THK HKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 0. I'll... 13 FOR RENT lloaaea and (nllain. 12600 Four large ronmi and bath; heated. second floor; Pernio park. ITione Wal nut tvj. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 3-horso van and I men. $1.36 per nr.; storage SJ per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4MS Ty. ;m. POBBENf We hava a complete lint of all homos, apartments and flats that are for rent. Thla Urt cwn be mm free of chare- at Omaha Van Storage Co.. K 80. Kth St. KKAI, K8TATK rn.M A H i It IAXDK TOR SAI.K Minnesota. l' between Minneapolis and Pu- luth. on the Soo line, 4 miles from rail road town ; 70 acre under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and aomr good meadow; no wasto land: fair set bulld near school; land border on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; 1 chicken, plenty of feed. wagon, buggy and everything on the place, goes at J) Per acre: one-half cash. Schwab Broa., Via Plymouth Hide... Minneapolis, Minn. Co Fidelity Storage storage, moving, packing and shipping. lth Jackson Sts. , Phone I'ouglas f Trvnspa. ,n " Prt of xh c,ljr- FOR RENT Modern S-room houao. 3U6 8. Inth Ave. Inquire T. J. tVHrlen. Henahaw Hotel. Mar. 1HH. Douglas 1216. and Stor- Large men. 11.60 per hr. 1713 REAL KSTATB NORTH K1DK 'Maggard's ;; uer nr.; aiay. i men, t.; Webster. Ioug. lw. J. C. Reed 1VVU 1X1? Fa mar moving, storngt.. 1OT Farnam. U. 4I14R. ROOM modern cottage, fine location. Phone Webster SfiiW. 211 LOCrST-6 rooms, 19 N. ltfTH, 10T8-4Si 8. mod. Web. R2I.T 9-r.. all mod.. Jxi. 22d St.. 9-r.. all mod.. HO. M7 8. 25th St.. ,Vr. part mod.. $3.0i. 3456 S. Ifith St., 6-r. well, $10. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Be Bldg. , Douglas a MODERN HOME. One block No. 24th. 6-r. en Uar e. mod ern. $27.60. H block Farnam line, 3!V2 Cats, big yard. 8-r 2-story, square. 40. BRU'K FI.ATS. -r.. ll South 80th St., $23. 8-r., near Hodge on Sotli. $12. 0. O'KKKFH REAL ESTATE CO.. MIS Omaha Nat. Doug. 271. Nebraska. Farms Near Omaha 0 acres near Elk City, almost new Im provement, not foot of waste land $iw rr. cro: rH"h "T .March 1. bali.nce $j.O90. 1 years. 6 per cent. lfO acres well Improved, level, produc tlve 1 val ey lBn. I. price, y t er acre; $; caah. $;uo March 1, balance, $H.000. 6 years, ft per cent. 162 arret Improved; S r. house; verv pro ductive upland and valley tarm; western Sarpv county; 2s acres pasture, balance ail under cultivation. Price. $!) per acre; one-third cash. hHlnce 6 years, i per cent. Rented for VMo. Pr.'"i la' Mral overlooking Omaha, frice $i-2n; H.irtj oaaii. $A.n) mure March 1. balHnoo 5 yeara, b per cfnt. M acres, laya Ideal. Sarpy countv $100 per Rcre. POK THK MAN OF MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buys e-roorn bunaalow. every medr eveulene and aevaral utlt-ln feature. (wner la really sacrificing at this price; $VO down; balance like rent; near Kuunrae ' GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. Sn (44 Brandet Bldg- 4- acres, improved 1 cation. Price. $130 S-r. house; fine lo- tMf 1 . r - vn a Knie I cash, balance u years, 6 per cent. 20 acre. Improved, laya ideal, quite nandy to Omaha: stock. Implement, etc. Price for all, $i.500; some terms. 2 acrea level upland: 4-r. house, all other neoesnary outbuildlngs-a homelike place. Price, l,lu; onc-hslf caah, balance t per "ont.- ALSO another ideal 40 acres, ,so acrea and three or four lu-Hcre farms, all within 2o miles ot Omaha. ALSO SO acrea. i:0 acres, acres and 331 acres. 1'piami: aomewhat rolling farms, 35 miles northeast ot Council Ulu'fs. In ood loca- HOl"Rn.S FOR RENT Strictly modem and up-to-!ate S-reom house, with i bathrooms, hot water heat, and every convenience. In the bet. part lit tliA IVAot Parnnm rl i ,( tiJi tint month. Owner will give long letti If de t,on- anrl ''''' Kod towns; exceedingly sired. K-'od goods for the money;-considerable Peven rooms, sleeping porch and sun ' jl'n" nd clover and practically all can room, new and flesirahle, exceptional! y ! v.i.iii. . ire 10 too per acre; nno. view, quiet nelKiiiorlioou $ or with garage. Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern hardwood finish in first story, bed rooms upstairs, one 'bedroom or don and bath on first floor This house fronts on a. paved street and boulevard, 2'4 blocks from car line. Five-room cottage. l blocks from the Harney Bt. car line $10. Five-room St. Louis brick flat, close in $30. rooms, modern, 422 Harney $rio. 3 H. Dl'MONT & CO.. 1603 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 690. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE . FOR $1,000.00 t-ot 60x127. ' At 3310 Blondo Streot W. H. GATES CI7 Omaha Nat. Bank BU. Doug. REAL KSTATF SOVTH SIDR FIELD ctril DISTRICT. Brand new two-story dwelling, modern In every respect, built by day labor; full hasement. guaranteed furnace, three fine bedrooms and roomy sleeping porch, ele- I'ainroom. nied floor, large living; OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Very Light and Prices Not Materially Changed Fat Sheep Active. HOGS GENERALLY TEN LOWER SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. S. 1910. Receipts were: Official Monday t'Tnclal Tuesday S S4t lOTflcial WMneeday.. .2 Official Thtireday ;t.!C0 Estimate Friday A Cattle. Hoga. Sheep . .;ni .i7 l.'.M.' I.1 2.CM i.f0 7 fed ewes 1R4 fed ewes , 1X7 fed ewes . -'-S fed amhs W fed lambs 10 fed lambs 1i HV l'U M H 8 b 0 fi M) 75 Ti 7 X t lllCAt.O I.I V R TO K MARKET .1.V 11,14 . 1 1 .! .700 &S.414 (54.507 4.M P4.tii 41. KM 47 S4.0 t 06.S12 4.S) Five days thla week.21.IM Same dav last me days 2 wks. ago. s.771 Same daya B wka. ggo.24.att7 Sm ! 'ks. aco.lti.'Ai Same days last year... 19.4 The following table shews the receipts or rattle, hogs, and sheep at the South Omaha live stork market for the ear to date, as compared with laat year: ... 