Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE JWX: OMAHA. HATUltDAY. JANtTARr 9, 1915.
Fidelity Storar. k Tan Co. Son. S80.
Bar. Boot Print Xt Now Beacon Pre.
Barsas . Orand.a Co. Lighting; fix
tures. "r Complat MoTto PTorrms
rlaaaiflcd section today, and appear la
Th Be EXCLUSIVELY rind out whal
tha varlov moving plctur. theater offer.
Xaoraaaed confidence mum Incresswd
business, both nationally and locally.
Locate your office In The Bee Building,
"the building that is always new" for
Increased business and prosperity.
outers Bar. Oood Xdiek Russeil
Kbersteln, with Guy and M. Coleman,
have Just returned from a hunting trip
t Tysen. Nob., where they succeeded In
bagging thirty-two rabbits.
Magyar Fined Five Dollars John
Vagycr, Roumanian, celebrated the Greek
Christmas Thursday by boating up
Oeorgo Nelson, 209 North Thirteenth
treet. Magyer was fined 16 and costs in
police court.
Males' Watch Stolan J. II. MaJen of
the Omaha Gas company Informs the po
lice that someone, stole his watch as he
was traveling on a street car near Four
teenth and Howard streets. The watch
mi a present from the employes oi a
roncern with which Malon was formerly
JLuraors About Cupid Rumors of
Cupid's activity are flying thick; and fast
st the navy recruiting station. John F.
.Stauffer of tha recruiting corps la now
on his second trip to San Francisco
within three weeks, and his associate
here Insist that perhaps ho will not come
back alone this time.
Dancing Chambers' winter term, new
classes, opens Monday, January 4. Adult
beginners Mondays snd Thursdays, ip-m.
Assemblies Wednesdays, $ p. m. Ladles,
Tuesdays, Ip.m. - Children, Xuosdaya, p.
m.; Saturdays, 1:30 p. m. High school, 1:C0
p. m.; Saturdays, 7 p. m. Private lessons
by appointment. Up-to-tho-mlnute dancos
taught. List early. Phone D. 1S71.
Rotarians Give
Itemized List of
Ball Beneficiaries
An itemised statement of the recipients
of tho charity, - forthcoming from the
Pavlowa ball, under tho auspices of tho
Rotary club, has Just been given out. It
shows the City Mission In tha lead for
the largest amount to be given out to
any organisation. .
The list follows:
Name of Charltv.
Orrmha Citv Mission
Visiting Nurse association..
Associated t'hurllies .
Knrlnl Ret t loinent
Bt. James' Orphanage iot.pb
The Cm he : MO.Oft
Child KavInK Institute ..... 1:48.75
Christ Child aoelely 2.R
House of Ilope M.Oo
Salvation Army M7.W
Associated Jewish Charities 40.93
Old People'a Home 40.30
St. Vincent De Paul 0!!0
Tnlon Gospel Mission ......... 3fl.fi5
Trlnitv Cathedral fund
Nebraska Ilumano society .......... 10. R5
German Home . 16.65
Moose Chsrltv committee IS. 66
Rev. Wanner" Mission 1B.55
Wis Memorial hospital 15.42
' Mrs. Ahlqulst (for Poor Farm).. 10.30
Invalids' Pension fund 10.30
.. 322.60
.. -I :.!!
Volunteers of America
Nebraska Children's Home
Jewish Ladles' . Relief society ,
Total for charity '.
Pavlowa Ballet company,
Miscellaneous Item
b. on
27. HO
Total receipts
Show Folk Wedded
Upon Gayety Stage
Every seat in the house was filled and
every inch of - available standing room
was in use last night at tha Gayety when
Fay Tunis, brunette beauty principal in
the "Winning Widow" company, wa
united In .marriage with Slgmund Ja
cobowsky en the stage during the inter
mission between act..
Justice of the Peace- Arthur Baldwin,
who took office yesterday, performed his
first official act when he read the mar
riage lines.
Miss Tunis was attended by Miss von
Katon, an old-time chum, and tha groom,
who Is an entertainer at the Rome vine
yard, was attended by Tom Grady, pro
ducer of the "Winning Widows." Four
year-old Vivian Cllne acted a ring
bearer. Those present at a wedding supper at
the Millard hotel were Slgmund Jacobow
sky, Miss Tunis. Tom Grady, M. M.
