Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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yi. - .
12, 1915.
Monday, January 11, 1915.
ANY of the Omaha girls posses fairy godmothers who hare filled
M their station as such so magnanimously on their wedding days.
A goodly number of Omaha brides hav received homes as
! wedding gifts.
The most recent one to come to such good fortune li Miss Maron
Macrae, whose weeding to Mr. Clifford Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Baldrlge, was the interesting event of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe will stay for a short time in Council Bluffs, but
very soon a borne In Omaha Is to be built for them as the wedding gift cf
he groom's mother. Plans for this residence are being drawn, and It le
to be a most attractive place.
Mrs. MacMlllan Harding, who was Miss Agnes Burkley before her
marriage, Is another lucky person.
Her father, Mr. Frank Burkley, built a most Inviting home on Thirty
eighth avenue for his daughter, and it was all in readiness upon their re
turn from their honeymoon.
Among others to be so favored are Mrs. Tom Davis, nee Miss Bessie
Brady; Mrs. David Magowan, who waa formerly Miss Violet Joslyn; Mrs.
W. D. Hosford. nee Miss Mary Lee McShane: Mrs. Fred Thomas, who was
prior to her marriage Miss Marlon Haller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Haller, and Mrs. Glenn Wharton, who waa Miss Ada Klrkendall, and whose
home at Thirty-seventh and Jackson streets Is one of the show places of
Omaha, Individual in its architecture, which follows the Spanish lines, and
was the bridal gift of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall.
Air it Fall of Flans, Schemes and
Fropoiali and Mast Meeting; it
Called for Thursday.
Large Luncheon Today.
MIm Renle Stern or the Ctilcaco School
of Civics, who' will be on of the prin
cipal speaker at the Stats Nurses' con
vention In Lincoln Tuesday, waa honor
truest at a large luncheon at the Commer
cial club at naort today. The luncheon
waa clven to Omaha social worker by
i ha Nurses' Official Registry of Omaha
and covers were placed for seventy-five
meete. Rabbi Frederick Colin Introduced
Mis Stem for a brief talk. Mies Stern
la the guest of Kill Carrie Louer. presl
dent of the state association, during her
atay In Omaha. At the apeak era' labia
were: I
nritw (Hern.,
Carrie Loner,
Kllth Tobl't,
Luther Kmtntse,
Krtear Fcott,
Rabl.l K. Conn,
Uua MUler.
Mine a
M. Wercka. "
' Kllen Stewart.
Gjcorge A. Josyln,
Jtidsre W. Sean,
Charlea T. Kountxe,
If all the plana, proposal and speoifl
catlona for aoclal welfare and phyalcal
recreation now cogitating In the brains
of city commissioners and other public,
spirited dtlsens ever crystallise Into con
crete action, Omaha ought to b the most
thoroughly wclfared and recreated city
in th land.
These are words to conjure with. They
formed the subject of a long and many-
cornered discussion at th general com
mute meeting of th city commission
this morning. The upshot of th event
waa a meeting set for th council cham
bers Thursday morning at 10. when all
Interested In this work are invited to be
preaent and air their views Special In
vitatlona ware extended by the mayor to
Dr. Fredrick Cehn. president of th ex
isting Welfare association; Edgar C.
Seott, chairman of a Commercial club
committee related to such work; K. F.
Denlson, general secretary of th Toung
Men's Christian association; Mrs. N. H.
Nelson, president fit the Woman's club,
and IE. U. Oraff, city superintendent of
Ordlaaaee How reading.
Some folks may not know It, but the
city commission has now pending before
It an ordinance providing for a recreation,
board or commission, largely for th pur
pose of expending this (20,000 fund appro
priated. In th annual Ibdget for recre
ation Improvement in the various parks.
"But that Is only on phase of the
Work," T. F. Rturgees. a member of the
more or less moribund Social Pcrvlce
board, told the commission. "There Is
need for more than merely amusing chil
dren. We want to broaden the scope of
this enterprise, combining social welfare
and physical recreation, as has been done
In Kansas City and other places and
really get some where. And we don't
want to multiply the boards, bureaus or
commissions." I
Hturgess very bluntly says that a com
mission to care for all thla philanthropy
should absorb the Social Service board,
which never has amounted to a row of
W ought to comprehend In this wel
ter and recreation work attention to
playgrounds, parks, etc.. but also all the
various phases of social service, even
down to the matter of unemployment,"
says Pturgesa. "That, of course, brings
us up against th matter of finances."
