Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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oTTTrK f umltute bought and wild. J.
C. Reed, 1317 Fnrnam. Doug. lt
HAMILTON CO.. the only ttentile second
hand store In Omaha. 1719 Cuming 1. fivtt
WR hVY td-bnnd clothes. H:i N
TALE buys old clothes. Phone Tyler Ills
P4HM at KAriI LAKDil t'llR AI,K
Put Yourself
in Clover
Ruy all the rlcli, fertile land you can
afford to own in our eunny level upland
lit Central Arkansas; long growiua m.a
in; ample raintail, excellent drainami;
abundahce of pure water;, good health
rondltlona; alfalta yield cuttings year,
tvtragt ion to the cuttinu and bring Ho
to gltt ton; potatoce, both Irish and weet:
alao corn and ctwn make cnormoue
yield; the condlUona are Ideal (or dairy
ing; auto tor stock and hog raising, hav
In free rang all year around; chickens
ara big manoy matters as writ aa truck
gardening; three big markats clone by,
Toese landa are to miles south of l.lttie
Itoca, a city of W.JO0; few titltea north of
Pin Bluff, city of 4.0(A', and tr mliee east
of Hot springs, til noted health resort,
with ltHJ,0U) -visit annually. The railroad
runs through our land; we can sell you
now ctoae to town and shipping station;
tm-re Is a government agricultural demon
trator stationed In our county; he will
advise you free of charge how and when
to plant, cultivate and market your crops;
this land la selling In fiacre tracts and
up, on the terms of $1.50 an aero down,
possession any time, balance 20 years;
terms lesa than rent; big land selling
excursion dally; low rate; free trips to
buyers who augwer thia ndvertisemoiil.
Write or call tor free photographs and full
Information. Open Wundey and evenings.
JS. T. TISTk.ll As CO..
409 Time Bid.. St. Louis, Mo.
TOR SALE BT OWNKB-Im proved half
section very choice wheat land In one
of the best districts In Saskatchewan.
Full equipment of stock and Implements,
all In first class condition, go with farm
at S-'S per acre. Or would sell equipment
separately and rent farm tu purchaser,
with option of buying. For particulars
addresa B-435. Bee.
IMPROVED quarter section homestead.
for sale cheap to settle an estate; clone
railroad town, school and church. For
Information address Postmaster, WUlard,
lt ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du
Huh, on the Boo line, 4 miles from rail
road town; 70 acres under cultivation,
balance wooded pasture and some good
meadow, no waste land; fair aet bulld-1nrs-
near school; land borders on beauti
ful lake; complete set machinery; u
chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy
and everything on the place goes at S-t
per acre; one-half cash. Schwab Bros.,
IWft Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
tto A... 64 mt from Iicson, Neb.j fine
improvements; gool alfalfa country; $10
per acre; easy terms. J. K, Clbncy, Elk
horn. Neb. 1
TOH 8ALK Bast large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; vary
little money required. C. Bradley. Wol
bach, Neb. -v
KOR BAVE-SM-A, rellnquisbinunt. ml.
from Stapleton, well Improved, Tor $.o.
Telephone connections to town. Address
TV 830, Boa.
North Dakota.
WE own and control 30,000 acres' of Im
proved farms In the banner counties
of eastern North Dakota, In let) and '140
acre tracts. Would like to correspond
with reliable agents.
Cooperstown, N. I.
8,000 ACRES, large and email tracts; ab
aolute title; Pittsburg Co., farming, pas
ture, oil, coal land; Su to - per acre.
Writ J. E. Cavanagh. McAleater. Okl.
FOR 6AL.U 320 acre good farm land, all
in heavy graa; small house und In
ts ell-Improved community; close to suhool
' and town, In Logan county. Oklahoma;
clear, but must be eotd. . Offered for 81&
:er acre; halt casbv balance easy terms.
a!N. LEFFINOWKTL. Perry. Okl.
Upper Wisconsin
best uany and general crop state In the
union; ettler wanted, land for sale at
low price on easy trnis. Ask for book-
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant.
Btate acrws watted. Write about our
grazing land. It Interested In fruit lands,
ak lor booklet on Apple Orchards in
Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., ttoo Line
Jty., iilnneapolut, klinn.
FARM tor sua; must sell my Fellsmere
. r mn.'k nrfilrla lAntL
lUUUi v whnt ... .- r
L phoff. Tunea Bldg;.. j".'.1?
Ka.U AbotrawOV Co., oldest abtract ot
ftoo tn NeOraaKfc. M & ndeia 'IheaUr.
Vhh TiUo Uuaraateo and UbU Co
a modern abstract office. Sua a. 17 ta bt
Fltono Doualaa (7. .
U'O TRADE For a good, clear grocery
stock or dry goods and grocery stock,
tha following: tomall modern house and
lit In tnrtving town of 1,260 pop.; Ilno ww
bouse, ranting for S15 mo.: worth J,J,
fcOJ enoum. at 8 per ceuC Largo modern
houso with one lot, in Llnco.n; almost
new built for home; rehtlug for $J mo.
Worth 4,6d0. wiU A0uU eacumorance
In BT L.. 8n. a mo ). Get busy
quick. Addreaa Y 8J. Bea.
FOR SALE Have good t-stoiy brick
building In good Jowa town; 40 milea
from Omaha. Prioe. 84.000;, clear Will
take all or part In naw cars or good used
car. What hav you? Address P. 4a8. Bea.
For Exchange
480 acres good smooth land, near Good
laad. Sherman county, Kansas. Price
Slift. clear. Will exchange for merch
andise, Omaha income or anything of
valua cloao to Omaha. Addras K-ilw,
car Bea.
M acre In Kimball county, Nebraska.
Want good garage building and atock In
ot near Omaha. What have you? Ad-
drea A-4. raiwwv
CALIFORNIA land for good property,
Omaha or vicinity. Addresa P 444. Bee.
OMAHA or neighboring property wanted
In exchange for residential property In
Naw York City restricted suburb. Write
F B. fcHocum. 141 Broaiway. New York.
Highly Improved farm of ifio acra
Land ail lay fin and 1 excellent aoll.
Will exahaag tor good Omaha realdauc.
a R. COMBd.
SIS Bran dels Theater. Omaha, Nab.
Douglaa 8214.
l-iAV PRIVATE money to loan un inside
property at 1 per cent. O Keel Roal
1 state Co., WIS Omalia Nat. Bank Bldg.
Itouslas 1715.
CITY and (aim loan. ., per cent.
J. H. Pmnont a fewa rarttam. umaha
WANTKD City loan, l oieis Irusi Co.
WANTtLs City luaus and warrants. W.
Fainam Bnilth i Co., 13J0 Kurimio.
OUAHA home. Last Nebraska lariual
1018 Omaha Natl. DouKla 2715.
$ui to tlU.uuO luadu pionipily. P. U. Weed,
Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnain Bts.
ct C1TT LOANS, C. U. Carlber- Co..
" 1 810-31S Brandel Theater li li g.
CITT proirty. Large loans a KprtiHy.
W. H. Thomas. Xli htaia Bank Bldg.
MONKY on hand for city and farm luao.
H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bsnk Bldg.
U ti first if you want a farm h-a.
.United fctate Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb.
LADY Biaao teacher want homo In pri
vate family; wants to give piano lesson
la put oayment. Addreea C 447, Bea.
Kansas Farmer Market Big Part of
Their Wheat Holdings as Re
sult of Embargo News.
OMAHA, Jan. 11. 1915.
