,THK BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY , JAN L AKV 12, l!i;. ANDERSON AFTER THE YARDS Boyd County Member Hai Besola tion Looking to Investigation .of Yardage Rates. EXCHANGE ALSO IS TARGET (PYotti a StJf CorresfHirulsnt.) LINCOLN. Jan. ll.-iFprclal -ncpr-cntatlv Anderson cf Itoyrt county will tk a shot at the Homh Omaha stock yards by Introduclne a rolntk.n to Irt vesUsat rumors that thl orportlon If discriminating against Nebraska, shippers. Jtates for yards will be aimed at along the Una of charge for hay ufl grain lined In stock fce-dln;. Thl sanw matter was brfor the. State Railway commission rv oral month ago. on a complaint brought by J. W. Bhorthill of Hsmptorn crtsry of the Nebraaka Farmr' -Co-operative Grain and Live Stock aaax lation. A large mount of testimony waa takrn. but the commission ha never rendered a de cision. Tamed Down by Board. BhorthlU'g cemplnlnt waa- directed chiefly toward aecurlng a reduction fn the yardage rate for notes- . It wu shown that S cent per bead ti charood for yard ing those anlmala at South Omaha, while at Kansas ..City and Ht. Joeoph the rate la cents. -Th Vnlen Work Tarda com pany Justine the difference by claiming that the equipment and service at Pouth Omaha are superior to those at Kansas nty anJ Bt Joseph, and that the Kansas City rates er those fixed by atatute In Knsas. fmalnlti Mea Ala. A member of the Douglas county .dele, KRtlon has another resolution to Investi gate the commlmton firms of South Omaha and tha Lrve Stock exchange of that city, to determine whether the com mission men are In an unlawful combina tion-to fis the price for their services In ell lag live stock for shippers. The usual rat on bogs Is W reals per head, and on number of tha house has In his posses sion a receipted bill showing that he paid as high as M cents per head on cattle. . PEARSON CAUTIONS SENATORS TO KEEP . ON BUSINESS PLANE (Continued from rsRS One,) JOURNAL SYSTEM IS NEW mrnilMl thnt tho number ot committee member also bo greatly reduced. Other rtefornis Adopted. Other reforms adoptc.1 by the senate In cluded tha t'rlntlng of the schedules of commute.; for -tho purpose of avoiding conflicts: that all votes In committees be recorded, and that all final reports of oommliteee be 'decided Upon In the reg ular daylight meetings of the same. An other Norton Tefinn adopted was that the governor prepar a' scientific state budget of appropriations and submit It tn a special message. . The comirrlttce'e report ' knocked out the recommendation of the Norton sotn- m It tee that all committees of the senate and hours in dealing lth appropriations hold Joint' meetings. The proposal that committee meetings be held from I to 12 o'clock In the morning wss also re jected. ' Proceeding;! and Bills Will Be Handled by Printer in Both Ilouse and Senate. MAY COST A LITTLE MORE New Bills Introduced (From a Htaff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. 11. 8pcc1el.)-Th fol lowing bills were Introduced today be fore the legislature: Bates' Printing . Bill to Provide For Free Labor (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. ll.-(8pclal. In Pre paring the bill which he will Introduce to establish a state printing plant. Repre sentative W. L. Hates ot Cheyenne county has departed to some extent from tha plan recommended by Governor More ' head In his message to the legislature. Tha governor suggested that a printing department be operated at the peniten tiary, where convict labor could be used. Mr. Bates, however, haa decided to have Ms bill' make provision for a printing es tablishment outside of th e penitentiary and operated with free labor. Tha measure, as he now contemplates, will carry an appropriation of loo.Ouo or more to equip and staht the enterprise. The plant la to do all the state's work. Representative Butts at first thought of having It also do printing for all of the counties,, but he has changed his mind and will not Include this feature. The Cheyenne representative has Just returned from Topeka, where he looked over the public printing riint owned