11S. 114. Inc. cattle j 21,7119 shirrs i.:ui I'" J 70,W .44 10.1M Bheep T.ts8 60.SW J?..' The following tahl fhnn fhA il'inli price for hogs at the ficuth Omaha live dlaincr enn . . . K . 1 "" in eruin l.MlHina liva ana nicely arranged kitchen. This bean- iii m noim is in the Meld club district, surrounded by fine residence. Owner would consider clear cottage as part pay ment or sell on very reasonable terms, ou cant tell about a house until tou TZF "V w" h to "how through at any time. SCOTT HILT j CO., Douglas 1009. 1M8-7- McCague Bldg com ps rise ns : you 2 Sold-One Left Choice -roem. strictly modern bunga low; front room 12x23; 3 rooms In oak. oak floora throughout; choice east front lot. fronting on boulevard, 1004 S. S4th St. Price low and terms taey. It us show you this today. Rasp Bros. lOfi McCagtie Bldg. Dnuglas ir.63. one-thirtl cash March 1, balance 6 years. "3 wr cenr. y K ER Y ONE of Khe above farma will make you money. ACT TODAV. Delays ur uHnNerous OR1.N S. .SlERRILL COMPANY, N., E. Corner 23d and M Bts., South Omaha, Neb. . WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6140. HAMILTON CO., the only gentile eevond hand atore In Omaha. 1719 Cumlng.D. MS WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 on well Im proved ranch consisting of 8,300 acrea In Banner county. Nebraska. Address Hop Brown, Bighorn. Neb. REAL ESTATE riBH ft RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Arkaniu, Put Yourself . in Clover Buy all the rich, fertile land you can afford to own In our sunny level uplands in venirai Arxansas; long trowing sea son; ample rainfall; excellent drainage; abundance of pure water; good' health conditions; alfalfa yields & cuttings year, average ton to the cutting and brings SIS to $20 ton; potatoes, both Irish and sweet; also corn and cotton make enormous yields; the conditions are ideal for dairy ing; also for stock and hog raising, hav ing free range all year around; chickens are big- money makers as well aa truck gardening; three big markets close by. These lands are 30 miles south of Little Boca, a city of 80,000; few miles north of Pine Bluff, city of 26,000, and 60 miles east of Hot borings, the noted health resort, with 100,000 visits annually. The railroad runs through our land; we can sell you now close to town and shipping station; there is a government agricultural demon strator stationed in our county; he will advise you tree ot charge how and when to plant, cultivate and market your crops; this land is selling in 40-acre tracts and up. on the terms of $1.60 an acre down, possession any time, balance 20 years; terms less than, rent; big land selling excursion dally; low rate; free trips to buyers who answer this Advertisement. Write or call for free photographs and full Information. Open Munrtay and evenlnt'a. E. T. THTEK CO., 409 Timet, Bldg . St. Louis. Mo. Invest in Nebraska Land i ty dollars win secure you any sized unci i rum i" acres upward; after in taction pay 10 PER CENT of your pur inase. then 9 years in which to pay bal ance. Our North Platte Valley Irrigated land i iiib or any in iNr.HKASKA, and is a SOl'ND INVKSTMKnt PRICKS $45 TO $M0 per acre. Including FI LL PAID WATER RIGHT. Bear in mind that the acreage Is limited at theso prices: buy now and pave the way for good substantial profits. Avoid speculation, INVEST WHERE TOP It MONEY IS SAKE and sure to bring profitable return". Write or call today for particirlara. MONEY BACK IF NOT W. T. SMITH CO., HI1 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Omaha Neb.- 640 A., 01 ml. from Erlcaon, Neb.; fine improvements; gool alfalfa country; $lu per acre; easy terms. J. E. Qlbney, EJk- ii'irn, i -1, FOR SALE S20-A. relinquishment. ml. from Stapleton. well imnroved. fnr v,f Telephone connections to town. Address California. CALIFORNIA. For Sale: In Tulare county, California, farm of l,12o acres, two miles from sta tion on Southern Pacific railroad, on oiled road. Land is all fenced and is level Has been in train, but soil la well suited to alfalfa, and there is abundance ot water. An excellent syndicate or sub division proposition. Price $100 aij acre. -'8,000 cash; balance may remain ou mort gage at per cent. O. L. PRENTISS, 1136 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angcies, Cal. New York. rOK bALE A productive farm of, 2d acres, good buildings. 300 grafted apple trees in bearing condition; good sugar Kuan, iim wbixt vnever tailing); land ini iv wii xi. r. u. route; tele- ihiuiiu tuiinwugni; easy railroad , con nections; want to sell before Feb. 1, 1915 If purchased of the undersigned owner there will be no agents' commission to tiw. mi- i per acre, Terms easy. U. O. Ildred. R. F. D. 2. Oneonta, N. X. Oklahoma.. 1,000 ACRES, large and small tracts; ab solute title; Pittsburg Co., farming, pas ture, oil, coal land; So to Mb per aore. Write J. E.,Cavanah. McAlester. Okl. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Beat uatiy and genera crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for gala at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let $4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres watted. Write about our grazing lands. If Interested in fruit lands, ask tor booklet on Apple OrcUarda in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. , MlaeellaaeoOk. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmere farm. 20 acres, muck prairie land. Uthoff, tut) 1 lines Bldg., St. iaouii, Mo. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and kirn loans, bm. Der enni.' J. II. Duaont & Co.,hiu2 Farnam. Omaha WANTED City loans. Pmers Trust Co. Buy Among Nebraska People CALIFORNIA Is calling you ihla ex position year. Let us snow you our Sacramento Valley land, the equal of ny in CALIFORNIA for richness of soil, l eauty of surroundings, and -Ideal rail lo- . h,ri'ef.1K P'r cr nd up. Including full paid water rignt. TEN PER CENT OvN, BALANCE 10 PER CENT i r. AHliT LNTIL PAID. ONLY TU ACRES will he sold at theso l.r.ces and terms. All sizes. Improved and unimproved. NVtt excursion January 19, i--ilal rates to puic;,fctrb. Write or all today. W. T. SMITH CO., Ill City NaPI Bk. Bljg. Omaha. Veb o Canada. :-OR 8ALB BY OWNER Improved half section very chou-e wheat land in one .1 the best districts in Pajikatchewan. l ull equipment of stock and Implement. "r,t cl,u,, condition, go with farm tt $oj per acre. Or would sell equipment M'Psratcly and rent farm to purchaser. :!.thr.K.P,ferBbeeV'ni, Fr Colo rate. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglaa 2713. tl'Ri to lio.oou made promptly. F. D. Weed Wead Bldg., mth and Farnam Sta. UABV1N BliQS at'tt 0 1rOA'NS- c- u- Carlbe7gCo! i ucavn OiU. Cl?-y,?ro,!rty- rge loans a specialty. W. II. 'ihomas. a$ Wtate Bank Bldg J1wNSrY !'ndf.,r cUy nd ft-rm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. i ... V.. "youJv"int loan. Lnlted States Trust? Co., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy i to 6-roomcotUge,"paTt cash, part modern, about $1,000 to $1 6u0 Address L 44, care Bee. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RB.EH Aba tract Co.. oldest abstract at Ilea in NKbiaaka. MS B-ndels Theater. fcEKK Title Uuaramee ajC Abstract Cau a mode:n ausuact office. M a), liio at Phone Douglas IMl. Western Farms riiat distrlet haa great opportunities for ll.rlfty families with small wvlngi La .an be bought on easy terra and paid for out of the crops. Jf you cannot nmke a first payment on a purchaee. but have . nough to start farming, we might help ju get a furni on ehares. The principal jequirement ia thrift. One splendid bargain we saw la ro acra. unimproved nearly level, dar loam soil, 7 miles from town. Thla Is In northeast Colorado near the Nebraska line, and can be bought for $12 00 per acre, one-fourth cash and balance In 10 yearly payments of $ each, wMh per cent interest. One wheat crop i almost certain to pay for the land. Will be glad Jo tell you all about It and arrange to have you see it. Harrison & Morton !. in umnna ,af. rianK h'ok. alleaUaivol. IMPROVED farms. $ per acre; alfalfa corn, cotton. Illinois Central experi mental farina show land very prodm tiir. Splendid climate. ti. P. rUebblns, ItilO Chicago. REAL ESTATE FOlt EXCHANGE 100 ACRES of land, rich, deep black loam soli, perfectly level, without a foot of waste; summer fallowed last summer and In perfect condition for seeding; located 1 miles from Drayton. N. D., a live town of l,t0 inhabitants In the most fertile sec tion of Red river valley of the north. Crop failure In this locality ia unknown, and market faciutlea unexcelled. This land will pay for Itself In one or two cropa To trade fur a clean, up-to-date stock ot tarm implements In some good town In eastern Nebraska, western Iowa or south eastern Houth Dakota, or will trade for modern residence property in Omaha at a ptica of Sw) -er acre. Address F 411, Bee. GOOD clean stock of implements and furniture. Eastern Nebraska, to ex changu fur western Jaud or income prop erty. J. 4J. Bee. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Poppleton Park Homesites Six More Excellent Lots sold thla week to substantial purchasers who wsnt fttibstantlal homes in a well Improved district. These purchasers secured these lots at piicee ranging from I.T76 to $606, they taking advantage ot the present low prices. The price they paid for each lot included Sidewalk, Sewer, City "Water ains and every lot and street put to the es tablished gTade. On March 1 will be raised ill remaining unsold lots From 10 to 20fo Be one of the fortunate ones by buying before that time. Go to our addition office at 44th and Chicngo Sts. on Saturday or Sunday. Or phone Douglaa 4233 any da'. , Salesmen and Autos at your service Shuler & Cary, Owners, . State Bank Bldg. - Date. I )!i4. iima.iimj ii.iu nmn umiu u Deo, 22.1 1 03V, 7 nil i a oi 7 kii a iuTm Holiday. i Mi 7 til 6 Wl 7 7r I 30) tattle Mon Hogs Weak tbeep Weak. CHICAHO. Jan. .-CATTLE-relelpts. 2. head; market slow; native steers, $S. S,"1i?. to, western, $1 Axjl t'. ri and heifers. $.1 lOiiX Oft; ciilves, JT.iV'i IO.0O. IKKJS-Ricpta, !,OM head; market weak. ISc lower; hulk of sales, $kk.1ii.10; light, $; mixed, Mw'ri.ln; heavy, rrv!7.l0; rough, $tl.7fr'Vi.t0; pigs, $.Y26 SHEEP AND LA MB." Receipt", 10 000 head; market weak; sheep, $Y0lrS.7&; ytarllngs. l afi7.!t0: lambs, $.y6H.o. ". I.oala Live Htex-k Market. . ST. LOl lS. Jsn. .-CATTLE-Recelpls. 1.3H) hend: market steady; native lxef rteers, $7. Oil 10.00; cows and hellers, $0 00 f0.7r; stockers and, feeders. $.V2.vt7 2j; southern steers, $.". 7017.75: cows and helf. ers. $4tOliU0: native calves, $ti.0O'u.a6. , HtXMJ-Reoilpts, 11,7 hesi; market lower, pigs and lights, SitOfflTlS: mixed land butchera, $7.0nfl7.2; good heavv. $7.10 6720. SHEF.P AND LAM HS Receipts, l.Oivi head; market strong; native muttons, S4 73 u"..X; lambs, $S.2.s.n8.i; yearlings. $7.25 Dea 2S. 4 ec. 4. Iec. 3D Deo. St. Dec. 37. 1 Dec. 24. Deo. 3. IX c 80. Dec. 3L Jan. 1.. Jan. 3 Jan. 3 Jan. 4.. Jan. t. Jan T 14 T04V T04V 7 13 19.1. T It T17 7 rtiHI 7 TO 7, 7 O0U .'an. !V4 Jan. .'an. ai 7 o 02 7 3 3 0HI I $4 ( T oj t ii s wi T w s oaf s n J 7 4J 7 U, j 7 7 t 111 7 7 Bal 7 U mi. 7 m 7 31 7 80 7 7 co 7 S 7 M 7 07: 7 OS 7 0s mis 7 n 7 OS 7 13 7 141 7 1.l! 7 11 7 14! 1" I W, 7 701 6 vtil T 63 S K t 7 I 7 71 112.13U. 0 00 7 SR I 90 IS 03 6 0 7 ' 00! 7 7; 3 471 171 7 ! $ 4t 7 1 8 WI 8 SOI 8 SI 8 IX 8 81 1310. 3 24 $ 30 8 3M 6 & 63 44 6 0 1. 6 68 6 78 t 70 6 6 7S S3 5 , Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock 1 '"I "in stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty. four hours ending at 3 o clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.HT's. C. M & St P.... V abash 3 Missouri Pacific... 1 L'nlon Pactllc 3 is C. A N. W., east.... 4 - 4 C N. W.. weat... 4 ' :8 4'., St, P., M. 4 O.. 1 6 C, H. & Q., east.... 1 3 C, B. Q., west.... 8 15 C-, R. I. ft P., casu 8 JK Illinois Centrl 4 6 Chicago Ot. Wes'.... I 4 Total receipts... IB ho DISPOSITION HEAD. 31 Morris & Co .Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co J. V?. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co...... So. Omaha Packing Co.. F. B. Lewis J. B. Root 4t Co J. II. Bulla Rosens lock Bros McCreary & Kellogg.... Sullivan Bros Rothschild M. A K. Calf Co IHIgglns Baker. Jones & Smith... Tanner Bros John Harvey twine Other buyer Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 17tt 201 -0 23 2 13 12 1 33 10 11 21 3 10 15 o 12 22 M 1.613 1.34 1,102 1..M1 L7H2 53 3. &'i 1,WJ 1.3M Cathedral District 1 Block to Farnam Car-$750 to $850 --Paving Paid Three tine Iota, on 41at Ave., lust smith of Burt. .Two corners and one Inside lot. These lots are being offered at an ex ceptionally low figure In view of the loca tion, distance to Farnam car line, and having all specials paid, such a sewer, water, sldewaik and paving. Wa can arrange ressonablo terms on these lots or will build to order nn small cash payment and balance monthly. i nose am worm investigating, (jgll us tor further particulars. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Looinana Nat l Hank King. D. 4w 373 7.730 ,23 Totals ' CATTLE Receipts of cattle thla morn ing numbered only 27 cars all told, which was not enough to make much of a mar ket, but what cattle there were generally sold In about the same notches as yes terday, there being little or no change In either direction. Receipts for the five days foot up 21,198 head, bring larger than any recent week except three weeks ago, and larger than a year ago. Still the market as a whole has been slightly lower on some kinds and higher on others. Quotations on Cattia prune yearlings, SS.Joi((.00i good to choice cornfoi beaves, SH OO 60: fair to good cornfed beeves, $7 SO&e ooiconimon to fair cornfed beeves, $&5ugjrf.60: good to cho'Ce range beeves, $7.7(jS; fair to good cornfed beeves, tt.1bW.1i: common to fair corn fed beevee, 14 754276; good to choice heifers, 86(7.36; good to choice cowa,$5.7t 6-4.00; fair to good cows, $5.0oti6.iJO; com mon to fair cows, 44.00A6.O0; good to cholos stockers and feedors, Iff.'UrtS 10; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.76ft I 7.26; common to fair rtockerg and feed ers, I6 i5.i6; stock .heifers, 2f; stock oows, $4,7546.76; stocg calves, $4.00i 3.00; veal calves, ri.oOG8.75; bulls, stags, etc.. 16.00660. Representative sal as: BEEF STEER9. A, rr. Ma a. Tt 10M ( M U M 170 M 1 Jr3 7 74 loot 7 0 1 11.10 7 k im i iu Kansas f'lty Live gok Market. KANSAS C1TT, Jan. 8.-CATTLI-Ite. retpta, (tin head, market i toady; prime fed steera 8 0t! 76: dressed beef steers, $7.4 675; western steers. $7.2ixf( 7.S& ; stink era and feeders, Sg.3W7.SO; bulls, $i.60dj1.76; calves, $..OiU10.36. HOOS IUh eipu. 8.000 head: market lower; bulk of sales. $!Hi7.06'. heavv, $7.0ttl7.10; packers and butchera HK0 7.10; light, $H.kf7.10; pigs, $rf.tiK 60. HKF;P AND IA MRS Receipts, 6.0n0 head; market higher; lambs, SS2.VrY; yearlings. S.7Mf7.tl6; wethers, S6.7b.t; ewos, $5.4O(fW.10. Mo City I.lve Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Jan. .-CATT7.K-Ra. celpts. 400 head; market nteady; butchora. S5.HMit.3ji cows and heifera, $4.7ot(i.7i. cannera, $4.0ti.00; stockers and feeders, K-X4I7.I3: calves. S6.OOrHS.00; bull, stags, etc . $4 MV(.10. HOGS Receipts. S.SOJV head; market 10c to 15e lower; heavy, $H.1tl.R"; mixed, $ . rti.gS; light, $H.7ffti.80; bulk or sales, 8tl,80 fit. SO. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 400 head; market 10c. to 15c higher; ewes, $3.50 ; lambs. $.0Ot.70. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market it Facing Unusual Condition, with the Traders Much Perplexed. CORN AND OATS MAKE GAINS f M. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Md.. Jan. 8.-CATTLTC Receipts. 600 head; market steady; steers, $7.ti.78; cows and heifers, $4.60ffl8.W; calves, $..WMr9.60. HO3-Roeelpts. S-OOft head: market lower; top, $7.10; bulk of sales. It.tntf7.tin. SHKEP AND LAMH8 Receipts, S.tuO head; market higher; lambs, $n.&a8.80. New York General Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-ITOAR-Raw. firm; molasses, S.S4o; centrifugal, 4.11c; refined ateady. At noon, sugar futures were llrm and from 3 to 4 points higher; sales sou tons. Bl'TTElC-Dull; receipts. 5,470 tubs; creamery, extras. (92 scoring), 34c; cream ery, (higher scoring), 32a;lfle; creamery, firsts, SK'l.tSSo;. seconds, JvifrSOc; ladles, current make, firsts, 33H24c; neooniU, 22Wi'i3i: packing stock, current make. No. 2. 217I21V.C CHKE4SE Irregular; receipts. 7fi7 boxes; stale, whole milk held average fancy, lfcil5l,ic; state, fresh specials, 14Vgl5c; state, average fancy, 14mj 14Vc. KOGS Excited; receipts. 4.0K4 cases; frish gMiUiered. extra fine, 44tt46c; extra firsts, 43c; firsts, 41?i42o; seoonds, 3Vy40u; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 47rnHo; gathered whites. 4lKff47c: hennery browns, 4fy4Ko; gathered browns and mixed colors, 40?f I 46c. I POPLTRT-Ll e, steady; wegtern chick ens, 13rl4c; fowls. 13-.nl6c; turke,s, li 'fltc; dressed quiet; western roasting Ithhckena. lM(17Hc; fresh fowls, 12Wl7u; lurgcys, iiwc, No. 41.. 14.. 14.. 4 . ,744 7 r , T 7 10 111 U7t 7 6 STlElia AND HEIFEnS. 36 North of podge Nineteen blocks west of P. O., 43xl22H; Improvements will go in this spring. Price now $676; $10 cash, balance monthly. Special discount if vou build. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101 Omaha National Douglaa 3715. 4,800 8-room, 2-i.tory mod- am houbo, electric lights and gu, hardwood finish, full cemented base meat. Splendid location. Terms made-to suit. 13,200 7-room. 2-story modern bouse, hot water heat, south front lot. Full cemented basement with laundry. Oood location. I m Dosing neighborhood. Terms if desired. W. T. SMITH CO. D. 2819. 1 11 L City Nat l Bk. Bldg. o REAL ESTATE .MISCELLANEOUS LIST your trade with me. Clarence Stev ens, Shenandoah, la. THREE-TON Avery farm truck, nearly naw, for sale or exchange tor weetern land. K 4.W. Hoe. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN Uglily improved farm of i6a acrea d ad laya fine and Is excellent smi ill exchange for good Omana reaideuce, u. K. COMBS. i.i Brandele T.teatxr. Omaha. Neb. Douglas tiii. Vit ACIIKi Tripp county. 6. D., for sals or trade. Will trade for city property, caah or gcoLa' furnishing. For further uaiuculara addrcus B 4".'. Bee. Start 1915 In a Home Of Your Own. Pay $30 Cash And Move In This house Is located south of 1-f.n. coin park, one block from the w mi.i. rar line It Is a brand new, all modern 6-room bungalow, well built and very conveniently arranged. I Also Have a Pretty 6-Room Bungalow In a beautltul North Side location, which you can move Into after making a cash payment of $43. Ou. This hou.e fronts east and Is modern throughout, with principal roora fiu Uheu tn oak. The monthly payments oa either of then houses are low enough Lo place them within the reach of any man who would like lo make hla rent money do more than pay for the mere prhl-s of living la tlie houae ot a landlord. If you want to inspect these houaea telephone in today and I will arrange to send a car for vou. E. P.' WRIGHT Call Douglaa 2938. Evenings: Alter p. in. Plio;i Wal nut itJ. 4ftt 4 ft ..loot 7ii .. 74 I 36 .. m 4u ..13M 4 A ..1110 t ;h ..IJHD 1 44 1M TW D0 7 lit ll IH 110 I W T M Hi 7.. t til IM 17 HEIFr.KS. I IM IM 3 II 1fl B 10 1 3 4M I 10 1 t TU IK 1 i tt s so i , 3 M IK CA LVES. l is tli , i 3 J) I II 1 I dm 7 m l , 1 176 7 t BTOcKKKS AND b iimJi.kx 8 47 I 60 U ; 4 3 400 S 71 )0 110 Ti 1 7H t 00 3. W SO U7 t M 7... 70) 10 t loo t io i no t oil 17 171 I M 1 IM 7 24 444 t 4 II HI T HO(W-Receipt wee rather r.uJralc In comparison with previous days of the week, about 111 cars, or 7,600 head com prising the day's supply. Total for the five days Is 63,418, being 16.000 head heavier than laat week, and 2.600 larger than tor any a year ago. Supplies for the week to date are larger than for any similar period alnce the second week of February last year. Chicago had another very liberal run this morning, and, In sympathy with a general break In prices at otner points, the local market opened out dulL with all buyers bidding fully a dime lower. Sellers thought that the moderate receipts at this point offered no excuse tor so large a decline, but when packers refused to better tlielp offers, the hogs finally started to move slowly at figures that were 10c lower than yesterday a average. Hutknf the offerings, was cashed at $B.kf(j4i.o, with a top of $7.00, Just 10c below yesterday's price. Values are now the lowest since the middle of Decem ber, when the average dropped to So. 88, and for the week to dato the market show a big 2&c decline. Representative sales: Ne. A. Kb. Pr. Jeo. At. b. Pr. It 401 M 1 71 11 -M to I an 41 411 ft fit, SI m ... I SO IT Ill lt t It 74 tbi 1J t M 71 M ... I l 14 K ... t J 71 Ml Ml I SO 71 fc1 ... ft II I4 ... t M ft lit ... f OS 7 X7 ... I M 74 344 ... 7 0 7 114 ... lit RH ECP Sellers quoted lambs steady to strong and aged aheep fully steady with yesterday's trade, and this, in faca of the fact that the receipts continued liberal, bing estimated at t.7u) head, against 1,763 a week ago. which was New Year's day, and t,4l4 on the corresponding day a year ago. Quite naturally the strictly good lambs of handy weight were In the best demand with the bulk of them. going around Stl.iU'&s oi and one shipment of fed "terns selling on shipping account at J6. The heavy and nit-alum gradea which have been discriminated against more or less of late, did not move as readily and found an outlet mainly at tftjfl4 2S. The aupply ot aged aheep did not differ materially from Thursday, consisting almost entirely of -ewes thst aera picked tip In a fairly active way In the aame notches as yesterday. The bulk of the ewes sold anywhere from $5.60 to $61. The clearance was seasonable, winding the market up for the week In very fair shape. Quotations on sheep and lambs: .-arrbs. good to choice. fc.6oflH.fc.,; lambs, fair to good, S 0p.f6; yearlings, good to choice, $7 Z4pl.i; yearlings, fair to good, ITOnfl 7.36; wethers, good to choice $i.2itf to; wethers, fair to good. S4.0iiM.2i, eaea, good to choice. $i.o6-a.0u, ears, fair to S'od. $6.a to. . Repiesrntat've sales: No. 4V P. 16 Idaho lambs 81 8 60 1 o Idaho Ismhs all k 60 r4 Idaho lambs 71 8 60 Hi feeder lambs 74 7 60 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 8. WHEAT- May, $1.3hS asked; July, S1.3B4 bid; No. 1 hard. $1.40'v, No. 1 northern, $1.24Hi 1.3SH; No. t northern, $1.31SU187H. FLOUR Advanced: fancy patents. $6.80; first clears, S5.X6; second clears, $4.00. BA RLKy ttuigtiMge. RYE $1.11 H. ' - BRAN-miiO. v CORN-No. 3 yellow. 7ft7Vtl OATS No. 3 white. oOHtp'Uc, FLAX-$174ie1.71V Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan. S.-WHEAT-No. 1 Manitoba, lis 7d; No. 2. lis 6d; No. 3. lis 2d; No. t hard winter. Us td. Futures nominal. 1 CORN American mixed, 7s d., strong; January, 7a ld; February, 7a d. St. Loala Grain Market. PT. 1XHTIS, Jan. 8,-WHEAT-No. S red. S1.3ftn.3; No. 3 hard, I1.864J1.37; May, 31.37H; July, $1.33. CORN No. 3, 71c: io. 3 white, 72e; May, 77e; July, 77'c. OAT8 No. 2, 834jo; No. 1 white, 3c. ' I Loral StocUa aad Bonds. Qu.Lttoas furnl.h.d hr Btiraa, Brlaksr 4 Oe., udiiiw ....i.ii.i u k ,,iiuih, D'.ra A Co. ptf...J. Falrm.nt rmsitj 7 PT ont stt... K.lrroant Praamrrr I pr cent guar.. Mountain StatM T. St T Utn.lia a C. V. R. a B Om.ha 4 C. M. St. Rr. aft Union Block Tarda, Obmb Bond. Caiptr. W. . Water la. ISM (Ml.hy Pacta's Co. la. Hit OMc.fO tr. . 1117 Arf.ntln. K. public t. 1 til Ubudc 1 p.r cat w.rrsntv Kias Co., Will., Is, 1. Uatola tal, oo. It, 1U lt AngelM Ry. la. 140 t City of Muntroal l. 117 (Hhkoah, K.b , School ts, 1134 Oir.ha A U. B. BU Rr. Is, 1IM Omaha Hrkool 4. 