Mine the talk ot nit embargo being
l-lavcd on the exportation of grain bv
the authorities at Washington farmer In
the state of Kansas have made tip their
minds to nutrket a part of their big hold
ings. This wn reflcctc! turdv by
free sales of wheat In various sections
of the Sunflower state at 81. 2". p,-r bushel.
thiln that price was refused in nenrly
every part of Kansas Friday. The fart
that one of the largest cwrt concerns
In the Chicago market, with supplies of
when! In almost everv position In the
I'tilted States, ha led In the selling of
this grain, shows there Is more or less
fear as to a possible emharso being
placed on shipments of our grain ahrontl.
There la likely to continue a liberal
speculative movement In corn as its rela
tive cheapness, compared with wheat and
oats, and the likelihood of a good demand
on export account, will hold the atten
tion of the traje. Receipts of corn are
heavy, stocks are heavy and still ci
cumulating, as producers seem sat la fled
Willi present prices.
The price of oats will continue to hinge
on the export sales, and those have been
more liberal of late. Recolpts continue
large hut have been well token car of
by libera! sales for foreign shipment.
Rulltah InriueneeM In the. provision mar
ket have been discounted by the heavy
run of hogs at the leading western mar-
Nrt.U inonev quick. Will sell my 1,!W0
equitv In all modern 7-room homo for
lfi5 rush. (Jive you warranty deed. 4110
N. :th Ave.
lAMVi IUIUN li VljOliUri 1
Two-story brick building and lot, 0xlM;
trackage available; very easily converted
for wholesale purpose, or for downtown
garage. Price only $15,000. A small pay
ment will handle it.
312 Prandel Theater BIdg.
New Double
Flat Building
On S3d 8t between California and Web
ster St., east front, on ear line, paved
stivet. Each flat contains 6 rooms, fin
ished In oak; tile bathroom floors; mod
ern and complete In every detail. An
ideal Investment for tho man with a rea
sonable amount of cash to pay dowm In
come SSto per year. lo not full to see
us if your money Is not earning per
cent net to you. This building Is rented
to deslrablo . tenants for one yenr. It
only takes about 12, Sol) cash to handle
this property,
LOOK HERb Double brick flat, rent
$flO per month; must sell; $4,500. bnly
S1..VO rash. Address B 44ti. Hoc.
$1,500 Annual
Have an Omaha buslne property that
pays S12o per month rent. Want to sell:
price tlo.Oijo. Will give terms at 6 per
cent, with payment of S2.0U0 down. Prop
erty in good repaJr and rented for five
years yet at abova rental. Address L
486. Bee.
'- " " i
Notice Is hereby given that the art -"
meeting of the stockholders of The F
era - Reserve Life Company ot O
Nebraska, will be held at Ita home oh
in the City National bank building In
said city at 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday,
January J, 1!16, for tho election of di
rectors and the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before u
Dli-J.1-:' JS-.U )cetary.
No. 2776 " "
The Merchants National Bank, '
at Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, at
the close of business December 31, 1015:
Loans and discounts t4,876,82S.30
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 12,084.2
U. 8. bonds doposlted to secure
circulation (par value) 300,000.09
Commercial paicr deposited to
secure circulation (book value) 35,000.00
U. H. bonds to secure U. K de
posits (pur value) 100,000.00
Other bonds to secure postal
savings 38,000.00
Bonds, ncurlllcs, etc., on hand
(other than stocks). Including
premiums on aume SV.OOO.OO
Subscription to stock
of federal reserve
bank 6O.o00.00
Less amount unpaid EO.OOJ.OO lO.Ono.OO
Ranking house lW.OOO.OO
Due from federal re
serve bank $ HS.tldM
Due from upprovod
reserve agenta in
.central reserve
Due from banks and
bankero (other than
Outside checks and
other cash items,
fractional currency
Checks on banks in
the same city or
town as reporting
Exchangee for clear
ing house
Note of other na
tional banks
Federal reserve notes
Lawful money re
let ve In bank:
Letta! tender notea
li:l,6W.0J- 2.Dii3,7i.l!
Amount paid on account of jl
criptlon to gold
fund, less amount, If ony, re
turned to sutiscriucr
Redemption fund with V. H.
treasurer (not more than 5 per
vent on circulation)
Total 8s,214,bW.sS
Li A LI LI I I La.
Capital atock paid in
.. 6I4.000.0.)
.. 2S4.IM. 14
.. SJV.ouOW
riurpius tunc
Undivided profits
Reserved for taxes
Circulating note
Due to hanks and
bankers (other than
above) 1.578,fit8.7
Divide nds unpaids... 8,524 UO
Demand deposits:
Individual deposit
sullied to check.. 3,bS,DG1.4fi
Certificate of do-
poblt due In ies
than 30 day
Certified checks....
Cashier' check
United Stales de
posit Postal savings de
posits Rate and munici
pal deposit
Time di-.osiu:
Certificate of de
posit due on or
after 30 day
11,151 53
W3.7W.6b 8,6.rU).49
. Total S8.214.6V0.88
8tat nt Kehtaaka. County of DouKlas. es:
I, Fred I. Hamilton, cashier of tho
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the a Love ataieniont I truo to tho
best of my knowledge and oener.
Coirect Attest Cashier.
i.i:tiii:r drake.
v ran k p. hamilton.
G. li. RoOtRb,
fubrilad and sworn to before in thi
lltU dy of January, U-'S.
it r. urin
Notary Publje,
kt. Including Chicago, an.1 the accumu
lation of etocs of manufactured pi I
iut. Many ot the more conservative
houses in tne trade are advising sales on
all hard spote.
Durum wheat was unchanged
Hard winter wheal was lflSo lower.
font s Vtnp lotk-er.
Ost were ilc loaer
t'learancea Here: Wheat and flour,
equal to 1.J040P0 ml.! corn, 1M.00O mu.;
oats, 80000 bu.
Liverpool closing: Not quoted.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.87l.cfl0 bu.
and shipment l.OiK.OtW bu., saalnst re
ceipts of l.OWI.W bu. and shipments of bn. last year.
Trlmary corn receipt wre l.rtt.OOO bu.
and shipment HR7.0CO bu.. against receipts
of l.r'j.OOO bu. and shipment ot tll.O.ii bu.
last year.
ITimarv osta receipt were Cw.ono bu.
and shipment bu., against receipt
of fMl.Ot) bu. and shipment of 7'Jo.OH) bu.
last j ear.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago JSJ IMS
Minnespoll WO
Ihiluth a .'
Omaha 48 4W M
Kansas City H 1 t
Winnipeg 11.1 ... ,,,
These cah sales were reported today
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I car, H.4:
1 car. l.). No. a hard winter: S cars,
II. DO; t cars. Si.H. No. 4 hard winter: t
car, I1.2SV,. No. 3 durum, t cars, SI.4.V No.
S durum: 2 cars. $1 45. No. S mixed: 1 car.
It 1ft. 4; l car, 1. No. 4 mixed: 1 car,
$1 Z. Ilejected: 1 car, l?74. tample: I
car. Il.ii7. Corn: No. I white: 1 car, 67c;
cars, (T,c. No 4 white: I cars, wto.
o. i yellow: o tars. gie. No. I yeimw:
cars. tNWci tt cara. Khc: I car. fiac.
Kn 4 vellnw: II) cara AnUu. No. 6 vellow:
i car, oc; oars, s'ic. No. yellow: J
rars, t4c. No. 2 mixed i i cars. 4c
No. 3 mixed: care (near white), Xv, t
cars (near white), Sc; cars, (tV; cars,
(iic: cars. Tlc. NO.' 4 mixed: 7 car,
c. No. mixed r 1 car (near white), Wc;
1 cr. 4c; 4 cars, ftlc; 1 ear. fie. No.
