THE r.EK: OMAHA. SATt'RIWV. .TANTAKY 0. 1015. JOKER ON HIDES TO SPOIL TRADE Small Dealers of State Would Be Forced Out of Business if Kate Revision Goes Through. DEALERS FILE A PROTEST IVlrrs In Wdrs nnd furs have un- i.vrrrd a )itt! Joker buried In the re-, vlxton of classification No. 1 frelRht iile., which In ppmlins hofnre the Ne braska Railway commi..irn. t.nd on which a hrarlno; Is t he had next Mon day. In one section of this achedule la liidden an Item relating tovlrt than car loud shipments, lvlilch reads "hiilca, Rieen mid FHltd. Including ho klna, cured iid,M!ted. In tlKht Imrrcla only-lf not :o parked not accepted." It Is discovered that this would estah I sh a new rule applicable In Ntbroska. mily, by which the shipment of hides In bales or parkaiccs would be completely I i-ohibited, although kIWI . prev;illlnn In l(iteigtate sblpments. Mont of these hides iiime from fanners, consigned n smsll numbers, on which a rr nulrcmcnt of In .UiH'irc in tlKht barrels would stop thlp- plrrtt HltoKether. or divert the shlpmeats V dealers outside of Nebraska. Statistics hastily compiled by Dunn Arnold of the National lrur and Tannins company, indl'-ate that during the last year seventeen concern at different Ne brnska points, lneiudin five at Omaha, received .lH.flcfl bundles of hides, valued at IfiST.Onp, and to put them Irt barrels would have cost the shipper a tremend ous nmount of money. Will Spoil Hiislnens. "One day last week." suys Mr. Arnold, "V. S. Adams of Frcnont received 3t9 bunldrs tif liidcs coiiFicped to him from the farmers In Nebraska and nearby ter ritory. Mr. Adams' facilities are not such that he could handle these hides should they have been shipped to him In bar rels and t doubt much if the railroad company could have taken care, of that many barrels with promptness and dis patch. "Yehterday the National Fur & Tanning Co. received Cur tanning and manufac turing Into leather and fur goods 155 brndlrs, two loads from the depots, not more than two of the hides were boxed and none of them arrived In barrels; the balance came In bundles. If the hides had reached up In barrels there would have been many more loads and our 'acilitles for handling them here at the tannery would have been' inadequate. W hen this inadequacy of facilities for receiving, storing and caring for barrel shipments Is applied to the , numerous dealers scattered over ,tho state of Ne braska you get something of an Idea of what the new classification would mean to tne Nebraska hide and tanning In dustry." "kins All Animals. "Owing to keen competition on the part of dealers and tanners the farmer Is now rei-eivliig enough for his hides so that he skins each horse that he lows and each cow that he butchers. These hides find their way to the Nebraska deaJer who is willing to pay the highest price for them. In turn they are tanned Into leather or furs and go to make up the material that goes Into shoes, fur goods, harness and other leather products. Al ready there la a big scarcity of hides in the United States and for this reason, hoea and other leather products are on the advance. If thd farmer must purchase a tisrht barrel in order to' ship a horse hide or cow, hld Ms net profits will be materially reduced nnd the result will be that many hides will go to waste, the hide supplv will further diminish, leather will be higher and shoes and leather products cannot help hut cost the con sumer more." The hide dealers and tanners have put In a protest at Lincoln arrainst the pro posed change, which they hope to block. Hotel Clerk Who Mysteriously Left y Omaha is Located Charles W. Teeten. former clerk at the I Schlltn hotel, who disappeared recently I for the second time In two years, has Just been located In Chicago by Joseph McCaffrey, head clork at the Schllts and secretary of the Nebraska-Iowa Hotel Clerks' association. About the same time Teeten was lo cated, McCaffrey says, the missing clerk's wife. Mrs. Ktta Teeten, nnd little boy, Carl William, disappeared from Omaha and are said to be trying to elud Teeten, who wantf: to return to Omaha, but has no funds and no position