And here he and Commissioner Hyder,
who pleads for "concentration rind co
operation" also, agreed that legislative
enactment might be required to provide
the necessary funds.
Resalts at Ksiim City.
Sturg-ess showed that in Kansas City,
where this work Is done under the com
bination plan, last year Joba were
found for men out of work. Wanes to the
amount of 110,009 were pnld people willing
to toll and yet all of It added not a cent
extra to th munclpallty'a expenses. The
city lias two quarries and other municipal
place of employment more than able to
afford all such labor. Omaha, Sturgess
thinks, could find similar places.
Then besides ti ls, h'ansaa City looks
after housing conditions and free legal
aid to those unable to pay for lawyers.
That bedraggled old beldame. Miss
Rumor, frowning down from her pedestal
of cynicism, ventures to lmput political
motives to certain of these plana,
aehemea and concoctions, but the civic Im
provement advocates ray this Is precisely
what they wish to avoid.
"We want to life this move for social
welfare and physical recreation wholly
out of the atmoaphere ofj politics if it is
In one." remarks a spokesman.
Parochial Schools
Pose for Movies
Children at St. Joseph and St. Cecelia
parochial schools posed Monday for the
letter carriers movies. A sqtiad of men
with cameras were busy all morning
grouping the children and making films
of them at work and at play.
The Letter Carriers' association have
secured the Auditorium for the motion
picture and vaudeville show, which wllf
be held for seven days, beginning Janu
ary 24. The proceeda will bo used to en-
tertaln delegates of the National Asso
ciation of Letter Carriers, which will hold
their convention hero In September. Some
6.000 persons are expected.
Soothe Yoap Coach aad Cold.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey goes right to the
spot. Checks the cough, eases throat,
kills the cold germs. Only 25c. All drug
gist. Advertisement.
Did You Have
Money Enough
Last Christmas
Dancing- Party Tonight ;
The coronado club will entertain this
evening. In the new .ball room of th
Rome hotel. This will be the annual
grand ball of th club and the commit
te In charge has made elaborate plan
for the evening' entertainment.
To Honor Visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sobotker will glv
a bridge party thlevevening at their horn
In honor of Mrs. Thomas Heyward of
Pittsburgh, who 1s visiting 'her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Busch. The guests
w ill be: '
Thomaa Heyward, .
' Misses '
'Helen Epeneter."
Messr. '
Arthur Trimble,
Clarenoe Hlbberneen.
Ueorge Trimble,
M liwes
Ttuth jjjtenser,
Mnrjorie Ilowland,
1-eon Callahan,
Krank Latenser,
Albert Uuacb.
Recent Affairt.
Th Jolly club gave 'a aurprls party
Saturday evening for Mr. Bd McCracaeo,
Thos present were: f
r a
7 i
" jjj
Henry Schroeder to
Be .County Jailer
Ed W. Palmar will not be county Jailer,
as first indicated in an announcement of
Sheriff MeShane'a appointments for 1915,
but will continue to b bookkeeper. Henry
Schroeder, deputy wbo waa reappointed,
ha succeeded former Jailer J. M. Cahlll.
., .1 Mill . Bill, 111,11 Hi Inim ill III il I'Wl.lli. III!
ap Sale Ty3sdlas7
'a ami
: Wc haven't had one of our big old-fashioned soap sales for some time, but
we are going to make' up for It Tuesday. Figure up w bat you'll need lor months to come in Toilet Soaps,
Laundry. 8oaps, Washing Powders, etc.. and be on band early because there will surely be a crowd.
Kthel Waters.
Myrtle Waters,
Aoa Fleming,
Leo McQueen,
Krnst Carlson, .
Hunny rtoop.
Cbsrles Bugbe,
llck Prachl,
Kthel Clark,
Cbarlott Brewer,
Iuls Anderson,
Harry llocd.
Sonny Horeosoh, ,
Mark Paulson,
Kd McCracken. -
Original Monday Bridge Club.
Th Original Mondby rBldge club was
entertained today at th horn of Mr. W.