0 mixed. 1 car. tc: 1 cur, 65c, Oats No.
S whit,-: 15 cars, 504c. No. 4 white: 3
cara, M4 1 car. Bflc. Hampie: 1 car, 4ie;
J car, 4S'tc. 1 car. 4c. Itye No. Si 1 car,
li.OS. Barley No. 4: 1 car. SSc
rmnhs Cash Prlces-Whestf No. t hard,
Sl.Stfl.M; No. 3 hard. H.24rl.i4: No.
4 hard, r.o. a eprinn, i.4.-ui.
1 No. i durum, Sl.4Ml.4; No. S durum.
lfi44U144 Corn: No. 1 white. 7!&74o;
n0. 2 white, v,;4,-;ve; No. 3 white, twVa
g; No. 4 white, tiinWNe: No. R white,
ei1l!4c; No. 6 white. (?'(; No. 1
vellOW. fWWtrttlC; JNO. 2 yellow, W'uliwtr;
s vellow. &"U( No. 4 yellow.
dWic: No. 5 yellow, 6A4c; No. 0 yel
low, 64'oV. No. 1 mixed. 6'He:
No. 2 mixed. i6eViie: No. 8 mixed, 86VH1
Gc: No. 4 mixer. 6lif?W4e: No. 6 mixed,
titk'Stl.'ic; No. mixed. 64WTMto. Oats:
No 2 whle. tVAitirr.lo: standard, fiov
Misie! No. 8 white, W4V)V,c No, 4 white,
6MK.OV4C. Barley: Malting. 6fryC2o; No. 1
feed CxVg;tc. Rye: No. 2. S1.W1.10;
No. 3.' si.osvidri.oo.
Featores of 4k Trading; and Clo.losr
Prloea on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. It. Wild selling of
whent reaulted today from reports that
tho fleet of England and France wr
successfully breaking through tne 'l ura
Ish defense Of tho Dardanelles. After a
downwanl plunge of fa from tho top
figure of the day. the market closed
restless t 8c to ."Vfec under Saturday
night, father leading staples, too. all fin
ished at a decided setback corn 1'c to
ISfilHo, oats le to le and provisions
L"o to 47iic.
Dismay seised trader bn the bull aide
in the wheat market, when reports ware
circulated Indicating the Turkish hold on
tho Dardanelles might at any moment
be broken. The worst of the unloading
by wheat N.ldera took place after the
rumore crystallized Into definite assertions
that one of the Turkiah foru had boen
demolished and othera badly damaged.
I'ndcr the consequent crumbling of val
uea here, 8'ic a-bushel vanished aa com
pared with the record last week at the
highest price realised since tho beginning
of the war. 1 I
Desperate attempt at rallies in the
last minutes of trading overcame part of
tho losses, but were far from fully re
establishing tha confidence of wheat bulls.
Corn suffered from hedging pressure,
due to large recelpta here, and aa a re
sult of the visible aupply reaching a blg
aer total than at any pravlou time In
fifteen year. Heavy kale to tha sea
board were offset by report that five
oorn-nroduct factories had been closed
and by gossip that hog ware being eao
rlflned on account of tha high cost ot
Oat ranged lower with other grain.
Watch waa kept chiefly on corn.
Packer and discouraged speculative
holders let go ot provisions. What little
supjtort developed was based to some
extent on belief that the break In hog
prices would check the big movement of
boas to market.
Grain price furnished by Logan ft
Bryan. 816 South Sixteenth atrecti
Article! Open.l Huh.j Low. j Close. Ves'y
1 STtMi. 1 39Vi
1 83V4J
1 19;i
1 S4H
1 21 Vk
1 3IV,
1 24'4
I 20,
1 24:
I 23
18 Co 18 7V4I
10 48
10 70
18 37V,
1 2O-0C 19 TO
18 82 Hi 19 80-32
10 45
10 50
10 60
W 78
10 92'i
10 85-731 10 85
9 80
10 25
7B ,
10 23-20
10 12HI
10 124110 86-87
Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 8 red.
tl.&li&l.CTtt; No. 2 hard. 1.81W31.37'4.
Corn: No. 2 yellow. 8W70Ho; No. S yel
low, 6j'4c. Oau: No. S white. 6lti
R2ic; atandard, ol'frMtto. Rye: No. 2,
Sl.l3tfl.13Vc. Barley. 6?!c. rteedsi Tim
othy, W.V(i7.fi0: clover, 812.6016.00. Pro
visions: Pork. 17; lard. 810.60; ribs, S9.87H
OI0 00.
BUTTER Pteady; creamery, 24iEf31e.
KOOS Higher; receipt. ,94S csj: at
mark, ra.tes Included, 84fJ5ci ordinary
firsts. X'.'nMc; firsts. 2uMiJtic.
POTAT01t.-teady: rocelpU, 7 cara;
Michlnan and Wlsconln. red, 445u;
siichigan and Wisconsin, white, 454sc.
POULTRY Alive, lower; spring. 18c;
fowl, lie.
Qaolatloas of tho Day ' Varloaa
NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-FLOUR-Un-
WHKAT-rtot. weak: No. 1 red. St iW.:
No. t hard, (1 40H, all rail. c. I f. track
export; No, 1 northern Duluth. SI 42, and
No. 1 northern Manitoba, $1 41V, c. I. f.
Buffalo. Futures weak; May, 11.42;;
Jury. $!..
corn Knot, easy stanusM. 6vt: Tto.
i whit", hdo; fancy elipped white,
HAY Htead.v; prime. 81.16: No. 2. 81.10&)
t.'L's: no. , 11; ko. . ii.uv anipplng.
MXn :a)r-.
HOPf-Waay; state, common to choice.
1lt, itatici Pacific coast, 1814, 1'jW14c;
1813. sKv.
IM1K3 Ready; Bogota. 32M.C: Central
America, 31e.
LKATHH R Firm; hemlock flrt, SJc;
seconds. 30-alle.
PROVH1'N3-Pork, quiet J mM. Sl!t1l family. ;.tierrjj.uii; snort clears
fJO uofta no. Beef, steady; mess, Vl-OH
i,-oo: tamiiy, sjtmwftoo. Lard, weak;
middle west. 810 fh 0 70.
IIALLOVt' Quiet; city, Sc; county, Vi
tpf; srteetal. ti4c.
BITTTfcR Steady i receipts. 6J0 tubs:
creamery, 1fl score, l-i creamery, higher
sroring. Mtynxx-; firsts. si;S4c: seconds,
ZH4I-K;; process extras. 7Mni7C( ladles, cur
rent make, first. JiuSi'M-: seconds. 12V-
packing stock, current make. No. 2, 21
CHEESE Irregular; receipt, 434 boxe
stale whole milk, held special. UHH
lc: state whole milk, average fancy, 1J
4tl6e: tat whole milk, fresh special.
1444'cM-Scr stata whole milk, fresh aoeclals,
avarase fancy. ltWtallVtc; skims. JVx&M'ic,
!; ii14 Firm; receipts. 3 Ui cases; fresh
gathered, extra Iinu, wnvto: extra first.
43c; firsts, 4Jc; aeconda, VKMIn; atata,
Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white,
. , . . .U. - t .... -.hi...
4it47c; hennery brown, 4e; gathered
147c; hennery browns, 4e; gathered
r, mA. n.lvsd colors. 41CoC.