and operated by tha state of .K ansa, lie was told that it turns out ,one ton of printed matter dally, supplying all state offices, departments and Institutions. Including tha university, agricultural college and , normal schools. Seventeen Employes ; On the House List (from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special Tel egram.) There are now seventeen em ploye on th ehoune roll, thirteen having been added this afternoon, as follows: Chief clerk engrossing room, K. B. Jones. Ruing C'Uyj stenographer en- rroealng room, Leonora lally. O'Neill: ill room clerks, Wade Windom, Har lan county: Kl Carson, Haundors county; Wheeler Canfleld, TectimHch; proofread ra, W. 8. Uay, Aurora: Marta Weekrs, ."Norfolk; stenographer, Clara ltynek, Wllber: custodian, J. C. McArdle, Hoiig lae county-, Uua Klohor, Oloo county: jr-egee. Krank blgier. Lincoln; John Kree land. Pethany; ,una!in-d, vliill Sktp fm, Fillmore county, and John Oumb, Fremont. 1 Of tha employ! appointed, only seven re now om the payroll. - War Causes Drop in . Price of Diamonds jtCorlrespondenc of the Associated Press.) KIMEEHLET. IT.' 8. A.. Dec i.-'The last year haa been a bad one for the HlamO0d trade nd the .PcBeers company probably will Pass its dividends at the close of the fiscal year ending June next."' . Such was the statement of Chairman FrsjwU Pates at the annual meeting of tha peBeers shareholders, Diamonds are M lorury, said th chairman and not only has ta demand bee a lees, but prices tiav beeaj lower as the result ot the war. The company soon may have to close down entirely' owing to the. fact that there .'Is' already a large stock, of dl tnonds on hand, . MORE PROFITS MAY BE DUE TO MANAGEMENT , CHICAGO, Jan.. 11. lacreaaed produc tivity of western railroads might be due entirely to careful management rather thai. Id f fulls on-tire part Of work' neiCmployeu'1t,y"lh oals, according to Cmisalenf Tmads today by W. J. Laufk, statbtlctan. when cr -examined before the arbitration board that Is In ve.t'Batlsf was condition on the west ern roads. ' - . . Lauok previously had Introduced tables purtrtlng to show thst the share given the inea of Increased productivity profits hadjaot Increased with the earning of the Jvada. He aJmftted today that en an- agef-nt which had etfuulised tralflo tv w hr there was a proper Valano In the movement cf foauea and empty cars jDlcl.l have boaa rcxpoiisil'le for increaarj troljcUvHy. . . lloaee Bills. , - It. It. 1, by Norton and BtebblnsJolnt resolution tor a constitutional conven tion, li. R. 2, by Douglas county delega tionJury commissioner for Douglas county. II. It. , by Tlbbete Provides for sub mitting to voters the question of adopt ing the cnuiity highway commissioner system. It. It. 4. by Regan Permits building and loan association to isnue stock In greater amounts than S" to one person. II. K. 5, by MoffmelHter inakra eatab llahment of county high schools manda tory in every countv, i II. H. hv . llofimnlster Fixes sgo of a and admission to the bar ss necessar qualifications for county attorneys, li. It. 7, by Hof fmelnter requires rail road compsnles to construct track on all unusued right of way;' penalty, for feiture of unuaod rirht of way. H. 11. I, by Llndaey Makea all school land leases renewable for twenty-five years without competition on same terms. . II. R. 9, by Parklnon-Kepeala 8mith mortguK tax -law. Kmergency claitae. 11. It 1(1. by Norton Joint resolution proposing constitutional amendment for the recall of all elective officer, Includ ing Juilgos. . II. It. ll, by Uelaner Establishes a state reformatory for women and appropriate 15. Quo therefor. 11. R. 12, Fries of Howard Appropriates I2.MW for a permanent survey of lands belonging to state Irstitutlont under the direction of the land commissioner. II. It. 13, Fries of Howard Hoad ovr seere shall notfy the county surveyor of the less or dent nut Ion of any corn ers of land surveys. Penalty for neglect, the overseer must stand the rxpene of putting in others. H. 11. 