IL Those preaent wr:
Mesdames Mesdamsa
Charles T. Kounts, Arthur Keralngtoa,
K. O. Bee son. A. L. Reed,
Isaao Cole. V. V. Klrkendall,
Lanlel Wheeler, Jr. Joaeph Barker,
Tamily Dinner Part.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaiuoa Hanley gave a
dinner ftmflay at their horo In honor
of Mr. and Mr. C. J. Hanley, who war
married recently, and for Mlsa Roxena
Cullan aad Mr. Thomas Hanley. who will
b married, Tuesday, January IS. Th
tabl was attractively decorated In pink
and whit. A tall gold and whit basket
filled with KUlarney rosea and tied with
large pink malllne bow waa used a th
tabl centerpiece. Thla waa aorrounded
with small candelabra of pink and whit
shaded candle and email gold basket
tied with pink pows aad filled with pink
ana whit, rose. Th plac cards wer
small gold basket filled with pink and
whit roses and marked th plaees of
Mr. and Mr. C. J. Hanley. Jr.;
ir, ul Mia Juhn K. Marsh, .
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Byrne.
Mr. C. 3. Hanley, sr.;
Mr. Thomaa Hanley,
M isses Miss
Iloxena Cullen, (iurKia llsnlsy,
May Hanley, Mary Hapley,
Masters - Masters
J. J. Byrne, Jr. . James Wllllsm' -
lianley, Jr.j
Birthday Surprise. ,
A surprise party waa givsa Saturday
evening in honor of Cyro SUngertand by
the members of tha Boy Scout company
and Sunday school class.' The guest went:
Mioses Misses
I -oulne Bsehr. Jana ilsrt.
Iteatie McMuUen, Ceelila loaabus,
Miv Kelly,
Colin McKenXle,
Pansy Keltner.
Diamond G Soap Fels Kaphtha Soap
Kirk's Jap Rose 8oap, cake.... 5c
Cutlcura Soap, 20c cake for... 15c
Packer's Tar Soap, tbe cake.. -14c
Essex Peroxide Soap, take..:..Qc
Palmoliv Soap, gpecial, cake... 5c
Csshmer Bouquet Soap, cake. 14c
8hndon telle Soap, the, rak..5c
Bayman's Soap 3 cakes 18c
Williams' Shaving Soap, cake. -3c
Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap...;. 5c
Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap.Qc
Limaky for two week a Mr. Llmsky Is a
former resident of Omaha.
Fortnig-fctly Bridge Club.
Mr. Fred Wallace waa hostess this
afternoon at th meeting of the Fort
nightly Bridge club at her horn. The
gueat were:
Metdame Mesdames-
Carl Louis, ornellus Klley,
B. A. McUermott, Ueora Urandels,
Misses Mlsaea
Ola fetors. Lillian Riley,
lxnils utort, Helen DUbjr,
Marie Riley, ' Irene MoKnlght.
Cn ilia yoK.
Viriilet Iunahuet
Th.-Jnia McKee,
sleors Messrs.
ArUmr HuntlnKton. , Haruld Mrott,
Kisymond Kstehler, Olenn, Jefferson,
A. W. iiarnfit. Herman Psplneau.
ieorue Jxcobuerger, 1 awrent'e McKsnsle,
Kven-tt Kridy. Kttsar II. Keltner,
William Kuchn, Cyro PUngcrland.
To Honor House Goeit '
Mrs. Leo.-ard Abercromble of Houston,
Tex., la visiting ber sister. Mrs. Charles
0 Neil Rich. In her honor. Mm. Rich
entertained a few friends at team this
sfterrioon. Tb affair was small and very
Visiting' Her from Grand Island.
Mlsees lHrothy and Marts Itldi, dauh
Miua Dorothy aod Marl -Rich, daugh
ters of Dr.. Rich of Orand Island, are
1 tailing trja eek at tb bom of Mlssss
Nsa and Margaret Griffith, lit North
Thirtieth street.
With the Visitors,
lira. John Marshall fcnyder of Billing,
Mont., 1 th hous guest of Mlsa May
Mahoney. Mrs. Snyder was formerly Miss
AiU 1'a.tte cf Peny, la., and is leturn
ing from an extended European trip.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. J. Llmsky of Bin Francisco arrived
ruuL.j' luoiblng to he the guest of his
WuLUu, Lt. LoaU Liiuil)', ad Mrs.
Big Mass Meeting
on Reservoir Park
Improvement Plan
Th Demi Park Improvement club has
a big mas meeting planned for Friday
night at Franklin school again to take
up the matter or the walnut mil res
ervoir Improvement. Th club Is making
very effort to bring out a large attend
ance and. from Indication, I going to
succeed. For the property owner In that
section of th city, n all side of the
reservoir, ar champing th bits for th
proper action.
