THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: JANUARY 10, 1015. OMAHA' WHEAT OFF ONE TOTWO CENTS Market Opens High and Strong, but Prices Slump on Information of Embargo on Exportation!. ALL BUT EYE AEE AFFECTED The wild rrrattona that -all kind of irrain hsva twcn doing- for the last couple of wk suddenly terminate and ths Omaha, market aold off from 1 to I cent per tmshel. being unable to set back to the hlh levels of Friday. The Omaha market opened hlith' and irons;, and indicatlone were that the Friday prlcea were going to ba topped and new reeorda aet. Inalda of an hour report fame orrr tha wires that con area was about to taka steps to Place aii embargo on tha ahlpment of tTntted Ktatee grain Into tha war son of Europe. Then prlcea commenoad to tumble,' fol lowing a lead that had teen aet by Chi cago, miring he net hour wheat prlcea aold off, cloaing at around II-19, about the low point of the day. Wheat prlcea during tha session ranged from fl.20MQ 1 SI for No. 2 hard. Durum aold at tl.46, a rent below Friday. Corn waa ateady t- a ahada lower, tha prlcaa being from ?8H centa per bushel. Rye Staade Akrae. Hye waa tha only grain that did not feel tha efferta of tha bearish sentiment that prevailed. Friday thla cereal touched 11.07 for high. Yenterdajr somebody lu tha east got under It and tha prloe waa booatod toT.ll per bushel, tha highest Price ever paid on tha Omaha market Omaha receipt were: Wheat, 47 cara; corn, rj cara; cats, tl cara, and rye, I cara. Daring the slon of tha Omaha Grain xchanga advance aheeta of tha bulletin Issued by tha Agricultural department came In, showing In detail acreage, rM4 and valua of Nebraska farm products for last year. Prlcea In thla publication are baaad on what the products ware fetch ing at their respective towns December 1 Tha total value of tha wheat, corn, oata, barley, rye, potatoes, flax and hay la placed at t3U.tflt.0Oa Rernri! fop Hebntakaw Dealing with eann of tha products sep arately, tha government finds that last year in Nebraska there were raised grains a foUowa: Wheat ., acres, -with a yield of 1S.C bushels per acre, ' yielding tR.116.Ouo bushels, which, If aold St . 95 cents per bushel, would bring $67,710,000. Corn T.100,000 acres, yielding M.S busnels per acre, a total of 173,9f,0,CO, and If aold at (I cents would aggregate) $!2,1M,000, Oata 2.17S.O0O acres, and a yield of tR.8 per acre, a total of 9,aao,w, which. If aold at 40 cents, would return $27,(40,000. Barley 111.009 acres, yielding S.S bush els per acre, or 1.(60,000 "bushels. If aold at W rents per bushel would total tl.U8.0oa Rye 13,000 acreA with a total yield of 1.952,000 bushels, aa average of 1 bushels per acre and priced at 74 centa par bushel, a total of fl.U4.000. Potatoea--lU.OOO acre at (0 bushels par acre, yielding 1.440,000 buahela and aeltlng at 64 rents per bushel, a total of tS,OS8,0OO. Hay 1.W0.000 acres, producing 1, 635,000 toes and selling at a total of $17,400,000, berfdes 4i,000 acre of flax, tha crop yield ing $3S,0CO. . t Unitarians Meot V Thursday Evening Thera will ba a meeting of Omaha Vni tariana Thursday from 4 to p. m. at to. North Fortieth street, with tha hope of affecting a permanent local organisa tion for regular services. For the present thera will ba bo pastor, but meetings are to be held at scheduled Intervals, with tha ambltloa of establishing something bigger aad better for tha future. Member of tha' Unitarian faith have been urged to attend tha assembly. NURSES TO THE WAR ZONE eaasaaaMsaM Thirty from Japan Go to Help Care for the Wounded Among the Allies in Europe, ACCOMPANY . THEM DOCTORS Tha members of tha Japanese Red Cross' party going east through Omaha Friday night stopped only while tha train on which they were riding changed engines and waa transferred from the fnlon raclflo to the MllwauKea tracks. In the Party were four physlelane and surgeons, eighteen nurses and ,flva. at tendants Tho Japanese Red Cross people going east Friday night constituted tha