Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Fries of Howard and Korff of Cedar
Will Seek to Submit Amend
ment for Change.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 11. (PprrlHl.) To en
able the voters of a county to change
from the commissioner form of govem
nent to township organisation by a mer
.nnjorlty of the votes cast on that ques
tion Is the object of a proposed consti
tutional amendment which Representa
Uves Fries of Howard county and Korff
3t Cedar will Jointly Introduce In the
sliflattire. A bill of the same kind was
- -nvscntcd two years ago, but failed to get
In Cedar county the people voted last
Tall on the question of changing; to town
ship organization. The affirmative votes
outnumbered the negative by 600, but
the proposition lost because. It did not re
vive a majority of all votes cast at the
The constitution now provides that a
.hnngo from the supervisor system (town
hlp organisation) to the county commis
sioner plan may be made by simple
majority vote, while If a proposltoln Is
up to change the other way It must secure
i majority of all the votes cast at the
slection. .
Messrs. Fries and Korff believe It ought
to be made t easy to change one way
as the other.
Repairs for Brldarca.
Rcprcseptutlve Regan of Platte county
has a scheme which goes further than the
present law in regard to the building and
maintaining of bridges over streams that
form the boundary between two coun
ties. The law now provides that the
cost of such bridges shall be borne equally
by the two counties, and that if one re
fuses to pay its share the other may
proceed with the construction or repairs
nd afterward collect- from the first
county one-half of the sum expended.
The Regan measure will provide that
the cost 'of bridges shall be divided "in
proportion to the assessed valuation" of
the counties.
. Batldlna and Loan Stock.
Another bill which Regan has ready to
Introduce Increases the limit of stock
which mrty be issued by a building an. I
!oan association to any one member.
The present limit is $".,000. Regan's bill
allows $10,000 to be issued to one person
by any concern having assets of $200,000
-to $".00,000; $16,000 where the assets range
from $.'i00,000 to $1,000,000, and $25,000 if the
assets exceed $1,000,000.
Edgerton Enrolls
As a Lobbyist for
The Chiropractors
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 11. (Special.) Former
Assistant Attorney General Frank K.
Edgerton will represent the Nebraska
Chiropractic association In its efforts to
secure legislation this winter authorising
practitioners of that cult to treat patients.
The association la backing a bill to create
a board of chiropractic examiners who
will issue certificates to persons passings
the required examination.
Mr. Edgerton today enrolled himself on
th secretary of state's "lobby register"
and addressed a letter to that official
setting forth the objects of the chiroprac
tors!. Id it he calls attention to the fact
that aa assistant attorney general he suc
cessfully proaeeued two chiropractors. He
admitted at that time that the chiroprac
tors had done some good In relieving suf
fering, but Insisted 4hat they could not
lawfully practice In Nebraska until the
legislature provides for It. He will now
endeavor to have a law passed to that
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. ll.-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) Temporarily derange-J
as the result of a severe illness follow
ing a fall, Mrs. J. Ross Moore, formerly
of Kansas City, committed suicide at the
St. Francis hospital by taking bichloride
of mercury.. The drug had In some man
ner been, secured and concealed by the
patient on a window lodge. She was 32
years of 'age and the wife of a young
dentist. The funeral will occur tomorrow
and will be private.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special
Telegram.) The Masons of this district
held a reunion here today,, at which ten
candidates were given work in the vari
ous degrees. Grand Master Davis of
Beaver City was In charge of the meet
Ing. Representatives were here from Fil-
ley, Wymore, Blue Springs, Cortland and
other towns In the county. A banquet was
served this evening, music being fur
nished by the Masonic orchestra.
Madgett to Run for i
Mayor of Hastings
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 11. Special Tcl
r gram.) -The Hastings municipal cam
paign opened today with the announce,
tnent of the candidacy of Will Madgett,
real estate and Urge property ow-ner.
for mayor at the election on April a.
This was quickly followed by the entry
Into the race of A. E. Allyn, coal dealer
and former councilman. Mayor C. G.
InmaliRjo has made no announcement, but
it is known that he will be a candidate
for re-election. He Is now serving his
fh-st term. All will run by petition, party
lines being dispensed with in the city
The Chamber of Commerce today
adopted resolutions to the state legisla
ture asking for the enactment of a strin
gent law making the panning of worthless
checks a criminal offense. The present
law, the business men say, Is Inadequate
At the meeting of the directors tomor
row an effort will he made to secure the
election of Dr. A. K. Turner of Philadel
phia, former president of Hastings) col
lege, as secretary of the Chamber of
Dr. Turner Is the director of a large
chautauqua circuit In eastern and south
ern states.