Tb Hernia Park club, of which Joha
W. Parish I president and Clifford
Sadler secretary, ha lrawn up a rough
draft of what It wants and will present
this Friday night. These folk, owners
t nice homes, are determined that Both
ing shall b done on or about these
ground that wUl tend toward the depre
ciation of their property by making that
a leas attractive residence community.
They cbject to a public playground and
most desire simply a highly beautified
park, with th boulevard traversing it on
the .east side.
R. B. Howell manager of the water
district, aay he and th Water board
ar not as yet prepared to announce their
plans. '
" want to mak th best posslbl
ana most satisfactory Improvements,'
saye air. iioweu, "ana will reach our
plan In pei hap two moatha"
Th municipal affairs committee of th
commercial ciud is tor annexation, or
rather consolidation, of th suburb with
Omaha to mak a greater Omaha. Joha
P. Breen appeared befor tb committe
at It laat meeting and discussed tb de
tail of a bill Uiat 1 te be presented to
th legislature for this purpose. Donald
erabi discussion followed Breen' talk.
after which th committee voted to favor
annexation. -
Golden Rod
Naphtha Washing; Pwd
3 r ioc
Swift's Wool Soap
10 r 35c
2 Big Lets Bl.h Gride Toilet Soaps
From leading manufacturers to be
sold Tuesday at less than half price
Lot 1
Choice at
Choice at
Only 10 CskM te a Customer
White Borax
. ! . Naphtha Soap
0 fl . 1 1 1 1 1 o. T A t m Borax
I Soap
10 S 37c
Jergen's Violet Glycerine 8oap..Qc
Rlcksecker's Complexion Soap,
25c cake for 12c
Old Dutch Cleanser Regular
10c package Tuesday for J'c
20-Mule Team Borsx Soap Chips -
Special, per package.. So
4711 Verdura Glycerin Soap... "J'c
Th Mechanics' 8oap
Cuts All Dirt
r Par BOX.....OC
Pearl White
lOt 29c
iCocoanut Oil Soap
Clearance Sales of Women's and Children's Garments
l In the Batement TuesdayMany Big Bargains
Cholc of All Women's Long Kt
monos -Dozens of pretty styles.
Fbnner prices 1.00, 1.2S and
tl.48. Hundreds to choose JQ
from, at I OC
Bungalow Aprons Cut good and
full. Good lengths. Solid colors,
striped and figured percales, also
ginghams. 39c values.
Tuesday, at
Choice of All Women's Houss
Dresse Made of fine Cham
brays, Ginghams. Percales, etc.
Former prices were $1.00, $1.25
sad $1.48. Select any you JQ
want, at I OC
Choice of All Silk Petticoats All
colors and black. Silk jersey
, top, others all-messaline, etc.
Dozens of pretty styles. $2.50,
$2.98, $3.50 values. J A
Select Tuesday at pll7
One Lot of Percale House Dresses
In light and dark pat- a q
terns. All sizes. 75c value.. 4 OC
Women's Tennis Flannel Night
Gowns White and colored. All
sizes. Several styles. 50c QQM
and 59c values, for OOC
Women's Knit and Tennia Flannel
Short Skirt Worth 39c. af
Offered Tuesday; at 1C
Sweater Cotti for Women, Misses
and Children Harked Down
Sweater Coats Worth Up to
$3.00, at $1.25 and...
Sweater Coats Worth Up to
$1.50, at 88c and
Sweater Coat, 2 to 4 Ysars ) t
' 39c values, at a3C
Women's and Misses' Dresi Skirts
Made of all-wool Serges, Novelty
Materials, etc. Many different
- styles. Some have Russian tu
nics.' $1.98, $2.60 and 1 Q
$2.98 values Tuesday... 7l40
W V I . 1 T ! 1
fi o uses lmponea uressuooas oampies
V Matched piece and single pieces. All light weight
material. Very special Tuesday, on, the Main
Floor, at
10c and 15c Each Piece
Silks and Dress Goods
24 te 36-Inch Plain and Fancy Silks Suiting aad
Waisting Silka and alike for trimmings and on
linings. 3 to 12yd. lengths. Worth to 75c... J
40-Inch Brocaded Faille Sublime Evening sift
and street shades tor suits and dresses.. pl.vU
Fancy Boulevard Velvet In scrolls, dots, geometri
cal deaigns and solid colors, Including
b)ack. Tuesday (about half price), per yd.