Thiese, Lewis Gilbert, Miss von Eaton,
K. L. Johnson. Leona Fox, Ben Holme
ani Judge Arthur Baldwin..
Miss Tunis will finish the season with
the "Winning Widows" company and Mr.
Jacobowsky will remala in Omaha with
the Rome cabaret performers.
Holdups Foiled
In Efforts to Rob
Two masked htgnwaymcn operating In
the south part of the city last night
were twice baffled In attempted hold
ups. They first appeared In the butcher
shop of Joe Laclna, 3702 South Thir
teenth, but were frightened away before
' they could get any money. Their second
attempt was when they boarded a street
car at Tenth and Valley. Conductor L
z B. Beasley and Motorman H. E. Dicken
son made a show of resistance and again
the would-be robbers fled.
Ben Thompson and Carl Hart, living
In rooming houses, have been arrested by
Detectives Ring and Van Dusen on sus
picion of knowing something about the
hollups. However, so far none of the
intended victims have positively Identi
fied the arrested men.
Funeral Services for
Fred Klee Sunday
Funeral services for Fred Klee, aged
77 years, who died at his home, 1605 South
Fourth street, yesterday morning, will be
held Sunday at the residence, with inter
ment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr.
Klee had lived la Omaha for forty-five
rARi.o, Jan -The cabinet lias ap
proved a measure for submission to Par
liament, making permanent the prohibi
tion of the sale of absinth and other
slnfllar liquor. The government finds
that the military decree forbidding ab
sinth ha benefited the population.
The cabinet has also approved a bill
which provides that no license shall bo
Issued to new establishment for the tsla
of spirituous liquors, unle." accessory to a
Culls from the Wiro
The Vnlted .tste naval collier Prcteua
passed through the Panama canal Wed
nesday. It Is the largest ship which has
uxod the waterway. On an averaare six
ships sre malclns; the trip throiiith the
canal daily. The canal channel is In
better condition than It has been s4nee
October 13, when tho last big slide oc
curred. llarton Pewell, vice president and one
of the orssnlsers of the Amerlmn Smelt
ing end Hi'tinlng company and a vi'termi
of the civil war. died at New York after
an lllncs of several months. Mr. Seoll
was Vi years old.
Men prominent In art from all parts) of
'the country were present st Minneapolis
I at the rtodlratlon of tho Minneapolis In
stitute of Arts. The institute is the re
sult of a fniir-yeara' rampalin. Pon
Kratulatorw messages Included one from
President Wilson. j
The Arlmna mothers' pension Isw, so- I
proved before the people In the election
Inst November, wss attacked In a wilt
filed In l'restott on behalf of the Pres-
cntt riinmber cf Commerce. lnflT the
law nil slnte chsiltnrle Institutions ere
to bo sold to provide a fund, out of
which to pension wllmw-d mothers and
ejjed dependents. Pensions to mother
are fixed at II". a month, with P addi
tional for es h child. The Chamber of
Commerce sek to have enforcements of
the law eniolned In onlr to Present thn
snip of the Pren-ott I'loncera' Home, a
shelter for sued Indiernt.
McAdoos Ride in
Cab of an Engine
AI.UI QVERQUE. N. M., Jan. .-ln
the cab of an engine, Secretary and Mr.
William G. McAdoo rode from Wlnslow
to Aiumana. Arts., today.
At Adamana the train was held for
ten minutes to permit Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Adoo to view the Petrifiel forest. They
are returning to Washington from iiaa
Friday, Jan. 8, 1915.-
-Store News for Saturday -
Phone Douglas 137
T h WndirM Whnt mA Clearaway
Fffl tihw
Whole tir
With th Kichst ppKtnMti SafcuuMay
Again, There's Something New To
Be Had in Splendid Dollar WAISTS Winter Sale of
EVER so many people bought Wlrthmor .Waist for gift purposes.
There will be a bigger demand for Wlrthmore Waists in the future
than In the past, because of the many women who bought and were
satisfied during the holiday season, and we're well prepared to meet
the demand, not
with old styles, but
with brand nbw,
tfresh. crisp, pretty
models, the kind
that will appeal to
most everyone.