14. Fries of Howard An amend ment by the state surveyor relating to ithe establishment of common corners for quarter sections Included In a section of land. 11. R. 15, Rclsner of Thomas A sterll Ixat'on bill for epileptic and other de fectives In charge of the state, for the appointment of physicians to perform the operation at 410 per day and ex penses. Provides optionally for counsel for such defectives through the district Judge, and for a penalty of tlOu for any one else who shall perform the opera tion. II. R. 15, Howard of Douglas Amend ments to the workmen" compensation act, In cas of death due tor ucclilenla the heirs may elect whether to remain under the act or to proceed ly common law. and where the -Injury Is due te negligence of the employer the injured person may have such option. It cuts out drunk- eness j a defense of an .employer and eliminates the depredation of common lew defense where employe or employer refuses to remain urder th law. It en larges the scope of dlsabilltlne. t(. n. 1". llostetler of Burfalo Fro- hlmts the giving or acceptance of tips and provides of $10 to II) fine. II. It. 1. KciKtoer or nan ftiemnars oi tho soldiers' home at Orsnd Islund who I've in col tan e shall be furnished ra tions rstlier than le compelled to take their meals at the home. II. It. lf. Ulohmond of Doualas-C'ash ball ehall he received at the Omaha nolle station only by the chief or his deputy. Amends the pennlon law for Omaha policemen. Olve 19 a month to the widow of a retired officer. H. R. 20. Oieenwalt of Custr-Holflers of lease contrarla nf achool lunds may renew their contraots st any Mm prior te the termlnit'on of the old one. H. R. at. tireenswalt of Custer Per mits cumulative voting of stork In com panies as well a corporation of Nebraska. , . , ' ltls, . 8. V. 1. Real of Custer Warehouse bill. To i-euulatu shipping of grain. H. V. 3, Howell of iiQiigiaa con sun na tion of first or second class cities with those of the metropolttsn casa. 8. F. 3. Crumlmch of l'olk Autnornes tho county treasurer of Polk county to pay certain warrants. K. F. 4. Mallery of Uox Putte To pro vide for a constitutional convention. 8. F. S, Kctchel of Nemaha Keguiates contracts of suretyahlpp between common carrier and employes. S. F. . riaunder ul IJoukihs r.mpowers mt tropolltnn wster dletrlcts to construct and operate electric light plants. B. F. T. livrland of ISjone Ilegulste the eale of doi e. B. F. s. noagiand or l-ancaster jnim muin was bill for firemen in Lincoln. 8 F . Shumwtr o( Dixon Provide for rterMxatlon of defectives. 8. v.. U, hhumway or iixon tat lire "insurance bill. 8 F. 11. Saunder or Uougias-Maxe certified ccpy of teatlmony comiwlent evidence In subsequent trials between same parties. 8. F. U neal of Custer Widow's pension bill In ess of dandnt rhll- rlivii . 8. F. is. Gales or Harpy permits tne sole, of llnuor within two and one-half miles r a military posi ana rrpoeis por tions of former act. s. F 14. Ouinbv of Dc.uglas provides that trltlclnni of Judges or court offlclsl not delivered In the presence of the court hall not constitute contempt snu inu vides that witness shall net be com pelled to answer ye or bo when sucn answer does not fully ePlain his reply. 8. F. lo, Quiniiy or 1 Hiumiss Annual asseseinent of all real estate insicaa oi every lour years a now. 8. F. ls.yuinoy or iTOiniu-rrovw that all property ahall be aacsseo at us actual value, repealing the ouo-tlftli valuation act. .. . 8. F. 17. Heal of Custer Provide for cumulative votln and for voting by proxv of stockholders in Nehrsska cor poration in elections tor uirrion w n.anagara (From a fHaff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Jnn. 11 -Fpelal.) -Contracts let fur printing the dally house and senate Journals un-ler the new order of things msy make a saving to the sen ate of several hundred dollars, or It msy may cost considerably more. Pvcretary I.udl of th printing committee Is of the opinion thnt It will cos, about one-third tnor. tr almut 2,40, but thst the saving on engrossing of bills will more than make up for the excess.