third party that Japan haa aent into the war sone of Europe. Thirty surgnona and nurses were recently aetit to Rtissla and later thirty mora wera aent to Franoe. Friday tiight l party waa In charge of Dr. Jero Susudl, chief surgeon of that portion of tha Japanese Red Cross that hs ,to do with tha navy, and in rank waa Dr. OtsukL Dr. Suiudl haa bean with tha Japanese Red Cross for years and waa in charge during the war with Russia. Ha does not apeak English. - Dr. OUukl, spokesman for tha party, waa educated la Japan, took his degree at Bethany college. Virginia, and la a peat graduate of Ruah Medical college of Chicago. Ha speaks ' perfect Enfllsh and in discussing tha trip and tha pur poses said: - "Japan la not aendlng any aoldlers to fight 'in tha European war, but sha is sending her surgeons and her nurses 'to aid In the relief of the wounded. Our work wlllt be. entirely wjtb the alllea Wa sail from New York next Tuesday, landing In London, where wa will Im mediately commence doing hospital work, but not going to the front" Tha men of tha party are clad In tha regulation khaki uniform, almost identi cal with that of tha United States aol dlers. Tha nurses, whoso ages range from 25 to 5 years, wear black uniforms with short. aklrU inclined to ba tight, and neat fitting waists. On their heads they wears small black bonnets, much Ilka those worn by tha women of tha Volunteers of America. CREIGHTOH ALUMNI GETTING INTO LINE 1111 Old-Time Graduate! Put Their Shoulders to the Wheel and Work for Gymnaaiuin. WILL HELP RAISE MONEY The proposed gymnaalum to ba built by Crelghton university, assisted by the alumni. Is a topic of Interest among the students. Tha first move toward a sub stantial contribution to tha erection fund will ba from the benefit performance of "Htrongheart," to ba given at the Boyd Wednesday evening, December 30. The seating capacity of tha house haa been purchased and from tha aala of aeats It la expected to realise several hundred dol lars. Tha student committee In 'charge of tha affair consist a Charles Shook, James Martin, Richard Kelly and Carl Ruaaum., Prominent members of tha alumni are now hard at work In aa effort to hurry tha contribution along. A card index sys tem of tha greater part of tha alumni organisation, which tofala about 2.600, has been prepared, tha naraea being listed by state. Nebraska has tha greatest number, m. while Omaha alone haa about 4TA Tha first Installment of thai list Is published In ha January number of the Crelghton Courier. The executive committee of the alumni expecta soon to ubmlt a definite plan to tha university authorities, and after that, tha work will probably begin at onoe. Tha alumni plana to give one-third tha total coat about tw.ooa The selection of Thomas Mills ss coach of Crelghton'a IBIS foot ball squad also attracted a great deal of lpterest. Tha atudont body of tha university Is well pleased with tha choice, so long as Harry Miller decided to glva up tha work here. Mllla will have practically the whole of tha 1914 team with which to begin his work. Tha erection of tha gym this year wlU also mean that Milta wlU stay all rear. Crelgfctoa BrigHt Spots. Classes rponn.f In -n -- From New Tork passage for tha party fnont!?y wlth "Proximately all students m ma Km, ue penmen i FMolnsv cf UaMrlr rice! a1' by A H. Rhonall, wera discussed. The midyear examinations will beatn at the arts college January L2 and continue the remainder of the month, f.rrmerly the eaminatlnns have been held tmfire Christmas. Th annual oratorical content will be held at the university auditorium the eve ning of January JO. The bent eiwakera of the arts department will compete. .1. II. Furay. Crelghton A. 11. , '!, until rentljr manaser of the Intermmintaln bureau of the I'nlled Pre association at Ienver, haa been made Imanajcer of the Pacific coast division, with headquarters at ran Francisco. A new course entitled ' Probate Proced--tire" la being Introduced at the law col lege this