnishes waiters, aooka, for weddings, parties. Wal. (112. CalKorala Ldus. JV. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. Ul. Coal leealera. K K Johnson's special, also Vlctar gut, 4JhJ.AJ fc u, fhona D. 17uL t hlraaraalwra. L. Oeddis. D. C-. 121 Baa Bldg. Doug, iag. tills Palattev. Ruth Letch ford, geeorattng. firing. K. xi tlvll tCaataasra. M. J. LACY. 61f BEB BT.DO. DOUG. 47 li Tha Hbarpleg ocparator Ctk, llth Fan. LIVE WIRE RVSIXESH MEN OK OMAHA Decorators aad Paper Hangers. BILGER does It. Phone Walnut Ui. Drags. . DRUGS at cut price: freight paid on ' ordera; catalogues free. Sherman 41 Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb Detectives. - INVESTIGATION!' carried out In any part or United States. Canada or Mex ico, m Ppgton Blk. D. 1T3. Walnut 1620 JAMK8 AI l.A ' 112 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler ll?s. . liaBeisg Academies. Turpln's Dancing Academy, tsth A f arn. Genevieve Hauflalre. Phone Web. CHAMBERS' Academy. clasle. D 1871 Mackle's Academy. D. 544. lsl Har. Denttata. Dr. Bradbury. f. 1 pain.' MO Farnam. .... . ....nr urii.i.11,.1 prnutiiln perfect cbn Bailey, the Dentist. 1-wClty Nat) Bank.ys. C. 471. Bee. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. tlti. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickes. 1U City Nat Bank. l:lectrl' Aapplire. LEBRON Eloe Wks..-!t1g a 12th. D. 11" Dressmaking. Terry Dressmak' college. t"th Ik Farnam. SKI RT j to order, tl.w) up. 611 .4. Hth7 MISS STURDY. 241 Cass.- Red WATSON LUND. 2mi7 Cass St. Brerytfclng for tVotua. Woman's Exchange, -41U Pax. BHt. R. 4llt ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating: covered buttons, all sixes and ityles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 00 Douglas Block. D. 1M4. t'VlTt "H ES ninde from i-orhblnjfs. hy exp hand. Wo f ker; ma II orders. 414 N. lMh, ETerrthldv lor IVnaid., HAIRDRfcSHSINd. all branches; romhtnga to ordT. Apt 31. Wright Blk. R. M1. IUF8 mad from old" furs. H. W45. Farriers. - . . BF.N FENSTER. I4l N. 14th St. Web. 7777. Florists. - ' A. DON AQHUE. 1C2 Harney. Doug. W01. BATH'S f lortsts. Is04 Farnam St IlE'iS A SWObODA. 1415 Farnam St. L, HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 12, Mtmber Florist Telegrsrih Del. Assn. Hair Dressing. ' . Harper method. R. 4). Balrd Bldg. D. 311. Ladles' Tailor. LADIES' suits tailored to measure; popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecher 3o., tli So. 1Mb.' Phone Doug. 69H8. Llghtlntr Flxtares and-Wiring;. THOMAS DURKIN ' Electric flxtutes and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable.. ( - 2419 CUMING.! DOUGLAS 261. Lift Slock Ilemedles. OMAHA Remedy Co., 807 8. lth. Red 4262. Mask, Costumes and Lodge Supplies. MNKK ' of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stocl; of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Thso. Lleben A- Son, ma Howard. D. 4llt. ' Masseuses. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.: Suidays. lo to 2. MJSS (IIBSON, massage; downstairs, 1711 Dodge. Hrs.'lOtoJ, 8inday 12 to 5 p.' nr. MISS WALTOK, bath, ihassago. Tel. 4297. 'Hours 9 to : tunoay n to s. MISS-ifACOHtf, mass., manicuring. Phona Doug.- 427t Hours 8 to t: Sunday 11 to 1 Clara. I.ee: bath and message. Doug. 8751. MASSAGE. 10B S. 17th St. -Mrs. Steele? Miss. Fisher, mass.. 'elect. -treat. Red 803. M AAiJFT BEE BUILDING. MAOOAUli DOUGLAS 6372. Violet Ray, mass.. 436 Bey Bldg. P. 11i. Kathleen Mack, massage bath. D. 7582. COKA BELLING Y N,e: ; re,tVttc; satisfactory ' eastern ' treatment; baths; daily ana evening. 