G A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 10, 1915. t YON HINDENBERG SWAHPEDBY GIFTS German Fopul&r Hero Beceivci 5,000 Pints of Beer nd 1,000 Cigar in One Day. - HlTtLIXG BACK THE BUSSIAK3 GERMAN ARMT HEADQUAR TERS, POSEN, D. 19 (delayed In transmission). (Via London, Jan. .) -"Even the occupation of tha Warsaw and of the Vistula line wouM br no means signify the end of the campaign. The Russians with their immense territories can rail back In definitely. Defeated at Warsaw, they can fall back on Kiev, from Kiev on Moscow and eventually erea on Vladivostok, of course, we can not follow that far." Thus spoke Germany's popular hero. Field Marshal von HlnoVnbenr. to The Associated rresa eom spondent In . the course of a four-hour conversation today. He explained how the midwinter Poland campaign In which the Russian advance , was checked and rolled back had involved frtfhtful blood-Jettlnfc Hmm I..ea IrrlbI. . . . Jfever tn the days of the battle of Tan nenher and tho retreat of the Russian General Rennenkampffs army from the Masurian lakes did the Russians lose so heavily as In the sanguinary flghtlnr around Wloolawek,- Kutno, Jodxan and IjOwIcs. the field marshal said. lie added that at least 144.000 Ruaslans had ben killed or .wounded since Novem ber 13 and that lio'ooo other Russians had been made prisoners. , The contest, sc cordlna to von Illndenberg, had been pro reedlnf everywhere favorably to the Oer ' mans and Austrian! since the fall of Loo's and the commencement of the Russian retreat. Yet Field Marshal von Iflnden- ber declared that all the fight bad not ' been taken out of the Russians. Field Marshal and Ills Maalarhe. - Bo largo, of frame is the field marshal that he seemed under, Instead of over, the average height. He has a farge bead and rugged shoulders and wears a heavy sweeping mustache less acgreislv In curve than the emperor's, 'but equally characteristic, Tho correspondent dined with General von Illndenberg nd during the meal the conversation was Informal, .the cares of army leader seemingly having been for gotten. In the work room of the general was a staff map of Poland, overflowing from tho table on all sides to the floor. General von Hlndenberg was Inclined to switch the conversation from the war to the United States, Wvhtch. he said, he had long been anxious to visit. He was not so much Interested In the skyscrapers of New Tork, he ssld, as in the country west of the Misstsslpprostallejr. The conversation ran a wide range of topics. The field marshal talked of the hanged tactics of the cavalry, to whom he ssld he would give bayonets; of the bravery oC his Austrian ally; of the clothes basket full of letter he received dally, some of them from the United Rates and wrtb spatial amusement of the quantities at gifts that were being forwarded to htm. Today he received J, 000 pints at beer lor his personal use, 1.009 cigars (he does riot smoke) an Im mense cake which was brought In during the dinner and which bore In Icing an advertisement of a ladies' blouse which had been named in his honor, . Asked as to the fighting qualities of the Russians, Field Msrshal von JUndan berg ssld It wss hard to make a general statement la this respect, as the quality of the men varied with the 'different races and nationalities. Some of these, he said, furnished inferior fighting men. but the real Russtsns were of excellent material. Answering another question Von Hlndeuberg ssld: , j The Taralna Pol at. , "The fall of Lods was the turning point In the present campaign. The Russians fought desperately for possession of this city, on which the Center of their line rested. , . "The Russian line was bent, broken In this battle. The Russian leader, like a wise man, did not wait for that, but when he saw. how affairs were going, with drew. " 4 . "The hatlie wss the most bitter and ssrgulnary of this war, the Russian killed and wounded far exceeding f the figures at Tannenberg. The dead lay In heapa oa the battlefield. There were 178 bodies en one small hUl.M MINE HURLS WATER 350 FEET Explosion of trotal-gelatine mine, new invention, off Fort Wads worth, Sunday. Corporal Cassenas, explosive ex pert, who set cap, and Lieutenant Woodward (at right), inventor. The ex plosive is trotal-gelatine, and will not explode unless a certain percussion cap Is used. The minescontain ing the explosive may be thrown around carelessly without danger, so long as the caps are not in position. j i' .1 ? v.i t, '-;, V-- ill it In J A) i Prico of Wheat Drops Two Cents . . on Chicagp Market CHICAGO. Jan. . -Wheat prices dropped todsy as If struck with a ham mer. Opening prices were In some cases nearly to a bushel lower than last night. May selling down to $1.38, as compared with Sl.eo's at yesterday's close. Fear of the effects of talk of an em bargo ea the export of breadstuff as well as on arms and ammunition had much te do with, the sudden decline. Despite 'the fact that buying on the 1 art of the exporters and domestic millers afterward rallied prices, the mar ket seemed to go to pieces In the final quarter hour of the session. Quotations fUl a full cent a bushel below the low. eet point at the stsrt. May selling as low us $1.38, Conditions at the close were much, disordered at a decline of r1 te S tents. v Sualler Leaves at Bread. WASHINGTON, Jan. .