open. Mrs, Teeten Is said to fear that her husband will seek to gain custody of the hoy, who la the child of his first wife. Mrs. Teeten is Bald to be working in a nearby town. Mysterious disappearances of Teeteen on two occasions are said to be due to temporary loss of memory and wander lust. McCaffrey atates that Tetten wants to re-enter hotel work; now, and he has been placed on the waiting list of the local clerks' association. ' CLUB NOMINATIONS MAY; BE ANNOUNCED TODAY Nominations tor1 the sixty places on the board of directors of the Commercial club will probably be announced o day. The nominating committee has been working on this for some time, but the process is somem-hat cumbersome this year, owing to the change which re quires the nominating committee to ob tain lists of ellgibles from the various commercial organizations of the city""- OMAHA GIRL gets letter from Ireland acknowledging re- ii eelpt or present sent to Europe on Santa Clans ship Jason v ( r r" y 1 1 I t , : A i I ' ' : , Novel Coupon Free to The Bee Readers for Show at Boyd By special arrangement with Manager Burgess, The Bee wUl be able to give free to its readers a coupon good for 25 or 50 cents upon the purchaao of a Ucket to see "The Fight," the stirring drama to he put on at the Boyd next week by the clever stock company play ing there. Of course, the coupon will bo good only for a designated performance, to which It will entitle the holder to buy two tickets for the price, of one. This novel coupon with fuller particulars will appear In The Bee Sunday so watch the lower right-hand corner of this page. OMAHA GIRL GETS LETTER OF THANKS i Recipients of Presents Iwnt on Jason 1 n Tr)anI C..I. TJU Vn,-A. ,v .iiniiu mii'ia AJtillY nviua ofppreciation. CHILDREN ARE ALL DELIGHTED lonie Wood, 7 jrai-oi,! !a'iKhier of i Mi . ii. id Mr.'. ,1 S. o.- .. Myrtle i aiiiiie, is the fii.t In this Mull to re . ceixo a letn'r of thanks from .recipients : of Chrislmns presents sent ever lo K.iuope 1 by the Ameiirm people. The missive Is writtHt by lls Irene A. llall-Actim of Ulliivicurrnli. lutli drum, Ireland, one of the volunteer work eis who dlFlrlhiitcd the present.! .ithered by The llee Slid other papers lor the war stricken homes of llurope. 'Miss IUII-A ton was the represent at tr otn society which Is i nKaged III looKliig aTter lamllirs of Hritlsli soldleis and riillors. There eie rluM i liildren In the small rural district amiitned to her and eight Kl'ts were turned over to her. including a pretty bonnet. In whlrh little Miss WoM hsd placed her b iter and picture. The children who received tho girts were hluhly pleased, says Miss Bull Act on. and she continue "They thought It so kind of all you American children. 1 am enclosing two extracts from a news paper, which will show you all how much ever) body is touched by your and the other children's thoughts) for their broth ers and sIMeis In Kurope." nunnrl tn HoMler's Dnnahtcr. A little girl, whose last nsmo Is Kln sella and wln Is the daughter of a pil vnte in the Irish Oiinrd at the front. Is now wearing the bonnet sent by Miss Wood. The little Omaha girl was highly pleased to hear that her gifts were appre ciated by the recipients) in far-auy Ire land. Sixty-three large rases formed Ire land's share of the Jason's cargo, ac cording to articles .from tho Irish Times enclosed In the letter. Many of the gifts, says the newspaper, were accompanied by messages of sympaUiy, especially from children. One newaraper article closes as follows: "I think that a thousand humble Irish homes will send bsck across the sea a prayer of pleaauro and gratitude grati tude for useful gifts sent In good season, pleasure of the little ones at their toys and their crckerjacks-an echo of. the thank of nation to nation for the Santa Clsus ship, a token of good will." suggest huge brick wall ; Foot Ball Players SWITZERLAND ON RHINE f j, (Cortf sihindence of the Associated 1'iess I OKNKVA. Pec. ll.