These new styles 11-
lust rated at the left,
of which we have
but a limited quan
tity, wUl go' on sale
Saturday at, choice,
BursMs-Hash Co. Stain Floor.
These Pure Thread SILK HOSE
at 65c Are Splendid $1.00 Values
THEV are a part of a very special pick-up. we were able to consum
mate and we give you the benefit. They are pure thread silk, black
or white with lisle garter tops, full fashioned, regular made foot; high
spliced heel and double toe; termed as run of the mill of $1.00 values,.
Bnrfsss-irash Co. Main Floor.
Just to Remind You
That our First Mid
Starts Next Mon., January 1 1
Unusual buying conditions
and months of careful planning
bring enormous stocks In great
assortment and unparalleled
values. '
Bm window and ppr for particulars.
Mid -Winter SOAP, DRUG
SPjVEIIAL special lots of toilets and preparations have
been thrown out on the counters for Saturday and priced
for quick clearance. I'lease do not ak us to accept phone or mall order.
Feb Naphtha
Soap JO
cakes for !tlo
Sanl-Flush, 26c
can 17c
Jap Rose soap,
4 cakes .. .25c
Palmolive soap,
2 cakes . . .13c
"C laundry
soap, 12
cakes for 25c
P. & G. Naph
tha soap, 10
cakes for.. .30c
Canthrox sham
poo, 60c else 29c
20-Mule Team
Borax, 1 lb. .Oc
Toilet Articles I
Pebeco Tooth.
Paste, 60c- size
for 84o
S a n 1 1 o 1 Face
Cream, 26c size
for 17c
Palmolive Cr'ni
50c size. . .84o
Theatrical cr'm,
V lb. ..29c
Theatrical Cr'ni
1 lb. ...43c
Itorax chips,
large size
parkaffo 19c
Williams' shav
ing soap, cako
for 3c
Guaranteed hot
water bottles
for 89c
Toilet paper,
10c rolls, 4
for 25c
Household am
monia, qt 13c
Liquid Veneer;
50c site. . . .300
Liquid Veneer;
26c site ,. . . 19c
Patent Medicines
Jad Salts, '76o
package . . .53c
Horlick'a Malt
ed milk, $1 size
for 69c
Kondon'a Ca
tarrh Remedy;
60c size . . .86c
C h amberlain's
Cough Remedy,
26c size . . .19o
THE new short stage last winter gaiter
top button boots, made from fine quality
patent leather with fast black cloth gaiter
tops, very flexible welt sewed soles
and half Louis heels. Very dressy.
In great demand and are exceptional
values for Saturday, at, pair, 82.05
Burg-asa-Kash Co. Main Floor.
Cle'araway of
EXAMPLES of the special val
ue In force Saturday:
75c Vanity Cases, 4nV
German silver vanity cases, sev
eral atyles at 48o.
50c Hair Pins, 3 He
Rhinestone hair pins, sheU,
amber and demi-aniber, at 8c.
Silverware, 12 IMJces 93.00
1881 Roger's $ dwt. silver
plated knives and forks, set of 12
pieces, 93.00.
50c Ilat Pins, 29c
Hat pins In a big selection of
small heads, 29c.
$1.00 Locket Chains, 39c
Gold filled locket chains, regu
lar 11.00 values, 39c.
8I.OO Cuff Links, 48c
Gold front and gold filled cuff
links, $1.00 values, 4 He.
B ar-lfash Co. Mtala floor.
Harrison's Simplex
Gloves at 50c a Pair
A R R I S O N'S simplex fabric
' gloves; looks like kid, fits
like kid and is washable; black,
white, gray, navy, biscuit and sand
ehades. Very special values.
BurK-Vash Co. Mala moor
Whipped cream
chocolates, 40c
quality, lb. .25c
B 1 a ck Walnut
penochl, lb. 25c
Peanut Brittle,
special, lb . . 12c
Peanut Brittle,
home made, per
lb ..19c
Fresh Cream
Caramels, a s -sorted,
lb., 25n
Guntber'a Box
Candles, former
$1, 91.25 and
$1.60 boxes H9o
Toasted Marsh
mallows, at, pet
lb 17o
Sale of Nuts
A Clearing of Our Kntlre Htock
Very (special alues.