-8maUer loaves of bread or an Increase In the price is ons effect likely to result of the rise la heat. In the opinion of Charles J. Brand. tiler of the federal bureau of markets. Moreover, Mr. Brand believes ths Araer Itao farmer will not be a first-hand beneficiary of ths soaring price. With sood prices and good markets, which have prevaliod fur the last few months, Jir. li rand believe a major portion of the 1314 wheat crop do longer Is owned by the farmers, but has passed to the hands of the elevator men and the grain ueaiers. Oaatc Off Each L,Mf. rLXVTIf Jan. .-lulutn bakers to day reJiioed the else of the I and l-cent '.ova of bread a ounce. The reduction kit weight Is made Instead of an Increase tn prue, owing to the present high price FILIPINOS READY : FOR INDEPENDENCE W. Morgan Shutter Telli House Committee He Hai Changed .His Toiat of View. JAPATJ DOES HOT WANT ISLANDS aaksaasana.. WAfrinKOTON'. aJn l.-w! Marnn' Bhuster. for elsht years an American official ln the Philippines, before becom ing an International figure In the finances Of Persia, told the senate PhillDnlnes committee today he believed Japan would be glad to enter Into a treaty with the Cnlted States to neutralise the Islands. Bhuster could not conceive of any for- etgn power -attempting the conquest of the Philippines after the withdrawal of the United States. There was an un. written Uonroe. dootrlna In the far aaat maintained by Japan, he said, whlchl would make that nation oppose the entry ef any other power Into the Philippine roup. "It Is my opinion Japan does not want tha Phiilpplnss." ha said, "and would be glad te enter Into a neutralisation treaty lor their protection on our withdrawal." Japan,' he said, had vast territory of Its own undeveloped, and Japanese col onisation of the Philippines was highly Improbable now or In ths future because of rlirpatlo and economlo conditions. He believed a neutralisation treaty with Japan would be sufficient, but that all nations might be'asked to Join In it with advantage. - "The events of the last six months In Europe," he said, "made him believe a a treaty would be respectsd, A strong power has violated' the law ef nations there." he said, "and Is suffering, and will continue to suffer for It There has been a quickening of the moral sense among rations. I believe that is shown by tha shock with which the world received tha violation of , Belgian neutrality." . lie added he believed treaties In the future would be more binding than In the past and not looked upon as "scraps of paper." Senator Uppltt contrasted statements by Shuster published several years ago opposing the Independence of tha lslanda with articles recently published by him taking the opposite view. Bhuster re plied It was true be. had changed his opinion. Eight years as a government official In the Islands, he' said, had tinged him with the thought of those with whom be worked. Since, that time ha had seen dther people, and was now convinced that tha Filipinos could maintain a govern fent satisfactory to themselves and give reasonable sssuranoe to tha rest of the world of order and protection of for eigners. Bhuster favored tha adminis tration bill for a greater measure of self government and urged that It Include some definite promise of complete Inde pendence. ; "I predict that If the United States re. tains the islands and gives no' definite promise of Independence for twenty-five years more, they will never be given their freedom," he said. Newton W. Gilbert, formerly vice gov ernor general of the Islanda, favored the bill so far as It granted additional powers to the FtUpraos, but disapproved the declaration as to independence. ijr " i-i-sairiiTrtrijirijvjTjxnjxn-ixjtjt. A NEW J! L IDEA I tt Hour. lte Movrla Strgrwlar. Nothing better lhaa Lr. King's Naw Lire Pills for constipation, Indiaestloa and sour stomach. Get a bottle. Only c. AIJ druggist. Adveni.