1M1 rlly of Omaha Wator U41 gan FranriKO. Cal.. la, IMl-leW.... Swift Co. U. 1144 Scrinnor, N.6., Wa W. 1MI Hupartor, Nb , Watar la. ls4 Wlcblta VoloD Stoik Yards la, 1M4., OMAHA. Jsn. 8. IMS. Competition for caah wheat yesterday on export account overbalanced ell else In the mnrkrt and gave the bulla a new hold on the situation. It will be remem bered bv those who gave the wheat mar ket close attention that In 14, when James A. Patten conducted a big deal In May wh?at. the price reached $1.38' as a high level, but with the finishing of the Pntten deal and after the smoke of baltlo had cleared away cash wheat sold aa high as $1.0 at Chicago and $ In the southwest. Thla was caused by depleted wheat reaorvea In the hand.a of fsrmera of the country, and those who held thla grain demanded much higher prices ami millers were obliged to meet with their Ideas. Some f the Importing nations have held bark tor a time, refusing to buy wheat and flour but yeaterdar those commodities were In most in gent demand and the strength was. quite pronounced. Oood sales of flour were reported at Chicago, aa well aa at other points, with the exception of Minneapolis, where a trade Journal complained of a lack of export business Farmere of Kansaa have gained their Point In the matter of wheat prices, aa It waa said that Interior polnta In that atate sold wheat delivered 8 rants over the Mnr price; Oiat hard turkey wheat was sold at 8 cents over the Kansaa Cltv May price Another Illustration of the strength In wheat was the fact that No. 1 northern old at Minneapolis at &c ever the May price in that market yesterday. Oalna were made of .,. for corn and titilc for oata Cash transactions In corn were nno.ooil bushels and oata LnOft.ono bush ela. About half the corn waa taken for export and nearly all the oata and the sales were made principally by Chicago ooncerna. Wheat waa 8H to 4We Mgh'r. Corn was 1c to lc higher. Mats were lc to 3c higher. Clearances of wheal and flour, were equal to I.7.000 bushels; corn. 151,000 bunshela; oats, 4V0ra) bushels At Liverpool, wheat closed Id higher: corn. 1ft 1 VI higher. Primary wheat re-elpls were !W.0ri bushels and shipments 1.4.0rn bushels, against receipts of gtw.ftui bushels and shipments of 8n7,(00 bushels laat year. Primary corn receipts were 1. 738.0(10 bushels and shipments fOOO bushels, against receipts of S:t7,frr bushels and shipments of 73S.Onn buhels last year. Primary oats recelrts were 667,800 bush els and shipments bushels, against receipt a of 6.V!,00 bushels Slid shipments of 8S3.000 bushels lat year. CARLOT RECEIPT. Wheat, Corn, Oats NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Continues to Move Forward Fairly Lare Volume of Business. S0M RAIL SHARES ARE STRONG! NEW YORK, Jan. 8 On fairly lsrga volue of business today's stock market continued to move forward, although, gains were mainly In the speculative Is sues. Taking the eeeston a high range as a basis of reckoning, leading stocks, with, few exceptions, were within two or threej points of the top level attained early in Iiecember laat, when trading In the full list waa renewed. In the final hour, how over, much of the early advantage w-gg lost on realising for profit. Among ths better known railway stocks, Oreat Northern preferred and Northern, Pacific, were consistently Mining, while. IrfMilsvllle V Nashville and Baltimore Ohio preferred recovered a considerable, part of their recent declines. Heading, l'nlon Pad l It and Pennsylvania were sold on the advance. Copper recorded mora or leas material galna on an advance In the onmeatlc price ot the metal and a keener European demand. Miscellaneous I shares In the Industrial, utility and other groups rose one to almost three points. Other Interesting features of the dav were a new high price lor Mny wheat iml I ecori). breaking exports of that cereal, further slight recessions In exchange on London, preater eaae of time money ant advices from leading Industrial centers which reported a marked Increase of ac-. tlvlty, particularly In steel and Iron. ' The Increasing Importance of this coun- try aa s financial center waa seen In the reaily abanrptlon of several new under takings. Bankers announced the rale cC all the New York Central notes recentlv offered, the S16.0ii0.000 three-year Argen tine tolls placed last week were selling aO a premium and a moderate loan to British, Columbia waa placed at attractive rates. It was understood also that a part ot the tfiO.lien.otio French treaaurv notea of fered In IxinJcn would be taken by our hanker. Our shares were firmer In lxm- don, where some Investment Inquiry wag abown. i The bond market pursued a more evert course than atixks, most Issues display Ing underlying strength. Total Bales, par value, aggregated $J.t67.0i. United States government bonds were utichan,ed on tall. .NnmiH r of emeu Mint ituuma quotation. on stock today were: pais, insti. i.ow. iioss. Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha St.. Louis Winnipeg , Sales reported i i 31 ' ; IV, 74 today: Wheat-No. 3 476 312 37 140 31 321 hard winter: 1 car, $1.32: 3 cars, $1.31; i car. i..nv. io. i narti winter: 3 cars, $1.8Ht; 1 car. $1.8f; 1 oar, $l.ati. No. J durum 13-6 rare, l.4fi. No. 4 spring: S car. white, $1.83. Sample: I rar, $1.2. Corn No. S white: 3 cars. 63'jc; U cara, tHc. No. t white: 1 car. 7Hc. No. t white: 1 oar, c. No. I yellow: 1 car. ic. No. 3 yellow: .1 oar, tSc; 3 cars. 67V; 10 cara, 7Ho; 19 cars, 7'c: 1 cars. nfc. No. t yellow: 23 cara, 87c. NO. 6 yellow: 11 cars, 7c. No- 2 mixed: 11 cars, 7V4jc No, t mixed: 23 cars, near white, 6c; 1 car, near white, 67 e; "8 cars, near white, 7'ic; 1 car, KiHc; 4 cars, 87c; t ears, Mie. No. t mixed: 1 car. Hc. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, StiWe. No. 8 mixed: 1 rar, wc; 1 car. tc. Oats-Standard: 1 tar. Kmc. No. 3 white: 1 ear. 61 He; I cars, 6l',4c; 1 oar. 61e: t car. SOStc. No. 4 white: 1 car, MVic; t cars, tie. Sample: 1 car. iOHc: 2 cars. 50c: 1 car. tBtjC. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No. 3 hard, Sl.8frrtl.32; No, 8 hard, Sl.SMjfl.SlV: No. 4 ' hard, si.tOtfM SO- No. 3 spring, $1.2Vr 1.30; No. t durum, $1.4M4j'; No. 3 durum. $l.44,t1l.4. Corn: No. 1 white, 6k.kfitSc; Nn. 3 white, tRVM,c ; No. 3 while, W45MHc: No. 4 white, tfiWUWn; No. 6 white, 7WHe; No. 8 white, 7rSr; No. J yeCow, hnt',te; No. 2 yellow, 744j '; No. 8 yel'ow, 70c: No. t yellow. 6H4ia7c; No. 6 yellow, Vr4r:c; No. yellow. StniflWic: No. 1 mixed. 67Ufi7le: No. 3 mixed. 67HU'7c; No. 8 mixed, tK"j t7o; No. 4 mixed, V,MV4c; No. ( mixed, wqj !; io; e n.ixeo, Oats; No. 2 white, SlH62c; standard, 61VtVMVtc; No. t white, 6oS1o. Barley. Malting. 86i73c: No. 1 feed. 640Slo. Ry?: $1.07jl.7H; No. $, tl.Ofi4Efl.07. 7.000 11.1'tO 7. sot 14 I'rt 1,700 KM IMS 1.100 HI 27'. SO", l.40 1,0 s.ioo .fO !) too l.M 400 1.M0 JO) US IS 10', lsS asvt 17 400 2.4m ,vx l.ono 1.104 tO't 7C lie. l.frOO 60S M'A 0 Bid. Ask. MSt M 100 rvt ito m n tt Mi tl 71 Hit 7 n tt MVt m tt at MVt lot it lot 14 I04.M 4 M li . M tvt nit 104 iet 4.7 M It its t 10 MMUl NM 14.78 M IO M lag Ml lit 4 of fee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-CXFKEE-The of fee market showed renewed the flrmneas today, owing to advance in the primary markets reports of an Improving spot demand, a further demand from Wall street sources, and oderala buying by trade intereata. Some of the houbea with foreign connections appeared to have a few selling orders, but offerings were generally light and after opening at an advance of 3 to 4 points, the mar. ket for futures closed at a net gain of 11 to 18 points. Sales, 3ft,7ii bags; Jan uary, .41c; February. 8.4Mc; March, 8 6c; April, t.tfc; May, ftc; ' June, 8.68c; July, 7.6lc: August, 7.67c; September, 7.74c; October, J.slc; November, 7.87c; Decem ber, 7.36c. Spot, firm: Rio No.-7, 7"c; Santos No. 4. 'c. Rio 60 rets higher at 4076; Ssnttos.' 100 higher at 4I9J0. Rio exchange. 1-tkl higher at 14 6-fcd ttuaahn Hay Market, OMAHA, Jan. 7.-PRAIRIE HAY Chalce upland, inone here). $1 1.60312.00; No. 1. (none here. 11 1.!"!; 11 60; rL. 3, $10 0(811.0u; No. 3, $.Of 10.00. Choice mid land, (none here), HI O'-fll 60; No. 1, Slu60 ftllOO; No. 2. SMOUWO&O, No. 3, S7.tKnjv.. Cholre lowland, SID.UO; No. I. $tf.0tu9.60; No. 8, $ OtKrtH.uO; No. 3. SH.OuGfS.OO. STRAW-4!holce wheat, $5.60843.00; choice oat or rye, $6.00rai.60. ALFALFA Choice pea green, fine stem and leafy, third and fourth cutting, quotable at $12 SOf'i II 00; No. 1, $18 ,13 6V; No. 3. $12.0f'tfl3.00; No. 3, $ 12 00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 8 META LS Lead asy st $3 fiva.70- Ijondou, fis i. rtiwl- tcr. firm at K.K-ii6k; London, n Tin: Firm; five-ton lt. S'lS.alSt; twenty-five-ton lots. $l(3.2.Vo33 37H. Cop. per: Firm; electrolytic, $13.60: caatina. Il.tla 1.1.3', H. Iron: Quiet and unchanged. At Iondon-Coppcr: Spot, .' 6s: futures (6 7s d. Tin: Spot, i.160: futures, 1145. ST. IXiriS. Jan. 8-lIETAIJ4I-..rt steady, at SJ.tWu3.6o. Spelttr, higher, at 8b.hiKuG.SS. Evaporate Apples ana Dried iralt. NEW YORK. Jan. a EVAPORATED API'I.r-Market quiet ; ttRlED FR11TH-Prunes, 'mora In quiry; aprl.otts, ijtilte; (teaches, steady; ratslns, firm. Be Want Ads Are the est Business Head Dally by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS features of the Trading- anal Closing Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Jan. 8. War buylnt of wheat broadened out to such aa extent today that, to guard against the market running wild, brokers finally refused to take trades unless margins were doubled. In the excitement near the close May wheat eold at S1.4ii a bushel, an advance of 3Vo from the summit of the day be fore. The market finished unsettled, 24c to 34o above laat night. Corn gained Ktiio lo Vo net. and oata. feta-Un to a.t c. The outcome for provisions wag ir regular, varying from 7Ha decline to an upturn of Sc. Belief that Italy was en the verve of active hostilities on a big scale made the wheat market quiver with 4nceaaant demand, not only from speculators, but from exporters and milters aa well. Trad ers were flied by reports that one miller at Minneapolis had bought in a single transaction 1.000.000 bushels, the entire stock of a line of elevators. At the sea board l.fluo.000 bushels waa aald to have been disposed of abroad, Inoludlng car go of durum at S2.87 a bushel, delivered In Italy, as agatnat $l.ftb on yesterday. Reactions of 1 vent In the prioe ot wheat were frequent, but each time the nauing rally proved more than offset, especially after the receipt of ad' res that the Liverpool market was exclteiL and that the heaviest purchaaing at the American seaboard oday waa for British account. Exports from North America for the week weie the largest on record 10,3tt.uoo bushels. Corn and oata could not realat the lifting power of wheat Moreover. It was said 760.000 bushels of corn and o0,0uo bushels of oata had been taken at the seaboard for export. Provisions were subject to contrary Im pulses owlsg on the one hand to big re--celptg of hoga, and on the -other to the bulge In grain. Cash demand was good for lard, but for meats, rather slow. drain prices furmsnvd by Logan Jk Bryan,, 116 South Sixteenth etreet" Article! Open.l Hlgh-i W he"a7l r May.ll U 1 41V July. 1 :-6yil 1 27,1 I Low. Cloee.j Yea y I Corn: I Mav I7fiv.