- The contract has been let for printing 300 copies of the dally roporta In earn house on pink paper at 13.60 per page After the minutes are corrected each hous will be rovlded with 300 nioro cop ies, which will be furnished at ll.) per psge. Then the printer will print suffi cient copies of th corrected Journal to bind Into" the complete record at 11.14 for th senate and 11.10 per psge for the house. There will be about l ot these Under Old Method. I'ndcr. the old method the complete volume was printed of the house pro ceedings at ... per page -for the last session and for the annate at 11.30 per psge. In addition the chief clerk of the house received about $1,W0 for preparing the Journal and the chief clerk of tho senate 11.200 for his work. Lndcr the new method adopted the chief clerk and secretary of the senate will work but about a week after the close of the ses sion preparing the Index. Under the new system enrolled bills will b orlnted for fl.M per page. The bills Introduced will cost In the senate 11.80 per page for COO coplea and In th house th same. . . To Frtat FlaUhed BUI. The amended bills will cost ll.flO per page and will show th amendments in italic and the old matter in cancelled letters. The bills when passed ready tor the signatures of the house officers and th governor will b printed on different paper and In bold typi. It I expoeted that If tho saving In the engrossing room does not meet tho extra experts of th new-method that the sav ing In employes and other things win bring th matter up to an even thing. Omaha Medical Student Suffering From the Hoof and Mouth D is cacs On of the first case of a human being becoming stricken aith the dread hoof and mouth disease in that of Carlisle Stanford Lenti, 22-year-old son of Charles M. Lent, doing business at Hid Kamam street. Young Lenti. who is a graduate of Creighton, is a first year student at the Johns Hopkins Medical school In Baltimore, and 1 . now lsolsted In he Johns Hopkln' hospU at that place, where hi cane Is attracting national at tention. " . It la supposed that' th. young Omahan contracted the "disease through drinking milk from an Infected row, while spend ing the holiday season in Washington. When h returned to school h fell, ill, and his case for several darg was a vexing problem to th attending physi cians. It was Dr. Taul W. CTlough of the medical faculty who diagnosed the case yesterday oa the hoot and mouth dis ease, and the patient was removed at once to the contagious ward of the hos pital. ; Since then young Lents has been the subject of much Interest In the, hospital. His condition Is not regarded as serious, it Is said, but every possible effort is made to prevent the spread ot th disease. Yoakum Makes Plan for Reorganization of 'Frisco System ELOPE TO BLAIR, WHERMY WED William Leet and Mist Anne Robert ion Surprise Parents and Their Friends by Escapade. t ii ii LEET IS EIGHTEEN YEAS OLD William Let, son of Mrs. F. M. Leet. 4903 California street, and Miss Anne Robertson, daughter of Mrs. R. L. Rob ertson, 122 North Fortieth street, eloped to Blair yesterday and were married there at 11 o'clock by Rev. Mr. Kohjer of the Congregational church. Young Leet Is only II years of age, according to a statement from his mother, while his wl'o Is 21. , Sunday young Leet informed his mother that he was to leave that evening for Floux City In the company of Mr. Edgar Moore on business. Mrs. Leet consented, but yesterday learned that Mr. Moore had not gone to Sioux City. A rumor to the effeet that the couple had eloped to fcloux City waa current Sunday, but was denied by Mr. Robertson. Snrprlse to Mother. Mrs. Leet did not know of the elope ment until Informed of It happening at Blair. Leet and his bride wer accompanied by ah Omaha lawyer, whose nam, It Is said. Is Benjamin. According to advice from Blair th county Judge there mad Benjamin awear to a statement before the license was Issued. Mr. Leet and hi bride haw been very close friend for some tlra. and their ultlmat marriage ha been considered probable by friends and associates. Mrs. Leet I a sister of Mrs. Fred Hamllton. 