Guard Officers
Take Examination
(From a staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. ll.-iVrrclal.l-AII offi
cers In the National Ovarii In Nebraska
will bo compelled to pass annual phyleal
and mental examinations.
Adjutant General Hall Sent out the
first papers this morning. The examina
tion will be In the nature of it corre
spondence course In military tactics and
the art of war In all its phases. They
will be graded by the two regular army
officers who are conne.-ted with General
Hall's staff.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 11 (Special ) Tn order
that Nebraska dealers In hides might not
'be tindiily burdened In their competition
with dealers of other states, the State
Railway commission has dismissed the
application of the railroads for a classifi
cation that would force the dealers to
pack hides for shipment In tight barrels.
The application of the Omaha Commer
cial club for a definition of "carpenters
mouldings" In the lumber rate was with
drawn. Proposed changes In the regulations as
to stopping and storage in transit have
been postponed until after the Interstate
Commerce commission takes up the sub
ject next month. .
f'mliin f'nnmHnv Tnror unruled.
CHADRON. Neb.. Jan.. 11. (Special.)
The Coffee Cattle company filed articles
of incorporation here last week, with
canf'al stock of tlOO.OOO. It will have
headquarters here and will operate a large
ranch In Sioux county.
COLUMRFS, Neb., Jan. II. (Bnecial.)
A mass meeting of the citizens of
Columbus and vicinity for the purpose of
protesting against the sain of arms and
ammunitions to warring nations will be
held in the Orpheum hall next Thursday
evening. The committee have secured
Dr. II. Gerhard of Omaha and Hon.
Michael F. Harrington of O'Neill as the
principal speakers.
AURORA, Neb.. Jan. ll.-(Speclat.)-Af
tcr six hours' deliberation the Jury re
turned the following verdict concerning
the death of M. J. McDongal, . killed in
tho Chicago, Burlington & (Julncy yards
here Saturday morning: "That M. J. Mc
Dougal was run down and killed by en
glne IW while in the act of crossing the
Chlrago. Burlington Qnincy railroad
track at Twelfth street, in the city of
Aurora, at or about 3:30 a. nv January S,
191$. We say further that we believe the
aid accident would not have occurred
had there been an electric gong at said
crossing or a light on the tender of said
engine Illuminating the railroad track
while said engine was being used for
switching purposes at the time.
Seek to Compel Road
Build Bridge Over
The Missouri River
PlrTRRK. S. D . Jan. ll.-(Spedl Tele
gram. )-The bridge situation In relation
to Uie Chi. ago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
railway at Chamberlain was made a mat
ter of public record today by the Intro
duction by Hall .of Lyman of a resolu
tion asking congress to lake action to
compel the company to place a perma
nent bridge across the Missouri river at
that place. The resolution cites the dang
ers from the present pile bridge plan of
crossing arid the Inconvenience to the
people resident along the line of that
road between Oacoma and Rapid City,
each time the Missouri river decides to
wipe out that means of crossing which Is
placed at from one to four times each
year and makes a demand for federal ac
tion in the Interests of safety and the
needs of the people.
Patterson of Kingsbury in a senate bill
asks that the. automobile license fee be
reduces from $rt per year for each auto
mobile to $2, with a corresponding re
duction for motorcycles. He also limits
a distance of seventy-five feet between
cars traveling the highways of the state
going in the same direction.
In committees announced tn the senate
today, chairman of leading committees
are: Assessment and taxation, McMaat
era; counties and towns. MrKlnnon; com
mission governed cltiea, Prlntup:, drainage,
Krlcson; elections, Amsden.
preparations to haul their grain as soon
as It reaches the ll.J.i-mark. It Is under
stood that five men south of Kearney
have over liVOOO bushels stored, which
they are holding for the higher price.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Jan. ll.-Spe-elal.)
Word reached here yesterday of
the death, at his home in Oklahoma City,
on Fridsy, of W. II. Andrew, for twenty
or twenty-five years In the hardware,
furniture and undertaking business here.