(ft7( 7(ji July.lnnfTtiH'nSVil 1 Mil 1 V'fi I aV Oata Maw. July. Pork : May. 1S t0-3d Lard: I 68' 64 MM 64Y 13 46 io rn It w 1 i 76, 7t oH IS 82S 19 62Hf f 77-th I 10 bii ' 10 00 1 38H 1 24 7R" W&eTatfM ISM (lS$7H 10 87uf 10 82'j Wt7V10 Al-ka nnM AmalaamatM Cope- ... Am. i Iran Bwt 6uiur. ... Anrlo.a tin An orlcan S. S R Am. P. a It. pM Am. Htinr Itotinlng Aa-erlutn T. a T Amorlran Tobacco Anaconda Mlnlag Atehlaea Ii.lMranr. mils Briokl.n M.pld Tr fallfofn'a r.irOloum .... (anadtan rai-irtr , Onirnl leather faeapeitke a: Ohls.... Chicago O. V Chinaao M. St. P.... Chicago N. W Chlno feppor Colorado Ku.l Iron..,. Colorado a sotithom..... g Rio Grand... .. IVnvar rt. O. pfd IXatlllora' Seeurltlea .... Brl. fl.n.ral Rlst-trir ;.. nra( Korthars gfd.k. rat No Or rtfa Kkploratlon.. tlllnnla C.ntral Interhnmuch M.t. t(d... loglration Copper International Ha.rv.ater... Kanaaa City tioutharn... lnilgh VmM.t Ii.ulvlll. Nash.lllo... M-slr.A letrol.uia Miami Copper Mltanurl, K. T Missouri rwriflo i National hlaeult National Lead -Kavada Copper N.w Vort C.atral N. Y.. N. H. A II Norfolk ft Wast.ra Nonhorn Pacific raeitio Mali fa.lfin T. A T 3. ponna.lvanla Pullnrtn Palao Or iny s. Opvor ULadlng Hapublls Iroa a Steel... Himk Islajtd Co Rook Isltsal Co. pM .... St. L , g. P. 14 pfd... Soul ham la-lfle Hnuthem Railway T.naeKae rvpp.r T.aa Company Prloa Parltls t'nlon, Paclflo pfd t'nltod gtalas HumI V. i. StMl pt 4'tah (ippor waiMuih prit Waotorn I n Ion WMUInshouM ICIactrlo sRi -dividend. Total aa4a (or ths tar. S0I.M0 haras. ila It nit eS is lit i:t 'io'i t;"4 lis, 'silt lov, 13 1414 1!V 31 A an. 14 ' 4i o tt M4j I'll lltU 111 S4V. ISA in'f 87'i 1J4H Its . S4'. 4 7 l'i 14t ll'4 37 40 V, lot Bnvi lit 17 17i " lto 44 ti 1-S M, tl 100 lte'i !', 23 1"4ti 153 ( 1H W' lit 10,2Ot 147 144j 14'a n ltt 10 l. tut "ioo too 1,700 tot l:4Si 116 . tt . ui 21 i lin, i7H i " lit 400 Lino 1.40,1 l,7it loi u, lto 2i V PJ 100 57 17 3.400 lt 104 !i 13'a MVi l?H JO0 304 IS s It 1110 . 8, Too 1,4"0 14 ta l.ut it tit 02"t . i.9i- i;a 1.111 . trot n; nt (on aoi ;'t . 16,400 t,-i tru tot nw't 101114 lots em hi b tt'a . e- 1- in I IM 10 tJ . 3,400 71U.. 71 V 1 14 v Ilk J 131 llt4 SO 1 II . DUN'S) REVIEW OF TRAQB Several Developments Slnlflcnnt af InprarNg Trend. NEW TORK, Jan. 8.-Dun's Weekly Re view of trade will say tomorrow: j Several developments highly slrnlfl- - ... ...v ,,,,,,, u in. iniiii.n,,,, in nn,i. nees have attended the opening of that new year. Tha advance In cotton gives promise of ultimate relief to th and the aalea oT futures are distributing over a scries of month by tha natural processes of tha exchanges, the burden of the carrying the great crop under war conditions. Over 1.000,000 balas of cotton have been exported la tha last four weeks, and It Is announced that large lines of German credit have been placed In New York banks In order to finance cotton shipments to Germany Rank rlearlnaa for the .i, S2.6Wl.34i.S50, a decrease of 23.8 per cent Ir,T.i.l"L y?V' VVhsat exoptrs were. 8,74,84$ bushels, as against J.474.UK1 bushels a vear ago. Failures In the United fitatea wor aoo against 422; laat year; In Canada, 73! against SI last year. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan 8.MO!vikt loans easier; o0 and SO deys. imr c... six months. SVSt per tent Call money' easy; nign, 3'(. per cent; low, 144 per cent; ruling rate. 2y per cent; last loan. 24, per cent; closing bid, l per cent; of fered at 24j per cent. LOVIxIN. Jan. 22 13-lfid per ounce. HON ICY-1 per cent. Discount ratea: Short hills. 16-14 cer rent: Ihr.. LZHtu' IS per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today war as follows: V. Si raf. 3, teg.... 17 U . K. T. rv. a. M O DDIIBWD a-l V. i - BlVVin - Bar, T. ( . g. Iba. J. g. 3a. ret 1t N Y. City i. iu imu 1. S. ta rot ,..! N. T.. N. li J, h. 10". It '4 171, 1: 10 88 I 10 07 U I 10 46 10 i,y. Jan.. W S2Vi May. It 37 -hi) Rll.s; Jan.. 10 00 10 06-O7 10 00 May.llO 42-371 10 60 10 37V.I Chicago Cash Prices Whatr Nr. 1 l" $1 87W1.3IIW; No. I hard. $1.371.394. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 7Hc; No. 3 yellow. 70tW70Hc Oats- No. 3 white. n3o; standard. M'uAKe. Rye: No. ,2, $1.14. Barley: tVC 71K-. Timothy: M 007.60. Oover: $12 5-4 16.00. P.Tk: $107. Riba: S 760210 28 POTATOES-Hlgher: recelpta, 86 cars: Michigan and Wisconsin red. t&tittic' White. 4M6tc. ' F-'iOS-Slesdy: receipts, 6.018 cases: St mark, cases Included, JMJItc; ordinary firsts l:uc; flrats, 4taic. HITTTF.R-Lower; creamery. 24W22c. POUI-TRY-Allve, lower; springs. 13'c; fowls, 13c. Kansaa City rrnln sat Prnrlalona. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 8. WHEAT -No. S hard. tHOhi.M; No. S red, tl.Z-Vi May. $134; July, $1 V CORN No. 3 mlxod. 704r704o: No. t white, t7l'4c; May. TOVitToSc; July, TS'iTJ OATf-No. I white, iSjuioc; No. 1 mixed, 4ijle. Ill 'ITER Creamer)-, 33c; firsts, Jlc; seoonds, c; psveking stock, 30vtc, Kti 1st- Firsts, Sec; seconds, 21c. POULTRY Hens lie; roosters. W-ic: turkeys, lie. ' Bank. Clearing. OMAHA, Jan. 8. Rank clearings for Oruaha today went $ and for the corresponding day laat year 8S.lM,8tt.7t. to coupon IM cv. la Panama l coupoa. .im No Paolfla a. . . Am. fintaltsrs t.....luS"4 ts t. A. T. T. c. 4-4a. r,io. B. i nt. ... Armour Co. 4VM. It Pao. T. a T. te Atrhiwa tea. 4s.... IS eon. to.., Sal. Ohio 4a. Its Reading sn. Ch.a. a uaio tta- "t i- a 8. F. r. 4a uu r. H. a Q J. 4e ... MSSo. pao, or. 4s..." Sua! C M S P g 4'ta..l00 do roi. . " Z C. B. I. P. e. 4a. 114 to v. le ' C. a S. rt. ma... in, So. hallway 6a.... saw p. k. R b. r. la... lt tnloa Pacific 4a t4V Krlo tn- 4a 17 do cv. ta... " aoil 0.a. blortrls Is.. ..104 TJ. " g. Rho.r tt."'mC IISI'. S. Steoi m ..ItiZ tiS-ahaah Ut la..." ' t7 to 'W(. t-oioa 4Va... 17(4 CM. No. Ut 4 via. III. Co. r.r 4... K. C. Ko. raf. ta 1- ti. unl. T. Ut 41.. 17 61. K Did Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Jan. S.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; middling uplands, 8c; sales. 200 balea. LIVERPOOL. Jan. S.-COTTON-Kpot. aster; good middling. 601d; middling, t 7ld; low middling. 4.:6d. Salua 4tX) baleu The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of 10 to 14 points. ... . - 1 liry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 6. -DRY GOOiVS Wool market were strong today. Fine wools were rising here Cotton goods were steady and nioderatlv-ely active. Amerloan Telephone & Telegraph Company A dividend of Two Dollar per shara trill be paid on Friday. January IS, 115, to stockholders of record at the close ' business on Thursday. December SI. lilt O. D. MILNE. Treaaurer COCKERELS FOR SALE Buff Orpington, R C. Black: R. C Wlitt. tllnnn... M. 9. amatngxa, Hunpazey, VsK