POULTRY Dreesed. firm; Western
roasting chickens, ! I1,; fresh fowls,
UaiiCi turkeys, l-'lc.
I,lvrool Grata Market.
LtVrHPOOU Jan 11 -WIIKAT-Spot.
quiet; No. 1 Manitoba, lis d; No. 2. Hs4d;
No S hard winter, 11 Id. Future, nom
inal (toRN-Hpot. firm; Americas) mixed,
7 Hd. Futurea riot rooelved.
FIHTl Wiaur paUnts, 4o.
HOPS la London (Paulflo coast), 1
188 4 ta.
Cattle Slow to Tea Cents or More
Lower Sheep and Lamhi Are
Also Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA. .Isft. 11. WW
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
IZ. I! ... I
74 !5 Irtl
Estimate Monday 7.W
hame day last week... M'l
fame t weeks go 7.700
Same 3 week ko 2.02
Same 4 weeks asn a.v.r;
itm day last year....
g.Oi.4 4..MH) ;
.9"7 31.214
Tha following table shew the receipts
of cattle, hog ajid sht-c at the South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date, aa compared with -sat year:
101.Y 1fH. Inc.
Cattle I-VMXI S1.IW2 7.7
Hogs , M atio 7S.2.M .7.n
Sheep K..010 60,011 2.m
The following table shows the average
price for hug at the Hcuth Omaha, llv
atock market for tha last few days, with
1KI4. 1I3 lsli.)l;'T
pec K
1'eo. 17.
tec. M.
pec, .
ltc. So.
!. 31.
Jan. 1..
Jan. !..
Jan. I..
I 80
5 6
5 48
B 0
6 M
S 78
S 70
S 7ft
S 74
Jan. 4..
Jan. 6..
Jan. ..
Jan. 7..
.'an. ..
Jan. D. .
Jan. 10.
Jan. 11.
Uecoints and disposition of live stock
at the I'nlon stock yams. South Omaha,
for twenty-iour hours ending at S p. nt.
Cattle. Hogs. Mheep. ll r'i
C M..A St. P....
t abash s
Missouri I'Mclclf...
i nlon Pacttlc...
7 14 T 7 M, 7 7Uj I
T (K 7 88 k Ik'. T Vt S 31
T 04 T 6s T 04 I M t S7I t
1 l.Vtt, I Ml T T 71 I 21
lli. 114. 1W18. 1913. lll. WI0.
7 It 7 U T 10 W t U
1 1Di 1 si 7 f S oo 1
. UilUliniNIN
T 04'4 7 14 I W) 7 90 S St.
7 0U 7 M 8 0CM 7 7 8 47
7 OA 7 W 7 13 17 7 H 8 4t
T T ft t 11 III IM
S m T M 7 14 1 141
t "o v ft on 7 m o to 7 S7
OR7!4(H7 8SSa
7 12 101 7 7ft 8 1
a 3J ;
2 1
41 11 K
13 . . &
ft ..
14 24
m 7i a
i'. fc N. W.. east.
i ' A. K? ' .
W ... WOBl dl
C, St. P., M & O..
C, K. I. P. .east Sti
V., H. A g., west.. 4
C. R. I. & P., east W
llllnol Central..;... 1
t.hl. Great Wet.. 1
Total receipts... 30,".
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Morri -. Co.'. 477
Swift & Co 3a
Cudahy Packing Co.... 905
Armour A Co 764
.1. W. Murphy
Morrelt 4
Lincoln Parkin Co.... 41
Armour, St. Paul
W. B. Vansaht Co
Bant on. Vansant &. L. . 2X2
1U11 & Hon 248
K. B. Lewis 2
J. B. Root & Co im
J. If. Bulla 17J
L. K. Hnss s7
Rnsenstock Bro 3V
McCreary & Kellogg... 4"1
Werthelmer Degcn.. 3tn
H. P. Hamilton I7i
Sullivan Bro 114
Kolhtohild 1
Mo. ft Kan. Calf -Co... 4
Chrlstl 331
Hlggln 11
Huffman 2
Roth 23
Meyera 1
Baker, Jone a 8....... 62
Tanner Bros. 177
John Harvey 4
D. ft V 13
Kline 1
Other buyer 6x8
Totals 7,008 9.081 16.H6J
CATTL19 Racolptg hl morning were
the largest for a Monday sine two Week
ago, and larger than a year ago by about
l.-YH) head. At the same time other mar
ket point were heavily loaded, to that
buyers were given a splendid opportunity
to pound the market and they were not
low to make the most of It, with tha
result- that there wa more or lesa de
cline reported from all market point.
The largo receipt are accounted for by
tho advancing coin market and a lack of
confidence In the future of tha cattle
market existing in the country. A good
many feeders seem anxious to unload
catlia instead of faedina them out. with
the result that there I an over aupply of
cheap bvef on practically all of the larger
Beef steer continued alow and dull an
the inomliiK. with pricea fully 10c lower,
and In some case possibly more than
that, cow and neitero eurierea aooui
the amn amount of decline a beef
steers, they, too, being slow sellers
owing to the reluctance ot holders to
make conreeslona demanded oy nuyera.
Feeders were around 10c lower than last
week close, while Blockers were ex
tremely slow and fully 1 (Kyi 5c lower, and
In some case possibly more than that.
Quotations on Cattle rnme yearlings,
i.60'fr00; good to choice cornfei beeves,; fair to good corn fed beeves,
6vij 0o;conunon to fair cornfed beevea.
8ti.UKa7.60; good to choice range
beeves, 87.7&P8.26; fair to good cornfed
beeves, 8t.76fl'7.7r.; common to fair corn
fed beevs, 86.766.76; good to cholc
heifer. 867.26; good to choice cow, 85.74
66.00; fair to good cows, f5.0uti5.tit; com
mon to tair vows, et.vuifiu.uv; kuou 10
cholc stocker and feeder, 8T..ili 8. 10;
fair to aood atockera und fender. l.?uct
7.20; common to fair Itocker and feed-
era, o.ijo. (0! atocit reirers, tu.ivtvt.ic;
slock cows. 14.754j6.76: siock calves. fioOii
8.00; veal calves, fi .O053.7, culls, stags,
etc . J.0Ol7
Representative sales:
1 cowv
No. I A. Pr. Na. A. Pr.
1 m t VI li s-.i 1 I'l
1 r 4 1". 2 i:6 8 r.
II Ml 4 S 9 1IM 6 '
2 nt m .. ""J in
1 1110 4 'il 1 1170 7u
1 l2( 4 K ..; tii 6 tJ
4 "M 8 tM
J TOO I 00 8 ,
I I . 0 1 ,
I 0 4 Va I ,
8 J 7 1
1 800 6 83
4 177 4 to 1 ,
1 t 8 1l 1
1 mo 1 sj 1.....
6 IW1 lU 1
ALV a,s).
li n 6 I I
... 17 5 7,
... IM 11
.. .10111 t XI
...11.0 1 SI
..1534 n
..kwi 8 in
..vrt 4 to
..141 Ml
i.-i 8 4
11 ri 6 44 44 H ' n
81 118 4 M 86 M 11(1
61 494 8 4 It... t 7 t
11 I W. 7 M
25 feeder.. 1034 7 60 2 feeder.. 949 T 46
25 feeder., bit 1 li 28 feeder., tol 7 80
HOGS local upplle wer only fair
for a Monday, but Chicago started tha
week with another heavy run, and a
local ahlpper almost entirely out
ot tha trad packer had little difficulty
In buying hoa at figures that were
mostly a dim lower than Batuiday. Ship
pers and speculator bought a very few
early, but their purchase ware not of
any alxe and had no offset on tho later
trade. Packers' early offers war a flat
dime lower, and In spit of tha fact that
salesmen held on Until well along U
ward 10 o'clock prices failed to Improve
to any great extent, ao that In the and
tha bulk of the offering moved slowly
at flgurea that were largely a dlma below
the close of last week.