semester. Prof. W. C. Fraser Is In charge. Prof. Neal D. Reardon of the lew fac ulty spent the Christmas holidays with his mother at Delavan, 111. Plans are under way, at the law college for a repetition of the annual law school banquet Inaugurated last year. The first session of the model house was held at the college Wednesday eve ning. Moot court reopened Friday evening. Mrs. Rood is Head of the Omaha Equal . Franchise Society Mra E. S. Rood, whose automobile Covered many mllea In auffrage tours during the fall campaign, waa elected president of the Equal Franchise society, Friday afternoon, at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. F. . Rrogan. Mra Rood succeeds Mrs. Z. T. I.lndsey, who resigned, because of 111 health. Mrs. C. B. Johannes was elected secretary In place of Mrs. . Henry Poorly, who also resigned, but since Mrs. Johannes leavea soon for a California trip, Mrs. W. A. Mills was elected secretary pro tern. Mrs. Hallcck Rose was elected chairman of tha program committee, In place cf Mrs. Dmgan. Mrs. Rose will. In the near future, an nounce, the program -of meetings and speakers for the organisation. Tha next meeting will be held tha first week In February, at which time a change In the meeting day will ba made. has been secured on tha Megantlc of tha White Star , line. " Holborn Talks of Early Grecian Art IlCrly Grecian art and Its Inspiration was tha theme of an interesting lecture Uat night at the Young Women's Chris tian association. It waa tha first of a series of alx lectures on allied subjects, fcy Prof. I. B. Plough ton Holborn, un. der tha auspices of tha Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Being aa. enthusiastic and intense ad mirer of things Grecian, aa wall aa a acholar and axpert along those lines, Prof. Holborn proved to ba decidedly en tertaining and . Instructive. A large at tendance of member and friends ot tha society keenly, enjoyed ' tha event and considered themselves most fortunate to havaProf. , Holborn , consont to give a whole series of his . lectures her .thla winter. Ha la a graduate of Oxford uni versity aad haa a wide and favorable reputation aa an extension lecturer in England, Scotland, Germany, Franca and Bwltaorlanq as wall as America, y "Homer and Early Discoveries In Horn- elio Lands,;' was tha subject of hl talk last night. He had many beautiful views and slides of remarkable art reclama tions to Illustrate his lactam. In attendance. alx members applied for admission to the midyear high school freshman claaa. Since Uils olaM will not be enrolled until the last month, because of the switching of the midyear examinations to that time, they wlU not begin work until, then. . Th weekly holiday was switched back to Thursday1 at tha arts department It waa Saturday during the first half of the year. A number of the student, wanted Haturday off, but tha wish of the faculty and the remainder of tha students for Thursday prevailed. f A' meeting of the Crelahion Mellcnl oeminar was neia rnaay evening at the Crelghton Law college, with a lanre num ber of medical Mudenta, In addition to Dean A. U. Mulrhend, present Two pa- In.l CJ. . . . . . . . . Austria Protests to Rome Government MILAN (via London), Jan. t.-The Fecolo asserts that' Count Leopold Von Berchtold, Austrian imnlttor of foreign affairs, ' has sent a note to Italy pro testing against tha Italian occupation of Avlona, Albania. Baron Bldney Sonntno, Italian minister of foreign affaire, has sent firm reply, the paper adds. NEW PHILOSOPHY NEEDED IN MATERIALISTIC AGE "A maa la stupid, who refuses to accept the assumption of Immortality for his philosophy. - and adopts tha easier and cbearwir belief, that death ends all," de clared Prof. Fred Morrow Fling in his l.ctura on "Tha Philosophy of History" st tha University club last night. "The present ' generation has a poor, ii an philosophy of life," ha continued. "It Is materialistic and pessimistic, and lowered society to tha bottom etratum. We should get a new philosophy