He' was about K years of'age and his
death was caused by a recent stroke of
paralysis. He Is survived by a wife, son
and daughter.
Clark Patchin. for many years a resi
dent of Table Rock, died recently at his
home in Shawnee, Okl., to which place ho
removed a few years ago. He is survived
by a wife and several "children, two of
whom reside in Nebraska H. D. Patchin
of Humboldt and Mrs. Emma Slgler, wife
of Engineer W. F. Slgler, of Lincoln. )
Raffal Farmers Hold Wheat.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
With wheat at the $1.30-nisrkln Kearney
on Saturday the farmers are making
Crap Game Raided.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special
Telegram.) Seven young men of this
city were arrested at the Rock Island
depot last evening by the officers on the
charge of shooting craps. They were
fined $25 and costs each today by Judge
Positive Relief
For Constipation
The progress of modern medical sci
ence Is, iierhaps. no mora forcefully
evident than In the simplifying of
many of the old time remedies of past
generations. For Instance, the harsh
cathsrllcs and violent purgatives used
by our forefathers to relieve constipa
tion are now known to be not only un
necessary but really harmful. Consti
pation can be more effectively re
lieved without the discomfort and
pain these old-time remedies occasion.
A combination of simplo laxative
herbs with pepsin, sold In drug stores
under the name of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin la most effective, yet
mild and pleasant. It is absolutely
free from oplstes and narcotics and
equally ns desirable a remedy for the
tiniest babe aa for regged manhood.
A free trial bottle can be obtained by
writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4MI
Washington St., Montlcello, Ills.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 11 (Special. ) -Secre
ts lies of the State Board of Health will
lrobably not be enthusiastic over a bill
which will he introduced in the legislature
during the session. One of the members!
from Lancaster will probably be the
lather of the measure.
The aim of the bill will be to cut down
the 525 fee now collected from all appli
cants for professional medical certificates!
and to provide that the ' graduates of I
recognized medical schools shall b en-1
titled to receive certificates from, the
ptate board without examination.
"Treat the medical graduates as well as I
the law graduates" Is the slogan of sev
eral legislators who-ar, Interested In I
pushing the measure.
It is anticipated that the secretaries of
the State Board of Health will oppose the
suggestion to do away with examinational
for medical graduates and the collection
of the $25 fee, as they divide the money
so collected among themealves as com
FAIRBURT, Neb., Jan. 11 (Special Tel
egram.) Harve Austin. Rock Island
switchman of this city, was caught beT
tween the bumpers of an engine and mail
coach of the Denver express today and
had his left thumb amputated. Thin train
bad arrived In tho yards and Austin was
endeavoring to uncouple the big passen
ger locomotive from the train when "his
hand was caught between the bumper
lions and he sustained the Injury.
Dust Have m Winter Casgk,
Take Dr. King's New Discovery and
you won't catch cold. It kills the cold
germs, keeps you well. 50c. All druggists.
Notes from Gave Coanty.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 11 (Special.)
A big wolf hunt will be held Wednesday
eolith of Beatrice by the farmers in that
vicinity. The lines will move promptly
at 10 o'clock a. m., and the roundup will
be in the. center of section 1 In Sicily
township. ,
E. S. GllletU for thirty-five years a
resident of Blue Springs, died Friday
nUiit. aged 73 years. Mr. Gillett served
as postmaster at Blue Springs during
Cleveland'! second administration.
I am Cne ol Many Living Examples that
urey nair wan do ncsiorea 10 nii-
oral Color and Beauty,
l.t mo ifnd you free full information that will
riiiilc iftu to rrnluw your Grry Hair to tho natural
ultr Uiid beauty of youtb, do mailer what your
age or ina uum of your greynaa.
It ta not five nor a stain. Ita
effect .commeauee after lour
days' ut.