Most of tha offerings sold at 88.70, with
a sprinkling of the less desirable kinds
under this figure and a fair showing
around 14.75. but owing probably to the
fact that ahlpper and speculator wer
so quiet nothing sold abova tho latter
figure, and toi show a resulting decline
ot flat 16c. Tha average trade, hoevr,
I hardly a dim off.
Receipt were tlmated at 108 cara.
or 7.300 head, ix car or these being con
signed direct to a packer from another
market. This I 2.600 entailer than a week
ago, hut la a few hundred larger tha a
for tho corresponding , Monday of last
liapreaeniauvs safes
Na. At. 8b. Pr. Ko.
. AT. i. Pr
....l8 ... T
... 't ... Tt
... 14 ... 71
....2a ... 8 ti
14 tk
....tut U STI
a 144 ... 4 w n
I 1ft W ... M 47
.114 84 8 40
.144 ... 4 4
It 140 M
M. .
.84 84 8 84
17 103 ... I 81
BHKKP Tha weak opened out with 18.
fltiO brad of sheep and lamba on aJe, com
pared with 23.384 a week ago and 21,214
on tho corresponding day a year s
Chicago reported a run of 37.UM head,
with trade alow and price lower. All
othor aoarkat point ft-portcd a lower
trend to value.
It waa a little lata bfoi the local roar-
H bciicmI (lecllne of lmfl".c all mo'iiul and
ixmsihlv mure than that on the heavy
d .el, wes.'e";,:;
l ulu nf the lamlis found nil outlet st ;
SM itls .to. I ne less orsnsoir. sinus
tho lust to sell, l'.wee. wethers mid year-
Unas made up a l:rgr proportion of the
H rtllO w H UH4I, UP ninwi i i mi g-w n
b(n Plrk.l up nt $r r-v,i", Karlv n tho '
- " i ... . ... . .
rulA u vo.m! thn most or llio e,s '
U-oar bunch of Wyoming i
Iamb sold cm feeding account at if.v
t"g about steady with the close of
.... i. , . .... . i ,l. i.,...,,rtj. . .
t Isst
ket opened, but
I-..M . trad h
l.7! IJ '' week In the end the clearance wa a
4.W "7 senable. with most everything weighed up
auotatlons on sheep and lambs: (Jood
to choice lamls. t .Vtf 70; fair to good
lambs, iS.lMi :; heavy iiimos. ii.wims:
light vearllngs, 'tJlVn.s,.; !avy yrar
Unas. Kffl.'J; good to choice tvethem,
.lfi NO; fair to god wethers, SMI 'W.. IS:
anod to choice ewes, S7.()fn.!l0; fair to
uoe.i ewes, xu.fn.v
... l
. ..
.... t
.... 87
.... 9
n m
7 W
7 R.S
7 r.
7 ft-.
S on
ft M
ft sr.
r. c.
f, v.
8 10
.'4 yearling
t4 faler cull Inmba
Jo Cvomln feeder lamb.
112 freier lamb
! Wyoming feeder lamb..
112 Wyoming bucks
44 Wyoming buck
17K feader lamb
Ill feeder ewes
llltj feeder cnes ,.
Ht feeder ft" .'.
) feeder ewe
167 feeder liunb
Depressed Ilea
Xheep Weak. '
rmCAClO, Jan. 11.C.VTTI..K-ltecelpt,
ffflrti head: market depressed; native
Meei-s. sAottio'iO: western. 64.7i.t7.40; cows
rnd heifers, H.livSiS.OO; calves, 87.itK-.rlO r.
ll)jlHeCelpte, fiS.OIIO heart ; market
ttonk; Inrgelv 10c lowers bulk nf sales,
I Vu8 8.: livht. $ii.:.ifui HO: mixed, SiliMfn
ti.W; heavy, S'lSW&W; rough. .V.(il.t'.r.;
tl'g. 8-V2MMI 9".
HillCKl' AND I AMPS Receipt. t7.0f
head; market weak; sheep, S" riti.W;
yearlings. 8r..80r.r7.7.; Iwnihs, K,.7ttS75.
t. I.oals I.tve atock Market.
BT. U1UIS. Mo.. Jan. 1I.-CATTI.K-Recelpta,
6, head; market. lower:
native beef steers, K.uOti lO.OH ; cows and
heifers. S3.0fst.7r: stoekers and feeders,
Sf.2R'ii'7.3i'.; southern steers. 86 7ui'7.73; cows
and heifers, 84.00u.V0; native calves, Sti.OU
fl 10. on.
II(H.I!4 Reeelirt. : 13 :m bend: market,
lower: nlas and llaht. SS.7Mi 7.00; mixed
and butcher. Iil.lio 7.00; good heavy, St'..90
MIKICr AND IAMRS-necelpt. 1..100
head: market, lower; native muttons,
14 7i.nta.9f.; lambs. 9s.srKti yearling.
gloax Ity I. Ire "took Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. ll.-CATTLtt-
Recelot. .) head; market. PHiSSc lower;
native teors,, butcher. S.2Mf
0o; cows and heifer. $l.7iVu.T5; canncrs,
SS.MVfift.OO; , stoekers and feeders, 6.0Oirj
7 im calve H (l0lfi8.MI.
I HHlrt Receipt, T.oflO hnd; market, 15
(IS-'ioe lower; heavy, tM.ti7Vjaii-45.76; mixed,
8rt.WV08.C7Vi; light, 8.60tc.6.'; bulk of sale.
M ttfrf.a 70
HHUKP AND LAMBS-necelpt. 8,600
head; market, steady; ewes. 83.rtkSju.0o;
lamb. 8S.oon.S.60.
Kansas Cltr Live Block Market.
Receipts. 14,000 head: market, lower;
prime fed steers, 6s 76419.W; dressed beef
steers. S7.2Ub8.&0: wnaitern steers.' 87.1iVuv
8.76; stocker and feeders. K2ts7.8tl; bulls.
8i 60(!i.76: ca ve. 8t.WW10.2u.
HOOft Receipt. 14.000 head; market
lower; bulk. S6.704iH.WS:. heavy. 9t.8tMi 90;
packer and botchr. 8i.76ti6.96; light. nlas. 8tf.2uJt.64.
head: market, lower; lambs, S4.8M79.afi;
yearlings, Si.7.ifl7.66; wether. S".:Sfl.W
it. Joseph I.lvo gtock Market.
Receipt, neaa; marart lower; sie.'rs,
87.ou1i9.50; rows and heifer, 84264(8.60:
calves. Stt.omhlO.Oa
I loos Receipt, 6,500 head: market
lower: ten. 8.!)f: bu k nf sale. 8rt.6vtfrtl.8i
HHEEP AND UMBft-Receipt. 6.500
head; market lower; lambs, 8N.wli 8.O0.
BUTTF.R Nv. 1, l-ij. earton. Slot N.
t, 90-1 b tuba. 2c.
C1IKF.8E-Imported. Bwle. Sir; Amer
ican Swiss, aac; d.ook bwibs, oo; twins.