thct will follow the new ideallam aad r1-e the spiritual and intellectual stda of man above the matertalletta "TivtttiaHcn will disappear, society wilt WUrK, and before tha last man diea, the Inhabitants of tha world will ba little ' more than naked savages." Dr. Fling aa sotted. "Then why are life and effort ott while? "All thintsj are Junt a meana to an eud the building of a better aettlng for the unfolding of Individual personality In the form of tha human spirit," ha an id ed. "The philosophy of history, and Its real aiKnlticance, la tha struggle to put a spiritual content Into Ufa That will not insko the nation tha limit of man's prog rtat. but will bring about an International eteo ihtlun. the brotherhood of man, and put an - end to this horrible, barbarous asr'j a reaction from tha upbuilding of eo ivty." Members of Creighton Faculty Are Back Membera of tha faculty of the Crelgh ton arts' college, who spent ihe-lr Christ mas vacation In giving retreats at var ious 'points, have returned to their work. Rev. W. T. Klnsella, 8. J., waa at St Marys. Kan.; Rev. t. V. Wallace, a J.. In Chicago; Rev. William P. Whelan, au- pervtsor of tha medical college, conducted a' retreat at Mercy hospital, Chicago; Rav. Joseph Woks, & J., held a retreat at C entervjile, la for tha Blatera of Mercy; Rav. W. J. Corboy held services at tX Barnard's hospital. Council Bluffa; Rev. F. X. McMenaniy, ft. J., president of Crelghton unlvarslty, and Rav. Francis Caaallly, H. J., supervisor of tho law and dental department, wera at St. Marys, Kan. . TWO ARE ARRESTED FOR BEATING THEIR WIVES Many Entertained By "Runaway June" Owing to tha fact that local movie fans are taking such a keen interest tn tha new Reliance serial. "Runaway June," the story ot which will appear In Tha Omaha Beei V. II. Price, represen tative of tha be rial Publication ootnpany, gave a private exhibition at tha Krug, Friday afternoon. Every mo via house In tha city was represented, tha shosvmen bemg aa anx ious to view tha new film as are their patrons. Ths first episode, 'Tha. Run away Bride," delighted tba entire num ber of visitors,, who unanimously de clared tha picture) to ba one of tha beet they aver saw, BUF0RD HAS CLOSE CALL FROM A SPEEDING AUTO Police Chauffeur Harry Buford avoided what might have been a serious accident at Nineteenth and Clark streets, last night ' In answering a hutry call, Buford, driv ing tha police auto, approached Nine teenth street at a fair rate of speed, with tha gong of the car going at full blast In accordance with traffic regulations he slowed up at the crossing, and Jammed on tha brakes Just In time to avoid strik ing a touring car going at an excessive rate of speed north on Nineteenth. The touring car turned Into the curb and broke tha front left wheel and badly bent the axle, The occupant of the car gave their names as H. Mertln, 13034 South Tenth street, and Mrs. M. A. Bhock" by Dr. Joseph Uridll and "The Brown, 604 North Twentieth street. M'ADOO PAYORS. BUYIN60F SHIPS Secretary of Treasnry Telli Com mercial Clnb of Chicago V, S. Should Buy Vessels. WAR MAKES THE BATES HIGHER CHICAGO, Jan. .-cretary .McAdoo declared tonight In a apeech to the Com mercial club of Chicago that the admin- did before Istratlnn ship purchase bill no pending In congress offers the only solution of the problem of how to build up ah ade quate American merchant marine. It promises, he said, to overcome many of the obstacles the European war haa thrust in the path of American trade expansion and to help prosperity. Tha creation of . an American merchant marine, he' argued, la not a partisan question, but a policy which haa received the endorsement of both tha democratic and republican parties fof 1 thirty-five yeara. Failure of the republican party to leginlate to that end. In twenty years of power, he said, showed It the more culpable. . "The 'democratic party," he added, "now haa the power to legislate, and It will be equally culpable tf it falta to act It will be