1,500 Remnants of Fine Dress Goods Serges, Gab
ardines, Fancy Suitings, Plaids and Stripes; Vic
toria, Broadcloth, Whipcords and many other fan
cy weaves. 2 to l-yard lengths, up to 64 Inches
wide. Every piece marked f J If fj
down to aboGt il&ll iTlCt
800 Dress Pstterne Splendid weaves. Each pattern
containing ample material for any style suit. Ex
cellent materials greatly! JfO flC
reduoed to 9I.OJ &CU ?el7)
40-Inch Velours and Peau do Psche Blue, old rose.
greens, Uns, browns. Ivory and light Of
blue. Worth to 75c yard. Special at...
Sheets, Slips, Muslins
MxSC-Ia. Blrarhrd Saee "Crown Brand." Fine grade
bleached sheeting, free from dressing. Resembles
New Bedford or fine percale sheeting. Torn -q
and ironed. Wash beautifully. 0a quality ... 'c
rsao-laek. Vkter I'ableacaea Sheets Made of heary
round thread rouMln torn. Easily blesched,
and laundered. Worth 55c "
2x-Iarh Bleaehe4 Pillow Cases Extra fin quality,
made from genuine Hill's bleached muslin. 191
fcolt finish, free from dressing-. Worth Jie..jC
S-4 rableaeked Sheetlaa Kxtra fine quslity, full
width. Kasiljr bleached and laundered. Soft 1 7
i I v
finish. :3o vakie. Tuesday, yard.
e-lBCk Rleashea Mlla Rztra fine quality, aoft fin
ish. PKKi tc'T wxjpa. worth lc yard.
Uff the bolt, special
SS.lack l L. rakleacked Maslla Fine soft fin- il.
ish. closely woven. Kull pieces. .Worth 7c... "
Plac se-laek Wklts Cambria aad I.eaarUtk Mill rem
nants, lionc, serviceable lenatha. aluea up
to lOo yard ,
Oeaalae Wblte "Wars Piaaael Extra welg-ht,
warm txl durable. W'orth 12 He yard
S7-laek Swiss OsUaf F'laaarl Fine wearlnc quality.
Kxtra wela-ht. Shorts. IS to 29 yards. Worth 7 1
iao yard .' ' fC
Tke Geaala Aataskvaa; Rleaeked Babjr Flaaarl "
,. Meautiful welsht, soft fleecy asp finish, le 71 -
. worth lOHc yard ' jC
se-laek Dreaa rVrrala Mostly light ' grounds. Neat
stripes and figures. Kemnants up to IS yard. Co
Worth lo yard C
SS-Iaek Kladerg-artea Saltlae Moatly plain, ata
- pU shades. Worth ltc yard
Sa-lark Maest aelltr Dmi Pcreale All col
ors aad styles, positively worth He yard..
Keepla ta Ca Caadltlea.
Many people avffer from tndlfestion
aad constipation and do not know IL
feeling or dullness and languidnes. hitter
taste la the mouth, headaoh. bilious
fvr not of these condition when you
"ar not sick, but don't feel right" can
b traced to atugrtah bowels and torpid
liver. Foley Cathartic Tablet cleans
th system, arous tb liver, banish In
digestion and mak you "feel good all
pver" light. acrgetlo an! aitibltloua
For sal by U dealer everywhere. Advertisement.
Clearing of Shoes
In Basement Tuesday
150 Pairs Women's Fine Blsck
Suede 6hea Excellent shoes
for service and very stylish. But
ton atyles. All sites. Worth to
$3.50 pair. Choice no
Tuesday for ?le70
Children's Felt Slipper Fur trim
med or Oerman styles or padded
wool aoiea. Worth to $1 n
pair. B pec laily priced.... JJjC
Children's Legglns Astrakhaa,
Bearskins and Jerseys, all col
ors. Poeiti rely worth 7 5e nr
pair. Very special, at....aDC
Infsnta' Shoe Soft kldskln and
patent leather. Hand . turned
aole. Odds and ends jrj
worth to Soc. Speciai JUC
White Irish Linen
In &atmnt"Tusday
Width. Actual Value. Sale Price.