Itki; daisies. 17c; triplet. 17e; Young
Amaricaa. l1V4c: blue label brick. 17oi lint-
burger. 8Mb.. 20c: 1-lb. 20oi New York
white, 18; Imported French Koiuofort.
Fian Trout. 14oi Urgo erapple. IS01
salmon, 11c; halibut, lc; i liannel, cat
fish. 12c: olka. 14c: Dlckerel. luc.
POULTBY-Broflera, 14Vc: aprlng chick
ana, lie; hona, WUa; cocks, 8c; ducks,
lvc; geea. 8c; turkey, ltkj pigeon, per
dog., Mc: duck, tun leainrnia. tuc; geaso.
full feathered. Sc; uuuba, No. L H.W; No.
8, ouc.
2 rlb, lVic; No. 3 ribs, Hfcc;, cJo. I loin,
2flc; No. 2 lollia. 17c; No. 3 loin, 12e;
No. 1 chucks, lOVic; No. S chucks, 9c;
No. 3 chuckit, 9c; No. 1 rounds, KIV-; No.
S rounds. 12o: No. S rounds, 11c; No. 1
plates, 9Vto; No. 2 plates, 8'nc; No. 3
plates. 8c.
Market duotatlon tarnished by Glliaskl
Fruit company:
FRUITS orange: Extra fncy Wash
ing navels, 80s, Dim, 100s and. 112s, 12.00 per
box; .126, 82.2T; Kkxi, 82. M; 17rts, 2oUs and
316s. 82.86. Lemons: Fancy Hunklat 8Mia,
84.50 per box; choice Red-Bui I, 84.00.
Orapefrult: 36s, 64s, 64n and HOh, 12.60 per
box. Apples: Kxtra fancy Washington
White winter l'earmaine, 82.t)01.75 per
box; axtar fancy Washington Wlneaapa,
Si. 76 per box; extra fancy Washington
f pltsenhurga, II W) per box; Oregon
epitBenburgs, ll.Jlu per box; Colorado un
wrapped Jonathans, 81. 30 er box: Wah
Ington extra fancy and fancy lloovera,
81.40 per box; small Jonathan, 81.10 per
box; fancy Colorado Wealthy, II 10 per
box; Idaho fancy tii imes-Uolden, 61.00 per
box; Idaho cholc Ortmca-Oolden, 81.36
per box: Washington fancy Urlmes
(lolden, 81.(0 per box: Idaho fsnry Jona
thans, 81.26 per box; Idaho fancy Fultona,
11.26 per box; Idaho fancy Strawberry,
61.2 per box; Idaho fancy Wolt River.
II. 2S per box: New York Russet. 83.00
per bbl.; Black Twig. 8160 rwr bbl.
drapes: California Emparnre, 8H.60 per
crate; extra fancy Malagas Stt.00 per
crate. I'enra, per box: Ji'AuJous, 12.26;
Jerseys, 82.26: Cheldnna, f-' 26; Lawrence,
83.00: Hoceo, t? 86; Knster, 82.2.'.. Bananaa,
per bunch: 81.75 to S-1.60. Cranberries, per
bbl.; Jersey, pi 00; cheaper Jersey, t 00;
lata llowoa, r.OO. Kumquot. per box,
VBOF?TABLKS-Cullfl0wer. Tier ,r,t,
83.00; cucumbers, per box. 81.80: calerv.
Jumbo. 73c doa.; Michigan. 30u do : leaf
lettuce, 40c do.; head lettuce, 81.00 dos.r
onions, yellow, 2o lb.; red, 2c lb.; white,
2o lb.; cabbaga, IVin per lb.: peppers, 60u
bHsket: tomatoes, S4.0u per crate; onions,
shallots, 60r dos. ; garlic, Italian, c
per lb. Potatoea, per bu., Colorado
Rural, 76c; Red River Ohio. 7oc; Minne
sota Whites. tc. Sweet potatoes, pr lb.,
Kansas. 82.80.
MIKCELI.ANEOU" 4helled pop corn,
lb., 4c; limes, box, 11.76: rrlckerJack. per
caae, 84 60; half-case, $1.7; checker, per
case, u mi; nair-caaa, i.,n. Honey, per
case, 81.76. Cider, per keg. New York,
S-' per bbl.. Id 00. Cocoanuta. per sack.
3.7b; ifK-. Caeaaha Oem, crate. Sij'ffi
2.00. Nuu. fr lb.. No. 1 California wal
nut, 18c; filliarta, 16c; pacana, UV: Bra
tils, 18Hc: almonds, 30c. Kits, 12 lS-os.,
43o box: 60 6-os.. 82.00. Datea, sugar wal
nut, 81.40 per box; Ilallowl. 8c.
Mlaaeapolia Crala Market.
MINNUAI'OI.IS. Jan. ll.-WHEAT-May,, July 81.30ftl.30 asked;
ro. 1 hard, 81.84: No. 1 northern, H.JiVtf
31'4: No.- S northern, 1.2GyK1.31'-.
RYI v-81 10
BHAN 813.60
t'OKfo No. 3, yellow, K.'i'-c,
OATH No S white, 4U"i4.c.
bEtD-Flag. H.7t'ii1.7!ci.
Hatrar Market.
K8W YORK. Jan. 11. BUUAR-Raw,
firm; molassea. 3.84r; centrifugal, 4.1K;
refined, steady; rut loaf, S.v ; rruihed,
6.76c; mould A, S.40c; cube 5. Me: XXXX
powdered, S.lOd; powdered, I OGn; fine
granulated. t.V; diamond A, 4 H6o; con
fe tlonaia' A, 4 8m', No. 1. 4.70c; future
quiet and from Sio-3 point higher at noon.
t. Loaia (.rala Market.
BT.jLOUlS. Jan. 11. WHEAT No :
red. SI 3o- il 37V; No. 2 hard, H.3S 1.S7V4;
May. li t!: July. 11 1.
CORN Lower; No. I. TOc; No. 2 whlta,
72y-' May. 76.' July, 74V.
(iAT-Lower; No. I. 63c; No. S whito,
64 Vac
Week's Upward MoTement in
Inn Resumed.
, Frenthi
' j-ivi-v. jnn. ... "
- - - i i
'Rid movrimnt In utm-Kn fminii'M
, M. i, t. .. ,u.. , .... I. ...... ,li I, , m ft I c it v i
todav with gi-eatcr breadth and activity
Its lines were close to the Inrncst of nny
amnio session for Over a fnrtniitht, and
trading was more diversified. It em
braced more than the usuul number of
miscellaneous lauea, hut lending , stork
tvet-e prominent throtiahout.
The United Statci Steel re-asscrte.i us
ornif.r lenilershlo. laiaeiv as a result
of last Paturdays excellent statement of
unfilled tonnnae for December.
tinlns ranacd fn,.m 1 to 2 olnt Ifl the
noi-e active group, while a few speclsl-
ties, such eotilpment, motor ant imi
itv shares, gained much more. Copper
also Improved their position on amither
Increase In the price of the metal, ln
identa lv the srnln markets rurntinen
another sensation with their further ab
rupt declines from recent high recoru
Much or tooav a inquiry ror eeruruira
was aitrlhuieil to the wnst. that aect Ion.
sccordlng to report, evincing a renewed
it.iei-Ni sieiilnitvelv and otherwise, lit
tho stock market. Condition west of
the Alleghenie appear more nearly
normal than In any other part or tne
nuntrv. this belnir demonstrated ny re
cent bank clearing and other rellnbla
data. Agricultural and Industrial inter
ests over that area have profited to an
unusual degree by the foreign situation,
and todav's ndvlce report full resump
tion of operation at many plants In tha
middle west. . .