even more culpable If It does nothing, since the emergency created by the European war haa emphasised, as nothing else could have done, the supreme folly of subjecting the foreign commerce of thla great nation to tho hazards of ocean transportation under the flag of nations now engaged In the most gigantic war of all time. Regardleea of these hatard It la even greater folly from an economlo point of view to continue de liberately tha policy of trying to build up a great foreign trade, by leaving to our rivals tha control of tha vitally Im portant Instrument all t lea of ocean trans portation. So long aa our competitors own the shps, they make the rates, they control tha service and they determine the routes. With this power It la easy to favor their own commerce fcndi dis criminate against ours." War Increasea Rates. The secretary pointed out that tha wlth drayal of 13 per tent of tha world's total ateam tonnage which before tha war amounted to 16,400,000 tons had operated to Increase ocean freight rates in un precedented fashion. Tha lack of Amer ican bottoms and tha fact that neutral ahipa cannot be depended upon haa prac tically destroyed the trade of tha United Statee with eome of tha belligerent na tiona In non-contraband articles. Ir. Adoo referred to the Increase In rates and aaid that on all commodities it haa amounted to between 60 and 300 per cent, whether cargoea were for English, European or Mediterranean port. "These enormous increasea," ha said, "constitute a heavy tax on the American producer. They are reflected In the lessened price which ha hsa been com pelled to take for his product. The In creased coat of carrying American pro duce and commodities to Europesn ports since the war brcJke out runs Into mil lions." Opportunity to grasp a large amount of trade la knocking at tha door of the nation, tha secretary declared, but busi ness men must have aesurauce of ocean transportation under the American flag, equal In quality, reliability and regu larity with European competltora. "American trade in foreign markets," he said, "will follow transportation under the American flag and thrive aa It never The markets of the world are before us the Orient as well aa South America. Enterprise and courage are needed: to secure them." Mr. McAdoo urged that efforts to build up a merchant marine through ship sub sidy had failed; that changes in the navi gation laws, with reduced wagea .to Amer ican seamen, would not be tolerated, and that the policy of discriminating tariff duties favoring Imports In American shlpe had been proved unworkable. Guarantcea of principal ani Interest of bonds Issued by private coropratlons en gaged In shipping, he said, was not worthy of nerlous consideration. Tho alternative left to those who wish to see the American flag flying tn every port waa In the bill now In congress with Its private corporation, of which the govern ment shall own 6 per cent of the stock. "The objection that the government mvst never go into' private business," said Mr. McAdoo In conclusion, "even though private capital refuses to engage In such business, when, the interests of the people imperatively demand It, Is al ways urged against any progressive step of thla character. Are we to be bound by a mere dogma of thla sort? For fifty yeara we have waited for private capital to provide an American merchant marine. For fifty yeara our foreign trade haa languished while we have waited. Shall we wait any longer upon a fatuous hope or lean any longer upon a broken reed? "Will the republicans, democrats and progressives In congress meet the cry of the American manufacturer, the Amer ican business man and the American banker by Immediately passing this measure, which will set our great country upon a new career of world. Influence? Will they vote now to carry out their long-neglected pledges to the people? Will they emancipate American com merce from dependence upon foreign vea sela and aet It safely on the highway of peaceful conquest, under the American flag, of the open markets of tha world V Bee- Want Ads Are tha Best Business Read Daily by People in Search ot Ad vertised Opportunities. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Edson Rich has been indisposed for the last few days. Lester Heyn is confined in Wise Memorial hospital with a bad case of rheumatism. A Pimply Face Loses Friends i Why Ktand Thin Humiliation When Kttt:irt'i I alcium Wafers in Week Make Your Face (Icmii and Radiant No need for anyone to wo about any lonaer with a lace covered with pim ple, blotches, eruptions, blackheada and liver spots. Thene are all due to lm purltlen In the blood. Cleanse the blood thoroughly and the blemishea will disappear. ' mm mm: eV V. nm I . a. l-mun- ma. "Everyone X,ooks at a Vaoo Bearing a lively Complexion It is Jfatoxe'e Orestes Otft to Woman." That's what Stuart's Calcium, Wafers are intended to accomplish and do ac Vompllsh. Their principal Ingredient 1 Calcium Sulphide, the quickest and most thorough blood cleanser known. These wonderful lit,tle wafers . aet rlrht lato the blood, and destrov erup tive substances prenent in It. In somo casea a few davs la sufficient to make a marked Improvement. And when the bb)od la pure the whole system is a ljandTed' per cent better. "lon't fret any longer about those blackheads, pimples, bolls, tetter, ec sema. spots or akin eruptions: thev all go and "go quick' If you una Stuart's Calcium Wafers. K to any druggist anywhere and buv a box. Price 60 centa. A small eam ple pnekatre mailed free bv addrcsainu F. A. wtuart Co.. 175 Stuart Bldg., Mar shall. Mich. MAIL YOUR ORDER .$4.9! . 8.7! 100 lbs. pure can sugar 10 lbs. special coffee........ Sold in combination, only. ,$7.7e pur goods are guaranteed. Try this order: If not satisfactory return at our expense. . MOYUNE TEA CO. 406 Wo. leth St. Causes .Momeiitoiis Matters Hinge m Chance . Som one attributed the prevent trouble abroad to the deafness of distinguished individual. This infirmity chanired it u .tare h. ,. .t.i .,. It hi. occupation ,d life work would have been different. Giving his mind to Study and research! he bec Z i'boglngs' 7 t Save had an amaatag Influence on hki countrymen. Whether there 1. anything in theae impreesions or not we cannot saybat now yoTwUl ek WhM h." all th?s to do wh AT KILPATRICK'S mer- .wJ.!"S a'1?"-? "tipping instruction, on many of our orders for foreign Merchants wlFyilyillTored toask hTrtee. "Z f "T f errS7,,0re "? "bi t? ing to cause war-4he war Itself ht.ned our .WpWs and because of'aU TrUfotprlS Cchn For Monday we offer Fancy Linens, Hand Embroidered Towels, Lunch Cloths, Doilies, Hem- 1 It? t !J J r.-tt r a i r . t . . ' ' atuenca ana unoreiaerea ruiow iei, maaeira oew, napkins, inters, etc. Austrian Damask Sets, Colored Austrian Breakfast Sets. $1.25 Irish Embroidered Towels ...,8e I The $1.E0 quality at 819 I SIS 00 rrada 9uqo . i ., k.fn-w.j.,.j,. . 60c German Emb'd Quest Towels.. 2Gc Scotch DamaskThe 1.60 extra heavy ' nH k"" Wednesday. Watch and, NINE INJURED AS REVIVAL TABERNACLE COLLAPSES Kl'IVTON. Mo., Jan. .-Nine persona wera Injured seriously lata today when a section of the root of a temporary tabornacle, being erected here for' a re vival, collapsed throwlnf twenty work' men to tha ground, about thirty feet below. Mn W. G. Porter. t.TJ St. Msry s avenue, started In to beat up his wife, l'rlday evening, Mrs. Torter demonstrated tliat sha U a strong Uel!evr la aqual rls'rte. ty gi awning a poker and ap I'lylng it to htr hujband'a head. Porter went down fur the count, and was later srrcsted on a charge t bi-fcting his wtfa. Andicw A.-h, temtmter, living at Seven Kxn'h and Caa, was rret4 on a Ilka ('ve. iVth women Uktifled In pilirt ourt. I'orlvr as sentenced to thirty ,, el. itc Anil, witoee wife pleaded In bin l-v-l.ulf. a given ninety dtty, eu- 1 1 T.'jI !; 'i-j? frIe" ad It ,U wht : Cf it. 3 lU'BUte. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells now To Get Quick Relief from liead-Oids. It1 Splendid! In one minute your clogged noetrila will open, tha air passages ot your head will cluar and you can breathe freely. Na inure hawking, anuffllng, blowing-, bead ache, drynena Ne struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of F3'a Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a lUUe of thla fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your uuetrt'a It penetrates through very air passage of tha bead, sootheej the liiflamtd or awolleo mucous mem brane and relief cumea Instantly. It'a Jut fine. IVn't aty etuf fed-up I 7 be German Emb'd Gueet Towels ...40c $1.00 German Emb d Ouest Towela 69c $$.26 Linen Pillow Caaee. with Cluny lace ede, pair ...$1.09 $3.00 Irlh Emb'd Caaes, pair ...$2.29 $3.60 Irish Emb'd Cases, pair .,..$2.49 $1.60 and $6 Irish Emb'd Cases . .$3.4 Two Beta only, all Linen, 1 sheet and 1 pair cases to set, $17.60 was the price, now . i $0.95 Two only, Irish Hand Embroidered sheets, $8.7S Instead of $12.60. Two only, French Emb'd Towels, Cluny Laca edge, at $4.73 each. Instead $7.60. $2.60 extra fine Linen Cases, each $1.95 Irish Emb'd Lunch Cloth, at $3.23 In stead ot $4.60. Two only, Madeira Cases, at $7.75 in stead of $13.60. IriBh Emb'd Lunch Cloth, at $8.95 In stead or $6.00. These lots you will note are small and as the values are very exceptional you must come earfy on Monday If Interested. German Stiver Bleached Damask the $1.26 quality at 98c Cream, at '...$1.10 The $1.26 Silver Bleached 98c These are our celebrated T K, Special brand. 1 ODI NAPKINS $1.60 grade, 17V4xl7H, dozen ..$1.19 $2.00 grade, 20x20, doien . ,..."!$1M) $2.26 grade, 20x20, dozen' $1.75 $2.60 grade, 20x20, dozen ......$2.13 $3.60 grade.' 21x21, dozen $2.73. $3.76 grade, 22x22, dozen .,....$2.93 $4.00 grade, 22x22, dozen $3.23 You get the exact facts and have In telligent naleepeople to wait pa you. ENGLISH SATIN QU1LTH Prices have already advanced considerably. Be ing forehanded with a large supply we are able on present stock to make liberal reductions from even the old prices. Witness and note the sizes: $6.60 grade, 86x97, each ....... .$5.23 $7.60 grade, 90x99, each $ti3 $8.60 grade, 90x99, each $7.25 $10 grade, each .- ....$.50 $12.60 grsde, each $9.50 $13.60 grade, 86x97. each ...... .$11.23 Odd Pattern Cloths $2.73 Instead of $3.60. $4.75 Instead of $4.60. $2.93, 8x12, Instead of $4.00. $3.95.8x12, instead Of $6.25. $4.50 8x14, Instead of $6.00. $3.23 8x16, instead of $6.76. $5.50 8x16, instead of $7.00, MONDAY ONLY 16c extra large, each 7 He 12J,4c hemstitched, each ...7 He 19c each for German Towels worth 26c. 25c each for German Towels worth S5c. 3fc each for German Towels worth 40c. 89c each for German Towels worth 60c. 49c each for German Towels worth 7bc TOWELING ANI CRASHES lac. Glass Toweling 7aC 12 He All Linen Toweling 9c 17 He Wash Crash 13 He 20c' Wash Crash 13o lfcc Air Linen Brown ....12Hc 17Hc All Linen Brown V..15c 20c All Linen Brown 10Hc We Intended to spring a White Goods sensation for Monday. Impossible to get Never nince we have beerin business, did we have such a day as we had on londay last. Almost doubled the Linen Sales of any day In our history. TIEERE'S A REASON and most of you know it. If YOU don't, ask your neighbor. White Sale on Setoud Floor continue with undiminished vigor." Some lots much lessened in such caaes we bunch several at a low price. AVe have called on tho Iteaervea and as stocks were large e continue unusual items for Monday. Night Gowns We confess that we bought m big quantity for THIS SALE No harm In admitting that we hope bought at a low price here is the basis of sale for Monday , . .loc . . .5c .7Wc , . .10c wait. Low prices on Cotton Goods also for Monday. 6c Wash Cloth's, 2 for ' 5c P,c and ?ttc Wash Cloths, 6 for .23c H'c large Wash Cloths, 3 for 23c Cotton Towels for Monday oc muck at, s ior 7'c Huck at .. 