A pr-maturely grey ana old
V i i " SK'XM whlrk c
f. I A A lually restored nr hair in
I 1 , $ 'no natural color of girl
it VS"" '"" -t t "d ts s urpriBiogly ehort
V K . , . ' 1 ' Asd m I nave ar
s Ts - f ranged to (It full Inxruc-
looking Kt 27. but through
cltntlfle friend I found
tio gbaoluUlT fTM of Chun
' to iav reader of fhle n&orr 1
Ao wiha to reauoVa tha nat
ural udde of youtn to say
grev. hkarhed a. f(f,i halt.
in uee ci any graavy, sticky ar Injur.
luua dree or etaine. and wit bout deteatloa. I
pledge imea no maiter now maay uilnga have
uiivu. rwicvt iuuw vita Dots otaee and
a in.
ho cut out tf.e oooaoe bele and arnd me your
"n kvi totaling wnnaer Mr., Mrs.
mibm ana es' ioka two cent stamp far return poat-
r i win Mnn jam iuii perucuiare tfcat will
" " ueaetwaiT lot yea u ever nave a grey
uir again. aaoreea vra. wary a. Cttanokea.
ruii. r. . i,ia r. j m , rvviuenco. rt. i.
t r of f hargv 11 ra. Prut p mu.n 'a so m p lot e I
trurtiona to raotura grey hair to natural rotor
and btauty ( outkt. Tut thta oil and nta to
your inter. Oood for Inuaoiata um only ; Z
rent ateteup tor pou.e rtMju.rra. Ad'lrva Mra.
Mary K. liiym-u, r-uue ui S. Old f. u. bi.,
Kn..dao It. 1.
The LMestt aimdl
THE LITERARY . DIGEST of January 9th," 1915, (out to-day) will include
a colored War-Map Supplement well worthy of preservation. , ,
The foremost firm of map-makers in the United States has been engaged
upon it for the past six weeks and no expense has been spared by us to make
the Maps wonderfully complete. V ;
These Maps show with much detail the Western theater of the war
where Germany meets England, France, and Belgium, as well as the Eastern
theater of the war where Russia meets Germany and Austria. The towns,
railroads, canals, forts, mountains, and rivers are clearly indicated.
A special Map shows in even greater detail the region of the main
military operations alon the Franco-Belgian-German frontiers. '
The Maps are printed on specially made bond paper.
The Consul General of one of the warring powers said after a careful
examination of the Map of his country "This Map is absolutely correct and
far better than any other of its kind printed in New York that has been
brought to my notice." ,
This number of THE LITERARY DIGEST will sell out very quickly, so
that you should get your copy from your news-dealer immediately to avoid
disappointment. ,
Subscribers who wish , their friends to have these latest 'Maps should
inform therh at once, or else send us a list of their names enclosing ten cents
for each name, and we will supply them with a copy of the issue by mail.
Not only all the War News, but all the Real News in every other
branch of human interest, with a feast of photographs, cartoons, etc.
January 9th Issue -All News-Dealers Now-10 Cents Weekly
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, (Publisher, of the Famoua NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK
I mnvril from nil puhllr pliirrs within
I twenty rluys from ilnto of order.
Work on the Sr-vr-nth Pay Adventlfts'
rhurali on I'litx-r f'rnlrsl s.vrnvi, N
brspkft City, Is brlnp; pushed to comple
tion. . .
nlfi of Olne (omnt..
STKACrSK. Nob.. .Tsn. U.-IRr'xlHl.l-llcv.
CloorRO W. Si hrordrr of Winchester.
Inrt.. who has oorptpl s inll to tlio
psftorat of ths First CoinrrosstliinBl
'hnrrh hrie, prcsclipd his first sermon
Tho 9yrsriisr city oounoll hss ordered
tho town marshal to hsve all punch anil
drawboarrls and other lottery drxiirs re-
rntii... nniiimUaliillfM'. 'hill. CAmnlfteil
their Jury lifts, for VM' ami suomitien
tl-rm to County Clerk Tiewey. Prawlnfrs
for tho next three panels will ht msde
tomorrow under -supervision of the pre
siding Judse of (lie dlstrli-t court. .
Regulate a Child's Bowels When
Cross, Bilious or Full of Cold
Any child will gladly take, "Cararets
Candy Cathartic." which act nrntly
nsver Rr!ru or prodvus the slightest tin
esjrlness ihouch cleanses the llttie one's
Constipated Dowels, nwetens tho stom
ach and breaks up ,1 had cold quickly.
Full directions .fur children and grown
ups In ea -h r.nrkHKC
Mothers ran rent oa-y after Rlvlns this
gentle, harmless laxative to children.
lO tf t PRICE 10 CENTSj
Ksmariabl Xapsrtsno of T. Oasrnoa.
Builds Vp Wslvht Wonasrfuliy.