Traffic return from ChleaAO enow mat,
expansion la proceeding cautiously, ton-
naao belnff on a level wnn tne same
period of 1P1I. lony 1 no lea easy at
western centera than here and flnanolal
Institution are lending mora freely for
mercantile purpose.
The forelan ltutlon reflected llttl
rhanga, aald from greater weakne In
exchange. Ixindon market waa firm
with some Increase ol oeraiions. au
ininniiiM faaiura nf the Btatemont of
the Imperial Hank of Oermany was a gold
loss of about &,t"i.t"i. .
luteal monev supply waa In execs of
requirement, but effected no change In
open rates. 1-ong time loan were mada
at the recent minimum of SH per cent.
Itnnda were strona ami active wun
marked gain In medium grade Issues.
Total sales par value wera 2,!CUOii0.
United State tvono were uncnanaeu
on call. ...
Numlier of eale and ledln quotationa
on atock were aa follows:
Halas. Hi. wis,
Alanka Onld 1.tto xi ft
Amalicsmate Caspar .... ) J4t
Amarlran awt, Huar.... M IM SJWi
Amarlran fan 9. H i
Amarh-an g. R TOO llH
Am. R It. Sfd
84 Vj
Am. Hwtar lutlnlng
Amerlean T. T...
Amarican TetmrPs ,.
Anarnmt Mining ...
n I n mora Oliia...
Bnmklyn Rani Tr.,
ralltornia Psirolaum
cnaias Pacific ...
oniral laaiher
rhesaasaka A Otilo.
4M 'UIH Hi"
. 4A0
Too Ian S 14
8. AM tt I-S '
900 4tUj i'i 4'24
rtiteaao o. w
(hlrat. M. Ht: P.... W0 S
hloo N. W .';
CMni fvpnar I."
Cnlaraito K. 1 4W 94
Colorado 0 Koutham
Itenrer II lo Oranfle
Un-sr g. O. nl
Pliitlllara' gec-urlllaa .....
Krle 6,! Its
m4 'S
.... 1H
Ooneral Blartrlo
lrat Northern M
Orsat li, t'r elf
OtiKSoahalnt Riploratlaa..
llllmtla tvnlral
lnlerhoenuh Met. M..i
Inapiratlan Cmr ,
International Harraater.
Ksnaaa I'll anuthara. . .
no IWk 14HVi I41S
1.14 1H", 11J? lltii
97 H
Uahiati Valley . ' 14 14
Ivlavlll a NaahTllla..
MrxW-aa Pstrnlaunt
Miami Ooaiar .
Mtaaourl. K. T
Mlaaaurl l'aeiflo
National Biscuit
National tea
Nevada Copper
Naw fork (antral
T. T , N. It. M
Norfolk Waatarn
Nnrtlio-B racllla
Pacltle Mall
Pai-lfn T. T....
Pullman Patae Car
-IU.T tin. ifceoer
Raadlna -
no littk 117V4 117
toft ltlH llt4 1l "4
8,iao iojh nuki i"'
' .ro
S.1W 104V 14a 10H
1,004 144 !
11.900 I4n 14H lllll
Ttapublle Iron a Bteai.. t.wo pw ra
Rock Island Ca
Hock laland Os. sf to IH la
Hi. U P. F. 84 gld.
Koutham ParlMa
rv.titharn Hallway ...
Tannassa Cop par ....
Taxaa ramaanf .......
t'nloa 1'a.riu-c
f:nlon Paclftr nM.....
., 4,M N
.. I.Ono It
,. i.ast nil nt;
., SM Wi 1S4
.. It.iOO lulls 111
t nha mates Mas I Mia litA
V. at. maal ptd 1.400 10 1014 7Uj
t'lah rtoptH-r 4,140 1114 49t tV
Wnhaih rt ,
Wrstsrn Vnlotl t.S) 4n 6tti
WratinahouH r.iaotno ,, . it ,
Total aalea for lha ay, 819,80 akaraa.
Wear Y'ork Money Market.
PAPKR Qi per cen.
day. 14 8126; for cablea, 84.8420; for de
SILVER Bar, 4inc; Mexican uoiuu-a.
BONPDB Qovernment, steady; railroad,
TIMH LOANH Baay; no to hi gay, on
per cent; alx months, 1J4 per cent
CALL MONEY-Bteady; high, 2Vi per
cent; low, 'i'i per cent; ruling rate, DVi
per cent; laat loan. 9V9 per cent; closing
old. i per cent; offered at V per cent,
IjONDoN, Jan, 1L-HILV1UI-Car, i'litad
per ounce.
MONKY 1 par cent.
I HOI fTKT UA'l1!. flkArt Kilt ' eLl-St
8'4 per cent; three months, ZW'ki)i per
Cloclng quotation on bond today war
aa fotfowa:
V. 8. rr. Is. reg.
ao coupon
V. 8- 3a- "g
do coupon
f. g. 4. rag
.. 47 , M. K. m T. la 4a.. 77,
.. Ma. Par. ev. 6 89
. .loo'N. Y. C. (. IH... aa
..ItMtiN.Y. CH 414a 1MI..I04U ft. T. atata 4ia ltitvi
..1I0U N. Y , hi. H. H.
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b.... oouDon..l"n OT. 4a Oftt4
Am. Hmeltera .' no. raaiiiQ ts a
A T. T. c. 4Hi. 14 do 3a
Armour Oo. 4Va. 91wO. g. L re' 4a.,
Atthlaon san. 4a.... 9 Pa. T. T. 4a
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4a 4J4
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O M 4 g P g 4H..1'I Pae- c. 4.
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O. 4 . rat. 4Va.. . 4a
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Una san. 4a 4 Vnloa Paellla 4a.,.. ts14
0n. tlartrlo M.... do er. 4a fu
Ot - No. lot 4Ua MU". H. ftuhbar ....inj
III. Can. rat. la r. Htaol la pit
K. U. Bo. rat. 8a.. 7S, Wabaah lat ta BT
L N. unl. 4a.... KVi tntrn lha..
Bid. Win. I lac. ev. ia.. 91
Metal Market.
NRW yortlf, Jn. 1L-MFJTACS lad.
ateady at 13. 70 3 3. 80; London, 118 loa
Hpelter, steady at S5.86'iJ08; London,
L'v lfs.
Tin. firm; S-ton lots, S33.5Vfi4.0D; 16-ton
lots, M 8745 -14.00. Copper, firm; electro
lytic, tia.6Joli.76; casting, 8I.S7")'18.M.
Iron, oulet; No. 1 northern, S14.fsa 15.00;
No. I. ll4.S5c14 7S: No. I southern, SM.&Vtf
14 7.1; No. I. 114 8514.78. IiOndon prloes;
Copper, spot. gbUd; futures. M 17
8T. I.Ol id. Mo., Jan. 1L METALS
Ied. steady at S3.80(8 86; spelter, steady
at .
Kanaaut CUT Oral aad trovUloa.
UmwA tt KLMI XI- Ma 4 ee4 tl U tLfav
l.rH'(il.?74; July. II. ICS-
CORN No. mixed, 7oo: no. i wniie,
70S71c; May. 74SiCi July. T444C-
OATo-No, I whit. Utgtjoc; No. I mixed,
Rl.TTER Oaamory. c; flrsU, Sic;
seronds, ihf, packing atock, JaVrac.
F'W Firsts, S3c; eirond. 2.V.