90 Inches.. i.$1.0f Yard.. 750
SO Inches.... $Ui Yard tl.00
39-lnch White Irish Linen MtMiium
heavy. Worth 89c yard
.Special, at
Brown Art Linen
1$ la. wide, special, yard 25o
SO In. wide, special, yard 30o
II In. wide (canvas weave) yd 39c
29 in. wide, special, yard 450
St-lnch .Imperial Nalneoek IS
yard bolta, special at 1 in
$1.40 and....... )I1U
St-lnch Whit Underwear Crepe
Good heavy weight. Is ") m
worth SUc yard. Tueaday. . X&C
Laces, 2Vzc Yard
In Ba$ement"TutJay
Uerman and Krench lacea and In
sertions. Home matched sets. H to
IS Inches wide. Values to 7 yard,
for Sic.
Whit and Cream Oriental Lac
Edgings and Shadow Lac Edg
ing; White and Cream Oriental
Lac With Colored Edgs and
Dainty White and Cream Chiffon
Edge. 4 to Inch Wide f f
Values to 30c yard IOC
18-inch Batiste, Swias, Cambric and
Nainsook Flouncing Eyelet and
filet effect. Worth J9c Of"
yard, for aCOC
Beautiful 6wis and Cambrt Edge
and I naertiona Crochet effects.
Also Dainty Beading, S to 4
'Inchea wide. Worth to 71
loo yard. Tuesday fzC
Why Not Mvrt
More Money
Next Christmas
You Still Have a Chanco
to Join Our 1915
The Easiest, Safest and Surest Way
Ever Invented to Save Money
The Origin
In the Two-Cent
Class You Pay
First Week .. .... .2c
Second Week 4c
Third Week ....... 60
Fourth Week 8c
And so on, and at the close
of the club you will get
Plus 3 Interest
Or, If you wish, you may pay
8 cent the first week, and 3
rents less each week. This
"Reverse" plan Bivea you a
little more interest.
In the Five-Cent
Class You Pay
First Week ...... 5c
. Second Week ..... 10c
Third Week 15c
Fourth Week 20c
And so on, and at the close
of the club you will get
Plus 3 Interest
Or, If you wish, you may re
verse the flan and pav I3.4S
the first week and 5 cents less
each week.
of the Idea
The Idea originated .with
three things In mind: First
To take the sting out of Christmas-giving
by having some
ready cash for the holidays.
Second To teach th children
the habit of aavlng by having
them come to the bank each
week. Third To more easily
acquire a competence for your
self an Ideal "never-mtsa-the
money" way to get an "insur
ance payment" together eacn
year for yourself or wlfe
Here's the
Whole Plan
The simplicity of the idea la
most appealing. Tour deposit
the first week Is Two Cent or
Fire Cents whichever class
you choose. Each member gets
a Membership Card, showing
the amount payable each week.
The second week you pay two
cents or five cents more as
shown in the space on th left,
. and so on up. You can make
your deposit any day during
'th week, or you may pay three
or tour weeks at a time.
All reDisItn in this Bunk
are Protected by the De
. post tors' Ouarantee fund
- of Nebraska. " t- : : : :
"I V
Vv "' '':v :
: t ' rik-i
I V ! ' " IVv
I ... 1 Urgent
I , y . i4
V. ' V
German-American State Bank
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
(Xatrano oa Taraaaa Btreet) , .
is to be given next, and
she is one of the prettiest,
sweetest dolls we .ever
saw. She has light hair
and blue eyes, and is styl
ishly dressed in the very
latest fashion. She has a
bine dress, blue hat and
blue shoes and stockings.
The little girl that wins
her will surely be de
Elizabeth will be given free to
llttr girl under 12 year of
that brings or mail us the
number of dolls' pic-
cut out of the Daily and
Sunday liee before 4 p.m. Sat
urday, January 10.
Elizabeth's picture wilj
be in The Bee every day
this week. Cut them out
and ask. your friends to
save the pictures in their
paper for you too. See how
many' pictures of Eliza
beth you can get, and be
sure to turn them in to
The Bee office before 1
p. m. Saturday, Jan. 16.
You Can See Elizabeth at The Bee Office
Boys' Skates Free
Barney Berry.
Welded Eteel Bladea
Amaiicaa Club,
au t fit.
Nickel Plated. Tsm pared
Thla picture of one of the Skates will be In Tb Be
every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask your friends to sav th pic
tures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures
you csn get and bring them to Tb Be office.
The Skates will b given Fre to tha boy that sends us
the most pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, Jan. 1.