Peanuts, fresh,
roasted, qt., 4c
Brazil Nuts, at,
per lb 12o
Pecans very
large, lb. . . 18c
English Wal
nuts, lb. . .10o
Almonds, spe
cial, lb. ... 19c
California Figs,
per pkg. . . .7c
Box Paper at V2 ric
An aslortment of box stationery
and correspondence cards; linen
finish, slightly soiled. Saturday at
Bora-ass-Wash Co, Mala moor
Wonderful Clearaway of Women's
And Evening Wraps
for Saturday
T T'S clearaway timo in this section and for
X Saturday vco have gone through our stocks
and put prices on women's now winter coats and
evening wraps that will insure immediate dis
posal. Two big lots offered to you like this:
Women's COATS and
That Were $19.60 to $22.50
THEY ani all new models the most favored for the
season, including many individual pieces. Tho ma
terials are broadcloths, zebelines, etc., some with fur
collars, all lined throughout with a good quality satin.
Women's COATS and
' $HM
Entire Sample Line of Men's Famous
"Updegraff" GLOVES at About Price
THE offering includes dress, lined and unlined gauntlets, buck
skin, auto, fur and wool lined gloves in a great variety of kinds
and styles. Gloves that would sell regularly up to $6.00 a pair, di
vided into four lots, choice '
48c, 98c, $1.48 and $2.98 a Pair
AQV'ICK clearaway of odd pieces of brass Roods, in
cluding vases, candlesticks, .umbrella stands, Jardi
nieres, smokers' articles, flower baskets, dinner gongs,
pedestals, smoking stands, ash trays, brass aud bronse
floor lami,s, large and small irays wltu tile centers,
coaster sets, cake stands, etc., prices from 25o to $14.00,
choice at exactly half price.
Barr -Waali Oo-Fourth Floor,
Women's 50c Neckwear, 10c
A GROUP -of neckwear. Including Jabots, gulmpes,
vestees, flat collars, etc., big range of selection. In
cluding neckwear formerly priced to 60c. Clearaway
price Saturday, choice, 10c.
Bnrf ss-sTssa Co. Main floor
Our First Mid-Winter Clearaway Boy's and Youth's Clothing
A DECISIVE price clipping that is certain to clear our stocks in a hurry. Our entire boys'
clothing department is affected, including suits, overcoats, mackisaws, wash suits, pants,
etc. Our stocks of boys' clothing represent the product of the foremost makers the high char
acter "Skolny" made clothes for boys predominates the stock. The saving advantages are most
unusual. This idea:
Men's $2.50 Shirts, $1.50
French flannel sTiirta, with French
cuffs and neck bands, fresh, new
goods, silk stripes, $2.50 grades, $l.ftO.
Men's 19c Hose, 12c
Record hosiery In black or tan, reg
ular 19c quality, sale price Saturday,
Burrsss-Kssh Co. Mala moor.
That Were Formerly $25,(
$30, $35, $40 and $45.00
BEAUTIFUL new models in plush, broadcloth,
broadtail, Arabian lamb, cut velour, etc.
Every garment splendidly tailored and finished
throughout Scores of pretty styles, many of
them exclusive and individual. Just the sort of
garments that will appeal to the women who
give a thought to their dress.
Clearaway of Children's Coats
at $4.50, $6.98 and $9.50
THREE big groups, Including the season's latest styles,
made up In a variety of the most favored winter
weight materials.
Children's winter coats, formerly $7.l8, now. . , .$4JS0
Children's winter coats, formerly 918.0H, now...$6.0H
Children's wlntw ronta, formerly 919.(10, now ... $9.5(1
Bart-Ms-Bash Coeona floor.
Boys' $5.00 Suits, $3.45
All boys' suits In casalmere, cordu
roy, Scotches, blue serges, An
Including two pair pants, AS
were $5.00. for VUKM
Boys' $10.00 Suits, $7.50
All our finest boys' suits, formerly
$10, sale price In the
clearaway Saturday. . ,
Boys' $7.50 Suits, $5.C0
All our boys' suits In all the pre-
aillng fabric; blngle and
two-pants suits, formerly
$ (.60, prlo-j row, . .