10c Huck at . . . . Uttc Huck at . . LINEN TOWELS All Towels of German manufacture we find difficult to duplicate at our pres ent retail prices. In other words hard for us to get the goods at the prices which we offer them for Monday. . EXTRA 1,000 yards of Extra Heavy All Linen Irish Crash 17 He instead of 23c ...... DAMASK Note the quality and compare the prices: 79c for all linen Irish Damask, was $1. 98c or extra fine Damask, was $1.25. $1.29 for double Damask, was $1.60. $1.49 for double Damask, was $1.75. $2.29 extra fine double Damask, was $3. 98c for Gowns which should sell at $l.-0. $1.39 for Gowns which should sell at $2. $1418 for Gowns which should sell at $3. Petticoats at $1.98 instead of $3.60. Gowns and Petticoats from our regular stock at One-third Off. Princess Blips from $1.00 up to $7.60, at One-half Price. -Dollar Slips for 60ct $7.60 Slips. $3.75. Brassieres, each 39o DRAWERS . Fine Drawers which sold up to $3.35 pair, at 98c 19c for what sold at 3uc. 2c for what' sold at 50c. 69c for what sold at $1.00. White Waists and Mouses for Sale . Monday A great lot of Voile, etc. - High and low necks, long and short sleeves, made' and. trimmed by those who know how. A glance will show that. $1.98 Instead ot $3.60 and $4.00. Women's Coats Dally complimentary things are said by customer's who have looked elsewhere. Our auxk has never been in such ronditiwn at this season. Styles up to the minute and the soles indicate that we have but little conietiUon In the matter of price and value. $15.00 to. $18.00 Coats for ... $22.60 to $30.00 Coata for .. $35.00 to $46.00 Coats for .. ' v Now let's all keep cool There la a little tendency to He tat Hoclinff iio slow friends We are ail getting, along nicely. Business is guod. We have no enemies. At peace with the whole world U-t's keep in the twiddle of the road. I ta of powdr lying around. Pray hcaen it may not ignite. . fC. $9 .08 ..$14.98 . .$19.50 Choose from the Children's' Coats sold up to $20.00 at ....,.$4.75 or $9.50 Monday in the Children's Section Our entire stock of colored Dresses on sale. Cotton School l)ret's, ages 4 to 17 years. Ginghams, Percales, Crepes, Chamhrays, etc., 09c, Otto, $1.39, $1.98 and $2.50, all much under value. One lot of Serge Dresses, . brown and navies, sold up to $3.75, at . . 31.08 One lot of ChalUes, Corduroys,, Serges, etc., sold up to $6.50, at 83.00 One lot Panamas, ChalUes, etc., sold up to $10.00. at . $5.00 One lot fine Wool materials, splendid styles, rold up to $12.50, at ..ST.ftO One lot high class, Including Juniors', sold up te $22.50. at $9.00 Infants' White Dresses, 6 mos., 1 and 2 years, machine' and hand" made, 08c, $1.29. $1.69, $1.98 and $2.08, sold up to $5.00. Angora Hoods the Real Thing, 50c in stead of $1.50. Crocheted Caps, large sizes, sold up to $150, at 39c Many for women. Auto Hoods Tarns Corduroy and Vel vets Hoods, each '. ..98c opicnaia sweaters ror Dig gins, soll up to, at, earn JJrapery fcection Third Floor Owing to an accident thla department was overlooked tn a recent ad. Monday we make prkee which will crowd the business of many days Into one. 50-lnch Sunfast Overhanging, sold ud to $1.60, at ,:9C ART SECTION $1.00 Stamped Gowns ooc 50c and 60c Towels .....80c Pillow Blips, stamped also '.soc 45c Stamped Guest To els ! 2c Knit Slippers, slightly soiled, at, pr., 40c Odd lot Embroidery Cottons, doz. loc On One Table! Crochet Sets. Runners, Scar fa, Pillows, Glove Boxes with - Crochet Hooks. Thread and Linen, sold up to $2.00, choice at ,$l.oo Have neither time nor space to refer to the Specials in Wool Dress Goods and Silks. Do not forget to visit these sec tions Monday. : . . y Silks adapted to Kimonos, sold up to v. ...25 Quakerand Allover Nets, sold up to 35c, at " 19o Quaker and Allover Nets, sold up to 45c. at ' ; 29o Quaker and Allover Nets sold up to 76c, at 49c Quaker -and Allover Nets, sold up to $115. at 79c 30c and 35c Cretonnes 19c 3 0-lnch Sunfaat, 25c instead of 50c. $2.60 Muslin Bed Set $1.29 $3.00 Couch Cover $1.98 36-lnch 16c Swiss ,.10o Scrim worth up to 46c, fer 104 Scotch Madras, sold up to 60c, for 8oe - come QuKkly, Advertisement.