8T. LOUIS, Jan. 11. Plans for the re organization of the St. Louis A Han Fran cleco railroad, now In the hands of a re ceiver, wer learned from an authorita tive source her today. The plans con template an assessment of ttf.GO to 1S on each share of 'Frisco stook, and this la expected to yield about $7,000,000. A new corporation will b organised. It la hoped that th reorganisation will be completed within ninety days. At present th plan 4 now waiting for an eaaler market.' With th money ob tained' by stock assessment, it is said, all claim In the way of a reorganisation are to be paid off, and then a new mort gage against th property wilt b Issued. The reorganisation plan Is the work of B. F. Toakum, former chairman ot the board of directors ot the old company. POPULAR MEMBER OF YOUNGER SET ELOPES. tracing th American policy toward the Philippine since the F-'panlnh war and ex plaining thnt the nreaent bill. Imnronerlv styled n "Independence Mil." would pro- Id merely for a further test of the Fili pinos' rspaclty for self-government. Responding to question. Mr. Oarrlson said from a military standpoint the is lands were a liability, not an asct, to the Vnlted States. Woalda't Force- Matter. Senator Hitchcock aked "Mr. Garrison if he thought the provision of th .bill prohibiting polygamy was a wise one. Speaking a private cit xen, Mr. Ostrl son replied he did not believe in attempt ing to force such matters upon th non Christians. Nowhere In Christ' sayings, he as serted, waa there sny word against plura marriages or shout the marriage rela tlons, although the Israelites had prac ticed polygamy during Christ's life tlm and for centuries before. DEATH RECORD Wewley A. smart. BTrnoiS, S. I)., Jan. 11 (Special Tele gram. -Th funeral of the late Wesley A. Hturt, whn died Jar?ry 7. took place here this afternoon and was largely at tended by friends from all ever the Black Hills. All business houses in fltur gl.l were closed. He had practiced lnw in this vicinity over Iwenty-flve years and ws very successful in his profession. EFFECT OF BIG ENDOWMENTS SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-On of th sug gestions to b considered by th federal commission on Industrial relations which In to begin hearing her next Monday Is a schem of social Insurance, ad ministered by stat and federal govern ments to meet ' th problem created by unemployment, occupational disease and other social avll Incidental to Industrial organisation. This waa mad known to day by Frank P. Walsh, chairman in an outline ot the commission plan for In vestigation' of philanthropic institutions. Grocers Blame Farmers for the High Price of Wheat CHICAGO, Jan. 11,-Blam for high price of wheat product should not - b laid at th door of th retail grocer, but upon th farmer who ha kept his wheat from market, according to F. B, Con nolly of . Francisco, president of th National Association ot Itetall Orocers, offlcUUs ot which met her today. Th fanners. Indrvidually and in th ma, hav held their wheat for higher price," Mr. Connolly said. "Th grocer and bakr are merely collector, and distributor. They i not to blame and r actually suffering.' Th occasion of th gathering of gro cer waa a meeting of th executive com mute In preparation for th annual con vention of th association Irt ban Fran cisco next month. HALL'S NOMINATION IS FAVORABLY REPORTED WASHINGTON. Jan. lL-PTesldent Wil son's renominatlon of Henry Clay Hall of Colorado Springs, Colo., to th Inter state Commerce coiiuulsolon as ordered favorably reported by the scnat Inter state oommerc committee. It had been held up at the request of republican sen ator who wanted to Inquire Intolth vet on which the commission recently approved higher freight rates. ft -. .'I MRS. WILLIAM I.F.KT, Nee Ann Robertson. GARRISON FOR FILIPINOS Advocate! Bill to Extend Scope of Self-GoTernment Enjoyed by the Islanders. WOULD LET POLYGAMTTE BE WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Prompt pass age of th bill to extend th scope of self government enjoyed by tho Filipinos wa urged today by Secretary Garrison of. the War department