Boys' $12.50 Suits, $8.50
All our boys' suits, in fine imports I
Scotches, tweeds, wor
steds, were $12.50...,
a iu aaw-
Boys' $8.50 Suits, $6.00
'All our boys' suits with single and
two pairs of pants
formerly $8.60, sale price'
per suit
Boys' $16.50 Suits, $11.50
All our boys' suits, tailored by hand,
formerly $15 and dl 1 Eft
$10.50, sale price P 1 ItUU
Boys' $5.00 Reefers, $3.45 I Child's $6.00 Reefers, $2.95 I Boys' Balmacaan Coats
Bargass-sTash Co.
roartn rioor.
Knitting and Crocheting
Will be given by a competent in
structor Saturday from 9 to 11 a. m.
and i to 6 p. in l'lelsher yarns featured.
Barrsaa-Baaa Co. Third Floor. ,
Boys' chinchilla reefer coats.
at $u.00; colors, blue,
brown, gray and oxford;
sizes 2 '-i to 8 yrs., bale pr
Children's $5 Overcoats, $3.50
Children's astrakan and fur e'.iaal
collar Kersey coats that sell at 3. GO
ana so.uu, sale price
34.50 and
Children's reefers and over
ages '2k to 7 years i
formerly to $6.00 values.
bale price
Boys' $5.00 to $7.50 Overcoats,
Boys' school overcoats, convertible
collars; sizes 9 to 17; value ' lo
$7.50, sale price
Buvs' balinaraan and cuti vci tihlp
OVrriusts. stars 4 to 10, In brautiful
rouKli Scotc h overcoaiinerx: clilru lilllas
In brown, hi u. 'oxford, ami anions; Hie
brtlrr ttrurltts art tli. genuine iinoritd
Irish I twin. vicunas.
15.00 Coat. al prlc. B3.BO
H.M Coats. wl prto M.00
17.60 Coat. 4U. prlo. l 5.00
18.50 Coat, sal. prlo '. M.00
110 aaa 11 Coats, sal. prlo S7.SO
HSJO Coata, sal. prlo ta.60
t fi UJr J Ijf. W V III
ill" "
,GTss t iA
ltlCil it-
Ieconomy easement! I
, .1
Women' Winter Coati Formerly Priced to $18.00; $4.79
w hVEKAI. very desirable lata styles; made of
plushes, boucles, Arabian lamb, & A 7 Ck
cheviots, eponge, etc., most of them PlL 7
?atln lined throughout, choice
AVonin'M Huils, formerly $12.08, now $4.08
lnclt:dliiK such popular materials as serire and pop
lins, ifood sssortmKiit of colors, choice. M.8.
Women' Coat Formerly at $10.00 to
$12.50; at 98c
Odd coats from lines formerly $10 f f
and $12.60; good, warm, serviceable U?
garments, sizes IB to 36 only, choice, WW
Women's CoaU, fonnrrly $15.00, now $ii.7
Wonderful values In misses' chinchilla coats, mads
with belts and trimmed with valval, apectal at :t.7!.
Woinrnn's $1S,00 l'arty llrcta, now $
Chlfron party dresses. In llsht blue and pink, sizes
IS and 3, several very pretty models.
Women' Glove and Mittens, Formerly
to $1.50. at Pair. 25c
YES. they're odd lota and broken
rare values If your size is here,
in? Includes women's kid gloves, boys'
gauntlets, fleefle lined glovea and
mittens. Many styles and kinds, for
merly to $1.50, choice Saturday, pair
lines, but
The offer-
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
Boys' $2.50 Suits and Overcoats at $1.50
Boys' $2.98 Suits and Overcoats at.... $1.95
Boys' $4.00 and $5i00Suits and Overcoats at $2.95
Boys' $4.50 School Overcoats for $2.95
Women's $3.00 to $3.50 Shoes, $1.49
l7 OMKN'S dress and street shoes, broken lines and fac-
tory surplus, perfect In every way made in button
and lace styles pcient, gunmetal. kid and tan calfskin
with kid and cloth tops. Flexible soles, Cuban, military
MnJ In... 1. I Li I . I . ... .. -
ouu iu iirt-ii-. oiiurs mm were maae to sen
at $3.00 and $3.60; all sUes represented. A
very special offering for Friday at. pair
Burf.-aah Co BooBomy Bas.m.ut.
A Special for Saturday
Fresti cut, long stem, assorted col
or, and white, special at Cut Flower
section, dozen SOo
Bura--aTaa Co. Mala rioor.