POl'lTHY lien, l?o roosters, lOVie;
turkeys, l&c.
liyaoovatad Apglsa aad Dried Fralt
AlJPLli-Qultrt: fancy, 7HJ71c; choice,
u.4'7- : prime, frSrt'ic.
DR1KD FRtriTI Prune, firm; Call
fornlas, 4Miimc; Oregon, stjxiila Aprl
rlcot. strong, choice, 'fuVc: extra
cholue. 9'j'tilOc; fancy, Wllc. Peaches,
linn; cholc. 87ti'c; extra cholc,
1.4,0; fancy, 74ilVti. Rstalus, firm; louse
muscalel. iWf, choice to fancy seeded.
7V'r''c; eedlea, lil8a'V'; lndoo lay
ers, 11.4341 l.W.
Baak Clearing..
OMAHA. Jan. 11. Hank cloaringa for
Omaha t.-iay were 8-,-l.4U.C and for
the corresponding day laat year S3.S9I,
144 H
(Berlin Official Report Tells of
Winning Defenses from
r.KULlN. Jnn. ll.-tny Wlirlcsa to
London.) Recounting the progress of tha
war, the dolly ortlciitl Ht,temcni tssuen
by the UetxiiHn army headquarter an
nouncea today that, In an engagement
near rerthes on the centet of tint battle
Una In France, the Uetimm have recap
tured the partM of some tntneheg whb h
had been stormed by the French and that
tha Uarhian Inflicted heavy losses on
their opponent.
Fresh vlerman successes ara claimed tn
tha Argonne region ami tho ftHtrment
also reports that French attack at La
Bolssello and at a point north of Solssnns
were repulsed. . ?
Unfavorable weather continues to" bin
der ' the military operation In liusslau
Poland, though tho German claim to be
making progreaa lowlyln the direction
of Warsaw.
Tha text ot th communication follows:
"In tho western theater at Nleuport and
Ypres and south thereof only artillery
combat have taken place. A French at
tack at ! BotsiteelB to the northeast of
Albert, failed completely. ,
"North of Bolaaon the I French, who
had established themaclve In a small
aocttr-n of our outer trenches, attacked
afresh, but at far they have gained no
auccassea. The- battlea continue.
In tho neighborhood of Cottplr teatt ot .
Vallly) no fighting has taken place dur
ing tha last few day.
To the east of Fertile our troop Bara
recaptured that portldn of our tranche
which tho enemy had taken. In thla en
gagement heavy losses war Inflicted on
tha French.
In tho Argonne forest our attack hav
mada further progress.
In Upper Alsae tha situation I tratv-
In the eastern war arena- In Ft
Prussia and In northern Poland tha attua-
tlon reman the game.
"On account of unfavorable weather Our
attacks In Poland, to the west ( tho
Vtatula river, are making lewr progress."
Comrade Writes of .
Incidents With, the .
Late Carl Hans Lody
BERLIN, Jan. 1L The Oerman press
haa abounded In tributes to the memory
of Lieutenant Lody, the German, well
known In New York and other American
cltlea, who perished under sentence 'a a
spy In tho Tower ot London.' One ot the
most touching of these, contributed' to
the Local-Anaelger by a frletid Who had
traveled much with Lieu ten aat Hani
Lody aa a guide run aa follow:
With profound sorrow I learn how C. If.
Lody, reaurvo orricer of our Imperial
navy suffered death In Kngland for tho
honorable service he hag given to the
fatherland. His manly bearing before;
tho KiikIIsM luogea and his touching fare
well letter fully characterise Lody aa t
knew htm, and T mournfully remember
the dny that I spent with him tn Lon
don, the place of hi final activity and
death, alx weeks before the outbreak ot
With unlnue discretion and kindness
for everybody he, who acted aa traveling
gtildo for the Hamburg-American line,
waa the best possible guide to us through
the largest (and ugliest) capital on earth.
He showed ua everything thoroughly like
a man who really knowa what he la talk
ing about. Baveral times he had gone
around the giooe and felt at home hi
London, a he did at Cairo, Bombay or
Han Francisco, Rut all who had tha
good fortune to have Ida sole company
ou board tho imperator of Vaterland over
a glass of wine will never foraet the
fern and tales of this man. Most at
roctlvo and pathetlo wao hi childlike
and ouoyani spirit, - wnu-n, as l was
afraid from the hexlnnlna. became fatal
to hum 4n the end. But lis had to reckon
with the probability of being ultimately
discovered oh hi dangerous post, and
so he- ended hi patriotic commission
whereby he did more for the fatherland
than 1,000 soldiers In the field hav don.
When I crossed tne court or the Tower
of London with him ho made such hu
morous remark elout the English sal-
dier wno wera drilling there, with their
towering buchtea and chin straps. And
now on tha very aama apot he Had to di
rect hla last glanoe to the gun barrel
of these soldiers.
hoover made a Journey with Hana
Lody Into the wld and lovely world will
not hav forgotten Una fin man. Thou
sands remember him with me today anr
eowfully, but proudly. . MAX FUCK.
New York Subway
Line Tied Up by Fire
NEW YORK, Jan. lL-The Vtnox ave
nue Una of tha ubway waa out ot coin
m. salon for an hour and fort j rnmute
early today becauae of another ftre, due.
It la believed to detective InuJatlon, the
cause of the fire and' panto In tho tub
laat Wednesday whan one person met
death and mora than too wera Injured.
Today blase waa at One Hundred and
HHtyMhlrd street, where the track no
longer In a tube, ar hUrh above the
troet. A car atandlng dead en the third
track of the trestle was burned. It was
a wooden car, (Imllar to about COS other
that the publlu aervloe coromlaeton or
dered replaced with Steel car after Ita
inveatigatlua of laat week's aeoldent.
The car burned to tha tracks within a
few minute.
MU rtoaa Brandt, daughter of Chris
tian li Brandt, and Walter Madsen ware
married by Rev. Char lag W. Bavtdge at
hi resldeno Sunday afternoon at I. Mr.
and Mr. Carl J. Peterson accompanied,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Jail. 11- COFFEE The
market for futurea was rather irregular
during today' trading. Primary markets
made a ateady ahowlng, but receipt con
tinued full at the two Uraxllian ports,
while favorable weather us reported for
the new crop and there seemed to be
some reactionary sentiment around the
local ling. The opening waa steady at mi
advance of 5 points, but pricea later eased
orf under realising, with the close net 4
points- lower to 1 point higher, falea.
12.&U0 baits: January. 8.30c: February.
t.aov; March, S.4bc: April. 8 Wo: May, 4-mjc;
June, 8.0oc; juiy, i.tic; August, i.bec; tsop
tembier, 7.64c: October, 7.70c; November,
77tio; December, 7.81c Root steady; Rio,
No. 7. 7 So; fcajitoa. No. 4. 8V. Rio, .3
rels hlglrer at 4l; tiantoa unchanged,
Rto exchange 1-ibd higher at 14Vd.
'Dry 4iood Market.
Cotton goods wer steady; print cloths
firmer and tending higher. Jobbers bought
domestics taadily. luw silk waa firm at
advances named laat week. - Imported
dresa goo da wre advanced, owing to In
creased finishing coats, higher freight
ralea aad added cualome taxes.
i ' 1 '
Cottoa Market. - .
NKW YORK. Jan. 11. COTTO"N-;poi.
quiet; middling upland. S.iM;. hales jt
Future closed steady; January, 7.f'.-:
March. g.JOc; Mv. o.lle; July. K'jin;
August, 8.SH-; October, 8 tie; pecem!ui,
Tho market closed ateady at a net ad
vance of S to 8 pointa.