-Tlie F ls As.iorla tlon of Brick Manufacturers has seilously siiRncsied that the Swiss gover-ment erect a nail of brick along the rter Uhtne. extending from Basel to Chnv. end which would be of sufficient thick ness to resist the shejls from tho fninouj, Herman howitzers. Ci,ireind n e of The Associated Press.) I.ONrmv. .Inn. 4. To offset erlticlm at.ilusl rofrsTonal fimi ball, which has ben charged with hampering recruiting, authority liss been grnnted for the for mation of a battalion of athletes snd fool ball playcrt:, to be known as the Srven teenlii foi.t ball bnttullon of the Middle-" sex regiment. Bee ifant Ads Are the Best Business Read Dally by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. Don't Let Voir Cold Get Worse. Bell's Plne-Tar-Uoney will cure your cough and give you restful sleep. Good for children. Only 23c. All druggists. Advertisement. j. a Announcement Apollo Week J? at HOSPE'S An Opportunity for Player Piano Purchasers From Monday to Saturday, Jan. 11th to 16th, Mr. Earl Holland, the repre sentative of the APOLLO, will dem onstrate the possibilities of the ONLY HUMAN TOUCH PLAYER, the only player playing DOWN ON THE KEYS. The MUSICIAN plays DOWN ON THE KEYS-so does the APOLLO. We will have some TEMPTING PRICES and TERMS to offer those who wish to purchase NOW or LATER. Don't miss this opportunity. A..MOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas Street IE i JOim A. SWANSON, PrceitteBt Ml Eye ISSoS ass WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treaswer IT PGTTTTTTTO mm mm wmf MRrJOHN'A. SWANSON, President Of The Nebraska Clothing: Co. ,1m the Originator of the Half Price Clearance Sate. Mr. Swanson's progreHsive methods have placed thia tore in the front rank of America's foremost clothing establishments. , Everybody who compares valoes sees at a glance that our Half Price Sale is Omaha's supreme clearance event, because it offers world's best clothes at Half Price. , . Hii lUii stocks down out with them. WW JlllQJ) 0)dl y So Keep the new store New regardless of cost 07 or loss. Smash prices right and left. This is oo time to think of prof its. Give such sensational bargains that every body will know that a decisive, determined campaign toclearthestoreison" The "I Wlir Man's Word Is Law, and Thousands of People are Making $1.00 do the Work of $2.00 in this Slashing Sale. . . JU& ... It : . " m t Greatest Broadside of Bonafide Bargains Ever Offered A Sale of Vital Importance to Men, Young Men and Boys ANY . (Q)M Our Entire High Grade Fall and Winter Stock The Best Selected, Most Comprehensive Collection- of World's Best Clothes Go. in This Sweepin ' . ' . i cr r F H A P fH ry Tu izz3 1 .rrrra a- ALL $10.00 SUITS S AND OVERCOATS, At Half Price N ALL $20.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Half Price Here's the Way The "I Will Man" Cuts the Heart Out of Prices You men of Omaha can thank the "I Will" man for such unequaled reductions make the most of it Saturday. t oo I ALL $40.00 SUITS AND >Ch OVERCOATS, HALF PRICE pdjviJ AND OVERCOATS At Half Price ALL $25.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Half Price ALL $15.00 SUITS Cera 50 M Half Pri.'e , ALL $30.00 SUITS Q. ilin rtTTPTlfin A rrici K At Half Price u fl .00 ALL $18.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS, At Half Price.; ALL $35.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Half Price.... DyOO FUR AND FUR LINED OVERCOATS AND BLACK SUITS ALONE EXCEPTED ALL OUR FINEST $50.00 V OVERCOATS, HALF PRICE LV All Siics (or All Hen We'll fit erery mn In this great Half Price sale. Stout men, tall or abort men, bis men. Extra aizea. AH Blue Serge Suits Included at One-Half Price SPECIAL 50TICE During thia aale No charges. do C. O. D.'a, no Approvals, and a light charge for alteration. Anv $2.50 to $10.00 Boys' Suit Half Price Now They go at.... SU .25 ftrt S.OO 2Z0 10 $1000 By8' Overcoat o-- U Half Price Now They go at.... SI .25 tO SSvOO SEE OUR WIN DOWS TODAY 4 The "J Will" Man' Greatest SHIRT SALE Manhattan, E.xcello, Yorke and Bates Street Shirts at Slashing Clearance Sale Prices. i: i U i-iat A. lAAUAkl CORRECT APPAREL FOR MKN AND WOMKN. The "I Will" Man's Greatest SALE OF GLOVES Hundreds of pairs of Men'a Warm Gloves, Gaunt 1 lets and Mitts, values 75c to $5, at 35 to $3.00 !! i i 3P ua'.t..ifcju