107 S. 17th St. Notice: lrlViite entrance, boHement, cor. of bldg. Masseuses. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wllfcoii. 102 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 87iL Open evenlrig and Sundays. Measeagcx and Transfer WHITE LINE. J09 .8. 11th. Douglas J311 MuTlasTa Storngw and Clemalav. V. C. .FRRIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eyes examined; glasses fltt"d, pay as you can. Drs. MoCnrthy. illl V!. Q. W Bldg. ""'?P",n'w ' . , iwro ii,iM an bu rung, v. -n-m. Dr. Peterson, t2 Brandels Rldg-. D. 2144. Prlatlaa-. ! V? ATFR.S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., duality . rrlntlns. Tel. Doug. tlW. J?4 f. J3th St. r-rr.--r-r. ,. : 1 . i.ii'ul.a rrinving . o, ici. ihius, 614. COREY A; M K KNZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1 Capitol. D. 1101 CENTRA L PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754. Patch Development. AMERICA N Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St Pa teats. If. A. Sturges. CO Brandels Theater Rlilg. D. O. Rarnell. Paxton Blk. tel. Red 71177 falatlnat and Paperlalt. HUGH M'MANUS. 41T N. 40th. II. TO, Planu s Ileaovated. PLUMES & llowors tnade over, cleaned & dved. Bertha Krugee. 429 paxton. D. 304. RoACB Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach , powder at your druggist. Safe and Tluia Lock Kxperta, C A T7L7C .Opened,, repaired, comb, OV r changed. - F. E. Daven- WAAA.Aiyi liM rodge. D 1821. shut HcpalrlagT. - J'li'i1 j. FboeRep. CO.. Is07 St. Marys Ay. FRIRUifAN BROS . shoe repair. dU S. 14. tor Aad office Flxtaree. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Future ami Supply Co.. 414-10-ls S. Lth D. Sluns anil Hhovrsads. , B.'M CLAKK'eV SON, III St. 16TH ST. Steel tellings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S 10tl. torn Sashes aad Doure. Wairich Co. Quiuk delivery. Webster 2077. Towel Sa ppi tea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th.' D. B21 Traaka ana, Sal teases. FUELING 8TEINLE. 10 Farnam St. Tellers. ' CHAS. C. LA N D E R TO V. i(m N. 15th 8t Q. OLSEN CO.. Ml 8. lth St.. Id floor. Veterinarians. PH. O. HJTOUNd. 4902 Ctnter. rTal. 3P25. ladov Hkade I. lean era aad Mfg-ra, OLD shades made Ilka new. Mtdwaat hade Factor. 4010 Hamilton. WaL Jul. w lsrt and Liquors. ALEX- JFTES. 8. 13th Pt. Wlnea. Uauors, clears. P-'ate dinner, 11 to J. loo. Ulolie ll'iuor bouse. 424 N. lth; California wlne. tl.25 per gal. Write for price lUt 1IKNRY-POLLOCK LIODoP. llOUShf lath and CapHAl Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Llnuor House. i! S 16th. Douglaa 180 Read the "For Sale" ads It you want bargains of . the minute. bV ArrER,'S 4JOLLMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobile - bargalua see ths "Automobile" cWssltl callou. AI TO VV1I1 trade a 0 horsepower,- seven IiUsrnger ' Mitchell" 12, In good run ning orler and new, over Slav tires for a lighter 1 1ve-pasenger car. AdJress S. C. 4il. Bee ' AUTO Want offer for . 1H, J-paenger automobile, virtually fcood as new, cost over 83,'Mi: might accept clear Omaha realty. Addrcea aV C. 4"J, Bee- AUTOS Want to awap for a Hup auto runabout other staple personal property you can appreciate when investigated. B . 