'I was all 'fun down to the very bot
tom," writes F. (Jagnon. "I had to quit
wnrk. I wsa so weak. Now, thanks to
Farg-ol. I look like a new man. I Rained
23 pounds In 23 days."
'Sars-ol has put 10 pounds on mo In 11
days," states W. D. liohcrts. It hs made
ma sleep Tell. enjoy what I ate and'en
abled me to work with Interest and plea
'I welshed 132 pounds when 1 com
menced taking flanrol. After taking JO
days I welched 144 pounds. Sarftol Is tho
most wonderful preparation for hw'.i
building I. have ve seen." declsrea V,
Martin, and J. Meier adds: "Tor the past
twenty years I hsve taken medicine
every day for lndletton and sot thinner
every year, f took HaiRol for forty diiys
and feel better than I have felt In twenty
years. My weight has Increased from l.'0
to 170 pounds."
When hundreds of men and women
and there are hundreds, with more com
ing every day living In every nook and
corner of, the broad land, voluntarily tes
tify to weight Increases ranging all the
way from 10 to ns pounds, given them by
Pargol, you musf admit. Mr: and Mra.
and Miss Thin Reader, that there must
be something In th.H Hargol method of
flesh building after all. .
Hadn't you better look Into It, Jimt ss
thousands of others hkve done? . Many j
thin folks say: '.'I'd give most anything J
to put on a llttle'extra weight, but when J
someone' anggesU a way 'they reclaim,!
"Not a chance. Nothing will make mo J
plump. I'm built to stay thin." Until
you have trlel Pargol, you do not nnd !
cannot know that this Is true.
Kargol has put pounds of healthy ''
there" flesh on hundreds who doubted
and In spile of their doubts. You don't
have to believe In Hargol to grow plump
from Its use. You Just tuko It ur.d tvatcii
weight pile up, hollows vsnlsh and your
figure round out to pleasing and nomml
proportions. You weigh yourself when
you begin and again when you finish and
you let the scales tell the story.
Sargol Is just a tiny concentrated tab
let. ' You take one with every meal. It
mixes with the food you eat for the
purpose of separating all of Its flesh pro
ducing Ingerdients. It prepares these fat
making elements In an easily assimilated
form, which the blood can readily absorb
and tarry all over your body. Pjimp.
well-developed persons don't need Hargol
to produca this result. Their assimilative
machinery performs Ha functions without
aid. Hut thin folks' assimilative organs
do not. This fatty portion of their food
now goes to waate, through their bodies
like unburned coal through an open grata.
A few days' test of Hargol in your rase
will surely prove whether or not this Is
true of you. Isn't It worth trying?
T mM any thin reader '"O ruDi or
mure unii'r'elai!. to H11y m&k Ihle teet e
will given Vk: hoi of aheoliitely free.
KIHirr riersol il) InrreaHe your neleht or It
won't, end (lie onlv'ay.lo knnw la lir try II.
Hil for tlite Cme Teat He.ikase tojey, encloi
iia lOo In ullver or ahip to liflp puy pas.
iaiklu(. etc , an. I a full alia &0v paikag will
be eent ly reiurii. mall Iron nl rhara. Mll
tula coupon with .your lettHr tn ttia tiarsol Co..
1i-X Herald Ulila., Dlngliamion, M. Y.
This rnupon enfeitlte anyiperaon to oneftQ.'
pii-kase of Hartul, I be cotu-eni rated Flnnh
Bullitcr (provided' you have neer trie HI
and thai 10 ctutu la e leed tr cover pont
age, net kliia. wlu. Head our advert leement
priiitt'tl aoiive. and thau put lOo in silver In
letter to day with uounon, and tlie full Mo
pukate will he aent to you by return poet.
Addrena: Tlia Kargol ompany. 74-A tleralil
HIils., Ulnsliamton.' N Y . Writ your name
and Sddreia plainly and PIN THIS COU
'TA building that i$ alway neiw"
Near the banks
Near the new hotel
Near the court house
Near the city hall
Near the retail stores
IN ear of its tenants
For offices, apply to Superintendent, Room 103
The Bee Building Company
i .iajiieiiBeBaeja
a - af -4a.
j-i'-ii-,'!; ' l -M-'ir" i i.
Tl!n'f..STri?!MrX, ff'T.
".i5..K!rWCf.tM':.' 1 ' w f. - .