as logically the next step in the long recognised policy of the Vnlted Etates towards th Islanders. The meas ure's preamble, declaring the purpose ot tha Vetted States to grant complete Inde pendence when a stable government has bcln set up, Mr. Oarrlson declared to be but a reiteration of promises made by uccslv republican administrations. I Is Last Witness. The Kncretary appeared befor th sen ate Philippine committee as th last wit ness at publlo hearings on the pending bill that hav been In progress for several weeks, 11 had prepared a statement "It's a Long Way" to Our Store But it will py you to come nere (or Kitchen and Buffet Equipment Big Values in Aluminum I s W M i-J k 'Mllll I 11.75 value. ' V' 1 J' y 0-ot. Alum 14. 2 and 3-qt. Sauce Pans, No. solid Aluminum 1 finish. 98c lnum Tea fl Ct $1.25 Kettles, ,2.25 value 4-qt. Aluminum Tea Kettles. $2.00 value . Prompt Attention Given to Mail Orders. . A. G. Jaeger Co. 318-20 South 14 th Street. ' Old Murray Hotel Bid;. TO CI' RIB A COl.tt ! ! DAT Take" Laxative Bromo Qulnln Tablet. Druggist refund th money If it fall t cure, E. W, Orv'a signature la on each box. .it Mot. Bad Cold?, Feel Headachy, Dull and Stopped up . on't stay stuffed-upt Quit blowing and snuffling! A dos of 'Tap' Cold Compound" taken every two hour until three dose ar taken will end grippe misery and break up a sever cold either in th head, chest, body or limb. It promptly open clogged-up nostrils and sir passages; stop nasty discharge or nos running; relleyes sick' headache, dullnoHS, feverlshneH. aor throat, snees lug. soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is th quick est, surest relief known and coat' only St cents at drug store. It acta without assistance, tastes nlc. and cause no inconvenience. Don't accept a rubstltuts. Advertisement. - Protect Yourself Atkfor ORIGINAL GENUINE VI?.Srr f.:e-.V Tli Food Drink far jsU Af es 06eri tre.IcuMiori muse HI "A'Ta H"H,i iiH'jlhil'1 Five teals rrsn It. A Osaerou Otut. 4-'ut out this ad. enclose with I cents to Foley V Co.. Chi ago. Ill . writing yuiir name nd addrea j lainly. and receive a free trial package containing Foley's llney and Tar Cojn-1-ounc, fur cinmhs. ctild and croup; Ku'c KUruy I'llir. fr kldnt-y end blad der ; iiuiin'. La.-Wji-I , aips in Jolnl. i i-nm l i .irennlse h I nruinstism; etrtf-fvley Ca tha rtw . Tab. 1 is. g W'ii: slid thortHJslily i tea us ing ail;aftif-ry ell Ihre for 6 i-t-nta, Xi.ti tot c( tonlhi.f. tfulj by all dealers. -AdtrUjiCt.t. Ua rime at Orders. WAH1MNOTON. Jn. 11 -imperial Tcle rraiH.1 Iowa posimaatcrs apMlnii-d : .SYltihlii, J'oik ciuuly. Fred Uculile. e Wtltlaiu H.-It1r; lv iiu.ua. Marahall coun'v. tlerlrude N. brarkney, vice Cal vin luckwin, removed; ltlmar. Franklin lounly, Tii.rauld 1. Juiiruton. vk 11. F. Ai,lr'. loo postmaster rppolnto,l : Hon durant. rulk count r, Klward A. liHil: M.jI.ImIiI, Fultt niuiilr. Frsna ku. Kollimn; alkiivcx J, Cedar county, Ovors W. H'eier. . A tnlti Kli-nmr was iiulnted aural Inter ca.iner at Ix-Maia. la. Tin. -iimIi'I r l (ho ruierncy has re- etr. ejl tin- M . t:oli of folluninx p r. e rlist Natlonnl ItiK ui Ijtke Niiln, i I)., -aillal :aj V. V, ..! t, j. . iiwltuid. , KkoII. ln Oleen, M. I. ,ii- llu and P. 8. Iranian, lo aui . Hi t-anners' male bait ot l.a Nor.ian. N-braK r.rnetora yrantad: Vlith M. i-'iante, lora. '.', 1J i-HmJ, Aaaora, .-'. Cold in Head Rellevad I ee nlnul. Meaerback 1 it (alia. Got a ot SJ tub ot EONDON'S Catarrhal Jelly Ue It quick. For ehroalo nasal ca tanh.ilry tatarrh. aor ao.ceu(lit. imiini. net bleed. ere. Witla lor trea saaiplc The nr( drop usad will do good. AS dru(t((. Koa4o Mlg. Cv, MlwMBllt. kilaav Btflatttal i 9 i I ll" - ;,,,.uu,i. :i . r 'I I ; The Sort of Employes You Like to Take an Interest in Reads Bee "Help Wanted" Ads. Advertisers tell us that the class of inquiries is much above the average. They come from intelligent, ambitious workers the kind you feel are going to be successful. Make a bid for such employes through tho "Kelp Wanted" columns of The He. Judging Ly the experience of others, you will get them.1 Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads i" J' lull:!!