-inent. Tl.e n.ot desimLle employers advertise la Tte lit -iie:p tVajiUd" tulumn. Toko caro of tho dieostion, for it is from this source you receive your health and strength. Poorly digested food only clogs the system, upsets the liver, causes constipation and makes you feel miser able You cannot afford to allow such, a condition o continue and run chances of having sickness overtake you. Be on the. safe side and help Nature restore the stomach, liver and bowels to a normal condition by the use of i E. TITTER STODACH BITTERS It ha a stimulating and toning effect upon these organs, kids"digs. tion, restores-the appetite, and is really conducive to better health. Try a bottle do it now. . . rMrAMABMMttfkwVWVnkfajatfWafaa IT n Now for the Greatest ana Most Sensational Cut Price Sale Ever Attempted by Any Furniture House in Omaha The people of Omaha have learned in the past that when the Bubel Store promises you a Bensation you get it. Now, we promise you the greatest and most amazing sacrifice sale of dependable home furnishings that has ever been held in the city of Omaha and that's what it will be. . , We are determined to dispose of every sample piece of furniture and all odds and ends in this store, no matter how great.the loss to us. These small lots are "doomed" and will be thrown out at the most ridiculously low prices prices that will insure the imme diate removal of these goods. f . , , , . j Naif IPriee amd tess Kldw Many articles are offered at actually less than half former prices. A great number are priced at a discount of just 50. Think of it, prices cut just in half. Other prices cut from 20 to 50. By far the deepest cut in price we have ever made. Sale Begins Tomorrow Horning With the opening of this store tomorrow the sale begins. Prices have been cut and slashed from top floor to basement A terrific sacrifice will be made and you will be the gainer. Don't let anything interfere with your coming. GOODS STORED IF DESIRED AND DELIVERED LATER. Buy now; to wait until spring is to pay from 20 to 50 more for your goods. Buy now and save the difference. We ..-Ml J Vt etui o your gouas ,s FREE OF CHARGE If you wish and deliver them at any time you may request. 1 jh. 7T1 .J. UMT" Your Cash Does Double Duty During This Sale. $39.50 BUFFET, Now $19.75 I Lot 573 Extra large massive buffets, quarter-sawed oak, fum , ed finish, plank top, sub stantially built; former price $39.50; sale price. . 9 . ' iy nassivff Dulleta, L$tl(?l75rpr - B17T1XT8 117.50 Buffets at .'....,....$ B.93 119.60 Buffet at .SO 124.00 Puffets at.. tla.OO t.10.00 Muffota at 81.6 137.60 Buffets at.......... 19.6o 47.50 Buffets at .. .828.60 60.00 Muffets at ..88.60 76.00 Burfets at 948.00 80.00 Buffets at 848. OO 185.75 Buffets at..., tfil.uo X.BATK2S 11 16 119 122 134 40. 158. $70. nO Sockers.' now.. f 4.73 uu Mockra, now... 9 7.60 uu Kooicers. now.... 60 Korkers. now .60 Rockers, now..,. .60 Kockftra. now. 00 Rockers, now.... U0 Bookers, now 00 Bocksrs, now ...I .75 .aia.74 .$18.80 .aas.75 .837.80 .4a.S0 WOOD BEAT KOCXima 2.75 Rockers, now 9 l.go 4.75 Bockei-s, now f 8.85 8.00 Rockers, now., $ 8,98 7.60 Rockers, now.. $ a.73 9.00 Bonkers, now a 4. AO 114.00 Hmkers. now........j .75 1 20.00 Rockers, now B a.fin 124.00 Rockers, now 8ia.7d 3 $28 DRESSER, for Slat A sjlendid solid oak dresser, well made and well fin ished; large French oevel mirror: . a tre mendous value at sale price of $10 ROCKER, now $4.95 An excellent rocker, made of solid Oak, full spring seat; C I flC a comfortable, dur- vi) vw able rocker, now at " :s half price.-. 18.60 18.50 7.50 29.00 86.00 40.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 I 90.00 1125.00 8146.00 Dressers ...... Uressers ...... Dreseers ...... Dressers ...... Dressers ...... Dressers ...... Dressers ...... Dressers Dressers Dressers ...... Dressers Dressers ...... CKxrroxrxzM t 8.75 Chiffoniers ill.50 Chiffoniers 115.00 Chiffoniers 126 00 Chiffoniers ........ $35.00 Chiffoniers $40.00 Chiffoniers $52.50 Chiffoniers $5.00 Chiffoniers $70.00 Chiffoniers , Biirnrct cxazsi 8.00 Dining; Chairs tl.BO $ 4. 26 Dining ChaJrs 83.10 6.00 Dlnlna- Chairs. ...... .83.00 t $.68 Dlnlna- Chairs. ....... .854)0 .00 Dlnlna- Cha-lrs 86.00 11$. 00 Dlnlna Chairs 87.85 Also china closets and serving tables. Prices reduced to tha very limit. . 7.84 . 8.50 .813.80 .814.50 .818.00 .88 1.00 .835.85 .$30.00 .839.00 .854.00 .886.00 .887.81 .f J80 .8 e.oo .8 8.00 .819.50 .8183 .8aa.oo .888.85 .835.00 .843,50 $2Q DRAGS DED, for$14.95 Made with massive tubing through out; a strong, 'dur able bed satin fin ish, full size, worth 28; sale price MANY PIECES AT 1 USUAL PRICES $19.75 TABLE, for $9.75 A surprising value, heavy pillar ex tension table, round top; one of many 're duced; special price mH this sale, only. Sf0tf5 Rample Iron Beda.. $ 7.6U Iron Beda... $ 9.60 Iron Beda... $11.00 lruli Beds... $16.00 lruu BeUa... $11.64 Brass Beds. UtOW BSBS afases Bma.88 BHDS .93.50 .83.63 .84.78 .88.60 $8.00 a.93 zxTzjrnojr tajblzv $18.00 Extan.ion Tsbles $1$.00 Kxtsnsion Tables $22.80 Kxtenslon Tables $:'7.50 Kxtenaion Tables $L'9.75 Kxtenaion Tables $30.00 Kxtenalon Tables $ 8.78 .... .T8 - .811.53 314.75 317.00 18.60 $17 50 Brass Beds 8.T5 $25.00 Brass Be1 811.60 :.0( Brass r HkU $13.50 1 4 09 Brass Beds tHM tIS.uO Brass Herts $38,00 $76 00 Brass . Bads $41.00 $37 69 Extension Tables 82000 $41.00 Extension Taiilea 834.73 $56.00 ExUuslon Tables $38.00 $0 00 xtension Tables 8340 $S 00 Extension . Tatiles $4AM $5 75 Extension - Tablea ....$67.49 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . . These ads will start you on the road to wealth f