4d7. care Bee. lltX iKS "Tho Modem Conjuror" and Maalclan'r Handbook." Both volumes for good fourtala pen, or what? Address, W 1 tiee. bUOKi-On building, swap us first pay ment on lot;, pay differviwa. Addivsi, b..C. 4o7..Jbe.. . SWAPPERS' OH, in BUSINESS CHAN'UK Grocery business wanted for other personal property that la. next to real money. I mead business and If Interested answer this ad for particulars. S. C. VS, r-ire Bee. BUSINESS ChTnCEWiII swap goo cleaning and dyeing business requiring I-.OO11 Investment, mostly cash. Address B. C. 4.i0, Bee. Ct.CH Black Ir.ither couch for dresser. Address H. C. 472, lire. MIAMONDS-VVho would Paper and some cash for a munds? Addqss p. C. 44fl. t rade good stock of dla Bee. t FOR EXCHANGE. Burroughs Ad. ling machine for Ford or Overland used car. Will put soma cash with It If your car Is In good shape. . AdrtI!ll -F30. Ree. (MACHINES A eelM ending, sanitary ; popcorn machine, costing some $, dl . rect from the factory, new and In perfect condition. A money maker, without ex- pensc, w. y itee. No. 4nf.. MOTORCYCLE"t7nT four horse-power ' Excelclor motnrcvele: full ..ne h... Linuuion, or trade. Address i OFFICE DESK Will buy soma good seconu-nana nesas; must b cheap for cash. Address S. C. 264. Bee. PAINTING, papering ntid patching for horse and wagon. Webster 1.160. PIANO In good shape, for lot or as a payment on a lot, or lots, or p.n acre age. Omaha stuff only. Don't answer If you have your prk-j boosted. Give leunl description or no attention paid Ad orers. S. C. 4i. Bee. HA No to swap tor auto. Want to niHlto a truck out of It, so I lon't. care for stalo or out of daee car st the rlsht price. No high priced or Inflated values. Give full particulars. 1 exne,:t to trade piano even up for something on wheels. Address, S. C. 4. Bee. PICTURE MACH IN K Have an Edison motion picture machine, with gas-making plant and six reels of film; trade. Ad dress H. C: 470. Ree. rLAYKR MUSIC r have about 75 rolla choice music for 88-note player' rlnnoa together wiih new mahogany cabinet. Best offer takes both rahlnes and rolls; either cash or trade considered. Address. S. C. 42, Bee. RACING CAR 30 h. p. IntemaUonal," 1911 model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood and two bucket seats; luggaire box In rear. Chassis Just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, water cooled, Schebler carburetor, dual Igni tion system, with Splltdorff magneto; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread SoxMnoh rear tires. 'Price 300, and will consider first class twin motor cycle or . late model Underwood type writer as part payment, and give you the best of the deal aa have no place to keep the car at present Address 8. C 417, Bee. ' 'REVOLVER Ivor Johnson revolver, .38 canoer. swap ror small camera or .22 rifle. Address, S. O. Bee. ROADSTER Good Empire roadster, In good condition; Just overhauled. 1:0 worth of repairs. Will swap or sell this month. What have you. Address S. c. 464, care Bee. RKFRIUEHATOR-This fWO butchers lee boj. 10x6x8 ft., in perfect condition. This Is cost price, will take anything I can get or use, regardless of true value of cost. S. C. 458. cam Bee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair of rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; In good condition; site 94. S. O. 451 , Bee. ST:T OF FIVE I. C. S. building and 1011 structinn books, also estimating, clc Puntly bound. Swnp for 2-20 Marlln tr Winchester, or perhaps .22 Stevens, Mar tin or Winchester repeaters. Address S C. 41, Dec. . . ' SIGNS, showcards. Clark & Bon. D. ia?8. TYPEWRITER Oliver Standard Vlslbla Ariter, only slightly used twd as good as new Cheap for cash or will trade. Uliat have you? Aodress, 8. C. 452 Be VENDING MACHINES Want to .exT change some O00 of postage stamps vending machines for a candy and cigar store; would consider a pool hall. S. c. 459, care Bee- FOR 'RENT Apartments and Flats. 