- L i THOMPSON.BELDEN & CO. TOMORROW (TUESDAY) OUR JANUARY SALE OF KIMONOS & BATH ROBES We include every kimono and bathrobe in stock, both of American manufacture and those imported from Japnn. ALL GO TUESDAY AT PRICE $19.50 robes ..... . $9.75 $6.50 values, f . . . . $3.25 $13.50 robes ...... $0.50 $4.95 values $3.48 Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M. Every garment in stock goes every garment is from regular stock. TUESDAY WILL BE A SPECIAL DAY IN THE LINEN SALE The Following is a Most Important List of Bargains: $1.50 Bleached Satin Damask $1.00 a yard $1.75 Bleached Satin Damask $1.25 a yard $2.00 Bleached Satin Damask $1.50 a yard $10.00 John S. Brown's Napkins $5.00 a dozen $5.00 John S. Brown's Embroi'd Pillow Cases $3.00 a pair $8.75 John S. Brown's Embroi'd Pillow Oases $6.00 a pair $1.00 Embroidered Guest Towels 50c each 40c H. S. Guest Towels.... 25c each 50c H. S. Guest Towels .39c each 75c H. S. Fine Huck Towels 50c each $25.00 Real Cluny Lace Lunch Sets $12.50 a set $15.00 Embroidered Madeira Lunch Sets $8.75 a set ' $17.50 Embroidered Madeira Lunch Sets. . . .$10.0!) a set $25.00 Embroidered Madeira Lunch Cloths. .$12.50 each $1.25 Silver Bleached Damask , 89c a yard $2.50 Bleached Table Cloths. ............ $1.75 each 45c Huck Towels ... ,25c each 8V3C Turknit Wash Cloths . . 3c each 12VjC Huck Towels 5c each $4.50 Bleached Fine Napkins $2.75 a dozen $1.50 Extra Fine Huck Towels! .$1.00 Each 50o Bleached Turkish Towels... 39c each 20c Bleached Crash Toweling. 15c a yard 75c 24-inch Huck Toweling, figured. ; .59c a yard 50o Beady Made Roller Towels. . . .35c each $3.50 Table Cloths, extra heavy quality . .$2.75 each $3.00 Table Cloths, extra heavy quality $2.00 each $25.00 Real Cluny Lace Cloths $12.50 each $7.50 Irish Embroidered Lunch, size 54-inch. .$3.75 each $30.00 Embroidered Madeira Cloths $15.00 each $65.00 Lace Emb'd and Cut Work, size 54-in., $32.50 each X Excello Lump The near anthracite clean, hot, lasting ' Every day brings new customers on Excello from recommendations of their neighbors using it. . Excello is smoke less, sootless, blue flamed. Keeps a nioe fire over night. Ask for our Souvenirs with your coal. Coal dill Coal Co. 211 So. 19th. Doug. 878. 1. i n ijjumgmmtmmKmmmmm. AMCSEMSWTS. uimncEis Ian". p. m Aa Wed. renljur. Mlal aWtora Sa--anB A1CVSX. S, OXOaaatAIT YIDDISH PLAYERS tar airxaroniB Wdaay, 'VU BECOSII' WV1 Cpela uo Frto Amy aat, SO IT? JAS. If. 15. II. rTrl a-". - - - ' Mf la Wa4r nww of ta ValTsrs. THURSTON 100 sUrttlo;ft."8fPt1.- IS , HEADACHES nxMstaads f aiaa and woven saflrr troat IpMuM very dsr, othar ibooaatxls bs fcra4acba vtry week orsvary month, and still otoara hav feaaaaobe occaaiooally. hv uot si resuiar tahsrrais. Toe t IocKf laohao aaabl la nod Ui ItuM ol BJu 01 tneas aa.im, aSta ma ouirr eases, koewta th cauts, a u oot know wul reiae If so to punaoau our. Ail h caa do la lo arefc-nba sue eaual pals Tllvars, whir (1r Seloioraty aiiat. but ta aradaub MUM a usual, and IraatmcBl a, af alo oauaaaary. II yuurtnia Stadarhra, bo sattr wba their Balura, tat AaU-samui Tablets, and tua result wul besau. Uotar, la U bitna( desrs. lo Oao olMai then l all aniiswu In auy quiotitr. luo wena, K worth or mora. Ask lor A L Tablets. SICK-HEADACHES 81ck-bdac.tBsaaiirbl l B tiak aeasc. Im It terror wbe A-K TaU.i ar Uaeo. VM yoa lel D attack eomloc on, take twa tablet, asd lo Btaoy . u stuck will be wanted ofl. turui an attack 1st dm A-E Tablet every two bout. Ta reat sod co lurt wktoa loUuir, caa be uMaiacd la ao other ss Cmm A-X ris A- lA ssmsh At mt JrmtiUi. SO "OXAXA'S TJW m. Batumi s:"'b! WATSON SISTERi ow & " MOROCCO ' B0UN0 " "''I AUA. .&" 1 I is. ..ttl: niiaamn at tuntr; Bert Market: Kn.m.r & FalUaon: Orpb.um travel w2Su.r frtces: Mat. Gal.. 10c. best aeats Bat. &. gup.). Ho. Klahf. lOcTtc. ill ii lt W C E K BOYD Ca" mi Tai-ht Bstra Attraction. Osaaha. Kirk Bohl Ole Chi. Btwa Aets, ta oaacuoa with ta asattoaal Drama. Txa riOMT rrioo tSo aad BO Matinee. Wed and Bat., tin Teat VTaak -TavOOaBa