5-r modern flat, 2308 8. 24th. J22. H. 4711. Live in "Warm Comfort STANDARD FLATS Six good rooms, flno finish and deeora lirc?' ,PrriX?i? hall bath, range, FREE HOT WATER, janitor service. Rood la cation, close In. ' Summer $H to 2S. W Inter Steam heated f-f to S33. EQUAL ANY AT 50 and . Paying double gets no better. For discriminating people, with a fu ture who know tho value of money. T. J. HOOK, office 1101 N. 18th St. 20-Room Flat 18th and Dodge, $125 Month. - American Security Ca "B.JseninsUirJ4o, Wgl. 3n:,7. THE HELEN. 34W HAR NEYStT- ery choice,- close In apartments, 4 rooms, Ku.iVj and 40; 5 rooms, ta and Iti. fel. Duuglna 67W. or Douglas 8tu0. Gordon VanCo. : Storaiz til N. Uth St. Phone D 3W or Web. 1381 HARLAN APARTMENTS, Sherman Ave. and Mall Ave. Choice B-room. steam heated apartment, everything first-class; very reasonable rent. Call Janitor.. Web ster .lj,' or office. Douglas low for gp polatment. SCOTT 4 HILL CO. COHEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs. ooml with kitchenette, steam beat. Phone sit, REDUCED rent, 6-room, strictly modem. WEST FARNAM FLAT,, new and clean, decorated, and for Imme diate rent will date you ahead a period of free rent. Phono OWNER, WAL NUT 32E6. 7-ROOM modern flat. 316 N. lftth Ht. Call L at liWti Chicago, or Phone Douglas lB7t. ONE-HALF MONTH RENT FREE. 9-r.. all mod. flat, suitable for light housekeeping. D.",0 S. 26th Ave:, 130. RASP BROS. DOUG. 16TJ. 2208 NICHOLAS street, 4-rooin. new, brick flat, modern except heat, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet and water rent paid. Only 117. RASP BHOS., 104 MrCague Bldg. D. 1662. Board aad Rouma. - A BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms, with exceptional closet room, plenty of hot water and good heut, and board; an exceptional, congenial home In the West Farnam district, in walking dis tance, to young men with references. Harney 49SL I-ARGE room with hot and cold water; a splendid home; settled business man preferred. 3Uim Marey. Call li. S&ta. o WIDOW with pleasant, modern home, well located, would I ik two nice young nmn to room and board. References ax changed. Phone Walnut iSSS. MODERN board and room, to S. 24lh St. al.NslllNY ROOMS. PARLOR and bedroom, completely furn ished. Use of piano. Reas. 2100 Ohio. R. 21H3. TWO rooms, mod., suitable for J, with I and I windows: close In; reasonable, 240 Harney. Douglas 7418. ALL MOD1CT.N, good, heated front rooms. 17 2utn t. WANTED Two lady roomers. Modern room, private family; walking distance. Tyler :2,-J MODERN ROOMS, private family, 4W and M per month, 26J9 Calitornia. Red tiJ. NICELY furnished room, warm, liglit, strictly modern; meals If desired; ref erences required. Harney 7167 s6uTlT"20THrStrictlymoJeru, well heated, t housekeeping rooms, complete; reasonable. Douglas Wl. LARGE furnished front room downstairs and upstairs, plenty of light: reasonable. B3 South mil St. Douglaa 713S. THE Wh'l.SlAN, 2to3 St. Mary's Ave.; suits of 1 large rooms, steam heat; next to bath. Suitable for four geatlcnten. Room and board tX a month. D. tMA FUHNISHp:D ROOM. belel, 4il Korta tis A ve East front room, strictly mod. Elee UgLiLs, cloa la Us bio. iiO iio, tb Ave.